LOCAL Timr Rs. fnw A R H ■ AS I - WHAT 7.8 • a H oO a M 10.22 18 tip VI 8.21 P. M 4 HI B-Bft •• 7.51 ' SUNPAY* 10.22 \. M. 4.Hi P »' n. Ij. A *v. P. E V9T- SVF.B'I 7.0~> A. M W.I 7 A M. 10.10 • 18 51P.M. 2.1) P M 43H " 5.44 " B Ift " SUNoaVH 7.05 A. M 18 51 P. M. 6.44 p. m 9.15 " PHILA. * KKADINO R R. SORTfI south. 7.53 A .M 11.88 A. M. H.ftti I' M. •35 P M. BLOOM -1 I'KEET 7.55 A M. 11.91 A.M. 8.58 P M. «.PBP. M. DAN v il.t-.k AND BL-.'OMKBF BTKBET RAILWAY CO. Leave i anvlle 6.00, t,M, 880 9.10 ld.oo, 10.50, 11.40 a us 8.30 1.30, 8.10, B.OC, 8.98. 1.40, Vftl 1.80, 7.10, 8.00, B.MK x.40, 10.10, ' 1.8- m, Leave unsbnry fI.OO, fi.4o. ? n SB, 9.13, in.on l'j.Rß, :i.4»i m.. i«.hk 1.83 tit • t B.W ill VMM. 0 s*. 7.13. 8.0.5, s 08. 10.38, 11 Sep. in. First eir S.nday 1 ■ -ruing 1 Last 11 80 »t .. Of.? -iri'V*. nia M'ly. *■ 11. U. Millar wen" Msuatrer NECESSARY TO INSTALL POMP P. J. Keofer, superintendent of con struction, with 11 force of men Tues day began work 011 the excavation for the foundation of the Soldiers' monu ment. The lirst day sufficed to reveal thaf the job it- (joiuc: to be a difficult on 9 owing to the prcncuoe ot water, which has made it necessary to in stall a pump. It is a well known fact that the cemetery is a wet and soggy spot, es pecially in the center, where the site of the uiouuiuent lies. It was hardly expected, however, that water would be encountered so soon. .Mr. Keeferjthinkg it will he neces sary to sink tlie excavation,at last ten feet before a solid bottom will be found. Upon attaining a depth of three feet Tuesday water was encountered and before the work conid proceed further it was necessary to install a handpump and lay pipe to conduct the water to an intake in the park drain some 80 feet distant. The accumulation of water will no doubt prove a great annoyance and a hindrance as the work progresses, as it mav be necessary to keep the pump in constant operation when a greater depth hasjbeen attained. Manv Lives Lost ic Coal Mines. Adverting to the many lives lost in our coal mines the Phoenixville Daily Republic in says:"The loss of life in the mines in Pennsylvania last year was about one thousand. This bh>od cast is due almost altogether to the carelessness of the miners and the companies operating the mines. There is nothing to commend mining as a desirable occupation. Lives aud health are sacrificed to the darkness, and damp and gloom. No man can live a happy aud vigorous life without plenty of God's sunshine and fresh air. But there is no reason why min ing should be recorded as a particul arly hazardous occupation so far as the probability of accidents is con cerned, if reasonable precautions were taken at all times. A human life now and then in the mines attracts little attention Dangerous walls and roots are neglected, aud gases are ignored until some areat disaster draws the attention of the public, but in such cases 110 one suggests that striugeut measures should be taken to prevent auother such catastrophe." A Pleasant Surprise. A number of friends gatherei at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Baynham. gate house, hospital, Friday evening, at a pleasant surprise given in honor of Mrs. Baynharu's birthday. The evening was pleasantly spent and a fine supper was served The guests re turned home wishing Mrs. Baynham many more happy birthdays. Those present were : Mrs. Batlier, Mrs. Reese, Mr. aud Mrs. J. Jones, Mrs. Girton Mr. and Mrs. J. Sechler, Mr. and Mrs. J. Stead, Mr. and Mrs. Young, Mr. and Mrs. VV. Crumb Mr. and Mrs. J. Baynham. Mr. and Mrs. L Herman, Mr. and Mrs. Bnrus, Mr. and Mrs. Redding, Mr. and Mrs. Ward, Mr aud Mrs .T. Cashuer,Mrs. Douglas. Mrs. Warner, Mrs. Oashner, Mrs. L. Deibert, Mrs. 11. Koons, Mrs. Crumb, Mrs. Vhapharo, Mrs. Kramer, Mrs. Weaver. Mrs. Ilocher. Misses Ethel Ward, Roth Young, Cordelia Sechler, Media Kramer, Zella Baynham. Ruth Crumb. Mary Diebert,Catherine Whap ham. Nellie Burns, Sara Deibert,Alice Stead, Wanda Whapham, Jennie Kram er, Alice Moyer Bessie Kocher.Verda Kocher, Blanche Ooxev. Mr. Morti more. H. Cardell, George Werle, Lehr Baynham, Henry Sechler,Harry Bayn ham, Howard Weaver, Beaver Kramer. State of Ohio, City of Toledo. « Lucas County. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co.. doing business iu the City of Toledo, County aud State afore said, aud that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each aud every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of Dec ember, A. D. 1886. (Seal). A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for tetimonials free. SHIPPING APPLES ANH BUCKWHEAT If in v p .rson Inbnr* muler the drlti ■ton that the apple crop Is not a liirge one this year he ahonld pay n visit to South Danville, where a ear load made np of all varieties I* being shipped away each day of the week. As a matter of fact on Saturday font carloads were shipped, while (luring each day this week at least one car will be placed on the siding to be loaded with apples It is'understoort that at least eight car* will be ship ped this week. The apples come from over a wide radius taking in Montour and a large portion of Northumberland counties. No finet specimens of frnlt were ever seen than are loaded 011 the cars at South Danville. All varieties of ap ples are embraced bnt,those|which are exceptionally fine are Rambos, Smoke house, Baldwins andJGroenlug*. With very lew exceptions they are picked apples and are very sound anil healthy in appearance. The firm that is doing the shipping is I. Shafer and Son. of! Pittsbnrg. whose agent buying up apples passed through this section some weeks ago The price paid is snid to be 1 cent tier pouud or fifty cents per bushel for picked apples and twenty cents per bushel for dropped apples. The loading of the cars presents a very iuteiesfiuu sight. The apples are loaded iu hulk,each car being furnish ed with bins to hold the different var ieties Each car approximately con tains 800 bushels. Of the four car loads shipped Saturday three, went to Pittsburg and one to Illinois It is worthy of note are being shipped from Wolvertou,a station this side of Suubury, in'numbers nearly as great as at South Danville. Charles Mills,who has charge of the freight house at the South Danville station, is literally working over time to take care of the en rmous shipment being made over the Pennsy. Not only apples, but also buckwheat, which is au exceptionally heavy crop this year, is helping to overtax tlie shipping facilities. One shipment of buckwheat alone comprised three cars loaded to the roof. Almost any day now the siding con tains as it were a train of cars receiv ing and unloading merchandise and is altogether au impressive object lesson to show, not only the agricultnral re sources of this locality, but also the importance of South Danville as a shipping centre. Incredible as it may seem, the account of cars received and forwarded kept in the freight house show that forty cars and upwards arc handled each day at South Danville. The shipment of sand adds very much to the volume of business at this as >vell as other seasons of the ye»r. ELY'S CREAM BALM has been tried and not found wanting in thous ands of homes all over the country. It has won a place in the family medi cine closet among the reliable house hold remedies, where it is kept at hand for use in treating cold in the head jnst a» soou as some member of the household begins the preliminary sueezing or snuffling It gives imme diate relief and a day or two's treat ment will put a stop to a cold which might, if not checked, become chron ic and run into a had case of c.itarth. An Aged Lady Passe* Away. Mrs. Catherine Miller.wife of Fred erick Miller, departed this life at the home of her son-iu-law, Weudel Graus am. Mill street, at 3 o'clock yester.lay afternoon. The deceased was a native cf Ger many. She came to this conntrv in 1852. For many years with her hus band, she lived in Wilkes-fiarre, aud Plymouth, removing to this city two years ago. Mrs. Miller was SO years of age and. besides her hnsband, is survived by one son. Frederick Miller, of Blootcf burg. and two daughters, Mrs Wen dell Grausam, of this city, aud Mrs. Emma Bressel. of St. Louis, Mo. The deceased had been in feeble health for some time, but the immedi ate cause of death was a stroke of paralysis snstained last Tuesday. No home is so pleasant, regardless of the comforts that money will buy, as when the entire family is in per fect health A bottle of Orino Laxa tive Fruit Svrup costs -VI cents. It will cure every member of the fatailv of constipation,sick headache or stomach trouble. Sold bv all dealers Tbe Wb.Etle Got Beyond Coitrol. About nine o'clock Monday morn ing people were alarmed by a steam whistle which sounded one prolonged blast lasting for about fifteen minut s. There was nothing particularly shrill or ominous in tbe sound of the whistle aud for the first several min utes no one thought anything of it, but after the sound continued without the least halt or variation for five minutes 01 more people began to be alarmed, thinking that there might be a fire at one of our industries. People had great difficulty in locat ing the sound. Meanwhile another five minutes passed and the whistle went merrily on. Finallv the crowd made its way ont toward the north end of towu. convinced that the noise must lie in that direction. The whistle was found to come from a P. & R. locomotive that was in trouble. The engine was shifting cars on the switch and had occasion to sound the whistle when owing to some defect in the valve, it wai fouud im possible to shut off steam. Everything was done.but it was found impossible to control the whistle until after it had caused any amount of excitement. mm m THE RONOI6NT Affair* relating to thf unlrltpt"*' monument arp taking tanuihle form Pl«n« *r»» OH fool, which provide for the constnietlon of a fonhdatmn Hltl fall, the completion of the memorial early next «mmnier *llli MVidlltnt e* ercl*e«,on July 4Ht, to he the dipt inc. nishing feature of one of the mom Hti posing d monntratloni that ever took paele in Danville on day A meeting of the noldtetn' monu ment committee took place on Friday night In addition to Hon. James Foster.chairman, and Ham A Medoy, secretary, there were present JacobO. Miller. R W Kggert. W L. McOlnre and Fiank (4. Schoch. The object of the meeting was to ex amine the plans or designs submitted. Of the latter there were less than a dozen lint without exception they were beautiful and well adapted to the spot where our monument is to stand: one. esjiecially, a stately memorial, nmcli out of the ordinary, in design,appeal ed to the committee very strongly and 110 doubt when it comes to a final selection it.will have the preference It was thought that a design might lie selected on Friday night but dur ing the meeting it was decided that haste is not necessary in the premises and that in order to do full justice to the matter the committee ha 1 better take tileuty of time, obtaining <--i mates as to tne relative co*t of the different designs and looking iuto oth er matters of importance Ou motion it wa c decided to proceed at once with the construction of the foundation, the contract lieing award ed to T. L. Evans' Sous. The exeava tion, which may be ten feet or more in depth, will be pushed to comple tion at ouce, the ground obtained be ing utilized in grading tlie park. The foundation will lie of concrete aud will be twenty-two feet square After some two feet of concrete are laid work on the fonndation will be suspended until next spring, when something definite will be known as to the kind of memorial to be built and the foundation can be finished to met the especial requirements. The committee will at once busy it self with the selection of a design and looking after the financial end of the proposition. As soou as a design is selected the eon tract will be awarded anil work oo the memorial will be pu«hed along during the w inter aud early summer. The committee it. planning to have the monument in all its details com pleted by July 4th. If able to carry ou: its plans and a soccesafnl issue is iu sight, early iu the summer the sol diers* monument committee will take rtie initiate in preparing for a grand Fourth <.f July celebration, in which the auveiling of the soldiers monu ment will be the principal attraction. The atiaocncenient of plan* will be made known very early in the summer to tlie end that the other towns in this section may know what is on foot here for the Fourth aud may yield the <late to Danville for a monster demonstra tion Thomas A. Edison, the great Ameri can inventor says: Fully eighty pet cent, of the illn--« of niank.nd comes from eatiug isnproj.r food or too much food: j«eo;»ie are inclined to over-inju!ge tl.en:-el* This is where uidig.-tion finds n- iu nearly every case. The stomach can do just so mnch work and no more and when voti overload it. or when yon eat the wrong kind of food, the digestive organs ranuo; po-sihly do the work demanded of the.n. It is at such niii's that tne stomach needs help; it d-uan.is help. .iud warns you by headaches, telchinj -otr stomach, uausea and indigestion. You should attend to this at once oy taking some thing that will actually do iiie work for tne stomach. Kodol will do this It is a combination of natural digest ants aud vegetable acids and contains the same juices fonnd m a healthy stomach It is to take. It digests what von eat. Sold bv Paules & Co. What Beasedj for Wife Desertion. In an article on the many desertion cases, iu which a wife and children are left in want an-l distress, the Chester Morning Republican says: "What the remedy is for this state of affairs is not plain. Tl.e State man ifestly cannot guarantee any woman that the man she marries shall always have employment, or tliat having em ployment, he will devote his earnings to her care and that of their children. However, it does teem possible that men contemplating matrimony could be compelled to show ability to main- i tain a family at the time of marriage. Even so weak a measure as this would probably lessen the number of im provident and reckless marriages. It is a difficult problem. It will not be solv ed until some method is fonnd to pun ish wife deserters by confinement in which they will be forced to work and torn the proceeds over to their families." Henry E. Jones of Tampa, Fla., writes:"'*l can thank God for my present health, due to Foley's Kidney Cure. I tried doctors and all kinds of kindey cure, but nothing done me mnch good till I took Foley's Kidney Cure. Four bottles cured me. and I have no more pain in my back and .shoulders. I am 62 years old, and snf- , fered long, but thanks to Folev's Kid-; uey Cure 1 am well and can walk and enjoy myself. It is a pleasure to recom mend it' to those needing a kidney medicine." Sold by all dealers. Cameron-Lyons. William Cameron, of Milton, and Miss Mary Lyons, of Danville, were married at Elmira 00 Thursday, by Rev. George H. Haigh. The groom is employed at the Milton A. C. & F. Co. They will reside in Milton—Mil ton Standard. PASTOR SIMPLY WON'T VACATE j Tbnnch hi" l'»> ropo*trilly rr»- i(W>«t»d ti r»>Mirii tl«i |,„«iot*tr, jllmußhth* tribunal In the ptmrelt.ln ennjntieti.,n mitlt.ttw Inwet Itmlin*. tiaft nr«|etT»d tun, vanAtr tHo pulpit, the Re* W H H. vet. pantnr of fbr I ntbnfan rlmt-eh m TYwvnttntt. *tp*df<»tlv refn«p* to Iphvp b|* TKltitrndliif that U<*l alone ran ttinltp it clf«ar to him whethpt or not i»* • hall iwk other fluid* and that pend ing the arrival of tin* divine ninwni* hew ill « maitt in I revnttttti and en* lilllie hi« work for the Ma'ter The ca*e I* tie mnirt iW«ti*liD| In the hi*tory of etmich tmnble* and the lit tle town wherein the war i« being wage l on tlie deti rniined pantor i« In a state of i Kciteinetlt Rev. Heyer received a call to the Trevortoti chnrch »lx viar« ago. Af ter five year* Ihe peoph deeded that ihev wanted a new minimei, and one lent ag i the> hinted to the reverend ; gentleman that hi* pre-ence in their mid-' was no longer deMred. When lie failed to take anv action, the |ian«h I loner* held a irwlini at which a I vote wa« taken, the re>ult showing thai the | astor va* waul, d by one oul ..f every live uiemlters of hi* flo. k Al though this showed that Icongrega tion wa-i overwhelmingly against him Rev. Heyer i-till retained pontml. The ne«t step to be taken by the people wi« to have the charcli ccr.n cil,comj>o«ed of live pai ish*oners, pass up in t > in jiter. Tlie council \> a» uuaniiuoas sn its opinion that the >hepherd lo<ik for another flo. i> Thi* decision glanced off, auii Rev Heyer still continued to preach Gradually the size of the congrega lion decrean I. Everv Sunday the minister appeared and taught the Word, but each time to fewer people. Growing a trifle desperate,tl:e parish ioners decided on amove which, they thought, could not liplp hut relieve them of their spiritual gu de. Taking the matter before the annual conference they received a decision from the elders to the effect that Rev. Heyer should vac:«tc. The preacher swallowed this as l.e had the cithers and calmly prepared his next Souday's sermon Recently the question received the attention of the synod, the highest tribunal of the chnrch. As in the oth er instances, the decision went to the people. an 4 in a letter the Rev. Heyer was told that inasmuch as he conld not do any good while remainii'e in Trevorton he slmnld leave at once Bur all the power that man can master cannot oust this worker iu the Master's vineyard. He is tl ere to stay, lies-ays, until the Lord shows him that he has been called to another chnrch. When the trouble first arise the -harch council decided to cut down the pi-tor's -alary. This they did, reducing the v arly stipend fron. SSOO to #IOO. For oue yeat the minister has managed to subsist on this meagre in come. Saturday the council again held a meeting and came to the conclusion that since it -eems absolutely impos sible to remove tiie pastor they would resign and let chnrch and pastor take care of themselves. Ir will be practically impossible for Rev. Heyer to organize another coun cil, as all but two of the parishioners are lined up against him. Within the la-t few weeks the attendance at ser vices has dwindled alarmingly an average of 10 people going to the hocse of worship to listeu to the Gospel. A Card. This is to certify tl.at'all druggists ar j authorized to refund your money if Foley's Honey and Tar fails to cure your cough or cold. It stops the cough, iieals the lungs and prevents serious results fruiu a cold Cures la grippe cough and prevents pneumonia and con-umption Contains no opiates. The genuine is in a yellow package. Refuse substitute*;. Sold by all dealers. .Nominated for Fire Chief. The Good Will Fire company, on Satniday evening, made nomination for chief of the Danville tire depart ment. this being the year that the office goes to that company. There were several aspirants for the office, but William A. Sbuitz, won out over his opponents and received the en dorsement of the Good Wills. The nomination for assistant chief from tlie Good Will company was Frank Faker. In most cases consumption results from a neglected or improperly treat ed cold. Foley's Honey and Tar cures the most obstinate coughs and pre vents serious rc-ults. It costs you no more than the unknown preparations and you should insist upon having the genuine in the yellow package. Sold by all deab rs. Commissioner Dixon's Warning. State Health Commissioner Dr. Samuel G. Dixon has sent out a warn ing, which will be read with interest everywhere throughout the State, to the effect that school directors must see to it that the health laws are served. Dr. Dixon says they will be rigidly enforced *'to the end of even cutting off the school appropriations followed by the prosecution of prin cipal and teachers. " He cites the laws compelling directors to examine as to the sanitation in and about schools; the vaccination law and the execution of the outbuilding law. He does not intend to give more warnings, but his first action will be to have the State appropriation withdrawn and the other penalties will follow go the report of the interview says Directors should see that the laws are observed. ■* Foley's Kidney Cure will cure any case of kidney trouble that is not be yond medical aid. Sold by all dealers FRUIT DEALER ARRESTED !« I'almuann. »h# Italian ftnll ileal it o*i Mill NfMit, nrmlpil Hat tit daf,charged with pttriha*lng go,.t« In the mrNxnc in>rk»l for ihn |>nr)m»i .if *f>|ltng them again, In violation nf ■trtinii Mh of th* nnllniinr on mark et The dplpmlant wa« nrt«i|!nH liefofp Insttce of the IVllif * and pleaded ' wot gnilty " W illlam M 'llet of ltti*h tow n»hlp, w l>o *oht Paint l*atw aqnantlt* of tomato.-* in market Sm tit (In* moraine. *»» a witties* In the ca*e Chief of I'ollne M in. pinover, win. It *»• alleged, |inrrli»>c.l the -ante tomatoe* of Paltninattn, «n> al*o :i Wit no** Jn*tica Ogloabv adjudged the d*>- l"m!ai>t gnilty itml ln> u *entciifrd in pay it tine of five dollar*, which with the n»t» amounted to tt> 96. Sort ion 4of the ordinaace makp* It unlawful for *tore kee|ier* or other pet«on* to "Imy in market forthe pur pose of veiling again, bnttvr, "UK* or other article* or to engage therein daring market hoar* with j*>r-ou* who btmg moh commodities to market keep ami bring or send Hip mine to their stoi. s or |»lar< s of bumies* after market liourn." It i- ■u»|iM-ti"l thai the ordinance In very fieqm nflv \ • lat l In the above re*l'ct It in pmib charged that deal iTf fn iii other t< wn« on occasion sui rcn'iii ■ u«lv parcln'i' g ids in market here which ttiev shi] and *ell again in their stores. DANUER IN DELAY S (invy Di swims Arc To? Daupercns for Daimiie People to N.-glect, The great danger of kidney trouble . ||MJ _m i a In hold before ie -ufi**rer re unl. them. Health i in- wrvooKuesi-, lainei - , sore " lumbago, urinary trouhles.drop -y. I.i . - and Bright'* disease fol :>iv. ' hi rciies- --ion. Dou't ! ii. g! >i your kidneys. Cure the kid n > w rim Certain and safe rem edy, I) in's Kid y Pills. Henri Collins umali i.of 415 S. nil ni< 11, Bloom-burg, Pa., fay*: "For tears 1 suffered with kidney com) iint.backache and bladder weak ness. 1 u-I'd all kinds of reiuedic* but uoii" of them seemed to have any ben eficial effect. The secretions from the kiriueys nave me constant annoyance and I .flu-red me night and day My back became so weak ami painful .i.-ros- the loius that I could scarcely get about at times. I have liad to lay iiff from work time after time I saw D.iau's Kidney Fill- advertised ill the papers and very high y recommended bv | >op!e thai 1 knew 1 obtained a box and used them as directed. 1 nev er had au\ rl.iiis act as prompt I v ill my life Thi first box cured uie of Me . n w- »k.i -s 1 kejit on taking the renr dy am >1 I bail used four box* - wl i the lilad : r w ik tiers 1. ! ; me. I Lain .nl no trou' lev. t 1 Kidney »• :•! rioi - f-.f at 1. a»t two .. -. I c r IJoan's Kidney Pill- w< rh tl ir w »je»fit in gold " For sale by all dealers. I'rice 50 cents' Koster-Wilborn Co., Hull'alo, N. Y, sole agents fur the United State-. Remember tiie name— Doau's— and take no other. Lincoln Literary Society. A meeting of the Lincoln literary society as held yesterday afternoon. The following programme was render ed. Piano Duett—"A Rural Wedding" Miss Jameson and Miss Lore. Recitation—"Two Angels" Miss Woodruff. Declamation —"The Protection of American Citizens" Mr. Dailev. Debate, Question — Resolved, That poverty produces more crime than wealth or ignorance. Affimative—Mr. Gill and Miss P. Vastine. Negative—Mr. Edmondson and Miss Rennett. The judges, Mr. Jenkins, Mr. Daily and Mr. Roifstiyder, decided for the afllrmati ve. Vocal Solo—"Coustancy" Miss Fos ter. Declamation—"Declaration of Inde pendence" Mr. Hurley. Recitation—"The Day is Done" Miss Mover. Obstinate cases of constipation and nasty,mean headaches promptly disapd pear when you take DeWitt's Little Earlv Riser Pills. Sold by Paules & Co. ' Habb ts Plentiful bat Small in Size. Local sportsmen who have been out gunning as well as farmers through out the county, who have abundant opportunity to observe, seem unanim ous in the opinion, that there is no real scarcity although they may not be so plentiful as during some other seasons. They nearly all agree, however that rabbits are small —that is, that they have not yet at tained their full growth. The latter could soem to bear out the opinion prevailing in many places that the season as fixed by the present law opens too early. Wild turkeys seem scarce. None of our local hunters, have as yet, suc ceeded iu bagging one. What is more significant, however, no one yet this season has reported seeing wild tur keys. Coon hunting is the order of the day among young farmers. Coons are always fairly plentiful bnt it requires an experienced huuter and a good dog to capture one. John Robinson and son Clarence of Mooresburg, aided by a capable dog, got a fine coon on Thursday night. They treed the animal about 10 o'clock and in order to make sure of their game staid up with the coon all night. When the first streak of dawn reveal ed the whereabouts of the coon among the branches the little animal was brought down from the tree by the trusty aim of Clarence's gun. EVERY nor. MUST WEAR BRASS TAG H»*t* i|i« in Mn'ttntf , 112 mi* nthet c«»«Htl, ntnmil* oft il • < Itt will «i«t n tall br*«« «n I of bit nillit na piu. fto till antlinitt • that If t« hr-nit' looked Mn by a»mi nwnit and that tt> t bad « p'f. fwf ngbl to lite. arcniflitiß to ttix In * i>a«- il bv tbe rn»nt ri <ltlll<fir rri fv do h > nwm r in tlir to |i*v to Hi# , miiitv tat colb> t « fill ennf" fir th»> prlvlbv ot n«rii«-r»i lp Thin l*» b%n rr»Ati l n r"h' etir In tbp countiv rtlotttct* mid nil tin cnti* inpi> in thn rural tilottlet* will tinitß li«vp tipw collar- ami a bruht brana t*L with tbc Word* " Montour mailt) (lon tax paid, 1KB," with a linmbei ctani|H>d on the renter of the br»»», about tlipir tterk*. Who betide any iili<u:ilbl<>d d in who fail# to comply Willi the law The art *tate> that each tax collect or in the (-utility »hall make n returu to the county comnii**iniieiii of every dm? in hip district ami to notify eai li owner that uiilok the licence price, 60 cent*, be not pa d ill ten da.vs.the cotl *tahle of that dinlrict will be notified and the animal killed. Iv»ch .10 rent paid into the rount\ treasury will be placed in a fund from which all datn ai:e« will tie paid ill ca-i s where sheep are killed by drfft or where a mad doif bitm other rattle, caiisitifi death. At the end of each year all money over ££<>o leiuaininp in the treasury will be divided lietween tlie various school district* of the county, while the f2(Hi will be withheld by the roniiiiissioners for the don damage fund. The law each dojr in the county to be taxed, exclusho of the cities of the third ealss, has been in force for several years, but the wear ing of tags on the collar is new. Here tofore when the tax collectors inquir ed about the ownershipof a dog notic ed about the premises the animal was -aid to be a "tramp," as a rule, and as the law did not provide for the killing of all unlicensed dogs at that time very few canines were reported ami taxed by the commissioners.' ISut the new act providing for the death of all dogs not licensed has caused many tagA to be sold to dog owners. file act provides for 50 cents to be paid to the constables for each dog killed by them, this to be paid out of the dog damage fund. Notice to Our (Justomers. We are pleased to announce that Fol ey- Money and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles is not affected by the National Pure Food and Drug law as it contain* no opiates or other harm ful drugs, and we recommend it as a «afe retuedy for children and adults Sold by all dealers Danville Fourth in P. 0. List. The information is gathered from the different newspapers in this con gressional district, that Milton leads all of her sister towns in the matter of the number of pieces of mail mat ter handled last week during the spec ial count ordered by the department at Washington. Danville appears fourtli in the list The towns, with the number of pieces of mail handled by each during the week,is given below: Milton, 31,- 282 ; Shamokin, 27,68!); Bloomsburg, 26,324; Dauville, 22,193; Suubury, 21,169; Berwick, 15,48'J; Mt. Caruiel, 13,065. You never have any trouble to get children to take Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup They like it because it tastes nearly like maple sugar. Ken nedy's I laxative Cough Sryup is a safe sure and prompt remedy for coughs and colds and is good for every mem ber of the family. Sold by Paules & Co. Paper Knocks the Masher. The senseless aud ungentletnanly masher gets the following notice from the Butler Eagle:"The masher is about the most loathsome creature abroad. He intrudes upon the atten tion of women aud makes himself ob noxious. He can't be sent to jail for staring at ladies who pass in the street, but his offense is worse than many which are punished by a jail sentence. There are no more street gazers in Butler than elsewhere, but every city has its own ills to contend with. It might be well for the chief of police to give the men an order to give the move on singal to the bands of bums on the street." Does your back ache? Do you feel tired and drowsy and lacking in am bition ? If so, there is something wrong witii your kidneys. DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Fills relieve'back ache, weak kidneys, aud inflamma tion of the bladder. A week's treat ment 25 cents. Sold by Paules & Co. Suffering from Blood Poisoning. Uriah R. Difenderfer.of Alleutown, is suffering from blood poisoning re sulting from running a splinter in his hand, aud he is not expected to recov er. DeWitt's CarboJized Witch Hazel Salve is good for little burns and big burns, small soratches or bruises and big ones It is healing ami soothing. Good for piles. Sold by Paules & Co. The corner stone laying at Vought's Lutheran church in Mayberry town ship, which was to have taken place yesterday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, was postponed on account of the in clement weather until next Sunday afternoon at the same time. If you take DeWitt's Kidney and Blad der Pills you will get. prompt relief from backache, weak kidneys, inflam mation of the bladder aud urinary troubles. A week's treatment 25 cents. Sold by Paules & Co. DO YOU GFT irr WITH A I AJt£ RACK > RMflft tWM« Nikn Vim SlvfuM*. Almnw r<ty whri tH* n»*«- pop"* •* *<** toitw»rrf th* *,.n'»wf«il ,P V* * 111 «»>•> r-«' VMn.y |iv. L U.V) *' iWI bhd'i'ttt» , ?nnj', T k ['*\"/ - r «' m«li \7l 1 | ,(,1 .»r'ui Hr | J.', i mrnH |{i., y,„, n | I*"' Sl»ct*ft'rti r»*'«Trh Iv 2 112 fii tjrM t». Kiim« 1; i. V kklney »r,H t>|*i) - ■ 1 * «W sf»< mhf. and ft wrmd»rfull)r Mirr»sgf u | in curing lime b*ck, kldtwv. Mtdd'r uric »~|»| trot hies »nH prtpht « | which Is th« »or»t form of kidney trubi». t • V. ilmr-r -Swamp-Itoot It r •■• tr OfT>m« , nd»<l I it evrvthtng but If you have kid ncy, Hvef cr Madder trouble It will be found r-m«dy ym n»ed IthubMfltMMd In i m«ny wtys. in hospiul work, In private practice, among th« he if lets too poor to pur chase rellrf and hai proved to successful In every caw that a gpei lal arran(ffm»nt hat been made by whr h all leaders of thispapet who have not alr»ady tried It may have a sample bottle s»nt frea by mall, also a book telling more about Swamp-Soot and how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer tn this paper and f?' K** a rend your addrctr. t> *T~"« alfi"? Dr. Kilmer K Co..fiip,■ BaLS^^iiFW'-" Sj hamton, N. Y. regular fifty ren' and n m-.f i<™* dollar sires ate sold by all good aruggist* Don't innk*' any mistake. but renit'in her thf name. Swatip-Koot. I»r Kil mer* Hwmnii-Ro.it, it ml the addre« Uitighamtoti. N.Y.. <ttievery buttle*. AN NCIHI) FATHRRS DEVO'I ION TO SON A i use of devotion which stands alone w;ti brought to light yesterday morning when John Paxo, a Mt. Car tin 1 managed 7? years, walked tn Slia tuokiii, and, half frozen, stopped at a public house and askrd that lie be al lowed to get warmed before continu ing hits jouruev to Suubury, where a sick son awaited him. The proprietor, of a sympathetic uature, quest ioued the aged man and learned that he in tended to walk to the county seat. Pitying the old fellow, ho offered him money to buy a ticket, hnt the uiau, proud even in his poverty,politely but firmly refusod to take it, saying that he would willingly work for the mo ney but that he could not accept it otherwise. The unfortunate then sug gested that he b? given some wood to chop. Touched by the aged one's devo tiou Mr. Yozorskie would not hear of such a thing and after much persuas ion tiuallv succeeded in having the man take the necessary fund to see him to Suubury. j mm~ Miss Gertrude Sidler returned to Suubury yesterday after a visit with her aunt, Miss Siiuington.East Market street. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Deaner, Grand street, spout yesterday with relatives In Suubury. Mrs Mary Frazier, of Wasliiugton villo, is visiting at the homo of Mrs. Margaret Bird, East Market street. Miss Elizabeth Good, of Berwick,is spending u f> \v .lays with her aunt, Mrs. Lillie Metherell, Lower Mul berry street. A. L. Leaiger and sister.Miss Laura Leniger will return today from a trip to Philadelphia and Atlantic City. Miss Jessie Vandine returned yester day after a visit with friends in Cata wissa. All Saints and All souls. The services at Christ Episcopal church on All Saints' and All Souls' days, Friday and Saturday, respect ively. will be as follows: All Saints' day, i:3O a. m.and 7 :30 p. m. ; All Souls' day, 7 :30 a. in Funeral Today. The funeral of Mrs. Harry Moyer will take place from the family resi dence, Chambers street, at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The funeral will pro ceed to Odd Fellows' cemetery by trol ley. Mis 3 Louise M. Beck, of Bethlehem, who had taught scrhool for forty-tive years, died on Monday at the age of 74 years. A healthy child is likely to prove pretty troublesome at times. Mai.— aim it ■ For the Children To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour age, strength. How is it with the children? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. Tho children rnnnot possibly havi* Kr»od hoilt h unless the bowels are tn proper condition. 1 '«»r- \ r*-ct any constitution by plving small laxative i doses of Ayer's Fills. All v?t;etaUlo,atig*r-fuated. I £k MsdebyJ.C. Aycr Co.. T,owell. Mm* ) Also manufkoturers or /4 9 HAIR VIOOR. / ft 1 |/)PC A« IE CLIt,: A Auv' O CHERRY PECTORAL. We have no secrets ! We publish the formulas of *ll our medicines.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers