The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 28, 1891, Image 2

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Shenandoah Herald.
H, 0. BOYER, Editor and Publisher,
V7. J. WATKINS, Local Editor
subscription rates:
Daily, per year,
Wubkly, per year,.,
..J3 0
KaUrod at the Postotnoe, at Shenandoah, Pa.
for transmission through the Malls
us seeond class mall mutter.
JVn Kx-ConTlct Suspcotml of Complicity
lu the Murder.
Erie, Pa., May 28. The photograph of
a man named Daniel O'lirieu, a prisoner
in the Erie jail, has been identified b)
three persons at Franklin, Pa., as that of
a man who is suspected ot complicity in
the Tobin murder mystery at that place
on the nlRlit of March 21.
O'Hricu comes from Syracuse, N. Y.,
and is an ex-convict. His pal, another
Avell-kuown crook, was killed by fulling
from the third story of a hotel window in
this city a couplo of weeks ago. Both
were going undor nssumed names, and
O'Brien was nrrestefl ou suspicion of hav
ing caused his partuor's death.
lie will he taken to Franklin for more
positivo identification in the Tobin affair.
Conservatives Klrct tlio Moderator.
rrnsBuna, May 28. Tho Rev. R, C.
"WHoy, of Bay, Ind., was elected Modera
tor of tho lloformod Protestant Synod
last night by n vote of 01 out of 150. His
election is a victory for the conservatives.
Tho vote was n test of tho strength of
tho two factions. Tho Bav. J. M. Ar
mour, of Philadelphia, tho candidato of
tho liberals, received but 89 votes. The
Bov. T. C. Sproull, of CcdurvlUo, 0-, re
ceived 23 votes.
A Strike for a Nine-Hour Dny.
Nyack, N. Y., May 28. All tho iron
workers and machinists at tho yncht
nuilding establishment of A. L. Seahury
& Co. havo struck for nluo hours.
Tho strikers havo been receiving good
wages, bnt as tho carpenters and joiners
employed by tho company work but nine
.hours, they nro inclined to the belief that
thoy should bo served tho samo way.
Tho firm say they cannot allow them the
.nine-hour day.
Sudden Deaths.
Heart disease Is by far the mostlreouent
acause of sudden death, which luthreooutof
Tour coses is unsutptctcd. The (.ymptomsnro
not generally understood. Tliet.e are: lying
on the rlcht side, short breath. ra!n.or dis
tress In side, back or shoulder. Irregular
puise, asthma, weak nua nungry spens, wiua
In stomach, swelling of ankles or dropsy,
oppression, dry cough and smothering. Dr.
Miles' Illustrated book on Heart Disease, free
ato. II. Hngenbuch, who sell and guarantee
Dr. Miles' unequalcd New Heart Oiue,ai dhls
jtesioramo .nervine, wnicn cures nervont'
Hess, headnclie, sleeplessness, etlccts of drink
lng, etc. It contains no opiates,
Saturday next, Memorial day, will bo a
holiday. Let it bo properly observed.
A Ouro for Constipation and
Dr. Silas Lane, whilo in tho Bocky
Mountains, discovered a root that wbnn
combined with other herbs, makes an easy
and certain euro for constipation. It is in
tho form of dry roots and leaves, and is
known as Lane's; Family Medicine. It
will euro sick headache. For tho blood,
liver and kidneys, and for clearing up the
complexion it does wonders. Druggists
sell it at 50 cents a package
Tho firemen own tho wholo town when
an alarm of lire is struck.
Ask Your FriendB About It.
Your distressing cough can bo cured,
We know it becouso Kemp's Balsam
within the past lew years has cured so
many coughs and colds in this community.
Its' remarkablo ealo has bcon won entirely
by its genuine mnrit. Ask some friond
who has usod it what bo thinks of Kemp's
Balsam. Thoro 13 no medicino so pure,
nonoso effoctivo. Large bottles 60c and f 1
at all druggists'.
A now gamo has
the Soup."
appearod called ''In
Oh, What a Cough.
Will you heed the warning? Tho signal per
haps or tho sure approach of that more ter
rible disease. Consumption. Ask yourselves
If you can afford for the sake of saving 60
cents, to run the risk and do nothing for It.
We know from experience that Hhlloh's Cure
will Cure your Cough. It never falls. This
explains why more than a Million Dottles
were sold the past year. It relieves Croup
and Whopping Cough at once. Mothers do
not be without It. For Lame Bock, Bide or
Chest, use Hhlloh's Porous Plaster. Bold by
O. II. Hagenbuch, N, E. corner Main and
Lloyd streets.
Two or more Jeweled pins may bo stuck
in a comigo.
Shlloh's Consumption Ouro.
This Is beycr.a question the most suo
oesslul Cough Medicine we have ever sold,
a lew dose Invariably ouse the worst case of
Cough, Croup, and Bronchitis, while Its won
derful success In the cure of Consumption Is
without u parallel In the history of medicine.
Since It's first discovery It has been sold on a
guarantee, a test which no other medicine
can stand. Ii you htve a Cough we earnestly
ask you to try It. Price 10 cents, 60 cents, mid
1.10. If your Lungs are sore. Chest or Hark
lame, use Hhlloh's Porous Plaster. Hold by
U. lUUagenbuch, N. K. corner Main and
Lloyd streets.
Juno, the roso month, will soon put in i'B
The French philosopher said, "are those who
seek to remedy the diseases of others." Alva's
llrazllUn compound of cacti Juices has a wider
lield of usefulness than any remedy ever discov
ered, since Cactus blood Cure Infallibly neutral
izes and eliminates tlio terrible poisons or scrofula
and speclflo disease, those heretofore Incurable
scourges ot tho human race.
da Klrlln 's Drugstore, Ferguson House
k Hbenaudoaii.
A good many barefooted urchins are al
ready about.
To Nervous, Dobllltatod Mon.
If you send us y.our addrosa, wo will
mail you our illustrated pamphlet explain
ing all about Dr. Dye's Celebrated Electro
Voltsio Bolt and Appliances, and their
charming eflects upon tho nervous- de
bilitated system, and how thoy will quickly
rostoro you to vigor, end manhood- I'amph
lot free. If you ttro thus afilictod, wo will
tend you a Belt and Appliances on a trial,
Voltaic Belt Co.. Marshall, Mich.
The IJunnell & Soraiiton Supnnlon Cred
itors Angry at the Outlook.
New Haven, Conn., May 28. Tho hear
ing on tho appolntmont of a trustoo to
toko chargo of the affairs of the recently
suspended firm ot Bunnell & Scrnnton
was well nttondod by tho creditors of tho
Tho hearing waa In tho Probato Cottrt.
E. Q. Stoddard, President of tho Now
Haven County Bnnk was nppointed trus
tco for tho individual estate of Mr.
Scranton. His bond was flxod at 10,000,
and of tho Arm's estate with a bond of
Herbert 0. Warron and "Wilbur F. Day
woro appointed appraisers ot both es
Tho poor showing mndo in tho sched
ules has aroused tho Iro of some of tho
creditors, aud u nutnbor of law tfults are
th rcntenod.
Somo of tho more outspoken uredttors
delunnd tho arrest of Mr. Scroutou.
To Alii CauaiUnn Sugar i;flnars.
Ottawa, Ont., May 28. It is under
stood that tho Government has decided to
Brant n rebato on all sugars mi'nufao-
tured in Canada for oxnort, which will
placo tho Canadian refiner In tho same
position nsthe American refiner to trade
In foreign markets, xuo uanaman re
liners are also prosslug for a rebate ou
sugar niauutneturcu ior uomcsiio pur
Tho Klimtogriiph.
New Yobk, May 2S. From tho lahra-
tory of tho Wizard of iMenlo i'nrlc thero
is comlnc an invention which out-Edi
sons Edison. It is tho marriage of the
phonograph with tho camera -tho union
In ono Instrument oi souuu nnu sigut,
With it tho opera can be carried into the
narlor. and tho artists can not only no
lieard, but soon.
J'Dipurlng for Wnr.
Paiub. May 28. The Chamber of Depu
Mm has nnssod a bill to stock ovorv for
titled town in Franco with food enough
to keep all tho inhabitants for two
months in time of war.
The licit Tlmo on Record.
SouniAMPTO.v. May 28 The steamer
Fuorst Bismarck from New York passed
Siclllv at 4:30. The timo of her passage.
0 days 14 hours and 80 mlnutos, being
the best tlmo on rreord.
Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills
Act on a new principle regulating the
liver, stomach and bowels tm ounh the nerves
A new ulscoverv. Dr. Miles' Mils speedily
cute biliousness, naa tnsie, torpia liver, piles,
oonstlnatlou. Uneuualed lor men. women,
children. Smallest, mllilest.surestl 50 doses.
2cts. tramples roe, at u. u. Jiagi nuucn'i
drug store.
The vestlbuled compartment slcenlmrcarp
recenuv lniroauceu uu mo uii razo. hi. ran
and Kansas City llallway are models of com
r'., couvenunce ana luxury. Any patron or
the sleeping car is cuaiuea, uy tue luiroauc
lion oi inese compartment cars, u secure tm
satni privacy and on venlence that he woulf
in ice uesi noiei. muuwer line wesi oi
cairo runs the compartment cars. In odd!
tlon, me tratnsare equippea w in ine reguini
open Pullman sleeper, giving passengers theli
cnoice. xne Qi ang rar service is iuuyupu
the reaulremeuts oi modern railway service
An excellent cuisine, promptly served amlo
elesant surroundings, at moderate chat ires
leaves noiningnow to oe aesirea. Any oi out
people contemplating a inp to any part oi tnt
west or northwest cannot roislbly securi
better acconimodailons or lower rates thai
by addressing W. P. Cooley, General Agent o!
the passenger aepanmeni, sae unestnuist-
rnuaaeipiua, ru.
Colorado Is a land of sharp contrasts, ol
brilliant lights, ol Intense shade ws; a land
where heights aud depths rnnke obvious the
meaning of the word antithesis-; n land where
every mood In mind can Hud an answerlne-
mood In nature. The high, white minarets of
tue mountains, irom wnose sienaer pinnacles
float the wind-blown banners oi the snow, ap
peal with silent eloquence to the lolty aspira
tions of the sonl; the sombre chasms den by
Titan forces through granite-hearted bills
wlihln whose depths dark shadows throng
and swirling torrents dashspeak to the heart,
a language that thrills, Inspires and awes. It
does not follow that thete glories ol white
peaks anu tuose glooms ot uarK canons pre
elude the pleasant Intervals, the suunv
meadows or the secluded nooks wherein the
tired mind or wearied body may find peace-
ful rest and reluge from turmoil and toll. To
one making a Journey lu Colorado, New
Mexico or U tub, or taking a transcontinental
tour from Kant to West, or vice versa, the Den
ver and Kto Grande Kallroad oilers accom
modations equal In elegance, convenience and
luxury to those of any other line with the ad
ded attractions of the unrivalled scenery
along Its line, abounding In a magnificent
opulence of white .peaks and dark cauons,
The month of November, 1890, witnessed one
of the most Important Improvements In rail
road lacllltles that has yet been made In Col
orado and the West. The completion of the
standard gauge of the Denver and ItloGrande
Hnllroad Irom Denver, Colorado, over tho
mountains to Ogden, Ulab, which flvo years
ago was deemed an Impossibility, Is certainly
a triumph of daring aud engineering hklll,
The new lino Is by the way of Leadvllle, tun
neling Tennessee Pass, threading the canons
of the Knglo and Grand Ittvers, glvli g a view
ol tho Mount of the Holy Cross, enrcnte, tak
ing Its trains through Glenwood Springs and
down the Grand Itlver lo Grand Junction,
thence to Halt Lake City, Ogden and Han
Franclfco. By this route one is given an op
portunity to behold the magnificence of Eagle
Itlver Canon and the marvelous beauty aud
grandeur of tho Canon of the Grand, The
overland tiain Is a model In every respect.
From the engine to the last first-class coach
everything is bright and new, and of the
most elegant style of workmanship and
If any reader desires to know more about
these stupendous works of nature, write toH.
K. Hooprr, General Passenger Ageut.Denver,
Colorado, and he will send you. free ol cost,
elegantly Illustrated boons, giving a full de
scription of the marvels or the 'Hcenlo
Line."- Stanley Wood In the "Great Divide."
GOUT, BACKACHE, Pains In tho Sltfe,
the Chest and th.3 Joints, Neuralrjfo,
Sprain';, do., etc, tho
oj.v" imp nn '
TIeed with great tucceaa In tho Imperial
and Royal Oeuoral Hospital ot Vienna
and many others.
Oss UusllcltEl Ttitlnoihtlost tf ?fcminfa:
. Tour Anchor Pain Eipeller U really excel,
lent, One of our Sisters. ButTerlnu from Ilhsu-
jnatlsm tor Tears, could llnd nothing to euro
uw wu. rui Alienor ,-ain g,xpener.
BO Cents a bottlo.
I off host DnuaaisTS, ou dibeot from
F. AD. RICHTEfl & 00..
i SiO Jiroaaumy, A'eur York,
TREE Bocks about other Anchor Re-i
medies on Application.
To bo Tried Next Monday nml tlio Prlnoi
of Wains to Tcitlfy.
London, May 28. Tho baccarat card
cbeatlng case, in which Sir W. Gordon
dimming is implicated, will come up
for trial next Monday beforo the Lord
Chiof Justico and a special jury. Appli
cations for seats nro pourlna; in on all
sides from poopla of the highest social
Tho court room, nltliottgn tho largest
in tho great Palace of Justico, cannot ac
commodate a tenth part of tho applicants
for admission. Tho Piinco of Wnlos 1ms
been Informed by tlio solicitors ou both
sides thnt his presonco is requested. Ho
hns lu his possession n, document signed.
by Sir W. Go don dimming after tho al
legations had beeu made ngninst him at
Trnnby Croft.
Tho Prince will bo nccommodntou with
a scat on the bench, and It is expected
that both sidos will agree that his exam
ination shnll bo taken as early as possi
ble in the proceedings.
A Itlg O.Mis of Men Now Dulliling tho Now
Adirondack Itallroud.
Sahanac Lake, N. Y., May 28. This
plftco is filled with engineers nnd survey
ors, who are cutting from here through
tho woods the now Adirondack Railroad.
Twenty-five miles havo already boon
built, nnd, with nil tho men thnt nro
working now, tho road will be fluishod
by August 1. Tho contract calls for July
15. The cars, rails and nil necessury
materials havo been contracted for and
tho whole line Is locntod. The men are
working day and ulclit, nnd those best
Informed st.tto that tho forests nro doom
Tho opinion is evorcsscd hero that tho
road is being built jointly by tho Cana
dian Pacific and Now York Central Rail
roads, although Dr. Seward Wobb poses
as the solo projector. Of courso, tho ho
tel keepers favor tho, but all the
rosldents express tho strongest kind of
adverse opinion.
Tho Dominion I'remlnr Attacked AVIth
Congestion of tho Lungs.
Montreal, Que., May 28. A private
dispatch received from an authentic
source at Ottawa, says that Sir John
Macdonald, tho Canadian '"euiier, is dy
He tvas attacked with congc.1 .ri of
the lungs last night, and tho dis, ih
says tho doctors have very littlo hdp
Sir John is 70.
Tho body of William Miller wiw found
under tho depot platform at NowMilford,
Conn., cut in two. It is supposed that
he was struck by n train.
Tho senior class of Lafayotto College,
Enston, Pav started for Albany, N. Y., to
hold this ovoning its final class supper.
The graduating cluss this year includes
03 members.
A Berlin dispatch says that Prof. ICnch
is preparing a statement for publication
as to tho results of n chemical analysis of
tho substances composing his remedy for
Owing to the prevnlonco of diphtheria
mong the pupils of tho Washington
street public school in Montclair, N. J.,
tho trustees decided to close the school
for an indefinite period.
Harry Tracoy, of Cambridge, Mass.,
charged with causing tho death of
John Burns in p. glovo fight at Lynn on
Monday even'-ag, was held in 8,000 for
tho Superior Court in October.
Dr. James W. White, of Philadelphia,
Pa., late President of tho Board of
Charities nnd who was removed from
office by ex-Mayor Fitler, dropped dead
at his resldonco during the morning.
Two boys namod Stillson and Coats,
wore .struck by an oxpross train near
Union Village, N. Y., and Stillson was
instantly killed. Coatos sustained in
juries that will probably result In his
Frank McCormick, of New York city,
who was convicted last veek of man
slaughter in tho first degree in killing
Edward Gillespie on November 29, has
been sentenced to fifteen years' imprison
ment at hard labor.
William D. Luce, aged 80, of Now YorS
city, who pleaded guilty of forgery in
the second degree, was sentenced to flvs
years and seven months' imprisonment.
Ho is tho son ot a clergyman ot the
Methodist Church, of Old Orchard, Me.
At a caucus of tho Uopublican member
ot the House of tho Massachsetts Logi
lature, It was decided, by a vote of 48 to
83, to refer tho matter of redisricting
the State to tho noxt Legislature, ana
that in enco the present House should
refuse :hus to -efor, tho Republicans
would support tho plan for redisricting
prepared by Congressman Lodgo, instead
of tho ono reported by tho Legislative
Weather Indications.
Wasuinoton, May 28. For New England
and Eastern New York! Generally fain warmor;
winds becoming southerly.
For Now Jersey: Light 6howors; slightly
warmer, except stationary temperature In im
mediate coast; southeasterly winds. -
For Western New York: Fair till Friday
warmer; southerly winds.
New YonK, May 87. Money on call loaned
easy ut 3 and 3fi per cent.
BONDS. . , ,
4Hs, DW Hog 100
4Vjs, 18IU Coup 101
4 S- 1U07 Keg 110U
6 1007 Coup 110)2
Canadian Fnciflo..... 55i
Central l'ucltlo....... UOW
Chicago, llur. Si. Qulnoy.
UuiawaroK uuusim...
Del.. Lack. & Western.
Krln nref..
I.nknKhnm 110
Louis. & Nosh TO
Mlchlgun Ccntritl ,
Jllssouill'noillo . CO
Now Joi'sOy Central US
Northwestern 108
OrcL'on Nnvliratlou 7-
I'achle Moll 'M
Itovk Island 78j
fit. Paul Ul
Uniun PaolHo. 44
Western Union , 80!
May. Juno.
Wheat 1.10716 100
Corn . ao6 1151
Oats G5M 64t
IJuttciv-ilarket dull. Western extras, 180..
Choeso Market dull. Ohio faotory flat,
fair. OWc.nOtCo, '
EggsMarket quiet, Stato fresh, 16a; WecU
em, lttaaititfo.
ft 114U
l 10HU
I 15)1
i 80j
jj BE UP
Tho finest in the interior of
the State. Only available
health and pleasure grounds
in tho Anthracite
Tbe natural uttrnctiona and magnifi
cent scenery of the place are un
equalled, and u day of recrea
tion and pleasure may be
spent in it to advantage.
There is good fishing and
bathing in the twin lakes
Btirroundlngthegrounds. Boat
houses will bo built on the lakeside
and regattas will be frequent this season
For Sunday Schools, Lodges, Sec,
xne grouuqs are most suitable for pic
information, call
O. A. KE1M,
On and after Jfov. 24, 1890, trains will leai
Shenandoah at follows:
For Wlggan, Qllberton, Fraokvllle, New
Castle, Ut. Clair, and way points, 6.00, 0.1.
uunaays, uou, u.4u a m ana 8.1 o p m.
For Pottsvtlle, 6.00, .1U a m and 4. 15 p m.
Sundays, 600, 9.40 a m and 8.10 p m,
For Heading, 6.00, 0.10 a m and 4.15 pm.
Sundays, 600, 0.40 a. m. and 3.10 p m.
For Pottstowu. Phoemxvllle. .NorrlBtowi
nd Philadelphia (Broad street station), 6.01)
bundayB, 600, 9.40 a m 3.10 p m
Trains leave Fraokvllle lor Shenandoah at
10,40 am and 12.14, 7.42, 10,09 p rn. Bundayi,
11.18 am and 5.40 pm.
Leave Potbsvllle lor Shenandoah, 10,16 anc
11.48, a m 7.15, 9.42 p va. Snndays, 10.40 a is
5.15 p m.
Leave Philadelphia (Broad street station)
for Pottsvllle and Shenandoah, 5.67.10J25 a ru
2.10, 4.10 and 7.00 p m week days. Sunday 9.21
a ni and 1.10 p.m.
For wYork, 3.20, 4.05, 4.40, 5.85, 6.50, 7.8(1
S.208.3Q, J.G0. ll.OOand 11.15am. 12.00 noon, (11m
lted express, 1.06 and 4.50 p va.) 12.44, 1.40, 2.80
S.294, 6, 6,.6.80, 6.50 7.13 8.12 and 10.00 p m, 12.01
On Sundays, 3.20, 4.05, 4.40, 6.35, 8.12, 8.80, 9.60
a in. and 12.49, 3.20 (limited 4.50), 6.28, 6,30, 0'.
7.13 8.12 p m and 12.01 night.
For Sea Ulrt, Spring Lake, Belmar,
Ocean Orove, Asbury Park, and Long Brand
8.20, 11,15, a. m. 4.00 p. m, week dayr Foi
Freehold, b.V i p. m. ween days.
BaUlmor and Washington, 3.50, 7.20, 8.31
9.10, ltt.20, ) 1.18 a m, U.v (limited express) 3.4)
t.6.i7auf,7.40 p. m and 12.03 night. Fo
ilaltimoroi nly.2.02, 4.1 1, 6 08 and li.SO p. in
On Sundays, 8.60. 7.2U, 9.10nnd 11.18 a. m. 4.41
i.67, 7.40 p m, 12.03 night. Bait 'more only
5.08 and 11.30 p m.
For Richmond and the South 7.20 11.18 a, m
(Limited Express 12.35 p. m.,)12.03 night, week'
days. Sundays, 7.20 a.m., 12.03 night.
Trains leave Uarrlsburg for Pltuanrg anc
tho west every day at 12.25 and 3.10 a m anc
3.00 tllmlted) and 3.40 p m. Way for Alloona,
1.16 a m and 4.10 p m every day.
For PltUburg only, 11.20 a m dally and 10.21
p m week days.
Leave Sunbury lor Wllliamsport, Elm Ira.
Canandalgua, Kochester, BuUaloana Mlagars
FalU, 6.10 a m dally, and 1.48 pm week days.
For Vatklns, 5.30 p m weekdays.
For Krle and Intermediate points, 5.10 a m
dally. For Lock Haven, 6,10, and 93 a m.
dally, 134 and 6.30 p. m, week days. Foj
IJenova 6.10 a m 1.43 and 5,30 p m week days,
1.10 a. m Suudays.
J11AS. a. PUQH, J. K.WOOD,
Oen. Man'r Ueu. Pass. Agt
Time table in effect May.V), 1891.
Trains leave Reading (P. & It. station) foi
Gibraltar, Seyfert, Blratboro, Joanna, Spring
field, Waynesburg Junction, Coatesvllle,Wesl
Chester.Chadsford Junction. B. A O. Junction,
Wilmington and Intermediate stations, drilly
except Sunday, at 6.25 and 8.80 a.m. and 3.15
p. m. Sunday only at 3.05 p. m.
For Warwick, St, Peters and Intermediate
station s.dally except Sunday, at 9.20 u.m., and
6.19 p. m. Sunday only 8.15 a. m.
For Blrdsboro and Intermediate stations,
Baturday only, at 12 m.
For Baltimore and Washington (B. A 0. 11.
R.) dally except Sunday at 6.25 nnd 8.S0 a. m.
and 3.16 p. m. Sunday only ai 3.05 p, m,
Trains arrive at Reading (P. & It. station)
Irom Wilmington, B. & O. Junction, Mont
chanln, Chaddslord Junction, West Chester.
Lenape, Coatesvllle, Wayneshurg Junction,
Sprlngneld,Joanna, Blrdsboro, Gibraltar, Sey
fert aud lnleimedlute stations, dally except
Sunday at 10.20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m. Sun
day only at 11.24 a. m,
From St. Peters, Warwick and Intermediate
stations, dally except Sunday, at 8.23 a. m.
and 2.25 p.m. Sunday only at 6 p. m.
From Blrdsboro and Intermediate stations,
Baturday only utl.40 p. in.
From Washington and Baltimore, dally ex
cept Sunday, 10 20 a. m. 6.62 and 8.17 p. m.
Sunday only at 11.24 a. in.
BOWNI-SS BR1GGS, Gen'l Pass. Agt.
if ii pminaueutlv cured by-
l'lIILADICI.l'lilA.l A. kawatonre.nooneratlcn
orluMotthnufi.'in uu-.lnut3. Cawipruiiouuced Id
curable by wliur wauted. HduiI for t 'lrcular.
IKTcyfc to PiscologS
Summer Resort, Pic-nic
and Pleasure Grounds I
T AKESIDE (East Mahanoy Junction) mid-
imi wny ueiween iuaninoy City and Tama
qua, now managed by a now stock com
pany, will bo open to the public within a low
wcckh, anu aaies can now bo tecured. A
nUmbCr Of bOletleS linVO nlrpnrlvti.oti linntroi!
nnrt others wlbhlng desirable dates should
make application without delay.
Under the new m ana cement, tnnn v itnnmva-
ments will be made, some of them being now
nnuerway, mat wlllmaltelt the plc-nloand
pleasure grounds of the rcclon.
A large dancing pavllllon and a trotting
park are among the new additions. The best
horses In the Btatewlll be secured to run or
trot tins season.
- nios nrj(i outings. For dates and other
on or address,
Excursion Manager,
flams (I Bro,
Chamber Sots,
Wash Stands,
Dressing CttblneU,
Dining Tables,
China Closeta,
Dining Cnalrs,
Smoking Chairs,
Card Tables,
Tea Tables,
Parlor Bulbs,
Easy Chairs,
Parlor Cabinets,
Muslo Cabinets,
Piano Chairs,
Ball Stands, .
Hall Tables,
Fancy Tables,
Wood Mantels,
Book Cases,
Writing Desks,
Book CablneU,
Bewlng Machines,
J. P. Williams & Bro.
Anewlr discovered MINERAL WATER.
the use ol which will supply Important ele
ments necetsmy to health. It will cure the
jianeys, i-iver, Dtomacn, ana an uoweiuuu
Bladder diseases. It will dissolve calculi and
remove them. It removes the urlo acid from
the blood and tbtiN destroys Malaria and
uniiis. it cureB jtriKiit's disease, ana is es
reclully recommended for people advanced In
life, and for general deblllly. For undoubted
proofs or this send for pamphlet giving full
particulars, lo J. R. PERRY, Wnter ol Ule
io., si oouin 3iuiu oi., wiiaes-uurre, ru.
TBEfiTF.Il FREEM'E!S,5f.'!a
Hire cured rtiaiiy -n -uintl nre, Cnrc oatients primminc tnl
Dopeiwi oy mo wiysi' t.t&s iom tirbt tiose .ymptonv
rapidly iuppeir
rnd in ten iit, at Icasr two thtuU of .11
lymptorMrr-);;J. I l, FltEH BOOK of ltl
.culoul urn. I Ctl UillO furnl.htU rntt you ordei
ini, .fpd tenfeuts in stinipi tu ray pwt-t.umKKixn
vs. u. u. uuiixon m uunu. atiln a a, ua.
'hiladelphia and Beading Bailroad.'
Time Tabte in eBeet May 10, 1891
Cor New York via 1'lillartnlnMin wnair rlutra
2..0 6.2S, 7.20 a. m. and 12 85 2.60 and SM
,i. m. nunaay z.iu ana 7.1s a. in. For New
fork, via Mauch Chunk, week days, 5.25.
.20, a. m. nnd 12.35 aud 2.60 p.m.
Vor Hcadlnz and Phllndelnhln. wnk rtarn.
2.10, 6.25, 7.20, it. m., 12.53 2.60 and 6.55 p! m,
suuunv.i iuuuu '.is a. in.
For unmsinirB, week days, 2.10,7.20 a. m,i
.',C0, 5.65 p. m.
i"r Aiieniown, weos: aay), 7.20 . m.. 12.35
0 p. m.
r Fottsvllle, week days, 2.10. 7.20,s. mi,
: 2.3 1 2.50 nndS.S5p,m. Bundar. 2 10 and7.8
4 "ill.
For Tamaoua and Mnhnnnv Pitv. nrak
lays, 2.10, 6.25, 7.20, a. m.. 12.3$ 2.10 and 5.68
. m. nunaay, .iu ana 7.4s a. in, AUdltlonai
or iuananoy tJiiy, week aayg 7.00 p. m.
put jjauuHwr huu voiumuia, weeK uays.
.20 a. m., 2.60 p.m.
week days. 3.2S. 7.20 and 11.33 a. m.. 1.85. 7.54
p. in. bundny 8:23 1. m.
For Mahnnoy Plane, week days, 2.i0 8.25,
7.00 and t.ta, p. m. Sunday, 2.10, 8.23
a. rn. i,uop. m.
2'l0 -,,8.i5r. m,
or Abu inna ana unamoKin, week days,
,2i, 5.23, 7.20, 11.3 ) a. m., 1 35, 7.00 and 9,24
Sunday 8.25 a.m., 3.06 p. m. jfr.
Leave New York via PhlladelDhla. week,,'
days, 7.4S a. m., 1.30, 4.00. 7.30 p. m., 12.15
night. Sunday, 6.00 p. m.. 12.15 nlgnu
Leave Now York vln Maneh (5hunk, week
days, 4.J, 8.45 a. ra 1.00 and 4.0) p. rn.
Leave Phlladolnhlu. niti tnivs. 4.10. and
10.00 n. ni. 4.00 and 6.00 p. m.. from Broad
anil Callowhill and 8.85 a. m. and 11.80 p. m.
from llthano uruHtreoU. Hnndav 9.05 a.
m. 11.S0 p. m. from 9th am! 0-en.
Leave Keadlnc, week days, 1.35. 7.11). 10.15
and 11.60 a. m., 6:55, 7J57 p, m. Sunday 1.85 and
17.D U. XXI.
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 2.40, 7.4C a. m..
12,IX,8.11 p. m. Sunday, 2.40 a, m. and 2.05
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8.20, 8.18 and
11.2) a. m., 1.21, 7.13, and 9.18 p. m. Sunday 3.10
a, in. and 2.50 p. m.
i eave juauanoy uny, weeK uays, .iu,
and 11.47 a. m.. 1.61. 7.42 aud 9.41 n. m. Bun.
day, 3.4U a. m., 3.20 p. m.,
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days. 2-10. 4.tO
8.31, 953, 11.69 a. m.,1.05, 2X0. 6-20, 6 26, 7.57, and
10.00 p. m. Sunday 2.4 , 4.00, and 8.1'fl, i. m.
141, p. m.
ijqslyo uiraruvine (nappannnDncK iaiioni
Week days. 2.47, 4.07, 6.36, and 9.41 a. m., 12.05.
2.12, 5.26, 6.32, 8.03 and 10.06 p. m. Sunday, 2,471
4.27, 8.26 a. m.atl p. m.
Jeave wiiuamspon, wees uays, is.w.v.uana
11.55 o. m. 8.35 and 11.16 p. Hi. Sunday 11.15
p. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and the wesl
via B. A O. K. 11., through trains leave Glrarcl
Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. & It. K. It.)
at 4.16, 801 and 11.27 a. m 1.34. 4.24, 5.55 ani4
7.23 p. m, Sunday, 4.16 8.02 11.27 a, m 4.21
5.65 and 7.23 p.m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Wharf,
na isoutn street wnan. jm
For AtliUitlcCitv. if
Week-days Express 9:00 a. m. and 2.GfMt7
t.OO p. m. Accommodation, 8.00 a.m., S.iHtf
Sundays. Express, 9,00, a. m, Accommo--1
-latlon, 8.00 a.
Returning, leave Atlantic City, depot corner
'.Mantle and Arkansas avenues. Week-days
-Express, 7.30, 9.00, a. m. and 4.00, p. m.
Accommodation, 6.00, 8.05 a. in. and 1.30
1.30 p. m.
Sundays. Express, 4.00 p. m. Accommo la
Ion, 7.30 a. m. and 430 p. in.
O. Q. HANCOCK, Gen'l Pass'r Agl)
v.. A. MoLEOl). Pres. & Gen'l Manager.
Lehigli Valley Railroad,
MAY 10, 1891.
Passenger trains will leave Shenandoah for
Mauch Chunk, Lehlghton, Slatlngton, Cata
sauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Phil
adelphia and New York at 6.47, 7.40, 9.08 a.m..
1252, 3.10, 6.26 p.m.
For Belvldere, Delaware Water Gap and
Stroudsburg at ,47, a. m., and S.2Qp. m.
For Lambertvllle and Trenton, 8.08 a, m,
For White Haven, Wllkes-Barre and Pitta
ton 6.47. 9.08 a. m 3.10 and 526 p. m.
EorTunkhannock, 9.1" a. m., 3.10 and 5.23.
p. in.
For Auburn. Ithaca: Geneva and and Lyons
h.iw a. m ana D.ajp. m.
For Lacey vllle, Towanda, Sayre, Waverly,
Chicago and all points West at 9.08 a. m., and
5.26 p. m.
For Klmlra and the West via Salamanca at
3.10 p. m.
For Audenrled, Ilazleton, Stockton, Lum
ber Yard. Weatherly undPenn Haven Junc
tion at 5.47,7.40, 9.03 a. m. and 12.62, 8.10 and
5,26 p.m.
For Jeanesvllle, Levlston and Beaver
Meadow, 7.40, 9.03 a. m. and 5,26 p. m.
For Scranton at 6.47 and 9.08 a. m. 8,10 a -.
For Hazle Brook. .Teddo, Drifton and Tiijf
IHUU ULO.ll, f,HU tlUUVAOtt, XU., Xi0& O.XU UX1I
o.u p. m.
For Quahake at 6.47 and 9.08 a. va., and
3.10 p. m.
ror wiggans, uuoenon ana Fracsvuie av
5.60 and 9.08 a. m and 4.10 p. m.
5.47, -.40, 9.08, 10, a. m., 12.62, 3.10, 6.26, 8.03,
ana iu.z p. in.
For Lost Creek, 3irardvlllo and Ashland.
4.W. 7.46,8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.40,4.10, 0.85,
'.C6 and 9.14 p. m.
For Now Castle, St. Clair and Pottsvllle,
7.40, 9.08, 10.53 a. m., 12.62,3.10,4.10, 6.28 and 8.03
f or xiuck luoumain, iew xiosion anu.
Morea. 7.40. 9.08. 10.68 a. m.. 1ZS2. 8.10. 6.26 and
8.03 p. m.
r or navcn xvuu, ueniraua, mi. uarmoi ana
Shamokin, 8.52, 9.46 and 10.16 a. m., 1.40, 4.40
and 8.06 p. m.
Trains leave Shamokin for Shenandoah.
7.55 11.65 a. m.. 2.10. 4.30 and 9.80 p. m., arrlvlne
ui suenuuuouu, v.uo u. xn., x.a, o.xv, o.o anu p. in,
For Lost Creek. Glrardvllle and Ashland.
6.50, 9.10 11.85 a. m., 2.45 p. m.
For New Castle, St. Clair and Pottsvllle
6.60, 8.00, 9.80 a.m.. 2.45 p. m.
For xniesvine, mananoy uiiy ana ueiano.
8.00. H.a5 a. in., 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. m.
For Lofty, Audenrled and Hazleton, 8.00
a m 1.40 p. m:
For Mauch Chunk. Lehlghton, Slatlngton,
Catasauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Eastoa
and New York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. m:
For Philadelphia, 1.40 p. m.
Gen'l Pass. Agt., Bethlehem.
Atonoe the newest; oldest and best blood; j
purifier known. 200 years old In Brazil, two n
years' test minis country, ana witnontn rival
In the cure ol skin diseases and rheumatism,
eating ulcers, bolls, tumors, king's evil, white
swelling, hip disease, and nil disorders Horn,
the poison taint of scrofula and specific di
sease. No mineral, no falluies, no idapses.
Sold at Klrlln'o Drug Store,
Ferguson's Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Por ,
When truublo-l with those nnnorintr IrrecnMltop
rrBquentlyfoilowimia coW orxwure, or '""Oop;
atlUtlonal VeftUnoBiei bo peculiar to their b, Bhcqla
. n..miiiiiKia n.lAlirritarl
t Mm mm r" n .M Tl H Tt Dl
iueyare Direaffia"oK miuo ouuiy p-v..