VOL. 56—NO 11 HEMS CONDENSED. DO YOU want to learn to RESIL VER OLD MIRRORS and MAKE NEW ONES? Pleasant easy work. Profit 5 dollars a day. Sample and particulars free. THE CROWN CO., 1432 S St.. Washington, D. C. John Strasser.a non-union man, was shot in a walkout of 500 union miners at Carbon. The men refused to work beside non union workmen. Wholesale and retail liquor licenses profited Dauphin county $42,857.47 this year. This is a falling off of over 700 an compared with last year. Alonzo Nabors was given .SIO,OOO in ) his suit at Unioutown against George j W. Lennox, a Baltimore & Ohio eug- I ineer, whom he accused of aleniation of his wife's affections. Thirty-seven high school boys struck at Sharon because the faculty forbade ; a scheduled basketball game. There j has been trouble between t lie teachers 1 and boys over basketball. McKeesport school officials have dis carded slates, acting on the suggestion of the board of health, and will have the students use'pencil and pads in the j future. The slates were given to the j students and smashing contests were the order of the day in most places. Pittsburgers are planning a royal j reception for Theodore Roosevelt when ! lie nears American shores from his foreign tour. The idea is to charter a steamer and run out to sea for the purpose of meeting the ex-president. A committee of the Young Men's Re publican Tariff club is working out the details. Allen Faltss was found dying on a bench in the City park at Reading re cently, having swallowed carbolic acid. The fellow did not regain con' scionsness from the time he was found until he died. Alderman A. K. Spurrier, of Lan caster, on Saturday completed the thirty-fifth year of 'continuous service ! as a justice of the peace in the same | ward, making a record never equaled I in the history of that city. Senior class students in the Reading high school threaten to strike if the school board passes a rule passed by the teachers' committee, relative to I commencement exeicises and social 1 affairs. The ruling would forbid a pro- i posed class dance and the class play. Nine-year-old Naomi Branshaw, of Reading, probably was saved from felonious assault by a negro when a ! colored woman yelled at the fellow j while he was dragging the little girl into a kiln at Law's brick yard. The \ man had enticed the child away by 1 promising her some blocks and mana ged to got rid of her brother, who ac- ( ' companied them, wihont exciting his suspicion. j 1 Dr. Charles Coleman Benson, aged j 73, man of mystery and boyhood ac- I quaintance of King Edward VII, with his wife agod C>7 committed suicide in their boarding-house at Philadlphla, j by taking cyanide of potassium. Dis- I appointment over plans for groat in- i ventious of his that went astray, with ' the poor-house and separation staring them in the face, is said to have made the old couple decide on suicido. He | ' was rich once. I i Leo, a big lion performing in an animal act at the North Third street zoo, Harrisburg, calmly walked out through a door that had been left open leading from the cage in which he did his act and put an audience in a panic. Placidly walking to the front of the stage, the animal looked at the fleeing audience, then turned around and walked to whence he came. Some few minutes later, a sheepish looking audience drifted back to their seats. The congregation of Tabernacle Baptist church, Harrisburg, opened the celebration of its twenty-first an niversary Sunday. The exercises will be continued until Friday evening. At a meeting of the congregation a year ago arrangements were made to raise ft, 100 to clear oft' the remainder of the church debt. Thirty-nine hundred dollars had been raised on Saturday and the remainder will be subscribed before Thursday when a moitgage buruing service will bo held. The Marysville police authorities are to be the defendants in a suit which it is said a citizen will bring against them to obtain the reward offered for the arrest of an outlaw, the man's brother, Amos Kinert says that he delivered his brother Albert to justice. Albert is said to have been tlio bandit who terrorized the neigh borhood of Marysville last summer. Certain parties are trying to oust Sheriff P. J. Murphy, of Pottsville, from the office lie has held for three months. It is said that Milton H. Mas ters was promised a job as deputy sheriff by Murphy, before the latter had been elected, which is contrary to law. It is alleged that there ant a number of witnesses to the proffer. Masters, it is said, is likely to be ar rested on counter charges. Arbitration of differences should be made compulsory. State Library. AUTO OWNERS ; HERE TAKE HOLD It was very much feared that "Good Roads Day" next Saturday would pass unobserved in Montour county but it i now seems probable that the local automobilists will take up the matter. The Pennsylvania Good Roads as sociation in its Statewide campaign has issued a call for meetings to be held in every district on next Satur day, March 19, to be known as "Good j Roads Day." Every man and woman is asked to assist in the great campaign ' to secure good roads, j The call issued asks that persons in | terested arrange at once to hold a meeting in the nearest hall, school J house, or store on Saturday evening, March 19, 1910, to form a neighbor- I hood Good Roads association, j After the meeting the name of the 1 chairman elected is to be sent to How ' ard Longstreth, secretary of the Penn sylvania Good Roads association,Phil adelphia,who will arrange for a meet ing of all these chairmen within the ] county for the purpose of organizing a county association. These in turn ' I will elect a representative to the j : Pennsylvania Good Roads associa- ' tious. t In many of the townships where the j j supervisors are organized the latter I I will hold their annual meeting on j | "Good Roads Day," when prominent j speakers will be heard and questions j pertaining to good roads will be dis- I cussed. Unfortunately Montour county is oue of the few in the State in which i the supervisors at present have no org- j anization. The township supervisors ! association of Montour county was ! organized in Danville on February 7, j lUO7, with W. B. Moore of West Hem- I lock township, president. The first j meeting, which was a highly success- I ful one with representatives of the j State highway department present, I was the last one, no call being issued | subsequently for a convention. Under the circumstances it would [ seem that what support Good Roads ! Day is to meet with in Montour coun ty must come from individuals. The automobilists of town, everyone of whom is an advocate of good roads, are showing interest in the matter. These gentlemen for some time past have been in favor of forming an j "Automobile Club,"for the solo pur- j pose of remedying some abuses that j occur in road construction. They now j see an opportunity to accomplish their j purpose by falling in with the popular movement and observing "Good Roads Day," meeting and electing a chairman as directed,thereby assisting in the State wide campaign to secure good roads. Several automobile own- 1 ers liave expressed themselves and judging by the enthusiasm manifested | by them by next Saturday there will be something doing. A leading automobilist inveighed heavily against the practice of haul ing largo stone upon the country roads and tliere leaving them lie until worn down by traffic. Roads thus treated, he said, were rendered impassable for .automobiles last summer. The same roads are now in pretty good condition but he is afraid that before the sum mer is half over other sections nearby will be spoiled in the same manner. This practice, he declared, is an abuse in the eyes of the law and is the first thing that the automobil ists of Danville will seek to abolish. Mrs. Margaret Hilland.agod 7!3, was found lying unconscious in a Pitts burg cellar after a long search lasting over night. She is thought to have been walking along the street and to have fallen down into the cellar, where she remained about eighteen or twenty hours. She lives with her son in-law and bad been at the bank. She was sent to a hospital where it was discovered that she had $53 on her person. Firemen douse the trees in the pub lic square at Wilkes-Barre with water every night, in an attempt to rid the place, of the thousands of sparrows that live there. The only effect that the treatment has hail on the birds thus far was to drive them into other trees. After the trouble is over they return to their original perches. It is hoped that the continuation of the water treatment will so disgust the birds hat they will leave for good. After walking softly down stairs, a tall man, and haggard, who had reg istered at the Merchants' hotel, Pitts burg, as W. 11. Smitli and who is un known, went over to the dozing clerk anil tapped him on the shoulder, toll ing him to get a doctor, as he was about to die. He dragged himself across the room 'and fell gasping on a couch. Dr. B. F. Mullin was sent for but. when he arrived the man was un able to speak. Restoratives were ap plied, without avail. The doctor rush ed to a drug store for an oxygen tank, but when he went back the man was dead. The Methodist preachers are off to conference. *' ~ DANVILLE- }PA., THURSDAY. MARCH 17, 1910 RECOMMEND RETAINING WALE The grand jurors after probably the shortest session ever held iu Montour county presented their report at 3 p. in. Monday, after completing the in spection of the bridge and public buildings of the county. They were immediately discharged. Following are the recommendations: That the Sheriff's office be papered; that the iron work on the first floor of j the prison tie painted; that the ! cement floor be repaired where | needed ; that the prison be repaint ed on the outside; also that electric j light be installed in the building. The courthouse was reported in I good condition and no repairs were re- | i commended. . - I At the north end of the river bridge, ' as far as the county property extends, ' it was recommended that a retaining , , wall be built, the same to bo well j guarded by railing,as it was the sense i of the jurors that this is a very dang j erous spot, j As relates to the river bridge it was j j recommended that the iron work he J cleaned and repainted ; also that new j plank bo laid on the sidewalks at sev- j j eral spots. | The report explained that it was the | opinion of the grand jury that the | bridge is put under too great a strain i ; through fast driving. ! Adverting to the recommendation j that a retaining wall be built at the bridge Judge Evans explained that . this was no new thing; that at other sessions of court the grand jurors were ! impressed with the need of a retain ing wall at that point ami made simi lar recommendations. The county com missioners for some reason that he | could not understand. Judge Evans | said, have ignored the recommenda tions made successively by men of good t judgment who had investigated condi tions. He did not approve of any pol icy, he said, that might be "penny wise and pound - fool is h"and was afraid that eventually an accident would oc- . cur at that point in which event the county would be liable. THREE DEATHS The grim reaper has, indeed, been j active in this vicinity during the last few days,but at uo place has the mul- j tiplicity of deaths manifested it- j self so oddly as at the Montour' House, this city. At 0:80 o'clock Monday morning Miss Dalton, chief cook, was called to 1 the 'phone and informed that her sis- I ter, Mrs. Perry, was dead. About half an hour later Miss Cas ey, assistant cook, was informed that, her uncle, Thomas Mcßryan, had 1 passed away during the night. It was thought it would end there, but at exactly 7:80 o'clock, an hour 1 after the news of Mrs. Ferry's death reached the hotel, Barney Armstrong, the bartender, was called to the long ditance 'phone and informed that his | brother, John Armstrong, of Berwick, < was dead. MISUSE OF STAMPS Several postmasters in this section have issued a warning against the misuse of postage stamps that have been cancelled or partially cancelled. In several instances where the cancel lation marks are barely visible, the parties in question have removed the stamps from the letters received and by the use of mucilage have endeavor ed to use tlie stamp again. The law against the using of such stamps is very severe, carrying with a conviction, a heavy fine and imprison ment. In cases where the stamp is discovered,the letter is marked "post age due"and is then forwarded to its destination. The postmaster at the destination is supposed to find out the sender of the letter and get possession of the envelope. These ho is supposed to forward to the authorities at Wasli intgon and they in turn will bring the prosecution. A Birthday Surprise. A pleasant surprise party was held at the home of Elizabeth Lees, Water street, Friday evening in honor of her seventeenth birthday. Those present were: Misses Mae Fox, Dora Shatz, Mildred Foust, Ethel Cromley, Marg aret Lovett, Elizabeth anil Esther Magill, Beulah Hoddens, Hose Roden hoffei, Suo and Anna Lees, Florence Beaver, Olive Miller,Mae Raup, Bertha Kessler, Jesse Hemmerly, Bertha Hel ler, Olive Madden, Elsie, Mabel and Elizabeth Lees; Messrs. Howard Mor rison, Allen Fornwald, William Briet enbach, Frank Cooper, Roy Fox, Guy Hoke, Howard Ricketts, Charles Hol ler, Raymond Foust, Frank Wilson, James Foster. Lent Is Dwindling. Lent is rapidly dwindling. The faithful have but a few more days in which to deny themselves. Next week is holy week, after which they may indulge in many things their belief i forbids now. SCHOOLS TO CLOSE GOOD FRIDAY Professor Moyer of the high school faculty appeared before the school board Monday eve to determine the at titude of the members toward a prop- I osition to organize a high school : athletic association on a new and more ! approved basis. He deplored the fact that athletics as they relate to the high school in j Danvillo are in a bad state. There has ! been no system. In base ball and foot ball heretofore many participated un- I der the name of the high school who j were not members of the school at all. The goods belonging to the Athletic association, too, are missing ,-yid gross ; irregularities are charged against the ' members. 1 Mr. Moyer explained the provisions 'of the proposed constitution and by laws, which provide for a systematic method of conducting athletics and place the management squarely up to j the high school faculty. On motion of Mr. Sidler it was ord- j ; ered that the borough superintendent j and faculty be given permission to organize a high school athletic as- J sociation in accordance witli the pro- | posed constitution and by-laws. On motion of Mr. Swarts it was ord ered that the schools of the borough be closed on Good Friday. A committee from the high school waited on the board to determine, if possible,the date of holding commence ment. Borough Superintendent Dieffen bacher explained that the school term this year will close 011 Friday, May 27th. It was the sense of the board that thero is plenty of time in which to act ! and on motion of Mr. Heiss it was de- ! cided that the making of arrangements for commencement be postponed until the next meeting. The matters of a speaker for com- | mencement and a preacher for the I baccalaureate sermon, on motion, were referred to the high school committee, it to report at the next meeting. The following members were pros- j ent: Sechler, Ortli, Swarts, Redding, j Purnel, and i The following bills were approved ] for payment: Chas. Motter $1.25 H. S. Reppert 75 Columbia School Supply Co. .... 1.15 \V. G. Brown .. 5. '3O j IX C. Williams .. 2.00 i FOR NORTHUMBERLAND The two coal dredges belonging to Mr. Kuch, which lay below the water works all winter, together with their 1 flat boats, Tuesday were taken to Northumberland, where they will re ceive an overhauling preparatory to j entering upon the season's work. The dredges were taken down the river under their own steam. P. G. Baylor has taken liis coal dig ger across the river, where his new flat boat is moored. He is giving his entire outfit an overhauling and will , have everything in ship shape by the ' time the river falls low enough to , make coal dredging practicable,which will not be for a couple of weeks, at least. Just what success the eoal diggeis may meet with this season is uncer tain. Undoubtedly the heavy flood has brought more or less coal down the river from the collieries. It is quite as likely that a considerable quantity has been deposited in the river at this place. The action of the water in deal ing with river coal is bound by no rule. Coal deposited here at one stage of the may have been carried away later. Proprietors of the dredges are opti mistic, however, and are hoping for the best. Owing to low water they were much handicapped during the last two years and it is hoped that all causes will conspire to give them a profitable season. A Delightful Quilting Party. A very delightful quilting party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Thomas, Jerseytown I{. F. D., on Saturday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. William" Thomas, Mrs. August Shultz, Mrs. Boyd Billheim, Mrs. Barber Shultz, Mrs. Clarence Shultz, Mrs. John Sees, Mrs. Lloyd Dildine, Mrs. Gertrude Girton, Mrs. Fannie Sees, Mrs. Lillie Sees, Mrs. Jennie Thomas, Mrs. Russell Ilacke, Mrs. Ira Zeisloft, Mrs. Obot Wagner, Mrs. David Williams, Mario Shultz, Ruby Shultz, Marian Hendrickson, Joe Sees, Myron Sees, Helen Sees, Roy Rcmley, Jay Thomas, John Dil dine, Nancy Dildine, Raymond Thom as, Kimber Billhime, Harold .Zeisloft Urma Sees, Sara Thomas, Katherine Musselman and Chas. Thomas. Died at Shumamtown. Peter Beaver, the father of Mrs Wesley Deshay, of this city, died at his home in Shumanstown, Columbia county, Sunday morning, aged 88 years. He was engaged in farming all | his life. The funeral will be held 1 Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. ISAAC GRESH FOUND GUILTY A Commonwealth and a civil case were disposed of at the first day of court Monday. Isaac Grcsh charged I with "assault ami intent" and "as sault and battery" was found guilty in manner and form as indicted. In the civil suit of Catherine Foust vs. Alfred A. Bleclier the jury returned a verdict for the plaintiff. J March court convened at 10 o'clock j Monday morning with his Honor Judge Evans and Associates Blee and J Welliver on the bench, j The constables presented their re . turns, which showed that there are no j obstructions on the highways, that J the index hoards are all in position, that the liquor laws are all being ob served and that 110 disorderly houses are maintained. Judge Evans, assum ing, he said, that the constables were j not mistaken, took occasion to con i giatulate the county on the orderly I state of affairs, especially, as relates to violations of the liquor laws and disorderly houses. j Harry Ellenbogen was appointed | foreman of the grand jury. The court j explained that there were no bills of indictment to fpresent and that all that remained for the grand jurors to do was to examine the public build ings. But one ciiminal [case was be fore court, a true bill having been found by a former grand jury. It de velojted that not a single case had been returned to court by any of the justices since the previous term. Judge Evans said he regarded this as an en viable showing and a cause for con gratulation. The civil cases were all continued with the exception of two, those of Catherine Foust vs. Alrfed A. Blecher I et al. ; assumpsit, and William R. J Pursel, surviving administrator of i Daniel Pursel, deceased, now Blanche E. Pursel, substituted plaintiff, vs. The Reading Iron company jassumpsit. The case of Commonwealth vs. Isaac I Gresh was called for trial, the charge | being assault, &c. The first witness called was Mary J. Murray, wife of Charles Murray, the prosecutor. Mrs. Murray, the vic tim of the alleged assault, related what took place iu her homo on the evening of October 1, 190!). She had only recently returned from the hos pital, where she had undergone a sur- j gical ojieration, and was still under j the care of a nurse. The latter was I temjiorarily absent from the room and Mr. Murray, the husband, had j not yet returned from work. The de fendant, according to the witness, ob trusively entered the 100 m and inquir ing for the nurse, took his seat by the ; couch on which the witness was re clining. The testimony that followed i was of a very serious and incriminat ing nature— not suitable for publica tion. On cross examination the wit ness testified that she detected no evi dence of intoxication on the part of the defendant. Anna Murray, the nurse, and sister of Charles Murray, testified, corrobo rating the evidence of Mrs. Murray. Charles Murray, the prosecutor, testified after which the Common wealth rested. Isaac Gresh, the defendant, testi- i lied in his own behalf. He is twenty four years old. On October Ist, the date of the alleged assault, he said he was working for A. E. Seidel a part of the day. On finishing the job he had a couple of glasses of hard cider. Later lie had several drinks of whisk ey in town. He then had some more hard cider. Beyond this point he has no recollection of what occurred. He was given a hearing before Jus tice Kerswell of Washingtonville, charged with drunkenness and was J sent to jail for !>0 days. He soon was I rearrested and arraigned before Jus- ' tice of the Peace Oglesby of Danville, charged with the offense for which he was being tried yesterday. Wesley Jackson and Charles K. Gresh also testified for the defense. W. Kase West, counsel for the de fendant, went to the jury at 11:20 o'clock. He was followed by District Attorney Gearhart for the Common wealth, both speaking briefly. The civil suit of Catherine Foust vs. Alfred A. Blecher, administrator of Jackson Blecher, went on trial about 2 :30 o'clock yesterday afternoon, the action being one to secure payment on a judgment exemption note for four hundred dollars alleged to have been given by Jackson Blecher. Charles V. Amcruian appeared for the plaintiff and William Kase West for the defend ant. The first witness called was William Sunday, justice of the peace in Mah oning township for twenty years, who identified the signature on the note as that of Jackson Blecher. He was fol lowed by W. L. Sidler, who was also of the opinion that the signature was that of Jackson Bleoher. Mrs. Leah Magill, whose mother held the note was also a witness. The defense contended that the sign ature on the note in the form and slant NEGOTIATING FOR MONTOUR HUUSE The rumor that a syndicate is en deavoring to purchase a chain of ho tels in this section of the State and to cater especially to commercial trade by selling coupon books at a reduction from the standard two-aollar-a-day rate is giveii color by the fact that three strangers—evidently agents— appeared iu this city Monday ami opened negotiations for the purchase of the Montour House, which, it is understood, is for sale. The men, whose identity and pur pose was not made clear, seemed very much in earnest. When informed by Mr. Johnson, who is in charge of the hotel, that ho conld not enter into ne gotiations look ng to a sale until he conferred with the proprietor at Chi cago, they seemed greatly disappoint ed, as they seemed desirous of closing up the deal quickly. They left town after a short stay, but Monday even ing called up Mr. Johnson urging him to get into communication with Chicago immediately by long distance 'phone. The syndicate agents, it is claimed, j have made a campaign through the I North Branch Valley. It is reported ! that they made an offer of $25,000 for a hotel in Berwick, but that the deal fell through because the owner de- 1 manded $30,000. The men who ap peared in Danville were very careful i to determine what was paid for the ! Montour House by the present owner \ before they approached Mr. Johnson, j According to the Berwick story it was learned when the agents were thero that the syndicate is seeking principally hotels either owned or con trolled by brewers. There are known to be many such throughout the State, the brewers in many instances furnish ing practically all the capital invested j in return for the privilege of having j their beers sold ovei the bars of the ! houses backed. It is known that many brewers throughout the State are growing tired of financing hotels, both on account of mouey tied up and because in some counties the courts have looked ask or believed to be the actual property of members of the Brewers' associa tion. The agents are said to experi ence great difficulty in finding good hotels willing to sell out, as the maj ority of them aie not believed to be un der the tutelage of the brewers. Nev ertheless it is said that the syndicate has purchased or taken option on many houses It is thought that the projected chain of hotels will commend itself to whole sale concerns. Not only will the rate be materially lowered but it will be necessary to furnish traveling sales men with relatively only small amounts of acrual cash for contingent expenses. The bodies of seven miners killed in tins explosion ac No. f> colliery of the Lehigh & Wilke.-s-llarie Coul company at WilUes-Barre have been brought to the surface. Every mail in tlie zone of tho explosion was killed. Two of the miners left the place not long before and thus escaped death. The end came without pain to the men, who were suffocated by tire damp. Six widows and twenty-four children are left be hind. ot some of the letters differed from Jackson Blecher's signature on his will and some other documents. It.was also alleged that no attempt was made to collect the note during the lifetime of Mr. Blecher. Alfred A. Blecher took the stand for the defense. The case was given to the jury at 4:15 o'clock. At 5:20 the jury return ed a verdict iu favor of the plaintiff, Catherine Foust, for $490.07. Immediately following noon inter mission the court charged the jury in the case of Commonwealth vs. Isaac Gresh. It was about 2 o'clock when the jury retired. At 5:80 o'clock the twelve men came to an agreement re turning a verdict of guilty in manner and form as indicted, but recommend ing the defendant to tlio mercy of the court,. Court adjourned at 5:30 o'clock to reconvene on Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. MISCELLANEOUS. Jacob Weirner, of this city, a native of Russia, was admitted to citizen ship. Harry M. Yeager was appointed guardian of Lorie R. Yeager and Ray mond L. Yeager. Tlio report of auditor in the estate of William Saul was confirmed nisi. Tho first and final account of Henry Wireman, executor of Regina Wire man, late of Mahoning township, de ceased, was confirmed nisi. First and final account of Benjamin F. Ware, executor of Joel Bogart of Liberty township, deceased, was con firmed nisi. First and final account of Harry M. Yeager, administrator of Ellen Yeag er, Valley township, deceased, con firmed nisi. ESTABLISHED IN 185 c PARENT-TEACHER ASSOCIATION The Parent-Teachers' association held a regular meeting in the high school room Tuesday eve. There was a good attendance. The Orpheus Glee club rendered a couple of selections , and Miss Jessie Kimerer gave a recita- I tion. j The feature of the evening was a i paper read by Dr. R. S. Patten, ( entitled "Some Conditions That In fluence Progress of a Child From the j Standpoint ot the Eyes." The paper was a most excellent one on a subject , that has probably been given too little attention in the past. I The subject resolved itself into two j divisions,first as "diseases of the eye" and second "abnormal refraction.'' The diseases and defects of the eye, j the speaker said, are common enough ' among school children, but are too of ten ignored by parent and teacher. We i fail to recognize their significance and ! to what extent they are preventing the children from accomplishing the things ; we so much desire and expect of them, while at the same time school duties ■ are made laborious that under more favorable conditions would be quite j easy anil enjoyable. Under the head of diseases of the eyes Dr. Patten dwelt upon the var ious forms of "conjunctivitis". The simple form of this disease is an in flammatory state of the conjunctiva or that thin transparent membrane cov ering the eyeball and acting as inside lining to the eyo lid. The disease is characterized by congestion, loss in transparency of the membrane, some dread of light usually being present along with the twitching of the lids and a discharge sufficiently great to glue the lids in the morning. The cause of thisjform is made veid ent by observing certain types, such as may be termed "associated conjunc tivitis" as seen in eczema, facial ery sipelas and nasal catarrh, as well as another type known as "exanthemat ous conjunctivitis," which accom panies or follows, as the case may be, measles, scarlet fever, whooping cough and the like. .n. '■»«» xaaioirjr IIMS CUIIIH lO OUl' attention a great deal this winter due to the more or less prevalence of the above named diseases. The effect on the vision of the child is about the samo as that produced by looking through a dirty glass. The result must be evident—an overworking and strain ing'of the eye, which is made manifest by the child's report at school. The second form of the disease may be termed "acute contagious conjunc tivitis," or more commonly known as "pinkeye." In this firm we have the same conditions h* in simple con junctivitis, with the I'xcoptiou that the symptoms are more evere and that the discharge from tin- eves contains a specific bacillus or genu, making it a markedly contagiot iseasr.The in jury to the child's vi> .1 is even great er than in the form \ ariety. It has a tendency to repeat itself and by these repeated attacks more or less permanent damage is done. The third and final form of conjunc tivitis is one designated as "granular conjunctivitis" or the form known better as "granulated lids." In this variety the inflammation of the con junctiva causes the membrane to lose its smooth surface,owing to the form ation of rounded granulations, which leaves the scat-like changes on the eye-lid— at first producing a sensation like saw dust in the eye. The damage to the structure and especially the lid of the eye is greater in this form than in those previously motioned. Often as an effect the eye-lids are drawn away, losing their proper relation to the eye. Under the head of "Abnormal Re fraction" is included '•far-sighted ness,'' "near-sightedness," and "•as tigmatism. " All these are very common but are often not discovered by the parent. The pupil at school is unable to see figures on the blackboard and thus at a lato day the defect of the eye may be discovered. The strain on the child's eyes is apparent in the slow progress made in studies. Dr. Patten urged that parents be more attentive to their children in re lation to the eye. He suggested that school children be periodically subject ed to an examination to determine whether there are any among them whose eyes need treatment. Were Wedded. Brittain Harris, of Buekhorn, and Mrs. Minnie Middleton, of Blooms burg, were wedded by ;the Rev. J. R Shaffer, at the Methodist parsonage, Bockhorn. After a wedding trip to Delaware they will take up their resi dence in Buckhorn. A Great Strawberry Year. Strawberry growers promise that, this will be a great strawberry year. It is figured that the winter conditions were just right, and that the crop ought to be a recor4-br«aker in all parts of tlio country.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers