— I LOCAL TIME TABLES HENN A R. R RA QT WEST. 7.11 A! M 9.00 A. M. £7 II 12. 10 P. M. a. si p. m 4 31 S. 50 " 751 SUNDAYS. 0.17 A. M 4.31 P.M. D L. A W R. R EAST. WEST. I 7.07 A, M. 9,15 A " ML ! 10.W '• 3.11 P. M 4 3(5 5.43 " " I SUNDAYS. 7.07 A. M. 12 44 P MT I 5.48 P. M ®- ofi PHILA * READING R. R. NORTH. 30UTH. 7.53 A. M. 11.28 A. M. 3.56 P. ta. 6.35 P. M. STREET 7 55 A.M. 11.21 A. M. 8 58 P M RT.B3 P. M. RESET THROUGH OUT THE COUNTY The following <8 tlie vote as cast at Tuesday's election throughout the county: ANTHONY TOWNSHIP. Scliool Director—Levi Fortnor, O. D.. 154; Jacob Kreamer, 1)., 91 ; Peter A. Rishel, O , 76. Poor Director- Joseph Kuhns, D., 98; James Probst, 0., 72 Supervisors—Howard O. Wei liver, D., 112; Jolm A. Ellis, O. D., 149; Jacob Dielil, C, 54. Judge of Election--William H. Molir, D., 109; B. E. Stead, C., 59. Inspector of Elec tion— Ulysess R. A (iam c , D., 104 ; Jacob Holdien C,., 57. Township Cletk— Wrn. O. Houghton, D., 108; Roscoe Mohr, 0., 53. Audior—Win. Albeck, O. & D., 157. Constable— Amos Al beck, D., 129. Justice of the Peace- Win O. Flora. C. & D.. 159. COOPER TOWNSHIP. School Director—William Black , 3 yis., R.. 17; John F. Mauser, 3 yrs., R., 12; Alonzo Mauser, D. & R., 1 yr, 44; H. B. Foust, 3 yrs., D., 33; J. H. Weaver, 3 yrs., D., 36. Poor {Di rector—J. W. Krum, R , 16; Charles Fry, D., 35; of Flection—John Kruin, R., 18,; Charles Wertman, D., 33. luspeetor of Election— W. R. Wert man, R., 13; James Baylor, D., 37. Supervisors -Charles Rishel, R. 112 35; Alfred Blectier D. 24; David Krum D. 26. Auditor —Alouzo Mauser R. 18; Harvey Feiser, D., 33. Coustable — Philip Boyer. D.. 46 DERRY TOWNSHIP. School Directrr— W. L. Snyder, It., 29; H. Edward Bogart, R. & D., 62; George J. Cottier, D., 47. Poor Di rector—G. W. Roar, It , 14; L. Whip ple. D., 63. Judge of Election —F. L. Coarsen, R., 15; Charles Miller, D., 64 It'spector of Election—H. C. Kishel, It., 26; John Moser, D., 54. Supervisor—P. M. Ootuer, R. & D., 76. ; William McQuay, R. & D., 67. Auditor—l. F. P-Uterson.R. ,9 ;G< orge W. Herr, D., 68. Coustable—C. 11. Springer, R., 2G; William S. Bogart, D.. 60. LIBERTY TOWNSHIP School Directors—Chat lew P. Boyer, R. ,50; Samuel Waguer, R., 42; Lntber Cromley.D. ,60; William Rohbins, I) , 77. Poor Director—James Foresinaa, It., 35; S. Y. Curry, D., 83. Supervis or—Charles F. Stahl, R., 26; J. H. Dtehl, R., 34; William C. Taylor, D , 86; Beujamin F. Ware, D., 86 Judge of Election—John Springer, It., 27; Stewart Curry, D. ,91. Inspector of Election—A. D. Cltwell It , 32; Will iam Starntr D.,Bi. Auditor.—William F. Ford, R., 38; C. C. Billmeyer, D., 79. Coustahle—C. 11. Diehl, It.. 18; William L. Bogarr, D., 73. LIMESTONE TOWNSHIP. School Director—Levi D. Geiger, R., 28; William Lindner, R., 21; David Foust, D., 29; J. N. Herr, D., 40. Poor Director—David Cooper, R., 23; W. W. Durliu, D , 33. Supervisor—E. N. Balliett.R.,2s; Sylvester Uuistead, R., 37; Cyrus Coleman, D., 38. Judge of Election—C. H. Lahr, It. ,18 , George Van Ordstrand, D , 43. In>-peotor of Election—Calvin W. Derr, R., 21; J W. Dean. D., 39. Auditor—C. A. Wagner, It., 24: G. O. W'agntr, D., i 7. Constable—John D Lilly. It., 24; Charles L Gouger, D., 37. Justice of the Peace.—D. W. Rank, It , 34. MAYBERRYTOWNSHIP School Directors—George W. Fox, R., 9; J. Cleaver, It., 13; Isaiah Vought, D., 19; Rufus Bird, D., 12; C J. Cleaver, D., 28. Poor Director- George Faux, R., 9; Peter H. Vought, D., 20. Supervisors—J W. Vastine, R., IH;C. A. Sliultz, R., 7; P. S. Cromley, D., 13; Rufus Bird, D., 21. Judge of Election—William C. R., 8; Norman Brofee, D , 22. In spector of Election—J. A Aumilter, R., 13; Rufus Bird, D., 15. Audito -C. W. Eckman, R. & D., 29. Cou stable—William E. Bird It., 17; P. S. Ciomlev, D.. 12. VALLEY TOWNSHIP. School Director—Raymond Pursel, R., 65; Richard Rogers,R 55; H. A. Hidler. D , 65; B. F Bennett, D.. 68. Poor Director —Joseph Churm, It., 51 , Henry Wintersteen, D., 80. Judge of Election —Jesse CoDwav, R., 59; Levi Beyer, D., 72. Inspector of Eltetioti Clarence Bennett, it., 50; Norman Kitchen, D , 74. Supervisors—Tohu A. Merrell, R . 69; Edward Roberts, R., 26; D. It. P. Cliilds, D., 91; Andrew J. Steinman, I)., 75 Auditor—Alfied Bogart, 3 yrs., R , 49: Peter Yorks, 1 yr., R., 41; John B McMahan, 3 yrs., D.,87;S H. VVinteisteeti, 1 yr., D., 70. Constable—G. W Bennett, It. & 1) , 124 Justice of the Peace—P. E. Maus, It., 95 The Ohmas Brandy of 1878 Vintage. Has proven to be a superior distilla tion by the Speer N. J. Wiue Go., and with 22 ytars of ripening is put upon the market with Druggists by the Speer Wine Co., of Passaic, N. J. The oldest men on the railroads say they do not recall another wmtt r when there was so much snow piled along the tracks as this year At some places It Is 15 feet high. That Tickling in the Throat. One minute after taking One Minute Cough Cure that tickling in the throat is gone. It acts in the throat —not in •he stomach. Harmless—good for ohil dr«u. Mold by Paule9 & Co. MINOR MUTTERS Of INTEREST The fact seems pretty well establish ed that Danville will not enjoy a building boom the coming spring The several contractors see plenty of work ahead in the form of remodeling houses ami the making of the usual spring re pairs. Merchant Tailor, E. D. Pentz early in the season will build a frame dwelling on the lot recently purchas ed by him on East Mahoning street, adjoining the manse of the Mahoning Piesbyterian church. A very fine resi ; deuce to be built by W. H Lattimere ou Front street is among the possibili , ties lor the coming season. Beyond ' these, however.no bailding operations .ire in sight, though it is very likely j that a little later in the season a few new houses will be heard of. Last year several new buildings went up i and it would certainly be odd if with the advantage of two trolley lines aud other improvement there would not be increased activity in building circles 1 this year. Architect J. H L'rugler i states that the number of new build ings planned in any of the neighbor ing towns is uot laige. The new build ings decided upon will be mostly dwel lings, of the modern type, but only moderately expensive. One of these will be a residence in Berwick to cost some |12,000 to be built by W.F Low rie, Oeneral Manager of the American Car aud Foundry Company Washington's Birthday was not marked with a very lavish display of ; flags yesterday. The schools,the banks, ; post oftioe aud the O. A. R. displayed 1 the stars and stripes, but these were about the limit in Danville. Iu South I Danville the big flag was swung to the breeze from the pole uear the sta ! tion and it presented a very pretty ' sight. i The Panhard Touring Car, belong ing to F. K. Gale, which made the raid wluter tun from New York to Shamokin last week, arrived at D»n ville Tuesday night and yesterday morning in charge of Chaueflfeur Lan dau it made a run through our streets. In the car were Mr. Gale, W. C. Will iams and William N. Russell, who de clared the ride enjoyable in the ex treme. The re-ultof Tuesday's election was discussed with a great deal of interest about town yesterday morning. The new Council, as the law making body of the Borough, is regarded with the most interest. The Council is still Re publican. Last year it was composed of 10 Republicans and 2 Democrats ; this year there will be seven Republi cans aud five Democrats. Then w Council will be composed of the fol lowing : First Ward, Yastine, Reif snyder aud Sweisfort; Second Ward, Boyei, Fensterinacher aud Dietz ; Third Ward, Goeser, Dietrich aud Jacobs; Fourth Ward, Joseph Gibson, David Gibson and Johu Hughes. Fortunate lv party affiliations during late year* lias not beeu permitted to influence the members iu deciding any of the questions that come up before Council. Peter Vought.of Mayberry township, brought the official election returns in toI)»uvillH yesterday. Mr. Voaght received a very cordial greeting at the Court House. Before returning lie transacted busiuess at South Daoville ami spent a pleasant hour with old friends there. Mr. Vought is a promin ent resident and oue of the most ex tensive laud owners in Mayberry town -hip. He is the possessor of a success ion of farms extending fiom the loot of Elysburg I.ills to what is known as Bethel church. The County Commissioners do iiot like the present position occupied by the ferry boat and are afraid that when the break-op occurs it may take another trip down the river. Accord ingly Contractor Sheppersou will have another boot with the ungainly flat boat one of these days and will en deavor to raise it up onto the river bank. THE PERFEOT WAY. Scores of Danville Citizens Have Learned It. If yoo suffer from bachache, There is only oue way to cure it The perfect way is to cure the kidney? A bad back means nick kidneys, Neglect it. urinary troubles follows Doan's kidney Pills are made for kidneys only. Are endorsed by Danville people. J. L. King, moulder, of 403 E. 4th st., Bloombsurg.says : "The statement I made in 1896 is about all I can say regarding Doan's Kidney Pills. They cured me of kidney complaint and backache at that time and the cure has been a lasting one. Ii an now, eight years alter, endorse my former state ment? Prior to 1806 ( had sufftrul tor a long time with a weakness and lameness over my kidneys accompani ed bv a terrible backache right across my loins and a constant dull pain which never let up day or night. When I stooped as inv work so oft' n requited me to dn I could scarcely straighten Sharp twinges would natch me in tl e small of my bark,tak ing the veiy life out of me. I heard Doan's Kidney Pills spoken about as being an effective remedy so I pio cured a box. Tliey cured me, and during the past eight years I have had no return of my old trouble." Plenty more proof like this from Danville people. Call at dtug stores and ask what customers report. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Puttalo, N. Y , sole agents for the United States. Remember the name - Dean's—and take no other. The patronage ot those p ople who come to your store through habit oi friendship would keep about one-third of your clerks busy —if you are a very popular man, and run a vt ry »-xrellent store. "Advertising does the rest." flive Your Stomach a Rest. Your food niu t be properly digested and assimilated to be of any value to vou. It your stomach is weak or dis eased take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat and gives the stomach a rest, enabling it to recuper ate, take on new life and [grow strong agiin. Kodol tures sour stomach, gas, bloating, heart palpitation and all digestive disorders. Hold by I'aules & Co ANNUAL STATEMENT OK THE idl oid Voter Mil OP THE Borough of Danville, Pa., FOR 1904 BOROUGH. Edward W. Peters. Receiver of Bofough and Dog Taxes for 1901 DR. To balance due per last statement 14 90 CR. By balance due j«-r last settlement 14 90 Edward W Peters, Receiver of Borough an<l Dog Taxes for 1902 DR To balance due per last statement »177 45 CR. By exonerations dur ing 1904 4H 44 Bv 5 per cent, penalty on above s4*. 44 exou erated 2 42 By balance due at set tlement 626 59 Edward \V. Peters, Receiver of Borough and Dog Taxes for 1903. DR To balance due per last statement 2051 81 To 5 per cent, penalty added Jan. 1. 1904 102 59 CR. To cash paid to the Boro. Treas. during 1904 1550 00 Bv exonerations dur 'ing 1904 148 62 By 5 per cent, penalty on above $ 148.62 ex onerated 7 43 By balance due at set tlement 448 35 Edward W. Peters, Receiver of Borough and Dog Taxes for 1904 DR. To total duplicate. Bor ough 19029 38 Dog J 23 00 CR. By 5 per cent, rebate paid within 60 days. 756 41 By cash paid to Boro. Treas. within 60 days 14408 29 By cash paid to Boro Treas. within 4 mos 1100 00 By taxes entered at County Com. oftioe 19 56 By balance due at final settlement 2868 09 Harry Ellenbogen, Borough Treasurer, Danville. Pa., Dec. 31st. 1904. DR Fund for relief of disabled Firemen To cash received dur ing 1904 from Audit or General of State.. 151 64 CR. By S. A. .McCoy.Treas order No. 1 151 64 Harry Ellenbogen, Borough Treasurer, Danville, Pa., December 31st, 1904. BOROUGH FUND. CR By orders paid 40199 58 By coupons paid 1196 50 4|H96 08 DR. Cash on hand Jan. 1 04 6825 07 To J. C. Mineemoyer, Market License .... 1370 75 To Harry B Patton, City Hall Rents.... 6*l 00 To Ilarry B. Patton, Pumping out cellars 71 50 To Harry B. Patton, Milk Licenses 60 00 To Harry B. Patton, batteries 1 61 To E. S. Miller, sand sold 1 75 To E. S. Miller, cobble stones sold 00 To E. S. M<ller, hauling 50 To E. S. MiLer. street refuse 5 00 To Ed. W. Peters, 1902 and 1903 taxes 1550 00 To Ed \V. Peters, 1904 taxes 15508 29 To County Treasurer. hotel license 6078 00 To Justice Oglesby. fines 120 00 To Justice Dalton,fines 44 00 To Justice Bare, lines 5 10 To William G. Purr-el, Theatre license 23U 00 To William G. Pursel, other license 40 50 To cash from sale of new bonds 83 >0 00 To cash from Borough Certificate No. 3 1500 00 To cash from A. G. Harris for broken pipe 1 50 To B. Brown, Health Officer 3 75 To returned taxes from County Comm'rs.... 22 98 To American Tel. Ac Tel. Co., pole license 222 60 To cash from J. Spotts broken pipe 8 68 To cash from Hoover Bros , sand • . 2 00 To cash from Danville Nat. Bank for interest 97 50 To cash from Polish Brewing Co. for time and materials con necting on sewer ... 31 40 Tocash from Peter Kel ly, old iron 16 33 To cash from standard Construction Co. for pipe 24 00 Aint. overdrawn Dec. 31, 04 1569 38 BOROUGH EXPENDITURES. FIRE DEPARTMENT FRIENDSHIP Co. No l. Appropriation t 150 00 REPAIRS. John L. Russell 3 62 D. C. Hunt 2 10 SUPPLIES. United Telephone and Telegraph Co 18 00 Miles, Peifer&Co.... 7 50 COAI.. W. A. Shepperson... 11 50 A. C. Amesburv 25 70 WASHINGTON CO. NO. 2. Appropriation $ 150 00 REPAIRS. Joseph Lechner 2 20 Boettinger & Dietz 150 SUPPLIES. United Telephone and Telegraph Co 18 00 Foster Bros 60 Miles, Peifer&Co.... 7 50 COAI. W. A. Shepperson 17 40 A. C. Amesbury 5 90 Frank Boyer 5 50 CONTINENTAL CO, No. 3. Appropriation ♦ l ,r »0 oo REPAIRS. Geo. W. Hendricks— 4 65 Joseph Lechner 98 SUPPLIES. United Telephone aud Telegraph Co 1# 00 Foster Bros 80 J. W. Farnsworth, Agt 7 50 COAL. W A. Shepperson 17 25 Robert J Pegg 11 60 GOODWILL Co. NO. 4. Appropriation * 150 00 REPAIRS Joseph Lechner 3 12 William G. Brown 130 C. E Lunger 1 00 SUPPLIES. United Telephone and Telegraph Co 18 00 Foster Bros 4k J. H Cole 325 J W Farnsworth, Agt 7 50 COAL. W. A. Shepiierson 17 25 Robert J. Pegg 11 80 Chief Engineer, John Sherwood 52 00 Executive Board 25 00 Executive Board, up priation for badges . 60 00 Total Fire Dept. 112 98H 45 STREETS AND BRIDGES. E S. Miller, St. Com $ 600 00 LABOR. James liitlle 18 45 John Straub .. 319 71 John Herman 50 65 William Lee 63 Clyde Snyder 63 John Fisher 125 John McCall 80 01 Peter Ward .. 63 Henry Jones .. 2 19 Joseph Kessler 75 David Williams 75 Ralph Wideman 63 Frank Etter 4 38 Ben Smithors 7 51 Elisha Bell 12 20 Daniel Cashner 5 64 Harrison Paugh ..... 9 69 David Jones 3 82 George Derr 7 51 Charles Foster 7 64 E. Garrett 125 Ed. Aten 68 Silas Wolverton 2 50 Ellis Morgan 5 00 Ed. Wertman 18 80 Jacob Winters 94 John A 1 heck 6 10 Larry Madden 18 76 Charles C. Miller 3 75 Wash Thomas 6 26 William Byerly 4 38 P. 11. McCaffrey 625 Henry Cavanaugh .. 9 88 William Jones 3 44 Patrick Griffin 12 20 Elmer Movvrey 125 Laf. Foust 5 94 Art Gearhart 107 20 John Reppert 94 William Mover, 5r.... 2 63 William Childs 2 81 John Bates 1 88 Samuel Sainsbury 18 00 Edward Sainsbury.... 18 50 George Sidler 48 44 William Moyer, Jr.... 63 05 Peter Kelly 29 00 George Arms 125 Arthur Anns 1 00 David Groves ... 41 64 Albert Lloyd 17 81 George Haney 3 75 Charles Mills 3 13 B.F.Cook 100 William Aten 1 00 James Robinson 6 00 David Snyder 1 88 F. P. St-irtzel 2 50 Arthur Reifsnyder... 81 57 Benjamin Gillaspy. . 27 83 Robert MMer 24 06 Jost-ph Churm 3 00 Oliver Werts 4 13 Peter Schneider 5 00 John Dugan 125 Patrick Redding 37 19 George Rodenhoffer . 250 Walter Keller 5 63 John J.Smith, Inspect'r 134 00 HAUHNO. James Riffle 475 63 William Millur 5 69 Ellis Rank 18 6S A F Ilartman 225 Charles Mottern 6 19 J P Patton 75 SUPPLIES. T. L Evans Sons, flag stones, etc 22 42 Joseph Lechner, time and materials 9 85 Thomas A. Schott, soft coal 7 98 Robert J. Pegg, soft coal 1 93 Curry & Vannan, re pairs to engine 12 28 P. M. Kerns repairing tools 7 30 S I Welliver,sundries 671 D J Rogers, crossing stones, etc 10 74 Thomas N. Reifsnyder stakes for surveyor . 23 88 Welliver Hardware Co pipe 9 96 H. R. Moore, Sundries 69 John Keitu, brick 60 10 ■J. H. Kase, pipe 17 28 W. J. Rogers, boots... 6 <X) Boettinger & Dietz, re pairing tools 70 J. H. Cole, cement, etc SI 07 Joseph W. Keely, re pairing tools 7 01 Thomas N. Reifsnyder lumber, etc 86 86 SURVEYING. George F. Keefer, Mill Street paving job... 416 00 Geo. F. Keefer, Pave ment grades, etc.... 87 00 George F. Keefer, Mill St. culvert plans, etc 20 00 D J. Rogers, Mill St. paving 21818 95 i D. J Rogers, Mill St. cnlvert 2580 16 27604 71 STREET LIGHTING. Standard Electric Light Co 5499 56 POLICE DEPARTMENT. J. C.Mincemoyer,Chief of Police 600 00 J. G. Voris, Assistant Police 600 00 SUPPLIES. Pettibone Bros, Mfg. Co., Batteries 6 00 S. A. French. Nippers 1.75 FEEDING PRISONERS J. C. Mincemover 11 40 Total Police Dept.. 1219 15 HIGH CONSTABLE. B. 15. Brown, salary.. 32 00 TOWN HALL BUILDING REPAIRS. Joseph Lechner .... t 10 John Hixson 16 78 A C Roat 4 85 Frank Schram 15 17 ( itrl Hilscher 4 89 A. H. Grone 6 94 Edward C. Yeager 5 S7 George Hendricks 2 75 Thomas N Reifsnvder 102 21 MISCELLANEOUS. Standard Gas Co . gas 3120 E. W Peters, taxes for ISM 14 13H94 H. L Gross, interest 100 00 Sarah McCuen, clean in- 19 00 2*9 14 449 95 COUNCIL CHAMBER A. C. Amesbury, coal 15 50 Frank Boyer, coal 6 08 LOCK UP. REPAIRS. Joseph Lechner 2 08 Thomas N. Reifsnyder 15 00 SUPPLIES. A C. Amesbury, coal and wood 6 45 Frank Boyer, coal 8 21 A. Rosens tine, boxes for'coal 50 S. J. Welliver,sundries 1 15 J. H. Cole, sundries . 95 17 26 Total Lock Up 34 84 PRINTING Montour American ... 88 50 G. Ed. Roat 43 50 Morning News 46 06 Win. F. Murphy's Sons Co 51 50 Montour Democrat.... 67 00 Danville Intelligencer. 17 25 Williams Bros 4 00 LEGAL EXPENSES. EdwardS. Gearhart.. 50 00 TOWN CLOCKS. Edward Lunger wind ing 30 00 St. Joseph's Church, winding 30 00 AUDITORS. Charles G. Cloud 4 00 TAX COLLECTOR S COMMISSIONS. Edward W. Peters ... 383 16 STATIONERY. A. II Grone 696 Mrs. Jennie Persing, Treasurer, interest 011 Josiah Wolf bequest 72 00 MISCELLANEOUS. Harry Ellenbogen, Bor ough Treas., salary. 75 00 Harry Ellenbogen,Bor ough Treas., State j tax on Boro. bonds.. 106 00 ! Danville Nat'nl Bank rent for safe deposit box 8 00 Harry B. Patton, Sec y of Council, salary... 180 00 Harry B Patton, Sec'y of Council, issuing Milk Licenses 2 30 Harry B Patton, Sec'y of Council, postage stamps 1600 United Telephone and Telegraph Co. phone rent 26 00 Thos. G. Vincent, Pro thonotary, recording tax bond 2 00 SPECIAL ELECTION. Harry B. Patton, Sec'y to pay election boards etc 132 72 Montour American,ad vertising 50 00 Danville Intelligencer, advertising 50 00 Montour Democrat,ad vertising 50 00 j Henry Kearns, making ! list 3rd Ward voters 200 MUNICIPAL LIGHT PL ANT. LABOR AN*D HAULING. j J. H. Brugler 125 I Samuel Sainsbury 13 93 j Charles Foster 12 58 ! Oliver Werts 9 97 I Elisha Bell 15 98 S W. L. Jones 1 50 F. Hartnian 5 50 Charles Mills 8 00 Ellis Rank 1 13 G. W. Robison 3 75 James Robison 3 00 MATERIALS, ETC. D J Rogers, cinder 72 47 Thomas N. Reifsnyder sand 7 30 Welliver Hardware Co cement 78 77 Heman Prentiss, sand. 2 90 Rumsey Electrical Mfg on account contract. 1600 00 1833 00 SEWER WORK. LABOR AND HAUIJETO, Samuel Sainsbury #OO Thomas James. 5r.... 5 25 Edward Sainsbury 6 00 Oliver Werts 6 00 Charles Foster 6 CK> Elisha Bell 6 00 Frank Boyer 75 Harry Ellenbogen, Bor ough Treas., orders for pay rolls on labor and hauling 562 72 SURVEYING. George F. Keefer 71 50 MATERIALS, ETC. 0 B. Switzerland and plank 8 24 H R. Moore, sundries 167 W. J. Rogers, boots... 3 00 Welliver Hardware Co gum gloves 5 25 H Rupp, tool repairing 1 50 Welliver Hardware Co packing and twine.. 6 75 Trumbower & Werk heiser, lumber 4 77 Boettinger & Dietz, re pairing tools 115 J. H. Cole, cement, etc 162 50 H B. Patton, expenses business trip to Scran ton and Wilkesbarre 517 194 90 865 12 BOARD OF HEALTH B. B. Brown, Health Officer 36 25 1 r. C. Shultz, Sec'y. .. 25 (XI Postage, etc 1 02 J. H. Cole, bucket 35 BOROUGH RECAPITULA 112 ION. 1904. FIRE DEPARTMENT Friendship No. 1 218 42 Washington No. 2.... 208 60 Continental No. 3 210 78 Goodwill No. 4 213 70 Chief Engineer 52 00 Executive Board 85 00* STREETS AND BRIDG ES. B s Miller, St. Com.. 600 01* Labor 1221 Iff- Hauling 509 19 Supplies B">2 26 Surveying 528 00 D. J. Rogers, Mill St. paving 21818 95 D. J. Rogers. Mill St. culvert 2580 16, Street Lighting M 99 56 POLICE DEPARTMENT. Salaries . . .. 121.0 IM> Supplies 7 7^. Feeding prisoners 11 4©" HIGH CONSTABLE: Salary 32 00 TOWN HALL BUILDERS, Repairs 160 Miscellaneous 289 It Council Chamber 21 53 LockUp 34 Printing 317 *t Legal Expenses 50 ot> Town Clocks 60 00 Auditors 4 00 Tax Collector's Com.. HH511»» Stationery 6 9« Int on Wolf bequest.. 72 0o Miscellaneous 410 s»* Special Election 72 Municipal Light Plant 183« 00 Sewer Work 86612 Board of Health 62 62 Total 40199 58 THE BOROUGH OF DANVILLE PENN A. December 31st, 1904 ASSETS. Taxes entered at the County Commr's of fice prior to 1904. 148 14 1904 taxes entered . 19 5*5 Hal of 1901 taxes due from E. W. Peters.. 14 90 Bal of 1902 taxes due from E. W, Peters... 626 59 Bal of 1908 taxes due from E W. Petesr. 448 35 Bal of 1904 taxes due from E. W. Peters.. 2868 09 Fire engine houses. . <SOOO 00 Steam fire engine 3000 00 Fire hose 3000 00 Small hose 25 00 Sundry supplies 175 00 Tools for street work 40 00 Town hall building... HOOO 00 Furniture 250 00 Lock-up 100 00 Barn on Friend'p lot 135 00 City Hall rents 149 00 Sewer 13629 94 Municipal light plant 1833 00 Mill Street Paving. .. 2181H95 LIABILITIES. H. L. Gross, mortgage on Town Hall Bldg . 2500 00 Three per cent bonds issued Nov. 1, 1900.. 14000 00 Three and one-half per ct. bonds issued Julv Ist, 1903 20000 00 Three and one-halt' per ct. bond issued Nov. Ist, 1904 6300 00 Borough Certificate No. 8 1500 00 Amt. overdrawn Dec. 31st, 1904 1569 38 Assets exceed Liabilities. 14412 11 WATER DEPARTMENT. Edward W. Peters. Receiver of 1901 Water Taxes. DR. To balance due per last settlement I 9 57 CR. By balance due at set tlement i 9.57 Edward W. Peters, Receiver of 1902 Water Taxes. DR To balance due per last statement, $329.43 CR. By cash paid to the Borough Treasurer daring 1904 89.19 By exonerations during 1904 21.72 By 5 per cent penalty on above 21.72 exoner ated 1.08 By balance due at set tlement. 267.44 329.43 I Edward W. P< tern, Receiver of 1903 Wafer Taxes. DR. To balance doe per last statement 478.43 To 5 per rent penalty added Jan. Ist, 1904 23.92 CR. By cash paid to the Borough Treasurer dur ing 1904 112 410.81 By exonerations during 1904 39.66 By 5 per cent, penalty on above 39.56 exoner ated 1.98 By balance due at set tlement 50.00 WATER FUND Harry ElleubogeD, Borough Treasurer, Danville, Pa., December 316t, 1904. DR. , To cash on hand Jan uary Ist, 1904, 4668.70 ( To Harry B. Pattou, Receiver of water rents 11774.31 To Harry B. Patton, corporation cocks... 21.60 To returned taxes from Co. Coiomr's 15.80 To Ed. W. Peters, 1902 and 1903 taxes 450.00 To Danville National Bank, interest 52.50 To Standard Gas Co., sleeve 8.00 To D. L. & W. R. R. Co., time and mats. , repairing a leak at tank 4.00 To Win. H. Corns, i time and mats, re pairing a leak 3.75 To cash from P. J. Keefer, use of pump 13.00 To cash from P. J. Keefer, old pipe 1.05 To cash from P. J. Keefer,old iron sold 4.20 To cash from P. J. Keefer,old brass sold 7.50 CR. By orders paid 9894.78 By coupons paid 2317.50 To cash balance on hand Dec. 31st, 1904. 4806.18 Water Dep'l Expenses for 1904. REGULAR EMPLOYEES. ENGINEERS. Jaoob Bverly 786.91 Edward Bell 787.98 FIREMEN. George Hullihen 564 00 Charles Bryan 365 25 Edward Wertman 184 50 P. J. Keefer, Superin tendent, salary 660 00 H B. Patton, Receiver salary 480 00 1140 00 3828 64 AUDITORS. D. R. Williams 4 00 MISCELLANEOUS. H. B. Pattou, postage and box rent 82 00 Harry Ellenbogen, Bor ough Treas., salary 73 00 Harry Ellenbogen. Bor ough Treas. for State tox on Water Bonds. 324 00 Adams Express Co., Ex pressage 1 9"> TAX RECEIVER'S COMMISSIONS. Enward W. Peters—. 35 00 BOROUGH SOLICTOR. Edward S. Gearhart. 30 00 Repairs. LABOR 4 MATERIALS. D C. Williams- 7 55 Reading Iron Co 3 42 J. H Kase 140 J. 11. Cole 123 95 Joseph Lechner 75 95 Samuel Sainsbury 121 88 Edward Sainsbury.... 20 86 John Hixson 46 49 John Russell 6 00 Edward Wertman . . .. 10 50 Harry Mowrer 14 63 Curry & Vannan 108 89 Curry & Co 6 in Thomas James, Sr 1860 Oliver Werts I' l ' l '•} Reading Iron Co. 19 05 Boyer Bros. ■ 46 95 Trumbower & VN erk heiser *9 49 Elisha Bell 57 75 James Robison 4 50 Charles Foster 75 75 John Herman 27 75 Frank Arms . —.... 18 00 Robert Arms » 75 R G. Miiler 875 Joseph Yonng 2 20 ( George Arms .... 68 < G. W. Robison 2 35 1 Ellis Rank 7 15 <• SUPPLIES. 1 A- M. Peters, ice 2*i 90 i United Telephone & Tel. Co. 'phone rent 24 00 < J. B. Cleaver, linoleum for office 9 70 O. B. Switzer, cement H SO Standard Gas CV>., gas. 106 CO H. Rupp,repairing bar rows 2 0() O. B. Hwitzer, sand... 1 22 Cherry Chemical Co., boiler compound.... 79 90 Garlock Packing Co., packing .% 82 P. H. Foust, Agent, freight on coal 326 15 Henry Divel, tallow... 8 04 S. J. Welliver, ntach. hammers 1 20 H R. Moore, sundries. 1* 1R .T. H. Goeser & Co.,sal. soda.._ »] 76 Rensselaer Mfg. Co., hydrants ;<79 20 W. J. Rogers, boots 13 50 C. C. Courtney, direc tory 3 00 Atlantic Relining Co., oil 18S 19 T. N. Reifsnyder, san<l and shingles 7 05 John M. Watts Sons, packing, etc 16 75 Edward Corman, sun dries 6 60 Haines, Jones «£r Cad bury Co., corporation cocks 12 47 Albright Son & Co., steam hose, etc 39 60 Pittsburg Meter Co., meters 33 60 Corbin & Goodrich, in specting boilers 10 00 Harrison Bros. & Co. Inc., alum 147 75 Phila. & Reading Coal & Iron Co., coal 305 64 A. C. Amesbury, coal. 101 97 Mrs. M. T. LeDuc.coal 120 56 F. Q. Hartman, coal. 63 55 Frank Boyer, coal 62 50 Danville Struct. Tub ing Co., coal 2 58 D. Houtz, coal 3 96 STREET WORK. Repairs and Extensions to Mains, Etc. LABOR AND MATERIALS. Curry & Vannan 88 06 H. Rupp 2 00 Boettint;er & Dietz 2 20 Samuel Sainsbury 52 10 Edward Sainsbury. • • • 42 38 Grant Gulicks 1 00 Frank Schram 3 67 Elmer Himes 4 00 P. M. Kerns 1 80 William Himes 14 50 John Herman 8 26 Curry & Co . 26 81 Edward Wertman.... 16 50 Joseph W. Keely 17 14 Joseph Lechner 353 32 Charles Foster 33 23 Thomas James, Sr 19 51 Oliver Werts 40 96 Jnmes Robison 2 25 John Bates 6 00 I John McCall 16 78 David Groves 5 88 Elisha Bell 14 85 Jesse Fisher 7 05 Joseph Young 6 90 John Fisher 2 55 Edward Rishel 2 55 George Robison 2 55 Charles Mills 1 88 Albert Fuuk 8 40 George W. Foust .... 9 90 Robert Miller 6 90 American Car & Foun dry Co 11184 Jacob Elliott 3 60 John Albeck 4 40 Peter Kellv 4 40 H. Belfield & Co 00 00 John Keim 27 20 William Mover, 5r.... 1100 Arthur Gearhart 3 13 FREIGHT £ DRAYAOE. E.S.Haa 50 Washington Fire Co. 58 05 Friendship Fire Co 1 63 F. Q Hartman 12 30 Frank Bover 75 66 John Spotts 6 60 Ellis Rank 3 00 John P. Patton 1 00 PRINTING. Morning News 83 38 G. Edward Roat 8 00 Montour Co. Democrat 25 00 RETAINING WALL AT WATER WORKS LAHOK AND HAULING. D. Miller 8 75 G. W. Robinson 16 50 Thomas Evans 1 50 Wilbur Gulicks 4 50 Samuel Sainsbury. ... 44 25 Oliver Werts 46 50 Charles Foster 43 50 Elisha Bell 45 00 Frank Arms 8 25 F. Hartman 15 98 E. S. Haas 30 Fisher & Everhart ... 318 55 Ellis Rank 32 63 W. L. Jones 12 75 Patrick Griffin 1125 Charles Mills 10 50 John Herman 5 25 Hugh Oliver 20 88 James Robison 80 75 Robert Arms 1 88 Joseph Birks 2 70 Gilbert Voris 8 75 MATERIALS, ETC. Welliver Hardware Co. cement 178 52 Hugh Oliver, stone 19 24 Caldwell. Barry and Leonard, stone 19 00 Estate of C. Laubach, stone 5 56 F. Hartman, sand 18 86 Thos. Reifsnyder, sand 8 84 T. J. Rogers, expenses of trip, stone for wall 70 Mrs. M T. LeDuc, for use of boat 10 00 Total cost 931 64 WATER RECAPITULATION. 1904. Regular Employes 8828 *54 Auditors 4 00 Miscellaneous 432 95 Tax Receiver's Com... 35 00 Borough Solicitor 50 00 Repairs 966 89 Supplies 2424 04 St. Work. Materials etc 997 45 Freight & Dray age 158 74 Printing 66 38 Retaining wall at Wat er Works 931 64 i Water Department.--As.-iets. All taxes entered at County Commr's of fice prior to 1904 215 8i Bal. of 1901 taxes due from E W Peters 857 Bal of 1!» 2 taxes due from E. W. Peters. 267 44 Bal. of 1903 taxes due from E. W. Peters. 50 00 Water Mains 100000 00 Fire Hydrants 12300 00 Building, Machinery, Wells 63818 64 Filtration Plant Com plete 17500 of> Cash balance on hand Dec. 31, 1904 4806 18 LIABILITIES. 3 per cent bonds of the issue of Jnlv 1, 191*0. ,7000 00 1 Assets exceeding Liabili ty 121967 70 We the Undersigned, the Finance Committee of the Town Council of the Borough of Danville, having been directed to audit the accounts of the receipts and expenditures for the year 1904, do certify that we have examined the statement and find it to be correct. AMOS VASTINE ) GEOROU F REIFSNYDER \ Com. JOHN 11. GOESER J We the undersigned, Auditors of the Borough i>f Danville, County of Mon tour and State of Pennsylvania, having examined the above statement of the receipts ami expenditures of the Bor ough and Water funds for the year 1904. do certify that we find them true and cor ect, C. G. CLOUD ) J F. BARRY - Auditors W. H. WOODSIDE ) We the Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Danville, County of Montour and State of Pennsylvania do certify that the above statement of re ceipts and expenditures of the said Bor ough and Water Fuiifls are true exhibits as shown by the books of the Secretary and Treasurer, and the Receiver of Water Rents, according to our know ledge and belief. WILLIAM G. PVRSEL, Burgess. COUNCILMEN. WM. W. DAVIS, GEO F. REIFSNYDER, J. H GOESER, AMOS VASTINE, A. M DIETRICH, T. J SWANK, A. E LLOYD, G. FENSTERMACHER, DAVID GIBSON, JACOB H. BOYER, JOSEPH M.GIBSON PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. TIME T4BLE In Effect Nov. L'!»th, 1903. A M.; A.M. P. M. i Scranton(l>SlH)lv § « H S« 471 1 2K ntmrn " •• 706 Fl'. 15'# alO 5 63J A.AI P.M. F.M■ I Wilkesbarre,. . IT A. M (JLO 35 245 IT Plyin'TH KERR/ "(7 25 110 42,1 252 112« 07| Nantlcoke " " YZ 10 50; 301 « 17 Mocanaqua ....'• 742 11 L»7 82Y 837 Wapwallopen.. " 8 i.| 11 lij 331 64T Nescopeck ar 810 11 :20 342 700 A.M. A.M. P «. „„„ Potisville I' 5 .1 SLL 55 " Hazleton *' 705 ...... 24532 45 Toinhicken "1 7 22 1 AOS 3 06 Kern Glen " 724 1 315 315 Hock <llen .. ."| 7 r. 322 3 22 Nescopeck . .ar 802 J | CatawUsa j 4 00 4 00 , . . \ VI A.M P.M. P M Nescopeclt... .lvS BIS 511 26 342 00 Creasy • S 3 11 30 3527 09 Espy Ferry... '!fA 4; 11 46 f4 02 730 E. Camwissa lv 856 11.57 413 7 32 1 South Danville "! 9 14 12 15 431 701 Sunbury ar 935 12 40 4 56! 815 A.M. P.M. P. M IVM. Sunbury lv || 9 42 $1- 48 § 5 18 N 531 Lewlsljurg.... ar 10 13 1 45 : 548 I Milton •• LU 08 139 544 11)1114 1 Williamsport.. 11 00 1 41 040 10 00; Lock Haven... "1 11 69 220 737 ! Renovo " A.M. !WI 830 i Kane " 8 25; ! | ~~ P.M. P.M. Lock Haven. .lv SL2 10 i 3 45 1 Bellefonte ....ar 105K 444 Tyrone " j 2 10 II 000 Pbilipsburg " 1 510J 802 Clearfield.... "j 6 51 5 845 Pittsburg.... "| 655f10 45 j ~ A.M. P. M. P. M. P M Sunbury lv! 960 112 1 59 K 5 10 S8 81 Harrlsburg.... ar 11 30 § 3 15 j 6 50; 10 10i P. M. P. M. P. M. A~M Philadelphia. . ar S3 17 «23|| 928 423 Baltimore "IS 31111 800 945 220 ...... Washington... "J§ 420 715 55| 3 30;...... m Sunbury lv §lO 00 § 2 15 | LewlatownJc. ar 11 45 4 05 i Pittsburg •' 655 |1045 ] A.M. P, M P. M. P M Harrlsburg.... lv 11 45 II 5 20 || 7 20 SLLAI P. M. A M. A. M. A M Httsburg ar | 6 55||| 150 || 1 50 5 30; P. M.I P M A MIAMI Plttnburg lv '< :LOT 900 3 00| 8 00;.... I A.M AM 1 P M; Harrlsburg.... arjs 2 00j| 4 25 £ll 25 6 3 10L.... P. MI, I A MI 1 Plttsbuig lv 9tO 1JJ800'.... A.M. I P M Lewlltown JS. " . 7 30 1 g 300 .... Sunbury ar I: 9 20| 4 50 .... P. M.j A MA M AM Washington... lv 10 40 » 7 ST-!,|10 50 ..,. Baltimore '• 11 00 t 440 840 11 40;..,. Philadelphia... " 11 40|F 4 25;J 8 30 11 40 .... A. M.L A M A. M.J P M Harrlsburg.... lv J 3 35 g 7 551 §ll 40 \ 3 25 .... Sunbury ai , 5 00» 36 1 613 .... I P.M.! A M A M Pittsburg lv £l2 45 : 3 00! J S 00 Clearfield.... " j' 3 :»! «... j 920 .... Pblllpsburg.. " ! 4 25! I \ 10 LO ... Tyrone " 7Ot |l 8 10; 12 25 .... Bellefonte.. " 8 10' I 932 125 .... Lock Haven ar 9 151 j 10 30 210 .... P. M A M A 41 PM —— Erie, lv . 5 35 Kane, 8 45| I 6 00 Renovo 11 50|2 ti 40, 10 30 J 1 18 .... Lock Haven.... " 12 38 ' 7 30 U 25 S 2 50 .... A.M F >1 Williauisport .. " 214 825 §l2 40 Milton •" 2»: 913 IVR 4 Lewlsburg "j ( 905 1 15; 4 .... Sunbury ar 3 39, 945 164 6 1 .... M. AMP M| P M Sunbury lv 45 | 9 55! G 2 00 ; 6 25 South L'anville " llljio 17 2 2J; 550 t'atawlssa *' 32 10 36 2 30| fl 08 •••• E Bloomsburg.. ' 37: 10 43 243 Als •••• Espy Kerry.... " 42 flO 47 ;1 E 19 Creasy " 52 10 56 205 6SO -" Nescopeck 02 11 06 , 805 840 •••• A M A M P. M I Catawlssa lv 10 88 Nescopeck lv 823 $505 P M '•••• Kock Olen ar 11 22 •••• Kern Olen '• 851 11 28j 6323 105 Tomhlcken 858 11 38 538 7 28>"- Hazleton " 919 11 57 6 69. 734 •••• Pottsvllle " 10 15 150 6 55| 742 A M AM P M 806 Nesropeck LVJ 8 02JU 06 I 3 05 ••• Wapwa!lopen..ar BLV 11 20 320 p AI •••• Mocanaqua .... " BHI 11 32 3 30E 40 "••• Nantlcoke ...." 854 11 64 349 ' 62L"** PM 7 01 Ply M' th Kerry f9 02 12 02 357 719 •••• Wllksbarre ... " 910 12 10 406 AM P M P M F ; PlttstonlDAH) ar \ 9 E 9 12 29 G 4 66 .... Scranton " " 10 08; ICB 52 J ..... Weekdays. I Oaily. 112 Klag station. Pullman Parlor ard Sleeping Cars run o» through trains between Sarbury, Williamsport and Erie, between Sunbnry AIII Philadelphia and Washington and between Pitt*- burg and the W est. Kor lurther information apply to Ticket Agent W. W. ATTERBLRY. J.R.WOOD General Manager, PAFS. Trsftie MIT GEO. "V. BOYD, Gen Passengor Agent. Ml A Rolialol® TIJ* SHOP for all kind of Tin floofln(| T Spoutlne and Canaral Job Work. Stoves, Heaters, fiancee. Furnaces, eto- PRICES THE LOWEST! QUILITY TDK BEST! JOHN HIXSON WQ. lit E. FRONT ST. JTJ. BROWN THE EYE: A SPECIALTY Eyes tested, treated, fitted with <lasa s *nd artiltcial eyes Buj>plie<i. Market Street, Bloomsburg, I'a. Hours—lo A 111 to ft p. UL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers