k r I; -FOR- Picnics and Outings! Severn, the Grocer, is head quarters for fine Cheese, Fruits and VegetableSjCanned Meats, Pickles, Crackers, Cakes, Con densed Milk, etc., suitable for picnics and excursions. 'Al new and fresh goods. Cor.'Centre and White Streets. TC&TtDOAH "HER PUBLISHED DAILY AND WKKKLY. LOOAIj lunohbon. May flowers. Get out the fly screens. Nice rain last ovoning. Oysters are still on sale. Strawberries and cream. Ilousecleaning is about ovor. Memorial day to-day a wook. 'fKZl Commencement season approaches. Savo tho flowers for Decoration D&y.'fcfel Sunday schools aro r-lannifg picnics. I JFUhormen continue to usb. butthoyget (Straw berries are somewhat plenty but not very nice. This year's crop of pineapples are tho finest ever seen in our inarkots, and thoy aro very cheap, too. Tho Grant Cornet Band jfflllhoid its sixth annual picnic in OolumbiaPiirtTon May 30tb. C-8-3w " John A. Reilly has beautified the front of his fino building on Main street by hav ing It painted. Tho faro to Lakeside, round trip, from Shonandoah, to attend tho Social Club's picnic, is only 35 cents. Confirmed. The favorable impression produced on tho first appearance of the agreeablo liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs a fowCyoars neo has been more than conflrmodjtby tho pleasant experience of all who havo used it, and tho success of tho proprietors and manufacturers the California Fig SSyrup Company. 2,600 Tablets, Costing from 15 to 25 cents each, at tho uniform prico of 5 cents, at Max lieeso's. Beautiful I Ii what ovorybody says ;of tho display of neckwear at "Tho Famous" j a 50c tio for 25c. Playing Cards. You can obtain a pack of best quality playing cards by sending fifteen cents in postage to P. S. Eustis, Gen'l Pass. Agt., B.. 0. & O.K. It. Chicago, 111. tf The largest stock of wall paper and window shades over roceivod in this town, or county. Good selection, at F. J. Portz's took and stationery storo. 3-20-tf Notloe, Flsnermon. A lot of fishing tacklo received a Uttlo late will bo sold below cost. Call before coing elsewhere to secure bargains. Max Reoso, East Centra street. 5-15-tf Completed to Deadwood. Tho Burlington Route, 0., B. & Q. R. 11 from Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis, is now completed, and daily passenger trains aro running through Lincoln, Neb., and Custer, S. D., to Deadwood. Also to New. castle. "Wyoming. Slooping cars to Dead- wood. Coming Evonta. May 30. Ice cream and strawberry fo6' tival in Bobbins' opera houso for tho bene fit of tho Trinity Reformod church. May 30 Grant Band picnic at Columbia Park. May 80 Picnic of tho Junior Social Club of tho Shenandoah High School, at Lakoeido Park, (East Mahanoy Junction) Juno 2. Ice croam and strawberry fes tival, Itobbins' opera house: benefit of English Lutheran church. June 8 Demorest Contest and entertain tnent; Forguson's theatre, 8 o'clock p.m. July d Grand Carnival and picnic by Columbia Hose Steam Firo Engine. Com pany. To Our Readers. Are you troubled with Consumption or a deep seated Gold, If so tnlce healthy exercise, live In open air, use 1'au-Tina Cough and Consumption uure. ana no curea. uon i delay. Trial bottles free at Klrlln's drug store, Best work done at Brennan's steam laundry. Everything white andspotloss, Lace curtains a specialty. All work guar auteed. Grant Band picnio May 80th. 6-8-8w WALL PAPER! A CARLOAD JUST ARRIVED AT Blanks So Gilt So Embossed 12 l-2o "Windtfw Shades, spring rollors..25o Curtain Poles 25 o MOVED TO 22 East Centra St., Shenandoah, CiHAS.1T. RICE'S OLD STAND. Festival. An Ico cream festival will bo hold In Robbing opera homo on ttio oventnjr. ot May 80th, under the auspices of tbo Trinity Hoformed church. A largo num ber of ticket bavo already been sola. Now Bakory. Schoidor Bros, have openod (a now bakery at 27 South Main stroot, whero you can get frosh bread, cakes, candy and lco cream. Givo thorn a call. C-5 3m Domorest Contest. A Domorost contest and entertainment will bo hold In Ferguson's thoatro on Wed nesday, June 3rd., commencing at 8 p. m, A number of young peoplo will participate and thq oxorcisos promise to bo very inter esting. A Turkish Missionary. Tho Ilev. M. Mosropin, a missionary from Turkey, will lecturo in tho English Baptist church on Monday ovoning. Ho will appoar in Turkish costume, mannors, religion, etc., and will sing in sovoral dif ferent languages. Tho lecturo will begin at 7:30. A collection will bo taken at the close. Ministerial Appointments. Tho following are among tho ministerial appointments made by tho Primltivo Methodist conference, iust closod its annual session at Scranton : Shenandoah. H. G. Russell; Mahanoy City, W. II. Acornloy j Gilberlon, 0. II. Higginson j Girardvillo, GeorgoBall; Tamaqua, A. Humphries St. Clair, 0. M. Cousens. Lowest Rates. Steamship tickets, with best Jand fastest steamers, from Shenandoah to Liverpool, oniy?ii. ibis includes railroad faro to New York. Also, railroad tickots to all parts of the West, South and Southwest, at Max Rkkse's, railroad and stoaraship otlico, 10 West Centra stroot, Ferguson Hotel block, Shenandoah. tf A Family Jar. y asu nyuroyic, a Hungarian, was ar rested last night by Policoman Connora for beating his wife. Ho was given a Soar ing bororo 'Squire Shoemaker and com. mitted to jail, but before ho loft tbo offlco tho wife offered to withdraw tho suit if her spouso would plodgo himself not to swear at her. Tho condition wa3 agreed to and tho couple wont homo minus tho costs that usually attend such affairs. PERSONAL. Mrs. E. W. Wildo left town this morn- ing to visit rolatives in Philadelphia. Miss Dell Shafer has boon spending sov era) days with friends below tbo mountain. Harry Preston spent to-day in Mt. Car mel, looking after the interests of his bakery business. Rov. D. B. Troibley, of tho English Lutheran; church, loft town yestorda; afternoon for Sharnokin, to attend to some business, and will probably remain there ovor Sunday. Mr. Chas. B. Shustor, tho gonial clerk at the Ferguson Houso, Shenandoah, is a valuablo adjunct to that hostelry into which Mino Host Hutchison has injected a new and trosn atmospnero. Tho t erguson is tho leading hotel in tho Schuylkill region by great odds. Republican. William Leckie, formerly of this bor ogh, wa'. pleasantly entertained by Ply mouth Lodge, No. 832, F. & A. Y. M, at a celebration held in their lodge room. Guests wro present from all sections of tho state, and the Plymouth brethern en tertained the boys in royal good stylo. Rev. D. S. Thomas, of Edwardsdale, formerly pastor of tho local Welsh Baptist church, and Rov. William H. DaVis, of Nanticoko, spont last night in town with Thomas S. Roborts, of East Coal street, and loft for Ashland this morning to at' tond tho Welsh Baptist Association meet ing. BILLS OF PARE. A Pew Useful Hints for Local Housekeepers. Tho following bills of faro have beon pre pared with all duo attention to economy and hoalth and may bo of use to many housekeepers in town who may bo In doubt as to what to provide for the Sunday and Monday meals. SUNDAY. BREAKFAST. Orangos. Boiled Oats with Cream. Graham Gems. Maple Syrup, Wheat Bread. Cocoa. DINNER. Beef Stoak. Boiled Potatoes. Lettuco. Brown and Whito Broad. Boilod Rico with Milk and Sugar. LUNCH. Bread and Milk. Cake, MONDAY. BREAKFAST. Warmed Potaloos. Boiled Eggs. Pop Overs. Apple Sauce. Bread. Cereal Ciffw. DINNER. Baked Boans. Brown Bread Baked Indiau Pudding with Sweetened Croavo. Fruit. surriR. Whito Bread. Button Berries. One Egg Cake. Milk. BCnOENKR'S RESTAURANT, (Beddall's Building.) Frozen Oysters. Rig Oyster Stows, fried Oystors. Codfish Cakes. Little Neck Clams. Fried Clams. Olam Soup. Frlod Tripo. Ham and Eggs. Sheep Tongue. Cream Oyster Stows. Panned Oystors. Vanilla, Strawberry and Chocolate Ico Croam. Startling Fnots. The Amcrlcau people are rapidly becoming a race of nervous wrecks, and the following suggests the best re edy : Alphonso Itempll lng, of Duller, la., fcwturs that when his Bon was speechless from tit. Vitus dance Dr. Miles' great Hestoratlve Nervine curtd him. Mrs. J. it Miller, of Vlrarulio, und J. D. Taylor, of Logausport, Ind., oaoa gained 00 pounds from taking it. Mrs. 11. A. linrdner, of Vistula, Xud., was cured of 40 to 00 con vulsions a day, and inuuli headach?, dlzzl netg. backache and nervous iiroslratloii by one bottle. Trial bottles, and flue bocks of marvolous cures, free at C. 11. iiageut uch, the druggist, who recommends ana guaran tees this uncqualod remedy. Q. A. R. Sorvlco. Tho members of Watkln Wators Post, No. 140, G. A. R., will meet iu tho Post room at 5 o'clock to-morrow evening to attend special divine service. Klngr Appointed. Hon. Charles F. King, of Mahanoy City, has boon appointed trustoo of tho Miners Hospital at Fountain Springs, vice William Spencer. Death of an Old Resident. Isaacher M. Blaker. one of tho oldest rosidonts of tho town, diod at his homo on North Bowers stroot this morning. His ago was GO years, 6 months and 19 days and ho had resided in tho town sinco March, 1809. He was born noar Newtown, Bucks county, and was in tho employ ot tho Robbins family at this and otnor places for ovoi 'hirty years. Death was duo to Bright's diseaso of tho ttldncys. His wife and threo sons, 0. & I. Police man John W. Blakor and Charlo3 W. and Joseph P. Blaker, survive to mourn his dnth. Mr. Blakor was a member of W.-Mn-t finnin. No. 200. P. O. b. 01 A., and was for a number of yoars a mom- bor of the old local lodge of the Knights of Pythias and settled its affairs when it wont out of oxistence. The lunerai wm placo on Tuesday, 20th inst., at 2 p. m. Services will bo held in tno i,vnnKuii.;m church, of which the deceasod was a mem ber. The interment will bo mado in wjb Odd Follows' cemetery. THE MULE KILLED, And the Driver had a Very Nar row Escape. wwin .limns Brodorick. a driver em- intMMi ot. Tndlan Ridso colliery, wascross incr iho railroad track under tho breaker M'"J" " . i . this morning, a train of light cars, which were being pushed on to tno ngm irac. struck and Instantly Wiled tno muio anu demolished tho cart. Brodorick escaped injury. Tho mulo was so badly mangled it was difficult to romovo us carina benoath tho dorailod cars, xno acciueni was due to tho driver's failure to see tho ap proach of tho train. CATCHING PIGEON THIEVES. Causht in Otto Carl's Stable Last Night. At about half past nino o'clock last night Otto Carl, tho iSast coniro sin.ei butcher, was called out oi nis nouso w u.o stable, where spocial ouicor rea. n. Hop kins had trapped throe pigeon tmeves. Policeman Phalon was summoned and he and Hopkins took tho lnvaaors oeiuro 'Squiro Monaghan. They were throe youths named josoph McDonnell, Patrick Carroll and William iJieneman. aiwra hearing thoy were committed for trial. Bieneman at once furnished fcduu ban ana the others gavo the 6amo amount of socurity after spending a fow hours in tho lockup. Tho young worthios got into tho stable by forcing tho lock of tho door. The Soap that Cleans Most is Lenox. Still at the Old Stand SCHEIDER'S BAKERY I No. 29 East Centre St., Shenandoah. Better prepated than ever to serve our many patrons with a superior quality o Bread, Cakes, Ice Cream, Confectionery of all Kinds PARTUS. PIC-NICS & FESTIVALS SUPPLIED ON SHOUT NOTXOU. t 47- Open on Saturday evenings until mid night. Open on other evenings (Sunday ex. opted) until 11 o'clock. Closed on Sundays. W, S, SNYDER'S Boot' and Shoe Store, (Masteller'a old stand,) Corner Coal nm! Jnrdlu OtB. Mr. Snyder will always keep In stock a tine line of boots and shoes. Custom Worlc nud Itepnlrlugr done in the best stylo, lie guarantees to sell cheaper than competitors oil Main street who have big rentu to pay. and guarantees a genu ine bargalu on every purchase. WANTS, &c. WANTED A good, strong boy tr. Unm the printing business, Apply at this oOlce. FOR SALE A frame house, wltli stabling, No. 815 E. Centre St. Anplyto Mi V Conry. 6-21-1 w DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR sale. One of the most desirable proper ties on West Oak street, for nale on reasonable terms. Apply at Kowse's grocery store, cor ner Jardln and Oak streetH. Bhenandoah, I'a FOR SALE An eight-room frame dwelling on llaspberry alley, at the rear of tho Greek C.tthollo church. Apply tu M'atrlck JlcCue. 6-22-lw lFAN I'ED-An Active reliable man V salary $70 to Bo monthly, with In crease, to represent In his own section a re- snousioie now xorK Mouse, ueiereuces. Manufacturer, Look, liax 1585, New York T70R RENT Store nud building nuw ucuuinuu uv liib mien innrmn uaitery co. lor ma uiacturlng an l retal oanciy business. Two floors OixSOfeot. Aoply to J. J. Frauey. 5-10 tf AUHAND OFFER. For Palo, at halt price, a cabinet organ, good as new, one new Iienter, and a pood sewing machine. Inquire ol Mrs. CmiiiIck, Coffee iloufo. Nortu in 11 in sircei, oneniiuciotui. o-ra-lw TDROPOSALS Pronosals will be re JL colved bp the undersigned committee up wjiuj' w, losi, ior raising 1110 iirsiwnra school liulldlus threo feet. ANn for exnn.vii.t- ingatd theronstructlonof a stone wall under the same Tho rlht to reject nay or nil bids Is reserved. Addlllonnt lutormntlon can be ouuuneu upon application to the committee, THOMAS UAiim, ii. a. davkm'ort, h. j. muxpoon, James O'Hkarn, 5-14-1U William htein, CHARTER NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that nu application will be mado lolheCourtof Common Pleas of Pchuyl kill county on Monday, May 25, A. L). 18U1, at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, under tho "Corpo ration act of tho Commonwealth of Pa., ap proved April 29, 1874." add the smipl' meuts thtreio, for the charter of nn Intended cor poration to be called "Pulaski Citizens' Bene ficial Society of the United dtate3 of Amer ica." Bald association is to be located at Shenandoah, Pa., and to have for lis object the malntenanre of a society for social, edu cational and benedclal purposes 10 Its mem bers from funds collected therein. H. G. M HOLLOPETEK, Attorney for Applicants PHENANJJOAH, Pa., April 30. '01. (1-30-Sw IMPORTANT NOTICE All persons are hereby warned NOT TO FISH IN THE DAMS ! Belonging to the Shenandoah Water Company, and nil parties caught violating this notlco will be Prosecuted as Trespassers. By order of CENTS for a Window Mhade. Others for Sic. 43c. fiflc. 65c, 75o and upwards. Shades made lor stores and private dwellings. Cus tomers desldlng only the fixtures or shading by the yard can bo accom modated. Fncke, 10 South Jardin St, Attention, House Gleaners ! The warm weather is here, and house And at such times most, everybody needs something to brighten - Up the home, so if you need a good carpet of either Veuet, Moquett, Body TWO Oil THREE-PLY INGRAIN) HALL, STAIR OR RAG CARPETS You can find a full assortment at PRICE'S. Lace Curtains. Carta Wlndo'vy Shades, Floor and Table Oiloloths and Linoleums of all grades. Prices caunot be beaten when quality is considered, No misrepresentation one price to all. PRICK'S Old Reliable Stand, 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. high of are ifesyfitai A Difference in Material A Material Difference Examine our stock of Men's, Boys' and Child ren's CLOTHING. It will cost you nothing if you do not purchase, and if you do find any thing to suit your taste you can buy it at the lowest figures. A 50c NECKTIE FOR 25 GENTS. FAMOUS" ONE-PRICE CLOTHING. No. 11 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Great Bargains HATS and CAPS -AT- Scanlan's Hat and Cap Store. Just drop In and see his 81 Stiff hats. They ueatanyimng m iho maraei. 1uer0iH u a great run at Scanlan's for his 23 cent neckwear nil new styles. Uood working shirts lorBOc, also good white shins for 60 cents. Scanlan Carries (he Celebrated Tearl Shirt. Best made and bestflttlng shirt In the mar ket. Headquarters lor Children's Jockey Hats and Caps lor !15c, also 11 big line of girls' Nelllo Blys lor 25c. Large lino of Overalls aiidSutnmarOutlog Hlilrts for25c. Hoys' waists, 25c. Ail goods reduced according to times. 19 SOUTH MAIN STREET. THEATRE IIUIT.I1I3SG, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $100,000.00. A. W. Leisenrmg, Pres., P. J. 'Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisenrmg, Cashier, S. W. Yost, Ass't Cashier. Open Dally From 9 to 3. 3 PER CENT. INTEREST I Tnltl ou Havtiijrs Deposits. J. H iOMKBO, A T10RNEY-A T-LA W, OOlo BeJdll'r bnlldlne corner Mln nd Oralf - cleaning is the nest thing in order. or Tapestry Brussef, in Poles of a A difference in material makes a First National Bank. Kinds material difference. Low values and prices benefit nobody in the long run. Wo make your dollar count by giving you its full value Good, Honest Goods. With Clothing that is durable, Cnttmg that is intelligent and a Making and Finish of the best, we sure ot your continued custom. NOW ONLY Cor. 13th and Chestnut Streets. -AT- A. J. GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Bonds written. iarriage licenses ana legal oiaiiu. promptly nttended to. Ileal Estate, Collodion and losurance Agency. Oeneral Fire Insurance Business. Represents me .worm western i,ife insurance Co. OFFICE Miildnnn',, hnllriltifr. nnrtiAr rjmtm and West Sis., Bhenandoah, Pa, Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale. 1. A two-story double frame dwelling house. storo nud restaurant, on East '.'entrust. 2. A dwelling and restaurant on East Oantm street. :). Desirable property on oorner Centre and Jardln streets, sut table for business pur poses. 1. A two story double Irame dwalllnir. on West Lloyd street. 5. Two 2-story frame dwellings on West Cen- 11 o Bireei. -Two 2-story dwellings on the corner ot Coal and Chestnut streets Rtoro room in one. 7. Two-story slnglo house on North Chestnut street, with a large warehouse at the rear. s. Throe two-slory.double frame bulldlnca corner of Lloyd and Ullbort streets. John R. Coule. Attorn ey-at-Law , AND t Real Estate Agent, OFFICE Beddall's Building, CoMaln and Centre Streets, SHENANDOAH, PA. PROPERTY FOR SALE: -A two and one-half story double frame dwolllng houso, with store-room and res taurant. Located on East Contro street. -A valuable properly located on South Jar din street. -Seven dwelling houses at the corner of Gil bert and Lloyd streets. Good Investment. Terms reasonable. ENORMOUS PILE OP DUNCAN & WAIDLEY'S At a sacrlflco. Handsome designs and new. Won Worth J50C. In ord fir tn enll fV, quick we huve shaved the price down ESy-Don't let thlo opportunity paea by. Duncan & Waidley, tlo. 8 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa, The Photographer Is located ot No. 14 North White Street. Having nan his gallery greatly improved, hv la uuv.uui'iur iirupareu man over lo ni( the wants of the public iu thopbotO' graphic line. The best photo graphs at lowest prices. Crayon Work a Specialty. Nctv Jtirm. JVcu; Stool:. Green Truck, Fino Groceries, FRUITS, be, Delaware roe shad and other fresh fish right iruiu iuu uuiiih uu riuays. f resu Greens from the South. Evan's Building, E. Centre St. J. S. Willia u' old ttand) Everything new and 'resh. Goods delivered io any p in oi lown. R. C. KNIGHT & SOKT. EAGLE HOTEL 22 W. Centre Street, Formerly Kept by Mrs. 0 mvllle. Tho aboro hotel is now kept by JOHN W. WEEKS, Formerly of the Keystone Hotel, Gllbortoi!? isestoi accoininuuvuuus lur Permanent end Transient Guest The bar I a stocked with the best brands ot clgo .s, ale, beer, porter and liquors. EXCELLENT FREE LUNOH COUNTER. McKeon's Saloon, 100 EaST OENTItB EST,, Beer, Whiskeys, Brandies, Porter, WINES AND OIQAlia Of the finest brands. Musle furnished for balls and parties, from one to five pieces. ICE CREAM. ICECREAM, By the plate or measure, also put up in 5, io nud 20 Cent Pnckaj;cs AT PETER CECCHINT & BRO.'S, 117 EAST CENTRE HTItEET. DABR Lambert, The Hatter, I ' Carries an extraordinary line of Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Good'. and malies a specialty of Nellie Bly nud Mary Anderson Ca( 6 HAST ST. i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers