¢ Herald INT. nt say, pudent dry or. ented’ ap- ut debtor. at parrots ston Jour- %s his Toad 1e popular eting wants his gavel. , and that’s ck. —Pilts~ go rowing ck fences. » trouble as ame on any ies we have ave worsted a trouble t blame on know. you oo enerally the brain, ay vain o's Bazar, rym believe Cynicus— er birth. ’— ity will be Jlerk (rather ere shall T do you cail kin-—¢*Mosk ld, sir. She as a few of some more ig perspirers ' ote, s she springs, nkee Blade. : or who sym- here was no fashionable typhus about ard to please verything in be pleased.” going out of itizen. e've milked p’ll be awful he occasion) the pond and wrper’s Bazar. cheek and skill; hall red cent dollar bill. olorado Sun. just eseaped 1, sir??? “Po. of the police ge.” Timid lp! help!”'— Even: Pegg faith my boy s me almost — You need up all right. re will think — Indianapolis d young Mrs. such a brute r would havi ” replied Mr, kicking that 1e of my chief u!—Indians his consent, to ask him, sported with it apprehen- if it’ shouldnt rably and he's n't wonder if . anyhow." — ess me! Ith ou around to 1g8, and here hem.” Little r time before on that I for- ated.” ‘Then 1d find out?” ose my turn.’ not pass, retty child, - re 80 wild? . with educational institutions. number of doctors. panoramas io. pb nd The ! hel like REE me if season, September, and fo! summer or dry season, extending from October to March. The city is liberally provided There “are two medical colleges, a school of pharmacy and a school of art. There are 04 schools of primary imstruc- both sexes, and many other ( nd private establishments: re aré 25 benevolent and mutual : eties, 34 literary, scientific, phiciecat end ‘historical societies. The hl ‘professions are far ad- anced.’ 1 J and medical fra- iy There are 14 lead- e largest of which, | talian; ‘French, Ger! opera is presented all the circumstance of the Ku- rformance. The Jardin de ‘Republica is one of the tiful parks in the world, ins 60,000 exoteric plants. city has 50,000 houses and a pop- ulation of 750,000. Prevention 1s better than cure, and people who are subject to | rheumatism, can prevent attacks by keeping the blood pure and free from fhe acid which causes ie Miienss, This suggests ihe use'of Hood's Saren. = a a thé best blood purifier; ahd : bei ‘been mh great success for this wery } "by many people. 5 illa has also cured mnumerable ‘enses ‘of ‘rheumatism of the severest sort, by iis ar Jpowertul effect in neutralizing acidity of the blood, iy mp than anything else that I have ever taken, and I. take pleasure in recommending it in the highest terms.” ped 5s MILLER, Terie Centre, Pa. oy tetidency to Dys yépsia from my mother. I suffered two years in this way ; consulted a They did me no good. I then used Relieved in your August Flower and it was just two enl felt great relief. Isoon 80 that I could sleep and eat, an £ felt that I was well That gafs ago, and I am still first- class. I am never ithout a bottle, and if 1 feel constipated the te feast particle a dose or two of Angust Flower. does the work. The beauty of the medicine is, that you cat stop the use of itwithout any bad 3 effects on the system. Constipatién While I was sick I "felt everything, it ered to me a man could feels I Sof 1 iien most miserable: Ican usion, that I. believe er will cure anyone. of indigestion, if taken Life ofMisery with judgment. A. M. Weed, 229 Belle- fortaitie Si Indianapolis, Ind @ ii} DONALD KENNEDY of Roxbury Mass, says ennedy’s Medical Discovery cures Horrid Old Sores, Deep Seated Ulcers of 4Q years’ standing, Inward Tumors, and every disease of the skin, ex« cept Thunder, Humor, i down with. da grippé. iny St. Louis, Mo. W.H. FE. E. Lee, {i 6d to escape and they were arrested. ) os rin ek or 7 iad the -— Wappenisns From Ocsan to 2 Oconn Told FE dn 4 a Brief Way. with ghife and: pistol a Quel was fought at Decatur, Ala., by Tolly Williams "and William Willierte, and the latter was shot to death. George Wisner, jealous of Daniel Beckel’s attention to his wife, at Kansas City, Mo., hot and killed Beckel and surrendered himself. While at a fire in Keene, N. H., Saturdav, Chief Engineer Henry Hi Haings:fell down stairs and was killed. Alfred Peterson, aged 20, ‘perl § ina shaft at - Ishpeming, Mich.; 100 feet, and ‘was instant ly killed. Two persons were killed and a train ol cars blown from the track by a destructive wind storm at Los Angeles. The temperature at Halleck, Nev., Satur day, was 26 degrees belew zero.’ At Albu: querque, N. M., fierre storms raged and much damage was done. At Homewood, ‘111... ‘the Cincinnati fast express ran. over. and instantly killed two women and a child. They were confused by the approach of a freight train and stepped on the track in. front of the express, : Cincinnati streets were dark as night Sat urday owing tothe dense fog, A constable named Larkins lost his way inthe gloom, ‘walked into the river and was drowned. Aliss A. H. Brice, Mrs. I. D. Hatch and her little son, and Master Frank Packwood, were found murdered late Saturday after- noon in their cottage near New Smyrna, Fla. There is no clue to the mut Jerers, ‘and the purpose of the crime is; a mystery, The murdered people came from the North, The grip epidemic has struck Topeka. : Kansas: Over 2,000 cases were reported there the past week. Eleven men broke jail at Galesburg, Hl, Wednesday night, by sawing the bars. , “A runaway freight train wrecked three dwellings 8 , Marquette, Mich. ‘The ruins of two of them caught.freand were completely consumed. The three families escaped in their night clothes. Australian influenzay which is similar to grippe, has made its appearance; ing Californify in Oakland, Alameda, and other to whs, hun- dreds are afflicted and many death ‘are re- sulting from the disease. Many people are “One man was killed, one fatally and three seriously injured by an explosion of molien metal at the Lucy blast furnaces, Pittsburg, Pa. The explosion was so terrific that it Jarred buildings. several squares away. ‘At La Junta, Cal, Kit Carson, Jr,, ason of the famous old scout killed his father in law and his mother i in law 4 then © ma; good his escape.” § | £ The South Carolina ower Foure- ra passed a bill requiring separate railroad cars for colored people. Two young sons of Mr. George Gibeon, of Pontypool, Ontario, while sleigh riding on the ice, broke through and were drowed. A Northwestern, freight. train. near... Mil- 1 broke in-two while: going: up a grade The rear parts ick ward and “crashed into another freight tm was following. C.'A. Stor, of Figin, It, was killed. John Herbert Phillips, the man ‘whose picture . was . identified by Russell Sage and ‘Colonel Slocum as that of the man who hurled a dynamite bomb at the New York Snanclen isin n Chicago, alive and well. . Twonien were instantly killed by the _prematiire discharge of a blast in the Tamarack mineat Red Jacket, Mich. | . ‘A passengertrain on the Illinois Central Joad was run into by a Midland train at the crossing at Arcola, 1it. The engineer of the former train was killed, and a Rumbat of passenger inj jured. 4 The Wells-Fargo express office at Shingle Springs, Col., was raided by two masked robbers, They secured a walch and $90. Ten cars loaded with cattle were wrecked at the crossing of the Santa Fe and Union Pacific tracks at Abilene, Kan. Two long trains crashed into each other. One of the brakemen was killed... A severe gale prevailed at Hong Kong on December 4. A largenumber of" Chinese i vessels of all description were destroyed, and Htindreds of Chinese sailors and laborers engaged about the harbor were drowned. A gang of negroes broke open the station at Tinwood, Ark., the other night and secur- ed two express packages, containing $500 and $200. Therobbers are still at large. - Williatn J. Gibbons was found guilty at Wilmington, Del., of firing the Dupont Powder building. TE, Meredith was chosen to fill the yin the Eighth Congressional district, ia, caused by the death of General A massive steam shovel toppled over on e workmen’ “who were moving it ab Cortl 1, K. Y. and fatally injured three workmen i “Phe Farmers Alliance in Indiana, Illinois and Nebraska met, Thursday. The tenor of ‘the speechies v was that they are appotid to off and she recognized her son. She manag- i ——— | ‘Wheat in the Northwest. { Minneapolis, Dec. 10.5=The Northwestern Miller reports the stock of wheat in private elevators at. Minneapolis to" be 1,507,000 bushels, or 58,000 bushels more than last Monday. ‘fhe total stock at Minneapolis isk mute buskels, an increase “gal 21 ’ ‘bushels, ¢ A WASHIN HINGTON NOTES. Secrotery Foster, who has ‘boon quite fll, is improving, his temperature being normal and his appetite gool, and his gradual re covery is now confidently anticipated. ' It will, however, be impossible for him to leave his house for some time yet. It is reported that there were 40.000 cases of influenza in Berlin diring the past week; 30 of the cases resulting fatally. The number of deaths from the disease in Hamburg i terrifying the people. ' During the month of November 212,25: pension claims were allowed upon which the first payments aggregated $2,862.838, an aver age payment to each pensioner of $124 20. The Treasury Department has begun the payment of sugar bounties, -Bpeaker. . Crisp has appointed John T ‘Waterman his private secretary. Mr. Thomas O. Towles, of ‘Missouri, has been appointed chief clerk of the house ol representatives. Secretary Foster wrote the following Jetter to Mrs, Wm. Windom a few days ago: i? : It atfords me sincere pleasure to present to you the firsasilver certificate bearing the likeness of your illustrious ‘hu nd; the late Wm indom, secretary of the. treas- ury. Few of “our public men who have been similarly honored have done more to deserve this particular mark of recognition from the government, and as his successol in office I feel that it is fitting to testify in this manner my official acknowleegm ent of the obligations ue to his distinguished serv: ices.’ The president in accepting the resignation of Secretary Proctor says: “In severing our official relations, it gives megreat pleasure to remember that they have been unclouded by anything approach: ing disagreement or trust. You have had my full confidence, and your discharge of official duty my full ap jrobation. I am glad to know that your full public service is not terminated; out only Pansferrod to another, apd I hope higher tield ot useful- ness. : With the warmest nal regard, I am very sincerely, your friend, BENJAMIN HABRISON."! en i lpr NORCROSS, THE BOMB FIEND: A Broker of Boston Was the Man Who Threw the Bomb at Russell Sage. * Boston, Dec. 12—Henry L. Norcross, of Someryille, who conducted. a note brokerage business in this city, has been missing since the middle of last ‘week. From a buttoh on the coat found on the remains of the bomb thrower, which was identified by the ‘tailor who nade the coat,as belonging to Noreross, re is; no eh missing! “NA RKETS, PITTSBURGH. BUTTER-Creamery Hein = Country esas GHEESE. New O io Toil cream New OF ...ieeee * EGGS POD LRT iet Chickens. # pr ive Spring per paix, live hy #1. GAME Sab Per pair -.:- . Wild Turkeys ...... “Pheasants per doz.. «5 Quail per doz RS aire, er pair DOTATOR pice per bu .. SEEDS--Clover, western...... Timothy corsninnee venee ib TeaBl rass : sashes seen 2 white. Fancy spring pat'fe.e.. Shoat in HAY Ao 1 CHacity az m wagons... 12 MIDDLINGS White. ne sivene 20 { Drove: PEN ke 29 “28 Bon Endy sent 2858 =e 6 HR BR GS Gr Gig ove Sur s5uRRIEeE es IFYnaen" M od HONEY—New ‘White Clover. al the ckwheat .couoes MAPLE 8Y TR New: ks TA LLOW--Co ot BR CINCINNATL, FLOUR. ...ovseeseransenosns WHEAT—No. 2Red.. eeu0nre 0.2.5 ies. ssa ene RYE— ony Mixed reese snes cs save Prime steers. Bulls and dry cows. RY, Heavy rough Fresh ows, Prime 95 to'1 1 ep. Common 70 t 75-1b : old voice, “Tye been hoping youd His Young Mistcoss. A New York Herald reporter wns taking “a modest chop” in a Sixth avenue restaurant when two ycung wo! 1en came in and sat near him— students at the Art League, as soon transpired from their co.versation. The head-waiter, an aged colored man, had already attracted the notice of the reporter, and was now eying the young women with peculiar in- terest. Soon he made an errand to rearrange something at their table. “Excuse me,” he’said, in his soft, excuse me since the first night you came in if I asked you what part of the South you eame from.” “Me?” said the girl, pleasantly. “I come from Tennessee. 1 suppose you knew I-was Southern by the way I talk.” “Yes'm; yes’m,” the old man an: swered, hastily, taking the plates from the waiter in charge a little flurriedly. “My: young missus she marry down in Tennessee. She was one ob de-Kentucky Prentices.” He stopped abruptly and looked at the girl, who was staring at him. “She marry one ob de Tennessee Sin- clairs,” he added. “Why, that was my mother!” | “She was my young missus,” the old man. ‘The girl held out her hand to him. “Why, my mother always loved her old people so much,” she said, the tears springing to her eyes. “Sh al- ways wanted to know what became of ali” of them after the war, but she never could learn much... Now—" she stopped. The old-time slaye was trembling all over. “Please tell—please “tell hor that Ike, Yellow Ike alluz—" The girl was looking at him stead- fastly through a mist of ‘tears. “Shes dead!” she said. The old man leaned on a chair for a moment; then the habits of a life- time came to his aid; he took a dish from the waiter as he came up, al- though his hands still shook a little. «Pll wait on these ladies,” he said, and then gave some directions about another part of the room. He caught .the proprietor’s eye fixed reprovingly on him; but be meant to wait on those ladies if it cost him his place. “Pretty soon he brought in some dish that had not been ordered. “There is nothing here fit for you, missy,” he said in an undertone; “is you named for your ma?” The girl nodded “1 thought I knowed you by the favor,” tempt at a smile'he took himself off to a little distance, and stood waiting their call. As the reporter was putting on his coat he heard the Southern girl say, «] suppose he would rather, never have seen me at all, than to see me here like this.” believed that she was wrong in that opinion. sald A ‘Church Flooded with Honey. ‘During the early gummer a swarm of bees builtin the loft of an Episco- palian chiirch in Tulare County, Cal. ‘Not long since an extremely warm wax. giving way beneath. the torrid heat, the honey flowed in streams to the floor. It required a good deal of expense to remedy the damage. - A SPONGE BATH-—One taken on credit and never paid for OPYRIGHT 1091 J Stick to it! Sometimes you may have to wait. The troubles that have been years in gathering can't always be cleared away ina day. For all the diseases and disorders peculiar to woman- hood, Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre- scription is the surest and speediest remedy. Yon can depend upon that, —but if your case is obstinate, give “it reasonable time. It's an invigorating, restorative tonic, ‘a soothing \an ’ strengthen- ing nervine, and a positive specific for female weaknesses and’ ailments. All functional disturbances, painful corrected and cured by it. All unnat- ural discharges, bearing-down sensa- tions, weak ‘back, accompanied with faint spells and kindred symptoms, are corrected. In every case for which it’s recommended, “ Favorite Prescription,” is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or the money is re- funded. No other medicine for women is sold on such terms. That proves that nothing else offered by the dealer can be “just as good. he continued, and with an at- | “But the reporter | wave swept over the State, and the ] irregularities and derangements are ‘Sheridan’s Condition Powders gw». Child’ Latest Little Jest. The speed of bees, savs a writer, has been greatly overestimated, but the man of experience knows that the rapidity of the part opposite the bee's foresight is a stern reality. —Philadel- ptia Ledger. . MRS, CassoY—" Why don’t yon come down and see me, Mrs. McGinnis?” Mrs. McGinnis—“And it's you ‘thats talkin’, Mrs. Cassidy; and not a sight did I see of ye since last Aister! Sure, if 1 lived as near to you as you do to me I'd be droppin’ in every week |” — Puck. How's This ¢ We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Flaked Catarrh Cura. F. NEY & Co. Props. Toledo, O. reigned, known Chenty for the fast 15 years, and believe him ly honorable in all business transac- ey and financially able to carry out any ob- 1i tions nade Dy their firm. TRUAX, olesale Druggists, Toledo, Warping, al s SARIN, Wh ‘Wholesale Druggists, Toled Hall’s Catarrh Cure $5 D-ken internally, act- ing directly upon the b ood = ang MUCOUS SUr- faces of the system. Testi ce Toc, per bottle. Sold by Hi druggists. The Bellamy colony in California has proved a failure. Explained nt Last. The fact that Washington never told a lie has satisfactorily accounted for. © never went fishing. The fact that Dr. White’s Dandelion Alterative has become the most popular Liver and Kidney Remedy is also eas- ily accounted for. Itis an honest medicine, made of the best and purest materials that money will buy, and performs all that is claim- ed for it, Try it Of the foreign merchants in China only 27 are Americans. pet) A AAR A A King in the Family, Dr. Hoxsie’s Certain Croup Cure for colds, coughs, croup and pneumonia has no r ival, Cures without nausea or auy disarrangement, Sold by druggists, or mailed on recaivt of 5 Address A. P. Hoxsie, Buffalo, N, ¥. FITS stopped frée by Or. KLINE'S ‘Great NervE REsToreR. No is after first day's use. Marvelous cures. nd $2 teal bottle gah ONE ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figsis taken; it is pleasant. and refreshing to the taste, and acts genilyyet promptly on the Kidneys, iver and Bowels, cleanses the tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation, Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever duced, pleasing to the taste or ao- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared on only from the most healthy and a le substances, its many exce qualities eom- mend it to all and have made it thes ost ep opular remedy known. Figa is for sale in 50e and 1 “Bottles by all leading drug- gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro- cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do, not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA Ele SYRUP CO. FRANCISCO, CAL, covisviE’ Xr = Tred free. Dr. Kline, 831 xeh Fri Phila., NEW YORK. N.Y. PNUS50 ron, RZ, "ST. JACOBS OIL, FOR HORSE AND CATTLE DISEASES. CURES Cuts, Swellings, § Bruises. Sprains, Gall, Strains, Lameness, si ness, Cracked Heels, Scra Stringhalt. Sore Throat, or. Colic, Whitlow, Fistula, Tumors, Splints, Stages, Diections with each bottle, i DISEASES OF HOGS. 85 GENERAL DIRECTIONS.—Use freely in the Hogswill, = If they Witl not eat, drench with milk Into which a small quantity of the Oil is put, DISEASES OF POULTRY. GENERAL DIRECTIONS. —Saturate a Dread. nih ST. Jacons OIL and force it down 3the fowl sthroat. Contractions, Flesh Wou Poll od Ringbones, and Spavin in “their early pill of ia IF 80 Wa rr HALL’S ERIE TRADE MARK CATARRH REMEDY. refunded, Always speci PLEASAN Recir IMMEDIATE: RELIEF wm POSITIVE CURE. or money ERIE ?’—Take no other. - NT, MULES, CONVENIENT. 50 Cents by Mail ov at Druggists.” Free Sample on application to E. P. HALL, 35" ERIE, PA. ®x en SORE Nose " COLD iN THE HEAD i HALL’S ERIE, , Tue OniGinat AnD Oury BEAUTE POLISHES SAVING LABOR, CLEANLINESS, RABILITY & uD) No Ono WHEN HEATED. : PI1SO'S CURE HOR: Consumptives and rey who have weak lungs or Asth- | ma, should use Piso’s Cure for 8 Consumption. It has cared : Shousan ands, Jt has not injur- ot bad to take. 3 is be he cough syrup. Sold everrwhera. ®5e. EERIE JONES, SFPALER ====0¢ FULLY WARRANTEDo== 9 Ton ScaLes $ 60 Freigur Pup pres, EES A= JONES BingHAMTON NY. ‘We make extraordinary offers of ‘BICYCLES; CAMERAS, WATCHES, A BEAUTIFUL SEWING MACHINE, and various other articles, in return for a little work In securing subscribers. PD. LOTHROP (O., Publishers, . - BOSTON WORTH IRYING 1 For ONE CENT you cay Sully satisfy yourself if it 4s possible to learn the science of DOUBLE-ENTRY BOOK» a, thoroughly and practically, ata cost of One KEEPIN Dollar. Send address by tal to ALEX. ROBERTSO! South Orange, N.J. id pent d Publisher. = Agents Wanted everywhere to Joan money ON REAL ES. nh on & new pian, and to cations for oe BaAV- nga Cortouton MUTUAL IN- AN J is COMPANY, a3 No» Arty De Minneapolis, Minm, Rit GARRET | ON Send at once for our Catalogue. 200 testi- monials.C. N. Newcomb, Daveait: Towa DO YOU WANT SOME GOOD BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS? Send tor ous Tal catalogue and illustrated hol FREE, on application to D. LOTHROP COMPANY, hid H AY FEVE CURED TO STAY CURED. we $ want the name and ad- f every sufferer inthe & ASTHM A o S and Canada. Address, P. Harold Bayes, M.D., Buffalo, N.Y, K INS and Mortgages MS i S: are all ill Highs, ‘arma for sale ooh ry Ke WOODLEY, Sa L erie PE M aisabied GPa forme Sida OF your -t rT “VY, Sok, Was Seineton, Be & & Clcinnart. & XY, Book Business Fo, OME YIUDY, Bo i: ie Shortsan Ming HLY FAUGET BY arian: = OROUGHL Colloge, 4 357) ‘Main St, Buffalo, Non W.mo TH ryant’s % only 2 half EVERYBODY READS LOTHRO Ps AZINES: WIDE AWAKE, a. PAN SY, $i on OUR LITILE Re AND WOMEN, $1.00. - BABYLAND, 50 cts. THE STORY TELLER, $150. BEST THINGS, 80 cts. = Samples of all six, only 25 cts.; of any one, Sets = = D. LOTHROP COMPANY, - BOSTON, Mention this paper. GRATEFUL—-COMFORTING. EPPS'SGOC0A BREAK FA EL rough knowledg: whih govern the Elude ot Oe tural Inve tion, and by a careful application of the fine propem ties Fry well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has prov, our Deeaklist tables with a elioaty flavoured erage which may save us many heavy doctors’ as § It is by Glin judicious use of such articles of that a constithtion may be gradually built w strong enough to resist every tendency to son Hundreds of subtle maladies are LIE jis veo attack wherever. there is a weak a ape many & fatal shaft by Scoping ours: selves on fortified with pure blood and 2 pro; operty: shed frame.”—Civil Service Gazette. © simply with boiling water or Toilk.” Sold und tins by Grocers, labelled thus: JAMES EPPS & CO. on copa Chemisia, LONDON, ENGLAND, New Process DOC BISCUIT is entirely Sistarent from hi other. 3 Neen. Dogs ea eat it n Vteryans ce : Xt come Th Wars? management of dogs i in health and disease. ce 10c. per 1b. Samples sent by mail for Scents oe FANCIERS, ADON Third 86, Philadelphia, Pa. : THE OHRISTMAS NUMBER or Frm mm: To all who gene UA ption rice, $2.40, { rl D. LOTHROP Bon, EAs iy 139 to 100 Clit ha iasteated pages: each m de Te pont Tscinaung: ie most Mestion t anata or ple ai e fam! ention thi: and ask for FREE Copy in your aor Sap Thousands of Women Testify, from personal knowledge and experience, that as a simple reliable cure: for all forms of female complaints, : Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound ‘is unequalled. Mrs. MARY A. ALLEY, Lynn, Mass., says: “I. suffered from womb trouble, misplacement, ulceration, leucorrheea, ete. After usinga few bottles E ham’s Vegetabl o i Satire)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers