. EY DAVID OVER. dag ro'.i THi: POCKET -SSCULAPXUS git, iiii. i-; i a Lauioß, j oi.- liLiiU' <i hityru- ' —■y ' g_ v£r'- 11iV■ kixoW illls O JL 2 w> .MAiiormutKi.i ut the la, ! -y A A3C\ JR\ , ft W- u '"'* * s ' <cvcrj a leapt .' K'l-i.. 1 V wliii;!. .4 'j "a" ; }*iadiivd a Treaties on Hie \ H. * ■(* ilUjU*!*** ii h eiaalet. ben a , 2 v S'J ti,c hiylittt uhp'.:!. i* ■ % i- ,\s' Jit-' 1 married J eopii .or those i oci.tcttptutiug marriage— J ' Bv VILLI A\i vou.v g , >i D . L-t no ;'u s:r a_• .is i-.uujd to present a copy ! th.; .-& > .'CiAA ICS to bis child. It may i i'.-j iiitti from sa oarlv grave, Let no young! ki t j i■: .v i..iii enter into the secret obligations 1 il tinned ti-'e without reading the i'OOKE'T ; .Es aJi.AiMUi. L.t au oil.- kcffi ring'from a ( io I Cough. I'aiii ai the Side, resiles*' 'in, iwri mis feelings.. and the ivliolo t > ain ol ; i>. , ._• <ic s 'nsotlojia. and given op t.y their phy- ! It-* "luthot rnuiu.'tit without consult.:;' ,H '1 I.AI'IVS. Have the married, or ; t'j ,i; jinltu be inn; tie ! any imperial! nt. read : i i - •• , . m •!'! if ok, us it ii.ts been t lie mu:us ; of so. i; thousands ofuu fortunate creature* 1 i , i v gr: iin > <>'. dentil. \ . ssniing TWEXTV-FIVi: { i •: :' 4 ■ t -i.- • i ri a letter, n iil receive one ' e . this iv irk by m lit, or five copies will ho ' • i: : .r c ).i A ! !,"<. (i.-s: paidi HR. WM. Yor.VG. 1 i !I! -i i :'ii Sired, Philidel'i Bin. | •">' r~> \' , '// r / C-. r. Qf/L 'rA-f A-. X 3 HZ? Z-T'Z? X & *2? , BsJford, Pa. OVS'ICf on I*: 11 Str-et. nearly opposit 0 ! t i • ; l:'>r tIL tcl." Teeth |i!ugged. reL . ■I, tec., and artitieiid teeth inserted, from | i.:i to in entire set. v'larges moderate, and all ; e ; , ritemsivarra Led. 7"i'erms —i'osinvui v CASH. Jan. IS, lh.ll. i;Ei ! ! !!iiiS PTiiL, \ II GZXZRAL STAGE OIiTCS. ' til ("L siiiisvtriher resjiectfuliy l.eps it ai e to un- Jl. no tuoe to his 01.l iiieuis and the jsu .lu }; ' terrify, t' it !.e Inu leased an ! taken JMJSSCS •SJ HI of lite If i.L i !J .tel. lately in the occti -I'i.iay i Col. A dim ihirniiart, it is not Ins.- d 'I to mik rini i" ;,,-iifes!ons as to wh.it he •I i. it 1 ■ (i ■ig ais wood rloit his trsosi ■ e.i'.s 'tic itOiiris will l e einidoyed to render ■ lit •.' .a'. ' all w> i give iiim a Call. The hi _t , >v i. he b. if: i m lit ted i:j> and none hut • i* '.•*■; fit I ttnd 'i-ntiie servants v ill 1•* engaged. ' persons visitio_ the Bedford .Sfirings. as well ' tic•-. i te ci.eg Court, and the traveling i o Bui i iity :.i -rally, nre ri;sj< ctfnllj invited to give h :, i . c ill ami judge lor ih-.-aiSvlves. v 7" Th • it ij.M aii in. v stop at this hotel. ' ;.n-i it is I he/..' •>•• i! Stage < thee. It iiriars .oi hr the week, month or year, i.n t'a /on oie tarius. * j~ Aui ho an I e >m fori able stalling is at l ice ! to: -If tel. which v. ill ,'Cx ;iy ft : , j,t .ei i•lhy a c ir-f.;l ii -st'er. Also, a sale end ; L mve. iellt ea/i i ice house. ,7011A HAFl'r:. Htd 'oril, Arri! C, 755. f t. n ut. t iiii iiti Yi ifiior kootis. fp ! 7it a I tr.iig ie.l begs ivive to infonn la !. ' '■i Is and . a (idohc til i. lie i ih jnot le" i •Ifr •. ' c.iftl 'r . cilics. atnl i> M.W e.v- i ■ .i IT t'.ii' VP S1 DE. # general assorl- i mmiifiiiitx. e- rising .irietr ot I AC'IKS' oUiv-s G00I?S, f" th 'l-itost '■ ; . . > '■ h in |>att ss ?tac* and l' 1 a icy S i..--.. M o , i • —Cashmers, t'-ohurg and Tllio t. ; is. T'.i. • is. M ose'in l.i oiitivs. Mo.ifts.-'ine It ' B y s. I- iiiirv Punts, 'iom n tip '..[i >1 . 'i i. lileie:: • i an i utibleached, fi< in a fiji ; '"•> 111 .vi-Itus. rißi.jt an ! Hay Si 3(l . Shawl*. ! f'i'i o P. i-M. Itfwwi and tflive Fu-rch Cloths, .or ii i*. ant Fani-y i iss imei #.• Tweeds, u.: ut- Mar., V •s'tugs. Mt lino Shirts .lad . ' ' s. ;i ■„ /.a i Cms. lioati and .Shoes i: g ii variety. c. guo-J:?hfs. Su;fr 'fill sti S.-iup .iIA. O. Molasses, best ltd a l -Tav i Cot! •-. X. t). ckritii ii. enisl ed, an t gt-* imli: e J da-;rs. Spices. T-;m. C-. ocr l.ltl. Vg.r FTOI ,f TF ivi-"*, 'To! :JI CO I. ; !!., an I Oils, tit '*r w:lh t". 'a i *.lhor urtf e udaot ed to t'l." ivt i',, o! C. • people. ; ,!i which he • sd - i/i lined o fti'li CHEAP !"OK CASff. or approv. i Ji-odu-o. IT .f re sp .".tfitliy invite* ail *.-rrh of Bar-, r'irnto eive him I csli ivfo rr pll r ''hii sill ft. " ala ifel for )i.ls! favors, he i opi shy lair ileal. ; int. ai i a desire to plesso. to rominve to r.ieril ; as 1 revive a liberal share of the pwldicpatroti- G. tr. i-T'rr. • Get. 12.TH11 | Dr. P. C. Raamsr, Phy6iciia and Surgeon. prspotiral!)' It-mlcrs his services r< j * t tne citizens of Bedford and vicinity. j .'■lay 1 way he found <u>iies profeusienaily en- , fg'l/ • t his trug and Hook Store, in Jui.aua ,';t. ; r'eb.l fi, 3SH. Tlllf-SlllXi; d.VCitlN'gs, with 'J, o r 4 horin power for *;'e oho.p at Ha l\ Colo - tilde Store. t N'ov. 3 i, fSIX. hkmoval. i 1 ! II" ; uffi.cr •voeud rcspeetfullv aitnounc* . j" ' -'f.ou alt ha .lis r.-uieved l,i TlKli* j •• • uini.iiiaii i t;i i haitipu ' recently oecu* ! p io. 'l/ Lr!: , as a i i.lieglioaary Store * *" ..'.am inJ, a a are he is better prepared tain ever to accomodate In* i usli.tu,i> with c " ;r y i.-io-leiri the hue of kin !ciiiu -. either - I'last! ) or mail, and hopes they w.iigivo •• .a a call ,t ;; 1 new location. , GEORGE BI.YIIIRE. dadforJ, April 17, 18.1j. I• o. i'iie aubscrihcr is ilcnireus of hiving cla*jd up tiil lit April, eith r "> civ; , r ; ;[ c hopts this notice will bo aitcniui !<i iai oeliiteß . G. R. -<cw Jewtiry. P'-i. 'a.ucr.bcr has opened eut new and A <;'■•>>>' asj riuicnt of ail t£b>d of the i ' ciaidr Jewelry—i. r.*itiryin part of * * . - - d i Riai?*, Bar 21,ut?, i,o. A*. .aigics. Ucll DANIEL L'OIIL'I2I2. A Weekly Paper, Devoted to Literature, Politics, tbc Arts. Sciences, Agriculture, &e., &e —Terms; Two Dollars per annum. ItSHIOSUIX jTIIUIIIK ESTABLISHMENT. i rrtUK subscriber h9 ri moved fcis usta'blish ; i merit to ti c TMtxi in the Odd-Fellows' j Building. 'itiitnttli;'-tc'y ab< vt the store of A. : li. Cramer & Co., where he will niteinl proinpt !y to nil business entrusted to his care. He to : c'.-ives- rejr-Kl■■•fly the latest City Fashions, and ,j will oledgu himself t!:as Y-oil, done at his shop • shail wvrir well and tit neatly. 1!e respeetfully-selicits a share of the pub ; lie patronage. S. J. McCAUSLAy. | Nov. 9. 1865. 3Lcmf sc r! JL uiuiie v!! I /IIAA -SHINCLKS of distant 1 kinds. Also." 7a.<:<W) feet j of LH4tiLli of various sorts, such as White : fin.-. Ye'.ov.' l'mc, Poplar, Spruce. Ac. !• or ; I sale ly V. I). HEECLH. Si. Chiirsville, Feb. 18. 1853-tf ' Valuable Prepprfy If imiriT?? IMIW j .1 i I sis t\i ti O aLlu. • rplll. subscriber offer# his valuable .'•■' i:l"l*rr .fi [' ;iy iinl L'.iiuicry for sale, situate on j i Brush Cievk. K-st Providence Township, l'od- i i lord i loutity. Fa., two miles South oi the JUKI- • •ui Crossings, containing 4(") acres, more or j • !>•-.-■ with upwards of 1 it) acres cleared, with ! i 'Jo seres ot gocil meadow. I'lte balance well j im.ii ied with oaii.whi'e and yellow pine,--! I 'i here are two good o- e.h.tr la f choice l'ruit on } ! the place. The impr vunvrnis are Srst rate MZR- \ Clf. 'XT T-iILL, with three run of stone, and j : ail the necessary machinery for doing merchant i : and country work, aii uewlv repaired in lb-Yl. j The T.iXSER Y h is 11 vats, with all the fix tures belonging thereto. The bark-mill and i hide-breaker run b. water power. The DIVEL i Li-XO HOI ■'•'£ is large and commodious, with running water at the dour attain the cellar; ' a'so a Urge hauk-hani, wih running water it) : the h.t: n'yanl. a agon shed and carriage house, j corn crib, smoke house, wash house, with all •cccssary out buil-linga. There are al.-o a I'lanu t M ill. Saw Mid. and three Tenant Hou s .'s and stabl s. and s vera! fine springs of liv ■ in;; water tin this tract. IVrsoes d -siroiis of purchasing good proper ty will do well hv e.tiling on the subscriber, re : siding on the premises. SIMON" NYC CM. l; its fTill I'. 0.. Jan. 25, 3856—5rn C.7"C it tit: hers burg K.?p. and Transcript, pub -1.1:3 li.i# llir e uiuti attJ Send bill lu thai ottice oeoleeiion MOSAIB iSSi ! fi.iTlfiN, I PHi'..ir>EL:oiiX. 1 Itnporicnl 4unoiißcetent! j fPO all p -ra . is afd tc| with S txutl diseases. \ L n i i.s iunai'.d V. • ..kites#, Impotence, • (don n.r. Ui. Gleet. Syphilis. \e., Arc. '!' a ■ //o'.v ir . Associati ..j of Ptiiiifieip'-ia, ir. , I view •< -k ■ avvtuides" • in. loiru. i.i'ea:.! ; health, r us. d tiy sexunl di*y .•##, and the tit- ; i ecjiiion- wii.chare practised ;.p-it t •t; furtn- > : nute victim* of such d.s.ets s ~■ (Juacl;>, litv.- J directed theire..instilling Surgeon,as ack '. i'a- I '...• -•■. won by oi their name. to give ii <n j uJri-r zrtu'is, to ull persons th 1 ...-afflicted, (Male I • or Female. • v.ho apply i ylettcr, with a 1 -scrip- i lion t'f l in ii Condilioii.i age, o.'cupatnja, llab- ! i its • ? i'.fo.) ft c.. and in cases of extreme pov- ! > City and bi.rfering to fur: iskimiiriMS fr*>'Oj '• i Tf ■ !Toward Association is ait tnerolent In- | si it tit ion. csialtlishefi itv special e ndowm tnt.f-r the reii. f.vj th; sick and distressed, afflicted , h "Viruietit ai i Epid •j?'c l;.sis •." and i it.-i emlr-e. in l.e used t* rno other purpose, fi leiaao.r a surplus of ma.un, which the Dir •• t '• i - I v- >• voted to idverti v the above ntitice. II i". Uv# to atid that Ike Association com mands the highest Medic I skill ot thy ige, and v; ' f'm: -h ti • ■■■> rc-.nle"i; e itmcnt. uabie a-lvicc ..is., gicyn to siekand narrow fc m-ah s withslidnmina! weikness. Womb cor.'., 'iiii,o tstiveness, Lrucorrb ca. Ac. Address oo.s*. pij.i,'; !'r. <••->. 11. i \ LHOC v. 1 CoosiiitiagSurget ti, How trd A tociottom, .%'•>. ! 2, Sunt:, Ninth direct. i'Siu tdcipliia. Fa. Uv nril. r of the Direct, rs. i./iUA D. liKAitTWELL. P.-rtiicnf. \ Geo. FAluOi;.r>. f-.- rctory. •I ite 1, I >55.- :-a ri* TI.ITIN GLAMK & dVrn. A. X. CI.AWK harmc ; ti f. rni -d a partue ship (in the T.t tning the brjsiccss heretofore carried on in Seliclis b.irg by .!• ho ("lark will in w lie conducted iiy and UI ♦!;. II aim. of Job U Ciarit I. lion. NOTICE. FKJ!SON'o having ui—c'tlc 1 acc<vu*>ts e 'th th utxlersigncd arc called upon to attend to liictn .pr >npt'y and have them closed. More partic ularly icc'.u its thet have h -ori s'en.'ing some r uic. should. ;n | m*it Uc stl'-rdol to. and if in s one e ( , ins are nor prepared to c'as • fuilv,ihev ruust at least attend ro them. j tHCLAT:". March 1 4, 7856—3 m. A. KiFR. JORDAN !.!W PHITNERSDIP. Kitij & Jordan, itiDruejs at Law DEDFOUD, PA., priciiceia the severe! Court* ofFe T 7 l'ord and i.{joining counties . .Vii.'imieH, and.ill other onsiness intrusted to their care will i.epromptly nd faith fully attended to. tr'f It h iniidians street, forineriy occupied by 1). 11. Hofics. R<-j..an 1 '.ti 'rn recently in the oc rup iricy ot J **. Mann. I.br. .f inu try. 1S >. BaJiory .sad (•afoeliaa-ir/. fPlliiauhscriber, thanktul tr the patronage JL hcrutotdrc extended him by a liberal pub lic, tenders hi# thank#, al.d he would respect fully infor ii thorn that he has received and opened ana aJ ch>iee lot of Confections, among which are candies, nnts, fruits, Ac.— He also koeps Grosarias, such as Sugar. Coffee. Tea, Molssata. Cheese, Candles, Ac.. Also all d .-scriritior,# of Cakes, and will serve Wedding and other parti ex, n short notice, with eonl'ec tions mil cvkes. flu lei* opened t:i> and rrfltted hi* OYSTER SJLOOi V, in a superior #*/!, whore he will al ways by roidy to serve his friends und the pub lie with the Ireshcs'. 1 choicest Oysters that j can be procured. His # t ind is opposite the Odd-Fellow'# j BniMiig, wf| wy h f-. els r •nliduDt t!;at those who giro hi n a call will not go awsy disip- j pointed . JOHN J. Ll'TlIO. j A'lV'j.TSf.o. I Ifi/ANTED AT HEED'S COLUMN A LI. STOKE, U ItfcAtf, live, J>t"i'Tfcß, QAIS, Cony, huos, ! . -IP-'i ImIIB, ! In Exchange for Goods, j Haifa.-,}, D<w;. 21, 185->. (JHi J| iff lif p D ''l nft n | !i i<njt; hia a i lliisi,. .'h subscriber kavier purehss. <F the eMir ! e'orU r.i 11 vUD WA.BE ol -in*. flmiiMS- ji- I Stiller. in Che Borough ol Bedford. *voul<l re ! spcctfully announce to liij> pob i lip gjnorally, that lie is now prepared to fur i uinu almostuvcry article iti his line ol business jon t'av-oralilc term •. His stock being neat ly all | new, an 1•> :1 tcte.l >y one well experiencedin the j business, hois fully sathdled that purchasers : willii i.l it to their advantage to give lent a call, j I" i' lit ion * > a general ate ok of II trdware. he ! has o;t hand, and will cote 'al tlv k-ep GRO j CERIES of the very li.-si quality—GLASS of | ill size— also, S I'ON L W YUE of a very superior i quality! f! ■ has also on hand all kinds of Oils, i paints. Drugs, Brooms, &c., &c., and Cedar ! Ware in great variety • j I! tving now permanently settled in business, i and being I 'tir-iin--. 1 ;o use every proper exer ; •"">•*. to please, he hoj.es t < merit and receive a lib rral share of public palrenape. JOHN ARNOLD. i Dot, HI), isr,t. Call at Eilymirc'fi, i'-IJI 53 subscriber lias ju;t received from the 11 istsrn e.tie.s the boat assortment of Brass j Copp w, and Tin Ware ever ottered in this place, j towhich he invites the attention of the public. | fUTjas a great nutty improved cooking utensils. ! that cannot tail to ploa.se every housekeeper who i uses them. The L i lies especially are invited to ; call and cxamin ■ 111" articles. Among them nr.- • Bn vss and Bri.t. Merer. Kettles of all sires. I Water Coolers, OhAflng Dishes. Saucepans. Milk ; Boilers, .\n;sK Lanes.an excel}.mt article for i the sick room. Cake Moulds. Spice Boxes, Tea I Cannisters, Brass an 1 Iron Ladles. Patent i Lamp*. Candlesticks. Glass Lamps, Match Box | es. Spittoons, &c.. Ac. English an 1 French Tin. Iron and Brass Ware a great variety. .! up in aid Tin Toys, and a gre .t variety o| Fancy articles. Chain and Force Pumps, and in short every article in my line. Don't forget to call at thnTin Ware Depot in ! Pitt st. GEORGE BLV.MIRF. I J rtg; 11, 1854. STP*J?PTOE . J- V... A.* r "J3T\ffii2 .-T:a In the Ori 'inal ft elf Ernests. 1 I.N BOXES, OF O AND I*2 rOCNDS, AND IN 1 METAI.MC PACKAGES OF { i,1,*2 & 4 POVNDS* FOR s.i,;, y by JESKIUS &- CO., ! (oa.ctNar. ISCUNTOHS or ran MJ.jAM.tr T'\\ rvcx.) Wholesale PeMersin Teas Oily ! X. W. con or MAUKCT A- Sixvn Era., riiiUDM!!. ! is in "1 u lift- Panics put u- in IT -' i Chests, containing a v irietv o. both Black ami j Green, to suit havers. Priuti; 1 I.isto! Prices, Tenns. A".. furnished ! i rmiil t a'.i wiio NJ OR them. All Tev warranted to p'ciso, or no sale. O-i- an I the stttn price and teriusts all, and one only. If dr'C.V sts ofB! irk contain about pounds, and Green. about 50 pounds each. Feb. 20. 1851.5, e I WHO WANTS i FIRM! j tho-ia who wish lartns—to liavi ! fertile land at a cheap price, and on easy . terms. yuur attention i> called to tboßidg • way Farm at:d dual ('uiipany Twenty-livt 1 acr.is or more in proportion are given lot 5200, pav ib.e in instal'iiMits of §L pet wee'.;, or 5 i per month. It is located in Kilt I county, Peoaa., an 1 had orto of the hesi j markets for its prodece in the State. The j soil is a rich ioaiu, auJ not to be. surpus ; sed for farming, ex miin itiorj will shew 'lt l;i- the ! . i-e..tiifS of f'fo-J eri'v, he ! mtr under laid by two ri.-h vr'.ns of con! I and will shortly tic intersected t>y four rail roads. Toe timber is t the m<>st vaiua : bit; kind. Title unexeepiionnbly good, art w.it-intee iV-cds aro given. !■ presents r i trued and substantial opportunity f> com tneneo farmttig, nrovidinj! for one's chi'i : dren. or'.a ik.a:r an investment. Fork ft particulars can be had from the pauiphlctt 1 which are s-jnt to inquirers. Letters an ; sivercd promptly. Apply or address futu) IV. Oattcll, Secretary, 135 Walnut street, north side,between 4th ond sth streets Paiia. Full information is contained in j the pamphlets, j Feb. 20, 1856—3 m. TANNERY FOR RENT. ; t/ySHE subscriber wishes to rent his Tan nery and Saw Mill, situate in Sr. Clan ' t Township 5 miles north of Schcllsburg. Ito anv person wishing to engage in the tanning business. This property will be a very profitable und desirable one, as bark is very abundant and cheap. The SJW Mill is in fine running condition j and will pay well. Th-re is attached to ) the Tannery a good dwelling House, Stable an ! other out buildings, with running water at the door, and (5 acres of land. The Tannery has a One horse breaking machine, 16 lny-a-way vae, two limes 2 bates, 4 leeches,and pool. Any one wishing to rent, will please call on the subscriber living ou the premises. Terms easy and possession given the Ist dav of April. ABRAHAM PENNISON. Feb. 23, 1856. IIBNT, TIIE LARGE BRICK HOUSE n Till .Street, one doer "Vest of the Bauk Ilousc. i'osaesaion riven on the Ist of April n.xxt. G, W. ANl)l*ißoN'. I Jan ll,l",6.-tf. BEDFORD, PA., FRIDAY, APRIL 11. 185fi. 1 ~ ~ STAIITLINU, BIT til I'M Warning !o Every.Sensible Woman Why Fcaaales Suffer in 2Jcult Ji. N'.i tionui: of dalicacy is w• IJ> to disclose the peculiar ailments incident t" bar hex, evei, to u most i'.aim ite family pbysitiiln. This iuo lescy *n I delicacy is implanted by tiJUiro, antfrm-itb-r aboutd nr io<| b'a sul jitt er! to the rtflfe inevitable- in inuiettig known Li theother sex tjiosc ailments belonging exclusively to t!.' It-male. E<j ?•>: in extreme c ises. hr sensilivenes will <mris's lior health rather than lurdelicacy consaqu-jitces art: serious, 1 jaivutabHi add lllb-lotig. f ins - whit at first could hive been easily rem edied. or perl) qia hotter still, nr: incurred, be eoni ■.< a complication of diseasenot only ru ining tin* it altli of this mother, atd ombia. rlu her days by sic taoss and Aitb tin;;.! i.t o.iiaihitt; broken cnnstUutinns upon her eiii'. hea, aeg embarrassing, if not distressing; the business md pecuniary prospects of the li•. b>. .t. Let eve y s insiido wionan TAitl'l WAR.VI AG S.xj TI r f l". (as thousands .l ive done) by to - bitter exuert • nee and sufferings of others, of ihe dreadful consequence* aha entails Upon heta dl'and t'oo-,,. endeared to her, by her itpooran.ee of the sim plest to J plainest rules ol healthus connct-. ! with the marriage state, the vj o 1 11o„ 0 f w entails disease. Sudbring attd uiUery. How oi toy tra s tTtring froai obstructions irregularities peculiar t > the vr.t .le system which undermine the heah r, -liu e'Jeers o; widen bey arc tjn >t tut, and for w 'bicb tbeir d ; Icncy forbids seeking luuiicai urivice! Hi w many antler front profit run t uteri (tailing of t • womb,) or from fa or alius < weakness, dcbi'il .. &c.)! How tuny are ia constant a.gtiuv for many months'tine ■ ling eoiif:.;rm! id' How e.V have diiii -uit, if it it it iigeMMi.u deliveries, and slow and uncertain recoveries! T< the <i.t 'stion, how arc these to hp proven, ted f what aha!! be done 1 the auct is simp! '. Let every woman ascertain for Ktr.wlL without violence to her dtdie u:y. the nature and eimia •- er of tile a:haunt ,to which she a< female is n'yft) t.!i • causes from which it |i :v arise, and the proper reinidio.. for its cure anil future pre vention. t This she c in do by possessing a little volume ('already possessed by thousands) svlueh tells h-r wtut i.s tlie in itter. and tells her what to do f r it. in simpl ■ hut chaste words, and such as aha can understand. This little volume is entitled THt: .'J.IRRIED IVO.MWS PRIVATE 3IEBIC iL COSIPAMOS, BY n:i. v. m. m aT*nic.;;aL', raoritssot r teroir 'hi? Unudrellh. Edition (•"( ti.fttH) 3£n©., j y.. £."r [on rixer.u-Kit, J.XTI:A nrvrur.o. sl.) A standard work of established reputation, found classed in tin- Catalor toai of the ere if Trade Sales in New York, Philadelphia, an l Other cities, and sold by the principal books,it ers i:t the United States. It was first published n Ist f. -i ft which tint e FIVF !!FXEn T!!OCS-VNJ) COP!ES iv" h ten so!!. nf whieh t'oere sv to upward* " r ONE TUT N lift LB THOUSAMi SENT BY MAIL, attesting the high es tint.arte uln which it el I as a reliable popular medical 15 )J[\ VOW KVKIIY FF.MAT.K t!io author it iviug devoted his exclusive, atten tion to the treatment ol cucpinnts peculiar r„ oinales, in r.speet to which he is ye.,r y c-.m --s iifed by thousand*, both in person and in letter. II >r" every -,v I'ti in em dtseorer. by compa ring her own sy mptoiiis v. ,cli tho„e deserib."!. the nature, clnracter, cuises of, ami the proper reined: s f r, her comphiitiM. The Wifeahont becoeiing a mctber big cftn need of irutruef ion and advice of the >Umo.-.f. impoi'.iiiCe to her future health, will find such tt.slructior. and ttdvicre. and also explain ttt inv symptoms tvidch otherwise would oocasioii .anxi ety v alarm, a*, til the peeuli trit'es incident to hnr siiuation arc desert bed. It is 01 " iitr..,' t ipr.ictieahh' to convey fu'i ■' the v t:; ins saif "c:streated of, as tit y are of a nature strictly intended for the married or fhos. contetnpUtii.g marriage. The revelations c-'t !aino.l in its pig.'s have proved a Messing r > tt' usands. as tlis intiuro rahh.' !ctrers ri-c.-ire ! bv t •' author (which he is permitted by them. ter to publish) will attest. Extract of a Litter from a gentlm re j :i Etu'm., O.iip: htrrov, Hay 1, lsf7. Or. .If. '["rrieri'i ; ••My " ft his biou perceptably sinking for sortie three ye.irs or more, ia Cons •quotjee of her or eat tnguish and suffering some months!* - fore and during conStiero eat; every sit tcessive one more an ! ruore I'biiit itcd and prostrated her, pitting her life in irrmineot dmg *r. a-td which v. is on tie last occ isio t despair -d of. 1 supposed that this state of things was inevitable, arid assigned myself to meet th • Ivors', d r time ( now .1 h 'it two months) 1 heard y • tr b >o': highly spoken of. is containing some malt reaching my visa. On its r-j reipt and pr ~sit. I cannot express to y ,u the rebel it.id' f 1 r • distressed mind, and the joy its pages impart *1 to my wifj. on learning th" great tiscovt rr .it M. M. 'ltio'ifnu provid"d a retneny. It open ed 0 ie"> ;p v- • , m ' w'tiah 1 littli :• ■•."••ivii vis possible. No pacjijit-v cousiderttinn can ever rep y the oTdigations I am under to you, for having been the t t>an.i of imparting 1 0 us th • matters contained in '-The Ma<Tied Woman's Private M -li? 1! (' uup mion.'' But for this, ere rother year won* I have passed ever my h- I'. tin all human nroluhility my wife w otid have I ecu n Kit grivu and tuy children loft mother. ll'Si." In • nu (cinnae of the universal popularity a the w> T, ts 'vidunced b.v it.' extraordinary . t viriom i'apojttioas have beari attempt- I .< w >ll on tin ; tellers as on the public, h." iui ti 'it M" tit la ■> ig 1. spurious e litmus, and sue p'iti > ts infring >mcut* of copyright, an 1 othe virjs ail d ■ • jptaous, it h is .1 on found rtecc.s ry therefore TO r*TTIO\ TSIE TTSTSLIM W huy DO booiv unless the words "Dr. A. M. Hai ricexu, 123 Liberty Street. N. Y./'ison and the entry in the (Herk's Odice on the back of) the title page; and buy only of respectable 'nd honorable dealers, or send by mail, ami ad. dress to Dr. A. M. Mattrieeau. rocoipt of One Dollar. '•THE V. AKBIK1) WOMAN'S IMUVATE MKfHGAL COMPANION " is sent (milled freo) to any part ol tno Unite! Status, the Canadag and British Provinces. All letters mnat oe post pail, and addressed to DP.. A. M. "lAURJ GK \.U, 'iox 1224, New York City. Publishing OiSoo, No. 12!) Liberty Street, New York. July Id. 18-55-—6 m. Asm* —Dr. F. C. It ■'■■ inter. Bedford; T. B Peterson. J. M. Moss fx Bro.. and Thus Cope'' thwait, Phtladoiphia; Spangler k Bro., Laura 3 ter; J. B. frunttison,Erie; S. B. Lnuflrr, Green 1 burg; J. S. Nickgon and A. E* McClurc, (. hutu" iKrilairg. F£f V FH\S< F IT;?! rHE VCCETA?IM ESTRICT ! I'IMA. FOR THE CI.T.E OF Fi:s, S;> isms, (riirr.jis, ai?d ai . Servous and iousliJiHiuni kls ****• who arc lubo;*inr ml.— H.' s u v distressing malady, wiit lijiti tb, Yeget *olc ' Epileptic Fills 10 be the cnij r..'Uay ever lis ovcrcd for Curing Epilcjty rr Failirg fits. ! These pills possess a specific action on the r.er vuus.ti sti in, utid, alt Lot ph tLvy are prepared Especially for tin pur; use of curing I'jis'tbey j vriil In; found of especial belief;! !< v ai) per.-oi:.- j afliieted with weak nerves, or whose ri r. ous ! system has beer prostrated or bbnttertid from ■ any cause wo-Uever. lo chronic contpiaiiits,or diseases of lone standing, superinduced by :ier , vor.sness, they aroexc-i ediiigly bem-lieiui. • Testimony ic favor o| t\ 5 Vege table Lsirart Fpiifjilic ! ifls, j l'i tin publication of t'.efollowingeeitific-tsi j"f cures, lot' names have been suppressed, a* j the testimonials i>< rc voluntarily a. red, and o ! j w. uiu be improper to p-..h)Uh iliem without t! e consent of t.ic p rfLs. .ton wiio would be on willing to publish "to the wofjd that they or their children or friends, ever iad tils, when 1 the circumstance is always regarded ..a one <;) 1 too fa:,!.!;, .'.ccrmb, RstPiw, B.r.is County. l':i. j D; ■ ou'oor 1!- l, I SC-J. ) To Seth S. Hatter : j Dear Sir—The Pills ra.v brother bonfj.t o vois In November, 1 ih mu tY- Vep table Kpi ! 1 optic Pills, are out.and I get a friend to enclose yon five dollars, for which 1 wish y-.ti to send ate immediately two hovrs mutf, i have been . troubled m.my years with KITS, and have tried tliy skill of marts' physicians, but nothing v I ich f have t ikort ayp'-ars to have met the v,-.|n:.ie tnonfs of tnv cas ■. so Well as vour i";-Mettle Pills. AN' ) Tll y.i- CAS!-: MP FITS. Oh.tatcsr.? art, Va. } j Sovetabar l">th. IP,>2. C . To Setb S. Fiance. Baltimore, ?id. Bear Sip—iluv -i,; it •• i atliie'otl for m-iiu- ' years past with P vilig Pits. J saw jot:r adver tisement. -it;'', dote: "nine-*! to j-.lve vci i- ion trial, and 1 am happy to or- tha> since I coji,- •ri.'n"ed the use .f them, I biv.• not had an m- V ' "• m. - • • i >r, .i s f p ivo : i • i i, ;• T tvas ;fts6rke<! t*r nvpks, Liu mt . c j have hetn i;si?£ thciv> I l ;sv<* to: 1 i .in aii.u k. V K* ra^pectfn?!* LKTTSR FHOM A DKUCGIST. A'ew York, Oct. 10, 1 c •*'2. , Dear Sir—Please send toe tv.'o boxes mote el vnur Wsetati! E;rile,.t:c 1 i. 1i i pein i i. whom l procured tl-etn. is ...ueli j-let i'-d with I their ed'eeis. They recnt to have a;: excellent ! etFect. A PERFECT CUbi. OF r.I'H.KPST. I Pittsburg, "fovetni.ii is, Iff.-. ! Bear Sir —lt a now t-n months sine -myw .• . hart any of tho ,e tn-rt m.S att.te,.:.s. She thinks J she is enro l. She !..<•> not had . nvsyr :>t..u.o! | the fof th ; l ist ni.ie n.rti.tlis. toei. i y our V.-igetabb- Extract ?j!U lor about iVut | montlib, and discotiti'nttd them font njcmtl s sine'. Mrs. S. was treat -d by tint best old' school physicians in the Sitto for ten y,..ir® ti v j by the best Moiiio-palhte for eighteen ntou'l s. ! v i.hour ".cure. It is t • your- Y,t>i:.ile Ex-| tract Pil's and wit'- sir r-'.r"*l to .(ir *• wc ascriii© her cure of tVe most dreadftil J - case that evei aiiliel.-d the. l i.nisttfitliulv. j wish every person afllicten tith Tidbpsy ini this. •nrdiciue. md would git s it u thoroußh tvia' It in iv not cure in ill iv.ses, but in this it 1 ir jtevfainied wonders. A VERY RIiMAF.KATT.K CCKE. IHUed-ev-;",. f. ; .. Bee.rilti 17. )e-32. ( Dear Si.*—l wish to ' ll!l :v -' ?'• '• !!• t tie • ill-, fimiiy has neon .-.flticied wiiii HIS lei .. number of years, and s-et.ii y r,t i tlvertisenu-i - '< ;;i i u■ ws piper. coacertiing y li- \ cgels hie I.x j traci,l''p>h'ptie Pi'. ; .->, ! esruv i>- tin; ce-i.-.-i. .<n . after trying alnioip < <ry pbysieia : in uij lea. 1 t mid -all having failed in relieving my chih. >. i! the disease, to send for >; c boxes of year j-ilib, which proved an aiiet iuul cure lor my daughter, ' who is now about 'S years r-t age. 1 ti.ink ' the.- •is no other oiedicVa- in use evpial to -. ~, and I will he forever grateful to yoa fei the Üb< , of thorn for m; daughter whom it It is c::r. (i. , Years, i'.-s! J-.-.tfttllr. Xcrrcss <i:iu C-AintifuJcaa! iJise.T- Sr>, Those j.ills poss-s.s ■ spec if - ncriap on'he nrrvcu.s systoia, and alihoey ii tbey pi.; i- ' r.-I especial!y for ti-'- purpose e! e.uriug pits they will i.e found of .-spee.al benefit to all pel- ■ son afllocted with weak tieires. or whose tier- ' vans - Htel)i has h. en. prim':• ttefl or sh itterd, j from t iy" -aasse vvbatov.. in fact it is aln -st . i up.j.ssioic to convoy ai. idea tt f • j .sue ■iy an i abonst mlrteutons results which taeso plUa oit'rat in tb-a -•, In-ken dovru J tr • aiMsUated n -rvou.. systeiua. Persons vl.n were all lassitude, weakitesss and debility, be fore their use, at once leeome robnst and lull of energy. Ntravt: ;r whether the coitstituti: >, , has been bfoKvn d" v.i by excess, weak by u , turn, .r dr.hilitatcd by sickness, tb.- r eillctinf; j the unstrung and a-iattered nervous organiza- i tion is .jually certain an.l apparent, in j T it' licitrl tia, headache, v-itigo, prdn it? the i nerve* of the face, an t the various train of ner- I viius all'.ictio-aS, pulpitavion tin- heart, pciio'l ical huudachca, eoid and tliivered stale * 11ht- ; frame, frefpaant fits "f abstraction, total itiahiji ty, dislike to society, niclaiiehnt' , religiojis no- j riotn-inu, hexts and flushes of ti.* face on the j slightest occasion, a desire that existence should I terminate; they will produce a- cure in nn astoio | iishugly short period of time, and it will alos ! remove depression, excitement, a tendency to! blush, restlessness, sleeplessness,incapacity lb: I study of business, loss of memory, confttsion, j giddiness, blood to the head, mental debility, j hysteria, indecision, wretchedness, thought - <:f| self 1 xsfrii* tion, fear of insanity, Ac.. . f Th>*y will increase and restore the appetite strengthtir the emaciated, renew the health of ' those who have destroyed it by exc> sr.es, and • induce ontiuual ciiecrfulnc-ss and equanimity of spirits, nud proiong life. Persons of pale complexion and ccsunniptire habits are restored by a !■<-.r or In", to bjocm and vio,,'-. changing The .-d.'c f: ■" prb'dye'h w sick I y color, to a h<>*at*ftii Solid compb tion. j H7*As tk-'ia Fills urec. sipcntcd of t --uie o ' ('••• r >t ?n it -ids in the if jteri t | Medics. it will be impossible to leaf e rhym jut urnl the ui: :ry on ; .'L JICV. a* eotr.r: Pat ent Medicines usually nr... Bat io order to li t | the rttHii'te-l it; the mo?' reicntc parts o t'. | country htvo a * .'!.i!ir,e to obtain tV.-w, 1I <-y | will be sr::t by mail li uof postage, t.o any part j of p I States. .>r ir,y country trit*. '.'liie! I tit I'sut.-.l States has y its.l arraafvrrtet.ts. or Itl * "v- •r r : reroitt i-'i- • ili' • K\ raet Epileptic. Pi": jsß pt-r'nuX, t'.> l;<".\' '< or si#"pi'Tdi>ZPa. E/"A!l -.rder., n.est l> ■ addr sseai : .-stj.r'.d t . S. S. lIANCf, lft? BalJimori Rifc-t, Baltimore, Md. Ilanecs"s 4•ifsspari]! i Bio ml Pi':?, '• iforchoCiid Oal'dy, '• C 'it;pound svrup of Horehoniii. "7*-V.Brt for s.'o by MILI.PH u COM-LV : Sel.e.l burg. I'. . A. y tif>, Ih'jo - *r. i m rni's. THE nt>der>i£i fi! have this day forme' a ja: tiiit-'liij jti the- Carriage Mak ns and Hk.ci fiiiiiL ii; IUB'.I under ti c oaine :•!'i f.u; .'! WtiN-I <V Co. V*C fa- P'-att. Iy]ti ii pti c? s, atteir.ico r.r.d the i i hsracter <f MV wuifc, to u.er:t and •! ;:■ in a fair short* < : custom. Our statu) if, t| a I taio Lire;oirc •.io.l r.v Wewoi & Fes it., uuuied.eev east of t< wr. \VM. V. Ivl- j-.L. ■ ; MIC IIA EL vVFJ3JFL, M JOIL\ WEISLL. j Feb. '2O, 1 '"fit;—tint. j WANTED— \t Heed's St r.t. — j tVheut, live, Oa'.o, liott, allUßaakwut-tft— .!! ot.ier a; >iv- i jo ounce, i,i exchang • ! r : yi. .ilia .il ca • i pricei Justice oftho Peac. j Vi'lCE two doors .> uili of i! e Meogv! V/ lluu- - . .it.; .••. i door to the < •"•. • of i Minn cc Spin.', where he wit! tutted to the nlV'vtian i-i' all claims placed in !.; I ate' - tt.'Ui'o.rd, Jan. it, i•S- fl. in yiip iiv i c v ai.w.a. k. -> it. ai'U A:\Jr 1 i.da..i K , • i . •, V ■ a • ' rr.Hiv .< c .it si,- o of tl.is ipsiitptici; ri 1 j comao ncc on Mond iv J-.nusry 2K-t, ' - •Mi. i i !; i ?c*s,i !• wOf he liiviiicii ii td two nuartvit ot 11 ci ks c ch ftitht 11 a vacatic!.. lwiti sol tiiitu-i! rsftd". v* tir; Ccofiirt.ri 1> itli.-li per jiiarirr f3,(h •: " To's-f.j.:. .. c.,.> 5. r i Litch lief ir branch I ach A i i-i t hinpio; o 1 .la" Tl." t !•tiif nmotirt i" t; o above not to FXTRAS. i Biawirgnnd Putt;t tl e diffV nft vrriptiei ir,.in ti y (.(' I.oftor ..j Piftro, 10 fit Voc 1 riv.;ic 2 lessors ror trcch I.' ( ; Incidet tn'.s. r.r | Boarding can be secured or r":i*f.!t:>bt- torm® By onlcrof TIIE l'KL r STEES j Bainshnrg, Pec. 7, 18-35. ! mm.idijii.s !\ii s:i> TieK.tRY. ,-• : f > js • -: i,-s> i' ,o X . ll i ia.i .i r.° , helLoxl. ?a . TT"XTI.""O ti i r' 1 .i, . ' Ro-.Ji II v i r. P. !i. Sc t:. has c ... y jon baiid. lit the obi s; i.id large a i w jlt • ; .c;,' o. >• i ice lines mi ! .Me-lie.re . i :•"• - old a!! of witioh orII! be f ! .ii i. i; let o>a. ihe i-Wfo;: l icnt consists in ; j Lri-:t •- C"oi;.\ /• .■ !f jJs c*i ... tiilu i.::c l,i; z,j < IfV-;.;. 7.' e ti*'. 1 ■ uis. £>, r/umcry, i- - articUt. ir., ft. ' , i i'-v'sJT.-.tlrg the r ... ' j .".cm." to' lit of ..p. of those ■ ' cij.c-s. li t- J.II ;,carc oil tint the'. ..re of (lie 1;. sr. : Miel i.iive Motulc ;< >t < f tans and -Atp. - jll PC. and e>u Ic siftl; r Hit. •del t. - r.citi . t in: T. risor.ra aivi Sen! , Sar.-- pi . n!l. Vist ir's C <1 M*im Cb-.ry. A ■ r.'• Pet cvi. y... i'ii;-"... ■ i.. - ;ix I f; 'i 1 -. jit. Jay lie si : tnii ". .h '.aiiei.;*. s, ' :'u"\.a,.'L:""" , CncscantJy on li...nd a i,,rg* s" i.;c trf ho-t'.nc, . : ?>gßH|diic !. scianti&c, ixludous, pneticat. schorl, and misc. d'aneous / >0 , . Aha iigv it v m;t* of /. LXrJY ST. >7 : . ...711". Cap. Post i.iid u otpping | ip-..r of every | qu tit;-. P-j|R r Hat:gincs in : v.iriet.v. — U'indcw illii Is i'l [ ilt; p>s - V ' v the ; icce.— j W.-ti! Pi.jvr. 2t o.d pi Fancy Goods. , SLJ& £ ftOOh'S i;f <?frry si.-.e and fpialiry, : Po.v't Bi. 'ks i t Port Moon ia. 'in; - I Blank. 11. is and Mortgigos. gold Pet,s and ; Pencils. Gr.w'ca. BrasUas, "irfuijcry ia great Vi'.l !>•(;. . S ..if s ,V'c.. f, Lumps, fiiid Carnphin.' Oil and Burnt' gFluid. , kept .onsfyi.tly on hind. CHOICE L!Q r: (>VS for fui-H'itt ■'> ; M'oM .< sCi'c'uam Btiiin..pji.s. Gi.i. . S.. -rr. .. . ; : Madeira lVi>. Aug. 11. L-'I.-tf o OE: DO Xa, fTIFf-JSjStii.iN'tiiicr, tl nkinifor th-apatro-.ags -L h. r< ti'feta- vV"id i : • him. wait id ra sp ctfuily annonnec to the e' -: e B 1 i and vicinity, th e 'eivni o; ■ i . dcuuOL on Monday. /. nril 7tli. in rhe L ■ 'er -ro:n of the Pr.-si'vteri .n ( i ntit. His best ni l '.r.'. ri wii! !>c used t. d's'ip'iac hi* MlpiisiV fircj.'. and ••••'," . I Teams of Tuitii i, )> t ju :'tor, to • paid a: ! ti. - c --seof each quarter, .is foUoivs: ! Piinw " $S (hi Pmctieal, Arithm tic. Gc tmphy 4rc. ,1 fc Mntheinatics and Natural ''civne. •*. 4 OJ P>; itci.i. Mci> -f, GB<*. ,SG AF >OS. i noi urniK. TO GOIJTIIACTOES. JiIIOrOSAI.S v.i'l be received by the Matii pi is of the Hopewell aid l>!oody Kmi | Turnpike ""d rimk Road <.'• • ,-.i.'v. .it tti' ! House of John A. Gump, in Woody Fun, on I Thursday (he 24i":i day of A"ri! n t. for f grading, ftininj and bridrinjr the ri-sr seven o.ill's i.f said IP.nd ironi IToim-ws-II intb? dhve 'ioM of j tocdy Bun. Sr>, , anor.-s. Plar.s ard Pro; cisets will ) cvhi! it -t std place lor fine d vs previous to said 2-1* bo! April. h printed p-op, .sj's v.ili b • f .nil in the bards i fp. Van Th-van hT. I" p. Stncrslw:;. Jacob H. i.ami'clfar, Bloody Bun, and tli - Secretary in Be IV-,1. By r erof !-.■ I'.v-trcf. JOHN' MOvFF, Styrfzty. March 2S, ISeG. VOL. 2!). AO 15 j ltoU W P, Attorney vx Lvvr, £n.mczhct ?*. | 11 "•- KJ!&K.irTliB r.:-,„ : , t . j t . th4 * " -•• '* <-itta <.f Retford • • - t: . -ay '"'>ns> Leu during t!, v Cviiirt at Dans' * - L \ F< . ; -UJ.ti jcd ©a£t; Cl , < tji ., ( c .1 V Mf,s " U ' - Vl ' ;; ""<* r.t.M ; , ;>• a * -. c : . t . . •> i.-.. v -• .. • : .-;.7.\7 ' r u.l.'f, j>.. , (j, I 1.. I • . j t e Y7 V' : '7* &fasrWnl Mjf; m yifo. *A> P.. ,■!. ii\ <. , t >r<-c [. :•{<. i- erstiuu tiiitea after dec.-.i.-e." I-Mi-s an.! Geutl -• , fi ; ,v-,et ;uilv 1, vi --"I"' 'III and UMullM tin- rtirCii::'-l-. ■ brine in-IHut ret. •• '.'u. j .| that watchful motto;.-, and secure i likvi.'.U ' 5 '• f'T IITOW. .1 UI.IV 1 ... to . Y "■. Y. Mother bring o , tln. v little ones. wit!, curHnr iocks ami *;a \ rig eyes. t6ev v. i'i m. '•pre t f.v }•! 'tiii iis.aiiatlit.fi s.rou'.d tie*..t>, m... \ on s ui trie; liii:, •-.Jon,- t., tr.c.f IV;' yet we Wour,! r< tr< i , ® "'•• 1 ' : lit Wot 111 S'l'r'.iti-;;i!rl J;lu Gone to (Me rda* writer* a., ill can i, iaiflfcesi, lM ""' lftan-s both j.trßci _:d Jo s?^? aa-.l tloulii—also fancv . s e.>a~* tri'ly <ir 1.1 id. .. 'V. !' 1 ' ' " ■ 1 "■ V' " Art ar< i aiTsratua Kr -:r f oil rc.s . trrxtis* B Ho. i. Dec. 21. It',.',. „ J " \ a: x > G. 11. :-VAN<;. i -' AK —The ur-c.-rrsigned Vi . , tv. -.nu u.t.|HViiUy aucn ito 8 i: ~h M' l'.. 'l'.. ' '* l- ' : '' Ciu - iivUtuiii at.il ati ■' : i' : " f, u!k ' na fitrff, thr.o doors ■ ' • . - " r.i'ra; uati oj | os.; t- the res.- a^hl c o* . : -j. i2t t . , " JIA.N.Y A Sl'i.x;. ■..l' t • e V-fiV' v r ' • niiiJlr OiJfiO. \ *'• ' - -V.'-ltJi CO. h■■, t- 'list ri •j. •• - js. #.t u . large .-si rriaer-t r . ,01 •* ''• " }w ' * Jil •""! Vi':i nr. j-.art t . Mv aitlpcr Bouttie s< : ; tua.l, y. 1-n'a •• Cry c.;l! 'to. ii -.v. Kij, L r.crt do. Vvul!i < if tiuie j.., clg V"i:C.-s C;.a K ].;n •'( do. If.y- , 'U Hi.- r not.-. : tv K,j !.. is, t- ' C ; aol. Kip 1•.1, ;s, . Fine t.ifi'it.- i."- (J.! .'n;. ictuii. Woo* ;.s; P.,ru.fi If- i., ; , -.,,.d, <r - c> ' ..: . -- r S 51....-S ■ 1 i.-.en s, . .. .- -\ A i<: . '• '"-A 1 "."' 1 1 lioi.fc ; 4 .. i t.'rv I.' 'Hlila J-" •• Gafters, in lact, . oiiis an ' Shoes in mmi cVevc j . ' ser. i; y-.11 ■ ; -,t ii... s a.. 1 5!..,,- a . a YgivY ' - an.! von s . |, c ia.ieii ia ,y v cl . a Sl '';• icl:an 5 c * Store is the pUct io l* } loots era Oei. 12. 1955. TajScr & Sow ij, TsITOrHS, LZLrCFD, FA. ry*vr, rossT,i\T!.v o\ ifa.YO -fc it I . 'iiiiri on Kut J'iM i, . ; >r i-";- <-i c. tju.iiirv.iisito'. '■' i rc r i'.-s. T: V pay the .., !' " s .: r'.ir.lry }M " vp. T '■) t 1 B L*li\- icrlsij; 1! 'P r - r '. ¥ '^DEJISItiJEIS I tVn - cracr, 4 ' ,li '' n' .ris r: nr.- T. ar; or pro ;:.v sin L 'n. n Tji.. !fit' c. • m, •< , r ■■■ ■ !• ! .-I 'nv IfKafi.ij ..; I,•; s , . .-.4 •; '•' ' >'r -J. i. it. lore.— f.>rl;.r ii-nyi its > : 1 "portion. *• I '' ' '• '" t f! C!;i ; rsvi A< v!) ;>.• 1 j-tly ,-t:-. r-ti. a < . •> -T, OKIICT)! •' " : i' - T'.J' ?5. -. IT s nr,TTT\ n rj'- (■ su'-sr-it -r; f r-'-- ! r " a: '• i. .. .aniity or-iu . o: i.i i'-.tag [.un- r 117 I'ilM-'!. ri:s. O. .;. -;sc.l St.CbifK- B".ifor.i Cotin'y. tr?i! !. promri y att-nUeii 1a..;, giving ate • l.ie r.-..::.,- . F. HE! Gl.i:. I■, ". y.s_ - a - * I'iii* w. .1 CIIEAI' GOODS, call at < 1 Oip Si ie. iireiil" frrlwl! Fill!, t\ii H'IATEa mi *NtO*C. r pHK Hi : sv!ri' n'.Sj-cI'IIUj L :-n ii, i:i;sii.r.cr.'s tiui th. l *y, f!: t -yii., .c j > l it-euivi ci -I t j i.t\ r-I! si? 1 Winter t'-.-y !i .re y,.t < '"-ed : j pi-.rch.ter. O'.irs'oc': f> i>.ls fi11...7.A : if 1•. J: - ,-k. Hrown,nn'l Ir.vW. '.<• Gret-ft : . "reii an.. .Vmericut. C. .ssinurcs. v..: ic •.- •. <!- "Urs; Kv. .fea'.is. Wocl't'v ' si-, ! itu t'v-i.. CiMti,. Bearer ('.loth, BJ aiki-fs - '•••, '1 e-vets, ;>iil:iiigs, Hrjiflis, iaos, Ifiotes, Hosiery, Slinvtls. is'.. Isc. 45" fii-f. s F ill Siyle C 'irnes. nj) j rir -12") -i I'ia: :m 1 Fig >1 IV B.n IS act Pi r-; si.-ui Cii fl.s. 2-itJ • Meavv artJ Mt.diora Brown 31us, lilts. £•* •' S;:i'Vr Bl".cSh 1 SMriins: <liii, (in •• 1 t Cloti.s mill A ; .oeas. ill C lil.f'S. 7", * ' i ' i-, .i- 'iti. a'.i c lor.s and j; 'ev*. 2-) Ail Wool, lilt,:, Li.-.;, an.! Starr Cut Jl OS, !■-. <• Floor Of! C; ti;s. 4-', A-4. C-4, and S 1 ;vU! ■. Jfon -n4 Boys' W.-.01. ?nr rtnd P wr -lore!, ff its, ■! r-.'o t.iii-.; ,\ -. ■ ..[a. .i C t-.-tt mtdplvs'i ilv>., Bii..!'i a i S! . r men :" i Iwt'i l-'-'s, ilio;. 1 -S"i.' .Vi n.iv'i ■ i K.i shoes 1 .' I.ii"tis. .!sn. I or' •;■<•.' ai ,-iy e-i Ji-cts .mil l 's.o- or ni'**f* "■ ' (fe.tecri.-s. C'l' ' ns*aje, ilftf ;:••, i-rocD'S Ilncket.A. " ijl'ji, &.V. Fi!i Oft ifrntifr. Lard On. '• '! B r : -o. V.v . Hod c. Otiu .'U-frtnir t( ir--.ino.-a e • sty a " role ,t5 "• foil td !•'S'-'V. i t.- p.V ' s ' .-i'hl-y it r\*.i ■•* r titan fhn if, ' .. We is*. 'a Ca,. No tr-i-iole lAi.ovv g -o.is It vv'lT not cost vi a anil*.ici." to cenn ai.a look a' the b ii-.' iins we w;!i . fit r. rj7"J nifitrj i'-odiice received tor goods at "t liilCOS- V C. QRAMER k PQ, Oil. Id, Ibid. * atta- ——-T—i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers