MONTOUR \MKlv< W FRANK C. ANGLE, Proprietor. Danville, Pa., Oct. 27, IQO4 MI mum in. FOR Pkksiuknt, rHKOpOHK New York FOR VICE PRESIDENT, t'HKRLEsW FAIRBANKS. Indiana kM-Pl RI ICAN STATE TICVHT. FOR Supreme COURT JUSTICE, P KLKIN of Indiana County FOR Prksioevti w, Electors, Electors Rt I,arce ■S' i l*rt Fitcairn, Allegheny Levi G jlCCatlley, of Ch«"» W PTSTRTiT ELECTORS. j Umilv! Ruwti 1" WUllata t/auder „>-Joseeb l< Vo«'h11 50 1 teorve 1. tVnt H-\VeX Van Ren stdlaar 31 ->l u Riooknanii 1 .J V.-. urn r. J H N«vk> ... > Nnl : l* Ml *■ j 1-. ttr.l CitUOi -I tieotv* V.l ..xtt I, T. N'optPiwW rent*. > its J t sturgeon ••-j n ini iVis * Xtvtimßirt ton* V ~I V, ricftK sfcMi *1 i \ *T -si t i.rHil j W j wi, p hotvhe 2S I V Mil»n t • ' s,.\ i> v W PokUrtgt' I - *1 Wli * «k>Cw. % • "1!n : lV J ,S v . ft. h IjOH* Jl , p w, v , li,»i II LWiuNndlloiiiu» r -Jv t- X:• \n< Vt +: \iVmht v tW* Vtnv '»*rK \\ \W VIS ThV» 1 ■ •. ySrt *vt v i4f Hft t'StTtif*) v \ •»> \,v > -.-n vnr.N *-«t . mY ft VftVvVfc (V.vme IN T.yy \ %\Y >'Mj r>t •»*>*;N *■ Hi-\*|V VV>• V*. ft r> S ' \ . ' V v. • *4. L- -X MS TO MAT RlftliKM ki W{» Sta Iw a* l-jm. I»MCM r\>* t'CKIT tfV * c T%rt Nt« • »-< «•> tH k*•***»• •WW As «*tfca»- a* t *a*ee»at Ik tV ~«a> fk'a*. far Hm •#»«rtkMi vt AnaMMrit Uk l"kTHw«!4« %»:<! a* ktsklt a*** »»-•* ,* <t\ it m*** W tut,** 1# R«t* .«c mi >U)t HK> »■>» *'»** u *>» !>>yr («c«* I* tl - fm rfc i* ■.' *2 * CM-|» He* v■* fct » d*»r Jm * ■MHt ««4 »>*r% !♦* *h*t that ■w» It imiw t mlihity IV* •« <*»o* «(<»'« til* *#« •*» ♦rtartity. vlm* run t*(! M *tll t*«, Ik *|* % It « R«* tVAM IN* •.i t« m> »-* Un » R*|:-h v ;(. •• t IHw *Hi « »•< In :»>«■»'»*•'n»> « wniwiHy •»* vt* ** in t« T%* NirtV *lll l» tttl b* * > < **tl " ««T* »t>* •« ><»«. « «mrtv tlivit th* t*« in h»\ * n m«rk< * TkH» '•"til W l« if til* »• N««lk« * tl*W> K» ««.• « » to n,«k< till It «h*» t* .« »» t*» r»c'«« D»w«t>kH A« OlllnKt*#W It >kklt«*l h» 4tNlt * tl» |V'Bn»mK |4rit t* mmtttk Wt>« «>f «. »-%'» > v*ttlttjr •»«! « « «M * » "! * mtrli*.) |in» »-•!« <> t•■ j» v ,n|* »,» ftujrtlklM id I «t ?• * r-» rt>mhtla< « *!• t tH«» U»w}itba>tHi r«r1) pt\% «- » *• op «r> *« M* <«>'<t «>r •!<»»» k> t»«t m*r Mut «!»»« »ll rl«r it t« « f»i n!n»! I«> :y . * # i«> * prs«.*»t« • •».! c» n «»tth ! - »' v.\ if rvwr unt'l ifi*i tl - U «n* hi»» Ukkrn ih« IktTlattv* * ! . *:♦<! th» n».l tt «r x !»••••• -mt*. In th«« «Ux» f<t liMtrTit n th»y wtkftht !«<1 to bit m<>!hi«l «t rn>M>ii« iNr !»>«!)»• »ad *rmtrtl ta *av,.r h»' »m • brltla,- Oil City HtMv4 Now Get • Mow* On. Phil a f*» da>«> uwrv r>ntaln until •fahtfc>n tin * « fa«t ought to utir t!. .*« wfc" l;»V' «n> thing to to in •rare ?<• n*t * !r C'*»s off an tgo to wf»rk n *DV lin» la not at talr««l S'V m«th«»<ia It r»»<iulr«*9 •«>rk har<l * •*, mun wrk! Commit »#«.tr-n in rwp*rtlv» dlstnots ah. '* f.»-e'r. to op tai*!* »»r <i!s al?»< '»xl voters »n<i impress th«*m with tha th«t e»« r Anjfi m itiifti ta# a duty '•< p»*rf« rm •>» \ Work, anil ■••thine !• - ' • i a». «.mpl:sl. th "I « • a«. pat>li< an ar-l X* c ". The** F *j -f \V»* kr. frtwnii- »' f«»ar »ti' i ber «>f i months < wb#n tN - th« la.nif kflßitcr •' 1 . t» {23" y«»ar off 1 n ; •riCon th*-y!.- '< : 'h-j 11 ,'vi and lha' * •• t of his l»ar' -. I t if■ iI nfl gr«»«it|y 1 •«:• if ttr in .Vcwg Dewo' 'atic Hypocriay. The hvjwM ris> <>t the I►'•tno* ratlf l«a'Wra la dlsr ayl to p»rf«" thHr aolk'ftn<l«- for ti»« > welfare of th*> flltliliH'S whli<- utterly Ignore the daprivation of rl*M« whereby »*l*ht «.r r.ifi<* ntllliona of Aruerlran rltiren® In *'iiith»-rn >-fatfH are from the eierH-i* of privifegea iar&nteer] by the r-on»titutlon of the <-ountry Thla la an e*ample of lnrr,nalHten<-y that American voters generally will not overlook N'orrlatown Herald Eaay to Vott Straight. A Repuhli' an who d»*s!re« to vote a atmlght tlrket will And a square on the left Bide of tic ballot in which the word "Republican ' is printed in black letters All that is necessary is to make a rros* mark in the spare at the right of this party name and it will count as a vote for evarv Republican candidate .> n the ha'lot It is the eaa leet thing In the world to vote a straight ticket on / form of baJJu! > _-;r [HUGE CHESTNUTS 1 WITH A HISTORY Chestnuts i i rcmaikaMn aizo and a history ol unconmtotj intert'xt nro tlin v played in tht window of tl»o Lonigi r ll dmK' store. Mill stroet. Tlicv vvmi 1 hronnht liomo by Pi Hobi'rs mid it 11 c party of Danvillf ftionds who rrccnilv ' visited the eheatoot farm near Paxinn • owned by O H. Sobers, n oousin < t '• Dr. Sid rs and a man whose fame as it * fanoy shot with the shot n«n ir wide. I v Kven Buffalo Bill had to yield I mi ret* j' to Mr. Sobers,who won a contest with ' him and with it SI,OOO At the pri ;»• ent time Mr Sobers has a standing 1 rhallen • ll« t inn to WaKor fiom 0 ' to f28,000 witli any marksman ol hi- '' class Who desire ; to meet him. The cbostmits on exhibition Wei i v taken from Iter* grafted on tho Sohi i - ' farm, Wberr tltitgrtfu r ahom 250,fi00 •' trees have been Ktafted.some on ehest ' nnts »nd fom n on oaks, and it is a te» 11 markat'l 1 tlnnu t -it (hi* vear sotno > I the Htii ehestnuts were found on vtk j «r*aft The vreat ehestnflt grove eov ' ers I? 1 fcerev, veai the eroi brott>rlit %iO.OAo j»nd tin* year %lI Sob ~fs expects it to yh Id W'hll : the ordinal v e!ie».fnnt btifr eohtlilns ' » J rtfti oi fbn « eln sHIWs the otiei* %rtl%ti Sy Mi S I- is <ft en eon Chin lis many |> s v,.\en ebi'sttitits hnd *peetmi n* <>t I rmHWYHin W slii in tlrt* f,ifit|f' v : Vilitt. Tv XVI tl ti- I^tivtl!men Were I M tli*■ • t?imi,t\ bleb fs frthimiles 112 t'lNfhi lilit ,Y' A efe"shtit\*n thtm K%h ebevtutil W*etgfieh Hi int fl IjWlV'd eV#|.«f Ml'tl ''tdc b\ ■ i te llf'V I TWh %'fiW h't ItVlVi >ll% ; I jVWh. r*yfv < ?t,myrs*-snh h 'ttt t ' jM. ! ft tytb.N %'|N b -ft iN -h'e ' WWW'i'lX'Wil VtVM Vb,it; t VM ¥ni 11 Vtiv Iv kl- . Ytt ■tb ; '"rirtrf\ "Wnfti rife TA'.-'t, ? %•*! ,l| ♦» \- •, ♦, l| ' ti *'b !lv«*»#f% *fv ¥»'b I >-AV- S. s », > h4| v* >hh <»w sv w*) 1 *! V' '■ yj. ViS'-«. •>*» -h A'f -""M' % : ?>€- ' \v <JW) )t|l| %% s | |i., %Sl •, V ' I akw Via «V* %% - %fa> st» v • ! - tv • >«r» V- I • yl \ftf >« S ss Is k I « -.Wlf I VWv a ) I H* ' '•* <t wi»t*k • w«\ «>'.«*«tk,-> "»i its I I a fwMkeh k« I t « iwe ai <> |n«| | « ..... < Nose Itllton \o«irl\ Off h\ k';ii l-1.l i;tnMK, tM <K \ "> f> j. alar km»t**»k«is |*la«s b, i. V nUv i t; 1 i» i <il afc i child lutt t»l ha>i its life link < , ?.f : hksxl. «»« \\ ,| sim i v«n * I m « t{"n r M<te« m w 1 at i" k* <*> n l*ik«- llli<t, aft w »»f n«> • »iit houv ■« I,mi night h<> and l>t * t I w<»» In t» d and lisi with t 1 •»■ e eliibl, at ' tit font Miuklht <dd i» vtiild lav tw>t w«t » the |ah nt» ak i 4 | 4«t tt« the mtht, nftw ttin« tow *ie miming, i cMI t.< rt. ,«tt . ' te. i fatb, 112. *t »» on., ugltt I > <| le It H*X 1U»; «It • < led he W. tt It I *lee|t a4s i \ i t > rt tit ir.K 1 tlx rltild it «mi to nt *« tin. 11fit i ' Itarsb i i <a«' I« I i« Tiiinktitg * »>« < thing **< «' itu»lt wrong i ■ tat t lbi» tMil -g' I tip and -iruek » ligH Ok g 'tug t t « I'C aw b I i the pill >w Mid Muking a tl t ti : nit ton found tb «t a large rat 1,1 hit i ten off kt-atlr all ul the child * nt« and l ad <ai u iih p bolt hi its |< n -1 ln»a I Aph ■ in w . uiiini n< I »ud 1 elean-t d tit Wounds la k.. ; Mo I tausitu from s<tiiug tn Tlte house »« 11 I' tt. I t t«- t Mid t pin •is with raK. They tun all over II e tiou— aid liurtv ibr,-,- ' ol them were caught in i trap The . , Utile child is still in a precarious <• <n : dition. \ Pica sit nt I tollc \ I'artv. The following latli-«• Kiiday t.v«>n- , i iug t njoved tiro lev rid.- t HI tni> hurg and tier - t<» >k -up|**r at the Kx j change hotel: Annie Angle, j Oatiierin A drews, M-ino-( nrellv, Lizzie Fisc; -r, Ht He Kiftb-, ude.-a 1 Rouul.b-y, Lkkfk riioiatwi. May I ; Morton and Mary He^jf - t A i ata,\ man demands two ! tlino.and dollars tor oue-eighth of mi acr» of grouud need i fur the uew tiridge, to I•• reeled by the state at . t'.at point 1j at at the rate oi six • • 1 dollars an acre—a . m „'li yi, ri-e for river Ixittom , lan i ' The f-mirt set" of Sonbuiy and v '-iii ty are already talk about th* Tenth Amtaal A«.<tably of the Am encus t'lu'i of that c tv,winch will be held jn th" are ry.Thaiik.gif ev. , Wedie—dav. Nov< int.»-r ,' !rd ' Easy Pill Easy to ta i » d ea*y to act Is that farao i iiti n piii DsWltt's 1 a j Llttis Ear.y K sera. This Is dus to S the tact tnst '■ » > ton o ths liver In- I ! it. 1 ,ey never gr'pi a J nor sick- ,i lev;.!;.) n.ost dellcsts *dy. » i ye' tf ey srs so certain In I | rei.'' ! »t i.o ' •. who uses them Is d »ap; "i T -/ jr ' torpid liver, 11 cons' rial n b ;«r,ess. jsundtee. I head» • •• aria and wsrd off pneu- ' fc ' ! I mot,is . i fever 112 M I tASSD ONLY »y I E. C. D«WITT A CO., CHICAGO Don t Forget th« Name, g Earl|lisers jFw by P \< ■ <J«>h &Co j THE VETERANS I READY TI) (111 l lie I" il Spanish Amni leiin War veti runs I avti completed tliolt' arrange ini'tit. to attend the reunion at Milton on Sntutday ami will go In auftleieiit ii ti in her to make ,t creditable showing It i ■ t). -t• ■! that nt least thirty or forty Ibinville men w ill go. The liuin liei, m ty, liowwor.exoeiid that Some are ::oing hv train, hut a large party w ill leave the antierv in a shoo fly, storting ah ml 10 o'clock in the morn iHK> The lVni\ illn delegation hiis good hopes of getting thn lilOft rennion, xvlll> Ii will he the third aniiunl, to eoim here as tin* city can offer n strong ' lunii for the gtithetnig and as mh'i the Vetei rtiis td all enjoyable tltne It is possible th il the rotation system may figure in the choice of the neitt meeting place Pol' example thy to ut on went from \\ illlatnspott to Mil t. ii,the m ti- i point to Williamspnrt, . v •') i | ,««H Hit en, whiidi did not bat much of a delegation nt the nr*i i Mil II N.'SV It is possible tllrtt liCW Ih bill . tin II ue*t point to Milton, W ill lie aft t i tie l belt n nnloti, bill if the P.Miv I 110 tb legal ion tilil iililbhefs tliht ol Lew niru tin in Is h timid tdlMlOe it th i it witiiiiiig itnt. Tim loehl I | I W ill i \le||d to the Sp:ltli II Nlll I I'lehli It Veteihits of llm TVelllli h hi utv tVi li'fttlie if tbiA dei Itle to nieel fti OMtV iI fe be\t \ I'tir, A flnmniiteetl xw* Par TNfek, Iti'hitlif TttfUll Blee.lfntt of pVntVTld imt Pile Mftltfn VfttfffiA If P> iiWMVX 1 ! fntl • oi- tit A ! ... ~ i mat* 1?i »; fi- lil iV Pii -> tT*i'lli%'' vf» trtveit eti ■. ti>in iM- 1 noi' Tt mmftd"! ! hti 'tiH 11 • nfl *A t'ti tlVifl 1' V'i foh |- ti\ W ; \ . *. s» - oik »s t i * - .t ki VaMol W.. • »e * l,t IV'ttgn !♦ It »a« v - • w» t«* ». Ip »s| a lisrmai ><* n|» Vmtsas kliti «a t i>tg in -aN 4 »kst>« "littka trma M » » ,> • ' t t • a*»a"a* •t» i' tg »»«!•! R> ttnk gi»*»s»k n - • at tl ■ tilt et t dtelmtkC *a> still « || eW tat l*ii*M|» ht>.« tls. It ttirt n t. ta (In N > » te. .»i . . ttam it »i» at- -tr i Ibat it a ist . «t <n -e to rx prt.. it* ts gard mil t in' ■ 111 hill i .ntt«to alien « t. t i> > 1 It the d lath ate IkCt ured \ t< ; t hi t Vttltr-kl iMign ge Is i*. I t«d to iei an i t tn Aatt*e*«a< or Hi it >t P » t»t nrg in lav I «mi I laurnnt t<» lie J vpl.lilklt Sil> .l.'ips l«dx ||» ill 3g. s I nt The n tit Niti iik commentti'g nimi the *t li k t Itg ot lite tlawbt t'latle 111 ttie Nt i t 11 It in >, ltd I'a 1 tt|U t Iron tv. that the a lion Is l» Xtttltl tltt" - l|'t -Itv of > elllptetn llSll'lt t«f the ordinal i sane mind I Vt i a'' «kt d,' Ibe |at et etui t *, wioe bariule>> tisbllig ah I gtlig te « li> uttal |ioker, < I ' niiit.lfc'i mi «iii tl igrant vinla u a * i inteinational u<age ist-niy |-o --*ihle wit . *iii*. hoi Itug iioibiug in > iiuntMi wiiti rltiliifil |hki| b I' , t l-i . flagrant I « be t-x plniin I a* a mistake and doutltless tte gtu eminent «tf il„. injur.>il ptople « il % t ti. dm < tion against Ha>.ia Tie Xichi Nitdti then gm *on to II Ii t>, • ;ig ti vis of Ku..ia igaiiist ii. Una! It |itououti«a<i this t i tint ,• it t of an already w<-U kt \ ; tiiiianiiy, and d> lar< > that lln lit. -.i in. " ■ tnpl' tt ly lai k a m-hs • ! of liuuianity, an attribute of inlight eiied minds." o> pi la I hartt Si ill linrns. And .till the tire burn, at Ibe State llo.ptiat lam. hi ..pit* ol tlte raiu ol tl • 1,-t t ,112 tlav. the grain and bay t tat wisin t .frui tare destroyed by tl flam • :i it.! Wtilui-.tlav is yet .inlll.l I. ru _• tjf nißiw whi'e the lire • xi.l. m tl it j ' ail I" done to clean op tl at - tiou of the tiaru, hat in the part Wlurii tl.i M> ers |t-risbed good I r - i- '-leg lu.tie in removing the debris. Manv pi rsoiis ate visiting the i-cene • of th ■ fire. Kven some of the Blooms- i burg j ude who coiue here tin the j tr [lev ;• ' to the Ho-pital farm before returning home. On Sunday many i tint rs drove to the place. Nearly rt day, however,the work of clean- ! lilt' uj) i. wit'ehed bv numerous ist- ! sons. Tie question of disposing of some of the cows were bit without shelt er win it the big bam went up iu smoke i- l»-; ng temporarily disposed of by pla- .ng the cattle on the Morrison farm, which adjoin, tl.• hospital farm proper. • ' K Sober, the famous Union county cb< .Mint grower ami crack shot, hi- .cut (inveriii r Pennyjiacker t Pti. h tgful oft' • finest chestnuts ever grown in Pern-yivania. They were from his cultivated trees. A IK train consisting of I'lii i-ars.w is pulled from Sunbuiy to Wi 11 - ianisport. on the I'eriiisylvaiiia Rail road tl. other day by a single en- j Vim Th - breaks all re. ords for long j fri ight trains. To Cure a Cold in One Day 1 Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. m ros// every I Seven Million boies sold in past 13 months. This Signature, box. 25c. I —y TANGLED THREADS fly r. H WKlGtll ( i <>|nright, h>n, t(\ Mi• lui. 1 A "And Unit \viw three jcm , ago, wasn't ItT" Miss Triivera mild. 'it doesn't seem like It " he i*|ill«li "it seems thirty." •'Thnnksl 1 Invo I rcnlly aged SO much since then?" "1 mean until 1 saw Jolt It seemed thirty," ho explnllied. "Thri»e years It goes very quickly. You haven't olhiiik»ml much." "1? t haven't changed nt nil." She regarded lilin critically. "No, you haven't in looks." "I haven't In tiny way," In 1 enrnoatly nnd with an undertone of I Intention In tils voice "Ami yotl I you nre nil I Imagined " "1 ItniigltuMl v Then I wm tioi a j reality three years ago. I wns a lllt't'e figment ot your hrnlii What do you fftenht" "1 mean why Hint In nil those years I have Ijwfl IIIIIIRIIIIiiu yon In nil Mofta 0 f ways, you know," "Oh! (Telnet I men n« fnlr hulled, I MlU'ox*, niiil snittetlnicii ni tlni'k hull' hhl, sometimes with a hiltttp find *sbie Hitios cross eyed," "^nilNehWei" "Well, It's whnt 101 l Nntd, 'nil rods of wnjv nnd ,\i"i do ,\ "ii Vinioinhoi > the stiu hjhm . h Jon ntfttlo me when ] you % ntvt hw n) " "I >r I >lll\ It W (isn't "till It I fctvk Hie frozen with" •n 'Vi' i in v.r\ fintc n then, i hut |»Y»hfij»si It ,|ot'M ho\\ ever, l\l hmtk enWtJHVe N.'ii tin v» n't lit' W>'i oil fhS \ »»V, llTWfeti Whfit X\ n«t ft Von VMqV' **\\ hv i' it A linVk th' v i' nt' ni\ Yeitttfc )n'i it \m tl Vi %. Wb V YhWf* S YttflWi stifl fltifH iV 'TfW WRftRi V' li-i i Viv ■mA V -hnnHV ifl i\-i v\ T'l"! Tl MPM WrtVilWWI Yfrft 1%-'i flfPlVft % I WPfiftiW W* > Trfft AvrA w* ',i.i v» s A • \ wvit ImM .-.f I' H i«t \vw > a"A «.. •\ %\ fWMMtH* \ - * V.\ v- \ f\**\ VAV». > *•' > Ik) v>« >• U«< Mttlkl |l w<« Dn kMt. *\*«*> «*l >\ N* . ! . tltt*) • • » \ « Ik » . 11, «<»♦»- a* Hi ><»« •mi n »«v»r» fi»« i I twWkv* " * |lut H limow t >i w*. n «»nljr thhi "<11). i'f itmf*' IH>| . IIHIIC I «M JoktftM likM I MMMM mm IM kuowliii; Jim. ImUliii ><» nt liins< > l*>* ti4v ni»» i< it« lit« Nimlr f' • '> >*ts vh| i' »n « i f iio % ii ' iMiir« i«f tut hf»v" Kv wM wrtwll) \|| Kll«l J'<o lIIOV tl»:<t |'|i'.I Of UM* > ' If | mwiMH't! tt !»•"« WKit tw t» out «»f hi* Iml'iiiit ! •»»!« it r^un" "I llH»ii|tlil I ititxo II l»» jfii mjwlfV nti«i mikl wtlh ••4ii« > wr|iii«' In lt«'t "Un%»' you f.«rnnH'ii U«>%) t<»u IxKH'-'l !l fr»mi Hit* thai Bhihlf "uf itiiifw" I Iwvmi'l fi>rn-«H»«n l«» ni'lMl In* Jill J 'I kliow *«»»! ITKII' II hi ii»>" Hill nh*' w *«• not ll«it , nli« 11ot « i«"« «,« lookinti o(T Into tit** Ul* l«ii*»««>oi».| th» ilurk *Ih«« of tlx «<>n ml* ni<>ry "Mo* W'Mtirul llw» un» ulihiil llir wiitiM tlml Hln lit, iitnl fur >n »«MIU> InwiUtij i»«rt> w ti« *tntttnt! II wk" |M*r fw«'' "V'**. |»«'rft>« I ;il to'Hul I" tin'' "|i,i you r»'tu. nil»>i wln n in l flhlwl Into tluil *itvi« li of lily immlw m»l I llfiml thi'in ilrl|i|iliu; from llw» w«ti>r. i tn*' It ilroji llk«' N III«iih»II«I, Hlnl }f»U imhl" "»\n«l I mI<I I w iilmil liny WW rful •Ml lllNt I llllll'l fc'lvi- tlu'lll 111 you,** ll' imil'l iHiklly "l*Hl >"») I tlioiiKtil It vu Ihnt tin l dri'j'i woulil >t|«»ti ui> ifown Iho fci'Wn you Htliiilml ho HUH'II " i ill.l i.'lmln' It I Itav.' MM you In Ibiil piwn nn I your fin •• luml iiouH In hnlf Rlimliiw, tin' ifllut of your 1 Imtr mnl your nruiM tth'uniliitf In tlu< uiiHiiillxht nh you trnlhil your lltn»iT*« In th«« w«tvr ninl nwlu ml\ <ry rlp|il«'i ov««r tin- |«oll»li«il l<lu< k inlrri>r of tin* ! «>r rlv«*r." ll«- ilri'w n luiik l»rvHth wlii-ii In- tin lnti**<l. nn Mir » ho fi-lt r»'U« > v«>d "Ami it was iih w«> in-an-il bum**. wHNu't It, that you toUl »«• that you wanted my plitui*?" The eurnen of h«-r muuth twlti-lie'l u Itttlv. "What it HpUmdld niomory you havi'," hlii* wild, "a niarvi-lou> im-mory 1 call It I wish I 1.m.1 «M Mm It. thuiiKh It's not what 1 would call ac curate If that's a Humph- IwH'nuw, yon we. you didn't nsk me for my photo trraph that n!»:!it. It was fall whcii you left, and It rallied hard that nft.'r J noon, ninl we could not out, l>ut li. j stead sat In tin' drawing room hj th' 1 flr»». Ls.'«*i>t for thes.- little detalln, I your recollection of what happ«»neil I wonderfnlly clear " "Hut you salt! yourself" "Yj*s; I illil. 1 just wanted to test you. Now I commence to doubt that j you really still have my picture " "I can show it to yon "Are you certain It's not some other fdrl that you've mistaken for me? On.' no RE RECORDS MADE BY FAST RACERS MKMFHIS. Ten 11.. Oct. 20.—Major Delmar today hitched to » <>>K'• wheel sulkey, ran a mile in 2:07 flat, break ing the world's record of J :0m * t made iu IHBH by Maude S Dan Patch continued his great work by reducing his former record of I:•"»(>', to 1:56 Hat. He had a rui.n *r ahead when making this exceedingly IJUICK mile. A 112 T\f| j The dose is one, just one pill /% Ol S y at bedtime. Sugar-coated, /\ VCI Oi SllD "»W.. They cure constipation. llTmh. Want your moustache or beard p jj! , J KINGHAM'S OYE a beautiful brown or rich Mack? Use » .i. im-.ku; IULL 4 00., NAbiILA, N, U. ' Is liable to mistake one person for nn oHk i uuli'Hs there's a speclnl renson." "Nil dltli er I'lieie's not lillotlier gill In the world like yon 1 knew you the j lUoineiit Isa w \ oil." I "Knew nieV" "u\es, nehiss the bitllrootn." . >mi I'id forgotten me. then?" \J I mean," he exclnlnied slowly, like folic who (.li 1 i his way, "ttint 1 knew i you I'm He one iflrl I cured nhoiit." "i >h h! I tut was It nt n ball we llrst nn I i iiieuib' i 1 ynn lelllug me Hint 11 • i vi > :i«ii, hut I didn't think It w its nt a hull thnt Hint knoxvleilge en ii ii toon We met first let's sis' ! w here w a It ?" "At nl It's Idlolle, but for the life j of me l eiin't reiiietitber for the mo j iiuMii \ "ii wi ie the Important matter, ■ It's hardly to be expected you 1 fclimild I'eeollii't," she Hit Id, compassion j iitlli) his confusion. "It wns nt the i Thorliloiis'." "i if collide, the I'horitoim, I knew, hill I couldn't think of the nntne. Ire I tneuiher 11nrry telling" It rr,\ V Whnt 11 nrry t" I i It iter* llnrry Thornton, of i J rolli so," "iih I in vet* Knew thnro wnn rt broth , ! er, \ Hit lie told on" i j I hilt lie Whlitis! Ilie to Hiee! you, i Hi Mil I, M'hll, Hi"t'e's it' " ll \Vh\, I Ihuiiglit y 11111* tin tut* ivnn ; tl KM. but pn i*tiil\ tlint's cliiiiikih! In j till, e\i ii too Soil (lied to be cnlled I llhi i I . \in in nit\ imvo two uiinies, innvirt i | heV li n I'tiii lltto It." i"I tiioiin lie inn vhn vt« in nfe tlimi fun* v in. \l\ nllini' 11 lldir' I'lillip Nto> tin VII nil old .tili hi h lit collofifo i nlh'd I llil 111 li|l v e Utldei lood ho NlUpld I if hie So Hi tlnjVfthih Uil4 ft i lilllil I nl' uil'ii 111 I olh'HeV' • j . , (iVnrtt 11 tchd* he ix eVe" iii' m iTflwhttiii I'lrhi, iwffli ->, VVi-\ «tniviinniT iitiH \ tinyt ; in io liili nlioTl\ ihVWI fWfr lt'l "\M'\ ll!l \ e nh HirfeAV' 1 i lli I . 1 \Vi'M (Vi Wi'H fW' wtvwrt H vww S'. >M' sni wit • ,\ ii IV.W .%> \ i**iW W"* #l-1 w h ' | A ih II I inOHtWM i'. » v '■ wtW Wl v«. ■ n |m fwtm |e nmt tMlm* a W M * PUt* « tblilMtf Miv- I tw tn l I»i w ii* mm Mf f%M >1 »- I Ike • feat* w im,« i',ii !•>. Wti.l IS 4* I In l HMllfC take unit b» IUM AM IMT 1 11 «in| p»i tm t lM'tnt«|i fill \| I Milviiil ileal' It w ill IH, Itl U.«l hllel I'm He* if i, i<il tn a 111 Milter w "lean bill pin siMihnh «h«* llflent her tn«e tUrie w. vi i»| |cin 111 liei eun iii I' I«. e i is! V .Mi t.if! \i>l j<>« finr|K»| | | tw>»eiei| WHf ► >lm i a Md"! teller fr*u»» lb* I • < • k"wn and fi uihl a pla.* •"Hi;i.| 111 HI I'lnllp Morton, •lid t llhii Mwrlun nl the part she indicated \'d »I"W the gr»sile«l |II'W»' llf . .ii •» j i »lj pu**. 1 know ef ymir r itii .ii with Haiti Morton three i t i,. mid I hat Jim gave htm ymir pii |.|i Well my ib ar, It wrm ! 1 || |n I I rl I'tlll. 'it i' <• 'irv and i. «citis| tl when Harry w iliik* his <i dps Ju«l ticftire Ids iiisril .• I'ti is kept It nn Ids mantel 112 t lie \.-ins Now h«' Is goliiu wis»|, and » nil .1" you llillik> lie |irn|sisea In |. lat i ilciulale and pM'telMl tn''s Hi lit the .loliusloii" .lid pl< k P the i iiil« uf the affair with you •hi where lie dropped them, laii'l iti in He has made a bet w 1 lli 11 ihe iii it.i 11: «, n tul he ' 1 In-1 iiisht a b "«oii He la exact I iik. Mm', as g.hi.l looking and 1 iih***' and I'm nfrnld" 'N i i>. lit read Ihe r**at," Mlaa Iraici- Interrupted "It's nothing to d<> w Ii j ii " She turmsl a sever# • iii 'eti im ■ tow ard the culprit "It Is '• a mix nl." trli k to try and play on a " i I i■ n't So gentlemanly!" 'I ippose It wasn't fair tnit" " "Itut what? 1 want to lie jusi," "\\ . ii it w isn't all a lie The picture w,ts i! Is ,1 to mi*, and I have known ■' ever since I met you ttint I cared for s i ..ii. but t suppose you are awfully of s, fendiil, anil It's all oxer." "tl "hould be, slmuldu't It, as a pun Jshn .'ir I hel'e ought to be Some pun laluueiit surely." I MH Im mi t»ct. Isn't thai ete igb unless you'll let me win ItT* 11 1 "Why, how can 11" " I tie threads, you know. Let ire pick cm up where Harry ilropp a 'l Then i n win. Tom MM y wan go 1 im; walking, weren't * -u. that day. >" and you couldn't Ije .use of the rain? I fancy tomorrow will tie a tine day. Ttie »lar-> are very brlirht, I.ook up " tlirougb " pilnis there Mayn't I 'I ec tomorrow for you"?" 1 >i Ihi t iliwrve It.and 1 won't ■rnnilT bat 1 atmll be hMN at 8 and 1 ) Itxr waits. Mr Ackerly? Yes, so It la. " 100 I. I you had such a hunt for me. I '• was Just In." - Miss Travera' hand fumbled for n moment adjusting tier roses, then she moved a way to the ballroom, leaving 4 behind tier on the tloor a bud Just opeu -1 to the world Morion pi. ked it up and put It In his j buttonhole. r j "I am <iuite sure tomorrow will be • '' day." said he FLORIDA AND THE SUNNY SOUTH. Winter Excursion Tickets now on sale by the Pennsylvania Railroad. Itegimiiug October 15, the Pennsyl vania Kail road Company will sell Winter excursion tickets to the resorts of Florida, the Caioilnas. and other States in 11 io Sonth'and Southwest, at greatly reduced rates. For spe itic rales, limits and other conditions of I tickets, consult any ticket agent. A CANOEING EPISODE (Original.] "Steady. Ifou't stir. I'll tie wllli you In II moment." A young girl In a narrow, sharp pointed bout, with rowlocks on out riggers, hnd been caught In some rush es where the current was strong, hnd lost control of the liont and wns on the point of being cnpained A young man In a canoe was paddling sivlftly tow ant. tier Ho caught her bout by the nose, extricated It from the rushed, picked up na onr from the water, tin lid ed It to her nnd In Id the boat till she hnd got both on is tu position "Look out! I lon't get tliiNtcred. There; dip both oars nt once." Hut Instructions did not avail. The girt w»ns deinornltiMsl, aiul every move she made tended to destroy tier equi librium. The young man attempted Io Instruct tier, but lost Ids patience, colled her stupid, npoioglxeil nnd end isl by tnklng her Into his canof. Then, towing hot boat behind, he puddled tip stream. "Where kIIIIII I tnh«* you)" he Hiked "t'p where the lltke begin*. tVe hn\e n little Biiintnet cottage there." Horace I'lett het" htu! Just heeti grad unted ffiiiii i»ii* 4 of tln» oldest eolTltfe# In the eoutitrj llt> hnd timii cnptnlti tif the lililvcislly tnlHHhi teiiin and hml been ti iiiedtulu a< holai 1 . In other Wni'ils, lie |v(ill "till IHMlilil' |ot)i! Iniin Nnlhlnl BMMtH'i! ittofe fatiyilulil ly and 1111 nufee I till Itj helplesß llittll 11118 )nliim Kill, win) iltd lint lmiM to flli iii« tltit ii se\chtei<ii she Wii|'» A skirt to her ankles who hnd no skill to"It til II tint row bunt [tin! hadn't sense I'linufeh tli kce}' oftt tlf ill)i> Jin Jllld died oil lie r« 11 It tils duty t ghllflt to tier (Hid, pllil full hf llf.-j bePun to (diM iibnlH It. |Tll Mil lenSd tilbl Htleftthi)} wlilli In |oM llel of flllilcjlcft. Ciil!c|n tfMft IVhil clWfee iilttieS-llif i OT |!i'|i'l iiKn MhWe'fit i Ittoft .q, jfllt «o'cji nlUt V.-lfi till ftdnil Wet. it tl lfcTK'.,ttHvl, US tittle In !H1 ftl|< t 1.1. tl"t - nil "i , WWTtt' Ifll ftm jjUt PwiiW'. iwAtw Hwti pi 111 V. ( I . >1 .1 11. -f*IW 1' • Itw-' t.i| ?i- fi yl tiHi| n* ikin ftpmwtwt nt* lif. naM I tinn' la l *w a a"* af all •,,w 1. w ia * .-4p ini I i a |c«m mi «wt I kavafiifHtiw sk< luek. I ivi |»t>a* Ml km 4v«|| i a I u.i 4a iiitwi Jul |«# Uiv a Iklrb *1 Mi iMII' M»v» il Usui nil n«» nil 1 iiM'Mal ' I Iblnk Urn. lit ill nt Iki'M *lt h, S\ >ll • .n.i Hill* dot I Mka In pail a lib then it i* j Ibe glli ImAel mi« Ihe silm Is • .tol « t'ollatfe lie i w iie in.l ma alt.l Mid llial si* llemiiM sh« mnuht Nlli er pull b n,e le • »If lb ill l«> liuksl niml i carried le»m» Bn lb>li her |*Ut ►er lal.i In i Ikml bei, ale! by I bis lllmv baling inlliiial Imf facttl ins, alte ilkl falrt> *ell He walcbe.l Iter 111 l she linillol Ibe latelina Uil'ii putleil i.ii to a summer louei a » ills laie e Im>)huil wln re Im» pri»|»»«ist In spi ud the night lie found tin gnesls dltlltig nil th" plaaaa the itliiliig t«sun baitna Ihnu elisinsl for a te>p ihil was In l»e heM tlisl etetilitN. Htumldlti* on anmt peo. pb» tie Kin >i tin i persuaded 11111 l In lake pnrl In He fi-llrlthx, Ihougli he i aas In do so In i*atmelnit c»a | lume When ihi' nuiiic struck up for Ibe flr«l dais •• li«« iiolb'sl a girl come In nil Ihe arm of an Hdart) man. grace fully sweeping ltie waxen tti»ir with a train of while sMrta. and II suddenly dawned upnti htm thai stie wns the girl h«* tiad ri »i iiiil l'a««lng him sin* gave htm a cordial sintle In which there was mingled aouietblng of aoiuae ineiil ll was evident to Fletcher thnt he had le-en mistaken as to the girl's agi'. that the ahorl stilrl she had Worn was for boating and that he had been making a toy of himself lie rushed to one of bin friends for Informal lon. "That girl," sub! the per*»,n lmpUred of. "Is Miss lldlth Haw tborne. She has Just been graduated from col t.-K'e, t'ikliic every boii.>r for then iilor year and iimat of ttie prlxes during the ri'st of the isiiirses She Is considered to have lb. I>. *t mtnd of any woman who bus iM-eii graduated at college aliiiv It was orgaulti'd. Shall I pre aeui you to tier';" •Tnneiit me! llntlier take me out and drown me!" ' Miss Hawthorne was looking nt them aud, though she could not tienr the W',nls spoken, saw by Fletcher's ex I .vssloti their Intent and, walking across Uim Uuur ♦"'oTil ttniff wTf". ail erTiUdem"e of a middle wom an. "I want to thank you." she Bald to Fletcher, "for extricating me today and apologize for permitting you to mistake me In my short skirt for a lit tle miss. Your error was apparent from the start, and I could not resist the teinptntlou to let you goon In It." ' "1 will forgive you for a dance." said Fletcher, the color of a Jac.iueiiiiuot 1 rose. cut an embarrassing In tervi.'W short, lie sailed away with her to the Inspiring music. When they parted they had discover ed that they had mutual frlenda In the city. "Uood night." said Miss Hawthorne. "When we all get home come and see my dolls I have them all in a little room by themselves They've been there since I gave them up. But I was only twelve, not fourteen.' Fletcher's canoeing trip was ended. 1 He remained wtiere he was till the last day of his vacation, then followed hli 1 schoolgirl to the city. MAKY COOLIDOEL Hold-up artists continue their ac tivities in Suubury, and it would be well for alt persons who have cause to travel dark streets of that towu at uight. Togo arni'd. The att.i ks ba<e been made so bold ly and w itli such regularity lately, that there is no tell ing how far operations will be carri ed. AUDITOR'S NOTICE Estate of William Kranim, ia*e of Limestone Township, Montour coun ty, deceived. The undersigned auditor appointed by the Oprhan's Court of Montour County, to make distribntion in the hands of ttie trostee of Margarat Krauim, deceased, to and mioug the parties entitled thereto, will Mt to perform the duties of his appointment at bis ollicp, 110 Mill street, Danville, Pa., on Thursday, the 10th day of November, A. I)., 1904, at 10 o'clock A. M., when and where all parties in terested are request d to a*tend, or be forever debarred from any share of RALPH KLSNKK. Auditor. Danville, Fa.. Oct. 18th, liMM. I Thousands llavc Kidney Trouble I mid Don't Know it. How To Hurt Out. | Fill a fiottle or common glass with your ' waier and let It stand twenty-four hours, a , r~, t sediment or set* I'rJiij r*,* ' 4 tllng Indi I" r, \/ rWj| ,T, m\. 4 unhealthy < n 1 nin Hi* . fr/'i if "on of the k>d- W,\ iP if Z/f 1 \ ney ->. if It stalni i Tfj?7 your linen It Is 'jL^ \ 1 12" JrlJ evidence of kid JC \i '4/ ,Ht n «y trouble; too ' i rm> frequent desire to ** ■~ iV pass It or pain In the back 13 also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order, What Jo Do. There Is comfort In the knowledge so often **pressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swarnp- P A, the i;tral kidiv / remedy fulfill! "v».ry wish In curing rheumatism', pain In the bank, ki'lricys, liver, bladder and fvery part of ihf irlnary pa viafe. It i rre< n Inability to hold water and scalding pain In pa It, or bad effects following u,e of lli ior, wine or beet, and overcom" j that unpleasant necessity of being compelled tor > .(ten during th-5 day, and to get up many times dutlng the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Roof i. iti realized It slitvis the highest for its v n detfulcute? of the most di tressini • If ynu need a medicine you should have the be-,t. Sold by druggi-'3 In 50< ati<lsl. You may have a sample bottle of this Wonderful discovery i \ Ihd * book that tel jif-r.-f'e ffl ' rt te tit. b ith ft! ■ ("H«l • • • I absolutely fret |<v mail A Mr' v- Di Kllftitr k tt« •<«« »112 K»a«t|-H-ai» C ~ Oinfhitnl >n. N. Y wl"-n writing ftieii lien raiillng this gtfltfou# cffif In Oil* 112 nti l ttinbc tin itiUtnk< bttt t'i tm in bnf llin itMnn, Nw»»it|• Runt, Ur Kit lin-r'a Hum inti limit Um l H'lnn 1 * Anmrmrn iloTfnf, isi rm: on I'M a n couui oi wOwtnttn not si iif ft i \ 1 1' 6j i Mrototifc mi,t? in i, iv rt: of imi • till « ntf ctH'Mf .\SD of tv { Mr T s K* fytMfll.J fn -In itfnHWlH HI Tfl?pK»r BfiWS ittirrl S bUlf-iVi a! 112 f-W jft, \Hr 11, h . :fH. wf tfff am * -Mift. H! ntn I • I , I ■? In It • 112 • *t ! ~ t \Vfn M\ H H Hff Hi I ,ti«lO» I*MM< fH>ft * |v It i iff i- w m nf | I HIM 11 btl«t 1% • - ' J *4*4 4^l. <• * • 4w * * --• ■ i I % 4IIH* t*4t II n Iwi <|i I 'r: iv.: •:r. , ' lit A til |HII vt» t. y i t | t l|l< 11, tl I 1)1, I 4 Aumrutu Rorim iln »«• |*flM »»• »|» if H |t *»l< » A |l I lull' ft I Wi11,., M III) Ut t >MMIf, I r*. Th* an l*M|ii I miililur, *(>| twi» «l ' lit* !•>«• t'tiuri ul i' mm..ii I*l >«« i I 1 Mniii iur Oomilv, in I I«|i ili i it>win>ii III till' I lI4IH I 111 |l 1 ' »li i» of 111 It i*o|vii| i»f tlit* *i"i»i imM'.il |ii>iiM f»l i| 1 in nii I milium ti i'ii tm * I'liuii I 1 tin'll in, will »l»!lo 11*rt ••hi lb ilutj * I nf lila *|i| .i|i«lliH tit. til 1.1 • «»ttli »■, ll'i Mill »tiii«t. Iv»t>tilli\ I 1 mi I<> 1 ilntr, tin- '.'Aili <Nv 1 112 tVii |H r, \ H , ItH'l. at 10 n't | It A M,, win 11 mitl *ln-ri'*l| |nrtl' < lot r«» ««I if I. . qanntiiil lu atlniul, nr l><« itnt>>ii tit«. burr. I frtnn unv >1 id nf *n l liiml , n \i.i'ii Kismui, v., IM 1 1 Umivilli', I'II , Oct i, in 1 * AUDITOR'S NOriDE K«lai<* of .Inin- «I. Kit li| Int. of li t t Mi rinmli tif Dniivlllt". Miintm i «'ouii. ' I jr. il«ci'rt»i' l Tim niiiii r i|iui'<l Auditor i|>|>olll t<*<l j li* lint (»i|ilntii'tt Court i t M titi 11 COttllt.V, to 11. nil. lllxl I'llilll 101 l it III!' I It linnet' in tl .. I,mi Kot lb. 111. uniitiinl ,i In nml rai iik the |nriica cntllli I llioi'i to, will ell In | ill tin ll il 11 fit* r ni Ina a|i|Miliiliut<iit, ni lu« . it . lit Mill I>.lll \ ill.-. I 1 , tin 1 in ' ilmv, tin* Hid il;iy t t Nnvnull r. A Ii . | ItHM, ni It) o lock A M,, v\ In' 11 tid w lift'" nl I |ni 111 ■ nll 1 »r 1.1 .1 n <ll)txt •<l to uttcurl. ni bit 1 m 1 til l). 1 t rt'tl from any nlmim i i «»iti tun I. HAl.l'll KISAKU, An.lit r > DiMTHIh, l'n, Oct. 10111, IMO I. Rasy snu Ouickf Soap-Making with BANNER LYE To niakc the very best soap, simply t dissolve a can of J<\tnu >' Jvr in cold t water, melt 5 lb>. of grease, pour the Lye water in the grease. Mir and put ■' aside to set. Full Ulreclions on Every Package Jiiinner I\t is pulverized. Iho can ' may l>e opened and < loscd at will, per mitting the n-e of a small quantity at a time. It just the arti le needed in v every household. !t will clean paint, floors, marble and tile work, soften « iter, disinfect sinks, closets and waste pipes. 1 Write for booklet "Iv >[! I inner 1 'J'' i—bee. j ' * The IVtin Chemlciil Works. I'liiiidt'lphia : THE SMART SET A MAGAZINE OF CLEVERNESS. Magazines should have a well defined purpose. Genuine entertainment, amusement and mentnl recrea tion are the motives of THK SMART SET, the MOST SUCCESSFUL OF MAGAZINES Its NOVKIK a complete one in eaehjnumber )are by th most brilliant authors of both hemispheres. Its SHORT STORIES are matchless—clean and full of hu man interest Its POETRY covering the entire field of verse—pathos, love, humor, tenderness—is by the most popular poets, men and women, of the day. Its JOKES, WITTICISMS, SKETCHES, etc , are admittedly the most miith provoking. 160 PAGES DELIGHTFUL READING No pages are WASTED on cheap illustrations, editorial vaperings or wearying essays and idle discussions EVERY page will INTEREST, CHARM ar d REFRESH you. Subscribe now- $2.50 pet year. Remit in cheque, P. 0. or Ex pi ess order, or registered letter to THE 3MARI SKT, 452 Fifth Avenue, New York. N. B.—Sample copies sent free on application. AN ORDINACE. SI I'l'b KMKNT TO AN ORDIN ANCE, APPROVED THE THIRD DAY OF HRPTEIfBIfI IfM. LN ■ 111 LKI) "AN ORDINANCE (i RA N TING I'KR MISSION TO THE DA.WJLI.I, AND RIVERSIDE ll RAILWAY COMPANY I'OUONHI UDOT,MAINTAIN AND OPKRATI AN K LEOT RIO STREET RAILWAY IN, THROUGH, UPON ANDOVfR CERTAIN HTRKKTB IN THE BOROUGH OK DAN VILLK, MONTOUR COUNTY, PKNNHYLVANIA. Sh( I loN I, Jo it Ordained by the lu\\i Council of the Borough of Dan* vilh, 111 the County of Montour nnd St 111 c nf I*ftni«.ylvniii*, in Council Ac "imbbii ,ni,l it | M Ik re by Ordained by MIIII :|ty nf the NHlue, That Section 1 of an ordtimiicM r<nl I fled "An Ordlu* am OrantiiiK Permiaalnn to TheDan vllli- and Rivi t'alde Street Railway m>lllll \ ff> 11 nairurt, Mulnt'ilii and opMnie nu Kim trio Street Piiawtiner '.nil Any lu, through, upon Hi d o»or 1 1 1 1'iln aliinia in the Borough of Dan ville, Mniitotir County, Prnnaytvanln, Approved lb# third day of (ftptrntfwrj I HUM, Abll'li I Mini* an frilbiW* ; Slol ION I, Bit it Ofdainnd by tin Town Couiiell of (lie nnrotifjli of I'ubvillc iii the ooonfy of Montour unl Siati nf I'ouiiKvhanla |n flMSoll i« nthlcil mid |( in hereby nrtl h^ Hi) 112 hftf 1f 112 (jf (||fi * flat con t sl lit «inl p,.|ml«it|(iii b« granted and Ifed unite. lof n." c, mill.til m.l itittrr, w.-m m. , frr? ;i ;tf fm - "112 r. rs fiti - * -K * 4 rmm biif tMt Itt.i#: teirrKv M ftfc'tox* m ¥km '*( 'Wm - # ♦ spit >.vrrt "• - * 112 r 4 *" | 11. Mwp-'f ||i t| .♦>)!»- <♦ ftt ft- K* »*■ i» ll* .V* « i lIH IfWlftf, »t'* 112 tl"' M V % I' 4lv #it j*l 11 iettfti *I H « IfcMMt «*- H|l 1 •! Milt) I 1 w«* .wvi u .41 44*4 I > Ut%M| |lk t.J > 1* |. %4 ti i I » «•- I Iw li«i *l*. !*•« »«i4 l i.lw n ».ili ili ||, u.v.|w» %u4 * 1 I 1 I ll.tiwi Ivi Mm • 1 m i«t H"t futile tr4i«t tnw* nl' 1 11 Ml. WMm • I » *ll| jl4llotl» ml (dUM' 1 «t »U t Hi J >*uo. |» lit tvbf 41 .11 t 4U4 i »li u4i 4 •«* •» lu |v au.l I ,i| 44 I l| «• lint 1 it iv ill «u>l 11 rit. (•» tutt |>d i « 1 and iu4 tin i«iii» la to v , n .1 and <llll la l'l*« Dan > til liiv«>r<it|» Hiiv«l Hallway t ■ 1 >■« ~ lii ion iiulv 1 r|wl|. I 1• in . rati«tl uinli rlt e law* ul iniioii«t .Mb of IVnu vl»auiaI, t -.i- and a»*ifiia. al Ha U«m II 111 •*t an.l 11|«*a« lu liuild, eoii 11 lintmn ai tl oftriaN |iri'|wt|u 1 11 1 "g|e 1 ra< I eli*i"t rie i> r«*l la* ii, r railwav hi, through, ujnui and - > Mill, Marlel, Bloom, Norlhuni Im t \Naliiut, l.owi-r Mu b irjr and I her. h niit t'in rt<>|ocilirly, and alau II Hut ugh, u|iou and ut«r "A" j*ii> t Hittflnutng at It* Intrraerlioti witb l l 'in Striit and u|mu and ov«r mid A Sim. tmi a* to | w*a from ml "A Stri it Dodar lie Cataw i«»* Unit. 11, now o|ierati*d b> t'lia Phil -1 It '*an I Ri'aJitiß Railway Com pan.? um h"t«"») antl roniiwl with thu II nit c «|ii| Danville and Rivnralde Stii't t ItiiDiav Cniu|iany on Waluul Strn't itou ititl. at ooeli point a* il inivdi tri within the limit* of Ilia Hoinugh ol Danville togctliwr Willi t!i» p |< rand uecctntry coiineotiom, tit 10 MiiingN. oortea and awitehea 1 tjui* ti> in make a proter i*l»eirio :i 1 nml Ii r >oeli |iur|<ine to erect ''lo 11 .'-« t! v pole*, ktrluc tho wirea, inl to tht every lawful act ind thing in iv to properly com>tract, reoon ■re, r| air and maintain the i>atd ,"tloct railway and Mwrti'o tb ►jih| railway with electric it • t rand to propid cars Ihfraoo for thf accommodation of puhlio travel upon and undi r nil tho coiiditiooti, re gulation- and ctipulatio:)* and realric lions an provided 111 the said ordin ance iti ninth thiit 19 a supplement. Api roved Octolier 6th. ISMV4, \\ M (i PDMKL, Hurxeaa Allege: HARRY B. PAT 1 ON. Sec y of tin Borough of Danville, Pa t'ouncil Chamber, Danville, Pa.,Octo bt r fith, MH>4. K I P A-N S Tal ula Doctors find A good prescription For mankind The ">ft nt jiacket is enough for nsnal . L'caaion. The family l»ot ; (ttD cwutH) contains a supply for a yea». All drug- I gists si 11 them.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers