LOCAL TIME TAIil I S. I'KXN'A R R WKST. 7 11 A. M SI (Ml \ \! I*I.IT 1'- HI P. M. 2.21 P M 1.4*1 5.50 7 .1 SUNDAYS 10 17 \ M I *» I P. M. D L A W K li K AST. WKST. 7 Its v. V 9.10 v M. fO !«♦ " 12 51 P. M. 1 2,11 P M 4.:© " 544 - 910 SI NDAYS ; <M \ M 13.44 P M r» 44 P m 9 10 l'llli.A A KKAWNU H R : ' ' ■ BLOOM STREET. ■ . 3.5 X P. M«» p >4. DANVILLE AND BLOOM SB'. STREET RAILWAY < . i. >HVt* DHllvillfl K 00. ft. 40, 7 :>o s .'rt. 9.10, 10.00, 10.50. 11.40 a in 12-a', 1 20, 2.10. :{ Ik). r>o 4.40, 5 i; MO, « On. 8.50, 9.40, 10 i i 20 pin, »->ive Bloonisbnrg fi ix'. •> 40 i y 1;!. 10.0H, 10.63, 11.4.;*. ru 12 1.23, 2 1:$, 3.03. :i 5:1, 4.4:5, r. :w t; 2 1 7.15, 5.03, 5.53, 9.43 10.3:!, 11 •*» j« in. First car Sunday ni«»riiiiitf 7.3n. Last ear, 1120 at night goes tuOrova uia only. Wm. R. Miller. Hen 1 M.t";iL'« r EXHAUSTIVE STUDY OF STATE'S SNAKES In ilxiut three weeks State Economic Zoologist Surface will issu- alinlletin mi tlie -urikf- of Pennsylvania in which he will describe the twenty four sjiecie- of serpents native in Pennsyl vania ami give what he considers In ho the greatest amount of information about the food nf serjieiits ever pnb -11 th<* bulletin will contain more on that jm>int than is contained in all nf the literature on the -abject." Prof Surface has been collecting •lata, live an<l written, on this subject for months. He has received snakes, wriggling and dead, from every conn tv in the State, having practically ev eryone of the species known in l'eiui -vl\ una in hi- collection on the fifth tl—.i ot the North wing of the capitol. Only ve>ti rday lie received :» four and 1 h ill foot live copper hea l snake which was photographed by himscll and hi- a--i-tants 111 a dozen different pose- and act- lb- also received from Columbia county a specimen of the green gra-- snake, commonly supjiosed to he venomous, but which Prol Snr fa"' says is not so. V VLI AELEJDATA F< Hi FARMERS This bulletin will be exceedingly valuable to farmers for it will furnish all kinds of information about sel louts. their habitat, apjiearaiico, char acteristic- and above all their manner of propagation and how tliev fee.l Tin bullet hi will give photgnpbl taken ol rattlesnakes right in the capitol, tin snbje. 1 lieing a very live one which w.i received -ome time ago. Practic ally every bit of useful knowledgi altout tin- snake will lie sifted out of tin voluminouscorros]tondciicc of Prol Surface with farmers on this subject The -,-ime will he done with otliei varieties and the lore about the cop |ierhettd will he in-tructive. It will br illustrated by a photograph showing the young eop|ierliead wrap|»ed in 11s natal membranes side by side with another revealing the snake very mucli alive. This will demonstrate that the e<jp|»'rhead doe- not lay egg-,but then ■will be photograph- of other -erpents, uiie -nap|H-d 111 front ot the incuhat or in which Prof. Surface has been hatching the reptile- to further hi'- ttidies. In addition data about tin contents of the stomachs of some hun dreds id -nakes w ill lie given to show on what the varioti- species feed M ANNER OF DISTRIBUTION Prof. Surface.say- that he intcmh to make this a preliminary bulletin, 111 ail v.»llc. of a most exhaustive -tuil;. ot the snake.one which w til lie uuii|u« in America. The bulletin will be issu e<| only to jhtsoiis wh 1 have contri buted to the stock ot snakes sent t< the oth. E of the division for the fnrth raiii eof it- investigations, these con tributious.b> ,ug In the way,the snake win h Prof Surface intend- to sent to >\. ry county in Pennsylvania foi use in its school-. This is his plan t< disseminate iiiforuiation to the youni about a reptile which lie declares 1 known and about which there i more ignorance and su]icrstition thai any other. There are -till needed many -.nuke; for this collet ion It is planned ti -end a 1 omplete of the commoi -nakes to every one of the sixtv-sevei counties and dozens more are rerpiir ed Invented Collar Button. A company has been formed in Sun bury to manufacture among othei ti.iiigs, ab.minum collar buttons, 01 which a patent has been obtained h\ Albert *' Savidgo, who 1- the son o! Judge Savidge, of Suiihury. and we| known in Danville. Large Sunflower. Al< v Mct'atVre\ 'First -treet, ha suuflower growing on his premi.se wlu< h 1- a curiosity, on account of it remarkable size. The stalk measure* fifteen feet 111 heighth aild the siltl flow, r which is at the extreme top, measures thirteen inches 111 diameter The leaves are all ol mammoth *.i/,e, some lieing 2-"i inches lonn ami Pi laches wide. Then is nothing so pleasant as that hriirlit chi-erful it p< ice with the world feeling when yon sit down toyonr break fa-1 There is nothing-o conducive t< good work and go.. I re-ults The heal thy mind ami l»>dy I■< a letter fellow, h Iteiu-r workman a letter cifi/en than the man or woman whoare handicapped by -otue di- ibilit y however-light A slight disorder of the stomach will de range yonr Imdy. vonr thoughts and yonr disposition. (let away from I lie BMirbidne-- and the blues Keep yonr atouiHi'h in tune and l»>th yonr bra in ami bidy will res|»ond Little indi-ere tions of overeating can lie easily correct - |-<1 litld you will In- surprised to ee how much 1 »etter man yon are Try a little Kodol For Dy-pep-ia after your meals Sold l»v Paoles A: Co liNGINIiERS MAKING ML SIM A corps tit engineers representing the Si ate highway department start«»rl work <lll North Mill street yesterday, in iK 111 ill final -nrvev,on which will I» ba-ed the plans and specifications for tin' paving ami tin- iiiacaitain that tin' borough li i- decided to put down with State aid. Nearl\ all formality has now been <-■ unpliril Willi The ordinance was ad npr. il nit- liual reading Friday night and a « op> was cut to the State higli v u i|, ( artnieut Oil tlir strength ot tin- tin • ug nicer- were sent hero yoa ti rd a iii make tin final survey so that propu- ils for putting down the pave ment ami macadam may be invited. The promptitude of the State liigh w i\ •i• • | iitiuent in sending the cngine rr> iv• ry gratif\ing and indicates that in a very short time all things will l" ready for the beginning of work ('on.-idering the nature ot the wi ik to l» done ample time exists for completing th< job long before cold \vi ithcr sets in Although concrete will not lie used under the brick, yet the fact should not be lost sight ot that more or less excavating will lie P ipiired to get the proper grade Tin putting down of the curbing it - It will involve no little work, while the widening and relaying of the pave mi ills will jjivi the property owners plenty to do while the contractors are busy on tlie streef. The Danville Milling company b preparing to enter upon a sidewalk improvement at the grist mill which i- qniti in keeping with what is plan ii. 11 h\ the borough. The street paving sonic thirty-two"feet in width will ex tend un as far as the northern end ol the mill beyond which point up to tlu borough line macadam will take tin place of brick. The member- of the milling com pany yesterday stated that they intent to • Mend the street paving over al tin w ide space about the mill includ ing the sidewalk Not only w ill tin vitrified brick he laid up to the verj wall of the mill on the west side, bin the pavement will be extended nj ('handlers street over one half it: width as far as the upper side of tin mill While this part of the improve incut will be done at the milling com p'iny's expense, they stated yesterday they w ill endeavor by private arrange incut to have the work included ii the general contract The extension o the pavement is proposed by the Mill in- company will add much to tin value of its property and help the ap pe iranee ol the general improvment In Self Defense. M;i tor llaintn < ii!"' and manager o | ' •he ('oiiatitntioni t Eminence. l\y when lie wn - fi<TCt lr attacked, fun ! ycai s igo by I *ll <—. bought a box o 1 lincUlcii's Arnica Salve, of which h -,iv it cured in ten days and n | rouble sine (Quickest healer o Barns. Sores, < 'nt-- and Wounds 25c ;i I' nili iV <'o drng store. School Board Ousted. ' In Noilhiiinberland county court yes j terday Judge Savidgo ejected the Wat ■ oiitown school board The board liai • lisagret d on the election of i primar I- achei nid tailing to break the dead lock the court took the matter ii hand. Judge Savidge will appoint new hoard. 11l till- late iti not, necessary to serve ; live day- notice for eviction of a cold I ■ the original laxative c nigh symj Kennedy - Laxative Money and T i Xo opiatei Sild bv I'anles (' Death of Lewis Hort. Lew i- Hort, a former resident o Danville, departed this life Sunda; cwiiing at the home of his daughter Mi Sarah Klright at Linwood. .Mr. Moit was 51 years of age and i survived by his wife and the follow ing sons and daughters. John, o I'nion Ciirner ('liarles, of Snyder town, Daniel, ol Valley township Frank,oi Linwood. (ieorge, who resi des at the parental home; Mrs Arthu ShejiperFon, and Mrs. Joseph (Timet of Danville; Mrs. William ('losson, n New Jersey; and Mrs. Klright. lie i j also surviv< I by a sister and two broth j ers Mrs John Weigold and Jaco Hort, of Danville ami Daniel Hot who live- in Germany. Fke End of rhe World. jof ti nbli s that robin 1 IS. 11. Wolfe. < Hear Grove hi of all usefulness, cam when lie bt .' in taking l-lectric Bitters lb> write- Two years ago Kidne trouble caused lie great sull'ering.whic I would never have survived bad I nc i ik. i l-:i. -tric J'.it l er They also cure me of (ieneral Debility. Sure cure ft ill stomach Liver and Kidney con plaint Blood disease- Headache Di; /.iii -and Weak-lie or bodily tied iin I'ric i ! c. Guaranteed by I'anles Ar Ot driiir store County Debt in Northumberland figures showing the work of th State Highway Department for UHWi either completed or under way, are ignite ant com men ta ry on the vast jol tin State has undertaken. Appropriation for road purposes made by the Legislature ot 1906, to in e v peuded llllder the i] i reel ion of tin Slate Highway Department, iss»!,soo, onii li-t 11but"d throughout a period o sis years, as follows WO: - , |, JSOO.OOO; l'.»01$.'>00,000 l'.Mli »•>. $ 1,-,>50,000; I '.IOC, 7, £ 1,250,000 iii it - i 1,500,000 ; JIIOK 11, $1,500,000 (il the foregoing amount ten jiei cent i- set aptrt by law for mainten anc' of tin improve I roads, including road- built by tin department and roads built independently of the. dt ■ partmeni Kxpeiitlituies under this head have been as follows 11101, sli»,lWL7 - J . 11105, $50,00N.2b ; total, #100,(NiO. The iiiaintunance payments for the urrent var have not yet been sent mt The amount to lie distributed this ,e,ir is .»'i ;5,000 The department is low engaged ill examining the roads 'or win h maintenance aid has been isketl. I load- completed Auguft 10 amount |e to I" . ,:;tW feet, and eot $150,-ftil. Ti [Jus i-equal to Hi IV! miles and tin verage cost pei mile w as SH,B<. BALANCE OF Fim-Fifi DOLLtK Tlir In comity t.irinei pieim . hold in IVAVitt - park Thursday proved a lino mii re- - 'ilia IK i illy \v« •11 a- in all other respict tin treasurer's I 11• • iiu'tit sli«»\vintr a cash halano on hand of s:»i. The'tri asim rof tin- tri-eountv pic nic association is .laroli M. Sliult/, of Cooper township His statement of ror:oi]ils anil expenditures show that thole wa- a balan •• of iOO brought over from 1 '.»<>~>, mil that the gate receipt- ol the picnic this year 'inoant oil to #TI..Vi, making total receipts ofsMii',l Altogether for ground rent, music, prize-, eti the sum of -31. S'» was paid out, which leave a balance in the hami- of the treasurer ot 1.71'. •i. R Sharpies-, T 11 Jietifield, uuil ,1 t'arr, who wer appointed audit ors, Saturday, to examine the above statenient performed that dutv,finding the treasurer's account and vouchors to lie out irely correct Considering the small admission fee charged the surplus on hand is quite consiiieralile. The .s.VI 70 w ill he de voted to entertainment and prize-, lor the next picnic, and thus a still great or measure ol success is assured for next year. In all probability a hand will lie employed, while the surplus will justify the offering of very hand some prizes. The third Wednesday ot Augii-t is tixed as a permanent <late for the tri c.ount\ picnic., the place for holding it alone remaining to he decided up on lioy Drowned at Snnbury. Richard Rriglit, the s, year old son of Trainmaster 1! F. Rriglit, of Fifth street. Sunbnry, wis drowned in 111* river about 3 o'clock yesterday after noon. Richard with some companions, all ho\s about the s :l nii age,went bathing at the si x t h pier of the Philadelphia and Reading railroad bridge Dick made the remark that if wa n't ilce| enough for him close to the pier that he was i£oing out further, when In got into a deep hole, lie screamed 10l help, when (inner Walker, who war near him, called to Kdward Jones ti got a rope from the bridge repairmen that Dick was drowning, but it wa: too late. He sank and did not come u| to the. surface again. The boys gave the alarm and wore was sent to Sunbury and Dr. Shindli was immediately summoned to conn to the river. The doctor secured a row boat and went to no ot tin drowning. Lester Snyder.a young mat about sixteen years of age.who was al 1 the pier, dove into the water and re covered his body al the tirst attempt 15v this time I)r Shindli was at tin pier and made heroic efforts to rovivi him bur to no avail, the l i-.t spark o life had fled l?v this time tli boy - t ulier arriv ed and instructed the men to bring hi body to the shore, itid it was taki n ti • the undertak ing jiarlors of W I Ship i man B. Frank Uriglit, .lr. tin falhei o the unfortunate lei is i f< rmer i -i dent ot Danville, having at oin time, a number of years ago been si a tion agent for tin P« nnsylvaii i.i rail road at South Duiivtlli . Galveston's Sen Wall. makes lil> now a -afe in that city as oi the higher upland K. \V «.?l|oe who re-idis on I hit ton St in Waco Tex needs no • a wall foi safety I h writes I haven-ed Dr Kite - Nev Discover;, for Coii-nmpt ion th pi t li v. years mid it keeps me well and -ale Before that time I It I i c.>n_'h whiel for ye irs had loin "roxviag wi r-" N'ow its gone Cnns chronic' "it"li La (Jrippe Croup, Whooping <"• ;• I and prevents Pneumonia Pb»a- oil t< take. Kvery hot lie ■nar.inle.'i! at. I'aule &Co drntr stor.i Price aO • and $1 WI Trial bolt le fro state's Roads (iigantic lask. The tax payer of Xorthuinherl.ini count} is confronteil \v illl i conditio] that may provi uiih irabh and th county itself i- in danger ol hecmniuj an i nsol vent inst it at ion During the just live \ ar the taxe in this county ban advanced po cent., and then - positive i- uranc I that another advanci of at least till pe cent must be made within the nex year, as the expoii-es of the borough anil town-hips are cont i nnally on 111 increase, and the i ount \ expenses ar soaring to the skies The bonded iniicbtne-s ot the count is $111,300.00; the temporary loans ar $70,000.00; the Lewisbnrg bridge wil cost the county .*131,000.0n plus th engineer's coininis-ion of - 100 00.ih delicit this year isionod by ordm ary county expenses will be abou $75,0(H). 00. Added up. Northumberland eoun ty's debt on January Ist. 1007, will b ftr.HU,3OO.OO The balance indebtodnos of SII 13,0<i (hi was created before th year P.Mi.'i The balanci of the st'.Si'i, 300.00 is all new debt The property valuation ol the. eoun ty at the present tillli is between #3l, (100,000 and #33,000,00').00 on which ; tax rate of three mills is laid for conn ty purposes, and t mi which the I > 111 1- of tin count\ reveunos an realized. In lOii.'i the total county revemu from all sources wa -131,n>»; oj, and tin total expenses wel'■ -313,313 ;{«"» Tin county i ononis-join is w re compellc* to spend s.s nioii than they re cei veil. The coursi tie expoiisi are taking indicates thai the deli'-it for this ( e,ir will 1» as great, it not gi at i than last year Valuations and mill rite are tin; same as last year, lieiu• there will be no iin n asi in tin revenues. It is the intent ion of the count\ commissioner to maki He t.>v rate live mills for the coming \ ai. or an increase [of two mill-, to meet tie growing cost of running tin county i 1 recently ' A man can live c mfort ili ly without, brain no min ever cm .ted without a digest!V( ysteni Tnedjsjtep tic has neither fait h. liopo or i hard y. Day by d»y people realize the import Htioe of caring for their dig* lion realize II after overeating. A corrective like Kodol l'or D>-p p-ia It digit what on eat. Sold by I'allies iV Co 80MR PARTIES CANNOT NOIIMTE 11 A K KISBUll( 112, A iif,' A^pol | itical party, in order to lie entitled to ! li!i- certificates of 110111inat ion, lmi.-t J liavc polled ;il least 2 |>i r cent ol ti n■ I largest entire vote for any office i i at 1 lie elect ion next plliii;i tlie district tor which the nomination K songlit This means the total vote • for all candidates tor the oil i< e. < Jeorge I). Thorn, chief clerk of the Stale department, where all election paper for candidates for State o!li< must he tiled, made this statement to dav tor the purpose of avoiding furtli er confusion in the filing of such pip ers lor the coining election < 'ertilicales of candidates ol't he Lin coln party, the Socialist and the I'm hihition party have been r. turned a! most every day for several weeks be cause these parties did not poll tie necessary votes at the last election in the districts from which the pipers were tiled to entitle them to nominate by cert ideate. Many candidates did not under.-1 mil vshv their papers have been returned and for that reason Mr Tlr>rn e\ plained the ballot law tndnv now YOTL is KKCOKKNHD "If the total vote," said Mr Thorn, "cast for the office of State treasurer last year in Dauphin county was Jo 000, and the Lincoln party had polled I itK) vote- at that election, then that | party would hi ent it led to file cert if ic - | ates for county nominations If,how ever, those 100 votes were all polled in the city of Harisbnrg, then the lepr sentative district outside of the ( ;rv would lie entitled to file certifn ite Kacli county -rands upon its own hot toin. whether it is a county or a con gressional. senatorial or representative district. "Sufficient votes may have been I ear t in one of the count ies ot a con gressional district to make l percent (if the largest entire vote loranv olfe ■ I in the district, and that would entitle j the party casting the ! per c< lit to file certificates of nomiiiat ion Hut it 'I hulk of the 2 per cent vote v.i ■ ( i > iu one countv it inigiit lie that in tin other counties of the II istrict the part * would br> required to nominate by nomination paper* "Take as an example.' .Mr limn i went on,"the 1 Jerks congte i sioual district More than • per rent iof the total vote ot tln two iiiiiii< j was cast by the Socialist parts, aiu it- candidate for eongre-s can be noun nateil by certificate DISTRICTS DKFiNLD "An examination of the returns I veals the fact that nearly all ot tin Socialist votes were east iu the cit; of Heading. Coiisei|iicntly all n >mi nations of the Sm i»1 i-1 party foi tin county of Lehigh, as will as for tin ( Separate representative district o j that county,mu-t he made by iiomiua t ion papers, as is also th casi v itl ! political district- of 1 *ej k out-ali county of the city of Reading II candidates beat in mind that I representative district i> j, disfinc j from the other district in the count 1 jas one county is distinct from mot 1 er, there would then he no eausi I misunderstanding a- to the lawfu method of filing nomination: DANGER IN DELAY Kidney Diseases Arc 100 Danper ous for Danville People to Neglect The great danger ol' kidney ti i: I I is that they get a firm hohlllielore th ' MtilTerer recognizes them Health i Hi adnally undermined. Backache I.> ad , ' ache, nervousness, lauicucs-i sorem lumbago urinary tronbh drop v di i li, tes and Bright- disea-e .'..How it ' nierciles-siuwssion Don't kidney ('ure the kidiie\ - with lltec-f-i tain and -at" n iil'd\ Doan Ki lin • I'ills Henry Collins mouldei of II N tit I .St , Dioomsburg. I'a -a\ l\ir year ; stiffenc(l with kidney complaint l>a -l{ ache and bla hler weakin - 1 used ai kinds of remedies but nout of then I seemed to have any liencficial effect The secretions from the kidneys gav me constant annoyance and bothere. mi' ni:,'lit and day. My back became - weak and painful aero - the 1- ins that could scarcely get about at time have had to lay oil from work timeaft' time. 1 saw Doan s Kidney Pill- advei tised in the papers and very highly n coiiimendetl by people that I knew I obtained a box and used them as <i rected. I never had anything act a I promptly in my life. The first box cm !ed me of the pain and weakness kept, on taking the i< niedy until I ha used four boxes when tin bladder wi alt in ss left me. I have had no tronbl 1 with the kidney secretion- I >t at 1>- >- I two I consider Doan s Kidne Pills worth flu ir wt ight if -'old. I For sale by all dealer Price ;« cents. Foster Milhiiru <"w . Uufi'ah New *ork, solo agent- for tin I'niti ! States. ! Remember the name—Doan - am take no other. New Hoard of Directors. An election was held in the parlo of the V. M 'A last night for tin purpose of electing a board of direct 1 ors. A week or so ago a list ol twenty five names was printed,which wer< t« he voted for at i meeting to he le-h on tin* 21st. ilist At tin election la night there was a fairly laryi turnout of members, twenty .-even votes bein cast. The following gent lel lie II Wi Ii eh i ' ed as members of tin board for tin coming year 11 IJ. Shult/,, J. P. Watson, Wall' i Knssell,Amos Ya tint Mahoning Pn hyterian church W. L Mct'lure,A II (iron irovt I 'res by terian church W A Scchler, P,. W \lu elm m, W. (J. Blown, .1 \\ Lore, St p nl M.!•:. church. Walter Lovett, Tr iIIi t \ VI I. ■ Inn h ,1. W Swarts, Joseph Diva !. Pine Street I ait heran church Watkin Kvans, David Ree-c i ■ t Baptist church The new board is com pi ■ ed of ound practical men under whose in magi ilieut the association will no doubt prosper. PROHIBITIONISTS I'lii Montour tounty Prohibit ion con ■ 1 County < 1 i..»i rniau < 'baric- <Fi-hcr took Hn ( an ami See ret ray .1 M, VI w 1 1icl! v.etc approved Ken Harrv Muisker s\ a appointed secret try In 1 iioiiiillatioti ot a candidate for ic legi-lature wa loft open, i In- following nominal ions were iiiad. ii' in i ill, Cli.tries Uttenniller, of M: in i iwnship . for register ami recorder, A .i Still, of Danville; for j ur\ coniuii.--ioner, Richard \V. Eg . rf ul Danville; Charles A. Warner i.l- endorsed for associate judge; 1 II- (' Curry and Richard W. Kg !• wen- appointed congressional, itorial aud .judicial and tin ;, were instruct'd in favor of the present judge, C C. Evans. ! lie execut ivr committee was em powered to till all vacancies. Tlieconntv secretary was directed to place tin - uni of ten dollars con tributed 11j tin State committee,in the ti . urei hands and direct him to re mil tin sunn to the State treasurer Funeral ol firs. Reiuliardt. Mrs John Keinhardt, whose death occurred Thursdav night.was consign ed to the grave in Odd Fellows' cemn t ry Saturday afternoon The funeral was verv largely attended The services were conducted by Rev l George \V. Fritseh,pastor of St. John's Lutheran church of which the,deceas ed was marly a life-long member. Tli'- pall bearers were: I''red Held, i 'ri (I Wendell. John Ki 1 gns.Jacob Von Blohn, Paul Knoch and William Deiitscll The funeral proceeded to the Odd Fellows cemetery by trolley car. Am i!', ; tlios' who attended the obse quies were Mr. and Mrs Qeorgt <- a '1 i ! Kgg Harbor, N. .1 \ Mystery Solved. How to keep off periodic attacks ol i' 1 ii" auti habi nil c msiipalioi w a mystery that Dr. Kind's New Ie Pill- -i■ 1v• It'ir me. writes Johl X 1' • a-.ni ol' .M imiolia. (ml Tin . . .;l- that are guaranteed to • • iv« ci a -la- I ion t i i vei \ Ikhl\ oi in a'V r. II de ! »>iil\ .IT Paul. <Vr Co. drill,' stole. Surprise Party. Vr Vnna Ferguson, Fifth street iv a surprise jiarty Saturday even a n h"!ior ol' her son Robert's birth i.\ Tlios' present were Misse Ma 1 lli nnsoii.Ti 11 ie Anderson, Mag S_ r i Vnderson Bessie Hloom Barbar; •'• >!ii. M ' rie K i-hner, Sadie Rank St a!I an k Jennie Reed, Liz/.ie Jones \ toria El wood, Agnes Hurley, Saral Fverhar' ifthi-citv; Pearl Fisher Alliii• I; ' and Fmnia Ric .of Bloom lnir_ Howard Hoodv,Howard Freeze Hot ice Sw ink, William J'.reiii nbach (or ! r_- a-on. Robert I-'ercuson Pitugh, Samuel Douglas, VV'il I ■ Rank lohn Mo-vek. George Lee Will Jenkins, Charles freeze, Alber Swank Scott Heim Charles Rear George Kear. I ' i t • 1 11 art wil h a dull I>i 11 i<>n~i hi ivy ('• •Ii JILT. You need a pill. I'si De Witt's Lit.tl* Earlj Risers, the fanion 11' •'• ■ pit! Do not -icken or grij»e. bn re nit-are sure Sold bj PanlesifcCo Campinß at Ferndale. 'l lu following party from Millvill id this v. Miity have gone into cani| u I "rndab above Muncy Misses Lil I . in Cornier, Lena and 15 'rell Kester Mar.' it't Heller, Bemiee Eves, Iren i ■ i Jesvj. Ik' lcr, Kdith Eves, Man Sa Is, Mary Masters, Mvra Eves V ■--!•- Herbert Henrie, Arthu H i,iii, Ja\ (<rimes, Carl Grimes Myron Iwe.- Harold Ikeler and Bruc< Dildine, all of Millville; Miss Mar Mafthers, of (Mu ster, Mis- Vary Ma 'it Milton Vi-s Einily Voris, o I'ottsgrovi .Miss Blanch and Kavmoiu Pnrsol, of Frosty Valley ; Miss Mar; ii Fr in!. Fry, of this city A world ul truth in a few word ' Ni a,rly all other cough cores are coti -lipatitiL l c-peciallv those containim opiatf - Kennedy - Laxative Honey am Tar niovi ; the liowels Contains n< op it' - Yon can get it. at Panics i\ Co drug store l ax Receiver Ousted. \V II Pa rry, who has held the posi tion of red iver of taxes in Sunhur for several years, has been dismissoi from oflicM by Judge C I{. Stividge On the duplicates of the last two year tic re wa- about $-10,000 due the bor ougli. vßerry failed to collect withii ' ot th.it amount. His hondsiuci w. r a number of prominent residents Tin bon Ismcn started an investiga tion. ]iutting two experts to work oi t' book-, with the result that th sh tago was discovered. The bonds an n'accordingly refused togo on Ber ry bond for (his year, nor was In abb to get others. i( is not known what action tin bondsmen will take against Berry,bul it !.- hardly likely that any proceed iugs will be instituted, a- the ex-re ceiv rof ta\e- is not worth anything liki lb. ainouiit involved in the short age. Tne in w - oi . isioned great -urprisi to Beirv - friends, who, while awari that Ihe collect ions were not cumin; :n. bad no ul. a of the big amount in volv'd in t.he .1. tici.'iicv Berry's sue c* a in onici i- S. F. Savidge Can vou believe your senses? When two ol them taste and smell ha- i; be II nn; r lii not utterly de trop< I l>\ Na it Catarrh, are i oily re ' r I by !Iv Cream Balm cm you ' 1> no'" i! by the thousand w •11 :I .■ i ir- 1 It applied direct h tie i ''"i:ted air 111 ,e . and begin h> : ;\v kat on •(«. \\ iv not get I, v ,\ II or mailed by Fly |; ,i- 11> \\ i 'ell > I feet. New York • i t»t of 'l cent An Auto Ride. VV \ Hell, i md wife and.l B. •], a\ ind wife left in an automobile or i tt pto Honesdale Saturday even im, Harry Welliver v is i-hanffour. THE MIGHTS Will BE TAKEN DOM I lit- I iiitrd T(sl<'|Miotic ami Tisierra|ill company will remove the wooden up rights placed oii top 11 it* iron work of I In' rivi-r bridge and will devisi some other plan for carrying the wires over head. As explained in a previous is sue the intention was to attach cross arms to the upright posts erected sntll eiont to carry thirty wires. There was sonic objection to tlii- method and he fon the work had progressed very far the. foreman in charge agreed to u pend work until a joint meeting ot the two hoards of county commissioners could he held to take action on the matter. Tin joint meet ing took place in Sun bury on Friday. A full hoard of Mon tour county commissioners Messrs. Lejghow, < look and Sec.hlcr accom panied liv Clerk Horace C. Blue and County Solicitor K. S Cearhart, was present along willi Messrs. Frank Krd tnan, I*. .1. (ilcnnan, Casper A Tharp and Clerk .1, <). Shearer of the North umberland county hoard. After a short discussion the com missioners were unanimously of the opinion that to carry the system of wires above the iron work as proposed would lie to spoil the appearance of the bridge very much and it was agreed that the telephone people bo requested to remove the upright posts already in position and to devise some other means for carrying the wires across oil a level with the. top of the bridge. Pursuant to this action 11. N. Daniel, manager of the United Tele phone and Telegraph company, came up from Snnbury Saturday afternoon and looked over the ground. He states that the company will endeavor tn conform with the wishes of the conn ty commissioners, hut just what plan will he adopted for earrving the wires overhead is not known. Not After Nomination. The recent mention of the name John M. Garinan, Esq.. of Wilkes- Harre. as a candidate for Mie judge ship of the Columbia-Montour district h\ certain ont-of-the-district newspap ers who knew nothing about the loca political situation and which has oc casioned more or less comment througl out the State, is set at rest hy a state inent from Mr. Carman who has just returned to Wilkes-Barre after en joying an extended vacation, says th< Bloonisbnrg Daily Concerning tin matter Mr. Carman had the followiiif to say : 1 am not'considering the jndgeshi i at all. 1 have heard nothing whatevei about it except what 1 saw in tin Wilkes Harre newspapers to which am deeply thankful for their kimlh personal commendation, hut my per sonal desire is to see one of the twi candidates, Mr. Harmau or Mr. Herr ing, regularly nominated. They are both my personal friend and both are throughly competent They have made their campaign fo tin nominal ion ami l ni™.. rely i,oj> that they will be able to reach ai agreement.'' A f!UAKANJTEI) ClIRi; I'OR PIl,!.: Itching, Hllnil. Bleeding, Protrud ing Piles Druggists are authorize! to i . fund inoiiev I l'.\ Z< > < HNTMKN ' fails to cure in •; to 11 davs. 50 cents WILL SCRAMBLE THEN. The Williamsport Evening News be lieves that "when once the farmer ■ throughout the country come to a] i preciate the benefit of good roads i raising the value of their proper! Ie and lessening the wear and tear o their horses and wagons, to say notli ing of giving them an easy outlet t< market at all seasons of the year,f lier w ill be a much livelier scramble fo slices of that State appropriation tli i at present." IVrhaps so. There surd ought to be anyhow. .1. I). Harris for (iovernor. J l>. Harris, Berwick's ecceutri perpetual otlice seeker, who now ha gubernatorial aspirations, has secure* soo signers to his petition. H'.'oo ar necessary to place his name on tli official ballot. The belief's of others to the eontrar; notwithstanding, Candidate Harri says he thinks he has an excellen chance of winning out. He leaves i a few days for Philadelphia to arrang political matters. He also intends during the campaign, to stump tli State. His platform includes tax reform enforcement of the provisions of tli constitution of IS7I, State pension fo veterans of the civil war and tliei widows, repeal of the law levying ta on occupation, etc. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DA 1 Take LAXATIVE I'.KoMt) Tablets Druggists refund money if i t ill - to cure. Iv W CIiOVE'S siglla tare is on each box. "I~> cents. A THKEE-CHIUNEIiFD FIUHT. The indications are that a tliret -cor nercd judicial fight will face the Moil tour county voters at the Novembe I election. Those who purchased scon cards at the Hloomsburg race mee Saturday could not ledp being impress i d with the fact that Crant Herriiif nas no intention of going out of flu light <>n the centre of the rate pro gramme,sandwiched in between photo graphs of.l. Henry Cochran,candidati for the State senate, and John C. Mc llenrv, candidate for congress, was r large cut of Herring, with the word®, "For president judge, vote for C ran I Herring." John <r. Harman says In has no idea of withdrawing. As Charles C. Kvans, the Republican and Prohibition candidate, will he in t< the finish, with good chances of win iiing,there promises to he lively times Hurt Riding on I rolley Step. Minor Kingston,of Briar Creek, was m-\i i. ly injured Saturday while riding on a Montour and Columbia trolley cai The accident occurred at Pur si I siding, between Bloomsluirg and Bcrw i I>. Kingston was riding seated on the rear -tep, when he was struck hy a pole. lie suffered a fractured skull. EISENHAOER GOES TO STATE SHOOT As predicted in these column- iln i*x|»*-rf marksmen who repn > nti'il Moiupauy J'", lath Regiment Is' »; 1' in the regimental rill<• match at Sim bury last week well sustaiued past n « mis On the strength of tin sh-win.' Uiwlo, ottfl ill tie nun. Alexandt i | Kisenhaiicr, w ill lvprc -a! Mi' Twelfth regiment at t lie Slate shoot, which will l» held at Ml (111-till tlt i week The result of the regiue til il , itrii at Suuhurv as made known Siturday indicates that (lie shoot was mo I u<- cessful, the average being the highest over attained HI R,he regiment The team from Coiiipatn F, com po nd of Wi I lefts K. Beagle of I'.l mm hm - ; Alexander Eisenhailt : and ! iin !'. . i wick, of Cafaw issa, did the In t team work, winning the company II trophy consisting ot a handsome sterling -li ver water pitclier, which tropin' is now in the custody of Captain .I. Ileav e (rearhart,where it must remain un til won hy a team from another com pany. Kisenhauer proved to he the best s.iot on the team, w inning the O i/.ette ami Bulletin badge with a tot al ol «;j points, at at 10 ami .">OO yards; Mm Wil son badge with a total of BUat .'(>o, ;>no and tiOO yards; also the DnFour or morial badge open to enlisted mi i only at 200, 500 and t'.OO vard- The William I'. Clarke badge to lie won bv the person making the best the shot score of 200 and 500 yards during the matches, the last five shots at each range to count, was also won hy Kiscii hauer at It; points. Kisenhauer al. u won a solid gold watch for highest averages during the matches. Kisenhauer was tied for first place on the other badges with Captain Schuyler 112. R. I'., lath regiment, but owing to the fact that Captain Schuy ler made more points at (>OO yards it was decided that lie was the winner, although at the three ranges the score of each was 8!». Eisciihauer's average was 1.01 which is especially high. The Lieutenant Fred A. Uodcharles badge to be won by the newcomer who makes the highest average was won by Frank Barwick, who lust the rapid fire match by one point and hail five seconds to spare. The three men on the team between them won seven matches out of ten Funeral of Former Resident. Joseph Mayan, a former resident ol Danville, w hose death occurred at Mil ton Thursday, was brought to this city Saturday and buried from St Hubert's Catholic church. The funer al took place at It a. m., Hev Father Jules Foin officiating. The deceased was seventy-two years of ago. He was a veteran of the civil war. For fifty years he was a resident of ilits city. About two years a..0 lie left Danville and was sojourning with his daughter, Mrs. Hairy Knight, ol Milton, at the time of his death lb was a widower and besides Mr< Ttuiglit, In in atirvivtl .iiiiitlr daughter, Sevria.a Sister of Christian Charity. broke Camp Saturday. The follow ing members of the Jully Outing club,who for the past ten da\s have been enjoying life under canvas at Bitliia Springs, returned to their liojies on Saturday. Mrs. .lames Sh i pe, Miss Sara Shipe, Miss Sara Fasold, Miss Ivy Simpson and James Brosiu: of Sunhury : Miss Kdith Kaseman, ot Shaniokin; Miss Liilia Creasy,ot Cata wissa, and from Danville, Mrs. Wi 11 - aril Fetteruian, Miss Marie Fetternian, Blaine James, Charles A. Ilartt, Wil liam Walker and Frank Kdiuondson Preached at Hall Park. It was 1111 altogether different crowd from the usual week day rush that flocked to the Athletics' Ball l'ark Twenty-ninth street and Columbia avenue Sunday afternoon. Instead ol hundreds of men in the pavilion throw ing their hats up in the air and wii I ly cheering their favorites, as they pulled off some startling play, the crowd conducted itself with perfect decorum, sang hymns with great vol ume and bowed their heads to impres sive prayer. The occasion described wa - the Sun day afternoon evangelistic meeting held under the auspices ol tin F\an gelistic Committee. The services wen a great success. William 1). Ban mast er, an evangelist, of Danville, I'a., was in charge. His text was from Judges. 15-20, and the subject of the discourse was,"l have a message from God to thee!" About three hundred persons were present.— Philadelphia Inquirer. Why dm sMM sin burn \VI:v doe i nio-ipiito-ding Why do we feel nil hupp) in the Oitod < >l,l Siimni. r Time': Answer we dout We u-e DeXVitl s Witch Hazel Salve, and the <■ little ills don't bother us Learn to look for the name on the box to gel the "enniiip Sold by I 'allies iV ('o A ,lUDGK'S AUTIK MMT\ .Judge Reed, of Jefferson county has just handed down a decision refusing to comply with the petition of certain J citizens of that county asking him to j make a rule requiring the hotels to close their bars on Memorial day and certain other holidays. He declares that il is the business of the court to expound and enforce the laws, not to make them,and since the act ol assem bly regulating the liquor t r alii - ■ - pec i lie j ally name- the days on which bars shall be closed, it would lie judicial J usurpation of legislative authority to | add to these days Vet .lud Keeil j ought to know that a judge dm not exceed his autlioi ity when he requests those to whom license is granted to obey certain suggestions of the court, md the request of the court, with the •mpliatic understanding that it was nothing more than a request, would have great weight with the majority if landlords. Joseph Ratti Improving. A cablegram was received in Bloonis >urg Saturday announcing a mproveinent in the condition of .lo i'ph Ratti Mr. Ratti has been vers eriously ill for some time at his home n Italy. Thousands Ilave Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. How To Find Out. 11 : bottle r r rr, mm r,n glass with your waier and let it stand twenty-four hour:. a . <"■ ( , sediment or st t /Tj}' '" r ",, 4 ,lm K indicate. an ■ .* > " unhealthy r'.ndi nr/i < ■ - • V // ti ii of the kid- U' \y l t! (\ \ i n " y ,112 " stains J2■'% j ) y° ur '' nen 112 is "vf'is W evidence of kid .'UH/r ney trouble tuo ' UV/y r frequent desire to ' y P ass "or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der nre o it of order. What to i»o. ■ r, l " ' xpi «d. that Lr. Kilrnt i ; Swamp i !, tn-: freat kicin / rim iy fulfills r-vfry \M.,h in curing rheum.d in, j r,in in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability l hold v/ater and :.caldin»; p»in in pa •• ing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, v.-ii.c or i eer, and overcomes that unpleasant ■ aty of being compelled togo often inn,- tiie day, and to get up many times d .ring the night. The mild and the extra • Swp Root i ' , ; 'i- It .'aii'is the highest for its won d< iful cur. (,f the most di t res sing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the be. i. S' Id by druggi ;ts in 50c. and sl. :i. < . You may have a sample bottle of this wonderf ii discovery 112 and a book that tell:,^^'?^^ 4 "* it re ab-iut it, both ent|t}& ' ""[j absolutely free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & rinmo of sw«mi>Ron». Co., Bine;hamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reauinj, this generous effer in this paper. l>mi I make any mistake, but ivmem 1»• tb 11:«iik*. Swanp-Koot. Dr. Kil li,t"': ;'\v ini|i limit and the addres I'.i 4llunion. N.Y.. on everv l»ott.W- New Parapet at Court House. The painters are now applying the third and last coat of paint on the north side of the courthouse and thus line ih a . afforded of what the building will look like when it is completed Many persons paused to admire the effect yesterday. The courthouse originally \vn~ pleasing enough architecturally. The handsome concrete steps and broad pavement, added last year, set it off very nicely and all that it needs now is the new paint he inn so artistically applied to round out the decorations and to give our county as fine a court house •* it could wish to possess. The changing of the lavatory,removing tl.e entire system into the cellar, is now about e iinideted This improvement adds mufli to the general convenience and along with the lighting device, etc., recently installed, makes the building modern and up-to-date in all its appointments. The ornamental parajiet or railing at faclte 1 to the outside balcony over the front entrance was found to be iu •i state of decay and therefore unsafe. It was decided to tear down the par apet. which was of wood, to replace it with one equally ornamental, of gal vanized iron. The old railing was taken down yesterday. The new par apet which was ordered a month or so atrn, is expected to arrive in a very -iiort lime so that it may lie installed before the painters leave. Boys in Camp. I'he following ;boys from Danville are enjoying life under canvas at Camp Hooligan near (Janieron : Hoy Winner, Roy l-ox, Carl Rockafeller, .Tames Kedding, diaries l',owers, llryon and Ilarry Stickle and Harris Kenniger. Miss Aten Buys Store. Miss Emma Aten has purchased the dry goods store of the late William L. Seidel front the Seidel estate, the transfer being made yesterday. Miss Aten will run the store under the name of K. I> Aten & company. Miss Aten lias been employed in this store for it> years and for a number of years she has tie i practically in charge of the establishment. She will no doubt make a success of the enterprise. SOUNDS (JOOD. Abundant crops and an oversold steel indnstrv engender sent imcuts of con fidence .that make the outlook bright for a continuance of present prosper ous business conditions. Each week brings ,i new high-watei mark in some department, and the net result uni formly better than for the corre-poud ing week iu any previous year. -Dun's Kev iew. SENT I'.V EX PRESS. Snnhnrv people are talking over a queer shipment made by express, which passed through that place a day or so ago, consisting of four elepfiants and their keepers. Danville can boast of something still odder It was Adams Express company that carried it too. although it was not. such a coarse com modity as a four-footed creature, but a human being ami a young girl at that. The occurrence took place a good many years ago when immigrants from Englau I and other countries were still arriving. The voung woman was a new arriv al from Europe She was strange on this continent and unaccustomed to our ways and those responsible for her w If.ti. and comfort in order to avoid all danger of her missing her way sitnpl\ "shipped" her from New York to Danville by express. Her odd jour ney, which was made without inci dent, forms a unique and pleasing ep isode iu the early history of the ex press business in Danville. OMFtMC- . MM - A Hair j Dressing Nearly every one likes a Hue hair dressing. Something to make the hair more manage able; to keep it from being too rough, or from splitting | at the ends. Something, too, that will feed the hair at the same time, a regular hair-food. Well-fed hair will bestrong,and will remain where it belongs on the head, not on the comb! The best kind of a testimonial "Sold tor over sixty years." A Made by J C Ayt r Co., l.owell, Mann. yV Also imnufat'tiirors of Zjk J SARSAPARILIA, fiupr<\ ~,ms A -ia 1/ C I O (.Hi k'k'V HCTORAL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers