Montour American FRANK C. ANGLE, Proprietor. Danville, Pa.. July 1,1909. ifi EASILY IS McClou 1 proved a mystery,deep and puzzling to the Springfield team yes terday. Only in one inuiug did they find liiin and then the two runs ina<ie were largely a> .is'ed over the plate by errors. The Danville twirler struck out JO men, gave two passes and al lowed the visitors lac two hits. Iu the first three iunings he struck seven of the nine men who faced him. Outside of McOloud the game wan marked by no exactly thrilling work by either team. The two bunches di vided honors iu the error column,each side registering six. Hines and Howe were in the box for Springfield and both were hit freely. This together with a number of passes and stolen bsses served on silver platters enabled the locals to escape with a ronud doz en tallies. Seven of Danville's runs were made In the fourth. In this inning three singles, a double, a sacrifice aud two ba-es on bulls entitled the locals to 7 runs. In the sixth Danville made three mere. Thomas'opened with a single and stole second, Coveleskie fanned, but Hess got first on Bingham's error. Umlaut went down on one to the pitch er. Mackert's drive to left scored Thomas ,md Hess, Mackert scoring be fore Lawrence went out. The score : DANVILLE. H. H. O. A E. Dooley, o . . .1 2 10 0 Clayberger. rf 1 0 1 0 0 Thomas, lb ... 2 7 0 ! Coveleskie, cf 1 2 11 Hess, 3b. J . > (i l Umlauf, es ' 2 1 Maekeit, 2b •> .; 3 3 1 Lawrence, If . .1 0 1 0 0 McCloiul, p 0 1 0 :! 0 Totals .12 12 24 13 t: SPRINGFIELD K. H O. A. E. B.nghatn. 3b ..0 0 3 0 8 Yordy, If .0 0 0 .1 0 Welter, 2b 0 .» 5 I U Ootitts, cf .....0 0 1 0 Hiaes, lb & p .0 1 tf 3 ;; Tates, c 1 0 (1 2 0 Thomas, rf 11 0 0 0 M«uney, s* . 0 11 3 0 Rowe, "p &ib !o 1 l Bingham, 2b 0 0 i u 0 ; Totals 2 3 27 13 6 Danville ...0 2070 3 0 0 x—l 2 Springfield 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 o—2 Two base hits Macbert, Thomas, Mines Tnree base hit Umlant. Sacri fice hits Doolev. Clayberger, Lawrence 2, Stolen bases Dooley, Thomas 3, Mc Clou 1, Lawrence, Hess 3, Manney. Left on bases Danville «, Springfield 4. Struck oot bv McOloud 10, by Rowe 3. by H.ues Double plays Rowe, Hiues Welter; Cootts, Yates-. Base on balls off McCloud 2, off Rowe it. nil Hines 3. Hit by pitched ball Welter. Pat-ed balls Tates 2. L'mpir Ainswortb. Time of game 1:.35 THE: i VST DAY OF QUARANTINE Ye.-terJay, Jane . )th, the special qu&ianiine expired that \\:i- placed on those tanus where the foot au<! month disease existed, and cattle were tilled by order of the State livestock san itary board. [l Altbt the general i;<iaraiitiufi was removed long ago. t!ie above mention eii were nnder restrictions. Ac tot ie terms of quarantine under uo conditions conld live stoik be remove.! from the premises except when it was to t>e slaughtered and the J on ■ y after it ha! passed inspe, - tlon at the hands of the agents of the State Livestock Sanitary board. Be- , ginning with today all inch restric tions are remove!. SCHOOL BUILDING IN BAD REPAIR A cord :ig to all accounts the ex- cf the ranville -choul district the present year will be pretty heavy. In addition to the advance in salary granted teachers extensive repairs will be necessary on the school buildings. Mr. Fis'ber, chairman of the com mittee on building and repairs, at the last meeting took occasion to apprise the board that repairs nec-ssary on the first ward building will far ex ceed any made i.i the past and that iu the latter ward alone a heavy expend iture will be required. He -aid that the true condition of the building will prove a revelation to the board. 1 PERSONALS | HMMMWUHMMIHBMVUMMHanI Miss Alice S:nnll and Miss Anna Henry will leave today for Mifflin bnrg, as delegates to the Epworth League convention. Mrs. James R. Leidy aud daughter Fae will return to BuiTaio,today after an extended visit at the home of the formet - mother, Mrs. Daniel Kevins Ash street. They will be accompanied by Mrß. Leidy's sister, Mrs. John Mul len and son Walter, who will visit in Buffalo. Dr. aud Mrs. C. Shultz, Miss Anna Hunitz and Saiu ahaltz will leave to day to spend a month at Mt Oretna. Madam P. P. Meyer will leave to day for a sojourn at Eagles Mere. Miss Bertha Kessler left Tuesday for a visit with friends in Milton. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD PERSONALLY-CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS | NIAGARA FALLS Ju'y 14,28, August 11, 25, septeiribjr 8, 22, and October 6, 1909 ROUND-TRIP "T Or\ FROM SOUTH RATE M> / .OU DANVILLE Tick' ts g.> m 1 v'oing on train leaving 12 : ' P. M., c •nneeting with SPECIAL TRAIN 112 Parlor Car*, Dining Car, and Day Coaches running via the PICTURESQUE SUSQUEHANNA VALLEY ROUTE Tickets g 1 returning on regular trains within FIFTEEN DAYS, includ ing date of excursion. Sr >p-otf within limit allowed at Buffalo returning. Illustrated Booklet and full information mayb® obtained from Ticket Agents J.K.W'ooD, GEO. W.BOYD, Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent. Breaking tha News. Marlon, who had been taught to re- ! port her misdeeds promptly, came to lier mother one day, sobbing penitently.' "Mother. I—l—broke a brick iu the £ replace." "Well, that is not very bard to rem-, edy. But bow on earth did you do it.l child?" "I pounded it with father's watch."— Success Magazine. Accessories. "I'm going In for poetry," lisped the 1 sweet young thing. "Resl, heartfelt poetry," thundered | the man of letters, "is only written in I a garret." "Yes; I've heard that. So I've fitted \ up a beautiful Turkish den in ours Washington Herald. Quite Warm. "I understand there was a hot time j In the Bangs household the other day." I "Yes. When he went home be found J his wife simply boiling, and she save j him a roast"—Baltimore American. Praise a fine day at night.—lrish j Proverb. Ira's Great London Shows DANVILLE TUESDAY, JULY 13 The Show (bis year is Bigger andßetrer and in a mure C >mmanding • . sition thau ever before to maintain th-ir unrivaled e lading ami ra: k. and to" Amaze ati«l Delight their Thousands of Parous. MANY ENTIRELY NEW & EXCLUSIVE FEATURES T i -DIP THI AIMIVL PII Tt KI I> A DAILY * TC3.*OI-I\IW JULI IU -■ T. J\J! v- IRE THIS NMOW. A FEW OF THE MANY FEATURE* M)U WILL SEE: Marion Sheridan and Her Troupe of Performing Lions Prof Buckley's Herd of Performing Elephants Inclnding The Lartre>! Elephant in tiie World. Kosedale, the Beautiful SIO,OOO Kentucky horse Jake. Largest Gorilla Ever Exhibited in America 31* Five Feet Ten Inert* in Height and \V- iirh- l- r 0 Pound-, ha" Tre mendous Strength. Marvelon* and his P iwerf'il Arms ire a Wonder to Behold. A Trulv Wonderful Display of TRAINED ANIMALS -±OO Pe:jl». 250 Horses and Ponies. 00 Funny Clowns PROF. WHEELER'S MILITARY BAND The Flower and Pirk of Feature Performt-rs I'nm all Nations, in a Program Extant, startling strngules and lodicrons revelrie-. carrying the spectators by storm and wildly applauded by all. BRING THE LITTLE ELEPHANTS, CAMELS ONES TO SEE luP S*s! Ssrf H I.IONS, .MONKEYS AN ENDLESS FKOCIKAM l)F S I'AUTI.IMi EVENTS SEE THETREE SPECTACULAR STREET PARADE Starting from the Show Grounds at 10 A. M. TWO-PERFORMANCES DAILY -TWO Afternoon at 2 o'clock. Night at o'clock. ! PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD j Atlantic City ! ! Cape i¥lay ANGLESEA WILDWGOD HOLLY BEACH OCEAN CITY SEA ISLE CITY AVALON NEW JERSEY THURSDAYS 1909 SUNDAYS July 8, 22, August •">. 1!' July 11, 25, August . s . '22 TICKETS WOOD FOR TEN DAYS 54.75 Round Trip 34.50 Round Trip Via Delaware Kiver Bridge Via Market Street Wharf FROM SOUTH DANVILLE STOP-OVER ALLOWED AT HHI LA DEI. Phi V For fnll information concerning leaving time :-. . on ait S JIIII , hand bills or nearest Ticket. Agent. i | .1. R. WOOD, GEO. W. BOYD, i : Passenger Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent. | She Did So. "Always," said papa as he drank bis coffee and enjoyed his morning beefsteak—"always, children, change the subject when anything unpleasant has been said. It is both wise and polite." That evening on his return from business he found several of bis flower beds despoiled aud the tiny Imprint of slippered feet silently bearing witness to the small thief. "Mabel," he said to her, "did you pick my flowers?" "Papa," said Mabel, "did you see a monkey in the city today? We had a"— "Never mind that. Did you pick my flowers, Mabel?" "Papa, what did grandma send me?'' "Mabel, what do you nieau? Did you pick my flowers? Answer me, yes or no." "Yes, papa, 1 did, but I thought I would change the subject."- _ Why She Did It. "Why ts it," tbey asked, "that you let your husband have his own way In everything?" "Because," she replied, "I like to have some one to blame when things Co wrong." BIG EVENT FOT THE FOURTH The congregation of B'nai Zioa Temple held its annual outing at De- Witt's park Tuesday, being the third picnic held ou ttiß ground this season The next picnic of note booked (or | DeWitt's park is that of the Contin ental Hose compmy. which will taUe place on Moudav, July sth. Tnis is tie* only attraction of the sort that will :inrk the observance of ludepeod ! ence day in Danville, thin year. It ! will no doubt be well attended. The proprietors of the park are making every preparation to take care of the | crowd no matter iiow largo it may be. ! Wallace Hoover has the contract for building a fine dining pavilion, which was raised yesterday and will easily be completed by Monday. The dining , pavilion is (>lx:i3 feet and at the series :of tables that will be installed under its roof 800 persons can sit at one | time. Mr Hoover has alao besu awarded ] the contract for building a large uum her of toilet rooms, which will occupy the eastern end cf the grounds botii ! north and south of the former en trance ' Among otiier improvements is the sinking of a 4-inch iron pipe from the I well v-n tho south to the uorthem side ;of the ground. Four stand pipes will | be erected at intervals,each stand pipe containing five spigots. THE FIREMEN'S PICNIC. The firemen's outing. Muuday, will take t'ie form of a general picnic. The public is cordially invited to meet j with the firemen and have a good time. There w ill be amuser.ents of all the different sorts that go with a firemen's picnic There will be dancing after noon and evening with music by Mills' orchestra. There will be a game of base hall during tie afternoon. A series of races will also be pulled off, principal nmcnj which w 11 be a mile ruuui :g race, wliic i will be open to jail All entriei matt be in by Satnr day. Women Who Wear Well. i It is artonlshlng w great a elsa» t few . . - 112 : arr j<i f;en make If. tiic appearance nnd disposition of n.av ivome:.. The , the charm, the Irll .1 ri.-t* v'li.-h !: 'hi! bl< ■ m from a pea /. hi h is rin! ,/ handled. The ■ •-s 1 y a dim si. idow. a faint ecle < I the .n; '• usent ; i-lvi - <:r:;i:.s it.i! w< ak nw- 'S which t• <i often come wi'h : : r ]r . i; d motherhood, not understanding tb«t -oeret drain is robbing the cheek | .if its reshness and the form of its fui: r ." ' - ? -< ly as the general health suffers ®v,i < re is di>»4jcf'me it of the health #f t!. *»• eate woroiflHv organs, so ar"!y • "•h«~ ■' jse organ* h»a ht .Vc.< v •: i toi' .£.•. -_r. ■ i wrmen have f.vind heaitl. . J hai i'. jST :ti :!■' 1 -• "112 1 'r. 1' • r---'- )■ .- vi Tini 1 It maki-s weak v .-. pn strong ai d sick women well. Inered puts on label—contains no alcohrl cr harmful habit - forming drugs. Mao' wholly cf these native, American, med:. •ml roots rr.o«t hitrhlv recommended l.y le , tii.g medical :tlioi ItU <of all the «ev i • r • r those broker - : WII in h" : . '■ ■ • ft ;ui :it be; of ■■ i.l. > • ' -.ant n- i» or-. ;• pre;-: :« th <v t- r the coming of • iy ..i.u j. advent easy :-i i.,; •: j.. * !»»•*•• ' •..»»edlein«',;i.i'- can r. ■ 1 : in any o nditii n of tU •ystom. It . .. -t ; ti nt Invlgoratl. g nd - • • • : • nr. iw uiei y j't ysieian of leage experience in the treat nj> i i i r* '• . \r . "inei.ts. l'r. I'irr hi. <uued by lettei 'r«eo! charge. . • Dr. B. V. Pierce, Inval'. s' ljf ti-i uu>. b...' t ckl iLklituie. Buf.aio, M. i*. River Transportation Test. The United States Ste«l ci rporatkm has started an investigation of the rel ative values of water and rail trans portation of large consignments ■ 112 products intended 1"> r the south i r any other point which can be reached by both rail and water. A model barge with 100 carloads of steel pipe, four solid trains, was recently started for New Orleans front Pittsburg, and at the end of the journey the cargo will lie most carefully inspected for dam age in transportation. It has been al leged by the water people that the loss by breakage on a rail consign ment is four times that of a corre sponding water haul. Noninflammable Picture Films. The discovery of n secret process for the manufacture of noninflammable films for moving picture machines was recently announced by a company in Rochester, X. V Should these films possess the qualities claimed for them the thousands of moving picture shows thi' ughout the United States will lie comparatively safe from ex plosions and fires. A demonstration of the process for making the new film was given the other day at Rochester. The film Is put through several baths, filters and mixtures, and an Intricate mechanical apparatus Is required for Its manufacture. Lock After Your Property. It is a safe rule in this world to look carefully after the details of your own property. Be sure your title deeds are recorded, that your insurance is kept up. that you alone have tho key to your strong box in the safety vault. Do not have your securities with your broker. If he is doing a conservative j business he has no need of them. 1 112 he isn't you don't want him to handle j your property. The wonder is that ; •with all the confidence reposed iu j financial matters there are so few def alcations. There is no use in making | it easy for - me < r:e to ret your pro] erty l'i this u, r:d it is hard for most persons to acquire anything, and they ' should be > areful to the last degree in seeing that they are fully protected in it. —Philadelphia 1 nquirer. 'SALE AND HSE l! OF FIREWORKS ■l Notwithstanding the near approach - of the Fourth of July it is gratify rg d to note the respect in which the bar ough ordinance is held relating to tt,e j r sale and use of fireworks. Up to a few j • years ago it was pretty hard work »c ; e etifor ■ the orllaascfl and dor r.g s week prior to the Fourth the pol: e t were kept busy looking up offenders. • - Arrests »ud imposition of fiues were ' t not uncommon. The better state of \ e affairs prevailing demonstrates how j easily the public can be educated into ? a full ar.ii literal observance of rules • and regulations that may be imposed 1 r for the poblic good. 1 BURGESS' ATTITUDE. v Chief Burgess A. C. Ame6bury yes- j b terday stated that he is gratified to | fir.d the towu so quiet and that it is his inteutiou to see to it that it is P kept so uatil the eve of July 4th. Al! of which implies that the ordinance ' will have to be observed. • The rules and regulations relating to ( , the sale and use of fire works as .laid i . down by the borough authorities are I very simple aud are easily borne iu j a mind. i e I Section lof the ordinance provides j s that it shall nor- be lawful for any per -1 sou to sell or dispose of rockets fire ? crackers,? jaibs or other pyrotechnical works within the borough of Danville except oae dav prior to and on the I Fourth of July each year. Penalty, e five doliars. II Section 2 provides that it shall not • be lawful for any person or persous to e discharge any rockets, fire crackers, s squibs or otner frote hnical works • within the limits of the borough of Danville »r any time orher thau the ' day observed as the Fourth of July of each aud ' vfirv yeir. Peunlty.five ilol ■ lars for each aud every offence. NO EVIDENCE WAS OFFERED Another step Tuesday was taken in the pro. eedings to condemn 1 ?»; acres of laud belonging to the John R. Keu uett estate for use at the Istaie hospit al for the insane. The damace has not 4 yet been assessed. Ou June 17th the vi- A. rs appointed by the court, J. W. Lowrie, Ueorge IJ. Comer aud Bryau C. Deuuen, went carefully over the grouud, investigat ing the geueral duality of the soil,the state of cultivation, the condition of the buildings, etc. Yesterday was the date set for meeting with the attor neys representing Ellen Coleman Ben nett, for the purpese of taking te-;:- iiiony. s The meetiug took place at the cuu - : 1 house at 10 o'clock. Representing the hospital there were present beside t!n> viewei" R. S. Ammerman and I. X. Clrier, at' besides W. F. r'hay, • president of t'.,» board cf trustee?. and Dr. H. B. Meredith, superintendent, Ou the other s de were present James - Scarlet, H. M. Hinckley aud Ralph Ivisner, ittorneys for Ellen Coleman Bennett. The attorneys for the hospital p.-• • sented the iraft or outline of the laud . t i ha condemned ; hejontl thi* no e- : . t e-ice was offered. i ■ George Mat 1 In, of uear Wilkes Parre, was car-' : red-handed in the a tof robbing t .a house of Maitin k ' Haio-:;y. The t'.irf is only to years of \ age. and will be sent to the house of " | corre t cu. Charter Application. k N iTICE OP APPLICATION FOR CHA iTEK. Ni tice '.s hereby given that applica tion will be made by E. H Sponsler. Jf. I. Low, A, W. Dnv, C. M. Crevel > inu' via \V. I'. Lowrv to tie Governor of P.nnsylvauia on the l-tli day of ,Tulr, \. D. 11109, at 10 A. M., under 112 ;.revisions cf an Act of Assembly, r eotisl'i; "An Act tn provide 112, r rlie inc ! | oration and regulation of cer tain corporations, " approved the 2nth dny of April, A D. 1 ST-i. aud tho sup r pi« ments thereto, for a Charter for an i" Intended corporation to be called r "Mahouing Electric Company," the I character and object of \>'>ich is ro . supply light, heat and power, or any of then', tyelectri itv to the public iu the Township of Malunius:. Coun ty of Montour anit State of Pennsyl vania, and to such persons, partner ' ships and corporations residing there in or adjacent thereto, as may desire the same, and for these purpose* to have, possess and enjoy all the right'-, benefits and privileges of said Act cf Assembly, and the supplements then i to, conferred. A W. DUY. W. B. BPONSLER. Solicitors. June 17-24. July 1-8. Charter Application. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHARTER Notice is hereby given that applica tion will'be made bv E, R. Spongier. M. I. Low. A. W. Duy, C . M Orevel ing and Vt. F. Lowry to',the Governor of Pennsylvania on the tl2th day of July A. D. 90U, at 10 A. M., under | : the provisions of'an Act of Assembly entitled "An Act to provide for tiie | incorporation nnd regulation of < ertain corporations," approved tlie 2i»th (lay of April, A. D. 187-1, and the supple-: I ments thereto, for aChnrterfor a-t in ter !. d corporation to I all i"Coop er Electric Company," the character and object i.f whicti is to supply light, heat and power, or any cf them, by | electricity to tho public in the Towu ship of Cooper.County cf Moutourauil State of Pennsylvania, aud to such pet sons, partnerships aud corporation* resid :ng there in or adjacent thereto, j Jas may desire the same, and for these purposes to have, possess and , i pnjov sit the rights, benefits and I ; - rlVefs of »h '. ol Assembly, •i . i srp. •:. •r? hereto confer • r ,,i. W DUY W il SI-ONSLER, >olic tcrs. 1 Jrue IV 4, .'Olj :-8. CARPENTER FALLS ! Ml CELLAR i G.lbtrl Vyris, a ; arp.tunr.enr.ioj- . ;on tne new wing being at <V. -. , Shoop's residence, Eust Marker ure*-!, ! net with a bail fall shortly after on" . o'clock yensr.iav »fr«rn ju H" -■ I. I suffeifr' i i:re.»t p£iu latl fr Veu u» i. jii !li« foil exteut of i.,s iuj .iry v..»■- „oi 1 | known, | Mr. Voils hml just reseuuieii woik for the afterujon when a «".ur, . i I gave way beneath hia weiglu sml .a! i dropped some nine i'set nto the aeilir j striking the ground in a eittiu,. . -r --ure. Tiie effect of Kuuh a fall is to pro- I j iluce ooucuasiou of the spine, w!i eh I- | attende-i witfi the ui excruciating i I vain. i Mr. Voris was perfectly helpie-o .« ; the reEult of tlie fall. Hefore atrenr ;■ ; ing to remove the injured rnau Dr. i Sewbaker WHS called, who eased 1 F ! pain by administering a hypo leranc I injection. He waa pla rj on ;t c t and , tlius was hauled to his home, <;rati j street. Last evening 1.1 jndition I Showed >1 ght improvement | Tiie piiysiciun ascertained ttiat no j bones were broken. Tin- full effect of tiie injury to the spine, however, can ! not be ascertained at present. MISSED ONE POINT. The Lady Told Him What More He Could Have Said. "I am going to tell you the truth aliout yourself," lie said. "Goon," said the young and ambi- I tlous actress. "I have In my time had rare oppor- I I tunltles to observe beautiful, graceful 1 ! and talented women, and I violate no : confidence in saying that you are the ' queen of them all. You unite In ycnr | lovely person that peculiar magnetism which lays audiences at your feet, i Your genius, shining through all the ; deficiencies of stagecraft, enables yon '■ to triumph over every obstacle. So su preme are you that you have the right to rise above nil conventionalities, to marry, to love, to discard whom you please, and no one will dare to critl else. Your work will live. You are the ' very personification of the highest art. I United with this your perfection of beauty gives you the just title to a 1 lasting fame." i "Is all that true?" she asked softly. "Absolutely. Would you have me say in on ? What more could I say?" ; She sighed. i "You might," she answered, "have I mentioned my clothes and my figure." —l'uck. Disinterested. Lord Monboddo, an eminent member jof the Scotch judiciary and one of the ! clear cut figures in Ilosweil's immortal ! "Life of Johnson," was a great beau j In his youth and in his later years a | brilliant and learned if whimsical man lie was a friend of the Garricks and j one day was their jruest nt their villa at Ilumptdn Court when Hannah M■• ■o was visiting there. They wt: walking together in the garden whe his lord-hip astor.i lied the fair ai sprightly Hannah ly a declaration < •' love and an offer of his heart and , 1 band. Mr tit g with positive reftt»v'. he '■ !) returned to the house at .: ruado a cle :i 1 roast of Mrs. Gnr : rick. "I am vc.y sorry for this refi:- .' ' he said in ci ■: ins • 1 should 1: t liked »•* i..neh t<> t. • h that nice g : Greek." V.'ent Around the Spot. Ref re Rls-sr.anreconstructed t!.. map of Kur pe :• •:«! i. ade a unit ■ 1 Ger many a dozen little principalities used to annoy travelers by stopping them at their frontiers until they had satisfied the custom house demands. A Yan kee once had hlj carriage stepped at the frontier of a petty prince s coun try. The llerr Ober (control,a:r at the ; custom house) came i" irvnrd and, mnch to his indignation, was re lived in a nonchalant way Tiie Yankee was ungen: lemanly enough not to pet out of his carriage or even to take off his j hat. The Herr Ober sharply demand- I ed the l:ey of the tourist's trnks. which Ms sub' are 1 /an handlina ; roughly. "Here! Xlands off!'' sh ute<l t!ie Yankee. "I didn't come from the United States of America to lie con trolled by you. Put those trunks back I'll not go through you at all. I'll turn back. I'm in no hurry and don't care for losing a day. You're no country! You're only a spot. I'll go around you!" And he did.—London King. More In the Family. 1 Catherine's maternal grandmother died suddenly, and she found it hard from the three-year-old point of view to understand the new order of tliinss A few days after the funeral she was sent to visit an old family friend that her mother might enjoy a day of uninterrupted quiet. Very seriously she related how they had put her grandma * a deep black hole and no j body could see her any more. rler hostess was profuse in her ex presslons of sympathy and tried to ; impress the little one that she, too, i would miss her grandmother very I i much. "Oh, don't let it worry you," she ex claimed: "I've got another one."— Not York Times. YOKOHAMA'S BIG DAY. Japanese Port Will Celebrate Fiftieth' Anniversary at Cost cf $250,C00. The celebration of the fiftieth ami: I versary of the opening of the port < j Yokohama, in Japan, to foreign com i uierce will be held on July 1 and 2 < t this year. It is proposed to spend about $25). i 000 In entertainments, and the forci. 1 squadrons of the nations represents. In the Pacific and the far east will 1 j invited to the harbor during the cele- j bration. The foreign residents genu- > ally have expressed their desire to • operate In - eery possible way. otliir tilings it is purposed to erect . uictiioi h; especially comment tive of the opening of the port. FELL FBI HI IE | Casper Oi*sro.< the- w i known au neuter, was seriunsly injured by ;».ling from a cherry tree late Tues i lay aftrraoon. At last accounts hr: was | iu a pwarirnt • netitjot' , V 1! " - »'►» •' in the I second watd, .* t„ s 0 ., rror . ,er«y i.i Rivers:.'o on whin aid several cherry trees,the fiaii „112 ;.s ripe. On Tti sday ifteriio.iu h weut ! over to Riverside for the parpos - of j picking >oiu» of the olieiries. He was engaged in the work v en | along toward evening a broke be- I uettfi| his weight Hn i '.e was prec pit- I ated head first to tue ground, a digt | of same fifteen feet. | Ha seemed verv serioogly irjured. i suffering aat h iutecee pain ns to make |ir very difficult to ii'ova l,iu. Dr. ' N'ewbaker called, who appHei. re j oiedies to allay lis pa ti, »tter v. .t, the man wa- removed r.i ti.o i of | !ns son-in-law and daughter Mr > d ! Mrs. William Jackscn, Rivt ! de | Vesterdny his condition was only slightly improved. His condition was still too seriors to ad;j it 112 112 a foil examination It is tboDgiit li ly that 112 iie or mote cf his ribs may iue fractored. A New City a Thousand Years Old. : j Rudapest, whose front is circled with lights like a crown, \vho3o hills i\ - dark and feathery above the river, whose parliament buildings run along the bank and are second to none but Westminster—Budapest, bright, Hash ing, gay, beautiful, modern and rich, ardent and executive, close built and ' amalgamative, blender of peoples—i 1 the product of only a few decades, and yet at Its last exposition it celebrated its thousandth birthday. Pest, to the right of the river—for the cities arc ' twin and divided by the Danube—Pest dates back to 1200, and Buda was the Ofen of the Romans. Buda climbs up the opposite bill, today mafSylficcntly 1 new, but sown round witn green 1 crumbling walls that mark the passing of the original founders whose painted ' galleys came up the Danube from the lllack sea. The twentieth century civi lization, sharply new and powerful, ) must for a moment be brushed aside j and the Buda of mediaeval times putin j its stead.—Marie Van Vorst in Ilar i per's Magazine. Gathering Cloves. j Cloves are now cultivated in many • of tiie tropical regions of the earth. A : clove tree begins to bear at the age of : ten years and continues until it reach : es the age of seventy-five years. Then ! are two crops a year, one In Juno and ' i one in December. The tree is an ever I green and grows from forty to fifty i feet high, with lart.e oblong leave | and crimson flowers at the end of I small branches in clusters of from ten ito twenty. The tree belongs to th< same botanical crder as the guava , The cloves, which are the undeveloped . buds, are at first white, then liirlit I green and at the time of gathering . i bright red. Pieces of white cloth an spread under the trees at harvestin; time, and the branches are beaten gen tly with bamboo sticks until the cloves drop. They are dried in the sun, being tossed about daily until they attain the rich dark color which proclaim them ready for shipment. A Reliable PiATA&SM Remedy Ely's Cream iv is quick!, absorlio.'. Stiff •,fcs > r O,Q fcg —1 i-;' : MAY FEVER I'nsteandSi: . j ft*., utl.'ruc 1 gists or by mail. In li.;uid form, 75 < nts. Ely Brotiitt.-v ;,o Warn a .S'rcet, New York. At > ' I .S'Jrr: ;>• • : quickly ascertain «»ur opinion free whether an invention is probably ] .totitable. rommuntcn tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent® Bent free. Oldest uiroucy 1- r securmir patents. Patents taken tbrnuch Munu \ i •. receive tprcutl notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A hnndsomely illustrated weekly. 1 irucst c r culntion of any scientltlr Journal. Term*. I» a year: four months, fI. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN SCo. 36,8r0ad " a >' New York Branch Office. 635 F St- Washington. D. C. R-I-r-A-N-S r abule Doctors tind A good prescription For Mankind. The 5-:.! packet is enough for u-m ncvassious. The fai lilvjliottle (HO cents ! oontains a - ipply for a year. All dru({ i^ifts. i»ta>oaM*)>? I\V KIiSOR HOTE I I \\. T. IUUUAKKR, Manager. ■ B Midway between Broad Sf. Station fij ■ and Reading Terminal on Filbert St H I European, 51.00 per day and up I 6 • hi I
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