A JffTST RETRIBUTIOM. It's whiuperod m the chnrtfiet; It's shuuted in the street; It's queried nt tho races, 'Mid ruoh of horse*' feet; Whero'or one f*08 he he&rs it— Tho question is not new, In fact, it's quite a chestnut— "la't hot enough for you?" May fiends who first propound it, Whin summer days arrive— Who daily, hourly souud it From twelve o'clock to five— When dead and in perdition Bo doomed to fry and stew, While those they've asked will ask them! "Is't hot enough for you?" —Chicago Mail. OASSIE'S PEEI'-silOff. vith the monthly lu,us "keopiMK no- L' : ... '• ,'Soiinto, and pa;.- .:lg very little at antiou to v goldcn-halrcd darling, the only one of live children who had sur vived Infancy. To say lb, tho child at 1 years of age rulod the entire household of tho rich merchant, whose proudest title was that Df "papa" from her baby lips would bo o give no oxu .goratod statement of her rule. Ami the chief slave of all woe pretty Mrs. Lockwood, a pet of society, the idol of her husband, but the devoted, servant of all Casslo's caprices. So when Mi - C.issie wanted a peep sliow, the prettiest of pasteboard boxes wore selected from the storo of mamma's m easures, and all tho nursery was ian jacked for bright little trinkets to rauke the how. Then somo new paper dolls were d- - mantled In the imperative mood, preheat tense, and the nursery governess w , out to purchase them, leaving t'., revelling in unchecked possession o. t . mucilage bottle, the scissors, aud .1 elm if liitlo colored pictures. The nursoiy governess was Miss Ague 'liuroliill, the ilaughtor of an old frioo. of Mrs. Lockwood's, suddenly plung from affluence to poverty by widowlu - Aggie, being only 17, was more than gin .o undertake the task of training Cassis .n the intricate path from A B C to twi • two are four, with the privilege o: <; m tinuing her own music and German les ions, to fit her to teach more advance 1 pupils when sho had added a lew more v. ars to her own experience, unless— Now, nobodV over heard Agnes say that DUO word ondingthe last sentence." But when it caine to her heart, unbidden, it ivns followed by a vision of a tall, manly figure, a grave, but tender face, and i. puirof soft, brown eyes that over res teg tenderly upon little Agnes. And flgui". face, and eyes, all belonged to Dudley Lockwood, the brother of hor em ployor, uncle to tyrannical little "assie. Agnes had known him from child; and when her father's dy ing hand clasped hers ho had said "Agnes, little one, Dudley loves you. But ho is past 110, you but 17, aud I begged him to wait till you wero oldor b ro ho spoke to you. You are but a ■ii Id vet, and do not understand how no 's and good he is. But if in the future . i can love him, he will be a fond, faith- , a lover and husband to ray little girl." Ann thinking this the father died, not knowing t hut tho failure of the bank where all his fortune lay would add pov erty to sorrow after*hi - funeral. Dudley - a kind friend then, sawing a little i i the wreck, for Mrs. Churchill, • .irmly so. oudiug Mrs. Lockwood's pro osal to give Agues a homo and easy uty, and taking much of tho business e ire from the two inexperienced women. Bat he respected the girl's sorrow for In-r loss and ttie wishes of tne dead for her to be older before sho became a wife, and lie said nothing of his love. II- was fond, in careless, brotherly i'a-hion, of his brother's wifo, pretty L ; na Lockwood, but ho often though in.., smiling, that it was easy to see she v.a:■ not a tree Lockwood. She had no! tli" broad, noble nature that was their groat charm, tho trust that could never narrow to unworthy suspicions, the calm of perfect uprightness, she was fuss, and lidgoty, a little stingy where oth wero concerned, very extravagant in h own expenses. But, withal, a winsome Jh'ftly little lady, who was her husband's Idol. She was still busy with her bills, money aud housekeeping book, when Agnes tamo in front her errand, with the pap r dolls iu her hand. Cassie had bestov.v i mucilage liberally on tho silk facings u." her toothoi'-cnsliincro wrapper, on tit tare 'land hi own dress, and was ha u loop upon t c floor. "Dear mo!" Mrs. Lockwood said, roved ftu niter work by the entrance of 'lie govern •••In -co what a mossthe child has in !c ! What did you give her the inucila ;<• for''" It was a temptation to remind the irri tated lady the she had herself put 1!' • bottle into i --ie's hands: but Agin only replied: "I am sorry she has done so much mis chief. See, 'as 4 ie, hero are tho dolls." Cassie halt' opened her slcepv '•; ■•. und .Mrs. Lockwood lifted hor from*tic flpor." "the will take cold sleeping tin bin* said. "I wilt put her in the cr. while you clear away that mess." That progi i being carried out, Li the peep-show ireasuros taken to the nursery, Agues it down to out out t (lolls, Knowin ('asslo would want tin ns soon a: sli" awakened. Her pee show box she put upon a closet she the rubbish -lie | ct into tho cce,l box. a considered her - over till tiie I a • voice call : h •!'. She v. a - I i : ling a tune as she en tho (lolls . i sea, when Mrs. Loc wood enme in r fin- tlushcd, her eye angry. "Agnes," she said severely, "I kne you woro ve y anxious about your mot erV last month's rent, but 1 never thou Y you would l e tempted tosteul to pay it The girl sprang to her foot, the crin. son blood id,nu f.i e and throat. "How dure you!" site cried, am stooped for w of words to express h Indignation. "It is quite useless to lly into a rage i said the liit ( lady coldly, "f left all lb month's t •ey for household hills upi tho-tablc not '"ii minutes ago, and thm I is a SSO note gun". So one has boon li the room bii * \ m. But I will not bo liani with you. You are very young, und pov erty is now to you. (Jive me the note and I will never mention the matter; only i cannot keep you here." "I would not stay," the poor girl criod, fairly choking with rage and shame— "f would i. i ay where I had been oalled a thief! f know nothing of 11* money." "You deny that you havo it?" ••Certainly I deny it/' and the toan eamo with passionate sobs, for she was little more than a ahild even yet. "I would not steal if I was starving I" ••Tho money i* gone. No one else has boon in tho room." • 'I know nothing of it." But they searched for it—under the Jhbie, among the papers, in tiio riibb' h Agnes had gathered up, iu the table drawers, oven, with hot cheeks and trembling fingers, in tho pockets and tbi dress of tho nursery governess. Then, with Mrs. Lockwood firm in hoi accusation, but promising se r oi , y, Agnes wont to her home. Her mother was as angry as her elf, neither as yet looking at the loss of sit uation, tho peouniary trouble, as se riously as at the base falsehood of the accusation. Tliey had quieted a little, though their pale faces told the story of their recent agitation when Dudley Lockwood called. Straightforward and frank, as it was his naturo to be iu all things, lie asked: "What is the trouble between you and Mrs. Lockwood, Miss Agues?" And Agnes, white now as ashes, but calm, told tho story. Iu her heart, she gavo Dudley pure, true love, an I she biu;;i!uutl a- • spoke, over tho shame ful story. But he, after one long look of utter amazement, said, fiercely: "I alwa, iid she had none of the Lockwood character- To . aspect you of—Viiy, Agues! Ague •! she must ho mad!" It was good to hour tho truthful ring of it is voice, to see his great frank eyes fixed upon her with such perfect true and love. But Agnes only said, mourn lully: "The money is gone !" "What of that? If fifty times SSO wore gone, utterly, entirely, it would not excuse her for such a monst reus ac cusation. Mrs. Churchill, you know the hope I have cherished; you know your husband's approval of it. Give mo per mission to speak to Agnes. I was con tent to wait, while she was happy and where I could often soe her. But now—" "You must wait till 1 am no longer suspected," interrupted Agnes. "I know, j too, Mr. Lockwood—for my father told ni'—tho honor you have paid me; but! will not let you bo oarried away by your pity and indignation." Ami, though he pleaded his love, and Agnes, raised above maidenly shyness by tee crisis in her life, confossed her own as ection, she was firm. Not uutil lie was leaving them, vowing to clear up . ic. painful mystery, did Agnes ask: "Did Cassie fret for me?" "Sho is sick, feverish, and complains of soro throat." "She did take cold, then, sleeping 011 the floor?" "I supposo so. Tom was going for a doctor." A few last words and lie was gono, leaving two sore hearts fur lighter for iiis cordial sympathy and tender love, buinehow it would all couolright, Agnes felt convinced, when she nestled down beaido her mother, saying: "Cassie will miss mo at bed time. Mrs. Lockwood hus no genius for story-telling, and Cassie must have stories told hor till siie falls asleep." Two days passed, aud there was no message or call from Dudley Lockwood, though Agnes felt no doubt about the giver ol' a basket of freshly-cut (lowers left without card or word at the door. But on the third day he came. "Have you had scarlot fever?" he asked. "Oh, yes. Has Cassie scarlet fever?" "Yes, aud she is dangerously ill, calling continually for Aggie. Ms. Lockwood' sent me here with this message: 'Tell Agues that the doctor says the irritation anil fever are greatly increased by Ca - sio's constantly fretting for her, and beg her, for the child's sake, to oome to u Will you go?" "I will go. ' Very gravely, fully appreciating the un pleasant tusk before hor, the awkward uessof meeting Mrs. Lockwood with that mysterious loss still unexplained, Agues ausweied. But when tho child, tho little goldcn liaired darling she loved, greeted he. with glad eyes, whimpering over and over, "Aggie! Don't go away, Agg; ' she was glad she iiad not denied tho baby wish. "Uncle Dudley stay, too," Cassie said, "and my mamma. Aggie, where is my pretty peep-show " sho said, presently, reminded by Aggie's coining of her la": toy. "In the nursery closet. Shall I gel i for you?" "No, you will stay tfway again. Uncle Dudley will get it.' "A green pasteboard box, with a round i hole in ono end," Agnes explained. Aa. | Dudley, as much a slave as any oi the | to the little one's caprices, wont for t.; peep-show. Ho came back very pale and very grave. "Lorna," he said, ipiietly, unheeding Cassia's outstretched hand, "will you look iu where i did at this round hole? "Pshaw!" lirs. Lockwood said, impa tiently; but she took the box and looked in. Pasted and well plastered down with mucdago attho other end of the box, tli reotly where she looked, was a Sat) bill, the pictured .side exposed : "The lost note! Oh, Agnes lean you ever forgive 1110 !" slio cried, dropping the box into (lassie's eager hands. "My pretty peep-show," suid Cassie. "Agnes will put in the paper dolls." And Agnes took tho hand Mrs. Lock wood stretched across tho bod, and said, softly: "I am glad it is found." "You will stay with Cassie?" "If you wish." But Dudley only permitted tho stay until the Hi ilo ono was quito well again, when a new governess had to-be found. lor Mi Churchill had to return home to assist her mother In the prepara :on of u simple trousseau, her last economy, for as Dudley Look wood's wife she ecu. mumls sull! bent health to use SOO bibs if she wishes, for pretty picture play things. —N. Y. Li dger. A ' ill \i lilt Ist'* Stilclilu. A Folisa young woman shot herself (load on ll.e promenade in Bucharest re cent/. bile was handsomely dressed, pretty aud reljnod iu uppourauoe. A let t;r in her pocket, addressed to M. ili ro; u, tho Russian ambassador at Bucharest, contained a request for a de cent burial uud a suppression of all iiijiiiry Into tho cause of her suicide. the investigation of the Itusslan atu ■is . dor has explained the mystery. ' i no j ung woman was a member of "a i... Lie society hi Switzerland. The d Ly resolved recently to assassinate ;e ";:ar. Lots were drawn for tho pur ; i " of designating the assassin, '['he Polish girl drew the blockmark, 'lb tho money which the society gave ■ for expnitscs to Bt 1 1 r burg, she I l ght a revolver, and a ticket to Bttehar- ! est. The Russian ambassador refuses is give the dead girl's name.—S. Y. Sun. If not wise t ) go with the crowd, it is inconvenient to go against it. Pb the duty of the present and future j duties will in provided for. Some Foolish People I Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond ! the reach of medicine. Tlicy often say, "Oh, it will wear away," but in mosl cases it wears them away. Could tlicy be induce-! to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which we sell on 11 positive guarantee to cure, they would im mediately see the excellent effect after tak ing the first dose. Price fiOc and 61.00. Trial nite free. At all druggists. eow Tax-Payors Take Notice. Does prohibition prohibit? We claim it does not; the facts are on our sides Consult you friends in M tim , JCanra* and Tumi. They will tell you it is a farce and increases taxes. Consult your own inter - by ordering Winm and Uqwon direct from headquarters. Wr save you mo/hi/s give you better and purer goods, till orders more promptly, and prices are lower tii in elsewhere. Silver Age absolutely pure rye, endorsed by puysicians, used in hos pitals. Only i 1."0 full standard quart. - • 'huer in: •- ye, fi jr. old. $i 00 quart (ilbson - a " ] 00 Overlialt •• i; " lno " Flack's colOon v.'e tdlnjr il i;a •• ai boltles jsf). Ports, tSherrie.-. Brandies. VV niskies. Gin. etc., f>o cents (pi •. t up. Goons sidjip.-J to all parts of tiie C. -a., carefully packed. No extra clur'L for package., •end trial order. Writ f r com;-lute f'ataloguciind Price list. Men oil ia is paper. MAX IVI.KIi., N i. . i - era! til., Allegheny, Pa. dec It; 1. A Dili.'• INT H .AT' HCS NO VICE j \ -. i|, - Islieieby vlv.utho l.ettei-sor Ad inllilKirr.Uoii ,11'. e i rs. ■ ttirle '! ur pliy. m.oi.f lie i- . • ,e : ) of :,.::'is:c\vii. county nf i niiibr!a - a :'U!. :1 \ ilia, dec, ased. be- ■I ■ i: •;-.?>'■ - : - '. elilinr, of s-il' bfJlMiejll. • : iel p..ia-, i'Oebted t<> ..if i - •,e ",| i • , iii,-nt. and lUosr li i\ i. • i.i: -r .1 eel ina a- known tii . t a'-lit •' .:■• .: it. 1 - lgllC".i, (II Iho oitive ■>( ii >.%: . s •••! ; n-nklla stive'. .)oini.-i'.aa, i ' .! p. ii" 11wojf, July 5 i.'mliilstraior. t OOK I J ! '■ —- V. ,;L jL. m It y.-ii Aim: ■ , >■- i ion \il:e •: VV HUo .. •. ...... >. -,.. a-;it:..} :" i wan- !'-■■■ -- : irtgle : men to s-'t • 1 lira i<- ~f S I!l-.|. y S- -•): - .tr air inn? a" • . uletl. ier. ilti tliem • I ones IOV I, v. lis ' ' I) \ '.ill iii.rs. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS EE2 C " !SS DlikOHO DHAITD. A // rTVwV Original, treat, only mulne and & !)\ reliable pill lor sale. Never Fail. ,y^JL\ Z/for (hichutrra /.'fiy/u/frtP JA "rN. . -Qf .V/jDiamond Brand, • red me box. s, i With lluorib- / At I>ruirHT> M t. Accept \/ J / no other. All pills iu paste- ; bunrd busc*, pink Krrtppt-r*. arc a danger \ rj tin* counterfeit, Bond 4c. fatamps) for , A n.J partloulara ami "Kvllef for Lad I em" in p letter, by return mail. I 0.000 teat!- inonlitlnfrom ohave usvlthem. N unc I'nper. ® Chichester Chuukai Co. J .flialwott!iii.,l , hila.,l , ii 'MJC"" " i * • ■stibK?" I I .'JIKB9 Mks.. 1 •. ... • r.fulolhnro .'"G • • Art lF< v.i • Waal o I r... r- ••• V.\ • !i! •I . • ••• .1 l neat Ijr jtjrt'i k. • i. fMonlt • 1 •.. tunlL ■- . , t. I2tl Sr., jrfc UIY! 1 . fD:i sJewlnp:-!lFarhine7lT\T|Tl t b nt once r • t n b 1 inh I i U li I 7 itofeEQltrmlf in all part*, by (1 || fl II mai-hini*J. I I 111 I K fk s tf | ,ho all the attm htm nu. '<;* ik n JApW >k u '° will tl *° Bet, d free a complete 'M 5 I ,• I t r ,:n " nf our Coßt, . v nn '' valunl.li? nrt A I J il , I *vXsr'U. , ' ,l, 'i'l' s 111 return wc ask that you Wl { $ LAJ £c Wrimw wnt we send. t-> thov who ilo * " 11 - v r " • nt . vour homo, and after 3 all shall become your own Jt/S JlVv V tP ro l' , ' v - Thia errand mo'hine is f[i bRV, ,h " Kinccr patents, MA I slir\'vn'('> :.averunout; before patent# r,M " ut with the i iC L li p" Svi - r f "l machine in the world. All !• ■ iilfcNS 11 n No capital required. Plain, brief instructions ifiven. I i. • e who write to us at once can se ct:re I'ree the best ecu inir-mm hine in the world, end the finer ineofv. orksofbigh art ever shown together in America. TKt£d: CO., liox 710, AugUHiti, Maine. •"rtwi LJ.::. . y*. JX.. * A '£ t i\OW Vol it Ciis T ; . iiul Loca if AM . ..y.o-.v* /7t WS?|rf;scur?EDb7P^ T aP4t, N ftm* kyt V y InriibIoTUBUUREARCUSHIOKS At. LiJ Aif t&fll (VblaperH heard distinctly. Comfort •bio, Hucefsnrnl where all remc<l lea fall. 111*.book Arproofa free* Addrcsaorcallou K. lli.ntoX. nia lirnudway, a. r It* Rosnltlng from the Errors of Youth, Folly, Vice. Ipr noranco.'&c., may ho cured at Indue without fail <r exposure. Itifnllihlf* and ('onfidertiinl. I.ar*f<? Treati-e, 300paK s, only?l by mail, scaled, postpaid. P nall l ook, v. oh of the inresf*, free. Send now. >dlreB the lVnhndy Medical InMitnte, or Dr. W.ll.rarktT, 2*'0.4 Bulflnch St M ßoston,M i e. - ' t. r. T! JP'T A OO ■;... v f i :, i i, i .MOO ( - TZ" ''' ' "'lt t.* .. K -.- ; 1 !-£S Mai.ufntturcd by > r,: . J '.J ftr WASH"- -••SiAsSflwyyi •" 0 rtfTir-ttiC' i ";' M F TTf-'BURCH, PA. I IVFOtTRBIZBJi •:jL ) . . (,'r. irt & ,'g (ialloa W. fCR PRICES, r.i I-.'.' CAT/''. 1 . ■ !H, Catarrhal Osti : * x "lay Fever. A NEW IIOMK TI'tfATJWKNT. Sufferers nru not •• '.-illy nv.-iro tliat (i c diseases mi? contiudmis. or that they v.- ifn' to the presence oX llvingparasitw iii t'.i lining ml •'** the no -• and eus tachian bibes. Jltcn pic resenreb, how* ever, has piovnl I-: >i • .1 i. u and the result i.i fnat a ' I. be mfo - nuil.itcd whi :ihy <• Mrr'ml deafness and hay fewr *• •• • cured in fj .;n one to tin. hi' i - . alums made a? h .mo by the pntiei. on- in tv/o weeks. I! 15.—For cat k; '.'.likes peculiar to fmiales (whit •.*'■' ' , elite. /> 'vunphlct <■ -' I "'■ * ; i iv treatment ir sent on receipt ot ten cents by A. 11. Dixu.'J&'Su.v.. . : .-if., Toronto, Canada.— Sid Buffercrs f !<•* should tend the i llecat-fj' HOW IT WORKED, " Good morning. Jack ! why I haven't seen you for a month past. What in the world is the matter with you ? You seem to have renewed your youth." " Well Phil. I have. Don't you remem ber the last time I saw you. how misera ble I was ? Sick and blue, and in that sort of mood a man gets sometimes when he feels the most noble tiling in life is to go straight to the devil." " Not so bad as that, I hope ; at all events you didn't go that way, you are looking far too happy and hearty." " Thank goodness, no ! or rather, thank Vineijar Bitters. Do yon remember that day 1 saw you last, when you recommend ed that remedy to me so persistently, and I was tirst vex j d and then half convinced." I remember it perfectly, and you needn't say another word upon the sub- I ject: your looks tell me that you took the medicine." "No doubt of it: everybody remarks upon my improved looks and temper; but I must really tell you all about it. 1 got the old style, us you recommended, and didn't mind the bitter taste at all. I fin ished the bottle in about two weeks, and was greatly improved, so much so that 1 determined to change off and try the new style. , '• Well, how did you like it?" 1 " You told me your wife preferred th new etyle, i belii vcjwell, I must say lagre with her. 1 like the ohl style very much but the new is a liner, smoother, more ex pensive preparation." " I believe it isin fact. I have beard <. and 1 wonder the McDonald Drug Company selj it for the same price they do tin; old style, because it is really a very • iistly preparation." " well, that dosn't concern us. Who was it said that people fancied themselves pious sometimes when they were only bilious ? No matter.' I was only going to say that I believe people often seem wicked when it is only their liver, or their stom ach, or some other cantankerous organ of the hody so out of order they couldn't bo good it they tried." " And if all the miserable dyspepsia, and victims of biliousness, headache and the thousand and one ills that- liesli is heir to would only take Vinegar Hitters, w hat a happy world this would be ! " " I shonld recommend the new style." " I never go back on the old style." " Well, they can pay their money and take their choice, for both kinds work ad mirably." Duly Temperance Bitters Known. f|F- JHid §p s? Tne Great Blood' Purifier and He !t!i Restorer. Cures all kinds o. Headache within thirty minutes- - rv it. The only Temperance Bitters known. It stimulates the Brain and quiets the Nerves, regulate.--. 'he Bowels and renders a per feci blood circulation through the human vt ins, which is sure to restore perfect health. £ L tP"A i*a;iutiful book free. \dd < t. H. McDON it') DRUG CO., o 'sl v. ashing lon -. root, Now V irk. lanis \V r AX "BD —Agent * in cvei • city 1 m u ami village of I enn:c. ivatil.i ier tit No iiuiiUM, .lit; i.l Acoiil.• i •..•vMci-elon. o n • !. i-x 'lc m• -• anil tj • wU • d asso clvlort. V'l.|ns !. B'\\ )> •• isjer, d l-'if. u avenue. wrrsrmr . i a Ei IM DEC? CORNS. Thinnlypijro< iiro r -i-v or.H. Stops uii j. o. r.nr rw -•>i.it..i-t to thefeet. Jjc. at trifrfrit9. Hlfccox &Co.,N'.Y. ■ kr CON SUM PTIV E Pftv •>• •. (,'t.iitrM. '.!• . a.m. r. H |. •-1 ( •, f l/so PA Xi£ f?s Ci m uh r ' sj , ' !•■> ' f.ireil ' •' •••t.srnni. is'.oln ■: i mr all Si!* Hi'lslncf j ot; defective nuiiitioa. l'uko iu en • . tu. nud Sl.t'J. ■J • re; • ,:ci -- •••' !'■ : 3 •V (ffiSl'r , '' : I V i.t ' .* I t ;| SoL ,D EmerY 3sjh E5 Triple Coated K 'NifL WHOLESALE ONLY BY f\l,or.e'-|T THE TANITE CO., Ki'M * STROUPSOURG PA *)" j •' 1 1 ti HIDES' fIHJ IN LIQUID NOBOIL'NC EASILY MADE ! |J IHIS PACKAGE MAKES FIVE CALLOUS J 'fry 7wu<ss S7W? eju*£>/vs J \ The moat APPETIZING uod WTIOLBSOMB TEMPERANCE DRINK in tbo world. TRY IT. j Ank your DrugrfjiHt or Grocer for It. C. E. HIRE?, PHILADELPHIA. mmrMt , j 'ilng sides and back. Ulp. Kidney and i *■' i'ln<■ i :ln I'lienmaile. sciaMe, sliaip antl W' .( nlng I'alns, relieved In o.N'R MLM'TEby ' Cnticura Anti-Pain Piaster :I v" It.'-""Maliiious ]' In-MPlng v'r "igtliening pi i r. as cts; 0 ror sl. At druggists, or ot POT TKH Intro \so e>ii;>|icju. Co., BOSTON. DIM pimples, blackheads. chapped and pi PCI 1 fill oily sklo cured by cenei'iu SOAP. I JJLIU rnayS-4t WOODJORRELL&CO'S IJMITED, C"HJXiESSKI ATED Mammoth Store, Near tlie P. R. R. Depot, Johnstown, Pa., I* conceded t<) be tho Most Extensive and Best-Appointed Establishment of its cIaSS tlie United States. Foi longer than twenty-six years the Company's Store Ims been the Leading Mer cantile House in Johnstown, and its rapid growth is unprecedented. From a small beginning it lias developed into a concern of massive proportion*, carrying immense stocks of every variety of goods and employing in all its departments nioro than otto hundred men. It lias' always been tho aim'of the proprietors to supply their custom ers with the very best grtods in the market, at the lowest possible prices, and tlicy have reason to Co proud of having made their guaranty indisputable. FEN STOE.ES IN ONE! In their different Store Ilooms can be found a full and carefully-selected stock of every class of goods in their line of business, additions to which are constantly being made, so that their stock is always fresh and new. In the wide range of goods car ried may he mentioned IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC DltV GOODS, OAItPEIS. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, MILLINERV. BOOTS AND SHOES, HAT'S AND CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. WOODVALE WOOLENS, GROCERIES, MEAT, VEGETABLES AND FISH. WOODVALE FLOUR, FEED OF ALL KINDS, SALT, TOBACCO, HARDWARE, QUEENSWABE, YELLOW WARE, AND WOODEN WARE, IRON AND NAILS, LEATHER AND SHOF. FINDINGS, PAPER HANGINGS. FURNITURE, ETC. ETOj Flu; Attention of Conntn Merchants Is invited to the Facilities of this Establishment for supplying every article in demand by their customers, goods of all descriptions being offered WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AS CHEAP AS THE SAME QUALITY CAN BE PURCHASED IN NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA OR PITTSBURGH. Their Goods being bought in large quantities, and the mobt liberal terms, the management are enabled to sell at the very lowest mark. • prices, and to successfully defy competition. IRE DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Ladies will find this spacious Store Room fitted up wilh every conv nienco for Shopping, and a Stock that will equal in assortment that, of the most com: leto Dry Goods and Millinery Stores in tho larger cities. A splendid assortment >i Cloths, Cassiineres, Trimmings, etc.. may also be found in this department for < i!e by tlia yard. Carpets, Oil Cloths, etc., are kept on the second floor, accessible by elevator. None but the best of Staple and Fancy Goods are handled, and ''long measure" guar anteed. CLOTHING. HATS AND U'S. In tlii* Department Heavy Stocks are carried, selected 'espe< . for the Johns town trade. All goods are warranted to he of tho very best m . rial, v eil made," stylish and durable. The Stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods in genera! e uinot ha excelled. BOOT vNO STOKE. From the I/op n died and V :i S•> <of • rkingrnan to the dainty Slip, pels of the Imly. the stock in this I •> <i .ti 'i< mhi : . -tad customers will lmvo no difficulty in coming to an 'uu i. 'ling" ) d,* • • n-st of leather is used in tho manufacture o. Mien' go > is, ami Ui y will 'til stylish and durable. Show Kio> alii K'Vih ,■ fo|jai*tnient. On the si o:id and t iir 1 tlo >. . , i i c> • i 1 en , tee by lialhvay from Wash. •'on street, is the Sh->e ->h >p a . i • • • • v i •!••• Fine and Coarse Roots and Shoes tire :u 11 to o.' j a•I v i tt ■ •;■>•' ; i.>e Findings of all kinds, and a fine ussniigi it of Caper mil S• e Lea i ' i utantly on hand. w'rorJTMv-i. .h\- iuvware, Etc The si ikof 0 act Ur, Provisions, Etc.. is ir sui-pa- lin quality, and is always flesh, being turned one every in mln. O.iiy Mi • very i i ■ < Ceils, .Sugars, SpiCCS, Etc.. in the market ai • purchased, a i l eii rks are nude.- •. l rs to invariably givo •'down weig a " and ••iieaning n • .sure." I*u • -lock < biecnswarc is largo and varied, and fro n i ■ eoumn E iri lieu ware to tie finest Porcelain anil China Waro the assortment is cample .Vov 'ti stairway ' -a Is fMta the Grocery to the Vege table Department. ••• e erv • iriety of Season d>! • Pro Uec mil Green Groceries is kept, iuclujllng Forc.gu and Domestic Fntits, Oysters, Fish, Etc. In the rear of the Grocery are ti e|[ 1 ware and i'obaeco Departments, and the buyer is assured that he will*ho oirered I ■ very best goods at the lowest prices. tSturii ani tailoring Establishment; The Tailor Shop occupies cveral rooms in the second and third stories of tho building—entrance from the river side, l'ho Cloth Room is well stocked with Cloths, Cassimeres, Cheviots, Etc., and also a fino assortment of.the celebrated Woodvale Woolens, which are without a rival in the market Clothing will >o made to order promptly and in Fashionable style. Inferior trimmings arc never used, and satisfac tion is guaranteed in every instance. This Department is located just east of tho Main Store Building, and is one of the best regulated Markets in the country. Particular attention is paid to the selection Of every animal that is killed, from a lamb to a bullock. The slaughtery is a model of neatness, is supplied with all the modern improvements, and while the Steaks and Roasts are always tender and true, an air. of mystery docs not surround the Sausages, Puddings. Etc.." in the preparation of which tho greatest possible care is exercised. Venison and all kinds of Game are kept in season. Til ft ft ft ft D STORE. Here tons of Flour are stacked away, and huge bins are tilled with Meal of every description, for use in the house or stable. The stock is always fresh aud good. K TJ R ITU R E. In this Department arc kept a full assortment of Kitchen, Parlor and Bedroom Furniture, from the lowest to the highest grades, and the customer will be promptly supplied with House Furnishing Goods of all descriptions. ACCOMMO3DATI3TG- Our Entire Stores are presided over by courteous gentlemen, who are thorough masters of their business, and strangers and citizens alike will have their wants at- I tended to promptly and intelligently. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. WOOD, MORRELL & CO., LIMITED. ' Johnstown, Pa., Nov. 10, 1379.
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