TWENTY-NINTH VOLUMB. Tb^paper,commences the *29 th volume, and the 7th year, since we became connect ed with it, as editor and proprietor. We have labored hard for our party, and tried to puldiih a paper that would meet with the approbation Of otir friends; how far we have succeeded we leave them to say. We coetiweneed poor, and frequently witli in that time, have kindly had one copper to rub against another, aud were compelled to borrow money to carry on our business—he it is one of the most ox pensive in exis tence. It is also well known that about a year and a half ago; vr<? purcdiaseu the and united it to the "Inqui rer," involving orrsclf to the aucruut of SIOOO. I'art of this sum has been paid, hut we still owe $ 06G, which falls dne ah the first day of April tm-xt, and we have as yet not a dollar to meet it with. We have been thus explicit in-stating our private af fairs, so that those indebted to us may know *pr circumstances and our need of a little of the "root."' Now we have a number of „ ibseribcrs who owe us from two years up 10 six, who if ttey would pay us would help us out of the scrape. Our friends know our terms, 00, if paid within the year, or $2,50, pft'M* the year expires, To all those who owe us. if they settle between jr'iis and Febuary Court, we will square off at the rate of $2.00 a yeir, and td those who let it run over that time, we will have to exact §2.50 off them. We do not in tend these remarks to apply to any of those •true friends of ours who ©very year or two j greet us with their cash and g r, os will, for had it not been for them, we colli J trot have j got along at all. Our remarks ar© iufenu- ; 0 1 for all others who owe as. The pt<t has been an abundant harvest, prices fuf all j kind of produce has been high, and we think there are none but can now come for ward and pay what he owes. We most cvrti'.v-tly hope ocr friends will atten 1 to I our wants without delay. Jan. 4, JSsHj. '—TEE -vroriCE is hereby given to the taxable in- , 11 habitants ol' the County of Bedford, that an Appeal will be held by the Ceunfcy Cotnniis- j sioners, oil the days, and at the places apvci- ' lied, to wit : For St. Clair Township, on Monday the 2lst i day of January, instant, at the Store House] of Gideon It. 'i rout. Union Township, on Tuesday the 22i day of 1 January, instant, at the house of Michael j Wvant. Middle U'oodherrv Township, on Wednesday j the 23d diy of January, inst., in the town of! Wood berry. at the house if Henry Flue's. South Wood berry Township, on Thursday j the 24th day of January, inst., at the house of j Win. Snider, in Puttuimviile. Hopewell Township, ori Friday the 25th day of January, inst., at the house ol John Dasher. liberty Township, on Saturday the 25th day of January. int., at the houva of M icinel MeCabe, in Stoiierstowu, Bron.Jtop Township, on Monday the 2Slh d,y of January, ins!., at the house of Jauies Jliehelbt-rger. Fist I'rov'd'-no.c Township, on Tuesday the 2'Jth <1 v of January, inst,, at the house of John .N • cunt. Jr. West t'rovideioe Township, on Wednesday the Jh'th aay of January, inst., at the house of • John A. Caw]., in Bloody- lion. Monroe Township, en Thursday the 31st day of January. i"is.. at the house of David O'Xeal, in Cleaivilli. Southampton Township, on Friday the. Ist j day of February, next, at the house of Win. Adams, near Cheitysv-ille. Oolerain Township, on Saturday the 21 day of February, text at the house of Joseph F. t or!, in Charlesville. Cumberland Valley Township, or. Monday the-till day ..f February, next, at the house of Mrs. Klizaheth llauey. in (Vntreville. Londonderry 1 oivnsiiip. on Tuesday the sth day of February, tiext, at the house of John Miller, near Bridgeport. Harrison Township. on M'edr.isday the Btb rlay of February, next, fit the School House, near Jorattian Feigbtn-r'*. Juniata Township, on Thursday the 7th day ' of February, next, at the house ol I.ewis A. Turner, in Buena Vista. Napier Township, on Friday the Bth day of February, next, at ih- house of John M. Kobi- Rot. in Se.hellshurir. For SitboilNhnrg Borough, <.n Katnr lay the of February, next, at the house of i John M. Rohison. in Schf-lUburg. Bedford Borough, on Monday the 18th day I of f ebritiry, next, at the Commissioners' Of- ! rice, in Bedford. i B i.ltord Tow nship, on Tuesday the 10th day : of Frhwiry, next, at the Commissioners* Of- j flee, in Bedford. \i hen and w here all person* and corporations feeling ;!i rnselves agricn-4 at the enumeration <i:id valuation of their t. X.'ihle property find pursuant to the several Acts of AssembV.-, in such cases marie and provided, are requested to attend and state their griev ances fur redress according to law. JOJTN CONRAD. DAVID C. LO.YCL IV M. TYHRT STONE. A i tfs r, Cimmiitlonrt t. X. S, II rssrtr, C'oi Cotnipissione-s' 'Office, f Jan. 1. ik'j't. j' ' liuproti'd Buitui'rt'colypcs. VII. who wish to have a pood likeness qf' . themselves or of their triends. can now 1.-ueromwod tted at the '-F xchange Building." immediately above the Store of Mr. A. IB Crtrobr. wlute Digiierreoty pes of all sizes are done up in the most beautiful style by Tilt). MAS il. uKTi VS. JII. Taken singly or in proupea. I'rrsoni taken after depeass. r. idi -t kw I Gentlemen are repecOs!!y invi t.'dto i-aN and examine the specimens. Young lady bring In that 'venerable father and tint iv.irtrhfiil mother, and secure a likeness to-day, for to-tnorrow. it may be too Ist*. Mother bring on those little ones, with curling locks and vpasMfng eye*, they will mckepret- i ty pictures. mid thsn shonld death remove fh m you can exelaiut. • -'jone to their rest, yet we would not recall them. Back to this wvarld of sorrow and pain. Gona to tiieir rest where no ill can liefail theni, \ "t we hare their likeness both perfect and plain.'* fiiM lockets. single and doubk—also fancy > eases constantly on hand. Instructions given in the Art and apparatus j '• 'Dished on reasonable terrrs. Bedford, Dee. 21. 1955. h i. < . \ . IT icKOiv, Deutief, has left town to be gone for a few weeks, an 1 has requested j "a to say for fh benefit of persons living at a ' *h:and*, that B* expect* to bat t horns again | 'a '-hs Ist diy of February, next. Tampilte Llerliou. r I TUB wkholdcrs in tuc Sotnsrset and Bed- ' frd T urn pike Uoad Coinp my, will t*ko ' n that vi FHnction will bo held at the house j Joahu i F iltn -r, in Alhigheny township, on > ie 'Vtfhth ii iv of J.inu ir.. next, t > elect oio 1 -siiont. ix Mvuaiers nqi a Triasurer, to ! •''nlaci the of tha and ompauy th..* en y;iaj. , BI.N'J VMfX KIM.MFC. r. , J'residetit. ' a -11 ISJS. V aluable Farm fur Sale. fTIHE subscriber is desiroua of sellirg he i , J,™ u " which he now resides, in Bedflrd township, about one mile north of Bedfmil, near DnnoingsCreek, containinji 122 acres,of land, between 70 and 80 acres cleared. aboutlO ■ •eras of which is good uwadow, plenty of g<*d timber on the tract. There is a young orebwd * i °' C " bouse, log barn and otler : out buildings thereon, also good water. If tie ! whole tr.ict is not sold, 25 acres thereof willlw sold separate. 1 erms of sale will be liberal, and possession given Ist of April next. WILL IAII 3IAIKE& ! August 24, 1855. COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION, S ECO AD YE JR. ARRANGEMENTS lor the Second Annual Collection of this new and popular lnstitu- ! Won for the dilfusion of Literature and Art,bare : been made on the most extensive scale. I i _ Among the .rorks already engaged, is the far- ' , lamed " Gexoa Cnircmx," which originally cost ' Ten Thousand Dollars. In forming this new collection, the diffusion (if works of American Art. and the encourage- 1 rui'ut of American genius have not been over-: looted Commissions have lit-en issued to many of the" most distinguiahed American Artists,who will co.itnbuta some of their finest productions. Among ihetn are three Marble Dusts, executed by the grtvtest living Sculptor—Hiram Powers : GEORGE \yASHINGTON, the Fathefof his Country; BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, the Phi losopher ; DANIEL WEBSTER, the States-; man. A special agent has visited Europe and m iSe careful and Ji'dicioss selection* of foreigr j works of Art, both St Bronze and Marble ; Sta tusty and Choice Pain Tings. The whole forming a .'trge and valuable col- : lection of Paintings and rHatuary. to he distri buted free among the members of the Assucia- ; tinn for the Second year. Terms of Membership—The peyment of three , • liars constitutes any one a nK'-mlfr of this j * rsaoiition, and entitles him to either one of! the following Magazines for one ye*r,And also a I ticket in the distribution of the Statn.iry and j yairtings. The Literature issued to subscribers corr.'ists j ov" the/ollowin j Monthly Magazines : Harper's j Putc'aiu ; S. Knickerbocker, Blackwood's, Gra- j ham*.?, Ge"vley's Lady's Book, and Household I Works. Persons Jikfug memberships arc entitled to *r,v tive O. 1 " l.te Magazines for one >ear, and to six tickets it. the distribution. The net proceeds derived from the sale of memberships, are i.'"\oted to the purchase of works of Art for ih(* ensuing rear. The Advantages reel—by becoming a member of this Associath"" l , ere— _ j Isi. All persons receive the full value of their j subscriptions at the .start, in tu ® shape of sterling Magazius Literature. 2d. Each member is cunt rilmtiilg towards pur- 1 chasing choice Works of Art, which ere to he | distributed among themselves, and are At the i same time encouraging the Arts of the tout.try, , disbursing thousands of dollars through : Agency. _ Persuns in remitting funds for membership. 1 will please give their post office address in full, > slating the month they wish the Magazine to commence, and have t lie letter registered at the , post office to prevent loss; on the receipt of j which, a certificate or membership, together with the Magazine desired, will be forwarded to any part of the country. Those who purchase Magazines at Bookstores will observe that by joining this Association, they receive the Magazine and (roe ticket in the j annual distribution, all nt the same price they . now pay for the Magazine alone. Beautifully illustrated Catalogues, giving fuil ' descriptions, sent ti'ee en application. For Membership, Address—C. L. DERBY, j Actuary C. A. A. At either ot the principal offices —• Knickerbocker Magazine " office, 34g Broadway, X. Y., or Western Office, ltiO U"at ur Street, Sandusky. O. Nov, 25, 'ss—Ct. .xew Fall and W inter Wooes. THE undersigned begs leave to inform his ; friends and the pbblic tint he has just re- j ceived from the eastern cities, and is re.w ex- < hibiting AT CHEAP SIDE, a genera! assort ment of now stvle fall and WINTER GOODS. comprising a groat variety of LADIES* DRESS GOODS, of the latest styles: such in part as Black and ' Fancy Silks, Merinoes, Cashmere, Coburg and Thibet Cloths, Alpaccas, Monsselin Delaines. Mousseiine Do Beges, Fancy Prints, from a hp up. Muslin, bleached and unbleached, from a fip up, .ill widths, Thibet and Bay State Shawls. Blue. B aek. Brown and Olive French Cloths. Snp'r Black and Fancy Casflimefes. Tweeds, Cassinetts. Jeans. Veatings. Merino Shirts and Drawers. Hats and Caps. Hoots and Shoes ia great variety,, in'.: Ac. GROCERIES. Snp'r Golden Svrnp and X. (). Molasses, best Rio and Java Coffee, X. (). clarified, crushed, and granulated Sugars. Spices. Tens, Choco late. Extract of Coffee, Rice, Toliacco Drugs mid Oils, together with every other article adapt ed to the wants of the people, all of which he is determined tto sell CHEAP FOR CASH, or approved produce. lie respectfully Invites all in search of bar gains to give htm a call before purchasing.— Thankful for past favors, he hopes by fair deal ing. and a desire to pies so. to continue to merit and receive a liberal share of the public patron age. G. W. HUPP. Oct. 12.185 ft. LITE I'iuni THE HIST. TimrIDWAHP'S Improved Smut and Server. TT big Machine., Mill Boshes, Bolting Cloths and Br in Dusters, of the most improve i pi in til Screws, Little Giant Corn and Gob grind era. Patent bridges for M ill Spindles, Portable Mills, warranted to grind Hi bushels per hour, Mill Irons, and Mill Burrs made to order,can tie prourcd of the Agent. S.. I). BROAD, t SChellshurg, Bedford County, Pa Mill weight work done at the shortest notice, and on tte most reasonable tern v V. B. 11 U agent lor Bedford, Somerset and adjoining Counties. My 4 IKSS —tt Bakery and i oiifeclioiiary. rpIIE, thanktni tor the patronage X heretofore extended him by a liberal pub lic, tenders his thauks. and he would respect fully inform them that he ha* received and opened a new and choice lot of Confections, among which are candles, nuts, fruits, (kc.— lie also keeps Groceries, such as Sugar. Cotfvel Tea, Molasses, Cheese, Candles', Ac. Also al, descriptions of Cakes, and will serve Weddiftg and other parties, on short notice, with conl'cc lions and cakes. He has opened up and refitted hi* QYbTER SJJLOOS, in a superior style, where he will al ways be r adv to serve his friends and the pub lic with the freshest and choicest Oysters that ' can be procured. His stand is opposite the Odd-Fellow's Building, where he feels renfident that those who give him a call will not go away disap pointed. JOHN J. LUTHER. Nov. 1). 18ftft. KEYIDVAL. THE itt'n'rihjf waitl.l ruptctfußy announce 1 to the public "hit he hisr im >v_'d his Tinning Establishment to the building recently occn jitdhyMr Luther, as a Oeufectionx ry Store j in the Diamond, where ho is better prepared , khan ever to accomodate l/># customer* with ' very article in the line of his business, either I wholesale or retail, and hopes they will give im a call at iii* new locution. GEORGE BLYMIRK. Bedford, April 18, 1855. P. S. The subscriber is desirous of having ' fjis books closed up till Ist April, inet.. either cash or note. He hope a this notice will bo tlended to iuiajediately. G. B . BEDFORD INQUIRER AND CHRONICLE. NEWS FOE THE PEOPLE. T AT E ARRIVAL or NEW IKB CHEAP GOODS AT -Li Kekd's Colonnade Store. The subscriber has just returned from the Eastern Cities, ami is now receiving and open ing a large assortment of splendid Goods, se lected with care, aniL suitable to the season; comprising Ladies' Dress Goods of the newest i styles—Silks, Merinoes, Cashmeres, Persian Twill, Alpacas, Delaines, C. Biaze and Wool Plaids, Inserting, Preach worked Collars and under Sleeves, Silk and Gum Belts, Cloths of ! all shades, Cassimers, plain and fancy Satinefts, Jeam, Tweeds, Overcoats, Buffalo Overshoes for Ladies and Gents. Gum Shoes and Samlets. Boots and Shoes, a large assortment. Hard ware and Qneensware. GROCERlES—Coniprising llio, Java, Ln guira Coffee —Sngar* of all descriptions—By j nips and Molasses—Rice—Tobacco—-Spertn Oil, &c., kc. J Bring on your Cash and Produce to Reek's Store, where you will find all your wants, at | the lowest cash prices. Bedford, Dec. 21, 1855. "THE GOOD TIME tOUKG," Bv T. S. ARTHUR. Those who wish to hear something of th U long-expected duy, stiouid read this book. It is having an immense ale; 5000 copies having been ordered in advance of publication. We sand a copy by mail, post-paid, on re* i eeipt of the price, $1 J. W. BRADLF.V. 48 North Fourth Street. Philadelphia, Pa. Doc. 21, 1H51.-C N. B. Agents wanted to sell this and other ! popular books, in all parts of the United States -1 Send for our List and terms to Agents. NEW CLOTH INTi STORE. i rpHE subscriber has just onencd a new and I complete ( LOTHIXG STORE, in j the building on the corner of Juliana Street. '. Bedford, Pa., owned liy David Mann, Esq., j and lately in the occupancy of -Mr. Solomon j Filler as a Dry Goods Store, a..d two doors ! South of the Rising Sun Tavern. I His stock comprises one of the largest and I cheapest assortments of Rrudy 3/lotliiiig ever brought to Bedford. He has alst' a choice assortment of Dry Goods, ll of vtdch he will sell chesj) as can be procured ' in the .'own. Hcreo." ;sti hiscountrv friends and others, to call and *<'■' his gooJs—as ho docs not con sider it a tro.'lhle to show them to anv one. ISAAC LIPPKL. i April 6, 185J'- important NOTICE. ALL persons having unsettled account* with the late firm of Rupp ft OsaC? ere respectfully | and most earnestly requested call and settle ; up without delay. J Oct. 2(5. 18-53.—2 m. ' Dr. F. G. Reamer, Physician and Surgeon. Respectfully trnders his services *. c the .'itizens of Bedford and vicinity, k* may alwvys J* found (unless professionslly en gaged) at his Urng and Book Store, in Juliana St. | Feb. 1(1, 1b54. A Miracle 1 Science. ; Dr. C. Celling of ecivanicsburg, Cumberland Co. Pa..announces to those afflicted with 'iti mors, Wens, Cancers, Pt'lvpus, Lupus Molesoi Marks, Scrofula or King's -Evil and all disease) that have been usually t red.'ed with Caustic < i Knife, he can remove tlieni hy an entirely new method, without cutting, biirniug. or pain. Net j therCMoroform or Ktheri s rulniitv !tj reil, Io th. patient. It is no matter ou what part of th< body the.' ; may be, he can remove then i with perfe 'tsaleta I and in a remarkable short time. So Mineral o; Vegetable poison, is applied, and no money re ! quired nntil a cur e is perfected, j Prohipsis Uteri.ltFeuiale complaints. Chronic tienral and all otpcr diseases treated withposi i gc success. Full articular* can he obtained l.j i r ressingin either English or German post paid, i v., ierits can he accommodated with Board on ' sonable terms. i c Alechanicsburg is one of the prettiest and 9 a'.thiest towns in this or any other State. It it a miles front Harrishurg on theC. V. it. R.atid decessihle from all parts of the Union. The Dr. will visit cases in any part of the St ite when desired. Kind reader If you know any afflicted fellow reature. delay not toteUthem of this treatment. Feb. Iff, 1855.-77. (all at Rlymlre'.i. i .'FXI E subscriber has juit received from the i T Eastern cities the best assortment of Brssa Copper, and Tin IV are ever offered in this place, j towhich he invites the attention of the public.— ; He has a great many improved cooking utenxils, j that cannot fail to please every housekeeper who 1 uses thetn. The Ladies especially are invited to call and examine the articles. Among them arc J Buass and Bell Metal Kettles of all sizes, : Water Coolers, Chafing Dishes, Saucepans. Milk Boilers, Nurse Lamps, an excellent yticlc for the sick room. Cake Moulds, Spice Boxes, Tea Cannisteis, Brass and Iron Ladles, Patent 1 Lamps, Candlesticks, Glass Lamps, Match Box es. Spittoons. Ac., Kc. Knglish and French Tin, Iron and Brass Ware in great variety. Japanned Tin Toys, and a groat variety of . Fancy articles. Chain an 1 Force rumps, and in short every article in my line, i Don't forget to call at the Tin Ware Depot In Pitt st. GEOu or. BLVMIRi;. ,7uc;ll, 1851. Head (QuarterM. FOR IMSKIOXABLE CEOTIII KG fit he subscriber would respectfully . iiWO! J inform the public that he is now lift gj|r otf.-iing .*♦ the Bedford Hall (formerly Jf, Exchange Flrttel) in Fast Pitt street, the largest ; and best assortment of realy-rr , ade, fashionable Clothing, ever before offered for sale in this place. IHS STOCK consists of a large and splendid supply of Winter Goods. He has evcy variety and description of COATS. FANTS AND VESTS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, COLLARS AND CRAVATS, SL SPENDERS, H ANDKERCHIEFS, ic. Kc. He has also a targe stock of prime CLOTHS, CASSfM KRES and VESTINGS. which he is pre pared to make up to order in the most fashiona ble style, and warranted to be well made, and GOOD PITS. Having purchased his stock for CASH he feels assured that he can make it to thy advantage of those wanting good and cheap clothing to give him a call before purchasing elsewhere. WM. SOU A PER. Bedford, January Iff, 1854. Taylor X Howry, TANNERS, BEDFORD, FA. HATE cokstaktlt on HAND at their Tannery on East Pitt St. leather of all kinds and of the be*' quality. at exceed ingly moderate rates. They pay the highest ! prices fur country hides, i Fob. Id, 18 51*. TO BUILDEES. Tithe subscriber is fully prepared to furnish an L quantity or quality ofßuilding I.umber anyd Plastering Laths. Orders directed to St.Clsirs • vill, Bedford County, will be promptly attended tu. by giving a reasonable notice. F. It. UFEGT.K I U>c. 2U, 1854. The Jlengel House. The subscriber having II I"?" 1, .' •*?? * known Hotel, in the town ot Bedford, recently i kept by Mr-I-am: Mengel,would respectfully an j uoutu'o to his Iriend* and tlic public generally, i thai lie is now prepared to entertain them in a superior style. His Beds and Bedding, are new and , nis chambers commodious and well ventilated , and furnished in ihe best tnaniier. On his Table, will be fonnd'the choicest vj- j and* the market can produce His Bar will be supplied with the best I - qnor*. His Stable is large and . otnmo.lious and wiil j be aliened by aiidaileatif e and indn-iriou-oat ler. i Boarders will be Iska i by tbe day. wee!;, j mo ilh ami jear. As he is determined to spare no efforts *o please.and make all persons who slopwithhint feel at home.he respect billy asks the patronage j ot the public. J AMI'S S. PECK WITH. Bedford. March 31, 1854. Bedford Academy and Female Seminary. W. W. CAMPBELL, Principal. THE first session of the sth school year n j this!nstitutldn will ojpm on Monday nor inn the 31 dr.v of September. Tl,u pao ; history of the Academy, trill, we trust, heal sufficient guarantee of its future efficiency.-, j I'lie branches.taught will be the same as hereto- ! fore. To maatir principles will be considered t tlie most important pursuit of the pupi's; and i while it will be the constant business of the In- i struetorto impart knowledge, it will also be his ; aim to lead bis pupils to make a practical ap p ication of their acquisitions. To load the | min i with innumerable formulas, without cause j ing it to use them, would bo like placing a bow , n a child's band, without leaching him how to i ' end it. In fine, it shall be our object, as it has j ever been, to lead the pupil to think. -*y- y. B. Instruction in Single and Donhel j Entry Book Keeping will be given by the Prin cipaf. The class in this study will be so arr'ang- j ed that any young nten desiring to pursue this ; inportant branch, in order to prepare theni- j ,-lve* for clerkships, ran recite in it alone- ! bis recitation will receive attention out of the j Tgniar school hours. Instruction in this anch is extra, arid will be charged accor i r gly. The terms are as usual. P.r fur j CI asides. - - - - *6 -'5 Higher Engihh, - - - 6 ' 0 ; Middle •' - - - - 450 Elementary, - 400 Book Keeping, (extra.) - 5 00 GRAHAM'S AMERICAS MONTHLY MttiZINE, ista Blast;*® is 1827. DEVOTED TO LITERATEKK, ART AND EASHIO.V. 1856. mnli new volume commencing with fh® J JL nuurr number, 1856, will contain over 1 T welve Handled Pages l the choicest reading ma'ler, Steel and Wood Engraving*, and Music. is a Family Magaaute, with mat ter to v ' < * ase ll,e £ raTo ur "' th '" b'a}', tnc voting ! am! the phi; and while everything relniugto Fashion, an 4 purely feminine in its nature, is j fully equal to '-bat published in any other pen ! odical—the LiU -JU"™ is of a higher character, and better suited J" mctnlmrs ot the Family. : This Magazine is, tmd has la-en. within the i scope of its design, exponent of a purc i healthv, and elevated Jircrature; in proof of j Whibh'we refer to the pm Njd more especial -1 ly to the present yoar. The Coming volume, on act. "f the em gagmeuts made with literary cCi. hrities, and the superior facilities at our control, v.'lil. while in other respeets unchanged, excel in v * beu j ty and variety of it* contents all former ivMes. 1 " The follow ing are the names of Eonie ot tin. V} whose contributions have appeared in '-Gr3 < IV. c. Bryant, J. Russell Lovrell. J. T. Head ley. T. B. Head., Win. Done, K. W. Griswol.l, j.;_ y*. VV'Uipple. W. G. Sinvms, 11. W. Heiberf. It". IT. Stoddard, Park Benjamin. Paul H. ll'ivne J- Church. J. Belcher, 0. 1).. Wni. lAk-xandet. J-• W. Ellsworth, fc. O. Smith, Alice Care, Ellen Louise ( handler, sniha-C. I Dorr,Carolina-' t'bebro, Ella Rodtaan, Mrs. K. 1.. Gushing. .E..Auna Lewis. Marv A. Den ! ison, Marion llat.laud. - Rosa." Caroline F. (irnc. Ctdia M. HtM. Acne T. Wilbur. Belle Bush, Mrs. E.J. Ent.cs, L. L. Kilbtirn. Each numlier of the coining volume win con tain a splendid Steele fc'ugraving; a Plate of the Paris Fashions, on St.-ft. elegantly color ed; one or tuori articles ticliy r illustrated witu Wood Engravings; M iscellant ntw Bros • and Poetry, an Editor's Tabic; Rev iews of New Books; Monthly Summary ofCun -, t" '.vents; ! Hints on Fashion and Fashionable Tv tglllip ncc ■ for the Month; Patterns for N'eedlo-W or*, n 1 : New Music. The Steel Engravings will enihiacefinely ecuted portraits of the celebrated lady-writ. r S of the day, intersperced with a variety of otfce." subjects, such as ec think will prove accepta ble to t lie general reader. The Fashion Plate* are engraved on Steel, the latest Paris Fashions, giving out and in-door costumes forthc month in which they appear. They have been pronounced superioi to those published in any other American Pe riodical. Thu Literary Matter will consist of Histori cal. Biographical, and Literary Essays, Sketch cs of Travel, I'ino Arts, Novels, Tales, Roman. ■ res, fce. The Novels and Romances of'-Gra ham" (of which from two to five will appear in every issue) are universally acknowledged to excel in beauty ami interest any other publish ed in America. The Editor's Table is made up ot Humorous Sketches and Anecdotes, Foreign and Domes tic Gossip, and I iterarv and other chit-chat. The Month ly Summary of Current Events gives a condensed account of the principal events, which have taken place in the v-wld during the preceding mouth. The Reviews of New Books are from the pen of E. P. Whipple, who, as a critic and reviewer, stands unrivalled. The Fashion article presents, each a correct and comprehensive account of the new stvles of Dresses, Bonnets, Mantillas, Shawls, Embroideries, and everything relating to Fash ion. of interest to tht ladies. The Needle-Work Patterns (or Collors. Hn der sleeves, Gaps, Berthas, Skirts, Embroid eries for Handkerchiefs, and general N'uedlc work, are numerous and beautifully designed. New Music. A new peace will be given ev ery month. Those alone at a Music-store, would coat more than a year's subsciiption. Tkrms. —One copv. one year, in advance. $3; Two Copies. $5; Five, copies (and one to the Agent or getter-tip of the Club) SlO. F'*r $6 One-Copy will lie sent Three Years. Additions to Clubs can be made at the same rate a* Clubs sent. All subscription* not paid in advanc sl. ABRAHAM H. SEE, No. 106, Chestnut Street, Phi is. STRAY HEIFER. CIAME to the premises or the subscriber, / living in Monrou Township, about the mid dle of November last, a red and white heifer supposed to 1m rising in two years old. no marks. The owner is requested to come for ward. prove property pay charge and take her nwsv. LEWIS KOONS. Dec. 7th. 1855. THRFMUNG MACHINES, with 2. S. or 4 hore power for sa'e cheap ut Reed's Colon nade Store. Nov. 30, 1835. A NEW IH'GGY fur sale by Not. 30. G. W. RUPP. Valuable Real Estate For Sale. rpilE subscriber takes this method oftnform- JL itig those desirous of purchasing a valuable Farm, that he wishes to sell that well known Fartu and Tavern Stand-on which he now resides situate in East Providence towahip, Bedford County, 1J miles east of the Juniata Crossings, ami one mile west of Kays Hill, containing 248 acres of land, about JSO acres of which ere 1 cleared and mostly euclosed by good post fence, j and in a high state of cultivation, the majority ot which Has recently undergone a thorough dres- j sing ot lirao, which has rendered it extremely fertile. The improvements are a large three story BRICK HOUSE, with probably the most com modious cellar under it in' the county tolerable good barn, stable, and sucli other out buildings ; as are ntceassrv. There are plenty of good water at the house, while nearly all the fields are well watered. There is also a young or chard of 2'lo choice fruit trees just comment ing to bear. There is also a good Tenant House, together with an excellent Saw Mill on the pi'forty. tuated very conveniently on the tnrnp fce lord with an abundance of the choicest white pine timber, immediately around the mill, probably the largest body of timber in the county. Any person desirous of examining the pro perty will please call on the subscriber, who will endeavor to give all the satisfaction neces sary. He also feels safe in stating that the title to the land is good, and is willing to warrant against all claims. GEO. VV. HOUSE HOLDER. I Sept. 21, 18.55.-3 m t*reat Arrival ! PALL AM) WATER FOODS. Exchanga Building Store. r pUE subscribers respectfully inform their L friends, customers, and the public general ly. that they have just received the largest as sortment of Fall and Alintor (ioods thev have yet offered to purchasers. Oar slock is ill part as follows ; Blue, Black, Brown, and Invisible Groin French and American C issimeres. various col ours; Ky. Jeans, Wool Two -.b, Kerseys. Flan nels. Coatings. Beaver Cloth, Blankets, Cord*, Velvets, Drillings, Ribbons, Laces, Gloves, I Hosiery, Shawls, JSre.. Ac. 45') pieces Fall Style Calicoes, all pricei. 12> '• Plain and Fig'd !).- Laiiisand Per sian Cloths, 250 " Heavy and Medium Brown Mus lins. 85 •' Super Bleached Shirting Mushn, 60 " Thibet Cloths and Alpacous, si' colors. 75 •• Cvssinetts, al> colors and prices. 25 " All Wool, Rag, List, and >ta; •pets, 15 Floor Oil Cloths, 4—l, 5 -I. 0-1, and 8-1 wide. Men and Boys' Wool. Fur. and Beaver Slouch Hats. Morocco Lined Navy Caps, also (.'loth and Plush do., Boots and Shoes, for men and boy a. Bootees, Double Solo Moiocco and Kid Shoes for ladies, cdso. an immense supply of Boots and Shoes for misses and children. Groceries. Queensware, Hardware, Brooms, Bucket*. Tubs. Ac. Fish Oil. Sperm Oil, Lard Oil, Linseed do. Bar Iron. Mail, Rod. Ac. Our assortment includes every article usually • found in stores, and to prove we an- selling, j "cheaper than lit rheapetl," all we ask is a call- No trouble to show goods It will BOt cost you anything to come ami look at the bargains we will Cyt'ountry Produce received lor gno.U at cash prices. A B. CRAMER A CO. Oct. 12, 1855. The Peunsyliiiiiia Telegraph. Enlarged Form ami Reduced Ttrmt. THE CASH SYSTEM ADOPTED. O* X and after the first day of Juntirry. 1856. the PusNsri.VASIA TKLEGKAPU. published a ( w r vrtsburg. Pu.. will he owned und conduct ed bv J•<,' undersigned, who will give ilteirbcsi : energies to make it Worthy of i<s cause and of its friends*. It will coh'Bence the new year printed on entirely new try and the Weekly greatly en larged" in form. t. He tint price-will ue lower 1 than that of any of>* e paper of its class ev. r : published at the eapUiH 'f the State, und pay- ; mcntswiil be retjuired strkblv in ntav.Cd"' I '. No paper will be seat until puis lor. .mil nil will - I bC discontinued cs Mi subset.ptioiis expire, Unless tliey are renewed. The '•Telegraph*' will be i**iv ' SH MI WEEKLY, on a sheet of twenty-Ida r t-'ltiDio*. i during the sessions of tie* Legislature, liid i ! WEEKLY, on a double sheet of forty-•%1'1 , ! columns, the. remainder of th. V-MT. It will 1 j present a comprehensive sum uaiy of Legisla- : live proceedings; all the important general laws they hare passed, -an I aim lo to giv • the current polities! intelligence of the time,* in the i fullest and most reliable manner. I t shirt, • 'die proprietors hope to mike it a complete Fa- I kil'y and Political Journal, and tlc v c.orfftd 'tit- : , |y appeal to the people of Pcmiiylvatiii t . a.isL'in them iti their eidt-fprtte. •i'bo •'Telegraph" will advocate a liberal po- ; litic*.* policy, and aim to ttnite all Slips who , tltuu"L' animated by the wattle eotntnon pttrpo ses. Una looking to the same hem fi rial results, seem disfactotl by the conflict of distinctive organization'- 1' will sustain tk- highest standard of Auarlcan Nationality; and, while : yielding a sact if obedience to the Compromi ses of the ConVtnfjon. will determinedly re sist the extension of Htinwt Slavery. It will , yield a cordial. earTi-'SL but independent sup- . port to the adniitiistra/tOJi ot G >v. I'OLLUCX. ( TERMS—Slnci.'•' .idmnr.-. Tie "Telegraph" will t . • furnished SKM * - j 1 WEEKLY during the sr>si>. I s the Legisla ture- and WEEKLY, on a A HJhle sheet, the remainder of the year, at l'i6 following low ■ rate.*—the money iuvariably to jjcoumpany the , order:— Single stihscri) tions, - - - f' b" Five copies (SI,BO per copy ) - - jl bp Ten copies ($1.71) pr Copy) - 1 1"' I Twenty copies ($1,50 per copy) - HI Of) And at toe saute prioo ($1,50 per copy; on • any number over twenty. Clubs should be made up at once, and the . subscriptions forwarded before the first of Jx- j ituary, so that they can commence 1 with the session of the Legislature. CI7~ Subscriptions will be forwarded from this office. All orders must lie addressed to | M'CLURE k SELLERS. j Harris burg. I'a. j C"7™ Business men will find th.- ••Telcgrah" : the VERS BEST Advertising Medium in Poansyl- ! vania, out of the cities. Dec. 14, 1855-c* m STAKE IJXI. THE subscriber has started a new Stage Line from STOSKRSTOWS to BEDFORD, which will ! 1 i a each way twice every week. 1 . he Coach will leave Stoncrstown on IfOS DAY <wnl FRIDAY of each week, immediately after the morning train arrives from Hunting- !l dim. and returning, will leave Bedford on WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, and arrive, in Stonerstown in time to meet theevening train tor Huntingdon, being much the uear.'st und ' cheapest route to Philadelphia. Fall only $1.75 to Stonerstown. PETER ELLISON. j Nov. 23. 1855—0t. WASTED. ~ "11THEAT, Rye, Corn, Oats and Bn"kwhear.. in \Y (lavmcnt for subscriptions, for which the ■ highest market prices will ho allowed,an tto be left at any of the mills in the neighborhood.— i Also, about 30 cords ot good wood. Won't j some of our friends bring on these articles, i THE EDITOR. ' ISMttlf HOTEL, ANII GENEBAL STAGE OFFICE. THE subscriber respectfully begs leave to an- J nounce to bU did friend* ami the public generally, that he has leased and taken posses sion of the Bedford Hotel, lately in the occu pancy tit Col. Adam Barnhart. it to not his design to make many professions a* to vhat he : wiii do, 'mi he pledge* hig word that his wont energetic efforts will be employed to render comfortable all übo give liim a call. The house j will he handsomely lilted up, an I none but 1 careful and attentive servants will be engaged. Persons visiting the Bedford Springs, as well as those attending Court, and the traveling community g rurally, are respectfully invited ' to give hiii: a caiiain! judge for them? elves. CThe stages nil now step st this inti. and it is therefore the Stage Office. Hoirters taken by th • track, month or y ar on favorabbj terms. • " Ample ai, I comfortable stabling is at taebed t-> ibis h./tcl, w, ich wiiialrt)> U at ended l.y a c ireful hostler. Also, a sale and convenient carriage house. JOHN IIAFIb Bedford, April G, ISSA. TL Si ray Bull. CIAM£ ;o the PF"iuis -4 of tlie subscriber . J;\ / iug in St. Clair Towiirhip, about the &* of September last, * red and white spotted Bull, with a piece off the ledt ear. and notch out of the under- side of the rigi t—supposed to be one year old last spring. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pav charges', and t.-.ko him nvr.y. J. j\ BOW IKS. Dec. 21, IMS -c* HLiiMliiLL PBOPERTV XPOJEt. St^XalO! TilE subscriber, about to .-move to ("aiif nia offers at Private Sale, his valuable Mill Pro perty, situ ite about i) miles Br ay I of Bedford o:i ihe Junjata K Ivor, in Coleiaiu towufchip, ut the lower end of Friends* Cove. TheMilii* four stories high, frame, wilhthreo run of stones, two puirol which are Burrs, hav ing all the machinery ueee:.iry to luauulivc ture merchant and country work lit the best man ner. it lias one of the best water power* in the United States, which tnay be known from the fact that during the last dry season it badahun thitiee of water, when neatly every other mill in the ueigbbol Hood was stepped. Tlmre are between iOgnd 11 acres of land adjoining,six acres under, about 4 o which is in-vl rw, oi which, s erected a good i v stir: big h Ml -. we.t.y. -r-'hoarded and plas tered goo ! water st the door, with ailnecess.i | ry out buildings—also a tliu orchard ot c.ioice Ifuit. p. aehea and apples. Being determined to Se'l purchasers wiii do • e!l reexamine tkisproperty soon. iT7" FKRMS will be ill ule to suit 'no purciia yee, giving approved Bonds. MIK Ait P. HOHM. June X. Ih.j.i.-tt ULKMIEM SMI.!? AM) FEMALE SEMINARY. THE s cona session of this institution will comni -nce on Mon liy •>'ar.nary 21st. IS.7G. l ilt- session will be divided into two quaiurs ol" 11 week* each without a vacation. Bates of tuition as follow* vis; ( 'amnion English per quarter 53.00 To which will lie ad-led for K idi higher branch To Each A -icient language 1.2" The. entire amount oi the above not to Exeu" i six dollars EXTRA'S. Diawing itjJ Painting of the different i srieties from $:5 to S.Ou I,ess in on Piano, 10.CO Vocal music - lessons per week I.CO Incidentals, f>o It larding c tu be secured on reasonable terms. By order of THE TRUSTEES. IS airiabnrg, D-JC. 7. IS .IOH\ R. EIHIC. Attorney at Law. Somerset Pa. U/HLL HlEttil ITTCR practice inthj several Courts of Bedford e.i'ty. He l amy he coii-sultel during the sesnioiu- o! tie ! Court at Davis' 11 n! Feb. Hi. isd I\I*.HKWIIILE i TULARIN! BSTADLISIiMENT. , rpITK suiiscril.or has removed bi establish ' J m-'ut to th ■ room in tlu; Olid-Fellows' building, ini'ii ■ liateiy above the store -.1 A. iT. fll.tracr fc w'a -re lie will attend j r impt !v H. til business utrate<l t-> his cure, lie re cei vc*lUriy the latest Cijy Fashlvis, and . will plcds • himself that work done t bis shop. ,i all wear u -ll a.'d f >< neatly. 1 11.- r- sp.:CfU>B;-* solicits a share of th • jiub >\ J. McCAU.-'LAX. ; ? -v. o, h-jj. Oiotli'.as aai Dry Gaols fctore. rriilS subscribers -ire just receiving 1 handsome. and cheap assortment A'-EA : 1)) M.tDF. CLOTHISH and DRV OOODt^ . a their store in the Bust Corner of"Bcdfard'JlaJl. - consisting iu part ol Coats, Pants, a ests, u>i ts j is itin fit-iCks, Handkerchiefs. Boots and Shoes, i Hutu and Caps, ami all other aitl lo usunli? . kepi in il.-ely Made Clothing Stores. A ,-; v a good assortment ot OR 1 (IOODS, I c, of Calico, Mous. de Luine, Shawls, Atp caw. I'rntiUs. Carpet Sacks. \c.. Ae : nil , of which thy will sell as cheap as can be pro. ' car -d elsevv i— re la l>c-lior-'i, bir Cash oi C mm* . trv Produot • The. re juest all their friends in town and I r.ountrv to give tdiem a call, an-l sec urnl exam ine their stuck for themselves, as they consider i it a pleasure to show their goods, whether per nor.? wish to purchase or pot. SON NABOB Jf X CO. Bar!ford, April 20, jPoo. \.RW N'IBHI; ; Opened Out i' l a Finer ! THE *nbn*rib<*r has just opened out a Nc a ii I Cheap Dry Gaois anl Fancy Stare. hi the '.Vest <-n-i the building formerD in the occupancy ot UreJubn 11. Hotina.. dtc|di*.ud now o'ctipie-i by Dr. H. 1 • H.irrv. He sells s:!k p-icke't handKerel.iefs at fr'oni 12 cent* up to SI.- ua-lr- -iuov's IV out 1" eon-sic. t>2ao: si lit ciin front 3 to T- rts; cut ton i.-se frtm H up to 17'. c -its. &imi bl-e cuVtci f-r 94 cent* per yard; collars from B. gents up t i $3; line* pocket handkerchief troni (i; cents to 52.-if; bonnet ribbons fr -ui GJ to 31 ceais. ' olictnisetles from 31 cents to S 1.2-3; bonnets fr-nn 27 c.s us: bty.ncr* from cent* op; and I/tdles' uml tteiitleinpiis' Wear of every description, usually found in Dry Goods and Fancy Stores; also table lincnaat all prices; boots anl siioes; carpets; a gr-nerol j assortment of <>H*Cis\Vai e and Uro rcrics ati I a great many sin ill article* enr ■tun/red p"~ etvt. Intttr than can be procure 1 elsewhere in this pl-tce- He r upectf.Uy re (U isrc aII to call n-d e.V dmiuc ids stock and judge for Hums- Acs. I.LIAS FISIIEII. April G, 1K55. WANTED—At Beed'a Co'oaade Store.— ; | Wheat. Bye. Oats. Corn, and Buckwheat—also J I all ether ippr-ive 1 pro Inc.'. in exchange lor j ' fooij at cash price: . 1 fclray Heifer. (lAME to tba pi.inut.oii t>t the subscriber, J Jivsng in Union r ownship, aouietitne in May last, a briadle I loiter, ippWo4 to lis 11. roe yean i.l, with a notch out of rise right oar, anil a small star on the forehead. The ; owner ii requested to come futwaid, prove property, pay charge's, ani take lierawiy. C'llAllheS avKKS. Jan. 4, Irt-ij—c* Notice to Assessors. TUd.SH A** mora who do not receive their DupliMt.:.t before tha 17th (J y of January, .not., are to c til or aetti ly soma re ! spontiMu person for tUcm. I will so,ad them .f a:i oj.puriunity oif-rs as noun as they are ready. A. S. RUSSELL, CUrk: ! Jan. 4,1835. Public Safer T>T orh-r of :b • Orp' Court of Be-lfor i J f'oOlitV. tllVMWiii lrt CXp W-i to FuhHe Stir, in Juoiiti l r.v, oshin. on S.i T UFfKI ¥ tkt 'M jay of f-'K Bftt'.iii n til, ifceiO, at 10 o'- : clock, A. M., the loPo ring Hetl BsUtt, to wit< A met of .u. l c > itiining *>7 hit#*. md a! , I'jWnaee.the pYow.ity ■>? Joseph N -art, Ice hi, idjoini-e hands of J*cpli Boyi;, Vaiec. fine H. W,rrt/. Jacob llideguMi, Jo; .than. , Fek-'at .or ami ..titers, Oil ti.e road leading from' ! SchciisUurg to ba.v .. Vista, and shoot half a rude from t .• littar jfftret*. Tiro impr ><•: rr; ruts are a Rood Story and a Idf L{Hj )/ )['- [■'. 1,,,? Stable, with thres'nrug ri >cr attache I, and other out-buildings, avirh a good Spring idftafc to the About in seres of fhn f in 1 is cleared and under fence. 7 or 3 acres of which is.iaea4ow.snd more can lie Bind A running stream passes through this . farm.- Tkmis m lie known on day of sale. JOSEPH DULL, Mm'r. P. S. For iiifentntlon in regard to this farm apply to 1.-wis A. Turner, Bnetti Vista, or John Vfy nit, living on the place I've. 11. do—a Stray Vallic TURKK head, of Cattle have bean tresspass ingon my premises for three mouths pi#, and I have now taken th.-ni up- strays. One red Heifer, with a tow white spots. One re 1 Heifer, with white f.ies ami white stripe over ih ■ hack. One Steer, brindie, and white spot ted. All two years ohl. -No eirr.iirSc. The i owner la requested to cows forward, prow nroprt-. pav charges. ant take them awav. DAVID GOUCHNOUIf. Dec 21, iiii-t' U oob Towtaship Tilci suhseri'-er. about removing lo t!ic West' will sell Ids ent ' stock of goads, which is very largo, at cost. Persons will please call beforo bn.or.g els.-where at.l examine for t hen; 3 civ as. Co'.-ofry s"ores desiring t-> pnrei. ,s - goods rvil be supplied n more reasonable tc r? thsc they csn p areata - litem it th - city- A'l per sons -v . . inve <ioelilod accounts will iri. - mediately ati.i slti..-, otherwise their account* will hi left in the binds of a proper ofiieer foj collection. FRIER RADEBAUGn. F.r Ifori, Sor. 16. ISii. IF Vi>U want CHEAP GJJDL ell at Cheap Side. Nor. ,U. FINAL NOT in;. 4 !.L persons knowing thctusolves Indebted j\ to the late firm ofSsKSOMfc Mr-Una. cither by R>ts or book acc-tobl. wi.'l do well to nave them settled by the Ist of January 1616. After hat timi th iv will ha p'.st' t i. thi hands of a ruoe r alii :sr r.I >!i l ti )i. V. J. RANSOM, Surviving partner. 1 Rue. 7th 18u3. rmi 9"s sz <szz o THK Partnership hcrv*.efre existing lietween tiie undersigned, under the n.uua as i fir lit of U'eiacl k Foster, in the Coach ami Wagon Maunfac orj, is this day dianlve-t iy mutual Consent. The Uusitiess of the l.ito finu will Iv 1 settled up hv Win. Weisel. who is authorized to collect all acc itJUls, .Sc., and pay tint d-bts of t.i,* u. \VM. WKISKL. JOHN FOSTER. Per. If, IS-j>. *io 1 BILIiS, For Justices, <lon t:ib!e=. Witness*?, A'-n or sole at this office. Nfiv ifwelry. r pllE subscriber lias opened out a new nd A splendid assortment of all kinds of the • most fisiii-insble Jewelry —consisting iu part •>! Pie Ist Pitt*. Finger Kings, C ;r Rings, ine 4:c. Gail and si-,- his stock. , ,1,!1 DANiEI. BORDER. " TO IliiM. TilF. Rising Sun Tnv.mln the Borough o ! R.-dfor f. will tic rnunl for term .•!' years.— To a rood tenant t vt-y u I vantage -its leaf a wiil tn; gi v-ru, an i the house completely re paired. i'oss'jfsiou given the tirst of April . next. Also for rent the f.tor ■ Ii w:n .arnf c> "ar HOT in |io9-ie>s.on of ! l o-pio- • -ssess ;f. *S above. For terms apply to th i sni.sertbcr or to David F. Maria. DAVID MANN. | .Not. <JO, ]Jv>>. SHOE STORE. VR. I'll AM KR t* CO. have just received . a vorv large assortment of Boots and Shoos,suitable foi F iii.and \\ inter, part styla as follows: Men's Super Wasco Doiiloe Srdo Bo ,T *. Mt'fi's " City Ma le C ill" <.. .Men's •• Heavy Kip, Eitied dr. Mouth's V*xo 1 Ron do Sole Boots Youth's Calf .and Kfp Lined ad. B ivs' City m ul - Calf Boots, Boy.:' Kip Lined Boots. Women.-.' Double knle Kip Bootees, W*omens" Fiuc Caif and Seal do. iV'om - is' Fine (• -at Morocco Worn •us' I'uroili Booties, very bsndsoy ,p CUdd. sn's Shoes of ever., style n i price. Gent's Morocco, Ki 1, ani Calfikin Bootees, ■ La-ties" D uthle S-.le Gaiters. Titan Shoes, to-., ;\U fact. Boots and Shoes to .xtitf every pureha j -r. it yo i want Boots an 1 Shoes, please g-vr. n a call, an i you a..a1l 'or suited in quality an 1 i price. ! F xi'.aang-.- St- re is the place .'a 'n - 80.-ta a: d Siioes. Get. 12. IR.V>. A"? "ANTED AT REED'S COLON NAIL \ i STORK. Wttsar. ins. FrTTf*, CA-S, Co";*, Egso), *nd [,!:!). ; Kirhtiijte fer i," ds. Bc.lfidr, Dee. 21, 18-Vj. V. Kfvo. Fr. JtitVAN li'.W PARTXEBSHIP. Kinj & Jordan. Sttirtifis si Lftw BEDJ?QKD, FA., jf"li. r if.L prtctice in the several Cofrt* W for i and sdioiuir.g counties. A-jncios. i'oilcctiHtis. are! all other . ustnea ■ ! ntv ut dto r'.cir car-j a ill be au Uit-- fittUv attended tb. ~0, OFFICE in Juliana street, fonncil) cm up.e • l-y j 1). 11. lloi'us. Esq., and .norc rcccnti; t.i the oc i enpancy of J os. Mann, Esq. : j*ntlary, A, 1^56.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers