The Democrat. FRIDAY, JUNE 27. 1890. HISTORY shows that thirteen States re sponded at the first census, which was taken a liundied years ago, sixteen to the second, seventeen to the third, twenty three to the fourth, twenty four to the fifth, twenty-six to the sixth, thirty to the seventh, thirty-three to the eightb, thirty seven to the ninth, thirty-eight to the tenth, and forty-two to the eleventh. To Coi.. DOXN PI.ATT belongs the credit of having started the crusade against "The Car-Hog." Five years ago he con tributed an article to the American Press Association under this title. It had a wide circulation and it had a good effect in toning down the eccentricities of por cine travellers. But, as in the case of lib erty, it requires eternal vigilance to re lorm the car-hog. There is a new crop every year. EVIDENTLY the Philadelphia Pre** is get ting anxious lest the Harrison boat go down. Recently it volunteered this re freshing bit of advice : "No Adminis tration and no party can afford a deficit in any year, least of all a year like the next, whose deficit must be discussed and met just before a Presidential election. It neither the House nor the Senate will put the brakes on the passage of appro priation bills President Harrison must." MR. BLAINE wants commercial reciproc ity with the Central and South American States in accordance with the terms as set forth in the following paragraph from his recent lengthy letter to the President on the work of the Pan-American Congress : And the President of the United States Is hereby authorized, without further legislation, to declare tneportsof the United states free and open to all the products of any nation of the American hemisphere upon which no export duties are imposed, whenever and so long as such nation shall admit to Its ports, free of all national, provincial (State), municipal and other taxes, flour, cornmeal, and other breadstuffs, preserved meats, nsh, vegetables and fruits, cottonseed oil, rice and other provisions, Includ ing ah articles of food, lumber, furniture, and all other articles of wood, agricultural imple ments and machinery, mining and mechanical machinery, structural steel and Iron, steel rails, locomotives, railway cars and supplies, street cars, refined petroleum, or such other i products of the United States as may be agreed upon. REPUBLICAN STATE POLITICS. It should be understood that the man who now controls the destinies of the Re publican party is Matthew Stanley Quay. Whoever is nominated at Harrisburg morrow will be nominated by the power of Quay. His man Delamater will not have enough deiogates to nominate him on the first ballot, but he will need less than twenty votes, and if Quay wants him to be nominated the Crawford Senator will get them. If for the sake of peace in the Republican ranks a new man is taken up, it will be Quay's game none the less. If Delamater is side-tracked to make way for Hastings, he being the next in strength, the plan will be Quay's. If there is a stampede to Montoo'th or Stone the Quay men will be at the head. With his position in Washington, controlling the patronage of the national administration in this State, Quay can be relied on as having his own way. The power of mak ing or unmaking in Pennsylvania State polities is his. From the first he was claimed to be for Delamater, although he denied it. The Pittsburgh Times (Republican) says: "No man who saw county after county carried for Delamater by the work of the Federal officeholders and the party ma chine, which Senator Quay controls, could doubt it [Quay's bargain with Dela mater] without confessing his own imbe cility-" Now Quay comes boldly to the front in the interests of his friend, and is traveling the State from eastern to western border putting things in order. The Times concludes its double-leaded editorial thus: in view ot senator quay's purpose, now ap parent, to (orce the nomination of the one can didate before the convention whose defeat Is predicted, there is but one consolation visible. AB the ltepublican party will have no responsi bility for a candidate so forced upon Its back, it wiu have no tears for his fate, whatever that may|be. it will survive 1890 as It survived four years of Paulson and lour years of Cleve land. with unbroken heart and undiminished vigor. There is aii unmistakable ring about the above utleraucc, which, coming from a staunch Republican paper, would be supposed to have some weight; and it would in ordinary times, but, holding the grasp he does on state politics and being entrenched in high favor with the nation al administration, Mr. Quay will have his way. Whether the whole Republican part)'in the State will continue its menial sub serviency cannot be told until after the nomination. The muzzled press of course will, and the unmuz.zled, which of late has been raising considerable smoke, will strive to seek some pretext for coming into line, although tliey have been sound ing notes of warning. Every man has his price, and HQuay knows it. With his schooling in the last national campaign at bringing all factions into line, he will hardly listen to the bluff games being played by the organs of favorite can didates. The issue in this State this year is both one of principles and one of men. Who ever the Republicans nominate for Gov ernor will stand as the representative of Quayism; that is for cunning, trickery, and boodle in politics. All are opposed to Democratic principles. A vote for the .Republican ticket will stand for all them, and for the one-man power of Quay. A vote for the Democratic ticket w>ll be a vote for political freedom and honest nom inations and elections. The people of Pennsylvania will make the choice. FATAL WORK OF THE LIGHTNING ON SUNDAY EVENING. A Woman Killed and a Young Man Prob ably Fatally Stunned In Upper Pronpect Daring Last Sunday's Thunder Storm- Almost a Fire from the Lightning—A Cow Killed by the Same Stroke. During the prevalence of the thunder storm on Sunday evening the lightning struck a house in Upper Prospect, in stantly killing one of its occupants and perhaps fatally injuring a young man who was at the house, just across the street from his home. The particulars, as near as can be learned, are about as follows : Patrick Stanton lives in Upper Pros pect. During the thunderstorm yester day evening he noticed a blinding flash of lightning followed almost the same instant by a terrific peal of thunder. He knew that it had struck not far distant. Look ing out he saw something was wrong at a house nearly across the street from his.He at once ran over and found the woman who lived there—Mrs, Stanley—lying just outside the door. Smoke wa is suing from the open door. The woman was picked up, but was found to be life less. The men then turned to look to the fire. On entering the room they stum bled over another body, which proved to be John, the eighteen-year-old son of Mr. Stanton. When he was dragged out he seemed to be dead, but after being in the fiesh air a short time he partly revived and was carried home. Medical aid was summoned, but not much relief could be afforded him. He was very nervous and much agitated, his limbs contracting and trembling like a person severely afflicted with St. Vitus' dance. The flesh on his right side was all raw from his arm to the thigh, and his left foot about the instep was in a like condition. His left shoe was also torn. It is thought he will recover. At the time of the stroke Stanton and the woman were standing in the door of her home. He had got home from work shortly before, and was out watch ing the approaching storm. When it came on he stepped into Mrs. Stanley's. Both were knocked down, 6he falling out and he in. The bolt passed down through to the open cellar under the house in which stood a cow. She also was killed. A Stunning Mow at Corporationg, TruKts and Monopolies. LILLY, PA., June 23. 1800. To the KdUor of the Johnstown Democrat, For the first time in three years the wri ter has heard golden words from the pen of the Hon. T. V. Powderly, who has struck upon the keynote that has agitated the public mind for the past years. His article on the subjects—too lengthy to copy—but the writer hopes that the prin ciples enunciated will find their way to the hearthstone of every American citizen, and I earnestly hope the grand old Demo cratic party will avail itself of the oppor tunity to consider at length and adopt in its platform the principles set forth by one who believes is a Democrat devoted to the aims and best interests of Nation, State and people. If properly supported they will be a great factor in the coming contest to redeem the grand old Keystone to the place it once occupied when it was a Simon pure government of the people, by the people and for the people—when corporate bodies were as individuals, compelled to live subservient to the' law. Corporations now control the law-making power and smile at the constitution that once all men defended and obeyed. The writer will have more to say on these sub jects as time rolls on, if space is afforded and abler advocates come to the front. VIGILANT. GlASOW —Loreiitz. Thursday evening the 19th inst., Rev. Paul Glasow and Mi3s Johanna Lorentz were united in marriage in the temporary German Lutheran Church on Bedford street. The ceremony was performed by Rev. 8. Muensch, of Pittsburgh, who came here for that purpose yesterday morning. The bridegroom is pastor of the German Lutheran Church in this city, which position he has filled since shortly after the flood. He has shown himself to be a man of superior ability in his line of work. He has reorganized and gath. ered together his scattered congregation since the flood. The schools under his charge were about the first to open after that disaster. The bride is a sister of the well-known shoe dealer. Mr. Ed. C. Lo rentz. She was, prior to the flood, sales lady in a prominent business establish, ment. Since then she has been assisting her brother in his store. She has many friends who wish her and her husband a long and happy life. Editor*' Annual Excursion. The Pennsylvania State Editorial As sociation have almost completed arrange ments for the annual excursion of that body to Washington. D. C. It is proba ble that arrangements will 'be made by which members of the Association west and north of Harrisburg, will assemble in that city on Monday, July 14, and leave for Washington by special train on Tues day morning, July 15, and those at Phila delphia and vicinity will assemble in that city on the same date, and also leave for Washington on the morning of July 15. The principal points of interest will be visited in the national capital, a trip down the Potomac river to Mt. Vernon, thence to Old Point Comfort and other Virginia resorts, after which they return to Washington on Friday and take trains for home on Friday night. J. L. Smith, of Johustown, Pa., who came here this week to attend the funeral of Thos. Smith, was one of the unfortu nates in the famous Johnstown flood a , year ago, having lost his wife and three children, and himself having a narrow es cape. His home and property were also destroyed.— Proepecl (0.) Advance. GLEANINGS FROM EVERYWHERE. If you can count three slowly—that is, one count to the second—between the flash of lightning and the peal of thunder, you may know that destruction has not been wrought in your own locality. The flash and the crash are really simultane ous, only the light of the former travels much more swiftly than the sound of the latter. If it takes three seconds for the noise of the thunder to reach you, then the storm is 3,370 feet—two-thirds of a mile—away. But when the flash and the peal come close together, then shake yourself to see if you are hit. Drinking water is carried through all passenger trains in some of the States at brief intervals and passengers And it a convenience. The trip to the water cooler in a rapidly moving train and the g> m nastic skill required to prescvere one's balance while taking a draught in full view of admiring fellow-passengers should be unnecessary. A water boy is an im provement on the candy boy. Small at tentions of this sort reduce the discom forts of long trips by rail. The custom begau on a Connecticut railroad during the war when water was carried through the cars to sick and wounded soldiers returning from the front. A law was passed in 1804 making the service obliga tory and extending it to all passengers. Now is the time to give the victuallers a needed respite by a general reduction in the amount of meat consumption. Veg etables are plentiful and cheaper and more wtiolesome than meat; fruits are becoming more abundant, and they are not only healthful, but in a large degree nutritions as well. Those who eat least meat during such Intensely hot weather as that of the past week arc the ones who sleep best, also those who drink as little ice water as possible. If you will drink it take it in moderate draughts. There is a constant temptation in hot weather to drink freely of ice water. It tastes good, very good, and it requires a considerable amount of moral courage to abstain from gulping down a large gobletful of it at once, instead of consuming five or ten minutes in the operation. Water of high er temperature will much more effectu alleg quench thirst, and those who care to notice the effect of a copious drink of ice water will find that in a minute or two thereafter the cooling effet is annulled and an uncomfortable sensation of warmth follows. The assessment returns from the sev eral counties of Pennsylvania shows a maiked increase in the value of real es tate compared with the assessment of 1888. There is a gain of 90,571 in the number of taxable inhabitants, of which Philadelphia is credited with 79,640. The reports from the counties of Allegheny, Blair, Centre, Cumbeiland, Franklin, Lackawanna, Luzerne, MiAlin, Warren and Wyoming show a slight decrease in the number of taxables. The remaining counties show an increase, although in some the gain is less than one hundred. In itlie value of all real estate taxable for county purposes there is an increase of i|162,508,587 over the previous year. There is an increase of 25,404 in the number of horses returned,and an increase of $1,733,496 in their value, and in the number of cattle the increase is 41,367, with an increase of $92,071 In their value. All the counties return money at interest, with the additional amount of $17,379,281 over the previous year. In twenty-eight counties there is an increase in the amount returned, while in thirty-nine there is a decrease. In 1888 the aggre gate value of all property taxable for State purposes was returned at $431,111,881, while for the present year it is $448,537,- 130, making an increase of $17,425,249. and the inerease in the amount of State tax assessed is $52,279.97 over the pre vious year. Fifty-one counties of the State show an aggregate debt of $64,477, • 980.63, As compared with last year there is a decrease of $1,647,312.03. In ten counties the debt has been increased, while in thirty-one it has been decreased. Underground Heroes. New York World. The grimy fellows who have been toil ing for days to rescu- the entombed miners at Dunbar, Pa., are fit companions for those who lead forlorn hopes in war. Indeed, their heroism is of a nobler sort than any that war can show, for their deeds of daring and endurance are done for sheer love of their fellow-men with out the compulsion of discipline, the in spiration of enthusiasm or the hopes of applause or reward. Unseen of men, there in the bowels of the earth, these men have wrought with pick and shovel till they fell insensible from exhaustion. They have put their own lives in instant and imminent peril by pushing their tunnel forward withou pausing to construct proper supports, lest delay to reach the end should prove fatal to the men they hope to rescue. These are true heroes of courage and endurance, and it is a reproach to our civilization that it has devised no means of fitly recognizing such self-sacrifices as theirs, but preserves in this industrial age the false traditions inherited from a military epoch, and reserves its highest admiration for deeds of daring in the de struction rather than in the salvation of human life. Death of a Noted Colored Minister* Word was received here by telegraph last Monday announcing the death of Rev. James A. Mulligan, of Bedford, at that place yesterday morning. Ue was one of the most noted colored preachers of the A. M. £. Zion Church in this country, and was Grand Secretary of the colored Ma sonic fraternity in the United States. THE FATAL HI.IE HOLE SCORES ANOTHER VICTIM. Harry James, of the Twelfth YVard, Drowned and George Stickler, of the Seventh Ward, Nearly Drowned on Suur day Afternoon in the " Blue Hole," Above Moxliaw. On Sunday about 3 o'clock a young man named Harry James was drowned in the Stonycreek river at the place known as the " Blue Hole," above the Johnson Foundry, Moxham, a short distance out side the city limits. He and a number of other young men were bathing in the river. Being a good swimmer, he undertook to teach a friend, George Stickler, of the Seventh ward, the art of swimming. They were some distance from the bank of the stream, when the latter apparently lost control of himself. He struggled fiercely, but those on shore thought James, who was a strong man and a good swimmer, would be able to get him out. Seeing that the two men were in danger of drowning, some of the bathers went to their aid with a boat. The struggling men had come up the second time and were about disappearing again when one of the rescuers caught Stickler by the hair, while another grabbed hold of James' foot. Stickler was pulled out insensible, but James kicked loose and was lost to view. His body was not recovered until late in the evening, when it was taken to the morgue and prepared for burial. It was with great difficulty that Stick ler was resuscitated, it being about twenty minutes before he was able to speak. James was a young man about twenty two years of age, and lived with his un cle on Quarry street, Twelfth ward. Til® KXi'EKIENCK OF AN' EVfi-WITNESS. Mr. Patrick Stanton, father of the young man who was so badly stunned by ligbning on Sunday evening in Upper Prospect, was interviewed by a represen tative of the DKMOOKAT yesterday, and gave the following as his experience in the matter : " I was in my house when the clap of thunder came along, and I thought it had set my house on lire. I said to my wife, That has done damage somewhere con venient to here.' She told me to come in side. At that moment a woman carrying a child.and crying ' murdei" at the top of her voice. Pour children were following hor. She hollowed to me that Mulda Madden and my son Thomas were killed, and with that I ran to the place, when I saw the house was on lire. I called ' tire !' at the top of my voice. It was so rough that nobody came. When I got to the house, I found the woman ly ing dead outside the door, I took her and put her in a reclining position against the side of the house. By that Anthony Frankauser came to my assistance. He took a large basin to throw water ou the Are. I asked him to see if there were more bodies there belorc he put water on that. There was so much smoke and gas that you couldn't secanytbi.ig. He called to mc that he thought there was a body lying inside the door. I dropped the woman, who showed not the least signs of life, and went for the man. I caught him by the feet and dragged him out on his back, when I saw the man, I hollowed to Frankhouscr, 'My God, this is my sou Tom!' With that I told him to come to my assistance. We put my son up by a stone fence with his face to the rain and wind. IJe was there ten or fifteen minutes before I could discern any life in him. 1 noticed him gasping for breath. When he was able to breath a little stronger and faster, I told Frankhkuser to put out the Are, which he did. I then told him to go to my house and tell my son to get a horse and go for a doctor in all haste. By that time a neighbor, Pat. Mahaney, came to my aid. The Arc caught again and Mahaney threw out the clothing that was on Are, and in throwing water on the bed he heard the screams of a bady. By that time (wo more men came and tOJk the baby away. Thomas was now consider ably better, but he still acted queer. We got a door and carried him home, the rain still falling. Dr. Porch soon arrived and dressed my son's burns. This morning he seems to he coming around pretty well." ANTIQUITY Olf THE CENSIi*. Enumerators Antedate the Christian Era* but Weren't Always MO Inquisitive* Boston Herald. As the late S. S. Cox, of New York, said on February 18, 18711, in addressing the House of Representatives rel '.ive to the bill authorizing the tenth census : " A census is DO new thing under the sun. It antedates the Christian era. It illustrates the Chinese, Japanese, Hebraic, Grecian and Roman civilizations." The Jewish census listed the first born and first fruits, and was at first a religious custom. Afterward it was used for fight ing purposes. In Rome the period of taking the census was five years, or, as the Romans distinctively calle.l it, a lustrum; and the completion of the work was celebrated as a national holiday, the day of lustration, when good citizens were rewarded and bad citizens were held up to public ignominy. Despite its antiquity, however, the cen sus never reached beyond a mere enu meration or counting of the people until the United States extended its significance. Statistics themselves first entered the scientific phase in 1741), when the new science received its name and the first com plete statement of its principles by Prof. Achenwall, of Gottingeu. It is only dur ing the past two generations that statis tical activity touched all varieties of hu man employment and resource. When the Constitution of the United Slates was formed there was no Government on earth that provided in its fundamental law for taking a census. CHARITY THAT PAID. This Narrative li Vouched for a. Helm? a True Sitory of Gotham. From chatter, Young Mr. de B. is a broker, and like most men in his walk of life, generously disposed. As he left bis office one day last week he was accosted by a rough-looking, raggedly dressed man who lequested the gift of fifty cents with which to purchase a dinner. " Why should I give you fifty cents for your dinner?" asked young Mr. B. " What claim have you upon me ?" "None," 6aid the beggar. "That is, no more than the hungry and penniless always have upon those who have some thing to spare." " Do I look as if I had something to spare ? " You are a btoker," returned the alms seeker. •' 1 never knew a broker who had nothing to spare to a hungry man." "Why don't you go to work ?" "I may have to if you de'cline to assist me." "That is strange. What is your work ?" "I'll tell you. lam a pickpocket, and 1 have just this afternoon been discharged from prison. I have no money, no friends. I am, as I have said, hungry. You see what I am brought to —starvation or crime. If I can get a good dinner I may be able to stave off the other alternative for awhile." Young Mr. de B. was impressed—na turally so, I think. Putting his hand into his trousers pocket, he drew forth a half dollar and handed it to the ex-convict. "There," he said, "there's yonr din ner. I shall be glad if I can save you from crime, even for a little while." At this young Mr. de B. started on his way, but the beggar was at his elbow. "I say, my friend," said he. " Well?" " Would you mind telling me the time ? " •' There is the clock in Trinity steeple." " I know that—but your time. What is it?" Impatiently Mr. ilc B. felt for his watch It was gone. " I have been robbed," he cried. "Precisely," said the ex-convict. "And here is the watch," taking it from the pocket of his greasy coat. "I took it whiie you were hesitating about giving me the half dollar. The Lord helps them that helps themselves, but lie also helps them as helps others. Take your watch. I don't need it. You got tt cheap." And so saying, the beggar turned and walked down the staeet, and was soon lost to view. Then young Mr. de 8., replacing his timepiece in his pocket, sauntered home ward, thinking deeply all the while, and thanking his stars that being a broker he was, like most men in his walk of life, generously disposed. Timely Pennsylvania Treason. From the Philadelphia American (Rep.) Treason overshadows the coming Con vention, represented., by the so-called "Chairman" of the State Committee, who has betrayed the party trust and has de voted to private and factional ends the power which was given him for the com mon good. It is represented by an aspir ant for Governor whose candidacy hangs like a pall over the hopes of the Republi cans, because it is founded on political bargaining, is up ,eld by dangerous eor p irate alliances, is clouded with undcnu d charges of dishonor, and must be devoted if, successful, to the service of a boss-si dp which, having passed through every stage of offense, lias readied now that in which it degrades the manhood of the party and has become intolerable. Such is the trea son to real Republicanism whicli obtrudes its evil presence in the Covention. The insolent intrigues of Chairman Andrews to forestall the party's choice, the audacious and unworthy candidacy of Air. Delearaa ter for tiie Governorship and the degrad ing control which Mr. Quay has exercised over the party's actions, all tend to de stroy the Republican party of Pennsylva nia and to make the meeting of its Con vention in 1800 a milestone on the road to National disaster. Is It Expedient. T New York World. The passage of the proposed Federal Election law would plainly be wrong. But those who are bent upon passing it refuse to consider questions of right and wrong. It may be wortl tueir while, however, to consider the question of expediency. The Southern States, at which the bill is aimed, have grown peaceful and ptospcr ous since the policy ot letting them alone was adopted in 1877. Northern men of all parties have invested money tfi South ern enterprises,until now whatever affects the peace and prosperity of that region is of as vital concern in the north as in the south. Is it good policy to set the south in a ferment again ? Apart from all questions of right, is it expedient to pass annoying, nagging, irritating statutes of a partisan character which cannot fall to work det riment to trade and industry at the south, with consequences which will be equally felt at the north ? Is it expedient tor the Republican party to proclaim its implaca ble hostility to a peaceful south in which northern interests are so closely bound up ? Is it wise to unsettle the industries of half the people for the sake of a small and unfair partisan advantage. Perhaps the Senate will think on these things. Itazzle—How much did you pay for that dres9 suit you had the other even ing ? Dazzle—Fifty cents an hour.—Fur nisher. FIE FOR SIXTEEN IN LONDON. An American Traveller Finds in a Place That Fasciuated Dickens. There is a pie shop in London that I Chailes Dickens used to stand before, ,1 when, as a cfcild, be drudged in a black- jji ing factory. Every day, OD bis way to I and from work, be paused to de- I vour the viands with bis eyes, and* J sometimes, as he said, he pressed his 'a tongue to the window panes, as if by ;.-l doing that he got a little bit of a taste of 1 the good things that lay so near, yet BO M far beyond his reach. An Amertcan rail- ' i road man, who admires Dickens, hunted i up this pie shop when he was recently in M London, in order to gratify sentiment and m curiosity. It proved to be a mero box of * a place, in a poor quarter of the city, hut J the original business was still conducted K there, and pastry of doubtfully uncertain 1 age still occupied the window. As tbf traveller peered into the shadowy interior a voice piped at his elbow: " Please, sir, -j\ will you buy rae a weal pie ?" The owner of the voice was a small, dis- j hevelled person, with whom a veal pie or | any other kind would have agreed right 4 well, and he made bis request from f motives of undoubted and strenuous per- I sonal interest. The American replied, as | Americans do sometimes, with another, J question : " How many boys do you suppose that shop could hold ? 'I dunno. About fifteen or sixteen, I should think." Well, you go and get fifteen more'* I boys, and bring them bacK here." The boy studied the man's face for a moment, as if to make sure that he was in the enjoyment of his senses, then hurl ed himself into a side street with a yH. Hardly a minute elapsed before he re- ! turned, the head of a procession of £ix- § teen gamins, assoited as to size and cloth- | ing, unanimous in appetite and hope. 3 This ragged battalion assembled close be- j hind the benefactor and followed him pre- j cipitately into the shop when he announc ed that he was going to give them all the J pie they wanted. For a quarter of an >s hour the astonished baker served " weal j an' 'am " pies, hand over hand, to the six- ] teen astonished youth of London, whife lj the American sat down and watched the j scene with hardly less astonishment. Few | words were spoken and the onslaught was j as fierce and persistent while it lasted as J the charge at Tel el-Kebir. the exhaus- * tion of supplies brought the banquet to an j end, and the traveller paid the Bcorc, I thinking it little to pav, in view of the fun 5 he hart had, while the boys tumbled into I the street, cheering feebly on account jf the gorged condition, and went to spread the news of this miracle tbiough the lance V" of London. * 1 The Public School Oticstiou. Philadelphia Times. The question of compulsory English education has become an absorbing issuo in the Western States, where there is a very Iwrge foreign population. Wisconsin J is likely to be revolutionized politically 'm by the unwise compulsory act that forbids the teaching of nuv otiier than the English language even in parocial or other special . schools, and the subject has caused the ' Lutheran Synod of lowa to make a deliv erance that very cleatly defines the atti tude of that church. Tiie position assumed by the Dubuque Lutheran Synod is simply unanswerable. It declares public schools a public neces sity, anil that all citizens of every faith should aid in supporting them for the general good, eveu if they prefer special schools for tiieir own children; but it demands the right to maintain parochial schools, without aid from the State, In which their own language and their own faith may be taught. It also favors com pulsory attendance at school, with the single reservation that each pupil or pa rent may choose between the public and the parochial or private school. The Lutheran declaration on public schools and compulsory attendance is simply the honest demand of fair-minded, citi7,ens and it should be accepted by peo ple of every political an I religious faith- Public scnools have become an integral part of our free institutions and the puj lie welfare demands that they shall be f maintained from the common revenues of the people ; but the right to teach any language or any religion in parochial or private schools cannot be disputed. Com pulsory attendance at school should also be the law of every State; but if any parent or pupil shall prefer another to - the public school, and pay for the same J in addition to supporting the school system, who can object to it ? JH Card From Trot. Stollewerk'a WMow.<J £| The following card has been receives from the widow of the late Prof. Philip' | Stollewerk : To all friends of >i>o law deceased husband, iro~ I fetter Philip stollewerk. 3F The lunderslgneil herewith tenilers her most heartfelt thanks to Mr. Ktl. K. HoUmann, Mr. George n. llohmann. Messrs. Bennett & Greer, Doctors Schiil and Matthews, liev. shlpmau, Rev. Beale, the Lutheran choir, German <juar*i tette Club. Hai-monle Singing Society, and the f I'hllharraonle club, with tne ussurance that she f will forever remember the love and sympathy m which was shown to my bereaved husband.® May God reward them all, as circumstances pp-m vent me to tell them my feelings personally. \j JOUANNA STOLI.EWERK. . W New York, June 19, lsoo. lleutii of NUm Lucretla Canan. Miss Lucretia Canan, daughter of the late Robert H. and Mrs. Sarah Canan, J died JSunday morning at 4:30 o'clock at 1 Braddock, where the family has resided 1 since the flood. The funeral will be held/ this afternoon at 2 o'clock. The remain/ j will arrive at 10:13 this forenoon, Stii | vices will be held in the Methodist ChUTChY by Rev. H. L. Chapman, D. D., assisted by Rev. McGuire, of Pittsburgh. Inter ment will be made in Grand View.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers