liilliS k fflllffi. C _ * """ iJEDFORD.Pa. 1 lidit} IJcniing Ajiril IT IS'* "Fearless and Free," QU'IO OVrt't, ED TTO it AND VTTORNIFTCR. nSIriTK TKkFX LOP. GOVERNORt ' DAVID WILMOT, of Bradford C<ur.ij CANAL COMMISSIONER: WILLIAM SHLLWAUD, of Philadelphia. SUPREME BENCH: JA'aES VEECH, of Fayette County. JGSfXII J. LEVIS, of Chester Con .'.y . SOMETHING RARE —Welorrn from the Louisville papers, that at tho close ot the ."es>ion o: the Legislature of that State, a motion was made to allow MR . A. WAUNEK, Secretary of the Senate, SSOO extra com pensation, when that gentldman immediate Jy arose and requested the mover to witfi draw it: saying that lie accepted tho office with a knowledge of the salary, and tot/il *d no more ! Here is a bright example of honesty, which we would wish to see uuitated by some urea who hold oSL-e this side of •New Orleans. But such a thing was never heard o: in this region, and we doubt j Whether itevcr will happen. Peaasfva- ' nian. [fyYY'ill-cur valued friend, Col. llice, , allow us to correct liim ? If he Will refc-r ; to tho Journals of the House for the ses- , sirin immediately following the close ot Ihe j Mexican YY'ur, he will find n PRECEDENT in I I'onnsylvauia fur the act be so much ad- | ■mires in the Secretary of the Senate ot Kentucky. The Adjutant General of this Corrmot-tfealth, holding his commission by virtue of an appoiutmenCfron>Gov. Slil/NK, declined to accept extra compensation ton- 1 "dereti him by the Legislature tor '-iXtraer diaary services performed m organising the Pennsylvania Regiments for 'bo Mexican 1 War." We cite the fact", not as a matter j of any peculiar merit, but merely to show that Mr. Warner is not the originator of I this "bright example." — Bedford Gazelle. ! We, too, Lave given the world a "blight ! example," iu our brief but eventful career. "We were lorn in Bedford, "without shoes or stockings ,on," some thirty years ago. YVe served r.n apprenticeship to the print ing business, and when we had worked out iaithluily our time, we volunteered for the •War with ?-lexico, and fought bravely in the battles of the Yalley, and as compensation, received seven Hollars a month, short ra ■liouh, and a shattered constitution, for our ! heroism. After the war was over, the Guv- ' eminent, knowing <-[ our valor, offered us \ a pension, for our "extraordinary services perform-d in the Pennsylvania Regiments for the Mexican War," —but as we volan tee red only for glory, and knowing the amount of pay we were In get at the time, we declined receiving it! Now, here is a "bright example"' for you. On account of | our heroic services, as editor of this paper, wo have been well supported, by a gener ous public, and mora than that, they elect ed as, by a handsome majority, over an old and respected citizen, to the honorable and profitable office of High Treasurer of Bed lord County ! '-Yr'e cite the fact, not as a matter of any peculiar merit, hut merely to show that Mr. WARNEE is not the ort<-i --'jiator of this 'bright example,' " tr our fric-ud of the Gazelle either! See the new o-lveriiseujeuts in to-day's paper. Mj. Rupp ar. 1 Messrs. J. & J. Iff. Shoemaker have en a splendid lot of new cheep Fpriag goods. Gall and see their ."'oak. Bee advertisement for the sale of the val ttabi: Snyder property in Snake Spring A alley. A bargain can be had there. Our triend, Saiu'l fj. McGibbons, Esq., has Loon re-elected to the important and profitable office of Auditor of the ci'y of Ginoinnati. The Democratic party in that hitherto strong Locotoco city was beaten this Spring, by tho Chizrns' ticket. SAM o: y escaped, the riueianati Gazette say, fee cause he has "proved an honest and ca ■pahie fcffitcr." The Gazelle of iusi week publishes a list ot converts to the Loeofuco party, nearly every oca of whom voted for Buchanan last fall. Whenever wants to get up an excitement, he publishes that same aid list over again. REMOVAL. Our friend, Mr. John J. Luther, Las re moved L;s establishment tu the ri>iog Sun building, where he will be happy to see all bis old friends. Gov. I'oLuccic has ap-poiuicd Mr. Arm* s rung, a lawyer iu Williaiusport, Lycoming coii'ity, to the Supremo Bench, in place of Judge Black, resigned. K?*"Attorney Ge-aera! liliek has sr>- pc in ted James F. Shuck, of Ilarrisburg, to a clerk nip tn the Attorney General's of":;;-. Mr. Shuck is a son of the lato Gov. Shun::. ' Correspondence of Inquirer and Chronicle. HAIUUSBCKCI, Apiil 14, 1857^ MH. KDITUR :--Th Legislature is AGAIN at work, with an apparent determination to get through the Session as laat as practicable.— The Senate had the appOitfootcert LUI Up again, to-day j and reconsidered tilt! vote by vhich the first section wan defeated, about a week since. An amendment was offered by Senator Ctabb of the City, giving Philadelphia city two Senators, and Philadelphia county three, instead of four for the city and county, as the bill now provides. The morning session was consumed in the dibcuscion of this amend ment; am! the afternoon session WAS devoted to pi ivate bills. The apportionment bill will be up again to-morrow, but its fate U uncer tain. Tie apportionment committeo in the House met agrin last night, and its Chairman, .tie Hon. 11. i). Foster, submitted a bill, bQt the coir.tai.tee could not agree nnon ic, and what thr next step will lie is uncertain, live ry day only adds to the prospective troubles on t'jis important bill. The Ilouse has a session this evening for the "purpose of taking up the bank bills now on the files. The enemies of the hanks opposed ! their consideration in any shape; but the House I nevrthclesa, has fixed several night sessions : every week for mine lime to come, for the special purpose of acting on these various applications for bank charters. Tho rositk cannot of course bo certainly foreseen; bat" this order having been made by a very dae-ided vote, indicates pro! :y strongly that the bank men are In the ascendency. It is currently reported, but I know not on what authority, that if the Legislator- neglects to make discrimination, and passes the numer ous biils pending, the Governor will veto tlie whoie of the in - But a mo;.th will settle the whole matter; and it it now- apprehended it will be impossible to adj >urn in any less than a month from this date. In haste, . Your.", truly. SPECTATOR. From Ihe Blair Count if Whir. LETTER FROM BEDFORD COUNTY. WOOPBLUY, Pa., March 31ST, 1857. RAYMOND: —Tho nomination of Mr. Wihuot has aroused tho greatest enthu siasm among the R-.publicans of this pla-e. Mr. Jordan is very popular here, -aud was our £r*t choice, but, next t.; him, no nomi nation would have met with so hearty a re sponse as that of David W'ilmot. H nomination has struck as much terror among the Black Democracy, rs did the election of Simon Cameron. Our late election in this township re. suited in a triumphant victory for the Re publican party. On the Judge cf Elec tion, which was'the real party test, our ma jority was thirty. One year ago the Black Democracy had fifty two taijority for Judge of election, and carried their entire ticket. This Spring they had-been prepar ing for the election for weeks, and when the day arrived, all their leaders were on the ground. Early in the meriting Cap tain Ridenotrr marched into town dressed in blue, and reminding us of the days whou he stood at the head of the column and commanded iu the militiu. Oar model constable sold whiskey and electioneered, while fighting rowdies disturbed tho peace of the town. Every ona was at his post and did his utmost. Our ablest canvasser was absent, and we had twenty voters at B'ioomGeld Furnace,five miles distant, who seldom attend "pring elections, but thinks to uoble Aaiyric-an Jan 1 Republicans of Woodbury, they cuiiic to the polls and re deemed the township. Some of our candi : dates being unpopular, were defeated, bat on the whole 1 may s.iy, well time Woni | bury, The appointment of Robert J. Walker to the governorship of Kansas, greatly dis i appointed me. 1 confidently anticipated the appointment of Bedford County's dis tinguished mar,, Gen. Bowman. The great 1 . services which Mr. Bowman has rendered the party, added to Lis fitness for the office, j should Lave induced Mr. Buchanan to se ; iect him in preference to all others. ! A writer in the New York Tribune, in , describing tho qualifications necessary for | a Governor of Kan a, say":—"lie must Lea man who can serve both God and the . Devil—a man without a heart—(brains not I material) —man who regitds not the tear 3 I of woman nor the shrieks of children." j Gen. Bowman possesses all these qialiO j cations iu an eminent degree, besides- ha is I a military rificer, and w iuld be exceeding . ly useful ,ia commanding Border Ruffian j armies. The General lias been sadly nc- I glectcd by Mr. Buchanan, end might justly adopt that pathetic style in which the Slanu'eirJ addressed the iugrato Pluramar: Was it for this, Mr. Buchanan, that we la beled incessantly night and day for you: election? Was it for this that we spent ; Krge stuns of money in purchasing -votes that wo opened sll the rum shops, and spread broadcast over oar county all the ; woe**of intemperance? Was it for this that my friend Cessna lias made speeches until liis voice squeaks unst unmusical, and his poor man Friday has nearly trotted his legs off doing !i!!le, but important services. 1 Freeze, freeze thou bitter sky, Triou dos't not light so tii *h, As buut-Jits forgot. Tho* thou the waters wrp, Thy sting is not so sharp As friends remembered not." i A family in this township named Kshcl | n.aa have fallen heir to an immense fortune ■ amounting to several millions of dollars. I They are a poor, but respectable arid indus trious family, and are said to hive received the news of their great fortune in a modest i and commendable manner. A, Porte: Wii son, Esq., has undertaken the collection of the money. Surry this lucky windfall mis j se-i your correspondent. S„ I WF.TMOKELAN-D Co.—llen.y Jiarncst, I eighty-six years of ago, died in llempfield I township, on the 30tb nlf. He was born iin Bedford 0., in 1772. Ills father's rude i boose, one morning before day, iu tho year 1780, was attacked by five Indian warriors. , The first alarm given to the sleepers was by the barking cf their watch dog; the father ; jumped from his bed, but before he could seize bis fire anus, was shot through tho window by one of the Indians, and instant ly killed. A stranger, who had stopped | over night, was soon after shot at tho door, so that the mother, with her six helpless 1 children, was left without succor. She | however, effected the escape of four of her children through tho clap board roof of ; their cahti), and could have, escaped herself, but being possessed of that heroism so pe culiar to the frontier mothers of our race, aud being unwilling to desert her two voting or sons—Henry cmd a siitl younger trothpr, who were in bed below—she surrendered j bet self and two boys to the Indians. The dead were then scalped, aud the house rob bed; but, while the warriors were engaged i in securing tlfiHr plunder, they left their ■ trophies— the scalps—ou a Dutch chest, l and the wife, unwilling to leave Lcr bus t baud's scalp in their ruthless bands, an! j being unobserved Ly her captors, slipped it.! t bohiud the chest, so that it was never re | gained by the Indians. But the stranger's j f scalp having two crowns, and the British ' ;at that day paying their allies a premium j for'each, was severed in two, that they j • might secure the fall price Of their bloody deeds. After this, the Indians took up | their trail for Detroit, leading their prison- i , rrs, who suffered much on the way from fa.- j ! tigue atnl hunger. But the mother, who j j carried tier youngest Sun nearly the whole ! ; way, fared bettor than she would otherwise | have done, as the journey was not accom- j phshe.l with the usual rapidity of the red j Ban, owing to'the extreme age of two of j the warriors. At Detroit the prisoners were given into the hands of the British, J with ufioni they remained about eightceo u; they were rxchaog d, and re tumad to their home iu Bedford county.— j Here Henry remained, until Lis twenly ! third year, when, being married, he sought out for himself a uetv home in West more- ! land county, and has continued there from ; that tnuc tip to the day of his death, upon j tho same fatm. lie died in his 80th year having had eight children, fifty grandchild ren, and one great grand child—nearly all j cf whom survive him A MAN IN TIIE RAPIDS OF NIAGARA. —Gn Tuesday week, a man named K. C Taylor, a resident of West Y\ infield, iierki- I mcr county, a guest at ihe Lndcw House,; : descended the bauk of the river, near the j suspension bridge, probably for the pur pose of viewing the bridge from below.— ! Ou reaching the bottom, ho slipped and fell ! into the water, just above the bridge, aud when discovered, was thirty or forty rods below the bridge, near the shore, rolling over and over, borne along by the resistless ! current, until he caugiit hold of a large 1 : rock, and after some bard struggles suc ceeded in reaching Joe top. The alarm was immediately given in the neighborhood, and ic was soon decided there was no way 1 of reaching him but by means of a rope ladder. This was immediately procured, and after much hesitation, delay and alter- : ■ aiio-.i, occasioned by tho difficulty of deter- ' mining where to pffice it, inasmuch as the ! . man could not be seen from the projecting I bank over his head, it was lowered to the j | distance of perhaps a hundred feet, and he- ! earns entangled anioug the rocks aud trees. ! It was at once decided that some one nuts g down and disentangle i\ iu a few mo ments, \Y iliurd 15. Coburn, porter of t'.c : Lidow Hotel, volunteered iris services, and : proceeded to the place where the ladder I 1 was attached to the trees. Ho nee led as- j sistatice, and soon two more brave men, Anthony Shiiey and Nat Crane offered to !go down. The three worked bravely for more than an hour in conducting tire lad- ' ( der, while men at the top carefully let it down. At length, tho waving of handkor- I chiefs and cheering on the Canada side, izi j dies tod to us that the man had sprung 10 the shore from the rock, arid had Lc-gun to ascend the ladder. Cautiously, and with a ■ firm grasp and step be climbed up throe bun- I dred feet, aud was greeted by the shouts 1 . and acclamations of the hundreds of spec- ' , tators wno had assembled to witness the ex- i i citing scene. # SOMETHING FOR THE DOUGHFACES.— ! ( While the Northern Doughface Dress is 1 j upholding tho extra judicial deei.-iou of the : Supreme Couit, in the Dred Scott case, as : something particularly agreeable to their J , nostrils, the most influential press of Ihe Sou:h comes down upon it iu unmeasured terms of condemnation. In a late number of the Louisville Journal, appears a long and able communication, signed A Ken tucky Lawyer," reviewing this case, which, the Journal says, was vvritto-u by one of the ablest meu and soundest jurists in that State. In tho course of tho review, the writer thus pronounces; •"The majority f the Court decided in this case, thai, the plaiuiiff Scott, being a negro, could unt he a citizen of Missouri, . that therefore.the Court had no jurisJie i tiou or power to.decide the ease on its mor as, and it was accordingly di-iaiD-ed for ■j want of jurisdiction. "Having so decided, the Court should I ! have stopped there, ami not attempted to go j BEDFORD INQUIRER AND CHRONICLE. any farther into the ease. All beyond that j was extra-judicial, aud entitled to no far ther respect than if the Judges had cxpics j sed the same opinions in a debuting club, or had publi.-hed them iu a newspaper, for tins undisguised purpose of aidiug a political parly. THOSE OLD LINE WHIGS. The American Citizen in uotioing the new Cabinet, makes some sensible rc i marks in reference to those patriotic Oid j Line Whigs who went over to locofoco ism, in the expectation that Mr. Buohati. ; at. would deal generously with them in the distribution of the fat places iu his gift. During the campaign, says the Cil -1 izen, it was common for the "frothy nr : alters" to declare that if Buchanan should j be elected some northern old lino Whig wool' ho seleotel to represent that pa ; Miotic pir'y iu the Cabinet. Ye follow i ers of the gallant Ole'y, wltere i- vour re ; ward for vo'ing for the calumniator of yoar patriotic leader. Oil Whig.-, you | helped, some of you, to reward James j Buchanan for slandering Ilenry Clay?— I What is your reward? A ' liberty crushing Cabinet has been se lected. Where is the old line Whig rep- I rcsentatite? Where is the toseate 11 if us Choate. j who in a soperrhetorical leap went over • from straight Whiggery to straight De mocracy. Instead of the Aitorney G u eraiship, which it. was thought he Lad seeureJ, lie is awarded with the dazzling honor of being one of the Managers to , the National Inaugural Ball, ond well ; the Democracy, we presume, know that 1 his dancing propensities are bettor adapt,- j |edlo a ball than a Cabinet officer in the ! "gi carest nation on earth." Bat old lint Whigs, wo repeat, where i j your repr-js rita'iv ? A WITE MOII'NRT I:L>. —A telegraphic de- | spateh ft cm Louisville, dated Aprii 4, says. Our community is much excited in eon- , sequence of the discovery ot a most cruci murder, which appears to have beet) com. ' mitt. Jen Thursday night. The naum of i the person murdered is Miry Travels, a beautiful and accomplished girl of owl- ' tt4 years of age, who has been married but about eight months. Iler husband, who is supposed to have committed the horrid deed was found lying beside the dead body of his wife in bed. Ho had also attempted to commit suicido by cutting his throat, but ! his injuries are not believed to be serious. ! Another despatch from tho same place aaid of the amc date, says. Intelligence has been received here, of a ' startling tfagely, WW.h occurred at \Va.-;b lugtoti, in litis State, yesterday. A. Mr. | Baker, a resident of that town, arined Liar i self and deliberately took the life of bis j daughter—after which he placed the death weapon to his own breast, aud shot liini- I self. No cause has Leeu assigned, as yet : for the dreadful tragedy. j TRIED AND ACQUITTED.— At the late term of the court of coiumru pleas of llieli lairi county, Oitto, eleven females were tried fur attacking a sloe kept at Bcllviilo, by a man named Morris, and destroying his whole stock of liquors.—Tao Gazette says: They were arraigned and plead not guilty A omercns witnesses were examined, and tuo case occupied some three days. The jury was duly charged by the court aud ; retired. In ulnut an hour the bell rung, aa. ! Bouncing that they had decided upon their : verdict; and the people, who hid manifested ! the most: intense interest, crowding the ' court room during the whole trial rushed : from all.quarters of the town, so that the j court room would hardly hold them. When ' the forriiau of the jury rose to hand in the ; terntct flic most iTcathless silence prevailed; I and whffl.l he responded to the clerk not j guilty, the words were caught up, and sueli : shouting, clapping, laughing, and shaking ! ot hands was never before witnessed in that ! dignifioj hall of justice. Although Utc at j nigiit, ile young men from Bellvi'le could ! not wait for the tnorning or the cars, but I footed it homo to tell tho news. When the ! ladies airived tho next day they were re ceived with every demonstration of approval by the inhabitants of the village. MR. ICCHASAX'S CABINET.—A Virginia J print, tic Prederickshurgh .Vents, spcakipg i of the administration of Mr. Buchanan, says. "IBs Cabinet seenu to have been eollec- [ ted upn the same principle that a Yankee i collects his dinner out of the pot of 'univor- : sal soup He puts iu bis woodeu spoon j and hails up whatever he can rake a ! potatoej a piece of Leef, uu oyster, uu old i scraped bone—perhaps a p : eco of fi-.ii, and may befi lot of feathers, if tlx? cooking has not been secundem artr./n. Some of it is good and some of it had, but tha mau is hungry, and asks no questions for conscience sake If ibo hungry man spies soiuo delicate morsel, hp is particularly fond of, suoh as the breast of a chicken, or a sweet bread, his friendi), like Sauolio Panza'a doctor, wou't luthiiu have these, but force him to eat the nixiure of good and had While he, good beile man, gulps (he mess down unmindful of the future pains about the waisthsntl which arc sure to follow." 33'Tiiiiey'a decision in the Bred Scott, wjiUld disfranchise foreign, r$ who have j bceu ulturalUed in the State Courts so far as fat they could uot sue in the Fed eral Of arts. NO FAITH IN 'JIiEIR PROMISES. Great promises nro now being made as to what Walker will do in Ktrisas. The same promises have been made before, au'J | Lave been made but to bo Lro&cu. 'i be ; people ean have no mm.; faith in the protn- I ists of government officers relative to Kan j sas. The plot of making it slate territory j Wit# conceived with a purpose, and, if pos j sible, that purpose will be curried out. It I bus been a swindle on the people from the | begtntmig, and will b<- to toe end. When : the liuc limiting slavery wj, repealed, it was said that tire people should frame their j own institutions-. Even that apparent ness has been abandoned. Mr Buchanan , and the Supreme Court now say, that .he j people of the territory have no right to pro i iithit slavery; and Mr. Buchanan further I ' Su y s > that the afia rs of the territory must be carried on under the authority of the : barbarous laws of the bogus ivgt-iu; u'c. la tuc face o> these facts, winch doom ICansas | to slavery, Mr Buchanan and hi- supporters in the conspiracy of extending shivery, would sing a syren song to lull the awaken ed indignation of the people, about Walker -.oiog to Kansas to see justice done to ail! Their jnstii-e is of the kind that the vvulf gives to the lamb. Their determination Is to fasten the tetters of slavery on our ter ritories wherever possible, and their hypoc risy in denying it but adds insult to the in jury they are inflicting on the iue# of thy tree bt-atei. Their action-condemn them beyond all reasonable doubt; and the evi dence of their designs is sufficiently strong te convict them before any Court of Justice in the world. Ui the real merits of their actions let them L judged. Justice Lewis has been conwel- I le 1, says the Pittsburg Cazeftr., by the out side pressure upon him, and the almost cer tain prospect of defeat, to decline the norn- j illation ior re-election to the Supreme Bench. His ostensible reason for declining j is, iie lives in' the same county with the ; Looofoco candidate for Governor. Vv e arc sorry to lose the anticipated plea- i su*e O; defeating this political Judge. Ills j unrighteous and pitiful ilecisioa in the I'assuiore \\ iiiiam-on case made the embodiment; of Locofoeoism in its pro- i Slavery position, an i the people ought to j have iiad the ehancu of rebuking In n for j that decision. But the tiring vs of the par tv tiaro not meet, fairly, the issues th y hare raised. We present a candidate for Governor who fiist put the ball iu motion against the extension >fSlavery, while they, when they have chanced to fall upon a can didate who has not scrupled to carry the principles of his party upon the bench, hur ry him out of the way; and they will en deavor, in every possible wry, to shirk the real issue of the campaign. The policy thus adopted indicates fully the timidity tint has seized upon that party. It betrays what they would faia conceal—an appro heiisiou ot defeat. Tho apprehension, we take it, is not without foundation. A PFTSRIT FJR CHIEF JL>TICK TASK V.— ; The presiding Justice of uie Supreme Court j of the United States rested Lis opinion that negroes were u•t citizens, upon the allega , tion that they have never been recogu'tzed ; -as such by the government, either before i "i- since the adaption of the federal consti i tuiiou. His attention is respectfully invi te! to in extract front an act of Congress, j passed in ISO 3, udiieh received the appro val of President Jefferson and b> 1 h houses ■ot Congress, and lias been recognized as j constitutional by ail the courts •/[ the couc ! ' r J uiore thin fifty years. This -lame. | it ail! be perceived, specially recognizes the existence of colored citizens of the j United States: ART. 1)69. Xo master of any vessel, or other person, shall import, or cause to he imported any negro, mulatto, o- cificr p ru>n of color not a native, a citizen, or registered s'anan of the United Sorties, cr a seaman native of .scute other eountrv be yond the Capo of Good Hope, into nnv pia-o of the United States, aiiuated iu any State which, by law, has prohibited, .of shall prohibit the iniportrtion of eueh uegro. mulatto, or other person of color.— .icl cf Congress, '2BM of February, 1303, Sec. i. —T. F. Gordon's Digest Edition, p. 453. Can any more conclusive evidence bo de prove that the general government did recognize lb > chumship of negroes, iu certain cases, than this most solemn decla ration of the government itself* and if not, when end by what act were their riehts di vest. d? GOV. POLLOCK AND HIS TRA DUCERS.—The fact that the Union State (J mven'ion, in the luirrv and excitement which occurred at the end of their session, overlooked the customary resolution endor sing Gov. PoI,LOCK'S administration, fur nishes the Patriot and Union with a text for half a column of low, sneaking sialic on the Governor personally. When the fuel has been known, and pnb iiely announced for more than a year, that Gov. POLLOCK absolutely declined being a candidate lor re-nomination, it continues to reiterate the known falsehood, that he eould 'Rot oLt.iin-) a re-nomination. This nny not be, but looks very much iiko wil ful lying for the love of the thing. That such a resolution would have passed unani mously the Patriot knows as well as wo do: that its omission w is accidental they are as well aware. But because Gov. POLLOCK foiled them in their attempt to plunder the treasury through the public printing, by interposing his veto, they seek iheir revenge by bespattering hint with their fiilth "Cease vipers, you gnaw at a file." The honor, purity and sterling integrity of J.VMLS 1 CLLOCK is too firmly fise-i in the minds of the penpla of Pennsylvania to he in the least affected by the insane palings of disappointed cupidity. 3 "Xo roguo ever felt the halter draw VV itii good opinion of the taw." lltrr is'jurg Telegraph. HEADED OF*\-The Bethlehem Times, to head off the Locos from charging Wihuot with being a Uatuolic and proving it by asserting that he was married by a Catnolie priest, re-publishes the notice of Mr. Wii ntot'a marriage, which occurred in Bethle hem, on March 14, 1335.. when Ilav. Chas. F. Sadie, Pastor of the Moravian cbu-ch,'uted iu tyiti-; tho hynicnicl knot be tweeu him and Miss Anna Morgan, then of that Borough. ! * Tuk Burnisq of Canton.—According to ;i private inter i jv the Jiuliia Evening Mail, dated January I*>, a considerable portion or Cats mi im:-t have ken burnt down by WNfftiattii *t the Admiral, t The Writer >a;.- The only movement that ins been attempted ■> " vesterduy, Tito day be i fi'nv, .-irrariiT' niuftH wore ninths tor filing the whole of the suburb* '•< the cry rn the north batik of the river. Our orders were, Hi fire toe subuii.s from the west corner of tie city wail, in a direction westwards. Ail the bullets 1 ,aw were m ole-of iron, v< ry un.-.'vipc'y, and like that what wo | should call slugs. !■' was with difUtulty ! we coal i prevent the mat from shooting ' every poor devil they surprised in the hou j so-, ;.tui hud wa not exerted the greatest alien'.! .n every cue of tboiii would have t been mar .Li ei. The boratng proceeding is very hottibie, and I wish w- were dona will if, win-it, lam happy to .-av, I think is Ibe <•;?• , .t hast f'cr the Jf.-ellt. The Admiral had groat forbearance in not at i tempting it j'fore, which he might easily, I and perh;.j>t- justly, have done. The extent i which has net-) .destroyed is a lino of perhaps I two utiles, and p uc'rating inwards from : 200 to 400 yards. A cMisid'-rible part of the ci'y his been bit rued by the tiring front the fort which fc> held by us. The fire lust ed abcut twenty-four hours. The iliuuueipation Ticket In Si. Louis Ejected The telegraph brings the gratifying in telligence of the election of John M. Winter : to the M tyoralty of St. L mis. There were three tickets in the field—Democrat, Amer ican and Republican. Pratt, who Leaded the Democratic ticket, is regarded as one among the mot popular of his party, and : for that reason was chosen as the one most likcl.y to give free soil Dm its quietus i:% Missouri. He has twice been elected Mayor and has once been appointed by the Legis lature President of the Bank of the State. Lane, the Native candidate, formerly if Washington county, Pennsylvania, has been Mayor of the city nine tier s, but not- . withstanding their unbounded popularity, they had to succumb to the fast spread in - doctrine of free territory and free speech. A Warning to "Fast" Ycr.NO Men. — John .Miller, aged twenty-eight years, died |at Indianapolis on Friday night. The I Journal gives a brief history of his srid case. ! lie wis born in Dayton, Ohio— was left in orphan with a large estate, and to his own guidance—became a "fast young man,"and , rapidly spent, a fortune which was counted by ten-, of thousands. Ha kept a circle of d ishing joung fellows about him until Lis j money wis go n >, who then dvierted and left Li:n. lie sought Indianapolis for a borne, an i there, in some menial capacity, lived fur a time and died in a strange garret, frieud -1 less and alone. A LONG RACE —T wo sporting men j of Albany N. Y., —Taylor and Daltun started on horses, from lite oxcltan'*e, on : Monday inorning week, at 5 o'clock, on a 100 mile race, without rest or food.— The bets were $2,500 a side. Whites town, Oneida county, was the termination of the laoc. The horses pas'"J Fonda, i 43 miles of the di-tance, at 9. 15 A. >].; time, 4 hours 15 uiinires—Daitou's horse j slightly ahead, btlt in bad condition, Taylor's horse arrived at Wbiiestown at 5,30 P. M., making the 100 miles in 12 i boors, and winning the race. DaltoD horse was a quarter of a mile behind. MtntDERED—Mr. Futiiusl 11. V'fhite, <1 Washington county, was murdered iu his bed, in his own house, on Sunday night of last week, due murder was committed with au use. He had bought a propertv. • and had money in the bouse shortly prior to : his death, and it is thought the murder was I committed to obtain tbo money, llis wife escaped, and aroused the neighbors but bc ! fore they arrived at the scene the murderers had escaped. Executed.—Alfred Country man was > j executed at RoekforJ, Illinois, on the 27th : ult., for the murder of John F. Taylor, the 1 | suer;fl ut that county. Taylor had arrested ' j hioi for stealing cattle lie attempted to j escape. Taylor pursued him, when he turned j : and fired a pistol, which sent a hall through I Taylor's heart. It is estimated that twenty j thousand persons witnessed the execution. Dt. Kane's Will —'The will of Dr. j E K. Kane, was admitted tr probate in ! one of the Courts of Philadelphia, hist week. Ho bequeths the sumof 85900 to his broth- | er, Robert P. Kane, the rest of his estate ; unto such one or more of his family, for such estate, and on such limitation, as Hon. 1 John K. Kane shall (whether to take effect | during his lifetime or after his decease) liui- ' it. and appoint; in default of Such direction, 1 the iucome from the estate to go to his fath er, and after his decease to his mother, and after the decease of bath to his sisters arid brothers. ■X.7~F rota Nicaragua wo have another aoemitii of great yictorios achieved in Cen tral America by Walker, who, it is stated, lias overwhelmed and almost annihilated his enemies iu that, region. If the world down there was uot "so awfully given to lying.' w< s might, have sotut confidence in this report; as it is, wo prefer waiting for confirmation before taking up rooru for par • ' ticnlara o: en affair which next accounts will probably show never transpired. KANSAS EMIGRANTS.—So vast is the multitude of emigrants pouring into 1 the territory of Kansas, that tbo Si. ' Louis Republican estimates lbo arrivals !' for the aeasou at a population of seventy : thousand souls. They arc nearly all train , tho free States. 1, : '-CHRISTIANS DONT OARK ABOUT ] iny SOI?L." So said a young man yccntly, when : pressed by a friend to attend to the subject | of his salvation; "I see them careless in the Loose of God, engrossed with the honors uud pleasures of the world during the wok and 1 mingle often with those who profess ito love me, and thay never 3ay a word to ma about my soul. It cannot be a matter j of so much importance as you represent, or snrely they would not bo thus Lttposisfem." A few day- later, that JouSg man sent for l is pastor, who found him with Wtteea < m pile anguished fidtateaSm*. and was about to offer prayer. Rtit the young man pavcut-d Lim. "Tour prav,-s ji J he, "can do me no £~-od- •* J tOiJ - I have grieved'away God's |l o ]j j never, never to return. I fed already in' uty soul, the agonies of the damned. I scst far jwi, not to pray, but to he the bearer of a message—a message from -he o' eternity. "Yon remember preaching, s , J<r , 0 f ;, months ago, from the works, -Choose you this Jay whom >e will serve.' You sriaks of the value of tire immortal son!, the uncer tainty of life, and urged an immediate de cision. My judgment was convinced, Cn heart touched, and I resolved, tLat I,'* ethers do as they might, as for me I would serve God* '• i it ceased. J—— V , a member* of your t Lurch, sat by my yfde. Fcarin" that he might leave the hot;-1 before I i. ai ; au opportunity of speaking to him, I turned towards him to beseech Lim to pray for mo. and to a#:: hiai to come to my room after dinner to read tha lJihb an ! instruct tao h, | way of sal rat All-uomiaui'u: 0 f ,v e saontity of the pla-.*, ami 0 f iLe solar.:, troths Jtwt sj>okcn, k* toughing, amcskg himself in cnrioiaiiiy the co if of an oi l mat. hear vis, anil before 1 could recover from iny surprise suffieieiUly to speak, Le made some ludicrous remark on the subtest in which I joined hiti:! "All my serious iiupre-suas fled is an instant, and have never returned, i knew ">)' danger, !.n" could r- it ? -e! ic I saw mv I g'H't, hut my heart w is Larder than adamant. An 1 now my prisou-hoiise is iic-l; f„ r eae'r ; a "- r, with devils for my c;ivi.punion<. - \5 ouid to Qo,i J fad Tievcr seen J V," iiiiii with the loss < f nv precious soul. ILJ h - been consistent, I might have been re joicing in Jesus, ami prepared for eoUiess blc 4 sedness at God's right faaad." These were bis last words, ..poken with the i'eariul energy of despair, while the cold drops of agony I- lowed the pale brow, and • •vc.\ breath wis out the silent utterance of the terrible remorse that prayed upon the .sou!, A few moments more, and the death less spirit stood ail unprepared in ,110 pres ence of it- Maker— another fearful monu ment of ttie direful influence of a ccid- : Leaned, inconsistent professor. U Christian, Christ En, beware! Your words, your actions, very thoughts as : mirrored in your countenance, may be either saving souls, or luring them to ever j lasting perdition. Gid help you t. he i 'aithful and wtsc in winning souls f Christ .imric 1u . liess- ; r ;. WOOD'S TTAIT? R SSTOR ATIVE.—Prof. { Wood, the r -now . t discover r <1 the invab'- *b!e il ;ir HestufWtin;, .*:ni cunti-.iues to 1 -, .r I in Im-h ul <*!' the afflict- i. ; Urs rocdiein.-s ,1 re universally admitted t v ' lb■? American pre.-s to be I<r suite r {. a i j'is lor causing ttie hair ut. the head of tho ! aged that has I)sen silvered for many years, t > glow itilth with as mceh 1 igor and iexciir ■ > t as when Idcssc ttwiih Urn advantage* > ' voat ;. 1 here caa IK- no doubt that it IN ONE of tt 1 ! greatest diaci verios i:i lii medical world. It : rest: res j-ynuaiHutiy gray.b*ir to its original 1 color, and m ikes it assume a l-.-aßtiful sitkv I texture, which Lis been very d -irahle i , !l ages 11 f the w-nrltl.— Si. Louh Uorting Ifcrtld Foi sale by Dr. L'. F. Harry, fcc-imrj. l'a. ! April 17, PORK I A/ I ENED ON llcman P eft.?.— Let any pcrofi, says a writer in a I ito Cey lon paper, at daybi. ak start fr.ini tic gates j of Govenimeni House, Caicutt..; and waeib er I'is uaiit ba ou the batiks of the river, or to the buiinS of tiro canals,wbieb c-u thre* sid"s surround tie city, he will see :-s feeding cn the dead bodies r.-t the natives that have beer, thrown there during the night- during the day the river p-.lieo clear away and sink aii the remains of the bod ies. Ridas is the metropolis of ladia, it is uothing compared to Patua. Hundreds upon hundreds ol hum-in corpses are there strewed clung the at rami; and tatiicniiig, Guoole-like, upon them, are droves aad dioves of swine. These swine nre slaugh tered, cut up, and silted into liauis. bacon, and picklrd pork, and then despatched to Calcutta, jhe great market fos this poi sonous swiuo-produee is tiia Mauritius and Bourbon, where it is foisted on the inhabi tants as the produce of Europe. A RECIPE THAT RARELY EVER FAILS : TO CUKE A COLL).—Now, while winter, witii ! its burthen of Coids and Coughs, is with ns, we think a remedy that will relieve such v;*i tatioes sKou'd b highly prirod, and a!! who 1 knoiv the worth of this remedy, will do as wo do—prize it donlly. Take a double doso of Dr. Santo id's li>vig.rator, and it will give gruater leiief tliau nay other medicine we ever tried, for we have rarely to repeat the dose to he entirely free from Cough, and as soon as tho lungs have tinu to throw off the collected matter, the cure Is complete. As a family modi cine, .or the cure of Uowel Diseases, Worn)s, Derangement of the Stomach and Li vor, we can recommend it knowingly. For saio by Dr. 11. F. Harry, Bedford, Fa and by all Druggists. Jtich 27-Iru COM ET. —There is a -tefescopio COMET now in the uorihwostera part oi tue tAy, moving eastward. It waa ofcu rUed lb rough the largo eouatojiai ot' the National Obser vatory on Friday This coma was discovered its Loipsie,Ft. binary 2*2, by d' Arrest, and on the 2Gth Much .it New ark, New Jersej, by Mr. Van AtSviiie.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers