KANSAS MATTERS. The correi'ponc'ent t'f the St. Loui3 Dem cerat writes frotu Lecotnpton, K. T. Tiie census taker.-, under the bogus con. stitutiouai laws, are at work. They are j not very thorough. Sotue neighborhoods | tl ey do not visit at all, and ibey do not get ' the names of one half the aetuei residents even where they go. They are the Sher. ifTs dvpnties. They get fnttr doitars a day for it. Their operations, since they begat! i to take this eensus, show that the whole i thing nil! be a barefaced fraud from the : beginning. It i.-, repor!e<l tint (hit. Line means to st: I .' in Kansas, ami tiie pro-slavery men declare i:e .-hall not. Suspicion has again bro'.en out among the pro slavery party -jimiti*: Governor Gearv. Sonic <>t' them declare that tic was in cemumnieau m with Lttiio. "-vcr-il Djpu'y mitsh iK are engaged in ' u.okiug arrestdff political prisoners. < S. dragoons are occasionally employed.— | parties arrested arc tikcu on charges growing out of the difficulties last summer. I The correspondent of the Chicago Tfi- j iitme says the Shawnee Reserve has not j declared open yet, but the Sheriff of J.din -uu county h is placed the names of all who j have o!a;ins in the Territory, on his census i:., r . 'here has never been thirty legal o'ers iu that so called county, and it i s stated that three thousand are listed.— These ii®e in Mb-ouri, where the sheriff of ! that county and his deputies also live. ENDORSED HY*iT[? ENEMIES. j A better tiolcet tlian that nominated at | Hunishurg, on the '2' i u!t., has never been 1 liresented fur the suffrages <>f the People. ,'iie i andidafCS are meti of the highest character i n the private walks if life.— ' TKe I niontotvn (lewis, Democratic, thus! *e. 1. r-.es one of our candid ales for the Su jreiue Ranch. -htiiKs Vd'-'!1 E-q. one of tiie oppo- Mtion candidates for •'ho- iSiijireiuo H.:t:o!i - <ur readers ail know. Against huu, per sonally, we Irivo no wotd to utter, lie ; is an able lawyer, aud has the qualifica tions to tuake a good Supreme Judge iu every respect except his politics. If he were the Democratic iu-iemi of the black Republican nominee, he would be elected, and would do no discredit to the Supreme , Bench. Although an American, we think, Mr. 'fjeniuc, that the pr-oj lc have already de cided upon placing M•. \ use;! upon th- Bench. j The Berlin e .r£t>p Vi-ii'tir or tin London Tim?*, writing n n M ,reh 19th, says: "The United States of N'oith America "vrre not represented at the late Sound Dues Conferences ut Copenhagen, tlie American Government litv i:ig rritised, seme time since, to acknowledge tliosriueiple on which the S dud dues are eoiietcd at all. Hope- Jul expectation* are, however, enrertaiue 1 that, n w tint a 1 ) arrangement ha.- hceu ar rived at w.rh the K.trope tit Powers, that ' -Government will l-e found le*s unwilling to enter itito this generally received plan for the red- inpth u of them. Despatches v>re sent off from Copenhagen to Washing ton on this subject sufficiently early io Fvb r :*• rv for them to arrive tliere htdorc the c- >-ing of Congress on the 4th instant, so that it is not improbable that some answer to Denmark Uiay arrive in the | ■}) 4i.,,h cipi'al h-f the conclusion of the ! *ciin appointed by iL° Ameri'-ao Govern- : inent for th" determination ot its treaty | with Denmark."' Tiik WhfaT t'iioP. — Some of the news jupers have commenced their nniiUat croak - ttig about the wheat crop.. It may be that lie lit'hls do net 'took as fresh and flourish i"2 as in some years that leave pa-red; but it. would be a strti'ige lid: iz indeed if a count tv so ( -sren.ive >.urs should lack a sufjeielKV uf bread. WOOD'S IIAIR ItEST UKATIVE. —Prof. i Woo l, the renowned discoverer o! thefnralu- ] iI :i: lie.-toMitiuc, still continues to labor i:i l.vh ilf of the afflict -d. His medicines arc universally admitted by the American press to be lar superior to nil others for causing th hair on the liaai of the ,j ! ta-t his been silvered for many years, to grow forth with a> much vigor and luxuriance as when b'vssed witn the advantages of youth. There cati be no doubt tint it is one'of the : greatest discoveries in the medical world. It ■ ;.-i)re* permanently gray hair to its original j aad makes it. assume a beautiful siikv i texture, which bis been very desirable in alt ■. ages of th world. V Lonit Horning Hcrtld. 1 for sale by Br. B. F. Uarrv, Bedford, P.i. April 17, 1307-b A RECIPE T!fAT RAREL4" EVER FAILS TO CURE A COLD. —N f ow, while winter, with its burthen of Colds arm Coigghs, is with us, we think a remedy that will relieve such visi tation's should be highly prized, and all who now the worth of this remedy, uri'd do as we do—prize it don My. Take z double dose of Br. Sanfurd's leviyuvator, an.l it will give greater ie!icf thsn any other medicine wc ever tried, tor we have i irely to repeat the dow to be entirely, tree from Cough, and as soon as the Lings have tunc to throw oIT the collected m.iMer. the cure is complete. As a family Medicine, for the curt of Boivel Diseases. IVonus. Derangement of the Stomach and Li ver, we can recommend it knowingly. For sile by Dr. B. F. ll.irrv, Bedford, Pa. and by ell Druggist*. Moil 117-1 ta Wj. arc authorized to announce the name if ABU AM B 81/iSN, ESQ., of SchcLdi :rg Bo rough, a a a candidate lor the office oi' Pro thonotary, he.. in ject to tiii Uaction of the Dr., on County Convention. Vk are authorized to announce the name of JLli. K. BOWLES, ESQ., of Bedford Bor ough, as a candidate lbr Prothonoiary, subject to the decision of the Uuion Countv Conven tion. * Davu> Off*, Esu. s Vou will please announce the name of JOHN ALSIP, KSQ.f of Bedford Borough, •s a candidate for I'roUionotary of Bedford 'bounty, subject to tiic dccispm i the Union County Convention. MAA Y.* AIAUUIEI). On the evening of the Hist inst.. at the Lu theran Parsonage, by the Iter. F. Benedict, Mr. Thomas M eh.wise to Miss Ha.vnau Bveely. DIED. On the 13th iin St Clair Township, MargaretK., consort of Abner Walker, Jr., j in tiic 29t1 year of her age. In Scottsviile. Hetitingdon Counly. P.i., on the 15th inst.. Dvniki. Mekisgkr Heck, son of J- S. and Martha Devori!, uged 1 year and lb I days. O. Daniel, thon hast left us! Thy fate vve'il deplore ; Grim death has bereft us, We'll iee thee uo more. Too fondly we loved thoo, Thou dear little boy ; 11 niv often thy iient's glee, Hast filled tis with joy. T by innocent prattle, Still sounds in our ears; We hear thy sweet pr'ttle, Surpassing thy years. With deep humility and prayer. Oh. lit our sad in-arts crave : The p ace aud joy of heavenly 3o ve, Hay olid our u an. el's giave. '• Woodlaxii Cream" — A Pom ilf far beauti fying the Hair. —highly perfumed, superior to •my French article imported, and for half the price. For dressing Ladies' Hair il h.ia no equal, giving it a bright glossy appearance— It causes Gentlemen's llairto curl in tiic most natural manner. It removes dandruff, always i giving the Hair the appearance of being fresh shampooed. Price tmlv titty" cents. None > genuine unless signed FETIIIDGE 4 CO., Proprietors of the '•Balm of Thousand F'airers." \ For sale by all Druggists. f27eowz. oiiPiii\s' HURT \ PLRGVPTOKV! Estate of £r. P. ShGcitberircr, dcc'tL BY unorder of the Orphans' Court of the City and County ot Philadelphia, the un detsigued, Executor- of the Estate of Dr. Peter Fiioenberger, Uee'ii, will sell, without re serve. on THURSDAY 28/5 day of MAY , 1857, At the "Logan House." liol'idaysnurg, the fol lowing described property, located iu Bedford County, viz: A Tract of Timber Land, adjoining the j Stone Mouse Farm, near Pattouavji,e, and | containing at/out ISO ICSES. A very desirable Farm known as the Zonk 1 Farm, adj lining the town of Yl'oodberry, and i : containing 193 ACRTS3, on which is ended a large Farm llouse. Bank I ' Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, and nil other j necessary out lious.-s, with several tenant j j hoUa.CS. * For turthei inforinatiau in repar-1 to the sale j of Jicul Estate in the counties of Huntingdon, i Blur, Cambria and Bedford, sec handbills and j . Blair County H (tag. The T'erttm ol' S: le. to all other pur- j j chasers Hun the residuary Legatees, their i jsagwnts or trustees, are to be. One third ol the j ' purchase ns mey in cash on the execution aud lepi.iy of a Deed ol Conveyance by tiie aet- ; ing Lxccutois—the remainder in two equal in- j ■ sla!meats at the expiration of one and two years iioin the dale of the Deed, with interest. ' such payments to tie secured in tiie meantime by- Ho.>.ls and Mortraces of tiie property sold. S7)O C'llSli is to l>- paid at the tuue of sale on t-acii piece ol property s >;,t. Plans, copies of surveys, exhibit of title papers, and tine atttendance w.ll be given on' the day of sai- by the acting Executors. Suit to commence at 10 o'clock, Al. [ of said day. By the Court, JOHeV SHERRY, Clerk 0. C /OILY (J. MILES, i ~ AIK HJEL BERRY, j ' rJ ' The acting Executors will offer for *'.! • at the tin" time and pi ice, ,Y0 iitltisrcs f Iloliiday.'mrg .nd Bedford I'lark lto .d Company Stock, par value. 525 per share, ou which S>!B 50 per share has been paid. 20 " Ilollls. tirgand Belfoid Turn pike l.'oad Company. AG " Jlolliuays! Srg and Martiasbnrg Tn:r|>ike Koad Company. NO li WooriheiTv and Pattotisvifle Turnpike Koad Company Stock, j Apru 24. 1857.—t5. HEMOVAIj. rjAtlE subserib'-r lias remove! his Ki;sr.tt> X HAST aso Bakery and Confectionary Establishment, to the Rising Sim Building, iu Jirliana Street, where he would be pleased i to see all his old friends and customers. lie keeps constant I v on hand the choicest and ties' CAKES. CARDIES, FRUIT - and RUTS, ever nft'.-ißil to the public; also Ciiani j be.sburg ALE "id BEER. Me has fitted up an ice (T'catii Saloon, ; and will keep on hand throughout the season, a (till supply of this choice refreshment. \U7~ PARTIES supplied, on tin; shortest notice, with Ice Cream, Cakes and Coalcc l tions. Having served a regular apprenticeship to the above business, and having been const.mt ly engaged in it for nianv years, he feels con fident that tie can render satisfaction to all who may favor him with a visit. JOHN J. LUTHER. Bedford, April 2 4. 1857. |— mw ~ ; fRUE . 'ibacnbcr has now on baud, at his New j Tinning Establishment, West i'itt Street. ■ opposite Dr. Ham's Drug Store, a large and splendid assortment of TIRiY.tRE, which lie will dispose ot wholesale end retail, on rea sonable terms. Crtli and see his stock and judge for your selves. i/unc Spcuting tnr.de and put up to ord3r, on reasonable terms. Old Pewter and Copper will be tak"n for j Cash or Tinware. ABRAM HERMAN. Bedford, April 24, 1857-3 m Attention Riflemen! i "VrtlU are hereby ordered to parad-r at your X usa il pliee of tiaining. on Thursday the 21st ot May next, at ly o'clock, A M., in winter uniform, (with pliime.) Each member will provide himself with twelve rounds ot j ball cartridge lor target practice. A lull turn out is desired j Bv order ot the Captain. U'M. KITCIIEY, O. S. • April 24, 1857. - JE^~ TItE Books and Accounts of the subscriber have liei-u left In the h.mJs of John Alsip tor collection. All persons knowing them selves indebted to Lim will please call aud j ret tie immediately, and save costs. MOSES STINE. April 24, 18-57-f Hides Warned. ! T7IARMERS, Btttchcis, and all interested, X will please notice that John Clark ii ! s os, in Scitcilshurg, are paying casli for hides cents per pound for the green weight, ,! dry weight in (itMportioa. | March 2?, 1867-tf BEDFORD INQUIRER AND CHRONICLE. 25 WITNESSES; or, THE FORGER COSFIGfRI. Jahn S. Dye ii the Author, Who has I ad 10 years experience as a Bauk- I.IT and Publisher, and Author of A series of Lertures at the Broadway /•* Tabernacle, V when, for 1!' M'.cctmaive nights over g cr?" 60,000 People }> Greeted him with Bounds <>i Applause, wuite lie exhibited the manner in winch Coun ts terteiters execute their Frands, aud the .2 Surest mid Shortest Means of Detect ig them ! U The Bank Note Engravers all say thai he is the greatest Judge of Paper M, icy living. OfHEATEST DISCOVERY OF OvJ the Present Century for i © Dt'lcciing Counterfeit Bank Notes. Describing every Genuine Bill in Exis- X, tei ie. and exhibiting at a glance every Counterfeit in Circulation!! £ Arranged s<>admirably, that KKtEUENCE is EASY and DETECTION instant vs nets. •> Cl7" No index to examine! No pages to i gto hunt up! But so simplified and amng •th td. that the Merchant, Banker, and Bu j "Jj siuess Man can sec all at a Glance. '■ y English. French aud German. gThus Eich miy read the same in his oven Native Tongue. . Most Pcrfeft Bank \ole List Published. w Aiso a List of **■ Ail the Private Bankers in ! America. | A Complete Sunim ry of the Finance of Evaoi'H \xi> America will t.u pn lib.-lied in > ! each edition, together with all the important ] 2 NEWS OF TUP DAY. Also □ .1 SERIFS OF TALES —j From an (M<i .Manuscript found in the Fast. : p It. lurui-hi s tee MoslC' u-piete History of > ORIENTAL LIFE, 1 (±3 Des •rihing ;! • Most Perplexing P--vti/>ii in which tiic Ladies and Gentlemen of th.it © Country 1< .ve been > -'i'li found. These Ft erics will ront nuu throughout the whole year, and ui!l prove the Mo t Elite!turning ever otl' ied to t'oe Public. C57~ Furnished Weekly to Subscribers oni>. at $1 a year. All lvt'ers must be ad ! dressed to JOHN S. DI P Broker. Publisher and Proprietor, 7ri W'.il -direct. Aprd 24, 1c57-Z7.. New York. NEW SPUIVCi AND SUMMER GOODS. | The undersigned having just returned front | the Eastern cities arc now receiving a large S supply of SPRIXr; .9XD SV.VM&R GOODS. | consisting in part of i P.lack and Fancy Silks. Chaiiics, Lawns. Bri'- iiant. plain and iigu red delaines. poplins, ca licoes, ginghams, ribbons, twinn'*t<\ hosiery, i xudkerchiefs, colors, ac.; Men's and Boys' ! fancy, plain and black cnssinicivs. cloths, linens, and a large assortment of Men's and Boys' Summer IV eat; boots, shoe:., hats, x-c.j drills, lickings, muslins, ri in nets, single and i double carpet chain, aii coioi s; Groceries. *jrt.ji, molasses, whit* and brown sugars. : green ami oiack teas, tobacco; Queens wore; 1 Glassware: Buckets, Dye Stuffs. ir.. Ail of which will be sold cheap for cash I or approved pi-since; and to good and punc i iiial custenuis a credit of six months will la • given. Thuiiklul for past favors they hope by ' lair dealing to receive a liberal share of the j public patronage. J. & J. M. SHOEMAKER. Bedford, April 17, 18.57. Bedford lonnt), ss. ■g-B-yj". Tut: Commonwealth of Penisyl ' 'I SK2$ vania to Wii.i.tiu Foster and N'an j -wmiS£' cy his wife, or in cue of tiieir i i'cuui, to tiieir heirs an I r presuiitali ves. and to ' all othwis interested in tile premises—Greeting; We cell;ni ind ami firmly unjoin you. that lay • i ag asi In all business and excuse whatever, you I be and appear befole our Judge* ol the Court i of Coiiinioti Pleas of said County to he held at j Bedford, i a the Ist Mondiy 4th day of May ii x: to show cause, ii' any you have, why the witnesses iu behalf ol Marg>r.-t il.imiltoß on | complaint against yon, before our sti i Court i duly exhibited, should not be examined 'ncloie j a Commissioner, and their testimony reduced | to writing and tiled of Recorl hi our said j Court, in or lev to perpetuate the same, accord j ing to the Ait of Assent iy in such case ma Ic i and provided, and hereof fail not at your peril. Witness tha Hon. F- M. Kiuhell. Exp, | President of our sij.l Court t liedlot'd, Uie lOtii ilav of F iiruirv. A. I).. 1807. I>. \VASHABAUGII, Prolk'y. April 17, 1557. ceiiLTi'luithnnriax. TTTWEKEAS the H>norhlc Francis M. Kim >1 xtu. President of the s.neral Ceurls of | Common Pleas in the counties composing the ' ICth Judicial District, and Justice ol'the Courts | of Oyer and Terminer, and General J ail Delive j ry, for the tri.ii of capital and other offenders lin the said disfrict—and A. J. SxtvriT and : JoiiV G. il autlky. Ksqnires. Judge* of the j Courts of'Coinrnoß Pleas, and Justices of the j Court of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail ; Delivery, loi the tiial of all capital and other j iu file county of Bedford—have is j sued their precept and to me directed, fur hold j ing a Court of Common Plea*,and General Ji il . Delivery, and Court of Oyer and Terminer at Bedford, on .MONDAY the 4th day ol May, next. Noticc is hereby given to all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and Con stables within the said county of Bedford, that they be then and there in tiieir proper persons, j with their roils, records, and inquisitions, es ; s'nioations and other remembrances, to do ! those things which to their offices and in lint behalf appertain to be done, and also they who will prosecute ag.tinsf the prisoners that are or ! shall be in the Jril of Bedford county, to be then | and thereto prosecute agdnst them as shall be ! just. HUGH MOORE, Sheriff. April 10, IS.jT. A Erea* Arrival of SPRIKrO G OODS. THE undersigned has just returned from the | Eastern Cities with a large stock of Spring | Goods; and is now exhibiting at CHE.4I* SIDE, ' * general assortment of New Style of Spring ; Goods, comprising Ladies Dress Goods, in ; part, Ducal, Crocovella. Ch illi, Fancy and Plain De Laicc, Briliiunts, Liwns and Cali | coes, etc., etc. Gentlemen and Boy 3 wear, Cissiraercs, Oas einetts, Canton Cloth, Sliepnerd Checks, Cot | tonade*, etc., etc. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Rnn ts, Woolen an 1 i Rag Carpets, Floor Oil Cloth. Syrup Molasses. White and Brown Sugars, Green and Black i Tews. Groceries of ell kinds, Queenawarc, '1 übs, Vuckds, Brooms, etc., Hardware, Sho vels, For as, Hoes, Knives and Forks, Spoons, etc., and al! articles usmdly kept in Stores. All kinds ai produce taken in cxceangc. The under-signed will a ril cheap for cash or produce, .itid hopes by fair dealing to receive his usual share of patronage. G. W. KUPF. Bedford. April 10, 1807. Last Notice. • rrtHE suhseri'oer being most anxious that ! J. iiis old books and business bo cioaed up, ! would sty moxt earnest iy to those having ;u> ' counts with htm to attend to them imm . it ate - j iy. Th ■ boofes will Us left in a short time with j a Justice of the Peace. i March -J7, 18a7.~d. JOHN CLASH.' ONLY ONE BOTTLE OF I)R. SA\I oit-S a INVKiOIHTOiI, OR LIVER REMEDY IS requited to cure any one trouble-' with Liver Complaints, unless tlio most desper ate of cases, win i, the skcoxo bottle will, with scarce a single failure, restore the patient to health und vigor. We wish to cull the atten tion of ill! to these facts, that tbe Ibvigiirator is coin] unded by a physician who iiu* used it in his practice for the past twenty years with a succt-s alino.'t credulous, and that if is entire ly vegetable, being composed wholly ul' gems. Some ilea of the strength of these gums may be foititcb when it i* known one bottle ol tne luvig -rater contains as much strotigtli as one liundred doses of Caloni :1 wuiioUt any oi its deleterious effects. One bottle is the surest thing known to carry away the bad t tfeets of tuiucrul poison ot any kitui. Oa'y one bottle is nc f de Ito throw out ot the system the elf .vis of uiediciuj after a long sickness. One bottle taken for Jaundice removes all yellowish 01 ittiiutunl Co'or from the skin. On ■ dos - after eating is sufficient to relieve the stomach and prevent tbe food from rising i and sy- ring. Only one dose taken before retiring prevents n-glitiuare. Due d-se taken at night loosens the bowels gently , and cure's cosfi'voutss. One dose taken after CJCII meal WILL cure Dyspepsia. Due dose of two tevspoonsftil will always rcli -ve Sick Ueadacho t)ie* buttle taken for female obstruction re moves the cause of tho disease, and makes a pel leet cure. Only one Jose immediately relieves Cholic, while Oat: Uo>.! often repcatc-1 is a sure cure fur Cholera Ji->rJUS, aud a suc preventative ot CiioU-ra. One ilose taken often wH 1 prevent the recur- i renco ',l bilious uit-oks, vvhiie it relieves all painful tee tings. .117" One or two doses taken occasionally is one u! [lie bcrt remed.es t'--r a cold ever kti'iwt;, Thuusant. -• t eases ul'infianimation ami Weak- i ne-.s i 1 tiie ;; ■ > have been cured by the 1- vigorator. i)in- dose la a sh*>rt time before eating gives vizor to the appetite and makes food di gest. well. One dose often repeated ettroit Chronic Diar rhea- 111 us worst forms while *UTW- -r AND bow - el Complaints yi**id almost to th T'rst dose. One or two doses cures t'lackJ caused bv worms, whilj f->r worms iu children, tliere is in ! surer, safer and speclivr remedy in the world, us it never f ii is. There is no ex tgg .-ration in these statements, they are plain ami sober tacts, that *4call give e'i letice to prove, while all a-no use* it are | giving their unanimous testimony in its l,vor. We xieh all who are sick aud debilitated to try t llls remedy, and test it thoroughly, and any who are imt benefitted by us Use We should like to hear from, as we have yet to hear front the first person who has used a buttleofl 11 vig. orator without receiving benefit, lor there 11 such astouisliing medicinal virtues in it, that all, no matter how long they have own ati'jct ed, if their complaint arises !rom ; der.mgi d liver, will lie lieuefittvd, if *-ot eotl. dv cured. SANI OKD lir CtJ., i'roprieturs, 315 Broad way. New York. Fur sale bv Dr. B. F. Harry, Bedford, I'u. March 117,18-57-zzcq ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW. riliS-OLD AXI) TOl Xi;. I*, no doubt, the must w -n-I -rft'.l discovery of this axe of progress, t'.ir it will restore, perma nently, gray hiir to its original color, cover the head of the >al I with a most li xuiiiet growth, remove al once nil dandruff *nd ueh iiig. cure all serotitla, and other cut.tne -ns erupli.-ns, is teli as ac al l Ilea l, tie. It w iil cine, ns if by magic, nervous or periodical heutaohe; make tbo hair soft, glossy, an 1 • w iv-y, ate! preserve the color perfectly, and th • hair fr-un falling, to extreme old tge. The following is t'rom a ilistiuguil -.1 mem- ' her ot tho medica! piol'essiou -. ST. PAUL, Jaauary, 1, 'SSS. ' PROFESSOR O.J. M'OOD: J/J. \R SIR . Unsolicitod, 1 send ymt this ceitifi:.,te. Alter lining nearly bai-l tor a long ' time, and having tried .ill the hiir restoratives ! extant, and having no faith ki auy, I was in- i (luce-i, on hearing of yours to v.ive it a t.iil. ; I p! iced myseil in the hinds of a b irt-ir, and ' n.ul my hca.i rubi ed with a geo I stif brush, and tiie Restorative then appiicsi a*, : w -I! I ruboed in, til tiie scalp vv.-s aglow. Tins I ; repeateil ev.-rv ntornic-, mi lln three weeks i the young hair appeared and grew rapidiv iron. ! August last till the present time, and :s now ; thick, black and strong—soft an ! pleasant to ' tile touch; whereas, before, it was 1.1 s'n audi wiry, what little there was of it, and tint little j w.ts disappearing very rrpislly. J siillbseyom I rcst.-rative about twic ■ a week, and si til I soon j have a good and perfect crop of hair. Now, J ; had rt-ii-J of these tilings— tr; i who its not? i hut have not seen hitherto any case where any i person's hair was really benefitted If ar.v of; the hair tunic, etc., oi the day; and t really i gives mo pleasure to record tiie result of my : experience. I have reeommemled year pre- 1 paratiun to - thers, and it already has-a large! and general s-ile throughout the Terfitorj".— The people here know its effects, as i have' confidence io it. The supply yun sent us. as' wholesale agents f..r the Territory, il nes* !y exhxnsted, and daily inquiries are mnJe for it. 5 oU deserve credit for your discovery; and I, lur o-.e, return you my thank* lor th" benefit it lias done nie, for I had certainly despaired lotig ago of ever effecting such a result. Yours, hastily, J. \Y. BOND. Firm 01 Bond *1 Keller, Druggists, M. Paul, j [From tiie Editor of the Real Estate Adv'scr.] j BOSTON 11 Sehool Street, March UL 1855. j DEAR TIR : Having become prematurely quite gray, I wa> i - '.uc.nl, some six weeks since, to make .a trial of your Restorative. I have used less than two bottles, but th- gray hairs have nil disappeared; aud although my hair Ints not fully attained its original color, yet the pro cess of change is gradually going on, ami 1 an> in great hopeß that in a short time uiy hair will be its dark as form irlv. I have also been much gratified at the healthy moisture and vigor of the hair, wiueii before was harsh and dry, and j it has ceav-i to come out as formerly, Uc.-p ctluli - yours. D. C. JI. RUPP. Professor Wood. CAUIVXE, Illinois, June 19, F%55. 1 have used Professor Wood's llair Restora tive, and hare admired its wonderful effect.— My hair was becoming, as I thought, prema turely gray, but by the uie of'the "Restora tive," it has r.-suiujil its original color, aud I have no doubt pr u in-mfty s>. SIDNEY BREESK. Ex-Senator UuitcJ States. O. J. WOOD h CO.,Proprietors. SPJ Broad- Way, N.Y.. and 111 Market street, St. Louis, y. Issouri. For sih: by Dr. B. F. Harry, Bedford, I'a., ! and by Druggists generally. April 3. 1857.agzcq. Bazins Fancy Soap—shaving Cream, just re ceived fro in tbe 'Hf, by Dr. Harry, REGISTER'S NOTICE. 4 LL persons interested, are liutebv notified' I ./jl that Uw following named accountant* ! have fi'cd their accounts in the oi ! lice ol Bedfbid County, and thai they wiii be presented to the Orphans' Court ot sunl Coun ty, 011 Friday the eighth day 01 May next, tor allowance and confirmation. The Account of George W. Williams, Ad ministrator ol Andrew Miner, lata of London derry Township, dee'd. Too limit Account ot Job Mann. Esq., one of the Executors >f Abraham Ki-rns, late of ISed.ord Borough, decM. The Aecouut of John -Sparks, EST-, surviv ing Executor of the last Will. Inc., of Thomas Morns, late, of West I'ruVtdettco township, deed. The Account of Jacob Stayer, Adm'r cf AI lata St.yer, late 01 South Wood berry Town ship, dee'd. The acwiutit of Duncan McVicker, Esq., Ailm'r of Samuel liuil, late of Napier Town ship, dee'd. 1 he Account ol Rebecca McCreary, Execu trix. and Jatueb Alux ii, Esq.. Bxcctiler ..i the h.st W ill, u c., >1 llohert MeCroary, late of Napier Township, dee'd. 'a he Account ot Julin Eberlv, A bur of John Stoner, dee'd, v;io Was Adm'r of i'Jiul Sto ner, late ol South Wood jerry i p.* iicc'd. i he Account ot Jacob Uiplcy, Esq., Adm'r of Jacob Alstadt, latent lie-Hold loan slop, dec'it. Tbe Account of M rtlu G. Miller and John E. Rider, 'Executors of the last Will. <50. , ol Join iii.i.T, 'ate of Harrison fp., dee'd. The 'imil Account of Thomas G. W tight, Exe. iitor of the l ist Will, fro., ot John Alli son, late of St. Clair 1 p., dee'd. '1 he asccount of Aiiexander Holsitigcr, Ad ministrator ol George Hepk-glcyiate ot Middle Woodlierry l'p., dee'd. The linal Arcoiir.t ••!'John Xycmn and Simon Xycutn, Adiu'rs of Philip W - tsei, late of Bed ford Township, dee'd. Tim Account of David Bt era, li-x'or of tbe last Will, Ace., <>f John Hicfit, late of Middle Woodlmrry I p., dee'd. Ihe linal Account of Emanuel J. Diet! and John Nycum, Ex'ors ol tbe last Wilt, ice., of Joll.lll.an Nyctttu, l.ite of Colcrain loMnsiuj.. dee 'used. Tlie Account of K.'.che! Means and 11. J. Means, Adm'rs ol Bernard Moaus, late of Mon roe Tp., dec d. T!id Account "f Frv lertek Turner, Adm'r ot John IvCiig, late of Juuiat i i p., dec at. Tf.e Account ot Solomon Keimund. Adm'r of M 'ry Ketiuuud, late ol Bedford Burutiqb, ueeeased. The Account of James Ueavna and Samuel Whip, LsijTs. Adm'rs ol Nicholas Miller, late ot Cumberland Valley fp. dee'd. The Account ot John I'. Arnold, Adm'r o! ] Maty Ann Aran id, late ol D.uluiu i-ulyugt.. ' deceased. I'lre Account of Solomon Ueiniun l, Ex'or of tin; last Wili, <se., of J aiili Keiuiuad. late ul tbo itvtroUgU of Bedford, dec d. 'five Account of L twrencc. JatnW n, one <>; tbe Executors of tile last W ill, Arc., of f nom as ileydeii, into ol li>. Borough of Bedioid, doce-arcl.' I ne Account of Henry W. Rvssier, acting Executor ot too last 11 ill, £O., ol Alir nuui Ucsalcr. Lite ul C. ..iaili Tinviisi.jp, -Ice' i. i>. WAStIABAI/Gll, H- gistcr. Register's Office, April 10, 18-37. SHERIFFS NALLs. BY viruic 01 Miudry writs ot it. In to m< -S.reefcii, there Will be soil at the Com; house, in tiie borough of BcdtorU, on Monday ti c 4th -i.iv ot May, lb>7,at 1 0 cluck, P. the Joliowing desciioed Real Estate, to wit: Ail dcleiineiil, llcury Beimel's, interest in and Ui a trait "t laiid, containing Jsiueril, more or less, about i>o acres cleared and under Iviiee with a Caboiu itouae and log t i>ie Willi tluvabiug H -or atc.ic led ibereou erected, ad joining iauils ol Dump Uiish, t5. M. Barclay's 1 neirs and others, situate in Londonderry Town- ! ship, Betiloi I County, seized and taken lu e-x --ccui.oli as lb ■ ptopeity of iloury Bunnell. Also, 011. tiact ot lan J, containing 7. acres. ! more or less, about 4 acres, cleared an I und r letice, w.tli a story .Ii i a hall Log llutiss. tuenun elected, auj./ii.iiig lauds us Ai ranaiu: W. Scroyer, Jticbaei iiowen. and others. Mt(. - ate 111 Euudotiucry 1 ownship, Bcdloru bitiiuly, seizeii aud taken 111 execution as ti.e Jhopeit ol i huiuas Morran. Also, aii defeinl-nt, Mary A. Baird. interest in and to a tract 01 unimproved land m the ! name ot Dudley Daugheuy. containing ltd acres, inoic or K>', ailj i.iiing lands ot J.-s- nh j W . fate, Jacob aim Julius Jt. Barmb.li.tr, and ■ others. SiiUate 111 West Fruvidvnce Towtistiip lieu old county , and taken in execution as I e property of tlary A. Pair J. Also, all deleud-tur, iloury Wood, his right, title and interest, in aud to "l iota of gr -un , n, tlfe Bornitgh ot Hcdtnrtf, *ttuat<- on tin "\-ni. side of I'itt ."street, cotrtnining IJoto ■> li.ml and ritnn-.'ig uac.X a.nut St5U leet. uumf-ereil 1 gen.-ral plan < t said 1 '-rough vs t(\ - s. 184 ami isl, and having ihereon erected a two storv and a half ts'one Dwelling House, Store House. Ware House, and also Puree iir-eh ntllces, and Stun - Stab'..- thereon, adj ■tnittg lot ol" Jaco 1 * lilted 00 tin* East, and lot of George Blymirc on the West, seized and taken in execution as the property of Henry Wood. Also, one iot of ground in the town of Wood beiry fron.ing 00 leet on the Pattonsei!le and Wood icrry tur pike road,und extending back JOO lee. to 1 iol George 11. Baiiidoli.u. with , a two si fry teUgli cast Tavern House, Store . Kixnn, au-l tratue St il-le t'lereon erected, -and , as lot JSo. o, ir. g n- ral ph.n of said Town, nd joining 1-it of ir. Samuel 11. Smith on the ! .N'ortli, and lot of Samuel J. Castner on the | S >utii, s tnite in Middle Woodbeny Town ship. Bedford County, s.'iiel and t ikcu in ex- ] ccut<on a a the property of Jacob HUGH MOORE, c-Atrp/". | April 10, 1557. USE (IF t liSKS Pl'T down fer Trial at May Term, (4th das*,) i l"i7. U'm. B--itzll ct al r. Frederick Smith., HezckDh Chancy " Wnu I'. So',ell, Samuel J):tvis << John James, 7.. Genmiill St Co. • i'pii. B ten et at, J. X Reynolds " S. M. Barclay's Ad'r Win. Crisman's Ad'r •' Geo. B. Wistg'tver, Dr. G. W. Anderson '• David Over, Joseph Barnes, Nicholas Walters. J. W. Duncin et al " John I!■-tTinnti et al, John Cessna's use • John G. Clarke: al David Whetstone ♦ John Bowser et St D. Bcrkheimer et al • Henry Yout et al, Susar. Carney " John Weisel, Win. Beitzed et al ' Ere IcriclC Smith, John W. Buw.-n < Henry K. Strong et si. D. WASHABAUGH, Pro rft'.alarv. Prothonotary'a Otllcc, a\pril 6, 1857. ASSIGNEE SiOriPE. ~ In Ike Court of Common Pleas of Bclford Ccanly: WuuaEAs. Jacob Barnh.trd and Jonathan Morton, Assignees of the Estate of Dr. Wm. j E. lieichtel", did, on the Otli day of Match, ! 1857, file in the office of the Prothono-tary of tbe Court of Common I'leas of Bedford Coun ty, their Account a* Assignees on tbe said Est ite, Notice is hereby given to tbo creditors of the said Dr. Wm. E. Kicbter and all others inter ested, that ihe linn. Judges of the said Court, have appointed Friday the Bth day of May, next, for heating the situc. aud lor showing cause why the said Account ought not to lie allowed, and in default thereof, tho same will be confirmed. WITXS:BJ the Hon. F. M. Kimmcll, Esq., President of our said Court at Bedford, this 6th day of April, A. D.. 1857. D. WASHABAUGH, Prolltunotary. April 10. 1K57. THE undersigned respectfully requests all t(p)80 indebted to him in any manner to rent e payment immediately. Oct. 3, 1858. * GEO. W. BLYMIRE. ' I THE IXQliiilEß & CIIROMCi.Ii 1j putriiabed v-rory Frnl.-.y Morning, hi Juliana Street, in ths white frame building, nearly opposite the JMeugal ilvuM, by DAVQD OVER. TERMS: If paid in advance or withiD the vcar, $2 per ntmntn—if uot pud within the year, $2 oO.— 2su pajh-r disconiiimci u.itil r!' arrearages are paid—exc -pl at itie option of the Editor.— A failure to notify a dissontinuauce will bo : regarded as a in;;# t-ngageuient. ./dver.'itcmtuls not exce<.-dir.g a stjuar •, (12 • lilies.) inserted three time* tor t#l—every •:.)- sequent iusertion 2-> cents. Longer o'ne* iu 'he same proportion. Each fraction oi a square- counted ns a turi squire. All advar tisenier.ts not -specially orueretl f,r a grzeti time will be continued uniri forbid. A b-.i-ra! ' redaction will be made to those who an cruse j bv the year. , Joi> Printing <>f a'.i k'uls executed iiextlv and promptly and i. r ?as nohlu icrtus. | A LIST OF iIETTILEIIf Ot Mi rcliatidise ol the County of itedlurd lor the your, A. t'. lb>7. Clas.l. License A. P. Cramer h Co. Bedford 80. 12 sd2 oo Nicholas Lyons, *• J;i do to? G. \i . hupy, " lit iu tKI Jacob ijceU, -' lo j'i 1)0 ->.liiuel Xir-iV.D, " It 7 t.j ■Samuel Shuck & Co., •• 117 OO | Bob it Flail, " l 5 700 j J. <* J. At - Shoemaker, 14 7 O'J Sai 11, i J .,tt* ( - 14 7 00 |La io Lippet, '• 14 700 ; in. siiat. r, <• 14 700 f oliii Lot <?i, " 117 O'J ; Agnes S.iiipp (hardware)" 14 700 •lolm ArnoiU ihardware) 1 i 7 00 i Blyuiue t[ liarUey w.) • 14 700 | nr. B. F. Harry, •' 14 7 tu) \ iti. t. c. Keaumr, " 14 7Ov .40 iin Ferguson, '• 11. 700 , A. L. dictioaug!,, E.il. " 8 . 500 •l.icou IS jlflng-.-i, L. It. " 8 it t Ki Ja> oi> Barbital t, Bedford Tp., 14 7 )0 it irn iollar. Lowry Co,. Bruadtop, 12 12 o<- . t hick (; Fi.cheloviger, •• id In 00 | David li.-lsel ' i. J4 7 oi) -Vlex. Foil \ Co., if 14 7 ici llvegie ff Evans C'-leroin, 14 7 00 I Alex. C. a allies, -• 14 7 00 ; J allies S. PecKWith, '* 14 7 00 Jae .'b AauersoJi, C, Valley, 1 4 700 ! 1 hoiuas Fisher, •• 14 7 00 : tfaiuei it An-n.rson, '• ""11 7 00 | 1 lioiuas Growdeii. I t 7 Uit .limn Nycum. Easr Provider."", 14 7 H. A. . . black, •• 14 7 Oo LaUu-.-baUg!) £ Bra, •• It 700 i John /d.,sher, Hi-petrel!, 14 7bo 1 bomas Kiag, •• 14 7 Oo I a allies aladaru if Co. " 14 7 0?' V" d. 15. Wertz llarriiou, 14 7 00 i John iv . Smith, •• 1-4 7 tH? : Andrew .1. Snively, •• 14 700 Jacob Hi.m-gJuniata, 14 7 00 H in. ! v ,-\ si r , .. 14 7 Oo Cc M i:vry, *• 14 7 l0 I-'.'Wis .%. j yau, '• 14 7 Oo Josepii OuUaall •• 14 7 00 i f. lilld.-ni.nil. 14 7 00 Oavtd S Burgstressvr, Libarty, 14 700 j Lew,- I'utt. - i 4 700 Johu plier, '• j4 7ft stc,-I a i.utriken, •• 14 7 00 r Fatri i Mitcm-i. •• 14 7 bo ! Saxion * Fucki.r, •• 14 7 00 Jacob j)cv <•, Jfj Londm !e:ry, 14 7 0." Surnr t Th , r p. • 14 7 00 I bom is J. i'urter, '• 1-4 7 00 1 laniel F'b'lclier, Monroe; 14 7 lt*l I.iNanuei ;> Meat, •• 14 7 oo Michael Miiiet, " 14 7 Otl •to ii Vfayde, Napier, 14 7 00 li in. Stnes a Go.. II . Providence, 14 7 00 Muiray a Brottior, •• 14 7 no Jacob B undulfir A Co., • id lo 00 j James M. Oarn lotlar, •• li lo ;y. l honias Hichey, •• 14 7 00 Joseph Ftali r. 14 7 00 tS. 1 . Hot a a Brother, Sciielliberg, 11 7 00 i A. 15. Hun.-,, •• 14 7 00 d St.itlcr a S>>n, • 14 7 00 Jacob Alii;, i, .1. 14 7 >) . Coil i? a iiottcSon, - 14 7 U0 Mrs. .ScheH t So:., '• 14 70 ' Joii:i s. Sct.cii. - 14.7 1/0 F. 1. I:eegb , Ft. Clair, 1 4 700 G. K. Annek i Bro., •• 14 T On ' Ge irgt- lliuesiina, •' 1 4 7 00 Giieou It. Trv•• If 7 il ls of s. Wright A Co., - * 14 700 ; Simon lU-r-bniitn, '• lit On i u w.ia.i H. ShiitiL, .> 14 7 Jotui t)Ti-s'a r. S luthaiupton, 15 7Do Win. Lu.ihley, •• 14 7 00 Las:,iey a Watery, • II 7On K.lx A 4 rt-.'li'.T, •' 1 4 700 I Jhi X. Water :, Union. 14 700 j JAOii; JilVliur-tii tH. >l. \\ oo.ibr rrv, )3 j'> 0" J lib W. Dubcm, •• " 115 2u o . G. H. Birndod .i •• 117 0 Simon B'MTti. •• 14 7 00 Pole ± Brother, • J4 7 00 ' Jotin W ls-garver, /.'. 11. • 8 5 00 J.iic.es , Jr., S. \i"oo,ll)en v, 14 7 Ot S.M.O-ter, 14 7 00; licctge Ivaiitl'iiiaa, •' 14 7 0j l>. F B icft, •' 11 7 00 l>. Ueeg'e a Co., •> 14 7 oo Ati Appeal wiii be held at the S'.ieiitf * Office in tii- horutigU <ri Bedford, on Saturday me Oth dal" ol Mac, lt-57. HUGH MOOSE. Appraiser i/" M:rcantt:c Tores for !i.e ytur 18 >7. April 17 ISJ7. Llimj jV OTICE is hejcly u'ven. t hat the following ; i i named persons hive liAsi their petitions for License u ihc ntheo ol the Cieck -f the Court of Quarter Sessions, in am) lor the C utn tv of Redtbnl, in pursnauce of tb- At o' As sembly passed the 21t dsy of March. 18iy. ! enlitbsl, -'An Act to regulate tile stie of in toxica ting liquors," which will he presented > lor Louring on Thursday the 7;a day of May, next, to wit: Hen v Fbtck. Woo<K>?rrv, Tavern. I). L. Defioiugh. \V. Providence Tp. do rt m. Pearson, Woodberry fp. do James Eicnolberger, Hop*\v *l,, do Joiip Mcllvftiti", IJrossing*. d" Geo. W. F igard, Six Miie llun, do Thos. 0. Keich ;rd, Union Tp. <i J. M. Koneson, Sciielteourg, do G M. Colvin, a do George StucUey, Forks, *li> Kphraim McDaniei, Bo i-iy But\ ii< John A. Gump, do Mrs. Mary Ann Cook, Bedford. tio Valentine Stcckrjaii, '• do JoFn llafer, " do David A. T. Black, Rays Ilill, do Valentino V. Wertz, Dry Rk'ga. do Micha<-1 Weyant Union Tj. do Win. B "ir, Cumberland Valley, do Peter Auiick, St. Clairavtlle, itenj. Kegg, Kainsburg, da Kentard C'N'tsil, Chaiieysvitie. fli> James Cartieil, Gloarviiio, d< P. Go-v'.ur, Bedford Spring*, do George Staiue*. Picasintviilo, da James Burns, Landouderry. do JacoliS. lieikstrvftsor, Stonersftciv.i, do David S. RciksUt'&aer, *li S iuiuei Staily, Snake Springs, do J • G. Miuieh, Bedford, Eating House, Jonli Foster; Hopewell. do Jehu Dasiror, tiopeweil Tp. do D. WASUABAUGd, Clerk. April 14, 1857. WALL and BLIND PAPER—Dr. B. F. Harry is our agent for this necessary article. By calling at bis store, oar pxtror.s willsoo sample* ofo or piper*. W•• hive made out spiiag selections with much care, and think we cannot fail j 0 plea... . * SUKTOCK & SMITH. CaanUrrlrog. i March 7, HIT. ' i uo\ Sf)¥ppg^ This C"nvc9finn ~f lie legate*. rfipr'*CnUc,; the FritKca ot Penwiylvacia, apposed t t1,4 lending measure* t the late Nate.ua! Admit,: isti ii.i.o, and !bc cnutiuoMiee of'the de structive policy e tarty tttnjafcadowed he \ act* an<l d -c! -.nt'on* l the adtnluigtraUot, ■ j irinStgii rated, d< Riwtce, That tin? niriot.rnriTtee of the p;'oci : p'es promulgate*! in the Declaration ol ir.d . pendtntetf, and li.-u i . ih* FcvLfal o>ti , sii'MtjfV). is e-—nti li f. thj pres.-i ration our Heituhliet'i iristitut't .ns; tint the Fed •; I ■ ; Cosi'tituti m . tts.. ihjrti :s of tUa penui-. I. • s-.ivreign rights of th ? Stttos. an i ttis V-tio* jot th- Otitis, mast ,vi(i #!ih!' IK: pr.• < vtvd , R oj ,\i, 1 hat With eitr'HL-jWbKrn Jathcr*, •we holt it to >•<: :i setfcv-rjdent truth, lyut a.V i ul; th.t they arc L'litiutte t '''> tlieirOri-Hto- w.;u cerlai i iuaiichnwl • rights; that among th nei !.f : , liberty *?.• the pur suit id liHjini.H is; \'h&t j„ s.mire !':(. rights, goyeruiiietits eio in*t'tittedT atiii/ug torn; anil •< lite Jiß!::iry duty a;;.) . ;ject nt ,, Foder -i! (./•nemriitriit ix to secure these rights to fill | pcr>w., under it*exclusive jurixdic-tiim. That, - our J!. publican lather* dished Slavery i a'-' tin national territory, ami ordained in "the , Cor.j-wiifio:. tlr.it no person shall be dvprlfe.L ; of !.)■;, tibesty or prop ?rty. without due j r recss of law, it t>"i<.trje ,ur duty to maintain this I provision <>- the 0rsf•:</ against a'l t --tempts to v. 'lit" it, Jor tin? purport? of estab lishing Jjlavi rjr in the tenitorjes of the United States. Ihjt v.. lir-iy r|.f .ijtii.iritv ot Ctns yr-s*. of :n.? Supreme Court, ot a Territorial t.npisUiiirc, at any iiMftvitritialor association of individuals. t give U-gai existence to Slavery in any territory of rhe United Stales, while the Constitution snail in.? niaiiiUis-^, html ret, T hat lite Constitution confers tij>on Congn *- s >vr-r -teii povr over the Territories t the Li.itiiJ States, tor their goreWßtnlj a power not controverted ).. r the fii sixty years our national existence, tut exercised oy the general corrcurreree of all departments ol the • ijocerntnent. through every Administration ' from Waaartur s to Pots; and that :n theex erci.-e of tins inquest! >n-.Me power, it is the duty ol Cougr-sa to prol.ibit in the territories, i a-ise tv.i a rvHcsyi u ;fiKirihUi, puirgimv ami Sltrery - ' r! > That WB AUK TKirutLaiis,and that white v.erettin th,; iaesti jiaiiie rights of Fret tun;, secured to us hy t' l suc.'itices. Siilfern.lTS and ee")d of our Kevolufiolliry fslliei s. wo Will not suomit to have :t t.rtv Constitution imposed upon l-s by tu < xtra-juilicial opitiiona of Jud ges ..t toe SupremeCuott - opinions subversiro ot t tie rights . 1 iill'ii.tn n it tire —111 c.oifiict vvitit tin. trutnol history, with tin? unbroken ucticn • t the govctiiiuand tile 1..w of the land, aa lie! ctololO p.oi. unceo 0, t e f-ucral Jildicis i .an t til: . its v f nearly evry State in the I AhicHcan U; : -I?. lUtOtrel, i hia the recent opiuions of them jori'y ot ttic Ju us the riup..-;iicj Court. ii a ci>" ivvfi Woicii t.n?t Joii'M ti'.e Court laid no juviadi -lion, and, tber. fore, no authority to prpin unec th -law arising therein, is hut Kno ttier step in onsuminatioii ot tii.it cor.(piracy against our tree institutions, uiiicii liau its in c ptioti in the repeal fit the nri Couiprn mise: that it is tn direct r? suit of the lute tri -11 tup:: ot t.;e rjlat ei'ow r in int- eiectionof its caininlate, JAMts JJrcdANAS, to the Fresi Icltcy. and u iicso pr ■ npty let) iked t>v ,;• people t.t the ha'ii;-iox. inay i.*e tiitii.wcd le,- ottn'r ustrr pat ions lata I to t tie liidcpcit'tetii.fj ot the Flee States and lie? liberties ol oui pi? .pie. Jitsoiitl, 11.at tpoc.nstitiiiionui rights of the people • I Kansas l ive i>e. u IraU-lei.t v a vio lently l iken froiu thaiu. Tlieir territory has two iiivaii,i,y a:, aru. d force; sptiriotu and prci-nue i legis. aire, judiciai and "icctllive ofm-eis have ticeri set oVcr (■ *.*ir , l>y whf-s: usur ped aut.noriiy, siist lined ay tint military power ot thek ■. w, i G-vernu' -at, tyrinmeai aid un onstitutioii .i laws tiare iie.?n e a led and en forced; the tight ot the people to Keep and be .ran'.is tj.s oi l-h imn. g. il; test oaths of an • at raoisli liirv and euuingling n-'iur- have been iiup/9-?d .is a " oi.ti:; iu ol exercising i..e right I and.age ai d holding ' dice; the right Ot an accused per- •, *.■ t p >e !y and j uldtr trial by a ifupartiat jury har been denied: cruel and jUau.-uaf putiislifaeiiis have been in ft tted upon .tie innocent, nui.e luUrders. roi-t'cries and ar s .us it ;"•? lie, n instigated ami enenr'ged, and iue ollcuderv have ix* aiiew. ii to go UDpan* - .cil; the rigid id the people to lie secure in t'-eir Jierv.iis, li'.iiiseit, pspersanu ef. cts agviist Jtireaso'i ttite s kr-iies and seizures, his l ecn .10l ited; tliev h.iv,? iiecli deprived of lite, "lib erty stid pro(v-r< v, without one process ol law; tin: treed un speech and of th- press has 00 :ti ateridged; the rigid to ehoor. their repre vatatj.. s mis bo-n mate of noeifoCi: That all . these tilings tuna imru dor;* vita the kaow clge, S.nct;-.|| and j :oeuiemeut Of the Fcd ei.i. irovernm'Tit, it. vtolitioi' <i the plainest m iiidau* ot ito- Constitution; That the u.nr pAiioD by w ij/ia spurious i.egisiature wasitu -1 : i :iKanv is, ami |;s peophs sui j2ctcd ;>aco ie l.iiv 3 lisp inilel -.1 lor cruelty iu tiio , .niton cii i t/.-.-i n .lions, is s'ill in full force, :u i the peopic are denied the right peacefully to ••{:. .i.w* I'i.rd of grvjv luc.a; Hi" N vti iuil Kxcu'tve h is p. ri2 x itt€fi* i\v i vio* -ritora 4* ;it *]>p to be. driv | t-n ihr ier-iit>j v i. !vr *>t assassina . *r,'l i:f>t narctl ro exert \i? py\>cr I r ili-.-ir proteoifo.i the lawless nitnior.s of ShtTo j a licial mouster* aud Tr.cn \rhf.s®. taivfs ;.re v:t M.s'tocctit hltoth. arc retriin'c*d ! :a ••:!!.•. to C irry on tne Work of subjecting trc territory to the CAUaj uf SLivery. ivntisaa : iias In eti dlttihci adniiasiori uiiiT?r a tree corsti ii.i: -n, a .1 trauiiilent tuee:.,- are now in pio grt .is to secure ;m <t tii.Kttiun s? a Slave State <•' UM nsst -i s-i' JJ ot (. ngu.-a. Agaisst this tape. ■.( I.k wrong, we protest, in .he n i.mc of Goa HVKAMrr—;>} ieat is glorious in our tos-iory, ant oy tfco n-eitiory of the great and good men who establish.? i our liberties. Ilts iiut.i, i'.';:.iit is a IV.ud iif.on our laws, j and fiAUi,.K with danger io biirinstiturioris; to : iidm.i to a full pan ivipati'.n tu their bencfitii, ! utiy luati win ire Know ledges a foreign suprc | laaey, winch he cannot eonscietitious'y crd Wit tout nietitrl reservation, abjure and loroT : ol r -n?>U' c.-; wliethor tliai snpremacj- u*i civil" i or rpirkuiil. lUfon<i. That th" stupendocs f-trads hy I wl.icii our popular elect:?csare swayed against in in;j.my ot the legally voters. ! strikes at the toiindatiouand lite of < ur systira ' of gov- ' •icucDt; and unlessspeadHy corrected, | W 'H h*ad to violence ur.d anarchy; *aci vr urge . upon all good citizens to nciie tor the Mtj y ri>i si.in ot tu's evil; and we entt upon ot ■. wn ' I.vgislsiture to guard by effective and string*at | iU'-rs the purity of tij ballet bos. j iivscicei. i hat the sale of the Main Line cf nr ii: ;. rovavvouta, is dcmatide.l by every eon •i iomtion t'.'Kt should weigh with intelligent i ind hoi'oT n'en. As a source of revv-nre, it ; s wholly worthtess to the State, virile it is ; notoriously used us a means of pecu'stion and I plunder, tiK""cby inflicting npou the State pc j cntiiary loss, ;ni also irreparable injury, in the dhin.t niirv'.rsal demoralization ami poliJicsJ ; profligacy engendered throughout its cot ire it: 'lit. Scsoivcrl, That ve invite the addition and co-oparation of men of a!! psrth-s, however ditr-ring with us in other rcepecta, in support ' of the principles hcri ic ueebred; and bcliov iag that the spi it ot otit institutions, a* wail as the Constitution of our country, gu.irarUwi liberty ot conscience rnd equality of rights ' among citizens, tv-? oppose ail legislation in pai'sng thoir seaunty. SI3ITEL 31. JtCCITCHEH, MllL-WRIGHT ISIR.i KILL STC.V X XAS'UfJtCTVREh. SOLE Propr.otor ef Jouxsos's highly tp proved and much improved SMUT AM> SCiiFKMN'G' .MACIITNK; Improved IRON CONGAVF BiiAN DUSTtiU, tho Uschine for Miller*. Rtsiirvrt: NO. fit tjTTKEX Street (ißth Ward,> address Keu-ingto Tost Office. • hhep: IIATDOCK Street, below Front, rmi.APELPniA. Cocatico Mil! Sto re*. Mill Irons. Simif Ms chine*. Patent Mill PortaWe Mills, Stretched Beßiug, Cenaeut and Scrae* Wire, Square Baltirg 5 Cloths. ' Feb 27,18C7 -Am.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers