OONEMAUGH BORO'OGH j 80H.0 DISTEIOT. : AUGUST MAY Kl, Tax collector. To amount of duplicate fur year ending June a. innii :3 928,64 5 per cent added for delinquents 2.*" S3 1)31,68 July and August, discount. 189,92 Exlionerutlon allowed 323,1)5 Collections a per cent. on $2 677,89 53,56 collections 5 per cent, on $889,77 14,411 Paid I teas'ire 3 633, nil Amount due collected (over paid, 65,39 JOHN KIRBY, Iren urer. To balance on hand June2ht-.lBBBs 612,J0 Received from suite Appropria tion 1 329,53 Keeened from M ui. bulgerwald 1.00 August Mayer, collector 3 035, tin T. J. lte.l, 2 schollara 14, it) 15 591,811 EXPENDITURES. Teachers Salaries $3 285,00 Attending County Institute Hii.DO Janitor 450.U0 Interest on $5OO Bond 25,00 Water and (las company 29,00 Book and Supplies 200,12 l'lumhlng and Repairing 62, At Prlutlug 54.V5 Paving 135,60 Kapartng Pence .. 55,76 Cleanlnlng House and Cellar ... 47.25 coal 49,38 August .Mayer, over on la.->t year Du plicate 158,58 August Mayer, collector school Du plicate 1888. Over Paid to Treasurer 165.39 Painting utnt Glazing 284,87 Secretary salary and Stationery ion,on J. Klrby, 2 per cent on $5 193,90 103,88 Balance on r.and 294,11 \v. B. TICK, 11. 8. Akiin, Auditors. ADMINIS rRATOR'S NOTICE— Notice Is hereby given that Rotters of Ad ministration on the ostuie of ELIZABETH UN VKKZAGT, laic of Johnstown borough, Cam bria county, deceased, has been granted to David It. lless. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate pay ment, and those having claims or demands agaln-t the said estate will make know n the same without delay to the undersigned at No. 109 seventeenth street, south side, Pittsburgh, Pa. DAVID It. lIESS, Administrator of Ell/alietb Unver/agt, deceased. July 1.3.1889. A D viItfISTRATOR'fc NOTICE.-- X\ ESTATE OF lAIIY c. lI.M.I.EUAN, DE CEASED.—Letters ol Administration on the es tate or Mus. MARY ('. HALLE"AN, late Of Johnstown borough. Cambria county, deceased, having been granted to I be undersigned, all per sons knowing themselves In 'ebteil to said estate are hereby notlited to make Immediate payment., and those havlri , claim-, against the same will present them flue amhenlcateil tor settlement to JOHN CO AD, JR., Administrator. ADM fNISTRATOR'S NOT. <JK Estate of ncorg.- ".elser, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration on the estate of lit urge Reiser, deceased, late of Johnstown borough, Cambria county, pa., have been granted by t lie Register of Cambria county to the undersigned, to whom ail persons in debted to said estate are requested to make Im mediate pay i 1 u.l those having claims or demands a tli same win present tliera. duly authet. .1. lor seltement. : EHI.IIAI SEE. Aitin I i or or lieorge Reiser, deceased. A DMII ISTR V.TOR'B NOTICE. j\ - -Not i I- ' ret iv given I hat I.ei tcrs of Ad -1...... l. . .. .. ri.tivuir i.ii'oi'Rz, late ..[tic- bore ; Kitiklln. vaiubrla county. Pa., decerns I been granted to Jacob Ru brltzand Mrs. Annie cannon, of said borough, to whom ill pet- , dehted to said estate arc re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims oi uemands against the estate will make kno ■ tb< same without delay to the undersigned or to n Conner brog, at 89 Franklin Btreet, Johnstown, Pa. JACOB RUBKITZ. MRS. ANNIE CANNON. Admins - rat "_s of Peterßubflta.deceased. OP PAHTNER g f MIIP Notice is hereby given tlmt the partnership i> en 1.. M. Woolf, M. 1., Wool! and \v. n. . . .nd dolo,' business under the linn tin: of 'um'f. >on v: Thomas, was dis solved so far is n'iMtes to t he said \V. il. I liomafl. .Mill b'-td'R the said partnership are to be lakl, and ih • ' from the same discharged at No. *s.*>o iV * .;u street, .Joluisiown, where thebv. :;i •> ho continued by the same 1.. M. Woolf and m I Woutf. under llriu name of L. M. 1 OOli • S< W. SI. THOMAS; y of Woolf, Son & Thomas. HU-T? Pd.. j: a \ DMIMSTRATOR'S NOTICE— z'A EkIAT! •'. ,'S. ELIZABETH MYERS, deceased.—i.vtfei->of Administration u the Es i.it.-of :.ns. . . aL. .'uyers,oi thaThird ward. Johnst.! vn.i imiii-! i .. unt.v, tli-o'd., havlugbeen granted ton.'! utiii'-r.-Jgued. all persons Know ing tin It indebted to salu estate are ro quested to m i o Imu.cdlnto payment. and those having claims agitp s' he same will present them duly am i u" lor settiement. JOHN Ml lilts. Administrator. July 27 2i.' Washington street ! * -*■ ♦ XTOTtCE TO THE STOCK i.I UOLI • 'III JOHN n'OW N uril.lMNt: A .t.vslM lA'J'Jf>N.—*Al a me ingot the IV rd of Hlreetoraoft lie above-named Association, h . i : si . vorilngat the iniiccol Mii sollclior. I* v • ' i ito lioLf) NO MKF.TJMi FOR TllK * ul.i. ; ;|tN<iF 1)1 hiS OU 1 N't bK KS'I CNTIh 1 a Mumlii; of .scntciaher Not. \h" i .1 is prompted to this action by reason oi !.• . - -ui disaster, and in the belief that U would pen • of great, benefit to many who have l!i. .r: ..... re lo.se-. None of tin rs of the \ssociatlon were lost in tlie flood, and we take t!>ls method to in form all shareholders that the Association Ji as , suffered no loss which will materially interfere I with its financial st anding. J. K. iv VI), president. n.WIKI. i !h)FF(>PI> secret iry. I | .'■• UN M. I{()>K. solicitor. Juh tsto'rii, .fun 2',, lss. 4 DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, i x\. Notice • reby given that Letters ot Admlnlstrnri' n the estate ..f \v. A. KIT.- ' , GORE, lato o f ■' reugh of.Tohnslow u, .•ounty • of Cambria, and stun, ot Pennsylvania, deceas ed, have u l to J. ,t. JOHNSTON. of Grecnsburg, P i to whom all persons Indi br edtosalderi requested to make payment I and those lit" Res or demands, will make I known the sai • wit bout delay, .J. HUSTON, Administrator. I Greensburg.ps. A DMINISTRATORB NOTICE. - j -vA Letter.- sißilst ration on the estate of I PATRICK ItODREt v late of the borough ol i Mltlvltlc. eouuiy of > amUna, Pa., deceased, ' having Peru • it. the uuderslgned. All 1 persons Indebted tosald estate are requested to m ike Immed—j payment, and those baying elatins agnli;.' .re - .me will present them duly i autbedicaleil i.u payment. N ii AUKEY, Administrator, i W. lIOKACK ROSK, Attorney, No. ti l Kr.uikUn ktreei. 1 tohnstown. Pa July 16,1889 4 DMINI >1 RATOB'S NOTICE. J il -Notice. by given i hat I.f iters of A (l- ( nditiHfration oi h rs' do of Jolin lirady. hue ot ' ho borough wo, countj of com , and State of ii u nln deceased, have been I granted to Thnrn-. • F. i;rady. nr said to whom all |< • as indebted to nuid estate :n- | < requested to m <• p ment and those having cJulms ordem i- .' ill mane Known the ijc without delay •' 1 • undeisigned or toO'i onnor j Jiro.s., MO KruuK ... .-u i ?. Johnstown, Pa. THOMAS F. P.HADV. If July ft Administrator. ! { DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ' /1$ —Notice hereby given that l.ctrcr . Ad- I-tt<• "i " b' " : Johnstown, county, PH.. • d, have boen gr>U • : .fames li. O'I" !ior ef - |d bore>Ugh. to \v ' • l . 'I persons indcbi : 11 estate are requ< make jmyineni ?:d having eiaim; . manos will ma, kr v.vn the same withe: \ ro the itiidt.'i r -• • 1 iho office of o ] Bros. Kb Frankiln .sireei. Johnstowo, Pa. JAMBS !*. O't'ONXoK. , July 5 Adinlni.strab ' A I'M INI7 R A TOR'S NOTIC. t !>TA p.. MI - M.Mt'PM ETKLP. . DEI EASED. ! i.u.-i H of A.tmlnlH'rutlnn on '!. estate of MAR.. ARE I' KKEI.AN, laic oi i and borough, rambrla C.unt y. deceased, having IHU-II grunted to IH. noi rvtgned. all |K I sons know In , ■ themselves lndebtt-d to said estate are herein untitled to ma!.. . ..cdlate payment, and llp.se Imvlng claim- dnsi the same will prreont ' then dtfly autbi u t for-settlement to Jtllylf. SV.V. 14A1"KNET, Administrator. I I 1 liilenesH is H Duiigei-.tus Fult Inlhe Kidneys. When Inactive they speeplly tall Into disrepair, 'those obstinate and fatal j maladies, might's disease and diabetes, ensue with terrible certainty r.nou the Inaction of the organs uflecied. I'atan'li of the blaitiler, eniiresls, gravel and strangury arc also to he ap pretii'iided from a partial paralysis of the blad der, ol which weakness and sluggishness are the causes. Rostetter's Stomach "Bitters is a tine tonic and promoter of activity for the renal or gans, and one which eut be relied upon to a (ford them the requslte stli uius without exciting them—an efTect to be fearct from the unmedi tated alcoholic excitant of commerce. A furttier beueflcent eficct of Bitters, by renewing activ ity ot tliu kidneys. Is to enable them to drain from the blood iubs passage them. Impurities productive of rheumatism anddropsy Nervous j ncs.,, fever ai d ..gti'-, constipation and dys pepsia arc conquered by the Bitters. A DMINISTBATHIX'S NOTICE. i /x-'I he estate or M. s. Maloy, late Of Johns town, t'ambrla county. Pa. i.eitcrs of admin istration on the above named est >te having been granted to the undersigned, all persons having claims against said estate will ptesenl them for payment, duly uuthenllcale.l, and those In debted thereto will please u a;e Immediate pay ment to MARY A. MALOY'. Administratrix, NO. 124 Adam street, coma .laugh borough. Pa. A DMINISTRATOR'S NO I ICE— Estate of Lulls 0. RESSELBEIN, de ceased.— Notice Is hereby given that l.etteis fo Administration on the estate of Louis o. llessei beln, late of conemaugh botough.deceased.have been Issued by the Register of Cambria county to the untlerslgned. All persons Indebted tosald estate will make immediate payment, ami all having claims against the same Will present them dulv authenticated for sett lenient. HENRY RESSELBEIN, Administrator. \D }tl NSAIf A i 'J 11.9 .101 CE ~ j Notice Is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration on the estate of CATHARINE CUR RAN, late of couemaugh borough. Cambria county, deceased, having teen granted to the undersigned by t lie Register of said county, all persons indebted to said estate will make Imme diate payment, and those having claims against the same will pres. i.- fhem, properly authenti cated, for settlement. RKV. J. P. TAHANEY, Johnstown, l'n. Administrator th'bou.'s t.wt emu U-Maiiwntu au ntxu. \ ] iMIN!STE ATOR'K NOT'CE— .I ESTATE OP ELMER J. BItINKEY. DE CK ASI- D.—Letters of Adndnsltratlon on the . s tate of Elmer .1. Bflnkey, late of Johnstown, bor ough Cambria county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves •tidebted to said estate are hereby notlrted to trfike Immediate payment, and tluse having claims against the same will present them dulv authenticated fur settlement to L. M. BTOTLRH, Administrator. Stoyestown. somerset county, Pa. IVTOT.CE TO DEBTORS AND , X CREDITORS.—Notice Is hereby given Unit Letters of Administration on the estate or CHA Itt.Es A. KKIS. latent the borough of Johns town. Cambria county, Pa, have been granted to Robert siigerson, of said borough, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims or demands will make known the same without delav to the undersigned or to O'Connor Brothers, No. s: Franklin street, Johnstown, pa. ROBERT SAG ARSON. Administrator. July 13 \ DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. - Letters of Administration on the estate of MARRY tt. ROSE, late of the borough of Johns town, i utility of Cambria, and state of Pennsyl vania, deceased, have been granted to the uu derslgned, all pot-sons Indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same win pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement. HERMAN BAI MKR. Administrator. W. Horace Rose, Attorney, No. (44 Franklin -to et. Johnston: a, •"; > 23, ts-9. fii -w TV] u'iit.j-i .TO THE STOCK IL HOLDERS OF "THE PEOPLE'S BUILD ING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. Mho Board of Directors ot The people's Building and Loan As sociation, at a meeting hold at the Ollice, of the .solicitor, on Tuesday evening. July 9. less, resolved to COLLECT NO DUES till INTEREST tint 11 theTliird Monday <d August, ISB9. being the ltttii day thereof. 'lhe reason of this action being the recent calamity visit;>d upon Johns town and vicinity. s-WI ML K.YOL'NG. Presldeut, JAMES KLNO. secretary, EitANCISJ.OCON.NOB, Solicitor. 4 DMINISTI.ATOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given t hat 1 etters or ,\d mliiTstriiMon on the estate of William sielger waii late of coiit-inuugh borough, county of I umbrta, and state ■ f Pennsylvania, dece i ed, have been gt-anteil to Kihurd Zang, of Jolins tinvn latrough, fo w hom all persohs Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, ami I hose having claims or demands will make Known tht same without delay to theuudcr sl" uefl, or to O'Connor Bros . SO Franklin street. Johnstown. I a. EHHARD ZANC, July 5 AtlmUUstrator, 4 DMINISTRATniX'vS NOTICE. f\ —E.s'l \T!•: of CASPER WILL, 1 ATE OF JOHNSTOWN, CAMBRIA COUNTY, DE.- IL '.-L'ii -LET I. -s of Administration having been gr .ot'-d TO the Register of Cambria counti to Hie undeislgnefl. notice Is hereby given to nil perso S having claims against salu estate to present tlietii. duly authenticated, for settle niet'T. tid Hto-I owing themselves indebted to IN :I,T it urtialt ... • men 1 tothetmderslgtied. I. |. \, u.L . Administratrix. 5 DMINIBT R iTOB'S NOTICE.— / * ; rttci a <f Aiiiolnlstratlon on the tniaicj of JACO l n I':n •I H late ol Cambria boroiurh, ( iiinitila county. >"( i, have been granieii to M.v i* \.i .()FNNISII Ml persons tniiebtid to sal est ale arc requested to make imineiihHe paviaoffi, and those having claims or demands against said estate will make known tlie same in mice t4 tbo at No. .20 Broad reot imbria borough, or to McLaughlin A Martin. SI7 Franklin street, over Hlbert s Bank. MAHQARKI NEH. AdmiPiatratrlx. it in & Co CTEEAT REDUCTIONS; -,K_ 3UMMER GOODS Tli is nioutb, iho time when we must reduce our stock in all de partments—low pi-ices our method. Printed Batistes, 5 cents, were .Shirting Prints 1 els. best makes. Stitinef, yard wide, 8 cents. French bntines, 'lO cent quality at 13 i cents. j Fine Ginghams, now 15 ecnts, were 23 j cents. Finest Scotch Zephyr Ginghams, 23 ' cents, were 40 cents. Printed Good Dress Ginghams, ti cents, I were 12J cents. French Dress Goods—Plaids, Stripes and Fancies, at 50 cents u yard—were J.OO and i? 1.25. Kxtra values in Cream White Summer Wool Dress Goods, deductions in French Chullics. 27 inch Printed India Silks, at 30 cents a yard. (treat bargains in Ulnek and Colored -ireli Silks, Ribbons, Gloves, Undt: wear, Hosiery, i.ace Curtains, House- . keeping Linens. Tltis is the best month in the year to buy. Samples and prices sent. Jos. Home & Co. 609-621 Fenn Ave., PITTSBURGH. j IV OTIi E TO DEBTORS AND ' IN CHHITTOHS.— Notice is hereby given that I Letters or dmlnlstlatlon on the estate ol CAK ■ oi.iN K KEitt, late of the borough or Johnstown, f county or Cambria. State of bennsylvanla, de . ceased, have been granted to Robert sngerson, - of said orouge, to whom all persons Indebted • to snld estate are requested to make Immediate ' payment, and those having claims or demands ) will make known the same without delay to the • undersigned or to O'Connor Bros., 89 Franklin I street, Johnstown, Pa. ttoBEKT BAOERSON. ; Administrator. r AJ OT;CE TO DEBTORS AND 1 ll Cirri lIT US—Notice Is hereby given that 5 Letters of Administration on the estate of . PA t'lflCK (i t oNNKI.L, late of Johnstown . borough. Cambria county. Pa., deceased, have bun gran led to Daniel w'connell, of said borough, to whom all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment,uud those having claims or demands will make known the same without, delay to the undersigned, or to iPConnor DiOlheia, 8(1 Franklin street, Johna i town. Pa. DANIEL O'CONNKLL. : jutvl.i Admlnlstratoj, VETERAN'S FRIEND. 1, M/^ounds, Bruises, IWw Strains - Aches and §fev eu,riat ' c lij Neuralgic tP Sciatic, ty PROMPTLY V And PERMANENTLY, Hf I AT DRUGGISTS AM) DEALERS. I II THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Baltimore. Mi. Common Sense In the treatment of slight ailments would save a vast amount of sickness and misery. One of Ayer's Pills, taken after dinner, will assist Digestion; taken at night, will relieve Constipation j taken at any time, will correct irregu larities of tlio Stomach and Bowels, I stimulate the Liver, and cure Sick Headache. Ayer's Pills, as all know who use them, are a mild cathartic, pleasant to take, and always prompt and satisfactory in their results. " I can recommend Ayer's Pills above nil others, having long proved their value us a Cathartic for myself and family." —J. T. Hess, : Leitlisville, Pa. ' "Ayer's Pills have been in use in my family upwards of twenty years, and hove completely verified ail list is claimed for tliem."—Xhomaa F. Adams, Sau Diego, lull, " I have used Ayer's Pills in my fami ly for sewn or "i.ght years. Whenever 1 have an attack <headache, to which I am very subject. 1 take a dose of Ayer's Pills and am always promptly relieved. I find them equally beneficial in colds ; and, in my fmniiy, they are used for bilious complaints ami other disturb ances with such good effect that we rare ly, if ever, have lo call a physician II Vimilie: iJ, Itutel Voulliemd, Sara toga Springs, N. Y. * Ayer's Pi!is, PKEPAKED BY Or. J. C. Ay or & Co., Lowe!!, Mass Bol<l by all Dealers in Metih-iua* ) • . X•- ? p ,V. ' ft*'-* [ n ■ i f V:... v L lh*r hot t ralni!u i • I'll, i ThMo aiti I, .. . . 'lor, > Lav ke] t ... .t; la -I 4ottii'i*'; \\ If. 'lifiv • It Is p - • i.l.lUllie NUUI SOLD Watch •!>•. ' c :vm. the sample' in '• In a I t". ;r*ii'i mi u; sftor >dr nnit or s • i .nth or two ■urn uuding ' T ever ■ttowti litoua msk"' ll trnubU far yon tush : >cr horns snd your n-xvirl ill 5.• •. t * poHul -erj 03 Which to v a r "> .'dll.ifyoa donott nr. it if you do •endjeu. • . *:r oftho I host Solid . •• <mr Ui ■ line of I (flN'l . • . 1 f :.ui.w.. w vv.,4(..u,. - 1, frRIAL LTST. I Mpeehtl ('fillet Ith Monilnv In August. | < Krlstj —' vs. Mitchell et it, >li mathy vs. peun. Iturk , vs. chilsty. Weaver ..vs. Brenner. Knlpons .*. vs. rrnskliis. Bilies vs. Bennett. Martin vs. Baker. Kinuckeri ( o vs. Leatoy . Nallcy ,v llark.r vs. M.sk.' 11. A. miok.m v K Kit, Prothonotary. ITcHionoLry'sulli e, I-.hc Jjuig, July 22, less. I How Lost! How Regained, I ! KiMYM THE SCIENCE OF LIFE A Scientific airnl Standard Popular Melicai Treatiro I Ol) thp Krrorn #f Youth, Premature Decline, Nervous J Hcmiltlnjj from Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Excess < r Overtaxation, ' -. • ' i•! unfitting the victim for Work, Bnpinons, the Married or Social Relation. j Avoid unskillful protender*. Possesß tills yrcnt wrk. T c(in : • • ' •- * • ,r•• n! v. Itfii'itit'd 1 ihiing, oinhoBBiti, lull tfilt. )'rice only sl.oo by dl, \) iic'. lea in plain wrapjMtr. Illns- j ■ r itive I'rcB|ioctii Frn*, if you apply now. The distinLpiirthed author. Win. fl. i'arker, M. I>., re- 1 ived the 1101*1) A Nil i, from fl'c Notional iModioal As'.orintiou for 1 •h'i VH.I7.K iiS\Y on NERVOUS a id 1 ; I'UFHIC'AL O RBILITYaDr. Parker and acorpf ' j >! .\riHiBtant Phyi-iciaiis may be cousnltcti, confi ii tirvllv, by mail or in person, at th • office of , THJ PUARORY iIIUOKAL INSTITUTE. ; No 1 Hulnncfi Nt., ItoHton, ?Ins-., to whom u l j j orUers for books or letters for aUyiee IJUquJU bo i | direcw-d M above. ) Cants. HENRY R KUHN~Tttorney-at. Law. nniee opposite First National Bank No. lWi Locust street, Johnstown, I'a. OAN'IEI. MT.I CUHI.IN. FRANK F. MARTIN & MARTIN, A TTORSEVS-A T-I.A W, NO. 7 FRANKLIN STREET sept® Johnstown, Pa. JAMES M. WALTERS, A TTORSEY-A T-I.A If. Office No. 2, AlmA Hall, Main street, Johns town, Pa. All business given faithful aud prompt attention. Jama K. J. O'CONNOR. J. B. O'CONNOR. Q R CONNOR, BROTHERS, A TTORSEYS-A T-I.A H'. Office on Franklin street, over Petrlkln & Mil ler's store, opposite Postontce, Johnstown, Pa. marB JOHN S. TITTLE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ASD SOTARY PUBLIC. Office corner Market and Locust streets, octia Johnstown, Pa. 0. W. EASLY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ASD SCIiIVESER Office No. 108 Franklin street, two doors from Griffith's Drug Store. mays JRVIN RUTLEDGE, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Office on Itlver st reef .near the Kernvllle Bridge In the Fifth ward, Johnstown, pa. Collections aud all other business promptly attended to. rnarj N. WAKEFIELD, M. D., PHYSICIAN ASD SURGEON, OfilceNo. 43 Morris street, Johnstown, I'a. YEAGLEY, M. D, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office No. 271 Locust street, Johustown, I'a. JOHN DOWNEY, CIVIL ENGINEER. Office on Stonycreek street, Johnstown, Pa. D A. PEDEN, BURGEON DEN- O. TIST. Office In Border's new building, on Franklin street. All kinds of Dental work so licited. novii J P. THOMPSON, M. D., SURGEON DENTIST, JOHNSTOWN, PA. Has had a professional experience of over 35 years. rW-Flllltlg Teeth a specialty. Office Rooms, No. 114'Napolcou street. JOHWSTOWW SAVINGS BANK MO. 192 MAIN STREET. ' CHAKTEBED SEPTEMBER 12, 1870 IAEPOSITS received of one dollaraud upward. f no deposits exceeding a total ol ;2.00it v 111 he received from any one person. Interest Isdue in the months of June and December, and If not withdrawn Is added to the deposit, thus com pounding twice a year without troubling the de positor to call or even to present the deposit book. Money loaned on Real Estate. Preference wit!i liberal rates and long time given to borrowers offering first mortgages on farms worth four or more times tlie amount of loan desired; also, moderate loans made on town property where ample security Is offered. Good reference, per feef lilies, etc.. required. T ills corporation Lsevcluslvely a savings Bank. No commercial deposits received, nor discount made. No loans on personal security. Blank applications for borrowers, coppies of the rules, by-laws, and special nets of t he Legis lature relating to deposits of married women and minors can be obtained at the Bank. TRUST Kts—lleiTu; it Baumer, It. I . Yeagley, John I(;tt.t.:iit. John Thomas, c. P. Kills. Pear son Usher. James J. Fronhelser, John Lovvman, '.v. p.. I.ovvman. James MoMlllen, James tyiilnn, Howard J. Roberts, win. A. Stewart, Geo. T. Bvvnnk, Jacob Swank, w. \V. Walters. James McMtllen, President; John Lovvman, Herman Baumer, Geo. T. swank. Vice Presidents; w. c. Lewis, Treasurer; Gyrus Elder, solicitor, maris NO. 3,730. - First National Hank OF JOHNSTOW27, Pi\. | No. 194 MAIN STREET. i Capital, - - $lOO,OOO Surplus, - - $40,000 DIRECTORS: JAMES McMILI.KN, PEARSON FISHER, C. T. FRAZICR, HERMAN IIADMER,' HOWARD J. ROBERTS, GEO. T. SWANK, PERRY C. BOLSINOER. JAMES MoMILLEN, Presideut. C. T. FRAZEH, Vice President. HOWARD J. ROBERTS, Cashier. Careful and prompt attention will be given to | all buslnossentrusted to tills Bank. may 21,'52 I ! Important to Railroad Men A E. Stnll h has been tor forty-nine y ears road master on the Boston ,v Maine system, and Is now residing at Great Falls, N. 11. He says track men. brnkemen. firemen, engineers and con ductors, as well its baggage masters and ex pressmen, arc subject to kidney disease above all others. AH, therefore, will he interested in the statement of bis experience. "I have used Brown's Bnrsaparllla for kidney and liver. : troubles, andean truly say It has done more for me than all the doctors I over employed, and I have had occasion to require the services of the r ' itesi physicians In the State. My wife also has , I been greatly benefitted by Its use. A. 1.. SMITH. Bond Master P. <V M. R. H." | The kidneys tinvr been labored hard all win-j *' i. .is the pores (J Hi .kin bnv. been closed, t.fit now tlic sprite! I • has come, and they need J, -onto aid. .Ma v lie you have that pain across the ; ; back ; that tired bcHny : :h ,u drawing down ( pains. If so, you can get Immediate relief by I I pillowing tho exumplctj Mr. smith and his wife, j I ami usothnt never-ralUt".* and grand correclor or the kldno.vs, liver and bloml. BROWN'S Sarsaparilla. JR. BAUMAKIJ. Successor to Robert A ntlerson. AY.VKS & l-IQI.OKS Pf Orders by mall will receive prompt atten tion. A. A. .ti11.1.11l AN I.tiger Beer Bottled Heer Fiesh and Pnlfitnlllp Carson street. 8. 8. Furnished In any qtinntl- Plttsburgb. Fa. ties either for Families, Mall orders Solicited. Hotels or Restaurants. ALLEOHEM-Y. ~ C. W. DITTMER, HEAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE BROKER, No: 67 Federal street. Allegheny City, Fa. IToperty sold on commission. Nit sale no charge. Money to Loan. 4js,. 5. 6 per cent. SPFOIAL PRESENTS Will be given with every fa worth of goods, Teas, coffeos, spices, and Baking Powder, which we | guarantee absolutely pure. Best goods In the , market for the money. Tens, 60,00 and so cents, coffees, 85, 57. si) and 35 cents. Baking Powder, 40c. per pound, send orders to Atlantic Tea Co., 112 Ohio street. ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. rat" Send for Price List giving full Information ALL WOOLIWST 0 ORDER FOR SLS OO au Have you secured year new suit yet t * Here Is the Induce* Aptyflc: itCfl utent ndver before Fll otfered for Pnnia X 11 1 .Hade to order Yi \l it l/\ Send I ' oBtal Card, glv vf* ~H I f I Ing your full address, VI ■TA I I and we will send you /( / II samples tor our S3 (t . / | | Pants and self measure \f f ' I I ment Blank, or If you 111 111 cannot wait for samp le' 111 I 111 les - 1011 08 about ly ) /I I I what eolnr you would AC/ J v sjVsl nke. giving us your •f I A J waist, hip and Inside leg sIMjl | lift;.. measure, together with niSA |; Vfts. f3 and 35 cents for post* xK, 1 I j '/$ age or prepaid express, ■sFli and we win guarantee to " please you or refund the money. Address, giving full name anl I'ost- Office. CIIAS. KLOPFER, 120 OHIO ST., ALLEGHENY', PA.. Corner ('.rant street and Fifth avenue, (Wit hln a few steps of Fost. onieo.) I'ITTSHIHUH. 1 A. Alleghen:/- College. 12 Federal street, Allegheny. Pa. Thorough In struction In bookkeeping penmanship,shorthand and typewriting, telegraphy. Kngllsh branches. Languages, Musle. Elocution, Vocal and Instru mental Music, Painting and Draw ing. Students may enter at any time, send for circulars: ad dress the PRESIDENT. sth AVE, HCTEL. MoKEESPORT, PA. GEt>. M. I.KPiTo, - - Proprietor, First olas accomodations to the trvellug pul- Uc. Terms f 1.50 to fa.iw per day. Bar attached. SHIEH iLiifiHS'i 12 FEDERAL ST., AI.I EGHK.N YICITY^P.'. A thorough school of Telegraph:, l ook-keen lng, shorthand, preparatory and Higher English Music, Elocution and Languages, Terms are moderate, instruction tine, l'or further infor mation or catalogue, address < r call on r vc^^ rantr<l ~ ,ravy. f ' 1,4 ' " ' '\*T topptL.'r with cur I .oUr oabl'Y lit II o: . V r^rFree!w\ after you h-- e Upt (hem In your home for 3 month# ml #h*n th mlu . ' Tv • TySUIJ d^°L b r™ Vf°n7er,? n priv ufc I. •rd *%rr>nles i\> py e*pre*. frHfrht,t ie. Dx Mftlt-o. B. & B. An Institution of Real! erifc —IS OUR— Mail Order Department The fluttering favors b>-to\<:il upon .1 by the people ure in icsiiinony of its lot. eflts to them. The way to compliment this department, and to do yourself good, is to communicate with it at once. Yotir every want will be satisfied promptly and you will save money on ev ery article or yard of goods you buy. WHAT IS GOING ON HERE NOW ? Our Annual Stimiu r Clearance Sales, which means bargains by ihe hundreds. Thousands of yards of Dress Goods, full of tone, style and effectiveness, worth $1.25 and $1.5(1 : going at 75 cents. Special 50 cent and 25 cent Dress Goods Departments. These prices have been made "catch all " prices for thousands and thousands of yards of goods that sold at twice and | even tluce times the money early in the i season—choice, wide and effective goods, j Send for samples. Our Wash Goods Prices have lost all i their starch, only the. shadows of their j former selves, and just in the midst of the IVash-Goods season. Anderson's celebrated Ginghams re- 1 duced to 25 cents a yard, as a bargain starter. The same story in the Challie depart- j menls. All our stock reduced to half. Nice and new ones marked at "clearance ! prices." 1 50c Zephryr Side Rands at 25c. 35c and -10 c Zephyrs at 20c. „.25c and at 18c. Finest French Salines at 25c, 30c Satines at 15c and 18c. Write to our .Hail Order Department. Mention this paper. BOGGS&BML, 115, 117, 110, 121 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, PA Every Household Should have fAyor's Cherry Pectoral? It saves thousands of lives annually/ and Is peculiarly efficacious In Croup,' Whooping Cough, and Sore Throat. J ".After an extensive practice of nearly' one-third of a century, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is my cure for recent colds and coughs. I prescribe It, and believe it to be the very best expecto- •nc now offered to tho people." —Dr. John O. Levis, Druggist, West Bridgev •..-.or, Pa. I* "Some years ago Ayer's CI .ry Poo*' toral cured me of asthma aftei . ;,o best medical skill bad failed to g ■ mo re* lief. A few weeks since, beii gain a' little troubled with tho disea I was I promptly Relieved By S the same remedy. I gladly offer this testimony for the benefit of all n darly afflicted. —F. H. Dossier, Editor-Irou*. Table Rock, Nebr. L "For children afflicted with colds, coughs, soro throat, or croup, I do not know of any remedy which will give more speedy relief than Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I have found it, also, It.valu able in cases of whooping cough."—] Ann Lovejoy, 1251 Washington street. Boston, Mass. A "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has proved/ remarkably effective in croup and is' invaluable as a family medicine,"—] D. M. Bryant, Chicopeo Fails, M-ss. •] Ayer's Cherry Pectoraf,* TBEPABED by Dr. J. C. Ayer it Co.,* Lowell, Mas? Void by all Druggists. Tricot 11 !x botties,ftV CLOeED ! In consequence of sueetise expiring for oaf '• Pittsburgh Branch store, It has been cluseil, All ' orders fur the old Reliable Silver Ago Rye Will be filled with the usual prompthegu ] Headquarters at No. 82 FEDERAL ST., ALLEGHENY J Trusting to merit a continuance the libera patronage heretofore bestouml. Remain respectfully, 'ATAX iCX-SXIjT, \'t>. S2 Federal street. Allegheny. Telephone tmckenhelmer. Finch or <;lb-i,n ~s usual, }l A quar'. 6 years old, 6 fur #5, slßpr Age, Jyar-iy When Baby was stck.'we gave her Castor: \ When she was a Child, she cried for Cnsto: is, | | When she be,-atne Miss, she clung to Castoria, I When thy had (Tliildren, she gave them t'. -torio* I nf- T'Tr'trvp-r; obt-imed I. tn bauical ao j A / i.l-ii 4a3 Vices, medic other com- 1 [ion is, ornamental designs, tr • marks and i i.i'it s. t a vents. Assignments. I .erferenfea, t v, ■. .silts for lurilngi uiett . a -l all cases arising under the PATt'NT L AT/8, lirompt- j ly atteuded to INVENTIONS TI NT PAVE BERN 1 7)r TDPfft •■'T5 by • .>• ivt 1 Office may I AZJSbI .'Lt -tlll.po ~>pat- t euted by us. lb In-- oppos'ie t in* latent ofneo, I we can make 010.-ci r. neb . and " cure Patentß I mere promptly.ml -.nth t-e-o . claims, than t those who are reiiieic fn 1 isMugton. omnnrtiash. ,v?Rsur We make exnn. lull h as ■ Iwr'i-. and advlso as to p.ci'tital ip v. t.B eorre-ii.intli ie strictly i eoutldetitial. Price- low. and No fit \Rt;V, VH i I-FSS PATENT' '-1 sit FRED. We refer to oniel ils tn the "i.t.-rt Office, - o our cllt nls 1,, every state of the Fulon. and to your si-tia' ' old liepri'M-nt.itlV" i: . ss. pectai refen i; "s given ieu desired, \ddress, f. A. sNO , i; CO., opposite P • t Office, \Vt,M - gton, 1). 0. 1 ' ■ 2*i I r-i v - #,■ U <kf ' l"V>2=>V -. •) I fbw BEST FIT 11N BOORS ETTW 0 R Lo| F, fBRSAIE BY LEADING MERCHANTS. I A MAYER. i.TROUS£ & CO. 1 i*. firms.-412 ROADWAY, N.yJt y'-T —ywsr.,...'.v .agvaiur rt-lieve moro quickly 'h-\n nny other kiuwn rem- ' •!>. iihouii.ruufiii, Nouralurin, 8 Swelling'*. Stiff N'r-ok, Frufief. ' ' '' I mm • : • 'L.V ) *4ccMh* I Tin.l. --t.oand our • IfAP-fdmlle Bignnture. A. ('. Mvyn Co., Solu ,11 *r<>jirf t rn. TUiltluu re, Md., IS. A :c*sam 08. BULL'S CU'itiH SYRtiF Forthe cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarse- I rcss, Croup. Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Incioieut Con' 1 3umption, and for the relief of con sumptive persons in .advanced stages of the Disease. For Sale by all Drug* gists. Price, 28 cents. 1 ' . pstu-A# t; an n : : h'"' ' • ]]{ ■ A .sr'i i L ' \J ~.k i ..w •/>' TTfOrtr':-.* ** •' 'V ■ *' > c I'trv-iuftiiy uwpc •ysper-rls, C n.*'." ; C ;le.' 'ilf'4S. ' •:*?? -*.7 " r. ■ . •• ; /erpid Liver An: 1 '*?!. • .• i ' .'i : ■ ■• . %V ' , -iuLL J /mi .YHEEIi * "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers