VOL. 56—NO 14 ITEMS CONDENSED. DO YOU want to loam- to RESIL VER OLD MIRRORS and MAKE NEW ONES? Pleasant easy work. Profit .» dollars a day. Sample and particulars free. THE CROWN CO., 14:52 S St.. Washington, D. O. Dogs, germs and sidewalk spitters art- dangerous tilings for the public health, is the opinion of the McKees port board of health, which is going to wage war on them. The Harrisburg hospital faces a large deficit and lias appealed to the public for contributions. The income is not as large as it used to be and the num ber of patients treated is greater. York is experiencing a scarcity of skilled labor and at a recent celebra tion of the Manufacturers' association plans for overcoming this difficulty were discussed. President C. Elmer Smith suggested the encourgagement of young men to become apprentices in the mechanical trades and declared that rhe opportunities presented to the skilled workman are greater than those in the overcrowded professions. "The party workers are not training with the 'spotted license' or local op tion crowd this year but in every leg islative and senatorial district pro hibitionists will be nominated against local optionists," said State Chairman Rockwood, of the prohibition party, recently, after he remarked that he had visited nineteen counties in eastern Pennsylvania since February 1 and that all these counties had named com plete party tickets. Several railway lines in the Schuyl kill and Lebanon valleys are to be leased to the Roading Transit com pany following a recent meeting of the directors of the Interstate Rail ways company. The lines are as fol lows: The Schuylkill Valley and Unit ed Traction of Reading; the Oley Yal ley, the Neversink Mountain, th< Metropolitan Electric and the Lebanoi Valley Street Railway. Ttie Edisoi Illuminating company, of Lebanon also passes under the Transit com pany's control. Peter E. Hurley, o Trenton, it is rumored, will succeet Dr. Walter A. Rigg as general manag er at Reading. One cent an hour of an increase ha> been granted by Charles M. Schwal to the laborers at his Bethlehem steel plant. This makes tiie rate 13.!£ centi an hour,and is believed to be the fore runner of a series of advances to be made by the steel concern. The ex pected increases include additional pay for overtime and Sunday work. Schwab made good his word that lie would listen to the grievance of the dissatisfied employes only after they returned to work. A committee of Bethlehem citizens lias left for Wash ington to present to President Taft and congress the resolutions recently adopted by the Bethlehem industrial commission condemning the action of the strikers' agitators who petitioned this and other governments asking that the steel company be given no more contracts. George E. McCloskey, of Washing ton, is the champion flag-presenter of Pennsylvania. In the past thirty years he has donated more than 100 flags to school houses, churches and patriotic organizations. Services in the Munhall Methodist Episcopal church were adjourned on Sunday while the congregation formed a bucket brigade and fought a fire that had broken out near the house of wor ship. By the time that the regular firemen had arrived the flames were well under control. Some careless person set fire to a magnificent tree that had become a landmark in Fairmount park, Phila delphia, where the drive from George's hill crosses Fairmount avenue. The once-beautiful big plant, now stands charred and bare. The tree was festo oned with vines,which were pulled off by the firemen. Her hat coming in contact with a lias jet while she was singing a solo in Grace Protestant Episcopal church at Honesdale, Miss Minnie Smith quietly took off the big affair and handed it to a male member of the choir, who hurriedly carried the flaming mass outside. Cries of horror filled the church and panic was narrowly avert ed. Carle Consul, aged 7 years, was car ried twenty feet on the fender of a street car in Pittsburg, then rolled un der it and was wedged so tightly be tween the front truck guard and the ground that it was necessary to raise the car to release him. He did not lose consciousness and sustained fractures j of the right leg and loft knee, besides numerous bruises. Farmers are praying for rain in up- j per Lancaster county and wells are | going dry. Little Paudline Blose.of Stonybrook York county, may die from injuries she received in falling down stairs. The open season for shooting wild fowl will close in this State next Sat urday. Reports receivod by the State game commission indiciate that the season has not been very good. % e / •• WILL HIE BIOS FOR PAVING The subject of sewer extension on an extended scale was discussed by tlie borough council Friday night. A com munication signed by Albert Kemmer, .T. Newton Pursel, John M. Gibbons, F. R. Harner, W. H. N. Walker and John I). Evans was received, asking that the borough sewer be extended in to the second ward. When the matter came up for discus sion Ira Everhait made a strong plea for the sewer extension as petitioned for, urging that the second ward has been utterly neglected while improve ments have been made in every other part of the borough. Council seemed favorable to the granting of the ex tension and 011 motion of Mr. Fin nigan it was ordered that the matter bo left in the hands ot the sewer com mittee, it to confer with the borough surveyor with reference to grade, etc. A communication was received from Charles F. Uhl, Jr., attorney for the : Danville and Sun bury Transit Co., re lative to the bond and argeement con- j neoteil with the proposed paving ou East Market street. The papers, it was ! explained, had been examined and re- j turned to A. H. Woolley with certain j features designated that seemed objec- | tionable ami not warranted by any | proceeding heretofore had. It was the company's desire that the matter be ; taken up with council. On motion the communication was 1 accepted and ordered filed. On motion the plans and specifica- j tions for the paving of East Market J street as prepared by the borough eng- ) ineer were approved by council. Ou motion it was ordered that bids | be invited for setting the curbing on j East Market street. It was ordered that two bids be invited —one for setting ; the curbing in concrete and the other without concrete. On motion of Mr. Curry it was ord- ' ered that two bids be invited for the paving on East Market street accord ing to the plans and specifications ad opted, one bid to be for paving the j borough's ]>ortion and the other for the whole street. The bids will also 1 provide for excavating either to grade 1 only or to a depth of twelve inches, I according to the discretion of the bor- | ough engineer and the committee on ' streets anil bridges. John Marshall called attention to j the need of repairs on city hall.reconi- i mending that the building be painted j on the exterior. On motion it was ord- i ered that the matter be left in the 1 hands of the committee on public im- j proveinents. A communication was received from W. F. Shay, president of the board of j trustees of the hospital for the insane, j in reply to a communication from Ira j Everhart,chairman of the councilmanic | committee,relative to the pollution of the Danville water supply by the ef fluent from the sewage disposal plant. Mr. Shay stated that lie would present the matter to the proper authorities at i the earliest date, explaining that the trustees as well as the State depart ment— with which they are in close touch—are desirous of correcting any practice at the hospital which may in any degree jeopardize the public health. On motion the communication was j accepted and ordered filed. A communication was received from j the Montour Coal and Iron company, j in which it agreed to furnish one year's supply of buckwheat coal for j the water works for |2.34 per gross j ton,the same to be delivered in bins or j yard at said works. On motion it was ordered that the communication be accepted and order- ; ed filed. Mr. lies reported that ashes have been dumped on Water street near j Pine which is in violation of the bor ough ordinance. On motion it was 1 ordered that the person who dumped ! the ashes at the spot above named be 1 requested to haul them away. Mr. Heiiu called attention to the j fact that some persons are dumping ashes over the river bank. The question arose whether this is not a violation of the ordinance also. An opinion on the subject will be ob tained from the borough solicitor. The following members were pres ent: Cleaver, Price, Finuigan, Ever hart, lies, Marshall, Curry, Heim and Dietz. The following bills were approved for payment: BOROUGH DEPARTMENT. Regular employes $117.50 Labor and hauling 85.50 People's Coal Yard.. 7.00 C. E. Voris (Com.) 26.50 Thomas G. Vincent 25.90 Standard Gas Co .50 John L. Russell 2.17 Labor in Light Dep't 12.00 WATER DEPARTMENT. Regular employes .$153.50 People's Coal Yard 8-1.88 Friendship Fire Co <1,90 Standard Gas Co 1.75 Henry R. Woithiugton 33.28 B. B. Brown 24.50 DANVILLE, PA., THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 1910 FOR THROWING GLASS ON SIBEEI 1 In this city the first arrest was made | Monday under the act of May 20, j ISIOS, which prohibits the throwing of j waste paper, sweepings, ashes, house | hold waste, nails or rubbish of any j kind into any street in city, borough j or township. j Notwithstanding that a person viol ating the provisions of the above act ; laces a penalty in the form of a fine i not exceeding ten dollars or imprison- I ment not exceeding ten days, yet the j above act- in Danville lias very gener -1 ally been ignored. Waste paper is j thrown about at pleasure. Nails and, what is probably worse, broken glass, i is dropped upon the street wherever !it happens to be convenient. Paper drifting about the streets is bad enough I but it is only unsightly. The nails and ; broken glass expose not only horses but bicycle and automobile tires to j constant danger. Many a horse isruin icd by treading on a nail carelessly I thrown upon the street, while glass is j just as potent as nails in puncturing j rubber tires. ! As intimated there are many offend | era,but it is seldom that any one seems j quite so reprehensbile as an imlividu | al, who deliberately threw a bottle |on the Mill street paving shattering : it to pieces. The fragments of heavy glass proved a source of great danger, ! ami altogether the case was one thai | demanded prompt and decisive action. The papers were served on the man who broke the bottle by Officer John Grier Voris Monday afternoon. The hearing took place before Justice ol the Peace \V. V. Oglesby. Being the first offender prosecuted under the act the man arrested was lei off easily,the charge being withdrawn on payment of costs. Chief Mincemoy er, at whose instance the arrest was made, however, states that so far as possible he intends to break up the practice of throwing on the streets nol only such articles as glass and nails but also paper and rubbish of otliei kinds, such as are described in the act. The next person found guilty, he says, will be mulcted in both the fine and the cost. OLIVER LENHART Oliver Lenhart, a nearly life-long resident of Danville, died at the Odd Fellows' home,l7th and Tioga streets. Philadelphia, Monday night, at an ad vanced age. The body will be brought to Danville for interment. There are few of our readers who will not instantly recall Oliver Len hart. Up to some six years ago, when lie entered the Odd Fellows' home, he was a familiar figure in Danville. He was a butcher by occupation. For many years he was a policeman in Danville. He was an upright man, a good citizen, and held the esteem and confidence of all who knew him. He was an Odd Fellow for over fifty years, a member of Montour lodge, No. 1 OH, I. O. O. F. Death was due to the in firmities of age. The deceased was a widower and is survived by two daughters. The body will be brought here for burial, arriving at South Danville on j the 2:24 Pennsylvania train, Friday afternoon. From the station the fun ! eral will proceed directly to Fairview 1 cemetery, where interment will be | made. PUBLIC PROTESTS i The practioe of roller skating on the sidewalk is carried to great extremes in Danville and is causing much com plaint. The police dislike to interfere ' with juvenile sports but safety to pedestrians demands that they take a , hand. 1 As long as the roller skaters are t small children and the sidewalk usurp -led is not an important one the public 1 is willing to waive a few of its rights j but when a sidewalk as important as I that on Mill street between the canal and Bloom street is appropriate daily by roller skaters, the most of whom | are large and unmannerly boys the i public feels like registering a protest. 1 About evening it frequently happens | that between the above described points, especially ou the east side of Mill street, there is scarcely room for anybody but the roller skaters. The latter come dashing down the pavo ment, six or eight together; in order to show their agility in getting over ! the crossings, the ytake all sorts of risks j : plunging madly along in a way that ' makes it impossible for them to avoid | collisions. It simply results in this j that pedestrians, to whom the side- | walks belong, get out of the way and ■ j give the pavement over to the roller { skaters. State Zoologist Surface, at Hariis- j burg, has announced that the expert- j ments he has been making for the past 1 three years in an endeavor to find a ! cure for "peaoh yellow" promise to J bear fruit. By next spring he may be ' i able to tell whether or not he has i ' found a remedy. LEAGUE MANAGERS ADOPT SCHEDULE Tito final arrangements for the Sus quehanna league season of 1910 were made at a meeting ot the managers hold yesterday afternoon at the hotel Morton at Berwick, at which the fol lowing members were present: Presi dent McCollnm,Hoffman, of Danville; Laubach, of Berwick; Sharpless, of Bloomshurg; Splain, of Nescopeck; Long, of Benton; Job, of Nanticoke. Henshall represented Shickshinny. The most important business trans acted was the adoption of a schedule for the season, which was accomplish ed with no delay. The schedule iiad already been ar ranged at a meeting of the schedule committee held last Thursday. In pre senting the schedule to tho board of managers, President McCollum stated that it had been compiled with a view to keeping the big towns busy on holi days and that minimum traveling ex penses had been given careful consid eration. Also the committee in arrang ing the games for the season had kept in mind conflicting dates between Ber wick and Nesc.opeck. The schedule had been considered by the managers previous to the meeting and when the matter was presented to them it was adopted without a dissent ing voice. The reading of the by-law which provides that no team in the league shall cost more than f'3s a game and that no player shall be paid more than $4 for a game, brought a laugh from the managers. Splain thought that the section should be stricken from the by laws; Laubach agreed with him. It was, however, allowed to stand, al- j though it is generally acknowledged that it is not lived up to. Action was taken raising the rain guarantee from $12.50 to flo. The offer of the Morning Press, of Bloomsburg, to again furnish the peunant, was ac- | cepted. A resolution was adopted, to be in- I corporated in the by-laws, that any j team leaving the field during the pro gress of a game shall forfeit its per centage, the amount to be turned over to the leaiMiM in- .... Action was taken tendering the management of the Morton house in Berwick a vote of thanks for the use of a room in which the meetings of the league managers have been held. ELECT OFFICERS Both of the local lodges of the Independent Order ' '' ' s df ( Mil Fellows have re cently elected officers to serve for the ensuing year. Montour lodge. No. 10'.), held its | election on March 28th and on Mon- j day evening, of this week, the follow ing were installed: ClarenceC. Leidy, ; noble grand; Arthur W. Jones, vice grand; 1). K. Williams,secretary; Jos- j eph Lowenstein, relief secretary; A. 11. Groue, trustee. In Myrtle lodge the election was held on March 26th and the installa tion last Saturday, at which time the following officers were inducted into office: Roy Gass, noble grand; G. W. Fry, vice grand; Miles W. Smith, sec retary; Howard Ward, relief secretary; J. C. Foust, trustee. The Odd Fellows of this city and the appendant orders are preparing to attend the celebration in connection with the 91st anniversary of the order that is to be held at Mt. Carmel on the 26th of this month. The commit tee which is in charge of the arrange ments is as follows: J. H. Woodside, John 11. Diotz and A. H. Groue, of Montour lodge ; John Hughes, Edward Rudy aud Guy Mowrey, of Myrtle lodge. Both the lodges will attend with big turn outs and with them will go Can ton Danville, No. 40 and Mnemoloton encampment No. 40—it is though about 800 three link men will go from this city. The committee has made arrange ments with thePennsylvaina Railroad company for a special train which will leave South Danville early on the morning of the 26th and will not re turn until after the festivities are oyer for the evening. The committee has also engaged Berger's baud to accompany the Dan ville delegation. MONSTER CARP M. H. Schram and Ralph Kisuer, Esq.,went fishing yesterday afternoon and succeeded in hooking a fine string of fish, among the number being a monster German carp, twenty-six inches in length aud tipping the scales at six pounds. The big fish was very gamy and it required all the arts of the angler to bring it into shore. The carp was viewed by a large number of people lsat night and all agreed that it was the biggest fish of the kind they hail ever seen. The ability to do things is the sup reme test. FIREWARDEN • HAD RESIGNED The destructive forest lire that swept the southern side of Montour ridge be low town Saturday afternoon and night was the first to occur since the act of May 13, 1909, went Jinto effect, which created a system of fire-wardens to preserve the forests of the Common wealth. Tlio district fire warden ap pointed in Mahoning township, in which thojfire occurred, it appears, had tendered'his resignation some time previously. Iu the absence of a successor duly authorized to assume control the provisions of the act prov ed of no avail in facilitating the sup pression of thejfire. Old time methods prevailed, it is understood persons whose property was jeopardiz ed turned out and did what tliey could to extinguish the fire. Charles West, who resides near the burned district, was in this city Mon day. He stated that the fire destroy ed several hundred dollars worth of growing timber, mostly chestnut. Timber to the value of at least one hundred dollars was burned on land belonging to the George W. West estate. Tlio loss sustained by the Read ing Iron company was double that amount. Every one, Mr. West stated, was un der the impression that the provisions of the new act would be carried into effect and that the district fire warden would bo promptly on hand to take such measures as would be necessary for the extinguishment of the fire. It was not until the fire had gained great ! headway that owners of surrounding \ property realized that the suppression I of the fire devolved solely upon them. ! Among those who turned out to fight ' the fire were William Quigg and sons, J Dennis and Thomas; Gerald, Harrison : and Walter West, sons of Charles West, j During Saturday afternoon some help was received from the employes of the : D. L. &W. Railroad company, but j during Saturday night the half a dozen I fire fighters above named had the task j all to themselves. Owing to the drought \ the fire spread with great rapidity. ' No sooner was it gotten under control other place. It was not until nearly three o'clock Sunday morning that the fire was conquered. Mr. West stated that (luring dry weather,owing to passing trains, Mon tour Ridge is exposed to the dangei of forest fires, and the object of his visit to Danville Monday was to see whether immediate protection could not be afforded. PERSONALS I i Miss Edith Blue, Mill street, return- 1 ed last evening after spending a few j days in Shamokin as the guest of Mrs. j Charles Jenkins. Mrs. Elizabeth Wetzel, West Mahon ing street, was a Sunbury visitor yes terday. Mrs. Augustus Heiss, Cherry street, ! called on friends in Sunbury yester- ! i day. Mrs. Clayton Bair, of Whitman, is spending a few days with friends in this city. Mrs. J. H. Musselman, Pine street, spent yesterday with relatives in Sun bury. Mrs. W. ,T. Emerick, of Sunbury, spent a few hours in this city yester day. Allen Moody, a member of the 25th Recruit company, Fort Slocum,return ed to Fort Slocum, New York, yester day after a visit with his mother, Mrs. Robert Moody, Lower Mulberry street. Mrs. Walter Arms, Water street, re turned last evening after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Keef er, Sunbury. Mr. and Sirs. C. S. Arnold and son Howard, Front street, left yesterday for a visit with relatives in Juniata county. Mrs. T. B. Evans and Miss Tillie Keener spent yesterday with friends in Seliusgrove. Mrs. William Brown returned to Johnstown yesterday after a visit with her mother, Mrs. John Dugau. Mon tour Row. Miss Mattie Brawn, Church street, left yesterday for a visit with her fa ther, James Brawn, at Columbia. .Tames Marks, Esq., of Pittsburg, called on relatives and friends in this city yesterday. E. M. Mowrer returned to Straw berry Ridge yesterday after a business trip to Philadelphia and a visit with his son, Clias. L. Mowrer, who is at tending the College of Physicians and Surgeons at Baltimore. " Few lives aro destitute of a little romance. SOME RELIEF IS IN SIGHT Now that the river is falling rapid ly, as viewed by most persons, the danger increases of taking into our water supply disease germs that are discharged into the stream at the hos pital for the insane along with the ef fluent from the sewage disposal plant. Of course,all will concede that with high water and a rapid current not j only is the effluent greatly diluted and | thereby possibly rendered inert or im j perceptible but also such micm-organ isms as aie thrown into the stream are I likely to be swept by without making j lodgment in the intake to our water J works. Conversely,a low stream, with ! a sluggish current, is bound to bring j about conditions of maximum danger j to the inhabitants of Danville. ! The immediate outlook is rather dis ' duieting. Whatever relief may be brought about thiough the co-opera tion of the trustees of the hospital, the borough of Danville and the D. L. & W. Railroad company—if the prop osition works at all—is many months, possibly a year, in the future. Mean while the citizens of Danville will have to get along as best they can, boiling the water used or adopting other expedients. Some relief is in sight. At the hos pital for the insane, they have begun treating the eflluent chemically that is discharged from the sewage disposal plant, chlorido of lime being used, which has the effect of killing the micro-organisms. This interesting ad junct to the disposal plant, which has been fully described in these columns, , is not yet in such shape as to make it possible to treat the effluent regulariy. . The attempt to purify effluent lias up to the present been regarded large- | lv as an experiment. At the hospital, I however, the chloride of lime, as far ] as tried, has brought about satisfact ory results. It was learned yesterday ] that samples of the effluent thus treat- j ed were analyzed and found to be rel- j atively iu good condition. The plant J it was explained, is not yet in woik- | ing order. When all is ready anil the | cholride of lime is regularly and sys- j the effluent will be found to be reia- j tiveiy pure. MEMORIAL DAY The Rev. A. Irey,pastor of the First j Baptist church, will deliver the Mem- ] orial Day address at Odd Fellows' j cemetery on May :iOth. The Rev. George S. Womer will preach the | memorial sermon on Sunday, May | 21>th, in Bt. Paul's Methodist Episcop al church. Memorial Day is still nearly two months distant and beyond selecting the orator of the day and the clergy man to preach the memorial sermon Goodrich post No. 21, (i. A. R., !: i not definitely decided on a prograir. Every effoit will be made to observe the day in a manner that will reflect true patriotism and fitly ennunemoratt the dead. As 011 previous years the school children will be asked to turn out. The military and probably other organizations of town will be invited to join the parade to the cemetery. The veterans, themselves owing to ad vancing years, will be taken to the cemetery in a trolley car chartered for the occasion. To assist the veterans iu observing Memorial day the county commission ers are expected to make the usual contiibution. For the last three years Goodrich Post has received fifty dol lars annually from the county, al though tlie donation of a larger sum is permitted. Some persons advocate holding Me morial day exercises iu the new park, ' a spot especially appropriate,owing to ! the presence of the soldiers' monument ! and the handsome flag presented by \ Mr. DeLong. A majority of the vet | erans, however, prefer the soldiers' ! plot iu Odd Fellows' cemetery, where ! the exercises have been held for so ■ many years in the past and where their departed comrades lie buried. CUT ALMOST IN TWO I Tuesday afternoon about 4:80 o'clock I engine No. 30, a standard gauge engine I that is being used to help level off the | work at the new Northumberland rail road yards, jumped off the switch auil ! toppled over a sixteen-foot embank | ment, falling into two Pennsylvania i box cars. Engineer Henry Boland j jumped, but was caught and cut al ; most in two. He lived only about fit'- | teen minutes after the accident. John j Brnbaker, firemen, jumped and escap lod with only a few scratches. The . engine was badly demolished. Boland moved to Noithumberland from near Pittsburg several months ago. Painters at Work. The D. L. & W. painters are making ] their annual tour of this division. Yesterday they painted the gates at the Mill street crossing,employing the | regulation colors of black and white. The appearance was much improved. ESTABLISHED IN 1855 FLOWERS FOR MEMORIAL PARK j The tulip beds at | beginning to bloom, tbe large triangu lar bed near Upper Mulberry street, ! especially, presenting a very beautiful i appearance. Tulips are planted in all j the beds with the exception of the J three small circular ones at the east ern end and the large rectangular one installed by the P. & R. Railway com -1 pany at the western end of the park. In a few days all will be in full bloom. | The effect of the recent rain is quite marked at the park. The grass is grow ing nicely and leaves are making their appearance on the trees. The park al | ready proves quite an attraction. | Adaui Hornberger, who took such good care of the park last season, lias ; been installed as watchman for the present year. Yesterday he was oper ating the lawn mower, a circumstance which indicates the advanced stago that vegetation lias already reached. At the last meeting of council John Marshall, who is relied upon by the members to look after the park, was authorized to purchase flowers when these may be needed for planting aft er the tulips are done blooming. Only a limited quantity of flowers will be needed by the borough. The P. &R. Railway company, the Grove Presby terian church, and the residents living near, it was explained, each maintain a flower bed in the park. The remain ing beds, the planting of which will devolve on the borough, are few and small in size. The beautiful flag presented to the park by Mr. DeLong last summer has not been swung to the breeze yet this spring. The watchman yesterday stat ed that up to the present lie had re ceived 110 instructions as to the flag. WHERE SPUDS ARE CHEAP Within the past week farmers in Carbon county and some portions of Lehigh have been bringing iuto Mauch Chunk and other towns so many pota toes that there is sale for scarcely half the supply. The price has already drop ped to thirty-five cents a bushel and still lower. Many farmers in that dis trict, as well as others, believing that the drought last year would cause a famine in potatoes, held their crops for fancy prices all winter, and lost money by such action. While the crop was a failure in some parts of Pennsyl vania, other states produced banner crops of tubers, and up-to-date merch ants learned of this through newspap ers. They accordingly purchased pota toes at a reasonable price, brought hundreds of bushels to that city and sold them considerably lower than the figures at which farmers held their crop. WILL VISIT SWEDEN .T. I'. Karlson, ree utly proprietor of the Arcade, accompanied by his wife, yesterday li ft Danville tor Renovo, where lie was formerly in business. After a short visit with old friends there Mr. and Mrs. Karlson will pro ceed to New York, whence later they will embark for Swoden to visit their old home. They have been in this country some twenty-five years. While in Danville they made many friends, who wish them a safe and pleasant voyage. WILLIAM J. BURNS 1 School Director William J. Burns, of the Second ward, whose serious ill ness of pneumonia was noted iu these ' columns, is convalescent and was able to appear down town for the first yes terday. Mr. Burns, who was very criti | cally ill, is still ratlier weak and it | may be some time before ho will be able, to resume active employment. As a school director Mr. Burns has i made an enviable record. Our readers ; will be glad to hear of his recovery. PROMOTION FOR CORYELL HARRSIBURO, April ii. Colonel James B. Coryell, of Phila delphia, commanding the Sixth regi ; meut, Pennsylvania National Guard, I was today appointed a briagdier gen i eral and will command the new sepa- I rate brigade composed of the Fourth, | Sixth and Eighth regiments, j Colonel Coryell before removing j from Williamsport to Philadelphia was [colonel of the Twelfth regiment, with headquarters at Williamsport. PROMOTIONS AT BANK At a regular meeting of the direct , ors of the Danville National bank yes j terday morning Frank Jameson, for I several years past teller, was elected assistant cashier to succeed the late ' George M. Gearhart. Adam Mayan | was elected teller and Edward F. Johnson clerk. | Eight thousand dollars has been sub scribed by Elizabethtown toward an electrical industry going there from 1 New York.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers