VOL. 56—NO 19 ITEMS CONDENSED. DO YOU want to learn to RESII V-ER OLD MIRRORS and MAKI NEW ONES? Pleasant easy work Profit 5 dollars a day. Sample an( particulars free. THE CROWN CO. 1432 S St.. Washington, D. C. Henry J. Smith, of West Reading who fell into a tank of scalding wat er a few day ago, is dead. The 350 public school teachers ol Reading have formed an associatioi for the purpose of mutual benefit. A new Lutheran congregation lias been organized at New Cumberland with a membership of thirty-five. Mrs. Cora Abell, of Nazareth, has been committed to the Easton jail on the charge of abandoning her seven children. A blacksnake, nine feet long, so the man who saw it says, has set the peo ple of Cumro, Berks county, by the ears aud is being hunted for. Mrs. Lucy H. Chapin, of York, is dead. She did much for the advance ment of the work to make that city beautiful, having for twenty-five years been interested in that work. The heaviest pair of shad ever taken from the Susquehanna river at Colum bia were caught Wednesday and sold for fa. 25. One weighed ten pounds and the other ten and one-half. Congressman Olmstead's candidacy for renomination in the Dauphin-Leb anon'district is not togo uncontested. Another candidate has appeared in the field in the person of Captain J. M. Shindel, of Lebanon. There is a projx>sition before the citizens of Alientown to erect a $300,- 000 high school. The Central Labor union of that city has entered a pro test and wants the money expended in the building of a manual training school instead. Causes of death in this state during the month of February, as shown bv the reports to the state hoard of health, place pneumonia in the lead, with consumption a olose second. There were 1,598 cases of pneumonia and 794 of consumption. The First Methodist Episcopal church at Greenville was considerably damaged by fire Thursday afternoon. During the progress of the blaze and while the fiames were being fought in the cellar, the gas meter exploded in juring five j>ersons, none seriously. Henry Giles, a steeple climber, was working on top of a ninety-foot stack at Wyomissing. Berks county, when the rope parted and he fell. When twenty-five feet down he succeeded in catching with his toes on a guide wire and hung on until rescued by fellow workmen. Philadelphia Rapid Transit condi tions are to be examined into by the State Railroad commission next Tues day. The commissioners [are receiving a large number of letters from Phila delphians, commenting on the coming examination and for the most part they are commendatory. While getting into his carriage Thomas H. Cassler, a well known cit izen of Bethlehem, was stricken with paralysis and fell dead. He was 40 years of age. The thirteenth annual session of the Knights of Columbus of Pennsylvania will open at Shamokin today. It is expected that 250 delegates will be iu attendance. A fine social program has been prepared by the Shamokin kuights. The will of John H. Converse, head of the Baldwin works who died Mon day of last week, has been admitted to probate. The estate is estimated as being wortli $10,250,000. He leaves 1200,000 to the various boards of the Presbyterian church. Mrs. Stephen Longus, aged 3(i years, of Sharon, while insane, broke from t!ie grasp of a woman friend and end ed her life by jumping into the Sheu ango river Saturday morning. Last November she saw a negro. "Jack the Peeper," looking through her win dow and the fright unbalanced her mind. Tli will of the late General J. P. S. Gobin has been probated at Lebanon. It contains a number of public be quests among them being: To the Loyal Legion of Pennsylvania, his military library and $500; to the Ma sonic library of the grand lodge of the State his Masonic hooks, badges, etc., and *500; to the LebanonY .M .C .A. $2,500; to Susquehanna university, Selinsgrovo, $2,000; to Tresslor Home for Orphans, $5,000; to the invested fund of the national encampment, Grand Army of the Republic, £1,000; to /ion Lutheran church of Lebanon, $5,000, the interest to he used in tho purchase of fuel for tlie worthy poor of the [congregation. The income of the estate is estimated as being worth SIOO,OOO and it is bequeathed to his widow during her lifetime, and no distribution is to be made during that time. At her death it is to be divided into three equal shares one of which 6hall goto the Lebanon Y. M. C. A. and the other two to nephews. THE ORDINANCE WAS GRANTED The question of granting an ordi nance to the Bell Telephone company occupied an honr or more at the meet ing of the borough council Friday eve Charles S. Davis,representative, and Hon. 11. M. Hinckley, local attorney for the Bell Telephone company, were present in the interest of tlie proposed ordinance. A communication was received from Borough Solicitor K. S. Gearhart, in which he urged that the proposed ordi nance be rejected. He held, first, that the ordinance is illegal, in that the act of April 25, 1907, requires all ordi nances to he prepared by the borough solicitor. The proposed ordinance, he reminded council, was prepared and submitted by the Bell Telephone Co. The solicitor declared that he would disclaim all responsibility and liability for the proposed ordinance. Mr. Curry moved that council grant J to the Bell Telephone company the J franchise read at the previous meeting and that it. be given the first reading, j The seconded by Mr. Ever- I hart. Before the motion was voted on Mr. j Hinckley took the floor and one by one j took up the points urged bv the bor- j ough solicitor endeavoring to show the | councilmen that the proposed ordi- j nance asked nothing unjust. A vote was takeu, when the motion j carried unanimously. The following statement of Borough | Electrician Newton Smith was pre sented and on motion was accepted: j Cost of materials used for repairs ,»nd i-enewals to the equipment $42.7 T. ! Cost of coal, oils and waste $171.71. j Cost of labor, clean ing,&c., $102.75. j Total, $317.23. William Vastine tendered his resig- ; nation as Water Commissioner, which ! du motion was accepted. Mr. Curry called attention to a de- ! feet in drainage at Welsh hill, which j threatens to injure the foundation of the school house at that place. The I matter was referred to the committee I 3ii streets and bridges, it to confer | with the school board and see if mutu- I ill concessions can not be made. It was the sense of the members that the bor- j Dugli should not be held wholly re- j 1 sponsible for conditions on Welsh hill 112 #s relate to the school house. The following members were pres snt: Cleaver, Everhart, Finnigan, ! Durrv, Marshall,Jones,lies, Connolly, Von Blohn, Heim, Price and Diet#. I 1 BOROUGH DEPARTMENT. Regular employes $117.50 j< Labor and hauling 131.75 M George F. Keefer . , 58.00 ! I Sraah MoCuen 7.00 I Joseph Leclmer 14.43 Boettinger <fc Dietz (>.OO j 1 United Tel. & Tel. Co . 1.20 : Standard Gas Co .50 ! i Adams Express Co 1.50 j Labor in Light dep't .. 15.75 1 lere Woodring & Co 31.11 ] Hazletou Elec. Supply Co !). 2(1 j i Washington Fire Co 1.70 < United Express Co .40 'j WATER DEPARTMENT. 1 Regular employes $153.50 i' John H. Goeser .. 8. isj! People's Coal Yard 1C.0.80 j Friendship Fire Co 18.83 '' Standard Gas Co 2. GO J Washington Fire Co 19.60 P Joseph Leclmer 28.89 CLAIMED BY DEATH j j ! i William llartzell,a well-known resi- | j dent of Mahoning township, died at 1 j his home, Bloom road, at 2:45 o'clock j, yesterdav morning following a pro- j tracted illness. The deceased was formerly a dairy- t man and owned a milk route in Daii- j, ville. He was a native of Montour j county and was highly esteemed. He was aged fifty-seven years and is 1 t survived by his wife,one brother, John ; Hartzell, who lives near Danville,and I, five sisters: Mrs. Lizzie Van Kirk, j, who resides with her brother John; Mrs. Girton, Frosty Valley; Mrs. Brobst, of near Buckliorn ; Mrs. Isaac ! 112 Hoot, of Buena Vista, Ills. ; Mrs. W. J. Jones, of Reserve, Ivan. j t The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at one o'clock. Interment : j will take place in Odd Fellows' ceme- j tery. l f f DIED IN PHILADELPHIA ' 11 < harles 11. Hasseuplug, formerly a ! j resident of Danville, died at his home, ; 2502 Ridge avenue, Philadelphia, on I ] Monday. The funeral, which will be i strictly private,will take place tomor- j ■ row. Interment at Watsontown. While in Danville the deceased was j proprietor of a shoe store. He left here j 1 some twenty years ago. | 1 Traveling Auditor at Hoipital. j Traveling Auditor C. W. Bodine, of ' I tlie Auditor General's olllce, Harris- ' i burg,was at the State Hospital yester- 1 day, making his quarterly audit of the ! " accouuts of that institution. THE BENTON TEAM WAS INEFFICIENT RESULT OF SATURDAY'S GAMES Danville 12, Benton 5. Nescopeek 12, Bloomsburg 11. Berwick 4, Alden 0. Shickshinny 6, Nanticoke 2. STANDING OF THE CLUBS W. L. P.C. W. L. P C. Danville. .1 0 I.OQO Bloom 0 I .oou Shlck'ny 1 o 1.000 Nanticoke.. 0 I .000 Berwick 1 o I .<KX> Benton 0 1 .000 Nescopeek . 1 0 1.000 Allien 0 1 .000 Of course there was never much doubt iu the minds of the fans but that Danville would wallop Benton in the opening game of the Susque hanna league season on Saturday af ternoon, but most people,also, expect ed that some little effort would have to be expended to turn the trick. But not one thrill of anxiety as to the linal outcome did the Benton Indes cribables afford the Danville fans, and failing to find any excitement in the contest the crowd watched the proceedings to £et their money's worth j out of the funny side of it. The best laughs were obtained when Benton 1 would start tossing the ball over the ! iliamond in an endeavor to catch Dan ville runners as they scampered aionnd 1 the bases. For an attempt- at league base ball Benton's performance claims the ; palm; they didn't neglect one chance j to display their inefficiency. Seventeen players the Columbia j •ouuty team brought to Danville, and in seventeen different kinds of suits, i making about as motley an (appearing ;rowd ever played on the local dia- ! nond. Individually there were sever al good players on the squad, such as Brannigan, who pitched and played left field; "Boxer" Gerringer, and j Price, formerly of Bloomsburg; "Or- j e" Long and "Reds" Morris, who jauglit last season for Berwick and Bloom Normal. The latter evidently j •ealized what doubtful company he ,vas in for he played under the alias if Morse. Three pitchers were among the fif teen players that Benton tried out. j likewise three catchers were put on he grill. Their pitching staff, which ncluded Moran, Thompson anil Bran ligan, in the order named, were all j equally ineffective aud were easily oeated. Thompson was probably a ittle better than his mates in i int the support behind him was so ' niserably poor that a Danville runner lad but to get on baso to score. The icore shows that Benton misplayed : line times, but the statistics do not J i idequately indicate the many sins ;ommitted by the visitors during the 1 same. Danville, too, was not without its transgressions, which were manifest- Mi mainly in the third and seventh nuings, when Benton scored. In the :hird, aftei Morse fanned, Thompson ;ot. first, on Veith's error. Gerringer lied out to Wagner,making two down. Sully then popped u saucy one that .'ell back of second base. Niple, Liv sngood and Wagner all made a run to ;et under then all stopped and did an rfter-you-nie-lord while the ball pluuk nl the sod. That should have been ; :hree out, but it went for a hit and Thompson scored, while Brannigan went from first to third. Long then lit to center scoring Brannigan aud N'ally obligingly got caught trying to make home on the play. Something on the same order in the seventh when, after a hit and two passes had loaded the cushions, Bran nigan flogged one to the left field 1 fence for a double, and cleared the bases. They should not have had nore than one or two tallies at the nost. The story of Danville's run getting lOliuds like a page from Ezra Ken- < lie's joke book, aud there's no use in , inflicting it all over again. Here's just a sample from the sixth when the , tally census was swelled by four: Young got first ou second baseman's | •tror, took secoud on the first base- , man's error of the pitcher's throw, , stole third and got caught between | third and home. Umlauf got life on i first when third fumbled Mi is grounder md went to third while the Benton ] team was putting the bng on Young; stole home while Livelihood was at bat, the latter flying out. Then, with two out, the real work began. Wag ner punched a single to right and stole second. Yeitli made first when Catch, i ir Hirleman missed the third striko. I ' About that time Hirleman decided to j : make a throw to second— it went out i : in center field and Wanner soored. ' rhe pitcher nipped Niple aud he took bis base. Veith then stole home and Niple went to third on the toss j 1 irotind. Niple also stole home while Hagy was striking out. Here it is condensed: DANVILLE. R. H. O. A. E.i ; t'mlauf, rf 11 o 0 0 ! Livengood, ss . ... 0 11 112» 0 Wagner, cf 1 a 2 0 0j : Veith, 3b .1 0 8 3 1 , Niple, 2b 2 0 0 0 ol" flagy, lb 11 12 0 l| ( Mackert, If 1 o 1 0 0 ] Mitchell, If 1 l 0 1 0 1 Dooley, c 2 0 8 0 0 ' i'oung, p 2 2 0 2 0 j Totals 12 V 27 11 a' J DANVILLE, PA., THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1910 THE BOROUGH'S ULTIMATUM When the bids for paving East Mar j ket street between Pine street and 1 Cook's Court were opened by council, I April 2Sth, the natural inference was | that all obstacles were overcome am; that this long-deferred improvement i 1 would go forward at once. It developi j j however, that there are still trouble i j some complications and it is by nc means certain that the street will be 1 paved this year. Even should the most ' formidable obstacl«s be overcome, it i is reasonably certain that the work can not go forward until late in the | summer. The Borough and the Danville and Sunbury Transit Co., have not as yet ' gotten together on an agreement relat i ing to the paving of that portion of ! the street that falls to the trolley com pany. Not only is there no agreement as to the bond but the mooted question whether or not the rail at present in use shall be permitted to remain is still undecided. Owing to the compli i cations the councilmanic committee lon streets and bridges to which the bids for paving had been referred, at : the mooting of council, Friday night, j reported in favor of postponing the awarding of contract. On motion of Mr. Everhart, second jed by Mr. Heim, it was ordered that the secretary bo empowered and di ; rected to notify the Danville and Hun bury Transit Co. to officially advise ( the borough of said company's official acceptance or rejection of a proposed i contract and bond recently submitted to it for the grading and paving by the borough of said company's portion of East Market street in question, and | as therein stipulated, within ten days, and that in default of such advice, or of acceptance or rejection of the proposed contract, this borough will ' immediately thereafter regard such proposed contract as absolutely null and void and shall at once require said company to grade and pave its portion of said street as required and under penalties prescribed by ordi nance in such behalf enacted in the premises. Should the trolley company fail to accept or reject the proposed contract relating to the paving of its portion of the street the way will be open for the borough to rescind all past action and set on foot an entirely new pro ceeding, the first step of which will be to notify the Danville and Sunbury Transit Co. to replaco the rails at pre sent in use on East Market street with a new fund heavier rail within a period of sixty days. MARRIED YESTERDAY Miss Tillie Hicketts and Frederick I. Evans, 'both well known in Dan- i ville, yesterday were united in the j holy bonds of wedlock. The nuptial kuot was tied by the j Rev. James Wollaston Kirk at the | manse of the Mahoning Presbyterian j church at I0:o0 o'clock a. m. The bride, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hicketts,Church street, for the past three years has re sided in Lancaster, this State. The groom, who is the sou of' Mr. and Mrs. John D. Evans, East Market street, is a graduate of the commercial de partment of the Danville high school, class of 'Oti, and at present holds a position under the government at Washington, D. C. Botli bride and groom are esteemed and popular. Mr. ami Mrs. Evans will reside at No. 1428 Ames Place, N. E., Wash ington, D. C. Little Hope for Prof. Wilbur. Dr. Waiuright, head of the Moses Taylor Hospital at Scranton, yester day stated that while there had been a slight improvement in the condition of Prof. G. E. Wilbur,of Bloomsburg, he was gradually growing weaker and he could offer no hope for ultimate re covery. BENTON. K. H. O. A. E; Brannigan, If, p 1 3 11 <> Price, lb 0 0 0 0 1 . Gerringer, of 0 0 l 0 l Nallv, lb, of ~0 1 4 0 3 Long, rf 0 2 1 0 0 E. Laubach, :5b 0 0 2 8 3 Welsh, 2b.... .11 0 1 2 Doran, 2b 0 0 1 0 0 M. Laubach, ss 1 0 0 2 0 Hirleman, c . 0 0 1 0 1 Kelly, c 0 0 0 2 0 Morse, c 0 0 5 0 0 Brannon, If 1 I 0 0 0 Thompson, p 1 0 11 0 Moran, p . 0 0 1 0 0 Totals 5 7 24 10 !> Benton 00200080 o—"> Danville 0330 1 4 1 0 x—l 2 Earned runs—Danville 4, Benton 1. Sacrifice hits —Doolev. E. Laubach. Sacrifice fly—Young. Two base hits- Mitchell, Young, Umlauf, Brannigan. Homo runs—Young. Stolen bases- Young. Hagy, Niplo 2, Wagner,Veith, Nallv, Brannigau. Hasesou balls — off Yonng 4, off Brannigan 1. Hit by pitcher—Niple 2, Hagy. Struck out— by Young 7, by Moran 1, by Thomp son 5. Left on bases—Danville 4, Benton 4. Passed balls—Dooley, Kel ly. Titno— 2 hours. Umpire —Hage myer. WILL AC! 11l CONJUNCTION The subject of drainage on Welsh lull took up nearly an hour before the school board Monday night. It is a diffi cult problem that has puzzled not on ly the school board but also the bor ough council, which is held by the former responsible for the bad wash out, which threatens in time to en gulf the school house on Chambers street. Pursuant to action taken at a pre vious meeting Solicitor Kisner took the matter up with the borough coun cil, which at the last meeting went on record as favoring a compromise— both couucil and school board to act in conjunction to abate the nuisance. Mr. Kisner addressed the meeting explaining the true conditions on Welsh hill and what the attitude of the borough council is in the prem ises. The sinking of a pipe of largo di mensions and extensive tilling up will be necessary. The approximate cost will be a hundred dollars. On motion of Mr. Swarts it was or tiered that a committee of the school board be appointed to act in conjunc tion with a committee of the borough [council in filling up the washout and remedying the defect in drainage on Welsh hilL Mr. Fischer reported that the school !iouse on the "flat" has become a ren lezvous of boys, who spend their Sun lays in the building playing cards. To keep the intruders out the doors »nd windows were nailed shut, but on last Sunday the boys gained entrance by breaking in a panel of one of the loors. On motion it was ordered that ;lie matter be left in the hands of the shief of police to break up the prac tice ami make arrests, if necessary. Borough Superintendent Deiffen jacher presented his report for the liontli ending April 29th,which show sd that 1124 pupils were registered. The total average attendance during the term to date is 1065; the percent ige of attendance during the term till late is 98. One hundred and ninety liree pupils have not been absent to late; 760 have not been tardy. There were 182 cases of tardiness by pupils, i dumber of pupils who have not at- ' ;ended?s percent, of the time belong- ! KI. 44 ; number Jof pupils reported to 1 ;he truant oflicer, 29; cases of corpor il punishment, 6. On motion of Mr. Pursel it was or lered that a book case be purchased j 'or the third ward building. Professor Bickel reported that every iiember of the senior class of the high j ichool has made the required average. | Lie read the list of names with aver- i igos attained at the end of the eighth I nontli. On motion of Mr. Pursel it ,vas ordered that diplomas be granted , :o the members of the senior class. On motion of Mr. Ortli it was or- : lered that the school board attend the i baccalaureate sermon in a body. The following members were pres 3iit: Sechler, Orth, Sidler, Swarts, Shultz, Pursel, Fischer, Gibson, Heiss 1 tnd Cole. The following bills were approved tor payment: I3has. D. Bryan #4. 38 ! Grem 3.50 | Peter A. Winters ).io| W. H. Ortlj 54 1 E. V. Stroll 2.00 i \lfred Kennedy 30 j ACCIDENT CAUSES DELAY A mishap took place at the stove 1 works yesterday afternoon,which cans- 1 id some delay. A defect developed in the cupola lining and while the heat was being ' poured the molten iron ate through ind commenced to run out of the, i jupola alongside one of the tuyeres. | This was a very serious matter and it j , was necessary to throw oIT the blast j ( tnd empty the cupola as quickly as ' ; possible. Less than one-half of the heat was I • poured when the accident occurred, »nd it was necessay to drain the rest af tho iron out into the gangway. , Consequently only a portion of the molds put up yesterday could be pour ed. The delay is unfortunate, as tho company has many orders to fill. ! , As soon as possible all the molten ' 1 iron and cinders were cleared away ' and the work of repairing the cupola I i began. It was thought that it would j ■ be ready for a neat today. Asks Damages for Loss of Husband. Mrs. Pearl A. Slusser of Mifflin in- , stituted proceedings in Columbia \ county courts yesterday in which she claims $15,000 damages from the Penn- j sylvania Railroad company for the loss of her husband, who [was killed at a 1 grade crossing in April, 1907. Bruce Slusser was a teamster and was struck 1 by an engine running tender first. ' Tho prosecution claims that the engi- 1 neer did not blow the enigne whistle 1 or ring the bell upon approaching the 1 crossing. The plumbers of Lancaster are on 1 striko. They asked for and were refus- < ed a Saturday half-holiday. ( THE FIREMEN'S I CONVENTION > The annual convention of the Six b County Firemen's association will 1 meet at Shenandoah on the week of - .Tune 14-18. Already there is quite a • stir among Danville firemen, who ex b pect to be well represented at the con vention. Our town naturally feels a keen in s terest in the event, us the convention last year was held in Danville and one of our townsmen, John G. Waite, I is the presiding officer of the Six- County Firemen's association. Mr, Waite at the convention last June was unanimously chosen presi dent of the convention for the ensuing year. Upon him will devolve the duty ' | of calling the convention to order and | presiding at the sessions. Each of the Danville fire companies will be repre sented by delegates, as follows: Friendship, Harry Heller; Washing ton, Israel Dimmick; Continental, James Mullen; Goodwill, William Everett. In addition to the delegates mem bers of each company, uniformed, will attend the convention in a body. Of the local companies the Wasliies have been the first to send a represent ative to Shenandoah to secure accom- : modations. W. H. Wyant, who was entrusted with this errand, returned home Tuesday. Shenandoah is arranging to hold an "old home" week simultaneously witli the convention of the Six-County Firemen's association, and Mr. Wyant describes conditions there similar to what might be anticipated in an en ] terprising town of that size with two , events of so much importance loom- : j ing up in the near future. An enor- ; I mous crowd is anticipated and prepa i rations are already on foot along many i | different lines. Hotel rates, Mr. Wy- ■ j ant says, compare favorably with ; j what were in vogue in Danville when | the convention was held iiere. The ; Wasliies will be entertained at Hotel Paskey, corner of Center and West j | streets, where accommodations have j j been secured for fifty men. j Some big features are being arrang i • ed for the Six-County Firemen's con vention. Among these will be an ail j j ship flight, a balloon ascension and a gorgeous display of fireworks. There j wiil be also team and hose races and j last but not least a turkey dinner for ! the delegates. i 1 BREAD AND WATER DIET i That Judge Evans, of Columbia j ' county, intends if jiossible, to check j ( I the rapidly growing number of deser- 1 ; tion and lion support cases which are j 1 coming into the courts is evident < from the paliu talk lie give to flic de- ( fendants in the cases heard Saturday morning. When a mau marries a worn- | an he is expected to support her. uti- , less by accident or disease physically < incapacitated, and lie intends to see ' to it that it is done. Failure to i!o i\ i will subject them to imprisonment in < the county jail where they will be given only bread and water. The sum i ber of these cases is growing, and it is not right or justice that the citi- ] ; zens of the different districts shall j ; bee oinpelled to pay taxes to support ; | the wife and family of a man who is j able to work and take care of them, j I There is uo doubt that this decision 'of Judge Evans will meet the approv- j al of the taxpayers of that county, j ( and echoes their sentiments in the ! matter. SUSQUEHANNA SYNOD ' Rev. J. H. Musselman and Frank G. I Schoch left last evening for Watson- j town where they will represent the j 1 Fine Street Evangelical Lutheran ; church of this city at the forty-third j ' annual meeting of the Susquehanna Synod, which convened in the First < Lutheran church last night. The con- \ | vention will continue in session the j j remainder of the week, holding three ! . meetings daily. Rev. W. E. Fischer, j of Shamokin, is president. The meeting will beoue of great im- i 1 portance and will be attended by min- j isters and laymen representing every | j church in the district, which is large. \ ■ The people of the local church are pre- J t pared to give the visitors a royal wel- i come, and comfortable entertainment while there. The body has not met at j < Watsontown for about ten years, but j ' the former assembling there was one j of great religious and social benefit to ; those most interested. • 1 Well Attend Church at Berwick. The Danville and Bloomsburg tribes j [ of Red Men will join Pewawkee tribe ! ; No. 240, of Berwick in attending re- i 1 ligious services at tho Christian | t church at Berwick next Sunday, when 1 tho pastor, the Rev. Mr. Shaffer, will ! 1 preach a special sermon to tho mem- < bers of the order. i s s Arthur Korne, of West Alexandria, Washington county, slashed his throat with a razor and killed himself. No ( cause is assigned. j ESTABLISHED IN 185 c ill THE RACE FOR NOMINATION | Saturday was the last day for filing j nomination jietitions at the office of ; the Secretary of the Commonwealth. | As soon as possible the list of candi | dates in each of the districts of the j State will be certified to the county commissioners and preparation of the ballots for the primaries to be held on ; June 4th will begin. 1 Meanwhile the general public will i be interested in knowing who the as j pirants for congress, the senate and general assembly are. It will be found that there are quite enough candidates in the field, especially as relate to the senate and the legislature, to insure a spirited campaign preceding the pri maries. Indeed, tho race for votes is already on and it is quite evident that those who have entered the con test are into win, if possible. Herewith is presented a list of can didates for nomination for the seat in congress, the State senate and the general assembly, covering ali politi cal parties—Republican, Democratic, Prohibition and Socialist—as it re lates to Montotir county: Sixteenth District (Columbia, Mon j tour, Northumberland and Sullivan j counties)— Republican, no petition filed. Democratic, John G. McHenry, Bonton. Socialist, Jacob W. Renn, ! Shamokin. Prohibition, William Hart, \ Forksville. Twenty-fourth District. (Columbia, Lycoming, Montour and Sullivan counties)— Republican, Clyde Charles Yetter, Bloomsbnrg. Democratic, An drew L. Fritz, Bloonisburg; Lloyd W. Welliver, Exchange; Charles W. Sones, Williamsport; William T. Creasy, Catawissa. Prohibition, Jos eph H. B. Reese, Williamsport. Montour county. Republican, Ralph Kisner, Danville. Democratic, R.Scott Ammerman, Danville; Philip C. New baker, Danville. Of the candidates for the legislature in Northumberland county there are three Republicans and nine Democrats The Republicans are: Wildun Scott of Milton and George W. Shultz and John T. Mo.Mullon, both of Shamokin. Seven of the Democratic aspirants are from the coal region. From Shamok in are: William P. O'Connor, John T. Fisher, Frank J. Dormer, Edward Mulliner, John N. Nack anil Jacob Russ. Other Democratic candidates are: P. F. Darsey, Mt. Carmel; J. S. Krebs, Herndon, and John T. Cald well, Milton. A. Campbell of Shamo kin ; Jaiues B. Smith of Milton and William R. Bridgens of Sunbury are the Prohibition candidates for the Legislature. The candidates of the Socialist party are: Jacob Russ of Shamokin; Lewis D. Heim and Harry C. Geist, both of Sunbury. In Columbia county the candidates for nomination are as follows : Gen eral assembly—Republican, W. W. Shannon, West Berwick. Democratic, William C. Johnston aud Charles B. Ent, both of Bloomsbnrg; Charles Shaffer, Berwick. PERSONALS ■ ■■■l II ■— !■ ■■ ■■■! wj Mr. anil Mrs. Charles Johnson and children, of Riverside, left yesterday for a visit with Mrs. Johnson's par ents at Beechwood. Mrs. Harry Vincent returned to Mifflin yesterday after spending sev eral days with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vincent, Valley township. Mrs. George S. Clark, of Saratoga Springs, Now York, left for Elmira yesterday after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reilly, Spruce street. Mrs. Anna Dittman, who has been spending several months with her sis ter, Mrs, Curtis Marks, West Mahon ing street, returned to Philadelphia yesterday. W. K. Lunger, Cedar street, trans acted business in Plymouth yesterday. Mrs. Edward Lunger will return to Philadelphia today after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Adams, Front street. Mrs. George Gedding returned to Catawissa last evening after a short visit with relatives in this city. Mrs. Owen Gildner of Bloomsbnrg yesterday was a guest of Mrs. Charles Lawrence, Spruce street. J Mrs. Elmer Hoffheims, aged 25 years, of Lancaster, died of fright fol lowing a heavy thunder clap.2 The thunder shook tho house and the lightning was so vivid as to make her bodroom as light as day. The crash of the thunder awakened her husband, who found his wife unconscious, and she died soon afterward. England's now king will have the sympathy of Americans in his efforts to reign wisely.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers