LOCAL TIME TABLES •A N VILLE AND BLOOMS BURG STREET RAILWAY. Grovauia for Danville 5.25 a. m. Danville for Yorks 5.50 a tn Danville for Roberts Store •>. 40 a. in. Danville for Bloomsbnrg 6.30 a in. anil every 40 niiuntes until 11.40 p. in Danville for Grovania 11 p. in. irovania for Bloouisbnry a. ni Jloomsbnyg for Danville (>.OO a. ui. and every 40 minutes nntil9 p. in. » 10 p. tn. to Grovania only. 10.20 p m.to Danville. Saturdays all oars will run through from 7.00 a. ut until 11.00 p. w. 11.40 m to Grovauia only from Danville and Blooiusburg. SUNDAYS.—First oar will leave Danville for Bloomsburg at 8.20 a in. and every forty minutes until 0.10 p. m. 11 00 ]). in.to Grovania only. First car will leave Bloomsburg for Danville at 8.20 a .m.and every forty minutes until 9.00 p. m. 0.40 to Grova nia only. 10.20 p. m.to Danville. Special attention given to chartered cir parties. Illuminated cars a special ty. Rates ou application. Both Phones. Wm R. MILLER, Superintendent. I'K.NN a R. R Evsr WESTi 7.11 A M. 9-00 A. M. 10 17 • 12.10 P.M. I TTL L* M 4.31 " 7.51 ' SUNDAYS. 7 17 A M. 4.31 P. M. D L W. R R IAS I WEST. /■JAM 8.15 A. M. ; 1 12.44 P. M. I \t P M 4.33 " , , i 9.10 " SUNDAYS : 11 1 A M 12.44 PM. ' :Ji' II 9.10 " !' 11LA * READING R R. •<ro:ri H SOUTH. i. 0.1 A. M. 11.23 A. M. •» fjrt P M.«. 35 P. M. BLOOM STREET 1.55 A M 11.21 A. M. 3.58 P M FT. 33 P M, GHABBD Blf TWO SAVAGE DOBS E.lua Dietrich, a 14-year-old girl ot Milton,who is visiting at the home of Charles Robson, East Mahoniup street, was attacked by a couple ol >avag<- dogs Tt-usday and narrowly escaped being badly hitten The yomtp lady was attacked in the alley at the roar of Mr Robson's and was chased for some distance.one of the dogs seiz ing one of her limbs and biting hei below the Knee. The girl was terror stricken as she fled along with the two dogs in close pursuit. Jast as one ol the dogs seized her limb Frank Merrill and William Hullihen came to her res cuh. They heard her screaming ant] running to the spot were there jost in time to beat otl the dogs as they both were about to spring upon her. The dogs were in a savage mood and pat op a determined fight The wound in flicted npon the girl was not a very bad one, bnt there is no telliug to what extent she might have been in - jured had help not arrived at the op portune moment. Aside from the bite inflicted the young lady suffered terribly Irom the "fleets of fright and shock, so that medical assistance was necessary. The attack was altogether unprovok ed and is only another instance which demonstrates the danger that people are exposed to from worthless dog which are permitted to run at large in town. Considering the large number of per- bitten during a month or so past the situation is little short of alarm ing anil if there ever was a time when Council seemed called upon to t»k«- some a-tion relating to the dogs that would protect the public, then that time would seem to be the pres ent Lightning and Trees. This is the season of the year when thunderstorms may be expected, ami as it is the period when many people are outdoors picnicitig. camping, liar, vesting.picking berries,and away from their homes or near shelter when storms come up suddenly, the first im pulse is to run for a big tree, with the idea that the tree will break the force of the wind or turn the water for a time at least. Notwithstanding that columns have been written, and an uually the papers warn people that the most dangerous place a person may go in time of a thuuderstrom h a tree, yet folks will run for the tree,just the same, if they are caught in a showei and there is no shelter close at hand. If a lone tree is on a bill or 111 a field and of any height, a discharge of elec tricity from a cloud will seek the nearest and highest object that it clo-iest to the charged cloud, and there is the danger too of wind breaking large branches or overturning a tree and killing or injuring any live 01-jecl underneath. There are exseptions to all lules. ami sometimes when the clouds are lighi and certain to leave only a sprinkle, a small tree thickly covered with leaves may yiv.t effective shelter from getting wot, hut during a thunder storm keej away from lone or high trees. Dates of Fairs. Centre Hall, September lfi-2'.i Hagheiville, September IVI-22. Lewisburg, September 2f>-2V». Milton, October 3-fi. Bloomsburg, October JO-13. To hnild Armories. Governor Pennypacker, at. the cou elusion of the brigade encampments ol the Pennsylvania National Guard which began Saturday and will con tinne for two weeks, will announce the personnel of the commission whicl will have charge of the dlstribntioi of the |250,000 appropriated by there cent Legislature for armories for the Gnard. Twelve companies will tin en tilled to 120,000 each. Atlantic City Excursions. The Reading Railway will run low rate excursions to Atlantic City, Cape May, Ocean City and Sea Isle City 011 Thursdays July 20, August 3, 17 and 31, tickets good ten days. Round trip from Danville, Hlooms bnrg and Catawissa #4.50. Stop-off allowed at Philadelphia going and re turning within the time limit of tick et. NED BONTLINE ANE SETfI KINMAN The "Outing" magazine tor .lun« contains an article on "Some Old Scouts !»n(t their Deeds" accompanied by splendid portrait-) of the men 'l' lif article was read from Maine to t'ali forma but nowhere should it have been perused wiUt greater i liferent than in Danville, where two of the most tain ons men sp->ut th°ir early lives Among the excellent portraits an t.nose of Setli Kiiunan, veterau Cali fornia banter and trapper; E <} C Judson (Ned Buntline) Sam Houston, Captain Jack Hayes,scout and writer; Kit Carson, Buffalo Hill and others As the article in "Outing truthfully observes "the old soouts have followed tlieir last trail , memories of them arc fast dying and only where some rare [ bundle of photographs is dug from some forgotten corner are the weather beaten faces recalled to a new genera tion and another era " Of the above plainsmen and Indian fighters,t .vo of them as famous *s any sjient their early life in this immediate vicinity, Set h Kin man. a lutive of Rash township, Northumberland Coun ty, and E. Q. C. Judson (Ned Hunt line) who lived in Danville. Setli Kinman. who is an nude of Sheriff J. R. Sliarpless, of Northnin berland County, was about this section until or probably after war times and is still well remembered by our citi zeus of middle life or older. As he appears in the portrait, armed with his musket,dressed in a tiappers garb, nnkempt, his face half concealed by shaggy beard, so he is remembered by those who saw him last From hoy hood he had a craving for the woods and the excitement and adventure of a hunter's life. He dressed himself in bear skins, trophies of his own nut r ring aira.aud slept oat of doors in 1111- mitation of the hardy froatiersm HI. He drifted to California and became famous as a hunter ami trapper. Sub seqaently in life lie retar.ied to this seutiou for a visit with relatives. He returned to the West and rfie.l there. It may be difficult to determine the exact value of his exploits.hot certain it is that he has earned a place for hi; portrait in a gillery of famous men, who helped to open up the west, rn half of the comment to oivrlizati in. E. Q. O. Jadsou (Ned Buntline) wat eijuallv as well known in Danville a- Setli Kinman. His father. L C. duel son, was principal of the \V« st Dan ville Academy 111 the first half of the last century in the years following 1816. There are still those here win remember "N«*,i Bautline" in lu scdiool days According to ail an counts he kept things moving The sc tut and novelist had a fondness for the drama and during Ins school day organized a theatrical company in Dan ville,among the members of w hieii are some of those still living. Dinville was too tame for the young er Judson and he ran away from hniin and joined the navy. He *o in proved his mettle and commanded respect among the seamen by fighting a couj 1< of duels. Yeirs afterward be revisit ed Danville, making an anti slavery address at the weigh scales. Judsoi was already famous as a scout. Nol knowing how Ins address would be re ceiveil or wliaf. he would encounter on the occasion it is recalled that befort beginning to sneak he took oat his trusty pistol and laid it on the scale before him. He was not disturbed j "Ned Huntline" was Jud-011'.s lion lie plume. His novels, which if mostly located o.i the plains uud relat el to Indian warfare, were among Hit lies'; of tlm kind ever written and thirty years ago were very popular Don Carlos Barret, anotiiei teacher in the West Danville School.about I In time that- Judson's father hi I charge, is indirectly connected with the sub ject in hand. His name is not includ ed in the list of scours, but leaving Danville he went to Texas where lie became an eminent lawyer and WUF associated with General Sun Hous ton. Summing up the "Outing's" ar ticle states : "Of such slut! were made such men a- Setli Kinman and .lack Hayo--. whose photographs tell better than any eu logy could do in what heron: mould they were cast '. l-ree Rural Delivery. The great and ever increasing popu larity of the rural free delivery s\» tem is shown very clearly in a state merit sent out by Fourth Assistant Postmaster General DeGraw on July 4. lie states that during lb ti- .>1 year ending June .'SO, the;o >\.r.- i\ 072 applications received, a-king for the estaldiHlimeiit of those routes; that is at the rate of I.HI for ev, r.v day ot the year, Sundays included of the above number 11,415 have been ai led on adversely tlias far, and 7,11)2 favor ably. AH every application must be carefnllv investigated. the n.ati«r moves along deliher itih" hut 111 - gam each year is large. The nuuibci ol routes now in operation 1- 3'4.0. r ,s .\n order lias just been issued by Host master Geueril Coitelyou providing that nerviee on til these rural «!■ 1.v.• •• y routes will hi suspended tm Ne.i Year's Day, Washington's Birtlidav. Decoration Day. Fourth of July, Label Day and Thanksgiving l)a\ <iui roan try friends, therefore, will i. ceive no mail on the davs mentioned A Fine Photograph 0. I) Robinson, of Polfsgrove viae in this city yesterday, calling upon some friends. Mr Robinmi), wn I a photographer, took some very inter esting pictures in I>Hiivi|le during Fourth of July, tmong them h«in • i grand chorus HI front of the Court House, which shows up with verv fine effect. The pioture is some ten iiwhes by eight inches mid take-i in a large portion of the assemblage gathered to hear the choru'. Death of an infant. Evelyn Bertha, the six months ol<| laughter of Mr. and Mr- Whitfield ford, died at 8;.i0 o'oloi k yesterday norning. The funeral will take plare it 8 p. m today from the family r.i lence No. KIO East Market street In ernient in Odd Fellows' cemetery. Ilffliut LUST 110 HIE! Oil i'liiliv nitil Saturday the Dim Villi! A A plave I at Rli rllhatu, and lost hot 11 gami s 10 the ia>f semi pro feNSional rluh of that place The Hum ham toam is considered one of tin fastest minor teams in l'ciih-ylvjiiiia and to ho o* teati il hy tht inn Hoots ii(j (1 1 sO"» <li t \v li atev ■ r 'in tin home train. The frl' uis cf tic !oca! tram wore somewhat surprised, however. io find that in Hi.- lir-i gun-' Huruham had applied the whitcwas . brush to oui hoys in a very nu-tic inaiiini ami SMiit tlikiii to th»'ir <|u »rt- r- to ponder over the afternoon's struggle which resulted so disastrousty, and, to got flu-in«»*• ves togetln r il possible foi Satuid.ay's hatth McCloiul started into pitch lor Dwivilie and mast havt handed them up to Huruham just tc their liking, a- about tin- till 11 inning our hero ol many victories wis com pelled to retirt- in favor of Deru who finished tin- game in line form The final score w;i c !<» to 0 in favor of Huruham in the second came Danville came on the field with i dotermin.ation to recover, if po-sihle, the lost laurels of the dav previous an I with Ooutts on the slab tne hoy- made a desperate anil grand fight, hut il . oeniod that Tate was against them The Danville boys outhartel in I oiiltiehled Hnruham,but seemed unable to dine the necessary runs aero--! the plate to secure a vic tory, and after one of the hardest fought games ol the seaso i were, aguiu compelled to succumb to the superior ity of their woithv opponents hy tin 1 close score of 4to M. Harry Lawrencf made his first appeal .nice with Dan ville and although young ami com paratively inexpei ienced made a good show inc. F Mowing are the full 3cnrt-s KUHNHAM. R H. U. A E. Wi-bli, c 112 11 1 0 ( Sunk,-, if 1 (I (I (I ( Cle nmcns, 2n 1 2 1 4 ( Kennedy, 3b 0 0 3 2 ( Or.Hith, ss lii 2 3 ( Kosfuch, lb 3 s t> ( Si in is in. c 2 '! Io < Woomer, rf 1 ' u o ( Hoffman, p o o o l ( Totals HI 11 27 10 i DANVILLE. li. II O. A E Olaybergor, cf 0 " 2 0 Yerrich, 2h 0 1 I 2 ( iiosx, 3 b (12 13, ('outts, If 0 n 1 0 ( I >ei n, rf . p (i (i l 0 ( lluiiiiuir, lb 0 ( '.i 0 Logan, ss o o ] 4 Edgar, 0 0 14 1 McOloml, p 0 io]( Lawrence, rf 0 11 0 ( Totals 0 »; 24 11 I Rurnham 0 3 2 0 3 0 0 2 i—l< Danville . (i o(i<>o 00 0 0 ( BUKNHAM K H (i A. E Webb, cl 11 (i o < Suobe, rf 1 2 2 0 I Clemmens, 2b 1 (I l 5 Kennedy, 3b (1 0 2 8 1 Griffith, .ss l 2 l 2 Slint'h, p 0 0 13 1 Kosftoch, lb li o III) ( Simpson, c 0 0 1 ( Woo'r, If on 1 u ( Totals I 5 %J If DAN VILI.K H II O A. K Clayberger , cf 0 2 2 I ( Yerrick, Il> 0 0 2 3 ( Ross. 3b i o o ( Deen, If I 1 n 0 ( Hummer, lb o •_» 0 i Logan, ■- 0 11 2 ( Lawrence, rl 0 o ■; n j Edgar, c o o li l ( Ooutts, p 1 I (i 0 ] Totals :5 r 21 7 I Rurnham oon2 0 11 0 x—- Danville 00 0 00 1 0 O—J Earned runs, Hnrnhain 2. Stole! h »se, (!uut r > .Struck out hy Shuttles worth ti. by <'< i »; 'A ill pitch ('units Left on liases, Huruham 3 Danville />. Umpire, Lyons Twc base hits, (irillitb 2. Snoke, <'l ay berg er 2. Sacrifice hit, Snoke. Douhb play, Kenneil v.(.'leiniueii- and Kc issueh Tunc, I:2. r » I he Vigorous Man Is a Leader of Men, The Mental, Mural or Physical Wreck Hai NiPI ,c in the Bnsines vVorld. !)!<•. A, \\ CMASk'S NKRVE I*ll LS. The man who hesitates, whose eye i- dull. whose ■ 11■ | i- -liiw, whose mind i -'lUtrigsh, whose hands tremble, is not the m.iii whom an employei seeks. It i. ti .• bright man, the mat; with tie- clear eve ami brain, the ae live man,full ot -nergv.life ami vigor, whose vciv mauler and presence breech -uccess that i- ■■ night tor and snapped up a- - ion as set n,and it mi ms almost pitiful ih it the lir-t el.i , i letims ol excess ill -oiiii -orl,should exist, when it needs but a thorough course of Dr. A VV ('liases .\i rve Hill- to round tli'iu into fh old time feeling ol physical intellc ttial ami manly vigoi again Mt. Fre<l iloyt of No. 72-1 6th Ave., New Brighton, Pa,, fays : ''l used in have i» hand so steady I could write tin* Lord piaver on ;i tweut* live cent pn-ci then as a re -ult ol ovorwoik ainl overstrain my eves gave out a' I my Ii in I- Hid nerve* generellv became fremiti) I was rest I .-ss ami could not -Seep I certainly wis i;i bad shape ami lost my ability to «r 11 eon!.l just scrawl I heaid ol Ii ,\ W Ohase's Netve Hills and got some and they took hold immedi ately 1 began t i slei p gum strength in v nerves grew steauv and in v eye siyht ip'proved lire.atlv Today I feel finely and cm .if ntt write as well as ever, and thut im ins a ry steady nerve " fid.- a lox >il lealers or Dr. A W <" 11 a- e Meili lit- i mpaiiv, Huf falo N X Hot trait 'not -ingature of A v\ Olii-e, M D on ■ very pa"k a (ze. F'ot sale hr .1 11 I#> i-li A ('o., .Mill -trie' flanville, Hu Naming the lir t In igaih camp after Robert L Hattlsnn a de-erved tiihute to a distinguished State oilici »L tfiiMii FOBCC HIT DOWN As anticipated owing to the deatli of John H Bennett some changes have been inaugurated about Castle (trove which «t present, however, seems t<] have none no further thai) cutting down the number of employes. Fifteen muii employed on the golf links have been laid off. The future of the links, which arc the finest in the country, is veiy uncertain The magnificent tract covering thirty-seven acres lies in full view from the Bloom road where during the summer it haf been much admired by the large num ber of people passing backward and forward on the trolley. For some years past the fifteen men employed have been kept busy on the links eight months of the year. While some are mowing the gra-s others may he poll ing weeds, sprinkling or repairing spots washed by the rain. As a result of the incessant care the large tract with rustic bridges ami other unique features could not fail to arrest and enchain the eye. Notwithstanding their beauty and well kept condition the busy owner of Castle Grove found few opportunities to enjoy his golf links. That he took great pride in them, however, is man ifest From now on thq grounds will receive no especial care. Already they are taking on a peculiar greyish ap pearance due to a growth of white elo ver, which is springing up. The greenhouse fotce has also been cut down from some fifteen men tc four men and two boys. The painter* have also been laid off. The dairy will he continued for the present. This is one of the finest in the state and the milk and cream if very much 111 demand in Danville. (JURE YOOR KIDNEYS. Do Not Endanger Life When a Danvillt Citizen Shows You the (Jure. Why will people continue to suffei the agonies of kidney complaint,back ache, urinary disorders, lameness headaches, lauguor, why allow them selves to become chrouie invalids when a certain cure is offered them Doan's Kidney Pills is the reuied] to use. b"cause it gives to the kidney; the help tiny need to perform thei work. If you have anv, even one, of tin symptoms of kiduey diseases, cori yourself now, before diabetes, dropsy or Hright's disease sets iu and deati result*. Head this Danville testimony D. F. Dieffenbacher, owner of Hote St Charles, Williamspoit, Pa., win lives at 916 East Market St., Danville Pa., says: "During the year li»01 while living in Niagara Falls, N. Y. I caught a heavy cold which settled ii my kidneys and back. I suffered frou excruciating pains across my loins ant an indescribable weakness through nn back. I was unable to stoop to picl up a small package without experi encing pain across my loins. I laj around for a whole week, unable tc get any relief, although 1 used sever al remedies. A friend of mine win has used Doan's Kidney l J ills recom mended them to me and I obtained i fiux and used them. From that tiim to this I have had 110 return of tin backache. 1 c»n recommend Doau'i Kidney Fills vi ry highly." For sale by all dealers. Price 51 cents. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo N. V., sole agents tor the Unitet States. Kememl>er the name —Doan's aud take no other. State Game Preserves. The Board of (Jatne Commissioner! met at Harrishurg on Friday and de rided to expedite the creation of Stati game preserves with the ft>,ooo whicl was appropriated for game propagatioi by the last Legislature. The matter of securing wild turke; eggs from other States, hatching then 111 incubators and turning them loosi when sufficiently old to care for tbein selves, was also discussed but no dof ill ito decision was reached It will 110 he long, however, before wotk aloii( this line will lie started. Ex-State Treasurer Frank CI. Harris of Clearfield ; W. Heyward Myers, o Williamsport, and Secrteary .tosepl Kalhfus, of llarrisburg, were appoint ed a committee to select sites for tin game preserves. They will bo estab lished upor State land already control led by the Forestry Commission, afte consultation with that commission The idea of the preserves is to providi a haven of refuge for game, upoi which hunting will be allowed at in time. The preserves will be euclosei with a fence of single wire, abou three feet from the ground—higl enough to be jumped by larger animal and low enough for small animals ti run under if. The game men already have theii eye upon a couple ot desirable spots one of which is a place in Clinton county which is a natural refuge fo deer and other large game. Salty Sentences. Salty sentences were imposed b; Judge Savidge at Sunbury during tin usual Monday morning session o criminal court, in several cases where pleas of guilty were entered by defend ants. Mike Petrish, of Shamokin, severa weeks ago, while stealing a ride on i Heading freight train, between Sun bury and Shamokin, broke into a bo; nar and threw several sewing machine out. He pleaded guilty, and, afters severe reprimand, His Honor sent bin back to jail to do hard labor for twe years. While 011 the return trip to the prison 111 charge of the sheriff, he be came uglv and began to fight with an other prisoner, striking him severa vicious blows. Pettish was bustler back to the courthouse, and .Judgt Savidge tacked another year to hii sentence for his smartness. One year at hard labor was the dost given Isaac Petrey of Shamokin. He pleaded guilty to having broken inte and robbeil the Reading depot at Tre vorfon several w«eks ago. Harry Burns,of Shamokin,althougl only nineteen years of age, is an oh offender. He has already been in the (jlenn Mills Reformatory, ant has served time 111 the Sunbury jail. This time he was up for breaking into and robbing the saloon of Nicholas Sehnoid er at Shamokin. lie wan given a lec ture and three years at hard labor in the Sunbury jail Shocks of golden grain that dot the hillsides ami valleys tell of the bounti ful harvest FOUR fm STEEL BRIDGES Konr steel bridges are being erected in the county tins season, to take Mir pface ot wooden ones, which have doiu service for years past. It is noticeable (liitt wherever now bridges are built in every instance iron or steel is selected as material by Hit Commissioners. This is because of the growing scarcity and high price ot suitable timber. Not only is steel -e leoted for the branches of the Chillis quaque and Mahoning Creeks, hut also for the small rails, that make only a culvert necessary. I Jerry township ha led ott by selecting steel for such a culvert. Among this year's installment ol steel bridges are the following: One over the head waters of thoChil lisquaque in Derry town-hip »l John Hleo's farm. Une in Anthony R>wnship ovi r a tributary of the Chillisqnaqne at llau ermau's farm. Two in Liberty township—one at Henry Vincent's and the other at W E. Boyer's, the former over a branch of Mahoning creek and the latter ovet a branch of the Chillisqunque. Steel bridges of the above sort can he built, for *llO to $175, which is eon siderably below what wooden struct ures would cost, while the former have the advantage of being more durahli and better able to resist flood. There are still a good many wooden bridges in Moutour County. Some ol the covered bridges, notably those iri Washingtouville, leading to Danville and Milton are very old and are still in an excellent state of preservation The bridge on the Milton road, espeei ally, is said to be eighty years old am unless it meets with souie accident will stand twenty years longer. It. will be soiue years probably before tIK picturesque wooden bridges will all h. a thing of the past, but tlis day i coming when the site of every one ol them will be occupied by an iror bridge. ELY'S LIQUID CUE AM HALM l an old frit til in a new form. It is pre pared for the particular benefit of suf ferers from msal catarrh who are u ed to an atomizer in spraying the dis eased membranes All the healing and soothing properties of Crean Balm are retained in the new prepara tion. It does not dry up the Ferre tione. Price, including spraying tube 75 cents. At your druggist's or Elj Brothers,s(> Warren Street, New Yoik will mail it. National (iuard Encampment. Our solider boys are encamped at Mr. Gretna this week anil we trust that the weather will be propitious and that no accident or illness will mar the occasion. The Twelfth regi ment has always borne itself credit ably in every particular at the Na tional Guard eucampmt nr. and b>eii a credit to this section from which tin regiment is recruited. To be a mem ber of the Guard requires a treat deal of self-sacrifice, and many unpleasant features, and when it is considered that the Guard is the nucleus of the national army, and defense in case ol war with a foreign nation or rebellior there is cause for gratitude on tin part of the general public for the sol diery of the state. Pennsylvania ha' several hundred thousand men, whr have been drilled in the National Guard, and who in ease of an einer geucy would he available,and an armj of defense assembled in a few days. Only those who have served 111 the Guard know of the sacrifices thai must be made in a three years' or si> years' service, and there is little plaj or glory about if,and less appreciat.ioi of the Regiment than there should he. The annual encampment is a necessary feature of the National Guard, as it Rives opportunity of extended drill! and manoeuvres, with large bodies ol men, not possible in the armories, am such work devolves upon soldiers ii actual service. With few exceptions however,the ten days of camp life are beneficial to the "boys"—as even the old soldiers and heroes of the Civi war are called—as the change of air, food, scenes and thought afford in OIK sense a rest or vacation, ami it doef most any person good to get away from the usual routine and rut of lionit life, business or vocation The present tour of duty at Mt. Gretna will give the guardsmen more than a usual severe taste of soldier lift but we trust that the encampment wil be ot great benefit to the men, boll from a physical as well as a military point of view, and that the legitimate pleasures which come to camp life will more than compensate for tin toil and unj feasant features To Cure a Uold in Oue Dav, Take LAXATIVE BIM.Mo gUININI- Tablets All drnggists refund monej if it fails to cure. Iv W < trove s sign., tnre is 011 each box 25c. Fine Photographs. Among the highly prized souvenir! connected with the system of improve uieuts about Danville is a photograpl of the liist car run by MlO Dauvillr and Sunbury Street Kail way Coin pany, taken by Will G. Brown at the river bridge when I lei car made its in itial trip and was packed with people Mr Brown is one of our best amataui artists and his picture is a line sueces nearly every face at all visible recognizab'e Mr. Brown also took a picture of the grand chrrus of July Fourth, which is a line success. The Aged Made Younger. Feeble persons have lound the use ol Speei's Port Wim and Burgundy a superior medicine because it is the best restorative and blood making. Nothing equals it for .11>1 people Addition to Royal Family. LONDON, July I.' The Piinccss ol Wales «ave birth to a son at .i o'clock this morning at Sandringham palace. Some disappointment is lelt that the new arrival is a hoy instead of a girl as four of the former children of the Prince of Wales are hoys and the prince was hoping for the birth of a daughter. LESS REPAIRS THAN USUAL The Building and Repair Commit ti-e id the School Board consisting ol Robert Adams, Jacob Pitcher, New ton Purer I and .faroh Von Blohu and accompanied by Borough Superintend ent <»ordv made a tour of the school buildings yesterday afternoon for the purpose of determining the amount of repairs that will lie imeded before the buildings and grounds can he putin wool shape for the coming school term. It was found that, with the excep tion of the Third ward the repairs needed this year are less extensive th tn for some years previous and will require comparatively a small expend iture of money. In the Third ward much more will be required than us ual. Not a few ol the rooms will need calcimiuing, but tbii greatest problem is confronted in the cellar where wat er has made its appearance oozing up from the ground which is of a very springy nature. The water has al ways been a source of annoyance at that building in the spring of the year, hut the present season due to some unaccountable cause it has made it's appearance in increased quanti ties even at the present time lying in the ash pit at the furnace to tli3 depth of nearly two feet. The school board will sink a drain and endeavor to establish connection with an old well neai the spot out of use at present and covered up, A Guaranteed (Jure for Piles. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or protnid ing Biles Druggists refund money il I'AZ" 1 11 NTM KNT fails to cure any case, no matter of how long standing, in 'i to 1 1 days First application give ease and rest. 51 lc If your druggist liasn tit send Vic in stamps and it wil| be forwarded post paid by Paris Meeli cen Co.. St. Louis. Mo. Boy Sustains Broken Arm. Clarence Ferguson,the uine-year-ole: son of Mrs. George Ferguson, Easl Market street,sustaiued a bad fracture ot bis left arm in a very singular man tier on Saturday. In company witl other boys lie was fishing along the river above town. Clarence walked out on a log. which lay in the river. The bark had disappeared and it was difficult to walk upon the log without slipping. All went well, however, un til Clarence got a bite. In the excite ment which followed the bov slipped. In an effort to save himself he threw our his left hand, which as lie went ovt r became fast in a hole in (he log, while the weight of his body which bung upon it gave it a bad wrench and broke both horns of the forcami just above the wrist. Assistance was soon at band aud the boy was taken to his home wheie surgical aid was rendered. The Diamond Cure. The latest news from Baris, is, thai they have discovered a diamond cure for consumption. If you fear ron sumption or pneumonia, it will, how ever,he best for you to take that greal remedy mentioned by W. T. MeGee.ol Vanleer., Tenu. "I had a cough, foi font teen years. Nothing helped me, until I took Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, which gave instant relief,and effector a permanent cure." Unequalled quiet cure, for throat and Lung Troubles. At Panles & Co's. Drug Store; price 50c and 112 I.oo,guaranteed. Trial bottle 112 ree. Mot Weather Rules. That suffering among animals may be allayed during the somraer, a nuui her of "don'fs" have been sent te horse owners throughout the city ane state by the Pennsylvania Society foi the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Ageuits have freqnetly observed that a large number of deaths have been caused by negligence and indifference of drivers. If the following hints, furnished by the society, are observed, suffering among horses will be greatly decreas ed : Don't torget that your liorsa will re pay you for his cost if you treat bin right. Don't stand him in the sun. w her by moving him across the street oi around the corner you can find shade. Don't put the same load on liiui when the thermometer is at !)0 thai you do when it is just above the freez ing point. Don't fail to give him water at short intervals. Don't fail to bathe bis head with cold water. Don't give the horse whisky unless advised hv a veterinary surgeon, and don't take any yourself Nine-tenths of the abuse of animal- are tiaceab'e to its use. Don't fail, il if shows signs of ex haustion, to give the animal a lia'l hour's rest. Don't fail, in extreme I-HSI S, to ap ply he to the head and ice watei to the body, so as to reduce the teniperatuie. Don't swear at him He can fee: either the lash, whip or your tongue. Forced te> Starve. B F. Leek, of Concord, Ky., say! "For 20 years I suffered agonies, witl a sore on my upper 1 ip, so painful, sometimes, that I could not eat Aftei vainly trying every thing else, I cured it, with Bin klen's Arnica Salve. " It's great for hums, cuts and wounds. At Baules it Go's. Drug Store; only 25c. Shot a Balil l:agle. B. A. Wellivi r, eif Liberty town ship. shot a bald eagle on last Mon day, which measured live feet, six incites from tip to tip. Mr Wellivei «aw the big bird sail iii),' majestically through the air when lie ejuickly got his gun and demon itratcd his excellent marksmanship by bringing down the eagle. A Smooth Article When you find it necessary to use talve use DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is the purest, and best for Sores, Burns Boils, Kczenia, Blind, Weeding, Itching or Brotruding Piles, jet the genuine DeWitt's Witch la/.e| Salve Sold by Baules Co. WILL CELEBRATE ANNIVEKSAHY Washington Oamp, No. sti7, P O. H. (if A., ol Itiverside., has commenc ed work mi its now liall and expects to have it completed by Septum tier Ist. E. C. Welliver of this cit.v has the contract for laying tint brick work which has nearly reached the height of the first story The carpenter work, winch will lie done by toe day, is under the sujorvision of Eli Hoov er. The Riverside Oamp wa.« instituted on August 20tli, 1 «.♦<»!. and is therefore less than four years old. 112) .1. Sny der,former principal of the Riverside schools, i«; president of Ihe catnp am Ohatles E. Mills, freight agent at tin 1 Pennsylvania station, is the secretary The camp nnmhcrH sixty-eight men and that it is prosierniK no better evidence is needed than the fact tlmt it is already in circumstances to erect a hall. On August I'.Hli. the River side camp will celebrate its fourth anniversary witii a monster picnic in DeWitt's I'ark. There will b > sever al addiesses on the occasion. The pills that act as a tonic,and not as a drastic purge, are DeWitt's Litth Early Risers. They cure Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, etc. Early Risers are small,easy to take and easy to act—a safe pill. Mack Hamilton hotel clerk at Valley City, N. I)., says: "Two bottles of these fanioui Little Pills cured me of chronic con stipation." Good for children or ad ults. Sold hy Panics & Co. Kquipping Cars With Air. Instructions have gone out to equij with Westinghouse air brakes even freight car oil the Pennsylvania Hail road system not now MI fitted up. About fifteen thousand cars lack ait biakes.and to equip them will cost sii< per car, or $'.(00,000. Altogether more tliau 210,000 freighi cars are owned by tho Pentisylvani* lines. Air brakes will he put on ii the various company shops, as in thi way the woik can he completed quick er than by withdrawing the cars fron service to send them to Hie Westing house works. Shortly after the Harrishurg wrtcl the Pennsylvania Railioad iiituage me lit determined upon 111 is and othu important chang-s calculated to <!e crease the chances of accidents. With all its cars eqoippid with aii brakes, the plan of the Pennsylvanis Railroad will lie to hir foreign tar: not so equipped. Three Good and Just Reasons There are three good rea oils win mothers prefer One Minute Congl Cure: First. If is absolutely harmless Second, It tastes good -children lovt it; Third, It cures Cionp am Whoopiry> Congh when oilu i nmediei fail. Sold by Paules Co. The Band Festival. The trolley cats on the Danville i!i Bloomsburg line did a land-olfice hnsi ness Saturday night carrying passcng ers up to the festival given by tin Mecbanicsville Band at its pavi 1 ion East Danville. A special car was kepi for this purpose making quick tripi between the regular through cars | Every car that went out seemed crowd ed. The festival was a success am netted quite a sum. A Surprise Parly. A pleasant surprise party may hi given to yonr stomach and liver, hi taking a medicine which will relievt their pain and discomfort, viz: Dr King's New Life Pills They are : most wonderful remedy,affording sun relief and cure, for headache, dizzi ness and constipation. 25c at Paule & Co's Drug Store. Wheat in Shocks. The wheat is now nearly all cut. I is not j<~: iifcumn into the barns am the fit Ids neatly shocked pieseuta verj pretty a| pearanoe. County Commissioner Henry Coop er, speaking for his locality along (lit Chillisquaque says the wheat althougl somewhat short in straw will be .at average crop. Last year's wheat commands or.i dollar per bushel. Nothing like thi liguie, however, will be paid for nev wheat Bent Her Double. "I knew no one, for tour weeks when I was sick with typhoid fever am kidney trouMe," writes Mrs. Annii Hunter, of Pittsburg, Pa., "and whet I got better, although 1 had mie of tie best doctors I could get, I was ben' double, and had to rest my hands oi my knees when I walked. From thi' terrible atTlictiou 1 was rescued bj Electric Hitters, which restored nij health and strength, and now 1 cat walk as straight as ever They art simply wonderful " Guaranteed t< Cure stomach, liver and kidney dis orders ; at Paules & (Jo's. Drug Store price 500. Assessment Not Changed. Judge Auti non Friday handed dowr a decision HI the appeal of T tie fas payeis of ('nil towuhsip, Northumhet land county, tr<iin the iis-essu'.ents oi ttieir property as fixed by the board ol revision. The decision allows a re duction of assessment on the p opertj of Edward Dugan, Anthom Donaloski. M. J Haile and Martin Sominerday and leaves the other asses.sim tits (lit same. The first move of the tax pay ers to have the assessments reduced was made before the county commis sioners when tliey sat as aboard of re vision. The revision did no* satisfy them, and they appealed to the court of common pleas It is likelv that the matter will now be appealed to the Supreme Court Another Patent Procured. Attorney O. W Clement has procur ed a patent for II A. Lit/, of Zuricfc, Switzerland on a method of making Mosaics. Mr. Litz filed the applica tion for a patent while visiting his brother, Carl Lit/., of Danville. A company has been organized in Dan ville for tho purpose of making the Mosaics.—Sunbury Daily. TO till lllll! INDUSTRIE '* <onver»Htion with J. b < i. Hr.sid.uit <if the Board c Trade. y.-i.-r.l u it was ]e armj d ths in a short tune a proposition will b made to FJIM NITIDIS of Dun v ill through || H Hoatd if Trade lookin • o tin- lai-ing of mutiny to aid in tl !'><• iti on id new industries and fun I '''"K I 1 "T ITIDIINTTIUH with capitt Oil till ISSUI ed hjisjs J'or Hi taiii-c, lie - ivs, the tiuie he now arrived when II.H knitting rnilli whit -11 mi. con Ii II» .1 t„ „ H )N K | E jj ne ( goods, iiiuof hr inch oat and add otlu LIIIKM, |. R ihahly, IUIIIOK, children an common goode Tin-,of course, woui ii''i ' ssit.it.i) ,i i-oii-iiiprahle outlay c money. i, i,,,t „| v wo „jd it f, e uecet -ary to build additi wis to the plat including a dye house but also to ii stall new maehiiiciy costing in th neighborhood ol |>S,OOO. It will I nan h :irv t,.i Un it i lirst mortgag loan ol - IIUR * IO,(K)o or $.00,000. lliis Mr. (ioi'ser thinks should I '• adily i tk»• n hy our own citizens, a it would lit- a Hafe in vestment in VN '' l l 1 ''dished business yieldiu profit .ml would much to be pre lerrcd over the out of-towu mvestmex iliat com in rin !y t|ip.*;i| to onr citizeii promising returns rarely ma terialize. So much lor thenld established coc cerns ol Danville that need to expand but new industries are in sight tha promise well which could be assiste in the same way, the ■•itizeus in th. i not oi) 1 v utilizing well o their money but alt the same time as -isting to build uji the town. Indigestion Cured. Cnern i unc tat o! I ndigpstion, Dy» pepsin or Stomach I'nuble that w) not yield to the digestive and strength ouing influence of Kodol Dyspepsl < ure. Ihis remedy takes the strain c the stomach by digesting what you es and allow Nig it to until it grow strong again Kcdol Dyspepsia Our affords quirk anil relie fri in indigestion and all stomach trou hies,builds up the synem aud to purl ties that disease cannot attack aud gaii a foothold us when in » weakened coi .ion Sold i., I'aules & 00. Shannon Brothers Here. Ji.sse Shannon, of Danville, is visit inc 1 u i few ilavs at the residence o "■ V ott ■ Tin;so who follow bas ball will n-i-all t he achievements of th famoi.s : .linen Brothers.of Danville who fr i' IsSii to; ISBS were the bat fery nl i i ' i• ti 11 ball club, tha WEI' J ru iirallv 'II vincible, andes fahi is lie. i > record tor their team thai made 111■ ii prowess known far anc i ear .1. s-i' S .;innon is a highly re spi ted i itiz' iii i Danville, and is at present a nionllor of the Danville team, pi »v ing a field position. Mr. Shannon's (outlier is a prominent at torney of Philadelphia;—Williams port Sun. The Only Way to Cure To cure a cold when you have no cough- to cuic a cold when vou have no co'd -to inie yourself when you have liutli- take Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. Acts on the bowels.etc. Kennedy's Laxative Honey aud Tar is the original Laxative Cough Syrup. It contains no opiates and oures by strengthening the lungs, throat aud chest, expelling colds from the system by gently moving the bowels, aud au idi al reim dy for young or old. Ouce used will lie remembered as a sore cure Sold liv I'aules &*Oo. Sheriff's Deeds. On .luly Jthe law ]iassed by the last legislature relating to sheriff's deeds will so into efleot, which means that acknowledgement in open oourt will re ie in this minify and all other counties in the common wealth. All ackuo.vl • Igements will be before the prothoie tarv and they can bo made on any day of the year excepting Sun days and holidays. Another v< rv important feature of the new law is that of recording such deeds. In thf just it beeu the practice to mark all deeds after ack nowledgement in the office of the pro thonotary, but henceforth they will simply lie placed in the continuance docket of ihtt office and tlnn regular ly filed in a separate book to be kept by the recorder. This will change things generally about the offioe of the leeorder.shenll and prothonotary. HMMMitiWfMMHHMm Acer's You can depend on Ayer's Hair Vigor to restore color to your gray hair, every time. Follow directions and it never fails to do this work. It stops Hair Vigor fallingoftlie hair,also. There's great satisfaction in knowing you are not going to be disap pointed. Isn't that so? ' nliltP It \ ! t«» 111 i oloi \«•ii r II HI \ 'I V «<• i - what you claim for it A M I'' > N . K rkliighain, N. C. A rrai All Faduig Hair BACK-anHE and all OTHER MII; tonis of kidney dis ease are : ' v removed when the kidneys an- . ■ healthy, active and vigorous by ; ■.» use of Dr. A. Chase's Kidney 5 v ?r Pills the wor d' e:t 1: Iney and liver regiii.itor, i cnl medicine hav ing a co' i n s.>n kidneys and liver. <i a .so; 2 r , cenls a box. Write foi free! ir.ipie t The Dr. A. W. Cli.i .»■ Aloiiu in. C , iiiillalo, N. Y.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers