and I will Write for iress Dan- . yuse, AGNER. f fresh’ ak, go ast, gO 1S. lowest gi 3 smser. g in an ex. keeps ths igs A For Daniel SALISBURY, ELK LICK POSTOFFICE, PA, THURSDAY, JAN. 21. 1802, NUMBER 7. >S to #2. 50 per cord, deliv- ered at the works of the _ Standard Extract Co., West Salisbury, Pa. “UPTON H. WHITE, Manager. THE PHILADELPHIA PRESS, DAILY, SUNDAY, WEEKLY. A FAMILY PAPER ’ Which Is : Sha, Unsensafional And Just The Paper FOR THE Amétican Home. Tan Paes has the best possible organization secure news from the most important sonrees, ‘and with nearly 400 correspondents in Peunsyl- a, New Jersey and Delaware, the State and ral-home news is covered with a routine fulness and attention to detail not even by vther paper. Tre Press has also the best ol correspondents 1 WH the great cities of the United States, as well finunclal and railroad experts in Chicago and he West, who keep the paper more than abreast ith events, he columns of the SUNDAY Priss are enriched by contributions from those whose names are high in our lists of great anchors, novel- .essuylsts, as well as from men of high rank , The best authors know that their best ces are the readers of the DAILY, SUNDAY, 1d WEEKLY Press. : in politics Tue Press knows io other master i the pegple and thie past year has scen, ns seen before, the murked fuct that itis 1 subservi nt to no political boss. It Nas no politi- nbitions to foster. but looks after the inter- of its renders; ind delivers itself ‘upon the sof the day In a manner both frank and warlers, letting ‘the facts speak for'themselves evading no issues but meeting them all on 8 of fair play to all men at all times. Its rages know no distinctions and the rights of one {usd over another are neither Tecognized nor pported. dvertisements of Help Wanted, Bul Op- poriunitigs, Real Estate, etc,. may be inserted in Tug Purses for ON Crit A Womb, . ‘TERMS OF THE PRESS. : By mail, postage free in the United States and Canada. one month,....... ..... nsiaing Sunday), one year... ie 550 one month, .. +85 aan inns dahans +. 2.00 Wir ot Paes. ous year, ..... eo eens 10D Drafts, Checks #nd other Remittances should mide payable 10 the order of THE Li COMPANY, LIMITED, - PHILADELPHIA, PA. ; mri mr te VALUABLE INFORMATION £390 & STON OF THIS MAP OF THE lin every department, -gans? wa | wife need a fine dress? 1892. wa Stablished 40 Years On the Corner of Grant and Ord Streets. And yet we are not content. While our trade has been growing year by year, we are today working as diligently to enlarge our business and serve you better in years to come than our efforts were in the past. : “Onward!” Is The Watchword. Diligence, Perseverance, Generous Dealing, = Low Prices, a matured experience and unflagging enterprise are the keys| to success, We thank you for your patronage, which has made this store what it is tod#®y. A continuance, we hope, will be as fruitful in the future development and enlargement as it has been in the past, and your happiness will be increased pro- portionately. We keep in stock a full line of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes, Men's and Boys’ Clothing, Hats and Caps, Hard- ware, Queensware, Groceries, Confectionery, School Books, Stationery, Wall Paper, Coal Oil, Lard Oil, Linseed Oil, Cor- liss Engine Oil, Neatsfoot Oil, Lubricating Oil. Turpentine, Varnishes, Dyes, Paints mixed, Paints in oil, Putty, Window Glass, all kinds of Miners’ Tools, Ropes of all sizes Wood and Willow-ware, Trunks and Valises. Mining Powder and Salt by: the Carload! Royal Flour, Minnehaha Flour, etc. en in exchange at market prices. P. 8. HAY, SALISBURY, PENNA. Mrs. S. A. Lichliter, — Dealer In AR Kinds Of— GRAIN, FLOUR And FEED. CORN, OATS, MIDDLINGS, “RED DOG FLOUR," FLAXSEED MEAL, in short all kinds of ground feed for stock. “CLIMAX FOOD," 4 good medicine for stock, All Grades of Flour, among them “Pillsbury’s Best,” the best flour in the world, “Vienna,” “Irish Patent,” “Sea Foam" and Royal. GRAYHAM and BUCKWHREAT FLOUR, Corn Meal, Oat Meal and Lima Beans. [ also handle All CGlrades ofSugar, including Maple Sugar, also handle Salt and Potatoes. These goods are vrincipally bought fu ear- load lots, and will be sold at lowest prices. Goods delivered to my regular customers. Store in STATLER BLOCK, SALISBURY, PA. LOOK HERE! Read, Ponder, Reflect and dot, A IND Act Quickly. Come and SER “whether 1 You can’t buy goods cheaper here than elsewhere in the county. BARGAINS Country: Produce tak- Do you need a pair of fine shoes? 1 carry in stock the finest in town. Do you need a pair Bro- I have the best and cheapest in town. Does your It can be bought here very low. You use Groceries, do you? Call; I will be pleased to sub- mit my prices. [keep a full line of such goods: as belong to a first-class general merchandise store. | Cothing, MEN'S CLO THING! I desire to close out my stock of Men's clothing. Great bargains are offered in Suits, Overcoats and Pantaloons. “The early bird catches the worm,” ' I would announce to my patrons and prospective patrons that I continually keep on hand a full line of the Celebrated Walker Boots and Shoes. I also carry a lire of the Fame ‘Waters paves | ONS SWeet, Orr & Co. Goods, Pants, Overalls, Blouses, Shirts, etc.” Thanking you for past favors, and soliciting a continuance of same, 1 remain very respectfully J. L. BARCHUS, Salisbury, Pa. Bargains! rire Poin H. C. SHAW’S, ; WEST SALISBURY. Look at the following quotations and govern yourself accordingly: : Minehaha Flour, perbarrel... ............ Pillsbury’s Best, per barrel. Minesota X X X, per barrel Reitz's Best, per barrel, ... ........... Becker Flour, per barrel .. - Stanton’s Buckwheat Flour, per ». Shelled Corn, per bushel .... evga manne White Oats, perbushel .......... ........ Mining Powder... . Patent Meal and all kinds of Mill Feed at Bottom Prices Give me a call and 1 will save you money. H.C. SEHAW. D. 8, Ewing. General Agent, b 1127 Chestnut 8t., Philadelphia; Pa. Scientific American LSAVEATS, sTAPE IA : 5 or YRIGH A free Handbook write to re pin 861 seaming pated NEW Pore. re out by bs Baier Ye brotait bers S rientific ¢ an ere drains qtan man’ a be eekly Falah En THE VALLEY HOUSE, “H.LOEGHEL, Proprietor. * Board by the day, week or month. First-class accommodations. Rates reasonable. THE ONLY LiokNsEp Horr In BaLisBURY, We take pleasure in trying to please our pat- rons, and you will always find Tug VALLEY a .good, orderly house. » 8. Lowry & Son, UNDERTRKERS, at SALISBURY, PA., have always on hand all kinds of Burial Cases, Robes, Shrouds and all kinds of goods belonging to the business. Also bave A FINE HEARSE, and all funerals entrusted to us will receive prompt attention © WE MAKE EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. Insurance Agency Of Wm. B. COOK, Meyersdale, Penna. Agent for a full line of the best: American and Foreigh companies, representing over Forty-four Million Dollars of assets. ) PROMPT ATTENTION given to set- tlement of claims. W. B, COOK. MF. SMITH, Agent. General Solictior and Collector. ] City Meat Market, N. Brandler, Proprietor. A choice assortment of fresh meat always on hand. If you want good steak, go to Brandler. If you want a good roast, go to Brandler. Brandler guarantees to please the most fastidious. Honest weight and lowest living prices at Brandler’s. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR Erne. Let E wh y mT RR New or er. Fee -| munities.” EDITORHAL REMARKS, THE suit Senator Quay brought against the Beaver Star, some time ago, for libel, has been decided in Mr. Quav's favor. Denioeratic papers had now bétter let up on lying about Mr. Quay. Tar Meyersdale Register wantstoknow how much Salisbury capital and enter- prise has done to develop this region. Now THE STAR never bragged about what Salisbury capital or enterprise has done. lt only spoke of our resources. But as to thut which the Register refers to, we can say that for one thing Salis- bury capital bought and donated nine acres of ground in order to get the Stan- dard Extract Works to locate here, which is now running in fall blast and giving employment to more men than any other half-dozen manufacturing establishments in Somerset county. It has also done 1 numerous other things, but that alone is’ more than Meversdale capital dnd enter- prise has ever done. The capital and en- ‘terprise of that town all has to come up here in order to make paying invest ments, all of which we like to see. Let them come, as there is money to be made up this way. ne THE Meversdale Register again *stretches the blanket” bv saving that THE STAR avers that Salisbury and the region thereabout is dependent vn no body. while pretty much everybody is de- pendent on Salisbury. The Register should tell the truth once in a while, just for luck. ‘Tui 8TAR stated that Salisbury is not dependent on Meyersdale for dny thing, while Meyersdale has to depend on Salisbury for a great many things. We spoke the truth, too, but Meyersdale does not constitute **pretty much everybody,” as the Register puts it, although a few conceited things down there of Geo. H. Suhrie’s stripe have always been nuder the impression that Meyersdale takes in "| by far the greater portion of the world, when the fact is it takes in nothing but the class of people that believe all the slush that from time to time appears in thre Register. LARGE fortunes could be made if some of the old fossils engaged in country jour- worth and sold for what they think their wisdom and knowledge of journalism is worth. Most of tlie old relics of that class don’t know any more about modern jour- nalism than a iog knows about geometry. 1f you want to behold a donkey in all his glory, just take a look at the average country editor who entered the journal istic areun in some country town, some twenty years ago. and who has remained in the suine place ever since. The old- time editors are much like the oid-time “1 school teachers; they are firmly estab lished in the old ruts and can’t tell the difference between modern journalism and a hill of potatoes. They have had their day, and the bright, newsy country papers of today are nearly all edited by young men. Of course there are some few exceptions to the rule, but not many. “init.” The young men of today. are the bone, sinew and brains of journalism. The old-time editor has in most cases lost his charms to soothe the savage breast, and his journal is no longer a thing of beauty and a joy forever. Tne Meyersdale Register is in deep water, and in order to keep from drown: ing. is now grasping at straws, as it were. ‘But the way of the transgressor is hard, and Mr. Bulirie will have to take his med- icine. Mrs. Lydia Pinkham’ medicine is the best for one in his predicament; as he is evidently undergoing a change, and the change seems to completely make a grandmother of him. His case is indeed a sad one. In the first place. the editor of this pa- per put a fair question to him in a straight and honorable way—a question which a plain “ves” or “no” would have answered. But the question seemed to rattle him, and instead of answering it in a manlike way he made an attempt to be funny by getting off some sneering remarks about frontier journalism, ‘then going on to state what ie customary in *‘civilized com- as much as to say that west: ern communities are not civilized. But he soon discovered that he had put his enormous foot into his spacious mouth, and then, strutting around like an old, hyphnotized hen, he tried to creep out of the insult he had heaped upon the west- ern people and sailed into Tur STAR moré furiously than ever. But the wire edge was soon taken off of him, and being completely floored and no longer able to ‘hold his own, he last week made a sneak- ing but pitiable attempt to use the thun- der of one of our western enemies to lielp him out. After rebashing a lot of the dizzy rot from the Carleton Reporter, which was published in that paper some time ago by une of our cowardly enemies, Mr. Subrie then tries to sinooth-over and cover up his own cowardice by using the following words, which last week ap unalism could be bought for what they are. The old know-it-all editors are no longer | Notwithstanding his disposition th’ £0 off at half-cock and a woful lack of dis. cretion in genernl. The Times was a cred. itable Journal, abuve the average Nebras- ka paper in point and ability, A lack of discretion, indeed! Well. if we really do lack discretion in the news paper business, we are very certain that Mr. SBubirie isn’t the proper person to go to to learn that virtue. Think of Edite Suhirie’s being in the newspaper business for some twenty years, and then being the only editor in Somerset county ever known to be so indisereet as'to publish things of such a smutty nature as to make one whole issue of his paper unmailablet Yet the editor of that great smut mill wants to pose ss & model of discretion! What a doukey lie must be in the eyes o the public! ‘Physician, heal thyse But of course the editor of THE STAR is bad and indiscreet, because the Meyers dale Register has said so; and if the Reg ister is to be believed. perhaps we wil some day goto the ‘bad place.” B is safe to say that Mr. Sihrie will nc there, for he is too green to burn, The Btar-eyed Goddess of Justice Gives Meyersdale a Fow Solid Facts to SALsBURY, Pa., Ja 207 1892 To THE STAR: —If we knew noth Meyersdale but what we leapued its newspapers, we would suppose is one of the most ‘thrifty and en ing cities in Western Pennavlvani we are thoroughly familiar with itand its prosperity. We would have been content to die in peace, had uot the Register spoken sngeringly of our own good old tow We think it tinie to strike back. - Meyersdale has some years since reached the acne of its development and isin state of gentle decline. Eight or te years ago it was the mercantile center our county. It drew largely from Sal bury, Grantsvil'e, Garrett, Rocky 00 Ursina, Glencoe, Berlin and minor po In justise we will say to the Commercia that much of this is due to it as an ad er and the above named towns and their re- spective neighborhoods are “supplied home. ¥ Salisbury now has better zonetalst and sells more goods than Meyersdale. Tt is even now erecting a mammoth ha ware store and town hall: as good a s and # better hall than Meyersdale had. As for gnpital, it had sufficient donste 9 acres of land to the Extrac Works, now located here, a plant cost $50,000 and annually expends that sum for material and labor. 1 : largest plant in Somerset county. Again, Salisbury contributed to Meye dale all its newspaper talent and many other of its most prominent citizen i They were drawn there in the days of i prosperity, before the merchants who bailt it up had sold their stores and either left the town or eugaged in other bugi- ness. The only manufacturing plant Meve dale had has deserted it and moved | Hyndman, It never had any mines, and mendacity: alone invented “The Meyersdale Coal Fields. Peter Lesley, the State geologist : never discovered them, as you will learn by referring to his works. On tHe oth hand, every amateur geologist in the sta is familiar with the “Elk Lick Coal | Fields,” lying all around the western side of Salisbury and within one-half mile of its center. If Meyersdale sends out miners they : must always come towards Salisbury, and the nearer they come the better coal they will ind. ‘The vein of bone coal that ex: ists in-the coal found between Meyersdnle and Salisbury, here runs out, and only good, pure coal is found, the coal gives this region its reputation. Unless Meyersdale extends her already strained city limits and takes in the remainder of Summit township and Boynton, or East Salisbury, it must soon cease to be Hie : “Metropolis.” But why kick a corporation any re than an individual when he is going down : hill, and Meyersdale is going that way. = No matter if the town is bonded | 1 pike its streets. ; No matter if they are ornamented with fire plugs. No matter if the glare of electrici nightly thrown on them. : No matter if its National bank has de generated into two private ones. No matter, we say, all is vain, and like ancient Bruges or Venice the glory merchants has departed, as have a many of its citizens. Boon naugh remain but the ‘Raging Flangherty animate its stillness, and naught but w to inflate its pride. - It you have capital to invest where you realize on it, if you want employmen good wages, if you desire the soci a moral, energetic and upright clas people, and when you are driven by decline of business’ to leave Meye come to Salisbury. If you wunt goods, cheap, come to Salisbury.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers