Bedford inquirer and chronicle. (Bedford, Pa.) 1854-1857, November 07, 1856, Image 3

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    smaller cbild by its mother, when Mrs.
Creifg, who lived in another portion of the
house, took the opportunity and entered the
apartment., and proceeded to the execution
of the deed, which she had previously
threatened. With horrid imprecations the
child teas held on the fire by its tormentor
until its teg and bowels were burned to a
cinder , then, with satanie revenge, the body
of the child was reversed by the murderess,
until its back was roosted to a crisp. It
died in a few hour* after, and the woman is
now in jail.
don paper says:
The bridal arrangements, the magnifi
cent trosseau of the bride, &e., in view of
the approaching marriage of the princess
royal of England at Berlin, attract so much
attention, that hundreds are actually going
from Louden to witness them. There are
six rooms filled with silks, satins, ribbons
velvets, costly lace, artificial flowers, exqui
site embroideries in gold and silver, bonnets,
capes, gowns, gloves, body and table linen,
diamonds and jewelry, shawls, mantles,
and toilet requirements -of every descrip
tion, color and material. Thirty persons
have been engaged d-urii.g several months
on the embroidery, and 120 medio women
have worked on '{in different articles.
alo Express gives (he following chapter on
domestic cifficulties. Mrs. King, near Kiug
ion. was recently taken sick, and Lcr hus
band seized thn opportunity to elopo wish
a handsome set van* girl, named Martin
On their arrival in Albany, Miss Martin
eloped with a young tuau iiaraed Cornelius,
taking Mr. King's money. King, being
penitent, returned home, and found that
his wife had eloped with a dry goods clerk,
named Jeffers, with all the moveable arti
cles in the house. Whereupon King start
ed off in pursuit, considering himself a
deeply injured man.
In one cf our courts lately, a man who
was called on to appear as a witness could
not be found. On the Judge asking where
he was a grave elderly gentleman rose up
and, with mush emphasis, .mid,
''Your honor, he's gone."
"Gone! gone!" said the Judge,, "where
is he gone?"
"That I cannot inform you," replied the
communicative gentleman, "but he is dead.''
This is considered the most guarded
answer on record.
An old lady in Icwa, while recently in
the woods, was bitten on the en l of the
nose by a rattlesnake. The old lady recov
ered, Lut the snake died. Coroner's ver
dict, poisoned by snuff.
Tns Teachers' Association of Bedford
county, will meet at the School House in
St. Ci.airsvillc, on Monday the tenth No
vember, next. Arrangements have been
made for the delivery of several lectures on
the various branches of education, in con
nexion with which a number of interesting
exercises on the black-board will be exhib
As tlie objeot is to aid and encourage
Teachers in the various duties of their vo
cation, a general attendance i* expected.
J. S. TUSSKY, Secre/try
Oct- 31, 1850.
■ ■■■
On the 30th ult., by M. M. Peebles'
Esq., Mr. Joseph Pitman to Miss Rachaei
Manve!!, botli of West Providence Tp.
On the 13th ult., Mrs. Susannah Dun
k!", of Snake Spring Valley, aged 05 yrs. .
The deceased was for many years a com
muning member of the Lutheran church,
and died in the Christian faith, in hops of
a blissful mortality.
Atlriillon Riflemen!
\7"OK are ordered to parade at your usual
X place of training, on Saturday, the loth
inst,.in winter uniform, with plume, at 10 o'-
clock. Bv order of the Captain.
inr. HITCHEY, o. s.
Nov. 7, 1850.
Having lost my Port Monaie at or near
Seheilsburg, on the 19th Sept'r last, con
taining $45 iu hank notes, besides numerous
valuable papers, and having heretofore adver
tised for the same without success. 1 hereby pro
pose that il the tinder will place the
racnaie an! papers in any private place within
fifteen mile* of PleMantvi lie, and notify me of
the tact, by letter, without date, or signature or
otherwise, describing the place so 1 can Had it,
1 obligate myself to deposits $5 in the precise
spit I find tin? Port mouaie and papers as a re
ward for the tuue, risking no questions.
Nov. 7, 1856.
f ITHE subscriber will offer at Public Sale, on
L Saturday, the 13th of December next, in
'lie town of Clearville Monroe Township, one
two story Frame House, 89 by 18 feet, and lot,
60 feet front, and 172 feet back, with a well of
excellent water at the door, a good log stable
thereon, and four and one half acres more ot
less of land adjoining, under good fence, and in
a high state of cultivation.
A good fitle will ba made.
TER MB—One-third of the purchase money
in hand on the first of April, 1857, when pea
session wil I be given.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P- M.
November 7,1856-
Magic llalr Dye, Colors instantane
ously, the Hair or Whiskers. jet black or
beautiful brown. Alao, Pbalons Chemical Hair
invigorator, a superb article, for preserving and
beautifying tho Hair, can be purchased from
Harry, at the cheap Drug Store.
Essence of Jamaica Ginger, which should
have a place in every family, for sale at
Dr. Harry's. *
j T pHE subscriber will sell at private sale, a
i -A valuable Farm ol fist rate limestone land,
situate in Bedford Tp., abont two miles north
east ol Bedford, containing 271 acres and al
! lowsnce, 175 acres cleared and uniter good
fence, o< which 25 acres are good meadow. It
I is ifi high state of cultivation, and the balance
i is well timbered.
j The improvements are a new two story Brick
■ House, with a basement kitchen, and "a foun
| tain pump at the door, and in Hie seller; a frame
stable, with a wagon shed aa 1 corneribattrcb
i ed; a log barn. Also, a .enmt house, with a
I never failing spring of excellent water, a black
smith shop anil other out buildings. There is
; also on the premises a large orchard of oxcc'l
ent fniit.
Any person wishing to purchase will call on
the subscriber liririg on the premises.
Oct. 24, 1856. A. R.CKAINE
Link Out, Uetaiifi's!
Ail retailors who have not lifted their IA
censes by November Court, will find them at
the office of Justice Kadcbatigh iu Bedford
: after that time.
j DAVID OVER, Treasurer.
1 Oct. 25, 1556.
Iu the matter of the estate of Jacob Longen
ecker, a Lunatic, whereas David F. Back
committee of tbe said Jacob Longcnecker, lias
filed his account as committee on said estates.
Notice is heteby given to the creditors of said
Jacob I.ongentcker, a nil ail others Interested in
said estate, that the Court have appointed Mon
day thelTrhdiy of November next, tor the
hearing of the same, and for showing cause why
the said account should not be allowed, and in
default thereof, the same will be confirmed.
Witness the Honorable F. M. Kimmetl presi
dent of our said Court at Bedford the 2 : Jth dav
of Oct. A D 1856. D. WASHABAUGH.
Oct. 24. 135-5. Prot'y.
At a court of Dotnmon Pleas, lield
it Bedford, in aud i-ir said county,
>n the the Ist day of September
A D 1856.
In tin matter of the application
for tbe sale of the house of worship, of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, iu Broadtop tp.,
Bediurd colmty.
The petition of Christian Burnett. Joseph
Ev-ns. Jonathan Ba nett, Levi Evans, Christian
Broadstone, Lemuel Evens, and Sylvester Fos
ter. trustees of said church, setting forth that,
said congreg itioa have erected a new and tuore
commodious house of worship, near the site of
the old church, whereby the Utter has become
useless, and praying tho court to grant an order
to sell the game, together with the half acre of
ground upon which it stands, adjoining lands of
Asa Duval, Mm. Anderson and others, being
re .id and filed.
Whereupon, on motion off. Jordan Esq.,
ihe Court direct, that notice of said application
be published, to all persons interested, to be and
appear, before our sai l Court on the 17th day
ot November next, and show cmse if any they
have, why the said property should not lie sold.
V ituess p. M. Kimmell, President of our
said Court at Bedford, on the 22d dav of Oct.
A 1) 1850. 1) WASHABAITGh,
Oct. 24, 1856. Prot'y
A 11 p -rsous interested either as heirs,creditors
xYor otherwise, are hereby notified that the
following n anted persons hive filed their ac
count* in tiie Register's Office, and that they
will be presented to the Orphan's Court of Bed
lord county, oa Fridiy the 21st day of Novem
ber next, for conffnnation, at which time and
place they may attend if they think proper.
The account of S //Tate, adni'r of Jacob
Diehl late of East Provi ionoo tp., dee'd.
The account of Adam Btirgar, Guardian of
Susanna Shelly daughter of Jacob Shelly, 1 ite
of Woodberrv tp., dee'd.
The account of Christopher Vertz, one of
adtn'rs of Wm Wertz.latc of C< tp., deed.
The account of Levi Evans, adm'r of Mary
Hoover late of Liberty tp., deed.
The account of Nathan Robison, alm'r of
Philip Moss late of Southampton tp. dee'd.
The account of John Miller and Abraham
Miller ex'ors of thelast will and &c., of Elias
dilleriate of HarrUon tp., dee'd.
The account of Catharine Siegler, adm'r of
John Seigler, late of Southampton tp., dee'd.
The account of Anthony Smith and Eman
uel Shafer, adtn'rs of Isaac //eckniAO, late of
Colt-rain tp., dec'.!.
The account of Archibald Perdew, adm'r of
Wm Ruby, 1 ite of Southampton tp., dee'd.
The account of Alexander ffoisinger, adm'r
of George Repiogle, hue of Middle IVoodberry
tp., deC'd.
The account of IVm Bishop, trustee for the
sale of the real estate of Wm Van Clcve, late
of Belfast tp., Fulton county,- formerly Bod
ford county, dee'd.
The acconnt of Sam Griffith, adm'r of Valen
tine Nawgle, late of St. Glair tp., dec'tl.
The account of A J Chno, adm'r with the
will annexed of Hugh Armstrong, late of Ayr
tp., B dfoni (now Fulton) county, dee'd.
The -ccounts of S. H. Tate, adm'r of James
11. Gibson, late of the Borough of Bedford dee'd
r>. W AS HABALJG/h Register.
Registers Office, Oct. 20, 1856.
Holloway's Worm Confections.—A safe,
pleasant, and effectual remedy for worms,
at Dr Harry's cheap Drug Store.
To koep the teeth and gums healthy.—Use
Bazin's Rose tooth paste, or the Balm of
a Thousand Flowers, with a good brush, all
of which can be purchased cheap, at Dr. Har
1>b vsiciaris prescriptions carefully compound
ed, at all hours of the day or night, at Dr.
Harry's, Drug Store.
A. B. CRAMER, & Co., have just received a
full supply suitable for the approaching season.
Oct. 24, 1856.
HAVE received their usual assortment of
Fall and Winter Goods. They respectfully in
vite rliei- friends to call and examine stock aud
eprics.—Oct. 24, 1856.
Flank Road Kleetion Notice!
THE Stockholders of the Hopewell and
Bloody Run, Plank and Turnpike Road Com
pany . are hereby notified that an election for
offices of said road for the ensuingyear will be
held at the office of the Treasurer on Monday
the 3d day of November next.
By order of the Board.
Oct. 17, 185 Sec'y^
Ayor-'s Cherry Pectoral. — For the* cure of
Coughs, Colds, Ac., can be bod at Dr.
Harry's Drug Store.
TO llolmlPEßS.
DR. H AKRT, at the Cheap Drug and Book
Store, has just received, a large assortment nt
the best tlavoring extracts, together with Bak
ing Soda. Cream of Tartar, Saleratus, Ac., of
the very best quality, all of which he will sell
at the lowest prict-s.
Last" notice j
ALL persons indebted to the late firm o
Kiipp fc Oarer., by Book Account, Note
or otherwise, are hereby notified to make itnme
diate pat merit, and by .*o doing, save Costs.
Bedford. Sept. 19, 18781-2 m.
Con Starch, Farina, fee— The very best ar
ticles can be hod at Dr. Harry's Cheap
Drug Store.
T LITERS of A dministratiun having been
J j granted to the subscriber, living ij, St.
. C'Uir Township, on the Estate ot Christian
I jlloek. late of gli| Tp., dee'd; all persons in.
debted to said Restate are her oy notified to
make payment immediately, and those having
claims against the same will present them pro
perly authenticated for settlement.
Sept. 12, 18-SG. Am'r de bonis non.
l'ut down for Trial at November Term
(17 tL day) ] 856.
Win. Eeitzell ct al vs Fred. Smith et n
Charles Colfelt vs Samuel Auiick '
John Bridohani vs Same
Isaac Grave vs Adam liinard
Samuel Davis vs John James
D Patterson vs Samuel Vonderssuiih
J M Reynolds vs S M Barclay's adm'r
Philip Weisol's adm'r vs E L Anderson
S .U Barclay's adm'r vs duett C Davis et al
Jacob Storckmins vs D B Troutrnau
Joshua Filler vs Samuel Williams-
Jacob Adams ot al vs Josiah Keller man
Charles Smith vs Win Smith
Philip S. Croft vs Daniel Baker
Joseph /Jul liaugh vs John Harhaugh et al
Win Smith vs Charles SniTth
Isaac //nil's udm'rs vs John J/ull et al
! Jan - More-hood et al vs Christian Naugle j
Nicholas {.yens vs Samuel Davis
i Rebecca Brant's use vs Valentine Wer v.
i Same vs D Patterson
CT- R. //olsingor et al vs E. Pearson et al j
Solomon Feight vsJohn Bowser
1 J Keith et al vs S Brumbaugh et al
John Cessna Esq vs John G Clark et al
James Clark vs John Burns
James Kntriken vs Christ. Bro tdston jet a!
John Jackson v s John G. //urtiey
. Sanil. Blackburn's adm'vs S. Blackburn's j
Jos. Gregory's ndm vs H r m Stacker.
D. W\SHABAUGH, Prothouotary.
Oftt. 24, 1856.
B izius and Lu bins Extracts for the llandker- |
chief, Cologne Water, &c., at Dr. Harry's. |
the Hair—Jockey Club, and new mown j
. hay, pomatums, genuine os marrow, at Dr.
Bariiia Fancy Soap—shaving Cream, just re
ceived from the city, by Dr. Harry.
Vs the season for chapped hids and faces, is
coming on, wo advise our friends to call on
Dr. Harry, at the cheap Drug Store, and get a
box of Bazin's Amandine for prevention and
cure of chapped hinds, only 87-| per box.
Roussol's unrivalled premium Shaving Cream,
at Dr. Harry's.
\ large assortment of Hair, Tooth, and Clothes
JULhrushes just received, at Dr. Harry's.
Ctoiiutry Physicians, can have their orders
'filled, with the very best articles, at city
prices at Dr. Harry's Cheap Drug Store, Pitt
Bedford, Penn'a.
Oct. 31,1850. DR. R. F. HARRY.
Balm of a Thousand Flowers.—An excellent
.rticle for the toilet, tor sale at, Dr. Har
ry ; s Cheap Drug Store.
ASSESSORS. —Yon will meet at the Com
missioners Office, on Friday the 7th of No
vember next, to comply with the Act of Assem
bly. ia relation to the Septennial Knnmu -ration
ol the taxable inhabitants of this couuty.
A. S. RUSSELL, Clerk.
Commissioners Office, Oct. 31, 1836.
Just received at Shoemakers, New Colotmada
■Store, a fresh supply of gcuis latest style"''
Hats. Also a fresh supply of Gloves u uj
Belford, Oct. 31, 1856
The subscriber would announce to his old
rienlsand the pu'dic in general, that he lias
removed l is HARDWARE Si'ORE to the new
building second d>"r w-st of the Redfor i Ho
tel, where he has just received and opened an
extensive assortment of Hardware, embracing
almost every article in that line of huUiness.
His stock of SADDLERY is of ihe best quality
and was selected with great care. He would
respectfully invite all in want of articles in the
Hardware line, to give him a call, satisfied that
he can please all who do so.
May 23, 1856.
AIFILL attend promptly to all legal business
YV entrusted 'o his cuie. Office on Juliana
Street, four doors South of the Court House,
and formerly occupied by Barclay k Barclay.
June 13, 1856. I
wm. sn-A.r'aF'jairs.,
W' OULD announce to his former patrons*
ana the public generally, that he ha* jus'
eceived, from Philadelphia, a large and well so'
ected assortment of the most choke Cloths
.Jassimeros and Vestings—also smnmer wear ot
every description, to which he invites the attend
turn of purchasers. His cloths, etc., were se
lected with great care, and he can recomnien
them as heing equal. at least, to any to be found
in the place. lie also keeps Heady-made clo
thing of every description, at very low prices—
and is prepared to cut ami make garments on the
shortest notice and most reasonable terms. He
respectfully invites the public to give him a
Bedford, June 6, 1856.
FTtIiE subscribers having just returned from
J- the Eastern Cities, ase now receiving a
large and splendid assortment of Fall and Win
ter goods, consisting in part of French Merino,
Tliibit Cloth, Parmctta Delaines, Silks, Flan
nels, Alpacas, Satiuetts, Tweeds, Jeans. Mus
lins, Cotton and Woolen Wrappers and Draw
ers; Boots and Shoes; Queensware. Hardware,
and in fact a little of every thing kept in Store.
Thankful for past favors they hope by foir
dealing, and a desire to please to receive a
liberal share of the public patronage.
Oct. 8. 1856. J Bc. J. M. SHOEMAKER.
M 3LB>"T M. ML2 JE3 •
Dissolution of Co-Partnership.
TITHE Co-Partner3hip heretofore existing be-
L tween the subscribers in the Steam Saw
Mill and Lumbar Business, and al! business
transacted by the firm of Locke & Snider, is
this day dissolved by mutual consont.
The above business will be continued by
Jacob Snider, who is authorized to receive ail
claims coming to said firm and also to pay all
debts that may bo owing by said firrn. _
Bloody Run, Ta., Oct. 8,1956.*
Seven Teachers Wanted.
THE School Directors of Harrison Town
ship, will meet at tho house of V. V. Werts,
on Friday the 31st of October, inst., atteri
o'clock, A M., to examine and employ SEV -
F N TEACHERS, to take charge of the Schools
of said District. T. R. Gettys, County Su
perintendent, will he present to examine ap
plicants. The schools will commence on the
10th of November, and be Fcpt open four
months. Teachers who wish to ba employed
must appear for examination before the Board
of Directors.
JNO. McVICKBR, Prcs't.
V. V. Wertz, Sec'ty.
Oct. 10, 185§.
Id //ERE will be offered at PuUie Sale on the
. premises on Tuesday the 11th day of No-
I veinber next, the following described Heal
1 Estate, viz., one tract of land sit uate iu Monroe
| Township Bedford county Pa., adjoining lands
I of Thomas Hobixop and others, containing two
■ hundred and forty-six acres and allowance,
; about sixty acres, of which is cleared and under
j fence. The greater p trt of she remaining Por
j tion is tillable, the improvements are a log house
| and ham. an apple, and peach orchard, has
; several never failing springs of water, conveni
' ent to the house; there is also said to be a
j quantity of the best of Iron Ore upon the above
; tract of land.
Terms will be made to suit purchasers.
I Sale to commeuce at 1 o'clock when due
'■ attendance will be given bv
October, 7, 1856.
TO//N CLARK * Wtu A. B. CLARK having
.1 formed a partnership <in the Tanning 4"C>J
the business heretofore carried on in Scbellsburg
; by John Clark will now be conducted by and in
i the name of John Clark and Son.
PERSONS, having unsettled accounts with
; the undersigned are called upon to attend to
! them promptly and have them closed. More
particularly accouts that have heen sfandind
some time, should, and muni be attended to; ang
if in some cases persons are not prepared to
elsse fully, they must at least attend to them.
March 14, 1856—Sra.
Plastering Laths!!
rpilE LNOERSICa.MED having erected
-L a Mill for sawing PIASTKRIFOLATUS on hie
premises in Union Tp., Bedford county, is now
ready to furnish any quantity on the shortest
notice. Price 51.50 per thousand, 3 ft. long.
Other lengths in proportion.
Letters addressed to meat St. Clairsville wil
be promptly attended to.
Union Tp., Feb. 16,1834. zz.
ONE family Carriage, one Falling Top Buggy
—both new and work warranted—also Two
New 2 horse wagons lor sate by
A. B. CRAMER & Co.,
Produce received for Carriages or -a agent. j
May 23, 1856.
Ciatiiing and Dry Goods fciore.
r|Hli; tubacribsra are just receiving a tew
JL banlsoraa and cheap assortment ol HEA
their since in the East Corner of-Bed lord Hill,'
consisting in part of Coats, Pants. Vest.'•.Shirts-
Satin Stocks, Handkerchiefs.Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Gaps, and ali other articles usually
kept in Heady Made Clothing Stores.
Also a good assortment of DRY GOODS.
consisting of Calico, MOBS, de Laine, Shawls,
Alpacas, Trunks, Carpet Sacks, &c.. &e.; all
of which they will sell as cheap as can he pro
eureiielsewb"re in Bedford, for Cash or Coun
try Produce.
They reseat all their friends in town and
country to give them a call, and see and exam
ine their stock for themselves as tliey conside
it a pleasure to show their goods, whether per
sons wish to prchase or not.
Bedford, April 20, 1855.
I B. CR AMER & CO. have just receive
• a very large assortment of Boots an, suitable for Pal! and Winter, part style
is follows :
Men's Super Waxed Double Sole Eoo:s,
Men's " City 11 adeCalf do.
Men's " Heavy Kip, Lined do.
Youth's Waxed Douhle Sole Boots,
Youth's Calf and Kip Lined do.
Boys' City made Call Boots,
Boys' Kip Lined Boots.
Womens' Double sole Kip Bootees,
Womens' Fine Calf and Sea! do.
Womens' Fine Goat Morocco do.
Womens* Parodi Bootees, very handsome,
Children's Shoes of every style aud price.
Gent's Morocco. Kid, and Calfskin Bootees,
Ladies' Double Sole Gaiters. Gum Shoes, Kc..,
in fact. Boots and Shoes to suit every purcha
ser. If you want Boots and Shoes, please givr
.is a call, and you shall be suited in quality and
Exchange Store is the place to luj Boots and
Oct. 12,1865.
THE subscriber* having purchased the Tail
oring cstab'ishmeut of S- J. M'Cansfan, in the
building (up stairs) occupied by Capt. John
Arnold, as a Hardware Store, are prepared to do
.a* all kinds of work in their line, in the lat
est styles, and which for neatness and
I tit- durability will not, we venture to assert,
lie surpassed by any other establishment in the
By strie-t attention to business and a desine to
please, they hope to receive a liberal share of
the public patronage. A. C. MOWER.
Sept. 26, 1856. W. H. ROSS.
THE subscribers take this method of inforra
g the people of Bedford County that they
ve opened a Wholesale and Jleiail ( lulling
it No. 5, Lloyd's Row, Hollidaysburg,
Pa..where they will at all times have on hand a
avge supply of every article in the Clothing
Line. They would be pleased to see all their
friends at their establishment. •
June 27, 1856-tf
H. & B. T. R. R. CO.
IN connection with the Penn'a Rail Road
Company, are now Shipping, without delay, be
tween HOPEWELL and Philadelphia or Baltimore,
(via Huntingdon) at the following low
rates viz;
ARTICLES oflst and 2d Class. Dry Goods,
and Shoes, Rags. Nails, Pork, Iron, and mer
chandize generally, at cents per 100 lbs.
ARTICLES of 3rd class. Bacon, Blooms,
Bark, Fish, Pig metal, &c., at 43 cents per 100
ARTICLES of 4th class. Iron, Fish, Salt,
Nails, Ac., at 38 cts. per 100 lbs.
FLOUR. 73 cents per bbl by Car Load.
The above rates will be the whole charge on
goods delivered in Hopewell from either Pbll'a.
or Baltimore until further notice,
lluutingdon. JAMES BOON,
Sept. 26, 1856. Sup't.
MENS Panama, Leghorn, & Braid hats. Also
Bovs and Childrens hats for sale by
May 23, 1856. A- B. CRAMER & CO.
Confectionary Establishment.
J. W. Buehrn, still -ontinues to keep on hand
Candies, nuts, fruitß, cakes and beer, at his old
stand a few d oora West of Brice's Tavern.—
Thankful for past favors be solicits the patron
age of the public.
Aug. 22. 1860-
j rnllK undersigned having entered into part
-1 nership. respectfully anncnnce to the pub
' lie generally, that they are now prepared 10 I'm-
I nish anything in their line at exceedingly low
; rae.
i We are now opening an elegant stock of
: Hardware, Cutlery, House Furnishing Goods,
; Tin Japanned, Brass, French, and iinttania
Ware, Willow, Cedar, and Fine Ware, Nails,
Glass. Brushes, Putty, tec.. &. A large stock
of TIN-WARE constantly on hand, of out
own manufacture. Spouting and other work
done to order, as usual. STOVES of every des
eription for wood or coal, of which wa are just
receiving some beautiful new patterns. Also
! Farm Implements in great variety, warranted
! as represented, the best and latest Inventions oi
I the day. And, as we are every week receiving
j goods from Philadelphia, Baltimore, or Pitts-
I uurg, we will always endeavor to keep a lull
' supply of everything in our lino, or at least
fbntiah any artiele required at a short i*>fice.
We are also prepared to furnish all kinds of
Lead Pipe, Water and Pump Fixtures, at low
rates. We cordially invite all to give us a call,
: and especially the Ladies, as we have nearly
i everything to make house keeping easy from a
i needle to a Cooking Stove,
Oct. 3, 1836.-ly.
TIIE undersigned respectfully requests all
those indebted to him in any manner to make
payment immediately.
Oct. 3, 1886. GEO. W. BLYMIRE.
SSONABOKX would announce to hi* old
• friends and the public generally, that he has
j just received another large supply of Spring and
Summer Clothing for Men and Boys, which he
is determined to sell on the most reasonable
terms. Thankful for past fa bom, he hopes to
■ merit and receive a liberal share of the patronage
j of a generous public.
Bedford, June 6, 1856.
ll' YOU want CHEAP GOODS, csII at
Cheap Side.
Sor." 30.
M ANTED—At Heed's Color ade Store.—
Wheat, Kve, Oats. Corn, and Buckwheat—also
all other approved produce, in exchange tor
goods at cash prices
A LL wool Venit'un, Hags. Cotton end lump
-CB. Carpeting, Floor 01! Cloths-- white and
Check Matting just received by
May 23,1886. A. B. CRAMER 4CO. j
THE undersigned, thankful (as advertise-j
incnts ray) for post favors at the Colonnade i
store, in Bedford, would respectfully* announce |
to his potions and friends generally*, that he ha* !
removed his entire stock of goods to his new j
brick store room lately occupied by Peter Had- t
ebangh opposite the Bed lord Hotel. His sup- ■
ply of goods is fresh, new and fashionable.
His new room has been neatly and elegantly j
fitted tip and remodeled. All kinds of produce
are taken in exchange for goods.
He hopes to be continued in the favor of his
patrons and the public.
July 4, 1896.
("1 KNTLEMENS Gaiters and Shoes—Mens
X and boys shoes and boots. Also Ladies. !
M 1 uses, and ehiidret s do, for sale by
May 23 1836. A. B. CRAMER fc Co, I
MfiM NEW (idfiDS.
TUB undersigned has just returned home from
the Eastern citi-.-s with a large stock of FALL
and WIN rER Goods, and is now exhibiting
A genera! assortment of new style of
Comprising in a great variety of Ladies Dress
Goods, which consists in part ot Jllack and Fan
cy Silks, Challys, Ltnrns, De Laines, Madonna
Cloths, Coberg Merinos, etc., etc.
A large variety of Black and Fancy Clothes,
Cassinn res, Cassinetts, Jeatn s, etc., etc.
Boot). Shoes, Hat) and Bonnet), Groceries, Su
gais, Molasses, Syrup), Shad, Herrings and
Mackerel, Bacon, Qncensware, Hardware, j
Brooms, Buckets, Looking Glasses, etc.
The shove stock consists of every article us- !
uallv kept In store — dll of which Wit be sold, t
cheap for eash or approved prodllcd.
Thankful for p*st favors, he hopes by fair
d eating and a desire to please,to continue to merit !
and receive a liberal share of public patronage. ;
G. W. HUPP. j
Oct. 3, 1856.
Letters of administration having been grant- ;
ed to the suliscriber, on the. Estate of Samuel,
Blackburn, late of Pleasantville, St. Clair I
township, dee'd. all persons indebted to said !
Estate, are hereby notified to make payment j
immediately, and those having claims against •
the same w ill present them properly anilieuti- j
catcd for settlement. R. MILLER. Adm'r.
July 25, 1860. St. Clair township.
rilll MIX.
THE subscriber will sell at private salo. a
valuable Farm of rtrstratc limestone land. ;
situated in Middle Woodberry tp., Bedford ;
county Pa., containing 180 acres, about 12a i
acres cleared and under good fence, and In a i
high state of cultivation, the balance is well tim
bered, with a good two Story /louse and a latge
back building attached, -iiso a good bank barn
with thrashing house, tenant bouse, wash and
spring house, and all other out buildings requir
ed oil a farm. Also a never failing s[ ring of;
limestone water near the buildings. Any per- ;
son wishing to purchase such a property will do i
well to call on the subscriber living on the
premises. . SAMUEL BUCK.
Aug. 8, 1856.
A. King. Fr. Jordan.
King & Jordan, J torneys at Law
WILL practice in the svonU Courts of Bed
ford and adjoining counties.
Agencies, Collections, and all other business
intrusted to their care will be proiutly and faith
fully attended to.
OFFICE in Juliana street, formerly eccupied
by D. 11. H.iflus, Esq., and more recently in the
occupancy of Jos Mann, Esq.
January, 5, 1855.
Ifnc subscriber is fully prepared tofurnish and
quantity or quality o I Building Lumber any
Plastering Laths. Orders directed to St.Ciairs
vill, Bedford County, will be promptly attended
to, by giving a reasonable notice.
Dec. 20, 1854.
Mrs. Stowe's new work.—Dred, a tale of the
Great Diamal Swamp, equal to Uncle
I Tom's Cabin, just received at Dr. 7/arry's
| Cheap Book Store.
Bedford, Pa.,
HAVING purchased the Drug and Bonk
Store of Dr. S. J). Scott., has constantly
' on hand, at the old stand, a targe and welt se
lected stock of choice Drugs and Medicine',
wholesale and retail, all of which will be sold
at f-ir terms. The assortment consists it) part o
Drags anf Chesnicals, Dye Woods and Acids,
Paints i .1 Oils, Win-law Glass awl Glass
li are, Tobacco and Segars, Perfumery. Fancy
articles, sc., (fC.
j Patext Medicixes. Having the regular
agency for the sale f all of these medicines,
j the politic are assured that they are of the lx-st,
. such as Lure stood the test of time and expe
| rienee, and can he safely recommended as ge
| nuine. viz: Townsend's and Sand's Sarsapa
; villa, \\ istir's Ha Nam of Wild Cherry, Ayer's
'Cherry Pectoral, Moffat's Life Pills and Phce
: nix Bitters, I>r. Jayne's Family Medicines,
Fahnstock's, Holiensack'a, and other veroi'fu
; ges; ltoofland's Germiyt Bitters, Ac., Ac.
Constantly on hand a large stock of historic,
| biographical, scientific, religious, poetical,
j school, and miscellaneous BOOKS.
A No a great variety of FANCY STATION
; ARY, Cap- Post and wrapping paper of every
! quality, Paper Hangings in great variety.—
Window Blinds in patterns or hy the piece.—
Wall Paper, Steel and Fancy Goods.
BLANK BOOKS of every size and quality.
Pocket Books and Port Monnates, Diaries.
Blank Deeds and Mortgages, gold Pens and
Pencils, Coiubs, Brushes, Perfumerv in great
variety, Soaps, Ac., Ac.
Lamps, au<l Camphine Oil and Burnii g Fluid.
> kept jonstantly on hand,
j CHOICE LIQUORS tor medical use; "Wolffs
Scheidam Schnapps, Gin. Port, Sherry and
Madeira Wines.
Aug. 11, 1854.-tf
Special Notice.
A LL persons indebted to the firm of RuppA
aM-Ostor are respectfully and earnestly reques
j ted to make immediate payment. The hooks
: are in the hands ofG. W. Hupp, for collection,
! and must positively be closed, (tor friends who
1 are in arrears will please consult their interest
hy attending to this notice at once and not pat
us under the unpleasant necessity of making
t hem pay rot ts.
BrdV J Vay, 16. 1866—2 m.
Important Announcement I
TO all persons afflicted with Sexual diseases.
such as Seminel Weakness, Impotence,
Gontiorboea, Gleet, Syphilis, Ac., Ac.
The Do ward Association of Philadelphia, in
I view if the awful distraction of human life and
health, caused by sexual diseases, and the de
ceptions which are practised upon the nnfortn/
nate victims of sue!) diseases by Quacks, Lave
directed their consulting Surgeon, as a ckaritue
hie act worthy of their name, to give mcdica
adcictgratis, to allpersons tbusaffii-ted, (Male
or Fein ile.) who apply byl etter, with a descrip
tion of their condition,(age, occupation, hab
its of life,) Ac., arid in cases of extreme pov
erty and suffering to furnish medicines free of
The Howard Association is a benevolent Ir,
stitution, established by special endowment,for
the relief of the sick and distressed. afflicted
with "Virulent and Epidemic' Diseases," and
itsfundscin be used fur no other purpose. If
hasnow a surplus of means, which the Direc
tors have voted to ad -ertise the above notice.
It is nee Hess to add that the Association com
mands the highest Medical skill of the age, and j
will furnish the most modern treatment. Val- j
unbtc <.>„ *)'•> to sic.U a-vi nervous fe
males afflicted Avith abdominal weakness, Womb 1
complaint,Coativeness, Leucorrhoca. Ac.
Address (post-paid.) Dr. Geo. K. Calhot-x. j
ConsulringSnrgeon, Howard Association. No.
2, South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
By order of the Directors.
EZRA D. lIEARTWELL, President.
}n. FutCinin, Secretary.
June 1, 1855.-zz
THE iiiiriiss,
Valentine Steckman,
Boarders taken by the day. week, month and
April 25, 183G— tf
Hooped Skin's?
Calico, Ginghams, Muslins, Chintzes. Hoop
ed Skirts, fish &e.. just received at Reed's <
May 23, ld"
THRESHING MACHINES, with 2, 3, o '
horse power for si'e cite ip at Reed's Colo
nade Store.
lev. 30, 1855.
EVERY variety of Summer Pantaloon goods
and suitable material for Summer Coats
tor sale by A. B.CRAMER & Co
Ma\ 23, 1856.
Dr. F. C. "Reamer,
Physician and Surgeon.
I)cspertfiii>} tenders bis services to j
-LV the citizens of Bedford and vicinity. Ho
may always be found (un'ess professionally en
gaged) at his Drug and Book Store, in Juliana
Feb.l 6, 1854.
I OFFICE. V. V. M. P. Co.,
) Feb. 28, 1856.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Board o
Directors of this Company have this day
levied an assessment of 5 per cent, on all pre
mium notes belonging to the Company aud in
force on the sixth day of February, 1856. ex
cept on original applications approved from
Nov. 20. 1855 till the said sixth day of Febru
ary, on which tliere is assessed 3 per cent.—
And on all preminra notes expiring between
said dates, and not renewed, 8 per cent. The
members of this Company are hereby required
I to pay their saVeral amounts so assessed to
I the Tieasnrer or authorized receiver of this
! Board within thirty days of the publication o
j this notice.
Marc 23 18 56 3t.
IS hereby given that the next Session of the
Allegheny Male and Female Seminary will
j Commence on Tuesday the fth day of August
Bv order of tha Trustees.
August 1, 1866.
Administrator'* Notice.
I T ETTERS of Administration having been
1 i granted to the subaeriber, I ving in South
| Wood berry Township, on the Estate of John
Teeter, late "i" Monroe Township, dee'd, all
persons indebted to said Estate are notified to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims against the same will present theutpio
perly authenticated for settlement.
July 18, 1856.-f
Afltniiifotra.wi '8 Notice.
LETTERS Of Administration having licen
granted to the subscriber, on the Estate oj
Daniel Diehl, late of Harrison Tp., dee'd. all
persons indebted to said Estate are requested to
make in,mediate payment, and those having
claims against the same will present them pro
perly authenticated for settlement.
I DKNRY P. DIED 1., Adtn'r.
Aug. fi, 18 >C.-6t. Col. rain Tp..
ji E A DE P. have you ever heard of Getty* inhrit-
able Daguerreotypes ? If no t. go st once to
i bis saloon and set for yourself, and if a on aarit
a likeness ofyounfelf of fri-uds is true as nature
and art combined can make it, that is the place
! fo get it. '
It' yon want a pictrre put up in the meXt np-
I roted s._\ n: and ol the best or iu
short if >•' want the worth of your money in a
splendid Daguerreotype 0 r Ambrotyne eo to
As he is the only artist in Bedford county who
take the new style o' Daguerreotypes and
. Ambrotypes.
He spares no pains to give full satisfaction and
; permits no picture to go out uutil he is confi
! dent it will do so.
Having just returned from the East be is iu po*.
j session of all the Tate mjprovments in the art.
and cap assure his patrons that he can furnish
j them with a style ofpictures not taken by any
; other person in the- county.
Rooms at tlie "Exchange Building" or Odd
; Fellows Hall—immediately above the store if
, A. B. Cramer.
June Gtb, 1860.
| Letters of administration upon the eilat* of
Samuel Cromwell, ste of Bedford Borough,
j dec d, having been granted to the subscriber,
! notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to
said estate to make payment without delays ami
those having claims against the same are noti
fied to present the same Only authenticated for
i settlement. FR. JORDAN. Adm'r.
Bedford, July 26,1866.
*m proved Smut and Screen
' V iug Machines, Mill Bushes, Bolting Cloths
■ and Bran Dusters, of the most improved plan;
; Mill Screws, Corn and Cob Grinders. Patent
j Bridges far Mill Spindles, Portable Mills,
warranted to grind ten bushels per hour, Mill
; lions and Mill Burrs made to order. Also.
Stover s Patent Corn Kiln and Grain Dryer—
valuable invention. The above articles are
: kept constantly on hand, and can be obtained
i at any time, from S. P. BROAD.
Sclieltoburg, R.-dford County, who is also
; gout lor 8.-dibrd, Somerset, and adjoining
j ounflea.
Miil wrigUt work done at the shortest notice,
[ and on the most reasonable terms.
February 15, [K.">'>.
McCOU MICE'S Reaper at.d Mower for sals
by S. B. BROAD
at Schellshttrg, Pa. ; agent for Blair and Bedford
onnties. February 15, 1856.
TVj E WMackcraland Salmon for tile b.'
iN Ma 23, 1856. A. B. CR AMER A C .
THE subscriber respectfully begs leave to an
nouuee to his obi friends and the public
generally, that he has leßsed and taken posses*
sion ol the Bedford Hotel, lately in the occn
puncy ol Col. Adam ilarnhart. It is not I>is
design to make many professions as to what be
will do, but he pledges his word _ai his moat
it. -tb.rt . w• ir hv tv i.ift. jH in render
comfortable all who give him a c,l. 1 hehous-a
will be handsomely fitted up. *t;d none but
careful and attentive servants will be engaged. I
Persons visiting the Bedford Springs, as well [
as those attending Court, and the traveling
community generally, are respectfully invited
to-give him a call and judge for themselves.
CGF" The stages all now stop at thie hotel,
and it is therefore the Stage Office.
Boarderstaken by the week, month or year,
on favorable terms.
rjy Ample and comfortable stablirp is at
tached to this hotel, w'ich will always be at
ended by a careful hostler. Also, a safe and
convenient carriage house.
Bedford, April 6, 185;"). n.
Bakery and Confectionary,
THE subscriber, thankful lor the patronage
heretofore extended liini by a 'liberal pub
lic, tenders his thanks, and he wouid respect
fully inform tliem that he lias received and
opened a new and choice lot of C"Meetius,
among which are candies, nuts, fruits, &c.—
lieabo keeps Groceries, such as Sugar, Coffee.
'To*- Molasses, Cheese, Candles. Nc. Also all
descriptions of Cakes, nnd will serve Wedding
and other parties, on short not ice, with confcc
tions and cakes.
He has opened up and refitted his Ice Cream
Saloon, in a superior style, where be will he al
ways ready to serve bis fiiends and the public
with good and highly Havered Creama. lie will
also serve parties to order.
His stand is opposite the Odd-Fellow's
Building, where he feels cenfidett* that those
who give hiiu a call will not go away disap
pointed JOHN J. LUTHER
June 27, 1856.
P. 11. Shires'
lit.lE undersigned respectfully announces to
X tho Farmers of Bedford and adjoining coun
ties, and the public in general, that he has now
on hand at his Shop ia Bedford, a large assort
ment of Thrashing Machines, which includes his
four horse PREMIUM MACHINE. 11 wi 11 be
remembered that this Machine took the FIRST
PREMIUM at our County Fair last fall. It is
constructed with tumbling Shaft and Strap com
bined; also four horse tumbling Shaft Machines
of the very best kind—two and three horse tumb
ling Shift power—andourold and well-known
four horse Strap Machine, which, for strength
and durability, cannot be surpassed anywhere
Farmers will please notice that we are sow pre
pared to Furnish Machines on the nt oat favrru
ble and accomodating terms, and at the very
' lowest prices possible. Horses, Grain, Lumber,
ur.d all kinds of trade will la- taken iu payment
, for Machines. All kinds of repairing of Ma
chines of different kinds and all other fam ing
utensils done on the most reasonable terms, of
i the very best materials, and at the shortest nw
' DC*- *
[y All our Machines warranted one year is
properly used. Please come this way tor good
aud cheap Machine. * ' _ .
August I. 1866.
The undersigned take this method of inform
ing their old Customers and the public iu gen
eral. tht thev nave removed their entire stoc
of Goods from the West end of Bedford to tho
Colonartc Store, lateiy occupied by CMpt. J.
Reed, where they will be pleased to see all
! who may favor tbera with a call. .
| . Ail kind* of produce taken :n Kx hang* ro
G Thank ftrt for past favors, they If 6tr
dealing and a desire to pkase, to coiomuetu
Receive a libera! share of the public patronage.
Bedford, July 26, SHo£Ma£E^
'■ *' ■