BRIEF RESPITE OF UFO HARRISBU RG, Pa.. Feb. 15. -When the Board of Pardons met this morning W. H. Sadler and J. H. Rotherrael, presented a petitiou for a rehearing for Samuel Greasou, Berks county, sent enced to be hanged tomorrow with Mrs Kate Edwards for complicity in murderiug the woman's husband. The petition recites that at the tr*al Mrs. Edwards swore falsely against Greasou, that she has confessed her lestimouy was false, that she was to be aided in secoring commutation of tlie death sentence if she would testify against Greason, aud that he has not had a fair trial and a chance for life. It was also said that Mrs. Edwards confessed to her spiritual advisor that alls had sworn falsely against Greason. Mr. Lentz, her counsel, asked that John H. Rothermel be fieard as he wautetl to urge a coutinoance of the Greason case. Mr. Lentz himself pre- Beuted petitious aud letters sent to him in behalf of Mrs. Edwards. Mr. Rotherrael pleaded for a rehear iug for Greason on the strength of Mrs. Edwards' coufession exonerating Greason. After a little more argument the board retired aud after deliberating about 20 miuutes continued the case of Mrs. Edwards. A reheariug i:i the Greason case was also granted. E. H. Deysler told the story of the confession and asked for a continuation of the case. The death warrants will be withdrawn at once. Deserved Popularity. To cure Constipation and Liver troo bles by gently moving the bowels and acting as a tonic to the liver,take Lit tle Early Risers. These Famous Lit tle Pills are mild, pleasant and harm ess, hut effective aud sure. Their un iversal use for many years is a strong guarantee of their popularity and use fulness. Sold by Paules & Co. Entertained at Dinner. A number of friends were entertain ed Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Boyer, Riverside Heights, in honor of Mr. Boyer's 59th birthday anniversary. The house was decorat ed with flowers and a delicious dinner was served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. E. Stead and daoghter, Mr. and Mrs. Warten Cuthbert. Miss Lydla Smith ers. Miss Nellie Cuthbert. Miss S. Bas sett, Ed. Stroll, Seth Lormer, Luther Bassett, Jerry Bassett and William Boyer. That Tickling in the Throat. Oue minute after taking One Minute Cough Cure that tickling in the throat is gone. It acts in the throat—not in the stomach. Harmless—good for chil dren. Sold by Paules <Sc Co. Sleighing Party to Rupert. A party of ladies from this city en joyed a sleighing party to Rupert. Fri day evening, where they were enter tained pleasantly at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. David Gruber. Those pres ent were Mesdames U. Y. James, K. W. Evans,Charles Hill, Jacob Sway/.*, W. A. Shepperson, John Kabley, W. J. Williams, Laura James, Julia Epb liu, Ally Snyder, Richard Whapham, Newton Pursel, Grant Fenstermacher. Mrs. Ray Gruber and Miss Edna Gru ber of Rupert accompanied the party back to Danville, returning to Rupert on the trolley. Poison in Food Perhaps you don't realize that many pain poisons originate in your food, but some day you may feel a twinge of dyspepsia that will couvince you. Dr King's New Life Pills are guar anteed to core all sickness doe to poisons of undigested food—or money back. 250 at Paules & Co'sdrug store. Try them. A New Voting /lachine. Mr. J. W. H. Uoebler, of Milton, is the inventor of a new voting machine. It is a very simple yet thoroughly ac curate device, whioh enables the voter to record his choice for the several offices to be filled at any election eith er by voting a straight ticket,or split ting it to suit his desire. It is so ar ranged that you cannot vote for more than one candidato for the same office, except for commissioner,auditor,mem ber of the legislature, etc., where pro vision is made for registering two or more votes as may be reqotrod. When the voter opens the door togo out of the booth the vote is registered and counted aud the job is done. When the polls close all that is necessary to get the totals is to open the top and take them down. He has made application for a patent. Agonizing Burns are instantly relieved, and perfectly healfd, by Bocklen's Arnica Salve O. Rivenbark, Jr., of Norfolk, Va. writes: "I burnt my knee dreadfully that it blistered all over. Bucklen's Arnica Salve stopped the pain, and healed it withoor a scar." Also heals all wounds and sores 25c at PauWs & Co., druggists. A Boom for Snydertown. The quiet little village of Snyder town will assume some importance on the map in the near future if all re ports prove to be correct. For some time now the Pennsylvania Railroad Company has been negotiating for a considerable amount of laud from a point near the farm, this side of a certain point at Sny dertown. This is for the purpose of boilding a railroad yard to make op the trains that are now run |through from Harrisburg to Shamokin and re torn. The new yards at and uear Sny dertown would prevent the congestion of freight at Sunbury. The Ohmaa Brandy of 1878 Vintage. Has proven to be a superior distilla tion by the Speer N. J. Wiue Co..and with 32 years of ripening>s pot opon the market with Druggists by the Speer Wine Co., of Passaic, N. J. The strike in St. Petersburg has ended. And with it ends the soppoaed revolution. FOOT*III UT BE DELATED Upon the completion of the heavy work of the bridge, the general ex peotationa were that the Horßehearts Construction Compauy woold be in a position to at once begin building the foot walks, BO that pedestrians woold be afforded a way of crossing the riv er. The people of South Danville were especially intereited in that portion of the work being pushed through as rapidly a* possible, and are now much concerned about the matter, fearing that considerable time must elapse yet before a way is provided for them to get across the bridge. Appearances indicate that their fears are well grounded. Very little of the material necessary for the construction of the walks is here. Consequently until it comes,ttie sub-contractors will be unable to proceed with the foot walks. How long they will have to wait cannot be stated. The matter is an important one, and should be look ed iuto. If several weeks must intervene be tween the present and the time that work will even be commenced upon the walks to say nothing of the date of their probable completion, some steps should be taken looking to tie establishment of a crossing over the bridge, other than the proposed foot walks It seems as though a temporary footwalk of some description,could be constructed to serve until the perma- I neut ones Is built. At least it would re sult in no harm, if the county author ities would approach the Horseheads Construction Company on the subject, and ask if such a passageway could not be secured. Under the circum stances there is little doubt but what the request would be granted. February is rapidly passing. March will soon be here with her winds and warm sunshine. The ice bridge oan not possibly last many days longer, and before a break-up occur*, before ' the citizens of South Danville are again cot off from Danville, let some j way be provided for them to cross the bridge. There is one rational way to treat nasal catarrh : the medicine is applied 1 direct to the attected membraue. The rernedv is Ely's Oream Balm. It re ! stores the inflamed tissues to a healthy state without drying all the life out of them and it give* back the lost senses of taste and smell. The sufferer who is tired of vain experiments should use Oream Balm. Druggists ; sell it for 50 cents. Ely Brothers, 56 | Warren Street, New York, will uiail i!'• Sixteeners' Reunion. The gradnate Sixteeners of Mt. Joy S. O. School will hold their 13th An- I nual Reuniou at Mt. Joy on the 33d | inst. The meeting this year will be a memorial one as a committee will be appointed to place a Bronze Tablet on the Monument to be erected to the memory of Ex-Oov. Curtin at Belle fonte, Pa. There will be addrer-ses by prominent men as well as the osoal entertainment aud dance in the evening. A large number of sixteeners of oth er schools will be present. And all Sixteeners.former teachers and friends are cordially invited. Thos. C. Know les, of Pottsville, Pa. is Secretary and will give any information desired. Fraud Exposed. A few counterfeiters have lately been making and trying to sell imita tions of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, and other medicines, thereby defrauding the public. This is to warn you to be ware of such people, who seek to profit, through stealing the reputation of remedies which have been successfully coring disease, for over 35 years. A •ore protection, to you,is our name on the wrapper. Look for it.on all Dr. Kiug's or Bucklen's remedies, as all others are mere imitations. H E. BUOKLEN & CO . Chicago. 111., and Windsor. Canada. Sold bv Paules <& Co To Public Church Paper. A paper to be known as the official organ of the Harrisburg Diocese of the Episcopal church, will be issued at Harrisburg. It will be called the "Harrisburg Churchman," and the flrßt edition will probably appear about the middle of next month. The paper will consist of sixteen pages, nine inches by twelve inches in dimensions and will be printed In the busiuess sectioii of the oitv, where an office will be iustalled in a short time. A space will be reserved for every church in the diocese and a correspon dent in each congregation will send news to the office wheie it will be edited by Rev. R. F. Gibson,rector of Trinty Episcopal church. Steelton Orave Trouble Foreseen It needs but little foresight, to tell, that wheu your stomach and liver are badly affected, grave trouble is ahead, unless you take the pioper medicine for your disease, as Sdrn John A. Young, of Clay, N. Y.,did. She says: " I had neuralgia of the liver and stom ach, my heart was weakened, »'id I could not eat. I was very bad for a long time, but in Electric Bitters, I found Just what I needed, for they quickly relieved and cured me." Best medicine for weak women. Sold un der guarantee by Paules ik Co., drug gists. at 50c a bottle. Firemen to Convene. At a meeting to be held in the near future, arrangements will be made for the twenty-sixth annual convention of the Firemen's Htat« Association. It will be held in Suanton. Delegations Irom all over the state will be In attendance and from all in dications it will be the largest yet held. The firemen Intend making the event an historic one and wlil enter tain the guests royally To Oure a Cold in One Day. Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets. AH druggists refund money if it fails t<> cure. E W Grove's signa tur* la qu each box. 230. ANNUAL STATBKBNT' OK THE hoi Oil Ml DOtOH; OF THH Borough of Danville, Pa., FOR 1904. BOROUGH. Edward W. Peters, Receiver of Borough aud Dog Taxes for Idol. DR. To balance due per last statement 14 ftO CR. By balance due per last settlement 14 90 Edward W. Peters, Receiver of Borough and Dog Taxes for 1903. DR. To balance due per last statement 877 43 CR Bv exonerations dur "ing 1904 48 44 By 5 per cent penalty oil above |48.44 exon erated 2 42 By balance due at set tlement 636 sft Edward W. Peters, Receiver of Borough and Dog Taxes for 1908. DR. To balance due per last statement 8031 81 To 5 per cent, penaltv added Jan. 1, 1904 * 102 3ft CR. To cash paid to the Boro. Treas during 1904 1350 00 By exonerations dur ing 1904 148 62 By 5 per cent, penalty on above $148.62 ex onerated 7 4tf By balance due at set tlement 448 35 Edward W. Peters, Receiver of Borough and DOR Taxes for 1904. DR. To total duplicate, Bor ough 19029 38 Dog 123 00 CR. By 3 per cent, rebate paid within 60 days. 756 44 By cash paid to Boro Treas. within 60 days 14406 29 By cash paid to Boro Treas. within 4 mos. 1100 IX3 By taxes entered at County Com. office.. 19 36 By balance due at final settlement 2868 Oft Harry Ellenbogen, Borough Treasurer. Danville. Pa., Dec. 31st. 1004 DR. Fund for relief of disabled Firemen. To cash received dur ing 1904 from Audit or General of State.. 132 K4 CR. i By S. A. McCoy.Treaa. order No. 1 IJI 64 Harry Ellenbogen, Borough Treasurer, Danville, Pa., December Slat. 1904 BOROUGH FUND. CR By orders paid 40199 38 Bv coupons paid 1196 30 4ia«ti 08 I)R. Cash on hand Jan. 1 'O4 688." 07 To J. C. Mincemoyer, Market License 1870 73 To Harry B. Patton, City Hall Rents 681 00 To Harry B. Patton, Pumping out cellars 71 30 To Harry B. Patton, Milk Licenses 60 00 To Harry B. Patton. batteries 1 60 To E. S. Miller, sand sold 1 73 To E. S. Miller, cobble stones sold 8 00 To E. S. Miller, hauling 30 To E. S. Milter, street refuse 3 00 To Ed. W. Peters. 1902 and 1908 taxes 1330 00 To Ed. W. Peters. 1904 taxes 13308 29 To County Treasurer. hotel license 3078 0O To Justice Oglesby, fines 120 00 To Justice Dalton,fines 44 00 To Justice Bare, fines A 00 To William G. Pursel, Theatre license 93U 0© To William G. Pursel, other license 40 30 To cash from sale of new bonds 8800 00 To cash from Borough Certificate No. tt 1300 00 To cash from A. G. Harris for broken pipe I 30 To B. Brown, Health Officer 3 73 To returned taxes from County Comm'rs 22 M 8 To American Tel. & Tel. Co.. pole license 222 60 To cash from J. Spotts broken pipe 3 68 To cash from Hoover Bros , sand 3 00 To cash from Danville Nat. Bank for interest 97 30 To cash from Polish Brewing Co. for time and materials con necting on sewer ... 81 40 To cash from Peter Kel ly, old iron 16 88 To cash from Standard Construction Co. for pipe 24 00 Amt overdrawn Dec. 31, 'O4 1369 88 BOROUGH EXPENDITURES FIRE DEPARTMENT FRIENDSHIP CO. No. 1 Appropriation 112 130 00 REPAIR* John L Russell ft 6* I). C. Hunt 2 10 SUPPLIES. United Telephone and Telegraph Co 18 00 Miles, Peifer & C 0.... 7 30 COAL W. A Sheppf>riion 11 30 A. C. Amesbury 33 70 WASHINGTON CO. NO. 2. Appropriation $ 130 00 RKPAIRH Joseph Lechner 2 20 Boettinger & Diets.... 1 30 SUPPLIKB United Telephone and Telegraph Co 18 00 Foster Bros 60 Miles, Peifer & C 0.... 7 30 COAL W. A. Shepperson 17 40 A. C. Amesbury 3 90 Frank Bover 3 30 CONTINENTAL CO, No 8. Appropriation I 130 00 REPAIRS. Geo. W Hendricks .. 463 Joseph Lechner 9-1 SUPPLIES. United Telephone aud T*ta«r»[* (Ju. I*** Foster Bros go | .1. W. Farusworth, Agt 750 COAL. |W A Shepperson .... 17 23 | Robert J. Pegg 11(50 | GOODWILL Co. NO. 4. I Appropriation $ 130 00 REPAIRS. Joseph Lechner 3 12 William G. Brown. 1 80 C. E Longer 1 00 SUPPLIES. United Telephone and Telegraph Co 18 00 Foster Bros 4* J. H. Cole 8 25 J W. Farnsworth, Agt 7 50 COAL. W A. Shemnirson 17 25 Robert J. Pegg 1180 Chief Engineer. John Sherwood 52 00 Executive Board 25 00 Executive Board, ap priation for badges . 60 00 Total Fire Dept... ( 988 45 STREETS AND BRIDGES. E. 8. Miller, St. Com . $ 600 00 LABOR James Riffle 18 45 John Strpub 319 71 John Herman 50 65 William Lee 63 Clyde Snyder 63 John Fisher 125 John McCall 30 01 Peter Ward 63 Henry Jones 2 18 Joseph Kessler 75 David Williams 75 Ralph Wideman 63 Frank Etter 4 38 Ben Smithers 7 51 Elishaßell 12 20 Daniel Cashner 5 64 Harrison Paugh 9 69 David Jones 8 82 George Derr .... 751 Charles Foster 7 64 E. Garrett 125 Ed. Aten 63 Silas Wolverton 2 50 Ellis Morgan 5 00 Ed. Wertman 13 80 Jacob Winters 94 John Albeck 6 10 Larry Madden 18 78 Charles C. Miller 8 75 Wash Thomas 6 26 William Byerly 4 38 P. H. McCaffrey 6 25 Henry Cavanaugh .. 9 38 William Jones 3 44 Patrick Griflin 12 20 Elmer Mowrey 125 Laf. Fount 5 94 Art. Gearhart 107 20 John Reppert 94 William Mover, Sr 2 63 William Child* 2 81 John Bate* 1 88 Samuel Sainsbnry 18 00 Edward Sainsbury 18 50 ' George Sidler 48 44 William Moyer, Jr.... 63 05 Peter Kelly 29 00 George Arms 125 Arthur Arms 1 00 David Groves. ... 4164 Albert Lloyd 17 81 George Haney .... 3 75 Charles Mills 3 13 B. F. Cook 1 00 William Aten 1 00 James Robinson 6 00 David Snyder 1 88 F. P. Startzel 3 50 Arthur Reifsnyder.... 81 57 Benjamin Gillaspy ... 27 83 Robert Mi'ler 24 06 Joseph Churra 8 00 Oliver Werts 4 13 Peter Schneider 3 00 John Dugan 125 Patrick Redding 37 19 George Rodenboffer .. 2 50 Walter Keller 5 63 John J.Smith, Inspect'r 184 00 HAULING. James Riffle 475 68 William Miller 3 69 Ellis Rank 18 68 A F. Hartuian 2 25 Charles Mottern 6 19 4. P Patton 75 SUPPLIES. T. L Evans Sons. flag stones, etc 23 42 Joseph Lechner, time and materials 9 35 Thomas A Schott, soft coal 7 98 Robert J. Pegg, soft coal 1 93 Curry & Vannan, re pairs to eugiue 12 38 P M. Kerns repairing tools 7 80 5. J Welliver,sundries 6 71 D J Rogers, crowing stones, etc 10 74 Thomas N. Reifsnyder stakes for surveyor . 23 88 Welliver Hardware Co pipe 9 96 H R Moore, Sundries 69 John Keim, brick 60 10 J. H. Kase, pipe 17 28 W. J. Rogers, boots. .. 6 00 Boettinger & Dietz, re pairing tools., 70 J. H. Cole, cement, etc ®1 07 Joseph W. Keely, re pairing tools 7 01 Thomas N. Reifsnyder lumber, etc.... Bfl 86 SURVEYING. George P. Keefer, Mill Street paving job... 416 00 Geo. F Keefer, Pave ment grades, etc 87 00 George F Keefer, Mill St. culvert plans, etc 20 00 D. J. Rogers, Mill St paving 21818 95 D J. Rogers, Mill St. culvert 2580 16 27604 71 | STREET LIGHTING. Standard Electric Light Co 3499 56 POLICE DEPARTMENT. J. C.Mincemoyer,Chief of Police.. 600 00 J. G. Voris, Assistant Police 600 00 SUPPLIES. Petti bone Bros, Mfg. Co.. Batteries 6 00 S. A. French Nippers 1.73 FBKDING PRISONERS. J. C. Mincemoyer ll 40 Total Police Dept. . 1219 15 HIGH CONSTABLE. B B Brown, salary... 32 00 TOWN HALL BUILDING REPAIRS. Joseph Lechner 1 40 John Hixson 16 78 j A. C. Roat 4 83 | Frank Schrain 15 17 Carl Hilscher 4 89 A H, Grone. 6 94 Edward C. Yeager ... 3 87 George Hendricks 3 75 Thomas N. Reifsnyder 102 21 -—■- 160 81 MISCELLANEOUS Standard Gas Co., gas 3120 E W Peters, tai*s for 19<>4 188 04 H. L. Gross, interest.. 100 00 Harah McCueu, clean ing 19 00 289 14 449 95 COUNCIL CHAMBER A C. Amssbury, coal 13 30 Frank Boyar. <*« a.l • Ot - - tl M LOCK UP. REPAIRS. Joseph Lechner 2 OH Thomas N. Reifsnyder 15 00 SUPPLIES. A C. Amesbury, coal and wood 6 45 frrank buyer, coal .. 821 A. Rosenstine, boxes for coal 50 S. J Welliver,sundries 1 15 J. H. Cole, sundries 95 17 20 Total Lock Up 34 34 PRINTING. Montour American 88 50 G. E<l. Rout 43 50 Morning New- . .... 46 06 Win. F. Murphy's Sons Co 51 50 Montour Democrat. 67 00 Danville Intelligencer. 17 25 Williams Bros 4 00 LEGAL EXPENSES. Edwards. Gearbart.. 50 00 TOWN CLOCKS. Edward Lunger wind ing :JO 00 St. Joseph's Church, winding .. 30 00 AUDITORS. Charles G. Cloud 4 00 TAX COLLECTOR'S COMMISSIONS. Edward W. Peters. ■.. 383 16 STATIONERY. A. H. Grone 6 Of] Mrs. Jennie Persing, Treasurer,interest on Josiah Wolf bequest 72 0( MISCELLANEOUS Harry Ellenbogen, Bor ough Treas., salary. 75 00 Harry Ellenbogen,Bor ough Treas., State tax on Boro. bonds.. 106 00 Danville Nat ill Bank, rent for safe deposit box 8 00 Harry B. Patton, Sec'y of Council, salary. 180 00 Harry B. Patton. Sec'y of «"oun il, issuing Milk Licenses.... 2 50 Harry B Patton. Sec'y of Council, postage stamps 16 00 United Telephone and Telegraph Co. phone rent 26 00 Thos. G. Vincent. Pro thonotarv, recording tax bond i 00 SPECIAL ELECTION | Harry B Patton, Sec'y to pay election boards etc 132 72 Montour American,ad vertising 50 00 Danville Intelligencer. advertising. 50 00 Montour Democrat,ad vertising ."i0 00 Henry Kearns, making I list 3rd Ward voters 200 MUNICIPAL LIGHT PLANT. LABOR AND HAULING. ; J. H. Brugler 125 j Samuel Sainsbury... . 13 95 j Charles Foster 12 53 i Oliver Werts 9 "J7 j Klisha Bell 15 98 i W. L. Jon. > l 50 i F. Hartman .. . 5 50 j Charles Mills .. 3 00 ! Eilis Rank 1 13 j G. W. Robison. 3 75 | James Robison 3 00 MATERIALS, ETC. D. J. Rogers, cinder 72 47 Thomas N. Reifsnvder sand 7 30 Welliver Hardware Co cement 78 77 Heman Prentiss, sand. 2 90 Rumsey Electrical Mt'g on account contract. 1600 0 1833 0 SEWER WORK. ! LABOR AND HAULING. Samuel Sainsbury . . 600 Thomas James, 5r.... 5 25 Edward Sainsbury.... 6 00 Oliver Werts 6 00 Charles Foster 6 00 Elisha Bell 6 00 Frank Boyer 75 Harry Ellenbogen, Bor ough Treas., orders for pay rolls on labor and hauling 562 72 SURVEYING. George F. Keefer 71 5 MATERIALS, ETC. O. B. Switzerland and plank 3 24 H. R. Moore, sundries 1 57 W. J. Rogers, boots... 3 00 Welliver Hardware Co gum gloves 5 25 H. Rupp, tool repairing 1 50 Welliver Hardware Co packing and twine.. 6 75 Train bower & Werk heiser, lumber 4 77 Boettinger A: Dietz, re pairing tools 1 15 J. H. Cole, cement, etc 162 50 H. B. Patton, expenses business trip to Scran ton and Wilkesbarre 517 194 fi 865 1 BOARD OF HEALTH. B. B. Brown, Health Officer 36 25 ' r. C. Shnltz, Sec'y... 25 00 Postage, etc 102 J. H. Cole, bucket.... 35 BOR(>UGH RECAPITULATION. 1904. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Friendship No. 1 218 42 Washington No. 2 .. 208 60 Continental No. 3 210 73 Goodwill No. 4 . 213 70 Chief Engineer. 52 00 Executive Board ... 85 oo STREETS AND BRIDGES. E S. Miller, St. Com.. 600 00 Labor 1221 15 Hauling 509 19 Supplies 3 2 26 Surveying 523 00 D. J. Rogers, Mill St. paving 21818 95 D. J. Rogers, Mill St. culvert 25801(5 Street Lighting 5499 5( POLICE DEPARTMENT. Salaries .... 12( 0 00 Supplies 7 75 Feeding prisoners .. 11 40 llKill CONSTABLE. Salary 32 (K TOWN HALL BUILDING. -Repairs 160 81 Miscellaneous. ... 2m9 14 Council Chamber... 21 53 Lock Up 31 34 Printing.... 31781 Legal Expenses 50 00 Town Clocks 60 00 Auditors 4 00 Tax Collector's Com 383 16 Stationery 6 96 Int. on Wolf bequest •. 72 00 Miscellaneous.. 410 50 Special Election 2*4 72 Municipal Light Plant 1833 00 Sewer Work 865 12 Board of Health 62 62 TuUl 401W THE BOROUGH OF DANVILLE, PENN'A December 31st, 1904 ASSETS. Taxes entered at the County Commr's of fice prior to 1904... 148 14 1904 tuxes entered 19 50 LJal of 1901 taxes due from E. W. Peters 14 90 Bal of 1902 taxes due from E. W. Peters. 626 59 Bal of 1903 taxes due 1 from E W. Petesr.. 448 35 I Bal of 1904 taxes due from E. W Peters . 2868 09 Fire engine houses. 6000 00 Steam fire engine. :{OOO 00 Fire hose 3000 00 Small hose 2.5 00 Sundry supplies 175 00 Tools for street work. 40 00 Town hall building... 8000 00 Furniture 250 00 Lock-up 100 00 Barn on Friend'p lot 135 00 City Hall rents 149 00 Sewer 13029 94 I Municipal light plant. 1833 00 ! Mill Street Paving... 218IH 95 LIABILITIES. H. L. Gross, mortgage on Town Hall Bldg.. 2500 00 Three per cent bonds issued Nov. 1, 1900.. 14000 00 Three and one-half per ct. bonds issued July Ist, 1903 20000 00 Three and one-half per ct. bond issued Nov. Ist, 1904 8300 00 Borough Certificate No. 3 1500 00 Amt. overdrawn Dec. 31st, 1904 1569 38 Assets exceed Liabilities, 14412 14 WATER DEPARTMENT. Edward W. Peters, Receiver of 1901 Water Taxes. DR. To bilance due per last settlement ....... $ 9 51 CR. By balance due at set tlement ? 9.5' j Edward W. Peters, Receiver of IV.'O; Water Taxes. DR. ; To balanoe due per last | statement, $329.43 »; CR. IBy cash paid to the Borough Treasarer during 1904 89.19 By exonerations during 1904 21.72 j By 5 per cent penalty j 011 above 21.72 exoner ated . ... ... 1.08 By balauce due at set -1 tleuient. 267.44 329.4 , ' Edward W. Peters, Receiver of 190; Water laspj. DR. I To balance due per !a-t • statement 478.4 To 5 per cent penalty added Jan. Ist, J9C4 23 92 CR. | By casli paid to the j Borough Treasurer dur ing 1904 * 410.81 | By exonerations during 1904 39.56 j By 5 per cent, penally 1 ! on above 39.56 exoner ated 1.98 I By balance due at set j t lenient 50.00 WATER FUND Harry Ellenbogen, Borough Treasurer ( Dauville, Pa., December 31st. 1904. DR. > To cash on hand Jan uary Ist, 1904, ... 46fi8. 70 1 To Hariy B. Patton, Receiver of water rents 11774.31 To Harry B. Patton, corporation cocks... 21.60 To returned taxes from Co. Coiumr's 15.80 To Ed. W. Peters, 1902 and 1903 taxes 450.00 To Danville National Bank, interest 52.50 To Standard Gas Co., sleeve 2.00 To D. L. & W. R. R. Co., time and mats. > repairing a leak at tank 4.00 To Wm. H. Curtis, ) time and mats, re pairing a leak 8.75 To cash from P. J. Keefer, use of pomp 13.00 To cash from P. J. Keefer, old pipe ... 1 05 To cash from P. J. Keefer,old iron sold 4 20 To cash from P. J. Keefer,old brass sold 7.50 CR. By orders paid 9894.73 By coupons paid 2317.50 To cash balance on hand Dec. 31st, 1904 4806.18 Water Dep't Expenses for IVO4. REGULAR EMPLOYEES. ENGINEERS. Jacob Byerly 786.91 Edward Bell 787.98 FIREMEN. George Hullihen 564 00 Charles Bryan 365 25 Edward Wertman 184 50 P. J. Keefer. Snperin tendent, salary...... 060 00 H. B. Patton. Receiver salary 480 00 1140 Of 3828 64 AUDITORS. D. R. Williams 4 0C MISCELLANEOUS H. B. Patton, postage and box rent 32 00 Harry Ellenbogen,Bor ough Treas., salary 75 00 Harry Ellenbogen,Bor ough Treas. for State tox on Water Bonds. 324 00 Adams Express Co., Ex pressage 1 95 TAX RECEIVER'S COMMISSIONS. En ward W. Peters.... 35 00 BOROUGH SOLICTOR. Eil ward S. Gearhart . 50 0C Repairs. LAHOR A MATERIALS. D. C. Williams 7 55 Reading Iron Co 3 42 J. H Kase 1 40 J. H. Cole 123 95 Joseph Lechner 75 95 Samuel Sainsbury. .. 12188 Edward Sainsbury.... 20 86 John Hixson 46 49 John Russell 6 00 Edward Wertman ... 10 50 Harry Mowrer It 68 Curry & Vannan 108 89 Curry & Co 6 10 Thomas James, Sr ... 13 50 Oliver Werta 105 75 Reading Iron Co. • 19 o. r i Buyer Bros 46 95 Trumhowt r & Werk heiser 29 49 Elisha Bell 57 75 James Robison 4 50 Charles Foster . 75 75 John Herman 27 75 Frank Arms 18 00 Robwrt Aran* '4 75 R <t Miiler Jost'jih Young.. . ■> 2"i George Arrow . i, (i. \V. Robisi 11 . . Ellis Rank 7 1", J'fio s<) SUPPLIES A. M. Peters, ice 2t> HQ United Telephone & Tel. Co. phone rent. '2l 00 J. B Cleaver, linoleum for office li 1 » <). H. Switzer, cement ti Bf<8 f < Standard (Wis Co., gas. 100 ( 0 11. Ru]>[i;tuingbar rows 2 (id < >. I',. Switzer, sand.. 1 22 Cliem < heiniral Co boiler <*oni]vtniid 75)90 (iarlock Fucking C« packing :>i» s_' P. 11. F<.u-t, Agent freight on coal . . . i Henry Divel. tallow . M ( i «S. .1. Welliver, niacli. hammers 1 20 H. R. Moore, sundries. is )v .T. H. (iocser & (Jo .sal. soda i; 70 Rensselaer Mfg Co., hydrants :',?!> 20 W. J. Roger--, boots i:i r»t) C. C. Conrtnej-, direc tory 3(H) Atlantic Refining Co., oil lsjs lit T. X. Reifsnyder, sand and shingles 7 05 John M. Watts Sons, packing, etc 10 71 Edward Corman, sun dries 0 (i() Haines, Jones & Cad bury Co., corporation cocks 12 17 Albright Son & Co., steam hose, etc 39 00 Pittsburg Meter Co . meters 33 00 Corlnn & Goodrich, in specting boilers 10 00 Harrison Bros. TV CO. Inc., alum 117 '•'> Pliila. A: Reading Coal & Iron Co., coal.. - 80r» 04 A. C. Ainesbury, coal. 1<»1 97 Mrs. 31. T. LeDuc,coal 420 56 F. Q. Hartmau, coal.. 03 55 Frank Boyer, coal 'l2 50 | Danville Struct. Tub ing Co., coal 2 58 D. Houtz, coal 3 90 STREET WORK, j Repairs and Extensions to Mains, Etc. LABOR AND MATERIALS. Curry & Vanuan. 38 00 H. Rnpp 2 00 Boettinger & Dietz 2 20 Samuel Sainsburv.. 52 10 Edward Sainsbury . 42 38 Grant Gulicks 1 00 Frank Schram.. 3 07 ' Elmer Himes 4 00 j P. M. Kerns 1 8'» j William Himes 14 50 ! John Herman 8 20 j Curry & Co 20 81 j Edward Wertman 16 s>i j Joseph W. Keely 17 11 , i Joseph Leohner 353 32 | I Charles Foster 33 23 ' | Thomas James, Sr .. 19 51 I Oliver Werts 40 96 1 .1 nines Kobison 2 25 ! John Bates. ... 600 ' ; John McCall 10 78 : David Groves 5 88 ! Elisha Bell 14 85 1 ' Jesse Fisher 7 05 j Joseph Young . 6 90 I John Fisher 2 55 j Edward Rishel 2 55 ' George Robison 2 55 j Charles Mills 1 88 I Albert Funk 8 40 j George W. Foust ... 9 90 ' Robert Miller 6 90 I American Car & Foun dry Co 111 84 ! Jacob Elliott 3 60 I John Albeck 4 40 Peter Kelly 4 40 j H. Belfield" & Co 00 00 John Keim 27 20 William Mover. Sr 11 00 Arthur Gearhart 3 13 FREIGHT & DRAYAGE. . E. S. Haas 50 | Washington Fire Co. 58 05 ' Friendship Fire Co 1 63 j F. Q Hartman 12 30 Frank Boyer 75 00 I John Spotts 0 60 ! Ellis Rank 3 00 John P. Patton 1 00 PRINTING. Morning News 33 38 G. Edward Roat 8 00 Montour Co. Democrat 25 00 RETAINING WALL AT WATER WORKS LABOR AND HAULING. I D. Miller 8 75 G. W. Robinson 16 5u Thomas Evans 1 50 Wilbur Gulicks 4 50 Samuel Sainsbury. ... 44 25 Oliver Werta 46 50 Charles Foster...... 43 50 Elisha Bell 45 00 Frank Arms 8 25 1 F. Hartman .. 15 lis E. S. Haas 30 Fisher & Everhart ... 318 55 Ellis Rank 32 63 W. L Jones 12 7"> Patrick Griffin 11 25 Charles .Mills 10 50 John Herman 5 25 Hugh Oliver 20 88 James Robison 30 75 Robert Arms 1 88 Joseph Birks 2 70 Gilbert Voris 3 75 MATERIALS. ETC. Welliver Hardware Co. cement 173 52 Hugh Oliver, stone. • • 19 24 Caldwell, Barry and Leonard, stone 19 00 Estate of C. Laubaeh stone 5 56 F. Hartman, sand.. 18 sii Thos. Reifsnyder, sand 3 si T. J. Rogers, expenses of trip, stone for wall 70 Mrs. M. T. LeDuc, for use of boat 10 00 Total cost 931 64 WATER RECAPITULATE>X 1904. Regular Employe* 3828 64 Auditors 4 00 Miscellaneous 432 95 Tax Receiver's Com . oo Borough Solicitor 5 >OO Repairs 965 89 Supplies 2424 ' 4 St Work. Materials etc 997 45 Freight & Drayage. - •. 1.~8 71 Printing 60 :t-> Retaining wall at Wat <'r Work- . 931 'i! 7:? Water Department.- \s>ets. All taxes entered at County Coinnir- of lice prior t<> I f. JI >s. Bal of 1901 taxes due from K W Peter- 957 Bal of 1!» taxes due from E. W. Peters 207 44 Bal ol IS< :: taxes due from E. W. Peters 50 r ) Water Mains 100011) 00 Fire Hydrants 1231 i 0 00 Building, Machinery, Wells 63818 64 Filtration Plant Com plete 175 0 00 Cash balance on hand Dec. 31, 1904 .. 4800 Is LIABILITIES. 3 per cent bonds of the issue of Jnlv 1 1900. 77000 00 Assets exceeding Liabili ties 121967 70 I t! --F+fHtuce ( oi th< Town Council hi Danville, having I to audit the accounts and expenditures r I:M4, do certify that we ! lli - statement and find it to be correct. V VSTINE j '■ ivuER Coin. •I') H (jtOKSER J 1 An iitors of the County of Mon inia, having ex mii i i > statement of the receipts and expenditures of the Bor ough and Water funds for t i n* year 1904. I do certify that we find them true and cor j ect, C. G. Cf.OUD ) J 1 BARRY Auditors W. H. WoodslDE } We the Barge-sand Town Council of ; ih'- Borough of Danville, County of Mon- in i : .ate of Pennsylvania do ■ • iii > the above statement of re oitur<\s of the said Bor i "imds are true exhibits uksofthe Secretary nd the Receiver of ng to our know- J >KL, B J IL.MEX ■ , \V. DA VIS. »1 ' V • 1 '«\ YUER. J H. GOESEK, A m DIETRICH, T. .1 \.VK. A. E. LLOYD, G. FKX- ,:i:MArifER, DAVID GIBSON. .1 .nilsll. J; »v;:R. JOSEPH M.GIBSON PEMMVAM RAILROAD. TIME TABLE lii Effect Nov. 'J'.'th, 1903. \ :.M. A.M. P. M. I ScrantOD{DfcH)lv j « s i.V 47 14 2JH . Co I I 15 <i 2 10 5 —4— .M P. M. P.M Wilkesbarre,.. 1 v \ ;M. no 35 .; 2 45 »« oo Plym'th Ferry " ? ; 25 11042 1 2 52 ttt 07| ! NautiCulte •• 1U ,">0 SO) 8 17l ' 7 42: 11 <l7 1 Hi 8 871 801 1118 asi • 47j .sr Hlo 11 m 342 TOO > TaT. p M-j i ottsvlile Iv 5 i si 155 iletun ■' 7 03i ' 245|2 45 I Tombiefcen " 722 '305 8 06]...... K( rn Qlai T 21 • 8 K S 15 Hws • Ii :: . 7 I 22 3 22 . Nescopeck . . ar, SO2 1 ! | r> , f , Catawlasa.. ... • I - Xi 4 00l , _ t W A. M V. M. P M Me! peca 8IS; j l :j 42 »7 00] C'reafv. 8 8 :i 38 8 fi2 7 09| Eepj Kerry... • I - * 11 46|f 4<W T -47 11 5U «0(! 725 South Danville " 014 18 12 4 31, tsl j Snnbnry :ir 983 U 4i; 4 55; yIS A.M. P. M. P. M KM J 1 Hnnbnry iv 942 j»l2 48 J 5 181 ( o Lewialmrg.... n 10 13 1 4"> 548 •j lo 08 1 •") 44 10 141 ( ill" 111 Ii 40 10 00l Ltuek Have - li «• 2 737 1 Uenovo .; «k»; » w Kane 8 25l P.M. P.M.i " . 1.0. K jjl2 Jo ;t4s' ' B efonte IOS in Iyront "I 1 ltt'l 4 W I _ " 510'£ 802 i Clearlield.... " 5"I? 845 ■ Piuab-.irg *• »is.'< "> 45 1 J . i \ M. P. M. P. M. P Mi - h MMi $ 1 .Ml 51018 81 ...... ' Htrrubnrg.... sir 11 3>< Sa 10 650 10 101...... '1 P. M. A M t htindel] .. arjj 817 fl 23 j| D2B ,4 281...... Baltimore •• > ' 11 |8 t-0 9 45, 2 2"J ...... V -.l'.' 7 16 055 830 ...... \. V P. M. snnbory Iv }lO 00 $ 1 15 1 j...... Lewlstown Jo. aril 1.1 0"> i...... PitUbnrg 8 55|fl04ft !...... V.M . P, H P. M. p >1 I P. M. V M M. A M ! ttfll org ■35 160 1 130 5 30; P. AI ! P -M A M A M! J'lM-bunr 1. T ' !• ('•- 3 001 8 00 .... \ M A 1P M II .t TI i.- 112 . 2 1 451125jj 810 - i'.M ; Tml ' I uiii 'J Hi 3 8 00 .... A.M. I P M 1 Owittown P. M. A M A Ml A M Wasblngton... Iv l>t 4oi t 7 5" |IO Bo| Baltimore ' 11 00 44f 840 111 45 "" PWUMlelplii..... •' 11 4" 4a , 8 301(11 40r .. A. M A M,A. M. PMi Harrisbnrg Iv :s 85 756 ill 40|J 8 25|...» Sanbury ar oo 086 108 j 118 ". J. 1 P.M A M A M I I'iUsbm .'45 3 O0 J 8 00 i learfield.... " ; 3 :»j i »20 .... Phllipaburg.. " 4 25. ; 10 li ... ,'1 v:■>!!«; " 700 .11 810 12 25 .... I Beilefonte.. " 8 lr. ! 932 126 .... 1 l.ock tlaven or '.i 1 10 SO 210 .... PjM. -i M A Ml P M j Kric v 6 851 j ' K.» 11c " » 15 ;ii 004 i..•, ij 40 10 30 $ 1 13 ... Li it Havel ... 12 88 TBO 11 25 ( 2 50;...• A.M. P Ml .... Willlamsjiort.. • 244 825 12 40 , Milton - 283 ft 13 1 35! 4 !••• Lew sbnrg ■■ ..1...1 108 115 4 2j.-»* ! Sunbury ai 98M 946 164 4 •••• M. A M P >1 P M : Sunbury 1* '45 j u 55; j 2 00|j( 825 ; Si.ui!. l)auvill« • ll|;iotT 2 2ir6ao**«* I'atawlK! 1 321 IOCS 238 808 •••• EBloomeburg.. ' 87 10 43 243 ' 8 !&(•••• i It:11 v 42 flO 47 112 8 19 •••• Creasy •• 52 l« 88 286 8 ao:- Nescopeck •• 02 U 05, 305 840 A M AMP. M.l Catavrtafui iv 10 88; ! Nescopi Iv 828 1505 p M •ink 1 i l«ii ;tr II 22' j 1.... Kern (Hei " 51 11281 5 .12 » 705 •••• •1 j .... .- 11 •;> 53K 'y go .... II • ' •' !• 11 57 5 SH. ;34 -••• Pottsville '• 10 15j lio 8 55' T42 ••• AM AM P M 806 P - ■ .IvU 8(2 II i ( 6 j R 05' !.... Wapwallopen..arL 8 l« 11 20,' 320 p M •••• S .1 a 32 3305 84U •••• N.mtit it ... ■ 854 11 54 349 5" •••• PM T 01 *••• > Plym tb I eiry 'lf 9 02. tt 08 8 57' 7jg .... Wllksbarie ... "' »in 12 10 405 •••• * M P PMI 1 12; Plttf ' 486 .... (8 1 08 82' .... 1 Pi ait statioa. ■iife) Cars run m. ■> ' '*u:'niry, Wllllannpor* s.:r. irv Pbilailelpbln een IlarrisDu?;v Puts '•urn an : the u est. apply 10 1 loket Agent \\ SV. ATTKRBI"IIY, J. K. WOOD ticnw Mai iiiri r, Pa*v, Traffic Mw GEO. T v. BO"i D. Gen ngar Agent. T BHOP nd of T|n Roofing Spoutlne and Cenerat Joh Work, • tors. rurnacos, <atc. j PRICES THE LOWEST! u ILiT'i TUB BEST! JO IIIXSOM ! P.ON'T BT. J J, Si*o Vhi THE EYE?A SPECIALTY Eyes tested, treated, fitted with ■> *ii ! artirtt-iitl eyes supplied. Mark t ■ : eet, BkN nriwrg, Pa. Hours—lo a 111 t° ' r > p- m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers