"CAL IIM» IABLF> PENN'A P. R C,AST. WEST 7.25 A. M 8 "0 A. M 10.22 " 12.10 P. M 2.21 p. M. 4.31 " V 55 " 751 " SUNDAYS. 10.22 A. M. 4 81 P. M. D. L. & W. R. R. 112 AQT. WKST. 7.05 A. M. 9.10 A. M. tO.tft " 12 51P.M. 2.11 P. M. 4-33 " 6.44 " 910 " SUNDAYS. 705 A.M. 12.44 P.M. 5.44 P. M 9.10 " PHILA. & READING R. R. NORTH. SOUTH. 7.53 A. M. 1123 A. M. 3.56 P. M. 6.35 P. M. BLOOM STREET. 1.55 A. M. 11.21 A. M. 3.58 P. M- 6.33 P. M. OANVILLE AND BLOOMSBURO STREET RAILWAY CO. Danville 6.00, 6.40, 7.30, 8.20. 9.10, 10.00, 10.50, 11.40 a 111., 12.30, 1.20,2.10,, 4.40, 5.30, 6.20, 7.10, 8.00, 8.50, 9.40, 10.30, 11.20 p. u, save Bloomsburg 6.00, 6.40, 7.38, 8.28, 9.18, 10.03. 10.63, 11.43 a.m., 12.33, | 1.23,2.13,3.03. 3 53, 4.43, 5.33, 6.23. 7.18, 8.03, 8.58, 9.43, 10.33, 11.20 p. m, v tret oar Sunday morning 7.30. Liast oar. 11.20 at night go«s to Grova aia only. Wm. R. Miller. Gen'l Manager .. BLUEBEARD. Twt Dlfercnt Utarin to Wka WM the Original. Like many of the other lieioet of the nursery tales. Bluebeard once lived in the flesh and blood, if the old chron icler Hollnahed, from whom Shake speare got so much of his material, is to be believed. According to that writ er. the original Bluebeiml WM Giles de Hetz or de Rain, marquis of Laval, who became marshal of France in 1429. He Ie described as an impious and da bauched man. a devotee of the black art. who enticed young men and wom en to his castle and killed them In or der to obtain innocent blood for hla magi<-nl enchantment* and who also murdered six or seven of hla wires. His crimes were discovered, and be was burned at the stake In 1440 at Nantes. According to an old French legend, however, the original Bluebeard lived In Britanny in the sixth century and was known H* Count Conomer. After seven of his wives had disappeared he became enamored of Triphyna, the daughter of Count Guereck of Vannes. The wedding was celebrated at Vannes, and Conomer took his bride home. Before a year lin I passed Triphyna noticed a change in her husband's man uer, and. fearing the name fate that had met her predecessors, she fled from the castle, but was overtaken by Cono mer, who struck off her head with a single blow. St. Gildas, by whom th# unfortunate wife had been educated, h opened to paas the spot soon after, an I, see.'u;? the body, he tenderly re priced ihe head and by prayer restored Triphyna to life. The story does sot relate the end of Conomer. PHYSICAL EXERCISE. UlTect of Boilng on the Mental aai Moral Faculties. Boxing is an exercise which Is not only of the most marked benefit In a purely physical way, but lt Is of the utmost value as a means of training the mental and moral faculties. One of the most unfortunate whimsicalities of our very whimsical day Is the preju dice against boxing as a sport and exercise. There Is no sport in whict there 1} provided B»ich splendid exer else for body and mind and spirit at In boxing. The physical Influence of boxing U superb. Every muscle and organ Is brought Into active use. So far as mentality Is concerned, the perception, Imagination, judgment, discretion, self confidence, aggressiveness and will srs all brought Into active and rapid useu The boxer who falls in perceiving his opponent's intention, who misses In Judging the jtower or reach of his blow, who Is lacking In self confidence, will power or aggressiveness, who falls for one moment to remember all the weak points of the man against whom he Is working—that boxer IS likely to fall, to lose what we all value—that Is, repu tatlou. public confidence snd Income. Among the many sports and gamea which an- of value in training the mind I place boxing as by all meant the most valuable.— W. R. C. Latson. M. D, In Outing Msgasine BASKET FISH. When Dried, t&e Qaeer Arnu Cloaaly Keaemhle Plaster of Paris. At Its marine residence, away down In deep water, the name on the door plate would be "Astrophyton," and lt belongs to a species called opblurans. It has a well marked control disk, not unlike a clam, but has no shell. From this central body radiate arms, five In number, like those of the familiar star fiah, and these arms are divided Into minute branches, like the twigs on a tree, until they number lu some cases a thousand separately defined halrllke tendrils. While the body Is not large, the branches when extended measure almut eighteen inches in diameter. The creature has the power of lncurllng these branches until lt closely resem bles a shallow dish. This it does when caught and about to die. remaining In that shape when dried. It has l>een given the name of basket fish. It frequently (when caught by a dredge, for that is the ouly way lt can be taken) throws off these arms or parts of them, so that n perfect spec! men Is hard to be procured In Its natu ral condition. These arms and their subdivisions are almost white when dried and close ly resemble plaster of parls. They are very brittle, easily broken and cannot be repaired. The fish live among tha roots of seaweeds and are supposed to feed upon these, moving about by wriggling and clamliorlng with their arms or fastening upon the roots and pulling themselves along. Most of the knowledge regarding their habits Is conjecture, for none have been taken alive and kept for suf ficient time to give them proper ex amination and study.—St. Nicholas. nil • ».ove urn ma. There was little that was romantic in the first meeting of Kean, the great tragedian, and the woman who was to bear his name. It was on the stage of the Cheltenham theater that Charles Keah and Miss Chambers, a pretty young actieas ; first saw each other. 'Who is that shabby little man with the brilliant eyes?" Miss Chambers aaked ID the hearing of the king of the atage. "And who." Kean retorted by asking aloud, "Is that odd little wo man?" From this singularly Inaus picious opening Keau's love drama proceeded so swiftly that before a mouth had gone the eurtalu was rung down at the altar 4 NNUAL STATEMENT —OF THE — Barooil ui Water Department —OF THE — Borough of Danville, Penn'a —FOR IM— BOROt'GH. Edward W. Peters, receiver of Borough and Dew Taxes for 1901. OR. 'o balance due per la.-,t statement 14 SK) CK. By exonerations durintr 190fi 71 By casli iiaid to the Borough Treasurer during 1900 14 19 — 14 90 E W l'eters. receiver of Boro. and Dog Taxes for 19.G I)R. To balance due last statement- 276 59 CR. ty error previous statement— 216 y t-a-.li paid to Boro. Treas.'o6--274 43 276 59 C W l'eters. receiver of Boro. and I>og taxes for 190 H. I)R. Tj balance due per last statement -.. 98 35 CR. By cash paid Boro. Treas. during 1906 9« 35 £ \Y Peters, receiver of Borough and Dog Taxes for 1904. I>R. To balance due per last statement 1011 49 CR. ty exonerations during 1906 3:10 7S " of 5 per cent penalty. added January Ist. 1905 143 40 By cash paid Boro. Treas. 1906 547 31— 1011 49 E W l'eters, receiver of Borough and Dog Taxes for 1905. DR. To balance due last statement 2479 87 To 5 per cent penalty for 1906- 123 99 2603 86 CR. By exonerations during 1906 248 *4 of 5 per cent penalty added January Ist. 1906 123 99 By cash paid to Boro. Treas. during 1906 2231 23 2603 86 CR- By exonerations during 1906 248 \A " of 5 per cent penalty added January Ist. 1906 123 99 By cash paid Boro. Treas 1906.. 2231 23 2603 86 J 1' Bare, receiver of Borough and Dog Taxes for 1906. OMP | DR. To total duplicate. Borough. 18925 00 Dog 95 00~ IPO2O 00 CR. By 5 per cent rebate on taxes paid within 60 days 696 43 3y cash paid Boro. Treasurer within 60days 13265 31 ly cash paid Boro. Treasurer within 4 months 1000 00 Jy taxes entered at County Commissioners office 34 92 ty bal due at final settlement 4023 34 —19020 00 iarry Ellenbogen Boro. Treas. Danville. Pa. December 31st, 1906. I)R. t'unds for relief of disabled firemen l'o cash recelv'd during 1908 from the Auditor General of the State 172 £ CR. ty S A McCoy. Treas. order No. 1 172 32 Harry Ellenbogen, Boro, Treas. Danville. Pa. December 31st. 1906. BOROI'GH FUND. DR. fo E 112 Miller- market license 1377 0 To Harry B Patton. City Hall rent 6*2 D niilV licenses— 90 0 " sewer rents andtaps. 747 (* To E W l'eters. Its I taxes 11 1902 " 274 4 1903 " 98 1914 " 547 : « « J905 " 2231 TJ Tustice Oglesby. fines 80 C T J Justice Dalton. fines 25 0< . o Wm (i I'ursel. licenses 5 0 To Wm J Rogers, licenses. 52 5< To r'td taxes from County Conim'rs.. 2 4 >'o C .unty Treas. hotel license 307s < To S an'd Ele'c Light Co Pole license 144 0 l' > enn'a Telephone C'« ' 2ft» 2> To Western Union Tel Co " " 2 , l'o I'ld.a. Beading & I'ottsvllle Tele phone <o. pole license. 8 1 To Danville & Bloomsburg. St. R. B. Company, pole license 49 >-0 To J I' Bare. 1906 taxen 14265 3 To / A Lotler. stFeet repairs 5 < To Leo Metzger. old bridge2o" ro Jites Miiiiiigion. shoveling snow 6» o lunois street I'utUiM) . 23 " l'o Wesley Perry. " " 1 1 To ash for electric light glol»e "o os Lechner. street repairs. 2 1 To.Standard Gas <"o. street repairs... 11 • To B Miller, old hose 18 2 T . cash for bonds Nos. 89 and 90 200 • o Geo Rickets, stone - 1 1 l'o Dr I'aules. raising sidewalk . To cash for old hose " 2 1 roGermania Brewing Co. bricks ... 5 7 l'o Peter Kelly, old pipe to F Q llartman. tape 4< To W V Oglesby. gasoline totwii, 2 5 o J Hi o>e. error in Om 12 0 Bit Brown, 'lumagaiing in 'o Beadl'ig Iron Co. Wall St bridge • 69 To 1> C I'ursel. amount overpaid ro cash on hand January Ist. 1906.. **44 ' * 29282 06 CR. ty orders paid 22869 i ■iy cou lions paid •• 1449 ity b.iiids taken back from T Tralnor 200 i By cash on hand December 31st. li<ot>. - * 29282 06 50R0LGH EXPENDITURES. FIRE DEPARTMENT. ,'rlendshlp Co. No. 1. approt'n 150 0i) REPAIRS. Jos E. Sperring" 95 ' it C 4 42 lolin lllxson 9 95 r W Bartholomew 19 75 I' L Evans. Sons.. 33 63 rank Detweller 125 1 I 11 Cole 18 OH SI'PPLIES. | United Tel & Tel Company.... 18 00 .toston Rubber Company 13 34 i J H Cole 7 00 fas Boyd & Bro 43" 0" JU.; COAL. SSS AC A mesbury 29 91 756 2( Washington Co. No. 2. appro'n 150 00 REPAIRS. Thos Rooney 75 los Lechner 4 10 Boettinger & Dietz 150 SUPPLIES. United Tel & Tel Company 18 00 ioston Rubber Company 13 33 I 11 Cole 3 50 " a» BE Kelly & Son 2 00 ios W Keely 2 25 COAL. "•'rank Boyer 18 95 \ C A mesbury 5 80 Samuel Mills 11 *>- 232 18 ontinental Co. No. 3. appro'n 150 00 REPAIRS. Foster Bros 16 (to los Lechner 60 SUPPLIES United Tel. & Tel. Company-. 18 00 ioston Rubber Company 13 33 I II Cole 7 00 COAL. 'rank Boyer 17 45 tJl'egg 11 60— 234 8: Hiodwill Co. No. 4. appropri'n 150 00 REPAIRS. Thos Reifsnyder. 3 42 diet). Shires 1 78 John Doster 8 90 cor ueiisiijUer 4 ii .oettinger & Dietz 50 StPPI.IKS. 'nited Tel & Tel Company Is ">> as Boyd & Bro 401 90 H Cole 6 25 COAL. 1 J Pegg. 12 98— 608 hlef Engineer. Ceo Kocher •• 52 (■ xecutlve Board 2i Total Fire Department. - ? 1908 60 STREETS AM) HRIIIOES. E S Miller. St Commissioner • 600 00 LABOR. ;enj Glllaspy 6 89 as Rime 12 50 eo Sidler 260 77 • arrlson I'augh..: 113 45 ob't G Miller 41 5« eo Hale - 125 enj Snilthers - 2 50 as Robinson 1 56 .JS Kessler 75 ain'l Salnsbury 26 25 iisha Bell 43 71 ohn Carr 2 50 David Jones 31 John Straub 53 Si eo i ros.su y 2 81 rancls Bell 13 13 Kd Sainsbuiy 15 60 ■ avid Rank 10 20 t»C I'ursel 43 45 Peter Elnley 28 25 JosOnklln... 25 13 Art Gearhnrt, ?s 75 JasMcßrlde 24 37 waviu oi\.ves Zi oO Wesley Bodine 11 8s H Murphy 7 50 Harry Shipe.. 4 38 T, L. Evans Sons 1 90 Y M C A Tennis Club ■ 75 George flaney 4 38 John English 6 75 Samuel Werts 6 75 Harry Sanders 1 (K> W G Brown 1 50 William Boat. 1 50 H E Trumbower 1 50 H Ellenbogen, Boro. Treas., pay rolls for labor 2113 00 T) J Roger* 4«W 00 il B Sharp I ess «if»l 00- 4095 29 HAL'LINO. James Riffle 356 Uu William Miller 157 14 Chas Mottern 48 08 Ellis Rank 45 46 Washington Fire Company 6 35 Reading Iron Company - 147 08 Frank Fry .- 7i 18 Samuel Mills 7 78 Friendship Fire Company. 2 50- S4l 52 SUPPLIES WLGouger. lantern 50 Reading Iron Co. old pita H 4f Jacob Byerl y. ham mer...... sfl Thos Relfsny u. mice j jsts.. 7 M F II art ID an. >and 27 76 Jos Lechner. materials 0 70 Curry & Co. materials V 6 9} Frank Arms, cement box 1 50 Geo F Reifsnyder. lumber 58 44 Boettinger & Dietz. materials. 1 70 George Diehl. posts 15 00 J W Keely. time and material 11 29 J II Cole, sundries 92 33 Wel.iver II artl. Co. brooms etc 35 25 Guise Brick Co. bricks •• . 244 20 1' H Foust. Agl. freight 94 05 Wm Quigg, posts. !> 00 Oliver Hoover, lumber 0y 54 E W I'etens. old boilers Ci 00 Trumbower & Werkhelser i> 36 Dennis Bright, limestone 441 22 Danville Fdry. & Macli. Co 3 16 S S Wei liver Sons, sun Iries 1 00 Reading i n n Co. cinuer 108 30 < eo 1-' Rel sn.vder. cinder 4 85 Thtg J. Price, cinder 30 — 1330 45 • SURVEYING, tieo F Keefer. pavm't grades.. 106 00 ! CHURCH ST. DRAIN, i.abor and Hauling. II Ellenbogen. Boro. Treas. pay roll tor labor, hauling - 462 3s Oliver Werts 75 David Rank 7 50 Adam llornberger * 6 00 Parson Robinson 6 (X) James Giljson 6 00 J 1' I'atton 1 N> j Friendship Fire Company ... 70 — 4»>l IS j MATERIALS EiC. Welllver H'd. C° pipe, cement 49i! 11 J II Cole, pipe etc 365 27 John Keim, brick 18 00 F llartman. sand 3 00 Boettinger & Dietz. materia.* 7 25 Danville F'dry. & Macb. Co sewer ring & pipe 93 50 — 8447 57 MUNICIPAL LIGHT PLANT Installation. Rumsey Elc. Mfg Co material 682 01 Saml Sainsbury. labor 13 50 JosSechler, pushcart 4 50 Quaker City Rubber Co. belt and mat 27 02 JasGlhson. labor 110 25 E Z Witman. labor. 58 00 L Doubs, lalior 125 CM Doubs. labor 3 00 H C Fenstermacher. lalior 4 75 Geo Rupp, labor 9 75 Oneida Community. Lt. chain 19 00 Standard E L Co. materials.... 10 37 Trumbower & Werkhelser 7 03 J II Cole, materials 14 18 Geo F Reifsnyder. lumber 16 35 Watertown Engine Co repairs 35 00 Helios Mfg Co. materials 25 40 J B Cleaver, duck 15 13 Sterling Lub'r. Co. lubricator. 19 50 J A Roeblings Sons Co." wire... 56 45 1132 44 RUNNING EXPENSES. Saml li Jones, salary 357 50 Newton Smith, salary 409 45 P & R R Co. pole license. 2 50 Atlantic Kefiin'g. Co. oils etc. 158 98 J H Cole, sundries 25 11 Robert Arms, labor 30 James Gibson 100 00 Curry & Co. waste etc 11 35 Adam Cooks Sons, grease 5 00 Adams Ex. Co. ex press age 3 90 Trumbower & Werkhelser 1 50 Washington Fire Co. hauling.. 29 20 Friendship Fire Co. hauling. 50 Rumsey hie. Mfg to. materi's 301 30 Standard E. L. Co. materials. 1 10 Welliver Hd. Co. sundries 1 69 Helios Mfg Co. materials 31 61 II R Moore, Sundries 55 J P I'atton. hauling 15 Jos W Keely, work. 5 15 Water Dpt for coal for 1906 •• 1983 86 " for coal for 1905 1750 00 Danville. F & M Co. waste .. . 15 33 Gen. Electric Co. fuse 1 05 Jos Lechner, materials 7 10 B F Kelly & Son, repairs 1 00— 5205 58 Please note that the one item "coal consum ed during the year 1905. ?1,50 00" rightly be longs to the running expenses of the year 1905 and was really figured in the special light statemt nt. '1 he actual running expens.-s for the year 1906 is shown t n the special light state ment. POLICE DEPARTMENT. J C Mlncemoyer. Chief Police. 600 00 S G Voris. Aas't' " 600 00 — 1200 00 SUPPLIED. C H Snyder, helmets 3 75 SJ Welliver. sundries 3 53 .las Dailey. Chronographs 14 00 l'ettibone Bros. Co. helmet.-.. 2 75 U S Ex. Co. expressage oo— 24 63 FEEDING PPISONF.RS, J C Mlncemoyer 18 40 Total Police Department $ 1243 03 HIGH CONSTABLE. B B, Brown 33 00 TOWN HALL BfII.DINO Repairs. D C Williams 1 00 os Lechner ti 10 r' 1' Siartzel 42 22 I 11 Colo i»3 44 i-'rank Schraui 15 61 Charles Everhart 75 A 11 Grono - 12 97 John Marshal 50 George F Reifsnyder. 1 17 Trumbower & Werkhelser 2 40 J B Cleaver 1 7«— 117 W MISCELLANEOUS. Standard Gas Co Gas 2 75 Sarah MeCuen. cleaning .... 25 00 A c Roat. repairing furniture 1 10 II L Cross, interest 100 00 J P Baie, lax -s 112 .r 1906 153 19 S J Welliver. br00m.... 30— ">234 COUNCIL CHAMBER. R J Pegg. coal 6 30 Frank Boyer. coal 2 96 A C A mesbury. coal 6 10 Joseph Ritter. wood 50— 15 86 i 416 14 BOARD OF HEALTH. B It Brown. Health Officer 132 00 Dr C Shultz. Secretary 25 00 Postage ami expressage 1 42 G A Rossman. sundries 70 10— 228 52 LOCK UP —REPAIRS. Trumbower & Werkhelser. • 45 S J Welliver Sons Co 2 58 Charles Everhart 2 25 5 28 SUPPLIES. Frank Boyer. coal. 4 00 A C Amesbury. coal 4 00— 8 00 Total for Lock Up 112 13 28 PRINTING. Montour American 65 50 Morning News ... 2 25 The Gem 69 50- 137 25 LEGAL EXPENSES, Fdward S Gearhart. salary... 50 00 E S Gearhart. Ex. Court work 125 00 T G Vincent. I'ro'y services. •• 800 • Is 300 TOWN CLOCKS. Edward Lunger 30 00 St. Joseph's Catholic Church. - 30 00 tio 00 AUDITORS. W H Woodslde 1 00 John L Jones • 1 00- 2 00 TAX COLLECTORS COMM'S Edward W Peters 294 25 J P Bare 265 :so 559 55 STATIONARY. Alex H Grone 8 74 Mrs Jennie Persing. Treas. Int. on Josiah Wolf beuuest. 72 00 MISCELLANEOUS. Harry Ellenbogen. Borough Treasurer, salary 75 00 II Ellenbogen. Tres State Tax on Borough Bonds 181 20 United Tel Co. phone rent •• • 26 00 DL& WR R Co. right of way 10 00 Harry B Patton. expenses of trip to Harrisburg. for Bom 7 0; II B I'atton, phone mgs serv'e 1 05 H B I'itton .post'g & box rent 5 00 H B Patton. Kec. to Council . 180 00 485 32 SEWER WORK. Labor and Hauling. Harry Ellenbogen Boro Treas pay rolls for lalior and haul ing during 1906. 1459 84 SURVEYING. George F Keefer 196 00 MATERIALS ETC., Welliver Hard. Co. cement etc 350 43 Curry &.Co. chisel 2 i 4 F H art man. sand 4 20 SJ Welllver. sundries 3 90 Trumbower & Werkhelser.... 45 75 Jos Lechner. hose etc 16 Oo J H Kase & Co. pipe 10 16 A M Peters, ice ■ .... 11 61 Kerns & Lobach, materials. . 7 60 P J Keefer. rubber boots 10 5o B F Kelly & Son. time, mate'l 5 30 J W Keely. time and material. li 91 J 11 Cole. Pipe etc 603 87— 1078 27 i 2734 11 BOROUGH RECAPITULATION*. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Friendship Fire Co. No. 1 756 20 Washington Fire Co. No. 2-... 232 18 Continental " " 3 234 88 Goodwill " " 4 608 34 Chief Engineer , 52 00 Executive Board SOO 1908 60 STREETS AND BRIDGES. E S Miller, St. Commissioner.• 600 Oo Labor 4095 29 Hauling 841 52 Supplies 1330 45 Surveying 106 00 Church St. Drain 1474 31— 5147 57 Installation Boro. Light Plant 1132 44 Running Ex. of " '. " ... 5205 58— '5338 02 POLICE DEPARTMENT. Salaries JUO 00 Supplies 24 63 Feeding prisoners.. 18 40-- 12W1 03 HIGH CONSTABLE. B B Brown, salary 32 00 fewer work 273411 Board of Health 228 62 TOWN HALL BI'ILDING. Repairs 117 94 Miscellaneous 282 34 Council Chamber 15 86 Lock Up 13 !js Printing 137 25 Legal Expenses 183 00 Town Clock .. 60 00 Auditors 2 00 Tax Collectors Commissions.. 559 55 Stationary. 8 74 Interest on Wolf 72 00 Miscellaneous 4*5 32 - 1937 28 Total ? 22869.13 STAT KM T OF BORO. LIGHT PLANT —FOR THE YEAR 1906. Total cost of installation of plant including boiler pump oil filter, steam separator, oil tanks and wiring of build lag 17276 12 COST OF RUNNING PLANT. Coal 1983 86 Labor and materials. 1471 72 Interest on investment (17276- i 2. at the rate of 3 1-2 percent 604 66 4060 24 CREDIT. Bill the Danville & Sunbury St. R. R. Co. owing the Bivitf for changing line on East Market Street . 30 la By difference In amount paid previous years for lighting Water Works and City Hall Building- 53 13 Material in stock 313 95 — 399 23 Actual expenses for St. Light #3661 01 for sti arc lamps 12 months. 5 for 7 months and 3 for 4 months, also, 24 incandescent lamps, for 12 months. Cost of arc lamp per month 3.05 and cost for incandescent lamp per month 1.53. Number of arc lamps at present Installed 94 and Incandescent 24. This statement does not include the cost of i current supplies 35 lOean.ile pjwer lamps for lour engine houses, which was previously fur nished at the expense of tile tire companies. THE BOROUGH OF DANVILLE. I'ENN'A. —December 31st. 1906. ASSETS. Taxes entered at County Com oillce prior to 1906 208 60 19(H, tuxes entered 34 92 Bal of 1906 taxes due from J P iiare 4053 34 Fire engine houses 6000 00 Steam lire engine 30C0 00 lire hose 3000 CO Small l:o»e 25 00 Sundry supplies , 175 00 Tools for street work 20 00 Town Hall Building 8000 00 furniture 250 00 Lock Up 100 00 Barn on Friendship lot 135 00 Sewer IS9SS 30 Municipal Light Plant 17276 12 City Hall rents. 338 50 Mill Street paving. Borough's share and liens 9555 30 Sewer connections 954 10 Danville & Sunbury St By Co Pole license. 24 90 Danville & Sunbury St By Co, Changing lines 30 15 Chas 1' Hancock. I) & S St It'y Co. lowering trolley track on East Market Street 29 25 Danville & Bloomsburg St By Co. Pole license 51 60 American Tel & Tel. Co. Pole license 47 70 United Tel & Tel Co Pole Lie, 93 60 Std. E. L. Co. Pole license 59 25 Penn'a Tel C >. Pole license-.. 24 60 Cash on hand Dec. 31st, 1906. - 4763 43—77235 46 LIABILITIES II L Gross, mortgage on Town Hall building 2500 00 Three per cent bonds Issued November Ist. 1900 14000 00 Three and one-half per cent bonds issued July Ist. 1903. . 20000 00 Three and one-half percent bonds issued Nov. Ist. 1904... SHOO 00—45300 00 Assets exceed liabilities . I 31935 00 WATER DEPARTMENT. Edward W. I'eters, receiver of 1901 Water Taxe« DR. To bal. due per last statemant . 9.57 CR. By exonerations of Council 9.11 By eash paid to the Boro. Treas. during 1906 46 Edward W. Peters, receiver of 1902 Water Taxes. DR. To bal. due per last statement.. 117.44 CK. By exonerations of Council dur ing 1906 102.44 By ca-h paid io the Boro. Treas. during 1906 15.00 Harry Ellenbogen, Borough Treasurer, Danville, Pa., December 31st, 1906. WATF.K FUND. DK. To cash on hand Jan'y. Ist, 1906 81385.53 To 11. B. I'atton,Receiver of Water Rents 12499.43 To H. B. I'atton, Corporation Cocks .... 17.80 To cash for noal from Boro. Light Dep't 3733.86 To ca-h for pipe and fittings from the Danville Stove & Mfg. Co 37.25 To from Edward Cormau for old grate bars u.oo To Edward W. Peter, Taxes for 1903 15.00 fo returned taxe-from Co. Commrs .41 To cash for of pump from the Ber wick Water C 0.... 14.50 To from the Convent of the Holy Family for materials for extension on property 291.24 118009.05 CR. By orders paid 8U935..V> By coupons paid 2319.00 Toca,h balance on hand Dec. 31st, 1906 3754.50 $18009.05 WATER DF.P'T EXPENSES FOE 1906. REGULAR EMPLOYEES. ENGIMEEKS. Jacob Bverly 785.83 Edward Bell 789,05 —— 1574.88 FIREMEN George Hulllhen 547.50 Ldward Wertman 559.00 P. J. Keefer, Sup't. salary 000,00 H. B. Pattou, Receiver, salarv... 480.00 8821.38 AUDITORS. W. 11. Woodside 1.00 John L. Joues 1.00 2.00 MISCELLANEOUS. Hurry Ellenbogen, Boro. Treas., salary.. 73.00 Ifiwy Ellenbogen, Boro. Preas., State tax on water bonds 308.00 H B. Patton, postage and box rent 37.00 420.00 TAX RECEIVERS COMMISSIONS. Edward W. Peters 10.75 BOROUGH SOLICITOR. Edward S. Gearhart .10.00 PRINTING. Danville Intelligencer 25.00 Th6<>em 12.00 G. Edward Roat 12.00 .IREI'iHT AND tiRAVAGE. Friendship Fire Co 137.16 Ellis Bank 71.93 Washington Fire C 0... 42.70 John P. Patton 3.00 Frank Boyer 90.45 345.24 REPAIRS. L.\BOR AND MATERIALS. Trumbower and Werkhelser a 22.51 Joseph Lechner.... 50.50 John Dugan 1.50 John Hlxson . 16.67 Curry & Co 346.85 John Straub • 3.75 Elisha Bell 1.50 Jonn Carr 4.50 Frank Ammerman 75 Edward Sainsbury 2.25 Samuel Sainsbury 21.00 John Mowrey 15.60 Well Yeager fi.oß William Shepperson 33.24 (ieorge F. Reifsnyder 22.05 Danviiie Foundry & Machine Co 9.52 11. Ellenbogen, Borough Treasurer, or ders for Laboi Pay Rolls 69.50 David Rank 7.50 Ashcroft Mfg Co 4.65 672.92 SUPPLIES. D. L. &W.R. R. CO, ooal ... 950.18 Curry and Co, waste, etc 12.39 P. C. Murray and Son, sal soda 10.13 United Tel and Tel Co, telephone rent.. 24.00 J. H. Goeser and Co, brooms, etc 68.45 H. R. Moore, sundries 15.21 Standard Gas Co gas 38.72 Tiona Oil Co, oif 20.38 William Estweiler, steam hose . . 12.00 I'. H. Foust Agena, freight 914.45 S. J. Welliver. sundries 1.44 Atlantic Refining Co, oil, etc 122.08 Garlock Packing Co, packing 38.73 P. A; B. Coal & Iron Co, coal 991.01 Harrison Bros & Co, Inc, alum 269.11 United states Express Co, expressage 1.72 J. H. Cote, Sundries 4.49 A. C. Amesbury, coal 10.64 Haines Jones Cad bury Co, corp cocks.... 30.39 A. M. Peters, ice 17.05 J. 11. Kase & Co, shovels 1.70 Welliver Hardware Co, barrows. .... 3.56 Montour Coal aud Iron Co, coal 157.02 F. (J. Hartman, coal 5.17 Adam- Express Co, expressage 1.95 H. Rupp, stone barrow 5.50 F'rank Boyer, coal 50.18 John M. Watts Sons Co, metal polish ... 1.75 Danville Fdy Maoh Co, supplies 16.51 Rensselaer Mfg Co, tire hydrants. .... 205.60 1367.51 STREET WORK. Repairs and extensions to mains, etc. LABOR AND MATERIALS. Trumbower and WerkheDer .30 Jo>eph W. Keely 16.85 Jacob Black 4.65 F. Ammerman.. 5.70 I. Atnmerinan 1.50 I). Williams 7.20 c. A-hton i,ao Joseph Kau-naaght 5.25 C. C. DeWalt 53 David Kank .45 Jo-eph Birks 3.00 Samuel Sainsbury 15.00 Joseph I.echner 110.94 standard Gas Co 85 Wallace Hoover 1.25 Joseph Gerst 4 50 Ra*s F'reeze 4.50 Welliver Hardware Co 4.65 Reading Jiou Co 34.75 E. ICeelerC'Q 1.20 Frank Sehram 19.06 Penn'a R. R. Co ... 21.13 Rensselaer Mfg. Co 22.n0 Friend-hip Fire Co 8.12 American Car i Fdry Co 489 so J. H. Cole 12.32 J. I*. Patton 2.90 Washington Fire C 0.... 4.15 H. Ellenbogen, Boro. Ttea>., Orders for I Pay Rolls for Labor and Hauling.... 241.90 1ijt)1. , .>5 RETAIN* IN'. WALL AT WATERWORKS. LABOR .v HAULING. Thos. James 8 3,00 Frank Ross 3.00 Boyer Bros 7.00 | Samuel Sainsbury 0.00 l Oliver ertz y.ou John Straub 7.50 John Dngan H. 25 David Rank 8.25 Emery ott 8.25 James Dentian 8.25 Ellsha Bell 9 00 , Francis Bell 8 25 ■Samuel W ertz 1.50 Williams Beyers 7 50 C'haTffes Milts 675 W.B.BlaheJ p Parson Robison 6.00 Thoma- Pritchard 8.75 ' S. Rumfeldt 6.75 Ellis Rank, Jr 1.90 11. Ellenbogen, Boro Treai, labor payrolls 491.88 1 621.5t 62l.St MATERIALS FOR RETAINING WALL. Welliver Hardware Co, cement.... 325.10 Trumbower & Werkheiser, lumber 48.19 J. 11. Cole, materials 59.52 F. Hartman, Saud 57.07 490.24 Total cost of wall $1111.77 WATER RECAPITULATION. Regular Kmployees 8 31-21 3> Auditors, 2 (JO MJsCelliine us.. 420 0 'MX eceiver'a Commissions 1' 7"> Borough Solicitor 50 0 Printing, 49 no I* reight & Ihayage 34 • 24 Repairs 6'2 92 Supplies 4 07 54 Street. Work Materials etc.. 1081. 5 Retaining Wall at Works, 1U1.77 11935... r, WATERD EPARTMENT. ASSETS. All taxes entered at County Commrs office ."....$ 211.58 W ftter mains 100000.00 Fire hydpants 12300.00 Building, machinery, we 115.... 63*18.61 Filtration plant complete 17508.00 Cash bal on hand Deo 31st 1900 3751.50 LIARILITIES. 3 per cent, bonds of the issue of July Ist, 1900 77000.00 Assets exceed Mobilities.... 120551.72 We the utuleisigned. the Finance < otn mittee'of tbe town Council oft e Borough of Danville, having been directed to audit the accountsof the receipts and expenditures for the year 1900, do certify that we have ex amined the above statement and find it to De correct. AMOS VASTINE, I J. SWEISFORT, J AS. FIXXIGAN. j We the undersigned. Auditors of the Borough of Danville, County of Montour and tate of Pennsylvania, having examined the above statement of the receipts and xpendl tures of the Borough and Water Funds for the year 1906. do certify that we find them true and correct. W. H. WOODSIDE, I JOHN L. JONES, '-Auditors. A. C. AMESBURY. ) We the Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Danville, County of Montour and State of Pennsylvania do certify that the above statement of receipts and expenditures ] of the said Borough and Water Funds are true exhibits as shown by the books of the Secretary and Treasurer, and the Receiver of Water Rents, accoiding to our knowledge and belief. W. J. ROGERS, BURGESS. COUNCILMEN. AMOS VASTINE' JOHN EISENHART, J. SWEISFORT. GEO. B. JACOBS, JOHN L. RUSSELL, JAS. FINNEOAN, JACOB H. BOYER, JOS. M. GIBSON, JACOB J. DIKTZ, JOHN R. HUGHES, J. H. WOODSIDE, A. C. ANGLE. TREED AND NETTED. The Way Hunter* Capture the Omg Outline Alive. Trapping the smaller members of the monkey family is a comparatively easy matter, hut the hunter who wishes to secure live specimens of the orang out any cannot have recourse to the usual methods and has to employ a laborious process. The process is based upon the fact that the orangs have a liking lor certain trees and frequent these to Ihe exclusion of other nearby growths. They seem to regard them as a sanctuary and flee to them In time of danger. Ascertaining a tree partic ularly favored, the hunter first drives his quarry t;> its branches; then whll* his heaters keep up a din for the pur pose of preventing au attempt at es cape the natives are *et to work to •hop at the trees within a radius of ifty fe;»t all about the simiau fortress. N'o trunk Is cut completely through, >ut Is left with just eiiDUgh fiber to lold tlu* tive in position. This work Is juickly mroiuplished with the large •orps of servauts. and at u signal one >f the trees Is toppled over. The chop ilng has been so done that the falling ree carries with It its neighbor, and in he twinkling of an eye the trees wlth n a radius of fifty feet from the mark ed tree lie upon the ground, leaving he orangoutangs with uo opportunity or getting away through their leafy tvetiues of escape. The remainder of he process simply consists of chopping Sown the tree of refuge and throwing nets over the escaping orangs, in which they soon become entangled In their tfforts to throw off the Incumbrance. TRICKS IN ARITHMETIC. Subtract 4."> I'rom 45 and Have 4B M H Remainder. If you were asked to subtract 45 from 45 ami have 45 as a remainder, you would be likely to say that the proposition Is either a "catch" or an Impossibility. But here It Is, set down in plain figures, and you will find that It Is ueitber one nor the other: 987454321 125456751 864197(32 Here, you see, are the nine digits from 9 to 1 written down in that or der, and below them are the same digits from left to right, and you will see that each line makes 45, and you will And that the remainder —the third line-adds up 45. Another little exercise is to set down the following fifteen figures and then see If you can use six of them In such a way as to make a total of 21: 1 l l 3 3 3 6 S 6 T 7 7 9 9 9 One way of doing it Is to take the two 7's, one 5 and one 1, which make four figures, footing up 20, and then to use two other figures as a fraction to represent one. For example, 7 plus 7 plus 5 plus 1 plus 3-3 equals 21.—Balti more Sun. IBSEN'S PARADOX. And the Intimate Relation of Selene* to Society. Ibsen, iii\ great compatriot, has In one of his works formulated the para dox Hint the man is strongest who Stands most alone. There is certainly some truth in this—nay, there Is much truth In It so far as science Is con cerned. The man who In the search for truth goes his way Independently #f other men and of other considera tions is certainly the man who Is apt to find the greatest and most va jable truth. On the other hand, It is also true that science more than most other filings itt life depends on co-operation, on tho help of one's fellow beings, and this becomes more and more true every day. Many people are apt to forget what science actually Is and what tbey owe to science, for it Is through scl ence that modern society actually ex ists, and the development of society as It Is today would be Impossible If sci ence were eliminated. Humanity i' 4 growing; but. If science and the means created by science are not growing, hu manity will have to look forward to a very miserable future. Therefore the nation that wishes to be cared for must suppji't science and those who »:arr\ "n scientific work- Science will live L'.T on ili'e una has done so ever since t!ie da\ s .vlien Prometheus made hli' fatal e\ [.edition to the gods aud it -le the lire which Is more or less burning In every one of us and cannot be extinguished. There is something sublime in this everlasting fire of sci ence. Generation after generation dis appears. The individual is nothing, but always "watchful In the tower man shall remsiiu in sleepless contempla tion."—l>r. Xansen. [«owell-1 proposed to a girl last alght and was rejected. Powell—You ought to try her again. A girl as sensl- I ble as that would muke you a good wife —New York PTM* AN ORDINANCE. TO AMEVD SECTIONS TWELVET 12) AND FOURTEEN (14> RESPEC TIVELY, OF AN ORDINANCE! ENTITLE J. "AN ORDINANCE ' REQUIRING AND PERMIT I - ING THE OWNERS OF CER TAIN PROPKRTIES IN THE' BOKOUGH OF DANVILLE, MONTOUR COUNTY, PENN SYLVANIA, TO MAKE PROPER CONNECTIONS WITH AND USE ALL SEWERS CONSTRUCTED 13Y THE SAID BOROUGH. PRO VIDING FOR THE METHOD OF MAKING SUCH CONNECTIONS PRESCRIBING THE MANNER OF THE USE OF SUCH SEW ERS, AND REGULATING THE CHARGES THEREFOR, RES PECTIVELY, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES," APPROVED THE TWENTY SEVENTH DAY OF JANUARY A. D. 1905, CHANG ING AND INCREASING THE TAPPAGE FEE OR CHARGE AND ABOLISHING ALL ADDI TIONAL AND YEARLY CHARGES FOR SUCH CONNEC TIONS. SECTION 1. Be it ordained and en acted by the Chief Burgess.and by the Town Council of the Borough of Dan ville, in the County of Moutour and State of Pennsylvania, in council as sembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, Tiiat Sections twelve aud Fourteen respectively, of an ordinance, entitl ed, "An ordinance requiring and per mitting the owners of certain proper ties in the Borough of Danville. Mon tour County, Pennsylvania, to make proper connections with and use all sewers constructed by the said Bor ough, providing for the method of making such connections, prescribing the manner of the use of such sewers, and regulating the charges therefor, respectively, aud for other purposes", approved the twenty-seventh day of January A. D., 1905, which said sec tions respectively read as follows: "SECTION 12. That the said tap page fee or charge for thus connecting with the said respective and proper sewer shall be respectively,the follow ing, viz: For each building to one connection the sum of ten dollars. For each con nection to one building the sum of Ten Dollars, Together with the fol lowing additional and yearly charges for each connection. And which also shall be paid to the said Borough by the said owner or owners of the said respective properties aud premises, For each dwelling the sum of Three Dollars per year. For each store-room the sum of Three Dollars per year, For each shop the sum of Three Dol lars per year. For each office the sum of Three Dollars per year, For each public hall the sum of Five Dollars per year. For each restaurant the sum of Five Dollars pei year, For each hotel the sum of Ten Dol lars per year. For each bottling works the sum of Five Dollars per year, For each brewery the sum of Twen ty-five dollars per year, ! For each factory the sum of Twen ty-five dollars per year, For each slaughter house the sum of Ten Dollars per year, For each laundry the sum of Ten Dollars per year, For each railroad station the sum of Ten Dollars per year, For each livery stable the sum of , Ten dollars per year, That the yearly charge for all sew age and drainage connections not here inbefore specifically fixed and specified shall also be uniform and shall be made by the said Town Council." "SECTION 14: That all fees, year ly charges, fines, penalties and costs imposed by any of the several provis ions of this ordinance may be sued for, collected and recovered before any lustice of the Peace of the said Bor ough of Dauville as debts of like • mount and fiues and penalties impos •d for the violation of Boiough Ordin ances are now by law collectable aud recoverable, aud shall be paid over to rhe Treasurer of the said Borough of Danville for the use of the said Bor iugli." Be aud the same are hereby nneuded respectively, so as to be aud read as follows: SECTION 12 That, the said tappage fee or charge for thus couueeting with the said respective ami proper server -hall be respectively. the following, viz: For each single building to one rou uectiou the sum of tweuty dollars, For each double building to one con nection the sum of thirty dollars, For each additional dwelling house owned by the same persou to the same connection the sum of teu dollars. SECTION 14. That all fees, charges, flues, penalties aud costs imposed by any of die several provisions of the hereinbefore recited ordinance as veil as by any of the several provisions of this amendment to thp said recited ordinance may be sued for, collected and recovered before any Justice of the Peace of the said Borough of Dan ville a* debta of like amount and tinea and penalties imposed for the viola tion of Borough ordinances are now by law collectable and recoverable,aud shall be paid over to the Treasurer ot the said Borough of Dauville for the use of the said Borough. APPKOVED the Btu day of Decern ber A. I). 19<)6. WILLIAM J. KLK.EuS. Chief Burgess A ttest: H. B PATTON. Secretary lif the B.(rough o f Danville. Oouucil Chamber, Dauville, Pa . Dec. Bth, 19J6. AN ORDINANCE. TO PROVIDE FOR THE LI ENSING OF TRANSIENT. RET VIL MEtt ! CHANTS IN THE BOROUGH OF [ DANVILLE, MONTOUR COUN- J TY, PENNSYLVANIA AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO OBTAIN THE SAME. SECTION 1. Be it ordained and en acted by the Chief Burgess, and by the Town Council of the Borougli of Dan ville, in the Couuty of Montour and State of Pennsylvania, in Council as sembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same: That hereafter every person, whether principal or agent, entering into, be ginning, or desiring to begin, a transi ent, retail business in the Borough of Danville, in the County of Moutour, and State of Pennsylvania, for the sale of any goods, wares or merchandise whatsoever, whether the same shall be represented or held forth to be bank rupt, assignees, or about to quit busi ness, or of goods damaged by fire, w it er or otherwise shall take out a license for the same from the Chief Burgess of the said Borough of Danville aud which said license shall be duly sign ed by the said Chief Bnrgess and at tested by the Secretary of the said Bor ough. The amount of such license in tiie said Borough of Danville shall uot be less than twenty-five dollars i|2».- 00), nor exceed the sum of two hun dred dollars (1300.00), per mouth or fractional part thereof, to be paid to the Treasurer of the said Borough of Danville for the use of the said Bor ough. Said license to be renewed monthly during the continuaace of said sale, and upon failure of said per son or persons so to secure such li cense, he, she, or they shall be fined in a sum not less than one hundred dollars (1100.00), nor more than two hundred dollars ifiOO.OO), to be col lected as other Hues are by law 00l lectable.au 1 iu default of payuieut of said fines, to be imprisoned iu the jail of the said County of Montour for a period not exceeding thirty days. SECTION 2 All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with r con trary to the provisions of this ordin ance are hereb*- repealed. APPROVED the 22nd day of Dec mber A. D 19 v 6 WILLIAM J. ROGERS, Chief Bnrgess. Attest HARRY B. PATTON. Secretary of the Borough of Danville. Council Chamber, Danville, Decem ber 22. A. D. 1906. AN ORDINANCE. PROHIBITING THE DISTRIBU TION OF SAMPLES OF MEDIC AL PREPARATIONS, WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE BOROUGH OF DANVILLE, MONTOUR COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, PRESCRIBING THE PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF SUCH ORDIN ANCE, AND FOR OTHER PUR POSES. SECTON 1. Be it ordained and en acted by the Chief Burgess, and by the Town Council of the Borough of Danville, in the County of Montour aud State of Pennsylvania in council assembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same : That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons, firm or firms, company or companies, association or associations, corporation or corpora tions to throw or distribute, or cause to be thrown or distributed any bottle or bottles, box or boxes, package or pdokages, or other device or devices containing samples of medicine, ' drugs, pills, ointments, nostrums, compouud or other substance used as i medicine or like articles of auy bind whatsoever, in auy street, alley, or upon or about any public or private property, buildiug or buildings, dwel ling or dwellings, door yard or pyeiu es within the liiqits of the said Bor ough of Dauville. j Any person or persous, firm or firms, company or companies, association or associations, corporation or corpora tions who or which shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall forfeit aud pay a Que of twenty five dollars for eaoh aud every such offense. SECTION 2. All tiues and peualties imposed by any of the provisions of this ordinance may be sued for, col lected aud recovered before any Jus tice of the Peace of the Borough of Dauville, as debts of like amount aud flues aud penalties imposed for the violation ot Borough ordiuauces are now by law collectable aud recover able, and shall be paid over to the Treasurer of the said Borough the for use of the said Borough. SECTION 8. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with or contrary to the provisions of this ordmauce are hereby repealed. APPROVED the 6th dav of January A. D. 1907 WILLIAM J. ROGERS, Chief Burgess. Attest: H. B. PATTON, Secretary of.the Bgrough qt Pauvllle t A* NUAL STATEMENT OF THE DIRECT.RJ tF'.HIKCR OF Dam i 1 hiiiJ Mahoning Poor 'rid tor the Year H'xii.tu J I. 19.7 J. f\ BAKE Treasurer. In account with the Director* of the Dan vi leand "ahoning I'oor District. DR. To balance due Directors at last settle uietil | 33j$ 24 To c.o>li received lorn E. W. Peterson duplicate lut IV 4 100 OJ To cash reeeived from K. W I'eters on dupl cate l9u> 366 10 To cash rece.ved from K. a. Wertwau on account duplicate 1905 .... 18100 To cash received from,l I'. Bare on implicate for .9<i 5500 00 To c.isli recei *d fro ('has L termli ler ou duplicate for IJO6 72 • f«0 ocas'i r< ceived fiom hd Wertman... 66 8U lo cash receivec from Cornley Young. hi no 1 o asti from ot erdistilcts 20 110 To ra-.li received from Gregory dowery H0• oc.ish rece.ved from KJ. o affery 1 H TO cash reci'lved from . Thomas est.. 32-~> ifl To cash rece.ved from VI. Cro well.. 74 5:1 Toe sh received, ( orrowed money 2iOuOO To cash received from Steward for products sold 668 47 •10788 24 CR. By whole amouot of orders paid by the Treasurer duriug the year 19ms 10217 75 Bal due Directors at present settlement $.140 49 Directors of Danville and Mahoning Poor District in Account with the District. DR. To balance due from Treasurer at last seitlement 338 21 To balance due from E. W\ Peters at I last settlement on duplicate for the year 1904 100 00 To balance due from E. W. Peters at last settlement on duplicate for ■ the 1905................ s°> 94 To balance due from E G. Wertman on duplicate for 191> 206 04 ■ To amount of duplicate issued J. P Hare for the Borough of Danville for the year 1906 6692 01 To Penalty of 6 per cent on 8795 14 dup licate for the year 19 6 39 76 Amount of duplicate issued rtias L't termiller for the township of Ma honing for the year 19J6 819 76 To penalty of 1 per cent on 47 >8 dup | licate for the year »9 6 ..... ... 239 To 1 ash received from nl Wertman.. 66 80 To cash received from other Districts . 2JUO To cash received from Com ey oung 10 0 To cash received from Gregory est ... 14 00 Toe sh received from K J McCaffrey 118 ' o cash received from L. Thomas est. 325 00 To cash received from ■ . Be>er 74 55 To cash received, boirowed money 2400 0 To c.nh received from Steward for Pro duce sold 668 47 «12:j04 i 4 CR. Exonerations allowed E. W.Peterson duplicate for the year 19J5 46 77 By con mission allowed E W. Peters ofs per cent on *,BO 20 on duplicate for 190-i.... 19 26 Balance ue from E. W. Peters on"du pl cate for 1905 93 91 By exoiierati ins allowed E O. Werl -111 an for tne year .90i .. .. 744 By commission al owed E.G.Wertman of 5 per cent, on j,9-i 6»on duplicate for year lit 5 968 By bal. due from E. G. Wertman on dup'ica.e for ye ir By abatement allowed J. p Bare of 5 per cent on So.H;O 5 6on duplicate for year 19C6 268 52 By com mission allowed J. P. Bare ofß per cei.to . 51(2 04 on duplicate 112 r tie year IKO6 10 204 By commission allowed J P. Bare of 5 per cent 011 (.2 31 on duplicate for year lrf"6 26 31 By baianCfc due from J. P. Bare for 1906 • BU9O By abatement allowed Chas Utterrail ler on 460 46 un dup icate for the year 1906 23 32 By co mission allowed < lias ' tter niiller 0114 114 for tbeye r 1906.... 13 29 By commissi 11 alloved Clihs t tter miiler on a>4 f.ir the year 1906 .. 15 27 By balance ue from < I,hs Lttermll lerond pti ate for 1906 50 27 By orileig paid by Treaau er durinn the „ y< ?l,r 10247 75 By ha ance due Directors at present setileme'it 540 49 123(4 lj Stat 1 menl of Ori-ern issued during the ynir 1 !K)6. I'aiti and <>u titan ding and piiiposct. for which the same ireie issued Directors Salaries * SOOOO" steward 3(10 00 Phys clans 145 01 £tt«.r..ey 80 00 Treasurer 75 0 '"ler* 7500 Auditimr and liuplicaie 18 00 Tr nsient P upers 1895 .lust ices #6O H irse Hire 3 qq XircelUne us Items 12 90 Printers bills is 00 Kent 2*o» Insurance 170 25 Debts and Interest paid 2467 4? H750 17 Outside Relief as Follows: Medicine . 153Q Coal and Wood 74 42 Sh «3 and Clothing 29 11 Undertaker 700 insane at Hospital :-®2O 25 Geneial Ale.cliandlse 817 74 396:186 For Maintenance of Poor House and Farm. Seedinif tirain and Plants 63 16 Lime and Manure 237 50 Shoes and Shoe He-pairing 29 vi Hlackmii h b lis 8579 Hnu-e and Karui Hands 413 38 Farm Implements and Hardware 221 11 General Merchandise ....f... '.. 33s ss Ul*ithin«r 6180 Meat bill 17114 , Goal 21093 ' Improvements and repair." 10797 Drng S,ore hills 6*o Tobacco 33 50 New Furniture .. 3S 63 Livestock I9JX4 Vetcrinay 12 M I SVSB 72 P. \t. K Kit Ms, 1 THEO. lIOFFMW -Director* II WI ICEMAN. I We, the Auditors of the IlAro:4gh of I«a'ivl|le and Township of Mah iiiluif litye. examined the above accounts andti. >1 Uvenj correct. 1 JOHN L JO.NK . I A. C AMESBrKV, Auditors. M. P. fCO IT, I Statement of Real Estate and /Vr*u/.ai Property on hand at date of Settlement. Heal EM»«e ... ... ,'jiiOO 00 H"usennd Kitchen Kurnlture 1219 40 Hay and Gran 1267 50 Farming Utensils " ]isi9d l.ue trick i8t«00 Veifetahhs 2t-iOO A'cat anil Lard 262 00 1 101 ■ ing and Material 44 30 Fruit. Pre.-eives. &c aiss Vinegar Sauer Kraut ' ...... 7 00 Lumber 27 sit Seperator .'. 75 00 Cotlee 196 V"? 1 67 20 Tobacco i3M Hour 1 00 ♦28754 81 Produce Raised, 26 Tons Hav t 784 0 5.1 hushe gPntatoes ..." 0 8 bus es 1 In ions 800 512 bushel* of A heat 35840 •JO ousliels Kye 1200 49 tiushels Oats 171 85 1881 bushi ls Corn ears 47U2S bit) Bundles corn fodder ,3000 200 Heads ' ahhaxe 6 0 781 • bu-hels Beet? 19." 00 Iti bushels Buckwheat.... 9 60 80 bushel uruips 7SI 1 bushel Onion Sets 5 00 2 bushel of Beans 3 00 1 lul-.11 I nriid orn 6 bushel oiuntoes... I .*<) 1-i iiunches • e erv 750 700 B" Hu"er 175 00 35v I>«z Lyvs &OOQ 12551 .0 Stock Raised. 100 Chickens 112 4000 2 Calves 16 00 3+ t'lgs 150 00 11 lurkey* 22 0(J 5 Ducks SO W Guineas.. 3 23 «533 73 Paupers adwi'tvl during the year 1906. 10 Left... 7 Dl»d . 3 Number in House Jan. Ist. 1906 H «• •' Jan. Ist. IDO7 li Tramps Relieved during the yeu IW6 118 Night lodgings furnished Trumps 118 MeHls furnished Tramps 43 La Grippe aDd Pnenmonia, Foley's Honey and Tar cures la grippe coughs and prevents pneutuouia. Refuse any but the genuine in the yel ' low package. Sold by all drugglits
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers