LOCAL TIME TABLES OANVILLE AND BLOOMSBURG STREET RAILWAY. Grovania for Danville 5.25 a. m. Danville for Yorks 5.50 a ui. Danville for Roberts Store 6.40 a in. Danville tor BloomaburK «.20 a. m.and every 40 minutes uutil y.40 p iu. Dauville for Grovania 11 p. in Grovania for Blooinsbury 5.35 a. in. Bloomsbuyg for Danville ti.oo a in and every 40 minutes until 9 p*. ui. » 40 p. ui. to Grovania only. 10.20 p. ni. to Danville. Saturdays all cars will run through from 7.00 a in. uutil 11.00 p. m 1 1-40 p. m.to Grovania only from Danville aud Blooinsburg. SUNDAYS.—First oar will leave Danville for Blooinsburg at 8.20 a in. aud every forty minutes until 9.40 p. m 11.00 p. in.to Grovania only. First car will leave Blooinsburg tor Dauville at 8.20 a m. aud every forty minutes until 9.00 p. ill 9.40 to Grova uia only. 10.20 p. m.to Dauville. Special attention given to chartered car parties. Illuminated cars a special ty. Rates on application. Both Phones. A L. DAVIS, Superintendent. PRNN'A. R. R. CAST WEST. 7.11 A. M. 9.00 A - M 10.17 » 12.10 P. M 8.21 P. M 481 '' 5.50 " 7.61 SUNDAYS. 0.17 A. M 4-81 P. M. D. L <ft W. R R EAST. WEST. 7.07 A. M. A. M. L 0.19 " 18.44 P. M 2.11 P. M 4.88 5.48 " 9 10 SUNDAYS 7.07 A. M. 12.44 P M. 5.48 P.M. 9.10 PHI LA READING R. R. NORTH. SOUTH. 7.53 A.M. 11.28 A.M. 3.58 P. ta. 8.85 P. M. BLOOM STREET 7.55 A. M. 11.21 A.M. 8.58 P. M. fI.BB P. M. BURGLARS AT CIOCI FACTOR* The clock factory ou Railroad street was burglarized Monday night. It is uot certain, however, that anything was stolen, although the thieves went over the entire premises. But very little is being done at the clock factory at present. Herman Eugelberg, the general foreman, is in New York Citv and during his absence the factory is solely iu charge of Charles Wagner, who is at the the assembling aud adjusting depart ment. When Mr. Wagner arrived at the factory yesterday morning be fouud the door at the main entrance brokeu open. The burglars proved them selves determined fellows, as the door was securely fastened with a Yale lock and resisted all efforts to break it open. To show what force was ap plied on the outside the door frame to whioh the portiou of the lock was screwed that received the bolt was badly spliutered and brokeu, neces sitating the iusertiou of a new piece before the door oould be refasteued. All about the interior of the build ing burned matches were fouud strewn over the floor, showing that the bur glars had been through every depart ment. It is very difficult to tell wheth er or uot the burglars stole auytbiug. There are a good many valuable tools iu the building but none of these, so far as could be determined yesterday, were missing. As relates to the large stock of clocks, Mr. Wagner is uot so certain. It is difficult, he says, to de termine at a glance whether any are missing, but he Is inclined to think that none have been stolen. There Is a good deal of mystery about the af fair, especially considering the hard work that was required toforue an en trance. What the thieves would ex pect to find in a building of that sort is not clear. Professionals on Saturday. The Wilkesbarre Professionals, who will be the base ball attraction at De- Witt's Park on Saturday, are a fast aggregation and will no doubt attract a large crowd. They defeated the American Car aud Foundry Company club at Berwick last Saturday by a score of 5 to 1 and are considered one of the best teams in Ceutral Pennsyl vania. It has been demonstrated in the past that when Danville players go against a good strong team they usaally produce the guilt-edge article themselves and if history is to repeat itself a flue exhibition may be expect ed. As for the next attraction.little need be said. The "Cuban Oiauts" with Old Pop Watkine at the helm will be with us on Monday and Tuesday next, and to say there will be things doin' those afternoons would be putting it mildly, for as is well known those dusky monarchs of the diamond never sleep during working hours,from about 3:15 to 5 o'clock each afternoon, and if the home team wins,which they ex pect to do.it will be after a very busy session. Mc Cloud on a former ocoasiou was more than equal to the emergency in the box, aud with Deen officiating in one of the games it is hoped that vic tory will again be ours. Old reliable Jesse Shannon, whose grand sensa tloual catch which resulted in a trip le play in tlie ninth inning, leading to a shut out against the Uiants two years ago. has retired from the game aud his place in center field is tilled by Clayberger, who is also an ideal outfielder The Giants not only give a wonder ful exhibition of base ball but amuse the audience with music and witty sayings from the time the gates open until the game is won or lost. The management are at a great expense to seoure these strong clubs aud should be unconraged by good attendance. The line up will appear in this pap er later. A Guaranteed Uure Tor Piles. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or protrud ing Piles. Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case, no matter of how long standing, in 6to 14 days. First application gives ease and rest. 50c. If yonr druggist hasn tit send 50c in stamps and it wil| he forwarded post paid by Paris Medi cenCo.. St Louis. M<>. A CLEVER AND CONGENIAL IMF The Haleigl* N. 0., "Post" of Sou day tlie llrli iust. pleasantly alluded to a congenial group of strangers in that city among whom will be recog uized ouo of our townsmen, W. A Sechler. The "group" are in Raleigh as wit nesses ill the trial of J. B Howell in the Federal Court for the fraudulent use of the United States Mails ou ord ering goods ou the credit of Joues and Powell of Raleigh. The Danville Stove and Manufactur ing Company was one of the linns that Powell tried to victimize. Powell carried ou his business from Norfolk,writing his letters and orders for goods there under Raleigh date line aud sending them to the latter city by hand to be mailed. Orders were sent ou the credit of "Jones & Po well," Raleigh, to houses in many parts of the country and the goods shipped to Haleigli. Some of the re plies to letters and shipments came iu to the hands of the real Raleigh firm of Jones & Powell and they brought the matter to the atteution of the au thorities, the result being the arrest of Powell jost about the time that he had gotten a man here to reship the goods to various other points as they arrived from those who were shipping them to Raleigh to a tiim having a high Dunn and Hradstreet rating Several car loads of goods came be fore the manipulation was stopped, including car loads of stoves, furniture, canued goods aud a great variety ot stock. The "Haleigh Post" says: A clever and congenial group of wit nesses who are here for the trial of J. B. Powell in the Federal court this week is coaiposed of Mr. William .1 H. Gulch, prominent stove anil tin ware manufacturer; Mr. W. H. Bish op, representing Fred. Walpeit& Co., curled hair and bristles manufacturers, aud David M Pimes of M. Pitues & Co..parlor faiuiture manufacturers, all of Baltimore, and W. A. Sechler, of the Danville, Penii Stove Manu facturing Co. Each of these gentlemen represent firms who received orders or inquiries from Powell as Joues & Po well of Raleigh for goods *nd are im portant witnesses for the prosecution This is the third trip they have made to Raleigh for the trial of Powell aud each time there has been a continu ance. Some of them seem a little rest less and exasperated over the prospect for another continuance at this term. American Institute Farmer's Club Report the wines of Alfred Speer, Passaic, N. .1., the moat reliable, aud his Oporto Grape Wiue aud Burgund ies as superior to any in the world. Reading's Dining Car Service. The Philadelphia & Reading Hail way announces that the Dining Car Service will be inaugurated ou Juue 12th by the opperation of dining cars iu conjunction with the Ceutral Hail road ot New Jersey,weekdays between Philadelphia aud New York as fol lows : A L« Carte breakfast will be served ou 7 :00 and 8:00 A. M. trams in each direction, A La Carte loach ou the 13:00 noon and 1:00 P. M. trains iu each direction aud Table d'Hote din ner at SI.OO per Capita on the 5:00 and (5:00 P. M trains each way. Mr. S. W. Derr, the Superintendent of Dining car Service, having been Assistant Superintenlaut of the same department of the Baltimore aud Ohio H. K. thoroughly understands the needs of trav-tler.s and will spare no efforts to accommodate and please the Headiug's patrons MAKE 3 WORK EASIER. Danville People Are Pleased to Learn How It is Done. It's pretty hard to attend to duties Wiht a constantly aching back ; With annoying urinary disorders. Doan's Kidney Pills make work easier. They core backache. They cure every kidney ill. John Temanus, puddler, of 801 Main St., says:"l consider Doan's Kidney Pills an excellent remedy for back ache. I used them aud tliey cured me of backache from which Iliad suffered for years. My trouble was an in describable dull aching pain right acioss the loius, sometimes my back was so weak that 1 could hardly do anything, and on this account I have had to lay off work several times. 1 was unable to bend or stoop without severe pain aud 1 was often obliged to catch bold of something to keep me from falling. I used liniments and hot applications but until I tried Doan's Kidney Pills I never hail anything to do me any good. Doan's Kidue" Pills were just the remedy I needed. 1 had taken them only about three days when my back became strong and soou was as strong as it evet was.l have had no backache or any indiction of kidney trouble since using Doan's Kidney Pills. Plenty more proof like this from Danville people. (Jail at druggists and ask what their cutomers report. For sale by all dealers. Hrioe 50 cents Poster-Mi I burn Co., huffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United S 4tes. Remember the name—Doan's— aud jake no other. Barriers Removed. The barriers erected to keep travel off the new pavement on Mill street were removed last night both from in front of the Montour House aud at Mill aud Front streets aud Mill street is now open over the entire stretch of new pavement extending ftoiu Center street to the river bridge Viewed from a point near Maikel street.the paved thorough;are north and south presents a very nice appearance and woold scarcely be recognized as the Mill street of oue brief y> ar ago. The paved street aud the river bridge, together, approximating three fourths of a mite, affords a most delightful drive, which will be enjoyed by a large number of people who possess horses and carriages. Hest of all the new pavement is a fine piece of work, which w ill oom pare favorably with street pavements in any of our neighboring cities. A gratifying oircomstauce connected with it is the fact that the work was contracted fur aud done by a Danville man, showing that our town not july has the public spirit but also among her tradesmen the skill and responsibility needed to carry out her enterprises. 1 Kill BE LIGHTED I# A KEEK Our magnificent river bridge in a week's time will be illuminated by electricity. The Standard Electric Light Company ot this city has heeii awarded the contract for wiring and lighting the bridge by the Danville and Sun bury Street Railway Company, which has obligated its.lt to light the bridge as a part of the price it, pays for the privilege ot laying its Hacks on the structure The Standard Eleotiio Light Com pany has already began the work of wiring the bridge aud George M. West, Superintendent of the Company, yes terday stated, that by Saturday night ar Monday at the furthest the biidge will be lit up by electricity. There are in all sixteen ornamental lamp posts, eight on either sidewalk, each of which is supplied with a place for two electric light bulbs. Mr. West says that the lights— thirty-two in number-will be of sixteen candle power, which ought to light up the bridge very nicely. Tlns wire will he brought lip through the hollow posts so that the bulbs only will be visible. The Standard Electric Light Company yesterday removed its wires.temporarily suspended overhead in the roadway, to their permanent position on the top of the bridge. The wires are carried from the top of the KO-foot pole recently erected at the north-east corner of Front and Mill streets to six pin arms placed in posi tion on the top of the iron work Two j wiies were strung yesterday; others will he added as needed. Seven Hands in Line. The fact is established that the j Fourth of July parade will not be de i ficieut iu music. The one thousand j firemen, the military, the secret and i other societies will march to the music | of at least seven bands and two drum | corps. There will be live bauds from i out of town ; at the meeting of the Citizens' Celebration Committee ou Friday night the Mechanicsville baud was employed, while at the meeting | of the same body last night it was do j cided to hire Stoes' band for the day. The entire Committee was present last night; Ralph Kisner,Esq .Burgess i Pursel, W. V. Ogltsby, Esq.. Edward | Purpur, Jacob Buyer. Johuuy Moyer aud J. T. Magill. Ou motiou it wits decided that a ! committee be appointed to attend to 1 the purchase of tire works. The Chair man appointed John F. I'ooley and W. J. Rogers on said committee. Secretary Purpur reported that the ! total amount of money subscribed thus ; far is $778. The Celebration Committee is *ime wtiat discouraged over the slim re spouse at rehearsals, especially as it has gone to the expense to purchase music for a chorus on nearly two hun dred voices. It was decided lust night that the firemen's contest he hel I oti North | Mill street between the st< tin grist mill and Center street It was also ordoied that the large posteis punted be put up in Danville today. Dying: of Famine is, in its torments, like dying of con sumption. Tlie progress of t«»n-uui|>- tion, fiom ttie beginning to the very end, is a long torture, liOth to victim and friends. " When I lirtd consump tion in its lirst stage," writes Win Myers, ot Ceuifoss, Ai• J.. "after try ing different medicines and a good doctor, in vain, I at lust took Dr. Kiug's New Discovery, which uuickly and perfectly cured me." Prompt ie lief and sure cuie for coughs, co'ds. sore throat, bronchitis, etc. Positive ly prevents pneumonia. Janranteed at Panles & Go's drug store, ju ice 50c aud SI.OO a bottle. Trial bottle free Gave SIO,(MM). In addition to a letter highly ex pressive of its appreciation of tlie aid and succor given to the injured and loving care bestowed upon the dead in the terrible wreck of May 11 by the people of Harrisburg.the Pennsylvania railroad company gave |IO,O'M) to the Harrisburg Hospital. This gilt was in recognition of the work done at the institution on that fateful day and the attention which lightened the sutTer ingsof those who had to undergo treat ment there after the accident The donation was given to the hos pital without any restrictions as to its use, that being left entirely to its Hoard of Managers, and was presented with a letter telling of the deep grat itude of the company. The System Lives On (Jood Rich Blood People Who Lack the Proper Quantity aud Quality of Blood Tall Victims to Every Disease That's Pievaleut. DR. A. W. CHASE'S NERVE PILLS The b loot Ms the medium through which every tisue, every organ is sup plied with the mateii tl it ffeeds upon and rebuilds ir.st-1 f _with. Take away that nourishment by letting tie* blood run down in quantity and quality and you take away the power of an orj;an or tissue to reapply waste or rebuild itself. It. other words, the sytsem starves ; color, appetite, steaidness, energy, vigor, vtiahtv —all are lots ami a condition of mental and physical piostration sets m. This condition Dr. A. W Chare's Nerve Pills positively cure by their power to manufacture good, rich,not ntious, oxygen carrying blood, a blool that careries to every oragn the very matreial It lives aud thrives upon. Mr. G.-orge Horkins of Westiugliouse Ave nue, Wiluierdiuff, Pa., says: "I began to u k 6 4 Dr. A W. Chase's Nerve Pills in Pittsbrug. I was ai the time badly run down, weak, nervous —could not eat cold all tlie tune, as IUV blood was thin, aud did not sleep well The medicine put me in spleu did shape rapidlv and easily, giving mo steady n «rves a fine appetite restful sleep a general feeling of enery and vigor that showed HI tlie way rny color came back. The medicine is certainlv a grand one and I am only too glad to sav so " 50 cents a box at dealers or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Company,Huffalo, N. Y. Portrait and signature of A W. Chase, M D , on every package For sale by .1 D (Josh & Co., I' I .' Mill street, Danville, Pa 1 ML oralis AT THE CANAL i'he foul and stagnant condition of the canal above and immediately be low the Mill street culvert is causing muoh unfavorable comment about town and the wonder is expressed that the Board of Health does not take ac tion in the matter. The general un sightliness of the bottom of the canal at that point has been alluded to in these columns,but during the la.-t few days conditions have become much ag gravated aud under the lengthening days foul odors ha\e begun to arise that at times make it unpleasant for persons passing over the culvert. It is truo the I). L. & W. Kail road Company has taken up the matter and promises co operation with the Bor ougli to abate the drainage nuisance, hut if the remedy is to lie in piping and filling up the canal, relief is still a good way off in the future. What is needed is immediate relief. Other seasons a drain was opened in the middle of the canal, which reliev ed matters somewhat by preventing stagnation. Why the present state of things should be tolerated is hard to ac count for? The Borough at a heavy ex pense built a culvert; it is massive and architecturally a feature to be proud of. But spanning as it does au open sewer and its base a dumping ground for rubbish of all sorts to what a de plorable extent it must suffer from as sociation ? The Citizen*' Celebration Commit tee is much exercised about this eye sore in the very center of town and is anxious that the nuisance be wiped out before the Fourth of July. The Committee will probably tike some action to bring the matter to toe at tention to the proper authorities. North American Prints Approach The "North American" Monday ' contained a first class cut of the river ; bridge taiien from the South side for the purpose of showing the steep ap i proach, which it bring) out to perfec j tiou Under the cut is the following [line: "Perpendicular approach to new river bridge invented by North -1 umberlaud County Commissioners." Accompanying the cutis the follow ing correspondence: Danville, Fa., June 11. Although the new $140,000 steel bridge presented by the State to the j counties of Montour aud Northumber land to take the place of the one swept 1 away in the flood of IVH)4 was otticial | Iv opened for travel yesterday,the peo ple who will be compelled to use it tue far from satisfied with the manner in which the approach has b< eu con j structed at the southern, or Norfhum -1 berlaud county end. Despite the wishes of the citizens, despite the uigiug of Judge Savidge and even, it is said, despite their own promises,the Commissioners of North i umberlaud couuty have built au ap . proach that would be laughable were its cheapness and lack of utility not | so daugeious. The ap| roach grade iu the centre,as | shown in the cut, in 27'.j per cent., j making a lull almost prohibitive to teams with even moderate loads. The I flimsy guard rails,also depicted iu the j photograph, have scaici ly enough 1 strength or exteut to keep a circus poster from falling into the river. Even after viewiug this masterpiece of roadiuakinthe Northumberland Commissioners say: "It is all we are going to do." The supervisors of Gear hait town-snip, iu whose territory this marvelous approach lies, have protest ! od, but in vain. A thousand trains and at least 2000 pedestrians per day will have togo up and down this per | penidcular masterpiece of roadway i t J u 11 < 1111 K best they may. Ten Times Easier. j It is ten tunes easier to cure coughs, I croup, whooping-cough and all long and bronchial atTectious when the bowels are open. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar is the origiual Laxa tive Cough Syrup. Gently moves the bowels, anil expels all cold tioiu the system, cuts the phlegm, cures all coughs and strengthens weak lungs. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar contains no opiates, is pleaasut to the taste aud is the best aud safest for child or aduit. Sold by Paules & (Jo. Birthday Party at Mausdale. Mr. aud Mrs. William Fenstermacher gave a party at their home in Maus dale Saturday in honor of the sixth birthday of their daughter Hazel A large number of the friends of the fam ily were present. Games aud music helped to pass the time, dorm,; the af ternoon 4 picture was taken of the party. An elaborate diuuer was served. Those preseut were: hft and Mrs. Melviu Shultz, Mr. aud Mrs Frank Feustermacher, Mr. aud Mrs. Jesse Messerssmith aud children Mary aud Samuel, Mr. aud Mrs. Elias Williams, Mr. aud Mrs. Samuel Fausey, Mrs. Simon Moser, Mrs. Joseph Kobiusou and son Charles, of Fottsgrove, Mrs. William Cope, Mrs. David Johnson, sou Donald and daughter Hessie, Mrs. James Kobisou aud daughter t'enina, Helen and Shuliz, Miry and Km in a Kline, Jennie Kindt, Flormoe Fausey, Clar* Cope, Jennie Fry, .1 n me aud Minnie Everett, Jennie Mur ray, Kntli and Annie For nwald.Lillie, Gertrude and Maud Hendricks, Elsie Dielil, Stella Dieht, Pearl Delsita, Rachel and Nellie Reader, Willie Kindt Harvev Benuett, David Kllis, Selwiu Williams, Hoy Frv, Robert and Will iam Vincent, Charles Herr. Eugene Dielil, Clifton Kindt, Clarence, Wal ter, and Karl Delsite, Charles Foasey and Gilbert Feusterinaoher. Sold Valuable Stock. I'. K. Hyde shipped by expiess Mon day a bull which he bred and raided oil his farm at Kdgemout t) JamtH M. Codmau, a wealthy Kostouian aud tlia j president of the Auieiioiii Guernsey j Cattle Club. Mr ('oilman has one of j the finest herds of Guernsey* iu tin ! United States aud tliit lie should de- | sire some of Mr Hydi's srook n the i best kind of evidence of rhi ttandar<l j of Mr. Hyde's stock Mr. Hyde also shipped the other day six head of Guernseys to a West Virginia million- j DISCUSSING OVERHEAD CROSSING 2 it seems to be a settled conviction with the tax payers oil the South side that affairs are steadily drifting on to ward an overhead crossing at the tracks of the Pennsylvania railroad on the street leading southward from the river bridge. It is an important,it not a principal theme of conversation wherever a group of persons are found assembled. There are probably those who are in favor of the overhead crossing but anyone who circulates for half an hour or so among our neighbors on the Sooth Side can not hut ho impress ed with the fact that there is a weighty sentiment against, it. The principal objection urged is that the overhead crossing would be ruinous to all abutting property. To carry the roadway the required height above the railroad, it is said, would necessitate a structure that would be 011 a line with the housetops, and that would dwarf and render undesirable *ll the pleasant homes in that part of South Danville. The citizens have decided to put themselves on record as relates to the overhead crossing A "special notice" has been sent out calling for a meeting in order to determine the prevailing sentiment. The "special notice" reads as follows: "There will be a meeting of the tax payers of Gearliart township held at the regular polling place between the hours of <> aud 8 p. m., Saturday, .June 17. 1905, at which time the subject of an over head road crossing over the Penn sylvania railroad at Mill street in Gearliart township leading to the river bridge will be discussed and at which time a vote will h< taken for aud against this overlu ad cross ing. " By order of the KOAl) SUPERVISORS. The Children's Favorite. For Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough, etc. One Minute Cough Cure is the children's favorite. This is because it contains no opiate, is peifectly harm less, tastes good and cures. Sold hy Paules & Co. Prompt kespons. The Borough Council, which recent ly issued an order requiring all who were draining sewage in Blizzard's Run to connect with the Borough sew er in thirty days, is much gratified with the ready response from those persons and the general disposition that is manifested to comply with the order.. Blizzard's Hun is now practically restored to its original purity. One by one the small sewers were connected with the Borough sewer uutil only the slaughter houses remained. Henry Divel and Joseph Smith have now se cured permits to connect and it will be only a few days until even the slaughter houses are out of tlie way. The pollution of Mahoning Creek still goes on. To divert sewage from this stream, especially as relates to the properties on West Mahoning stieet, is not such an easy matter. To conueot with the public sewer the West Mahoning street people would be obliged to lay their pipe through un der the creek, which is a sacrifice that the Borough does not ask of them. Before they can comply with Coun cil's request it will be necessary for them to follow the prescribed course and petition for sewer extention along West Mahoning street, A sewer is much needed in that part of town, which lies low, audit would not be surprising if a petition were heard fiom in that quarter before long. The Salve That Penetrates. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve penetrates the pores of the skin, and by its an tiseptic, rnbifocient and healing in fluence it subdues inflammation aud cures Boils, Burns, Cuts, Eczema, Tat ter, King Worm and all skin diseases. A specific for blind, bleeding, itching aud protruding Piles. The original and geuiune Witch Hazel Salve is made by E. C. DeWitt & Co and sold by Paules & Co. Coal Tests. An opportunity has been ottered the coal producers of the country to co operate with the Uuited States Geolo gical Survey in its work of testing the coals and lignites of the United States. This work was begun at the World's Pair Grounds at St. Louis, daring the Exposition, and will he continued along tne lines laid down at that time. The Survey is desirous of securing from operators and others interested iu the problems of fuel consumption, an expression of opinion as to wheth er they desire to co-operate iu this work. Offers of coal for testing pur poses should be directed to the Direct or of tho United States Gological Sur vey, Washington, D. C. It is not possible to promise at the present time that all offers of coal will be accepted, but the plan is to make the investigation as complete as pra cticable, distributing the work as im ' partially as possible over the entire i country. The distribution of the work will depend largely upon the replies received to the circular which tho Sur vey is now sen ling out to coal operat ! ors and upon the present aud future | development ot the coal and lignite deposits of the several States. The tests will be made for the pur ! pose of determining the fuel values of the different coals and lignites aud the } most economical methods for their 1 utilization. Arrangements have been made with the manufacturers of the equipment used dining the Exposition ' to have practically all of this testing machinery left at the disposition of the Government. No Secret Ahoul It. It is no secret, that for Cuts, Burns, I Ulcers, Fever Sores, Sore Eyes, Boils, ! eta., nothing is so effective as Buck j leu's Arnica Salve "It. didn't take i long to cure a bad sore I had,and if is all O. K. for sure eyes," writes I). L. Gregory, of Hope, Tex. 2oc at Paules <3fc Co'.s drug store TO EXTERMINATE SAN JOSE SCALE A series of four experiments looking toward eradication of the San .lose scale aud other insect pests and plant diseases in Pennsylvania is about to be undertaken by the State under the law passed by the last Legislature which appropriated 130,000 yearly for the work. Probably the most important experi iqent is that with Sail Jose scale in orchards. This is to be conducted in Bedford county by K. F. Lee, trained iu tho work at the Agriculture Depart ment of Pennsylvania State College. Numerous experiments have already been made in Bedford, which affords as good a field as any other in the State. Mr. Lee is a resident of Bed ford. Second comes the experiments iu nurseries, the view being to wipe out the pests before the young trees are set out iu orchards. Experiments on all kinds of vegeta bles and truck crops will be made iu the vicinity of Harrisburg.and will be in charge of I). K. McMillan, field as sistant to the State Zoologist. Special investigation of the life his tories of iusects and of insects injur ious to grasses will constitute the fourth section of the series. W. H. Wolf, a State College graduate,will be in charge of this work. Supervision of all of the experiments is in the hands'of Professor H. A. Sur face, State Zoologist, Secretary of Agriculture Critehtield having turned the whole matter over to the Division of Zoology. Work on all four lines will begin Tuesday. A Fight Against Noise. A citizeu of Wilmington sued the trolley company because its cars made too much noise. The jury awarded him six cents damages. This, we-protest, is lusullicient to reward the citizen for his endeavor to crush a soulless corporation When a street car makes a noise aud a public spirited effort to abate it is made, the gentleman who valiautly assumes the role of the people's proxy really de serves more than six cents. A more appropriate verdiot would have been : "We find that the plaintiff so closely resemblfs thirty ceuts that we hereby award him that amount." There is space for farther successful litigation along this line. We expect that some day another public-spirited citizen will move for noiseless wheels, a noiseless signal gong, a noiseless register and a noiseless conduotor. There's plenty of room for improve ment,or at least, plenty of opportunity for anti-noise litigation. Hut, for some unexplained reason, the public only laughs at the public spirited prosecutor. Quality vs. Quantity. Hard muscles and strong body do not depend on the quantity of food you eat, hut on its perfect digestion and proper assimilation. When you take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure your system gets all the nourishment out of all the food you eat. It digests what you eat regardless of the condition of the stom ach and conveys the nutrient proper ties to the blood and tissues. This builds up and strengthens the entire system. Kodol cures Indigestion, Dy spepsia, Belching, Sour Stomach, Weak Heart, etc. Sold by Paules & Co. Simmers on Roosevelt's Nerve. E. L. Simmers, a Philadelphia & Heading Coal and Iron Policeman who was one of President Roosevelt's com panions during his early ranching days tells the following story of the Roose veltian nerve: * "We were on the spring rcMnd up near the Big Box Elder Kiver," says Simmers," when Lord Alexander North joined our party for a hunting expedi tion. The titled Johnny Bull was a six foot, rosy complexioned. proud, and atheletic looking fellow. I tell you he soon won many friends. He was a clever boxer and had made the b. J st men in camp quit before his gloves. After much persuasion the boys induced 'Teddy' to put on the gloves with Lord North. Hoosevelt's gymnastic training at Harvard came in very usefully at this point. The Englishman forced the fighting, and the boys just cheered themselves hoarse as the gladiators clashed. We had formed a circle on the bank of the riv er, and kept the open space well clear ed. Now Roosevelt seemed to have the advantage, again the sturdy English man ; then they clinohed, aud both fell. But the cow boy's agility finally won out, and at the end of the third round. Lord North, breathless and ex hausted, quit, saying, "I've haJ enough. 'You're all right!' " "He also excelled as a marksman, ' says Simmers. "One day when the boys were at target practice, 'Teddy' appeared to look on. " 'Here Roosevelt,' said one of the crowd, 'tiy your luc*.' 'Drawing his 45 calibre Colt revolv er from his belt, lie stepped off thirty paces and tired at a oircular piece of tin, the size ot a dollar. He struck it. Henceforth 'Teddy' was more iesj»ect ed. " Blue Island, 111., Jan. 14, IWOI. Messrs Ely Bros. I iiave used your Cream Balm in my family for nine years and it has become my family doctor for colds in the head. 1 use it freely on my children. It is a God send to children. Yours respectfully, J. Kimball. Messrs Ely Bros.—l suffered greatly from catarrh and tried differeut rerne dies without effect. After using oue bottle of your Cream Balm I found re lief and I cannot prane too highly such a remedy. MISS COKA WILL A HD, Albany, N Y. Had Rooster at Tit. Carmel. A mad rooster, owned by John De mon, of Mt. Carmel, became afflicted with rabies on Saturday and at tacked little Myrtle Miller, pecking her face open in a dozen places The gamestor then attacked several men who weut to the girl's assistance aud I fought uutil they hilled it. I BUILDING BOUGHT Bf D. J. KOGEHS The loug wooden building at the corner of Mill aud Front streets used as a storehouse for county properly was sold at public sale ou Saturday afternoon aud w ill have to be removed at once to make loom for a general filling up at that spot required in cou noction will the change of the lower wingwall. The sale took place at 2p. in., Mi chael Breckbill acting as auctioneer. Bidding was not spirited, for while tha material is still in a good condi tion the building sits iu a low spot and the work of tearing it down and hauling it away may iuvolve consider able expense. It was knocked down to D. J. Rogers for forty dollars. Along with the building was purchas ed a quantity of lumber and old iron stored inside. The County Commissioners have been less fortunate iu dispo>ing of the ferry boat, with cable aud other fixtures, which uow as the bridge is completed ceases to be a factor. The ferry lies idle on the shore at its usual landing place and there is no probability that it will ever be needed here again. The Commissioners from experience last winter have learned that the big boat is hard to protect from ice and flood aud they want to get rid of it yet during the comiug summer,if pos sible. Emeradl Club's flinstrel Show . Notwithstanding the iuclemeut weather, Saturday evening, a fair sized audience witnessed the minstrel per formance given in the Opera House by the members of the Emerald Club. The show was most euterlainiug throughout. The first part was arrang ed iu the good old-fashioned minstrel way, with the circle of black face songsters aud laughter provoking end men. The solos in the first part were selected from the latest musical hits, aud won from the audieuce the hearty applause they deserved. The chorus work was excelleut. The second part consisted of a mono logue—"A few minutes with a travel ing man"—excellently well done by Johu Dugau, aud a sketch entitled "Dauville's Improvements, or Who is the Biggest Grafter." A Bad Scare. Some day you will get a bad scare, when you feel a paiu iu your bowels, aud fear appendicitis. Safety lies iu Dr King's New Life Fills, a sure cure, or all bowel aud stomach dis eases, such as headache, biliousness, costiveuess, etc. Guaranteed at Paules & Co's drug store, iinly 25c. Try them. Spent Enjoyable Evening. A number of young people from this city were entertained at the home of John C. Strouse.ne.ar Washiugtonville, Saturday night. The affair was giveu by Mr. and Mrs. Strouse in honor of their sou William, of Philadelphia, who is speudiug several weeks with Ins parents. A delightful evening was spent. Refreshments were served The following guests were present: Misses Rachel Churm, Stella Ohurm, Anuie Lee, Jenuie Upson, Jennie Strouse, Kate Strouse, Lizzie Hortou, Dorothy Hortou, Auuie Setz, Ira Clirm, Arthur Stickliu,Sam Strouse, George Strouse. Harry Harvey, Ambrose Prentiss, Harvey Strojse, Elmer Strouse, Johu Jones, Walter Trumbower, Roy Strouse, Lee Strouse,Bert Goss, Wilbur Strouse, Harry Strouse, Edward Weaver aud Johu Lee. To our 9 a Oold in One Dav. Take LAXATIVE BROMO (QUININE Tablets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signa tare is ou each box. 25c. Dunn Act is Invalid. Attoruey Geueral Carson has inform ed Auditor General Snyder that the Dauu act, passed by the recent Legis lature, need not be euforced. This is beoause the same Legislature ueglect ed to make an appropriation therefor. The Dunn act provides that record ers of deeds must certify to the Audit or General a list of the moitgages en tered and satisfied iu their oflices each day; Prothonotaries are required to perforin a similar duty. Iu addition, the County Commissioners must certify to the Auditor General a list of the in dividuals taxable for psrsoual prop erty, subjeot to taxatiou for state pur poses. An increase iu the clerical force iu the Auditor General's office would be necessary to handle this matter aud the Legislature made no provision for this. Mr. Carson advises holding the mat ter in abeyance aud that such informa tion be conveyed to the county offic ials. A. A. Solt is Alive. A. A. Solt,the Nescopeck meat man, whose disappearance last week was noted iu these columns, is alive, but his whereabouts are still unknown Mrs Solt, Monday morning received a letter from Solt telling her not to fear for him, as he was alive. The wordiug of the letter was: "Don't think I am dead as I aui still among the liviug. Don't wiite to me as 1 aui goiug on " The po-tinark is blurred, but is thought to be Erie, Pa. The message, though brief, has come as a decided rbhef to Mrs. Solt, who, for a time, was almost frauti.i with grief over the tear that he had been killed, but the letter shrouds even deeper iu mystery to her mind the cause of his sudden desertion. Mrs Solt will in a few days goto her home at Dorr*nce, Holleubach township, Luzerne comity, where she will stay until she makes plaus for the future. Leiby—Mendrick. W. W. Leiby, of Numidia, and Miss Lillian llendrick, of Rushtown, were united in marriage Thursday, June Bth. The ceremony was performed by J the Rev. L. D Ulrich at the parson age, Church street. Miss Cora Hendrick was bridesmaid and M L Hummer, groouisiuau Mr. aud Mrs. Leiby left for Buffalo, Thursday afteruoou. THE TWEES HOLD MEETING -4- Tlie trustees of the |lloispital for the Insane ln-lil a meeting at tlie institu tion on Saturday. Ntjjarly a full hoard was present as follow,*: W. L. Goug er, H. M. Scl.oeh ami liou. Alexander Hillmeyer of this county; Howard Lyon, of llughesville, W F Hhay, of VV'atsontowu ;L)r. Shoemaker,of Wiikes barre; Dr H. H Detweiler, of Will iamsport and Hon. M. H. Kulp,of Sha inokiu. | Tlie trustees had jbxpeoted to take action ou the creation of the new buildings at the Hospital,but were uu able to do so. Tlie pjlans and specifica tions for tlie Light land Power plaut wire not yet completed. This was quite a disappointment, as it is desir ed to construct the plant yet this sum mer and there is no ,time to spare. Tlie Hoard will reconvene in a f«*w days to pass upon the [dans,if they aie ready. The trustees also expected to act up on the temporary buildings, five in number, for which $85,000 was ap propriated by the last Legislature. But three bids hail been received,however, and each of these was above the ap propriation. Action will be taken oa the temporary buildings when the Board meets again. The trustees Saturday contracted with the New York Jewel Filtration Company for the completion of the filter system installed at the Hospital over a year ago. But two tubs weie installed when the plant was built, as that was as far as the appropriation would go. The capacity is mine 200,- 000 gallons per day, which is less than needed in face of certain emergencies or to meet the demands as the institu tion is enlarged. In building, tlie plant was made large enough to hold three tubs. The cost of the third tub now to be installed is covered by the speci al appropriation of $2,600 made by the last legislature. The filter plaut at the Hospital has now been in operation for one year and has been giving most ex cellent satisfaction. The Board of Trustees looked over the new barn on Saturday The build lug is now rapidly approaching com pletion. The slatiug is not quite finish ed on the roof anil the floors are not all laid, but there is no doubt but that the structure will be ready for the season's crops. The Trustees are much pleased with the barn. None but tlie best of mater ial has been used and it is very finely finished. Danger of tire hereafter will be reduced to a minimum, as the new barn willTTe lit up by electric light and there will he no occasion for the carrving of either lantern or matches about the building. Huge Task. It was a huge task, to undertake the , cure of such a had case of kiduey dis ease,as that of C. F. C illier.of Chero i kee, la., but Electric Hitters did it. He wiites: "My kidnevs were so far goue, I could not sit on a chair with out a cushion; and suffered from dreadful backache, headacjie, aud de pression. In Electric Hitters, how ever, I found a cure, and by them was retsored to perfect health. I recom mend this great tonic medioiue to all with weak kidneys, liver or stomach. Guaranteed by Paules & Co., drug gists. price 50c. Big Electric rierger. The Northumberland County Rail way and Light Company was inenrpor | ated at Trenton, N. J., with an auth | ori/.ed capital off 1,000,000, of which ; $500,000 is preferred bearing five per cent, cumulative dividends. The bal ance of the stock is common The company is to supply gas and electric lights for cities aud to con struct, outside of New Jersey, rail roads for transportation of passeng ers aud freight. The incorporators are Wilbur F. Sadler, Jr.. Trenton, N. J., William W. Hepburn and George Park man, both of Philadelphia. The company is formed for the pur pose of acquiring and operating under one management these companies : The Edison Electric Light Company, of Sunbury, Pa. ; the Suubury Electric Light Company ; the Sunbury Street Railway Company. If iu a kind of bilious mood, You wish an aid to digest food ixo other pill is halt so good As DeWitt's Little Early Risers. The Famous Little Fills EAHLY RIS ERS cure Constipation, Sick Head ache, Bilinasi.es*, etc. They neve gripe or sicken, but impart early ris ing energy. Good for children or ad ults. Sold by Paules <S Co. Sailed for Europe. Dan M. Curry, of this city, accom panied by his brother Ralph, of New York, on Saturday sailed from New York oil the steim ship Finland for Liverpool, Eugland. Mr. Curry, who has undertaken the voyage lor the benefit of his health,will return home about the 3rd of July. While iu Eug land he will visit London aud famous centers. Ayers Sometimes the hair is not properly nourished. It suffers for food, starves. Then it falls out, turns prematurely gray. Ayer's Hair Vigor is a Hair Vigor hair food. It feeds, nourishes. The hair stops falling, grow s long and heavy, and all dan druff disappears. "Mv hair was coming out terribly. 1 was almost nfral'l to nnnh It. Hut Ayer's Hair Vicor promptly nto|.|i*><l tl>e falling, and aUo reituh'il the ilatural «*• »l«»r " MRS. E. (i K \V A Kl> Landing. N J £1 00 a bottle. .1 A v K it co., for Poor Hair
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers