ANNUAL STATEMENT Of the Borough and Water Department of the Borough of Danville, Pa., For 1909. BOROUGH. J. P. Bare, Receiver of Borough and Dog Taxes for 1907. DR. To balance due per last statoment 2114.99 OR. By cash paid to the Boro. Treas. during 1909 5 °2 - 92 By exonerations of Council during 1909 63.46 By 5 per cent, penalty on above 63.46 exonerated 8.17 By balance due at final settlement 1548.86 J 2114.99 J. P. Bare, Receiver of Borough and Dog Taxes for 1908. To balance due per last statement • To 5 per cant, penalty added Jan'y. Ist, 1909 123. .8 ■ 2599.83 OR. By cash paid to the Boro. Treas. during 1909 1700.00 By exonerations of Council during 1909 33.28 By 5 per cent, penalty on above 83.28 exonerated 1.66 Bv balance due at final settlement. 864.38 Ohas. E. Voris, Receiver of Borough and Dog Taxes for 1909. DR. To total duplicato 19261.28 CR. By cash paid to the Boro. Treas. within 60 days 15367.52 By 5 per cent, rebate on taxes paid within 00 days 806.80 By taxes outored at the County Commrs. office.... 22.82 Bv balance duo at final settlement 3064.64 Harry Ellenbogen, Borough Treasurer, Danville, Pa., December 31st, 1909. BOROUGH FUND. DR. To P. J. Keefer, Market License 1264.35 To Harry B. Patton, City Hall Rents 879.00 To Harry B. Patton, Sewer Connections 614.85 To Harry B. Patton, St. License 1.00 To J. P. Bare, 1907 Taxes 500.00 To J. P. Bare, 1908 Taxes .. 1700.00 To Chas. E. Voris, 1909 Taxes 15367.52 To Justice Oglesby, Fines 25.00 To Justice Dalton, Fines 15.(X) To Wm. J. Rogers, Licenses 95.00 To A. C. Amesbury, Licenses 219.75 To returned taxes from the County Commissioners 1.20 To County Treasurer, Hotel License 2850.00 To Danvi'lJe & Bloomsburg St. Ry. Co., Pole License 98.40 To Philadelphia, Reading & Pottsville Tel. Co., Pole Licenso 10.80 To The Standard Electric Light Co., Pole License 143.40 To The Columbia Heat, Light & Power Co., Pole License 35.00 To The Danville & Sunbury Transit Co., Pole License 72.30 To The American Union Telephone Co., Polo Licenso 270.00 To Frank Boyers, Replacing lamp at Park 1.00 To J. C. Mincemoyer, Confiscated butter 11.55 To Reading Iron Co., expense cleaning creek 109.75 To E. S. Miller, Street refuse 1.50 To E. S. Gearhart, Declined foes 3.00 To Danville & Bloomsburg St. Ry. Co., Reimbursement of Densberger settlement 106.00 To Dr. C. Shultz, Milk Licenses 72.33 To B. B. Brown, Formaldehyde 5.60 To Haney-Frazier Milling Co., Electrical supplies 3.61 To The Wonderland Co., Electrical supplies 1.49 To B. B. Brown. Impounding cows 8.00 To The Danville & Sunbury Transit Co., Repairs to arc lamp 12.00 To R. L. Marks, Sidewalk repairs 1.00 To The State Highway Department, Repairs N. Mill St 93.72 To The Est. of Mary Kerns, Mill St. Paving Lien 110.35 To Gearhart Township, Paving Bricks 12.00 To Montour & Northumberland Cos., Stone 4.13 To I. O. O. F. Lodge, Share of expense of arches 40.00 To D. L. &W. R. R. Co., Car service refund 2.00 To The Danville <& Sunbury Transit Co., Fire Bricks 9.49 To The Danville National bank, Loan 1000.00 To Newton Smith, Electrical supplios, 18.40 To Miller & Curry, Copper 24.70 To Odd Fellows Cemetery Co., Tree trimmer 2.00 To P. G. Baylor, River front lease 25.00 To cash from Elks Lodge, Mill St., Paving Lion, 107.92 To cash on hand Jan'y. Ist, 1909 6745.58 CR. By orders paid 22030.46^ By coupons paid 1849.25 By noto & interest paid Danville National Bank 1008.00 Bv cash on hand December 31st, 1909 7801.98 FIRE DEPARTMENT. Friendship Co. No. 1. Appropriation 150.00 Snecial Appropriation for Decorating Sts . 50.00 1 REPAIRS. Jesso Klase 15. A. Adams 3..80 A. H. Grone 19.30 Johu Hixson 23.95 W. S. Hunt n .- - Josepli Lechner "-25 Geo. F. Reifsnyder .. 2. <5 SUPPLIES. J. H. Cole, 8.23 United Tel. & Tel. Co 45.00 O. J. Rainear & Co 7.09 W. E. Limbergor 4.25 S. .T. Welliver Sous Co -80 COAL. A. C. Amesbury J. H. Bauscli 10 80 | Washington Co., No. 2. i-nno Appropriation _ 150.00 Special Appropriation for Decorating Sts 50.00 REPAIRS. F. P. Startzel 8-0° I). L Guest -30 Jos. Lechuer I*"s SUPPLIES. United Tel. & Tel. Co 45 00 S. J. Welliver Sons Co O. J. Rainear & Oo 7.09 Foster Brcs '• J. H. Cole 88 GOAL. Sam'l Mills 8.70 Peoples Coal Yard 5.75 Continental Co. No. 8. Appropriation 150.00 Special Appropriation for Decorating Sts 50.00 REPAIRS. M. J. Ryan 8.90 SUPPLIES. J. H. Cole 17.65 United Tel. & Tel. Co 45.00 O. J. Rainear & Co 7.09 COAL. A. C. Amesbury 15.08 Peoples Coal Yard 16.90 Goodwill Co. No. 4. Appropriation 150.00 Special Appropriation for Decorating Sts 50.00 REPAIRS. W. W. Mottern 2.25 Jesse Klase 8.70 J. L. Russell 16.18 Jos. Lechner .25 E. A. Adams 28.00 Geo. F. Reifsnydor 8.91 Danville Fouudry & Maciiine Co .90 SUPPLIES. United Telephone & Telegraph Co 45.00 O. 3. Rainear & Co ' 7.08 J. H. Cole 9-50 COAL. A. C. Amesbury 14.11 Peoples Coal Yard 11.40 Ohief Engineer, Harry Rupp 52.00 Execative Board 25.00 B. O. Tillinghast, Gum coats for Ohief & Assistants 20.50 Total Fire Department 1436.42 STREETS AND BRIDGES. E. S. Miller, Street Commissioner 100.00 P. J. Keefer, Street Commissioner 800.00 LABOR AND HAULING. H. EllenboKen, Borough Treasurer, Pay Rolls for gLabor and Hauling 4190.36 Washington Fire Co 8,10 SUPPLIES. Boettinger & Dietz, Repairing tools 2.20 Geo. F. Reifsnyder, Rent of Tip 12.00 Foster Bros., Shovel -85 J. H. Cole, Sundries 494.42 Welliver Hardware Co., Sundrios 128.42 W. A. Hoover, Stakes eto 7.00 11. Rupp, Work & Materials 12.00 Silver Springs Quarry 00., Limestone 2403.64 D. L. & W. R. R. 00., Freight on stone 1101.44 P. H. Foust Agt., Freight 132.98 T. L. Evans Sons, Cement, stone eto 264. SO P. J. Keefer, Boots 8.50 Danville Structural Tubing Co., Steel rails 26.90 W. T. Shepperson, Lumber 24.17 Trumbower & Werkheiser, Lumber 10.82 B. Miller, Pipe, eto 30.70 Geo. F. Reifsnyder, Lumber 71.71 W. M. Wynn, Paving Bricks 47.42 B. 0. Tillinghast, Hose for Mill St ... 122.00 Penn'a. Brake Beam C0.,01d rails 100.82 W. J. Rogers, Boots 11.33 A. F. Hartman, Sand a 20.40 P. P. Swentek, Ground rent 10.25 Danville Foundry & Machine Co., Cover plates 22.74 V Jos. W. Keely, Tools & repairs 32.67 Western Union Telegraph Co., Telograms .75 Reading Iron Co., Sand.... 10.55 Jos. Lechner, Sundries 4.44 J. M. Marshall. Flowers for Park 7.50 W. S. Hunt, Repairs to dirt wagon .25 Patton Clay Manufacturing Co., Paving Bricks 67.60 SURVEYING. Geo. F. Keefer, Pavement grades, etc 189.00 MUNICIPAL LIGHT PLANT. "991035 Newton Smith, Salary 900.00 Friendship Fire Co., Hauling 20.25 J as. Gibson, Labor 324.75 H. Ellenbogen, Borough Treasurer, Pay Rolls for Labor 123.76 H. Russell, Labor 80.75 Art. Gearhart, Labor 9.75 F. Ross, Sr., Labor 1.60 F. Ross, Jr., Labor 1.50 H. J. Jonos, Labor 2.00 David Williams, Labor 4.50 E. S. Miller, Labor 4.50 Adams Express Co., Expressage 3.60 United States Express Co., Expressage 3.30 J. Woodring & Co., Supplies 152.84 Sweeteu-Crossau Electric Co., Supplies 4.25 Helios Manufacturing Co., Supplies 214.00 Dean Bros. Steam Pump Works, Repairs 25.60 Walker & Kepler, Supplies 601.24 Atlantic Refining Co., Oils 105.89 Washington Fire Co., Freight & Hauling 36.98 Philadelphia it Reading Railway Co., Pole Rent 2.50 J. H. Cole, Sundries 80.10 L. E. Frornp & Co., Carbons 98.42 Water Department. Coal .1 2299.05 W. I. Breakey, Sundries 3.10 Water Department, Steam trap 10.50 Join Hixson,Repairs 340 H. J. Bair, Poles 50! 70 W. M. Sechler, Agent, Wire 55.83 W. A. Hoover, Lumber .84 Western Union Telegraph Co., Telegrams 03 Standard Electric Light Co., Supplies 96.33 Hazleton Maciiine & Supply Co., Tools 30.45 Jos. Lechner,Materials .'. 10.53 Rumsey Electrical Co., Transformer 54.00 Danville Knitting Mills Co., Waste 12.00 Elliott Lewis Electric C 0... Materials 290.71 Danville Foundry & Machine Co., Lamp posts, etc 303.40 Trumbower <& Werkheiser, Lumber 1.29 Dickson & Hall, Oil 85.38 H. S. Kaufman, Supplies .50 Danville Foundry & Machine Co., Repairs 2.25 Clement Restein & Co., Packing 16.85 F. H. Stewart Electrical Co., Supplies 77.10 POLICE DEPARTMENT J. C. Mincemoyer, Chief of Police 660.00 J. G. Voris, Assistant Police 060.00 Daniel McCloud, Special Police a! 50 Geo. B. Wintersteen, Special Police 2.50 H. Ellenbogen. Boro. Treas., Pay Roll for Special Police 55'.00 J. P. Thompson, Detective 22.75 Jos. P. Welsh, Detective 22.75 — 1425.50 SUPPLIES. Jacob Reeds Sons, Clothes.... 16.00 Snellenbnrg & Co., Clothes ... W. 75 M. C. Lilley & Co., Hats 8.20 United States Express Co., Expressage 70 Adams Express 00., Expressage 2.00 Pettibone Bros. Manufacturing Co., Badges .!! 7.99 Jas. Dailey, Repairing watch 1.25 City Hotei, Boarding Detectives ... . 16.00 J. O. Mincemoyer, 'Phoning and Telegraphing for Detectives. 1.19 Western Union Telegraph Co., Telegram for badges .40 United Telephone & Telegraph Co., Extra Phone calls 6.45 FEEDING PRISONERS. J. C. Mincemoyer a. 80 Total Police Department 1511.23 HIGH CONSTABLE. B. B. Brown 82.00 TOWN HALL BUILDING.—REPAIRS. Carl Hilscher 3.00 John A. Mowrey 1.24 Howard Irvin 36.82 Wm. G. Brown .75 Frank Schram. 116.97 Jos. Y. Sechler 1.70 E. A. Adams. 95.01 Jesse Klase 5.15 A. H. Grone 21.95 Clarence Price 53.24 Oscar Shultz . 6.00 Samuel Mottern • 3.93 Trnmbower & Werkheiser .50 W. A. Hoover 10.65 MISCELLANEOUS. Standard Gas Co., Gas 6.50 D. R. Williams, Insurance 32.30 Sarah McCuen, Cleaning 37.00 S. J. Welliver Sons Co., Sundries 1 .43 Clias. E. Voris, Taxes for 1909 112.50 COUNCIL CHAMBER. Peoples Coal Yard, Coal 17.35 Ohas. G. Feastor, Wood 1.50 564.49 BOARD OF HEALTH. B. B. Brown, Health Officer 154.27 G. A. Rossman, Sundries 98.70 Morning News, Printing 8.50 Dr. C. Shultz, Secretary 25.00 Jos. Carpenter, Watchman 15.00 LOOK UP.—REPAIRS. Samuel Mottern 1.00 SUPPLIES. Peoples Coal Yard, Coal - 14.00 S. J. Welliver Sons' Co., Sundries 2.26 17.26 PRINTING. MontourJAmerican 50. OO Morning News 21.20 F. R. Miller Blank BookJCo : 10.-25 The Gem 218.00 LEGAL EXPENSES. Edwanl S. Gearhart, Services 481.49 W. L. Sidler, Services 25.50 Thos. G. Vincent, Services 5.00 D C. Williams, Sheriff, Servicos 84.75 TOWN CLOCKS. Mahoning Presbyterian Church : 30.00 St. Joseph's Catholic Church 80.00 AUDITORS. John L. Jones , . 1.00 A. O. Amesbury i 1.00 U. Grant Gulick 1.00 TAX COLLECTOR'S COMMISSIONS. J. P. Bare 145.00 Ohas. E. Voris . 807.85 452.85 STATIONARY. Alex. H. Grone 7.27 Imperial Manufacturing Oo 1.80 Narragansett Ink Co . 2.00 - 11.07 Mrs. Jennie Perslng,Treas., Interest on Joslah Wolf bequest. .? 73.00 MISCELLANEOUS. Harry Ellenbogen, Borough Treasurer, Salary 100.00 Harry Ellenbogen, Borough Treasurer, State tax on bonds.... 211.20 Harry B. Patton Seoretary, Postage and Box rent 22.75 Harry B. Patton, Secretary of Council 240.00 H. O. Bine, Auditing tax books 10.00 Chas. E. Voris, Share of tax books 8.10 J. P. Bare, Share of tax books 8.10 Adams Express Co., Expressage .80 United Telephone & Telograph Co., Phone rents 112.50 . BOROUGH RECAPITULATION.—I9O9. FIRE DEPARMTENT. Friendship Fire Co., No. 1 •• 412.49 Washington Fire Co., No. 2 278.58 Continental Fire Co No. 3 810.62 ' Goodwill Fire Co., No. 4 842.28 Chief Engineer 32 oo Executive Board 25 00 B. O. Tillinghast, Gum coats for Chief A Ass'ts ',!! 2o!so STREETS & BRIDGES. E. S. Miller, St. Commissioner 100.00 P. J. Keefer, St. Commissioner 300.00 Labor and Hauling 4iaa dA supplies * Surveying 139 00 « •• ir • , t r>. . 9916.85 Uumoipal Light Plant expenses 6118.68 POLICE DEPARTMENT. Salaries 1435.50 Supplies 76 93 Feeding prisoners. § 80 HIGH CONSTABLE. B. B. Brown, Salary 32 00 Board of health 291.47 TOWN HALL BUILDING. Repairs 35f1 . 91 Miscollanmnis , 188.73 Council Chamber 18*83 Lock Up 17.26 Printing 294.45 Legal Expenses 540.74 Town Clocks 60.00 Auditors 3^oo Tax Collector's Commissions 452.35 Stationary 11.07 Interest of Wolf bequest 72.00 Miscellaneous 702.95 " 2724.31 Total 22030.46 THE BOROUGH OF DANVILLE, PA., DECEMBER 31st, 1909 ASSETS. Taxes entered at County Commissioners' office prior to 1909.. 178.78 1909 taxes entered 22.32 Balance of 1907 taxes duo from J. P. Bare 1548.36 Balance of 1908 taxes due from J. P. Bare 864.'38 Balance of 1909 taxes due from C. 15. Voris 8064.64 Fire Engine Houses 6000.00 Steam Fire Engine 3000.00 Fire Hose 3000.00 Small Hose 25.00 Sundry Supplies 175.00 Tools for Street Work [[ 2o!oo Town Hall Building. SOOO.OO Furniture 250.00 LockUp ..I 100.00 Barn on Friendship lot 135.00 Sewer ... 24041.59 Sewer Connections 151.60 Municipal Light Plant 23106.63 City Hall Rents 236.00 Mill Street Paving, Borough's share 13639.08 Mill Street Paving, Liens 34.54.61 North Mill Street, curbing bills 997.59 Standard Electric Light Co., Pole License 113.65 United Telephone & Telegraph Co., Pole License 90.00 Philadelphia, Reading & Pottsville Telegraph Co. .Pole License 5.40 Danville & Sunbury Transit Co., Pole License 43.80 Danville & Blooinsburg Street Railway Co., Pole License. ... 42.00 American Telephone A Telegraph Co., Pole License 143.10 Western Union Telegraph Co., Polo License 1.80 Bell Telephone Co., Pole License 54.60 Cash 011 hand December 31st, 1909 7801.98 LIABILITIES. Three per cent, bonds issued November Ist, 1900 14000.00 Three and one-half per cent, bonds issued July 15t,1903 20000.00 Three and one-half per cent, bonds issued November Ist, 1904 . 8800.00 Four per cent, bonds issued May Ist, 1908 10000.00 Assets exceed liabilities 47536.91 _ STATEMENT OF BOROUGH LIGHT PLANT FOR THE YEAR 1909. Valuation of equipment previous to 1909 28635.00 Cost of installation during 1909 .... 800.00 Total valuation of all equipment to date 29435.00 Total amount paid 011 bills in 1909 6118.68 Cost of materials carried from 1908 to 1909 731.00 Total working amount for the year 1909 6849.68 DISBURSEMENTS. Labor in Electrical Department, 1909 1371.01 Coal used in Electrical Department, 1909 2299.05 Renewal A Repairs on equipment 1036.42 Material on hand 1240.00 Credit materials by sales 103.20 New work, materials and labor 800.00 OPERATING EXPENSES. Electrician's salary 900.00 Labor in Electrical Department ... 471.01 Coal used for 1909 2299.05 Renewals and materials used for repairs 1036.42 | Interest on $10,000.00 worth of bonds at 4 per cent 400.00 I Interest 011 $19,435.00 general fund at 334 per cent 680.22 Depreciation allowed on $23,480.66 at 5 per cent 1174.03 Total amount 6960.73 Plant in operation 3950 hours during 1909. Electrical energy consumed 265.450 K. W. hours during 1909 at a cost of 2 6-10 cents per K. W. hour. Cost of arc lamp per year, 48.77. Coat of 32 C. P. Incandescent street lamps per year,* 18.00. Cost of SO C. P. Tungsten street lamps per year, 10.2". WATER FUND. Jos. Lechner $ 99.33 Danville F. & M. Co . 70.93 DR. Elisha Bell 4.50 To cash on hand Jan 'y. H. Ellenbogen, Boro. Ist, 1909 2310.63 | Treas., Labor Pay To H. B. Patton, Re- j Rolls 91.50 ceiver of Water ■ The Crane Co 351.43 Rents 10807.78 i John L. Russel 25.42 To Light Dep't,. coal \ W. A. Hoover 25.39 hill year 1909 2299.05 : Truinbowei & Werk- To H. B. Patton for heiser 1.00 corporation cocks. 16.40 Geo. F. Re if snvder... 40.27 To H. Mueller Mfg. j Libertv Mfg. Co 4.00 Co., Ex. refund 1.20 Chas. B. Scott Co 2.25 To Thos. Trainor, old IH. R. Wotthington ... 24.80 pipe .25 ; Geo. Mook 8.75 To P. J. Keefer, old i John Hixson 8.98 pipe sold 1.35 j $ 758.54 To American Car A i SUPPLIES. Fdrv. Co., Error jJ. H. Cole, Sundries $ 38.36 in bill .50 IF. G. Schooh,Sundries 9.80 To Light Dep't. for j Phila. A Reading Co. steam trap 10.50 I &I. Co., Coal ... 634.07 To Pa. Brake Beam Co ! Lehigh Coal A Naviga for cafcg. for plug .70 i tion Co., Coal. ... 30.75 QU Co., Coal 352.50 By orders paid '.511910.64 Montour Knitting Mills By coupona paid 3341.50 i _ "°- • °° al . • •.. • , By cash balance on j Peoples Coal \ard, hand Deo. 31,1909. 1198.82 _ °?V, b• Vi ' VV Packing 66.21 | Welliver Hardware Co WATER DEPARTMENT. _ Harrow. . n 950 J. Woodring A Co., EXPENSES FOR 1909 REGULAR Packing & Helting 47.08 EMPLOYEES. ENGINEERS. p. H. Fouat, Agt., Jacob Byerly $ 823.38 Freight . 469.10 Edward Bel'l 824.63 | Standard Gas Co., Gas 23.29 FIREMEN. | Oils 149.14 George Hullihen $ 620.50 , Adams Express Co., Edward Wertman... . 561.85 Expresaage 3.20 Jas. Gibson 44.71 J. H. Goeaer & Co., P. J. Keefer, Sup't. S. Lowenstein & Co., Salary 410.00 1 Flags & bunting.. 5.95 H.B. Patton,Receiver, The Globe Warehouse, Salary 480.00 Flags . .. 3.15 $3764.07 Haines Jones A Cad- AUDITORS. ' bury Co., Corpora- John L. Jones $ 1.00 ! tion cocks 6.05 A. C. Amesbury 1.00 jA. M. Peters, Ice 28.43 U. Grant Gulick 1.00 I Harrison Bros. <& Co. MISCELLANEOUS. Renas-laer Mfg Co., Harry Ellenbogen,Boro TT .J? 0 1,014 Treas., Salary. .. $ 100.00 United Tel. A Tel. 00. Harry Ellenbogen, Boro „ Phone rent • 12 00 freas., State tax Haitotoo Mach. & Sup on wator bonds .. . 808.00 1 P ly u'u£L,' H. B. Patton, Postage Quaker City Rubber A box rent *IOO Co., Packing, etc 32.48 Wm. J. Williams; Per- I United States Express mit Clerk, Salary 100.00 1 u.; 2a [% BOROUGH SOLICITOR. Jackson Mfg. Co., Edward S. Gearhart $ 50.00 I Barrow 10.00 PRINTING. 0188.03 The Gem $ 6.00 | STREET WORK. FREIGHT & DRAYAGE. ! Repairs A extensions to mains, etc. Friendship Fire Co., $ 432.60 1 LABOR & MATERIALS. Washington Fire Co, . 41.92 IH. Ellenbogen, Boro REPAIRS. i Rolls $ 372.86 LABOR A MATERIALS. 1 Boottinger A Dietz... 1.75 A. C. Amesbury 8,(53 Glauber Bros. Mfg. Co 10.56 JOB. Lechner 94.66 Frank Schram.. ..... 1.40 Sam'l Sainabury 75 D. L. &W.K. R. Co. 16.92 Water Works Equip ment Co 8.87 American Car & Fdry. T „ C ° V 656.48 Jos. W. Keeley 14.50 WATER RECAPITULATION—I9O9. Kegular Employees. t37f>4 07 Auditors, 3 00 Miscellaneous 529.00 Borough Solicitor 50.00 Printing 6.00 Freight & Drayage... 474.52 Repairs 758.54 Supplies 5138.53 Street Work, Materials, etc 1186.88 WATER DEPARTMENT—ASSETS. All taxf»B entered at County Conmirs. ... 208.64 Water Mams 100000.00 lire Hydrants 12300.00 Building, Machinery Wells 63818.W r lltration Plaut Com- Plete 17500.00 Cash balance on hand December 31,1909 1196.32 LIABILITIES 3 per cent bonds of the issue of July Ist, 1900 77000.00 Assets exceed Liabil ities $118028.60 Wo, the undersigned, the Finance Committee of the Town Council of the Borough of Danville, having been di rected to audit the accounts of the receipts and expenditures for the year 1909,d0 certify that we have examined the above statement and find it to bo correct. ROBERT B. PURSEL, JOHN M. MARSHALL, WM. ILES, Committee. We, the undersigned. Auditors of the Borough of Danville, County of Montour and State of Pennsylvania, having examined the above statement of the receipts and expenditures of the Borough and Water Funds for the year 1909, do certify that we find them true and correct. JOHN L. JONES, U. GRANT GULICK. W. HAYDEN WOODSIDE, Auditors. We, the Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Danville, County of Montour and State of Pennsylvania do certify that the above statement of receipts and expenditures of the said Borougli and Water Funds are true ex hibits as shown by the books of the Secretary and Treasurer, and the Re ceiver of Water Rents, according to our knowledge and belief. ARTHUR C. AMKSBURY, Burgess. W. L. DEUTSCH, JOHN M. MARSHALL. JOHN R. M. CURRY. IRA C. EVERHART, JAS. M. JONES, WM. ILES, ROB'T. B. PURSEL, JESSE B. CLEAVER, JAS. FINNIGAN, ANDREW SCHATZ, JAS. P. CONNOLLY, JACOB VON BLOHN, Councilmen. mT nil?... ft vail 10 Jo ali ' trails of Priimi -4 JL. nnr * (. „ < I HI! LI'S ML II Will Pl«. it's RmrtiP V t A well prints testy, Bill or I.e W / ter Head, Poster, A) A Ticket, Circular, Program, State- TW ment or Card i IV > ail advertisemen' for your business, a satisfaction to you
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