ANNUAL STATEMENT OK THK M iU ill MM —OF THE— Borough of Danville, Pa., FOR 1903 BOROUGH. Geo W. Miles, Receiver of 1 Borough and Dog Taxes for Ist and '2d Wards DR Tu balance due per last statement . • "»t» 7:3 CR By rash paid to the Borough Treasurer during 1903 4 85 By balance due at set tleinent 51 88 Edward W. Peters, Receiver of Borough and Dog Taxes for 1901 DR To balance due per last settlement 159 3? CR. By cash paid to the Borough Treasurer during 1903 144 -I • By balance due at set tleinent 14 90 Edward W Peters, Receiver of Borough anil Dog Taxes for 190',?. DR. To balance due per last statement 1 359 4,8 To 5 per cent, penalty added Jan. Ist, 1903 67 97 CR. Bv cash paid to the Borough Treasurer during 1908 750 00 By balance due at set tlement 677 45 Edward W. Peters, Receiver of Borough and Dog Taxes for 1903. DR. To total duplicate. Bor ough 13264 OK I>,,u' 88 50 CR Hv 5 per cent, rebate . .ii taxes paid within 60 days 539 9*2 By cash paid to the Borough Treasurer within 60 days 10245 05 By cash paid to the Borough Treasurer within 4 months. .. 500 00 By taxes entered at the County Commission ers office 16 50 By balance due at final se'. tleinent 2051 81 fTarrv Ellenl«>gen. Borough Treasurer. Danville. Pa . Dec. 3lst. 1908, DR. Fund for Relief of disabled Firemen. To cash received dur ing 1903 from the Auditor General of the State 155 01 CR. By S. A. McCoy,Treas nrer, order No. 1.... 155 01 Harry Ellenl>ogen, Borough Treasurer. Danville Pa., Dec. 31st, 1903. BOROUGH FUND. DR Cash on hand Jan'y Ist. 1903. * 28621 To J. C. Mincemoyer, Market License 1385 50 To Harry B Patton, City Hall rents .. 666 90 To Geo. W. Miles 1896 taxes 9 70 To Ed. W. Peters, 1901 taxes 144 47 To Ed. W. Peters, 1992 taxea 750 00 To Ed. W. Petf rs, 1903 taxes - 10745 05 To County Treasurer, Hotel Licenses 3078 00 To Justice Oglesby. Fines 32 00 To Justice Bare, Fines 68 00 To Wm. G Ptirsel, Theatre License . 263 00 To Wm. G. Pursel, Othor Licenses 75 00 To B. B. Brown, Health Officer 6 (Ml To Standard Electric Linht Co . for pole license 203 40 To United Telephone & Telegraph Co. .pole license 18M 40 To Harry B. Patton. Milk Licenses... 127 50 To cash from sale of new bonds 200(f) 00 To Kejstone Sand Co., Royalty on sand. . 13M H7 To H. B. Deen, Street refuse. .25 To interest on deposit in Danville Nation al Bank 60 00 To E. S. Miller,old slate .75 To W. E. Young, bat tery .40 To J R. Bennett, old hose 1 <K) To Chaw. Moser,oil cups 2 (X) To cash for sand sold. 33 34 CR By orders paid $25298 06 By coupons paid 310 00 Bv old bonds paid No. laud 2 200 00 By interest paid on Boro. certificates. . H7 50 By Borough certificates paid ( Mrs. L Blocb) 3000 00 By Borough certificates paid (Jos. Lougen berger) 500 04' By mortgage and inter est paid (Estate of Joseph Hunter). 2015 11 Bv cash on hand Dec Slat, 1908 6825 07 BOROUGH EXPENDITURES. BOARD OK HEALTH. B B. Brown, Health Officer ♦ 83 65 Dr. C. Shnltz, Sec'y. .. 25 (JO Expresaage, etc 1 50 O. A. Rossinan, fluid. 82 50 J. W. Crossley, watch ing 18 (Hi J W. Deshay, watch ing 19 25 J. H Cole, oil heater 4 00 Trumbower & Werk heiser, lumber, etc .58 H G. Salmon, oil for heater 4.42 James C. Heddens, meals, etc 10 00 FIRE DEPARTMENT FRIENDSHIP CO. NO. 1 Appropriation ......f I.V) OO JU ; .1' \ I Joseph Leelm :• .... 75 John |{ Hughe* 20 00 SRPPUKN. Ctiile<l Telephone and Telegraph <'n 18 0o Welliver Hardware > 'o 1 6o ('ml. Frank Boyer... 12 05 A C. Amesburv 23 50 225 9»! WASHINGTON' ( ~ So. 2. ppropriatioii 1 50 00 REPAIRS Danville Stove & Mfg. Co 14 I"). 0 Williams 200 F. P Startzel 1 24 Boettinger & Dietz ... 150 SUPPLIES. Unite,l Telephone ami Telegraph Co H! 94 CO A 1.. Frank Boyer 42 42 J. H. Yorgy it Co .. 0 90 CONTINENTAL CO. NCV 8. Appropriation 150 oo SUPPLIES. United Telephone an<l Telegraph Co 16 !'•> .T.H.Cole 1 VJ4 COAL. Frank Bover 33 1 5 Goon WILL CO. Sl>. 4. Appropriation 1.10 l«i REPAIRS. George W Hendricks. • 7"» SUPPLIES United Telephone and Telegraph Co 1 0 95 Jas. Bovd & Bro 430 o<> Co A L. A. C. Amesbury 2 95 Frank Boyer 5 90 J. H. Yorgy & Co 5 90 | Chief Engineer. Thus Trainor, Jr 52 "0 Executive Board ■* >UO j Total Fire Dept... $1357 90 STREETS AND BRIDGES. H. B. Deen. St. Com 200 00 E. S Miller. St. Com . . 4W> fM» LABOR. James Riffle 18 79 John Straub 323 29 Frank Lechner - 50 Frank Love I 25 Harrison Fahgh 15 01 Ek'ii Livzey I - r » flarry Marshall 63 E. S. Miller 3 75 Daniel Cashner 11 85 T. Cashuer 3 45 E<l. Lunger 1 John Herman 7 20 Jhas. Mot tern I ss a. H. Waite 16 8* John Dugan 7 50 lohn W. Freeze rt ss Peter Snyder 3 75 lohn Reppert 1 \i). Burger 1 25 Tames Long 125 ( rlurley Moyer 125 David Grove 23 04 Jeorge Derr 47 lit William Byerlv 1*44 Tolin Walleze 3 75 Sd. Rishel 2 50 id. Wertman. 3 13 jaA. Welliver 125 lohn Corman .. ... 21 88 William Maiers 4 38 ilobert (J. Miller 25 01 ieorge Lenhart 30 32 lohn Albeck 5 25 tufas Schutt 9 38 fohn McCall— . HI 90 William Childs 3 13 Jlyde Snyder #75 Jiiah Grove 03 iarry Smith 8 1:t .'lias. Foster 2 19 Jen Smith ers 1 8K fohn Bates 125 fell Heiins 125 Slisha Bell 125 •"rank Etter 94 HAULING. (ames Riffle 470 70 j iVm. Sliepperson 7 88 Jhas. Mottern 7 8S Sllis Rank .. 7133 ,af. Welliver 14 25 I, friendship Fire Co. . 100 rt79 04 SUPPLIES. D L. &W. R. R Co., freight on limestone 150 07 Wm. Sechler. salt ... 4 00 ieo. Sechler, salt I 35 I. H. Cole, sundries.. 11 51 rrnmbower & Werk heiser, lumber, etc.. 0 31 Silver Springs Quarry Co.. crushed lime stone 152 55 Jhulasky Iron & Ce ment Co.. cinder ... 118 80 rbos. N. Reifsnvder. lumber and work. ... 42 fu 3oettinger & Deitz, re pairing tools 40 veely & Truinbower, repairing tools 4 rtl Wm. S. Kocher,repair ing t(*jls 2 77 SURVEYING. George F. Keefer 9N 00 yn 00 2458 40 STREET LIGHTING. Standard Electric Light Co 5417 35 POLICE DEPARTMENT I.C. Mincemoyer, Chief of Police 600 OO I. G. Voris. Assistant Police 600 00 — 1200 00 SUPPLIES. Pettibone Bros. Mfg. Co., batteries 5 40 [I. Ellenbogen & Bro.. helmets 12 00 I H. Cole, sundries. 1 00 FEEDING PRISONERS. I.C. Mincemoyer 13 91 Total Police Dep't... 1232 31 j HIGH CONSTABLE 3 B. Brown, salary... 32 oo 3. B. Brown burying dogs 3 00 — 35 00 TOWN HALL BUILDING. REPAIRS ■ieidel & Bausch 81 24 Joseph Lechner 9 30 J. H. Cole 52 15 John Hixson 85 8o Thos. N. Reifsnyder 191 09 Win. G. Brown HO A. Rosenstine 1 00 Harry Mowrer 40 50 George Crossley AA OO George Hendricks .. . 844 MISCELLANEOUS. Standard Gas Co., gas 30 00 E. W. Peters, taxes for 1903 131 Hi H L. Gross, interest 100 00 Joseph Hunter, irterest 40 oo Sarah McCuen, clean ing 5 00 Pnrsell & Montgomery mats, for cleaning 2 10 Total Town Hall Bid g 709 39 COUNCIL CHAMBER A. C. Amesbnry, coal. 9 so RJ. Pegg, coal .. . 310 A C. Roat, repairs to furniture 5 98 is H8 LOCK UP. REPAIRS George Hendricks 1 70 Thos. N Reifsnyder 8 44 Joseph Lechner 1 71 SUPPLIES A. C. Amesbtiry, coal 907 Robert J. Pegg. coal. 3 10 J. H. Yorgy & Co.,coal 2 95 S. ,T. Welliver.sundries 1 42 J. H Cole, sundries 2 25 l 9 l9 39 Total £ex,k Up 31 24 PRINTING. Morning News .. Mi ">o G. Edward Roat «» 00 Win F. Murphy's Sons Co 47 50 1 on oo LEGAL EXPENSES. Edward S. Gearhart 50 00 R. S. Ammerman 85 00 TOWN CLOCKS. Ed. Lunger, winding.. 30 00 St. Joseph's Church, winding :t0 00 AUDITORS. I) R. Williams 1 oo TAX COLLECTOR'S COMMISSIONS. Edward W Peters.. . 299 02 STATIONERY. Alex. H. Grone 20 09 Mrs. Jennie Persing. Treasurer,interest on Josiah Wolf, bequest 72 00 MISCELLANEOUS. Harry EUenbogen, Bor ough Treas., salary. 75 00 Harry EUenbogen, Bor ough Treas.. state tux on Boro. Bonds.. 88 00 Danville Nat nl Bank rent for safe deposit box 3 oo Hnrry B. Patton, Secy of Council, salary. .. 180 (Ml Harry B. Patton, Sec y of Council, making 1903 tax duplicate... 12 r »0 Elarry 13. Patton, Sec'y of Council, issuing milk licenses 0 "»0 3arry B. Patton, Sec y of Council, postage stamps IT 75 Jnited Telephone and Telegraph Co., phone rent 20 HO rhomas (T. Vincent. Prothouotary.reo >rd ing bond 2 oo X. B Linville.inaking copy Berwick trolley ordinance 8 50 2d. W Peters, share for tax books 3 00 •SEWER JOB. LABOR AND H U'UN' larry Ellenbogen. Bor ough Treas.. orders for Pay Rolls on all Labor and Hauling.. 5(5*4 05 j SrRVEYINC. Jeorge F. Keefer 238 (K) rVin. G Yetter 300 MATERIALS. ETC. ) L A: W. R H. Co.. freight on lumber 30 70 Sri ward Corman. bar rels 3 00 I. B. Gaskins. wheel barrows 0 00 loover Bros., lumber etc '2O o*2 'reasv & Wells, luni ber '293 74 )anville Bessemer Co. lumber..- 332 S3 fhos. X. Reifsnyder, lumber, etc 214 23 i. Bailey <fc Co., lum ber...* 23 70 rrumbower A: Werk heiser. lumber, etc.. 15 99 I. Rupp, work and materials 13 55 illisKank, planks .. 300 leading Iron Co.. re fined iron 88 70 iVelliver Hardware Co sewer pipe, etc M 33 09 )anville Structural Tubing Co.. coal, etc 15 04 "rank Samuel, coal.. hh 99 oseph Lechner, work and materials 112 73 Vm. J. Rogers, boots. 12 00 ). G. Mellin. repairing tools ti 70 esse Craft,cent, pump 119 70 olin Keim, bricks 92 B<> yiirry & Vannau, ma terials and work... 325 05 ohn Hixson. work and materials 5 00 I. K. Moore,[materials 11 75 H. Cole, cement, etc 495 r»7 V ashing ton Fire (Jo , freight and hauling. 15 *5 barren Foundry ami Machine Co., iron sewer pipe 740 45 Andrew Schatz, boots * 00 Vm. G. Shoop, rubber gloves 2 0o 'utry <ic Peters, steam engine 250 (Ml Joettinger & Deitz. re pairing tools, etc.... 4 00 t. J. Pegg, coal 1 1* >. J. Welliver, pipe, etc 15 2(i r ohn F. Tooley, gaso line 1 so veely & Trumbower, repairing tools, etc 20 09 )r. P. C. Nfvvbaker services ren<lered. . 4 00 Total cost of sewer 12704 82 BOROUGH RECAPIT UL AT ION 1903. Joard of Health 148 8.1 148 83 FIRE DEPARTMENT. friendship No. 1 225 90 Washington No. 2.. 221 21 Continental No. 3 201 34 tciod Will No. 4 63245 .'liief Engineer 52 00 Executive Board 25 00 STREETS AND BRIDGES. I. B. Deen, St. Com.. 200 0(1 3. K. Miller. St Com 400 oo Liabor 080 79 hauling 579 04 Supplies .. 500 03 Surveying 98 00 - 245H 40 street Lighting 5417 35 POLICE DEPARTMENT. Salaries 1200 00 Supplies 18 40 Feeding prisoners 13 91 HIGH CONSTABLE. ■Salary 82 00 [Jurying dugs 3 00 35 00 TOWN HALL BUILDING. Repairs 459 87 Miscellaneous. ... 809 5*2 Council Chamber. 18 88 Lock Up 8124 Printing 100 00 Legal Expenses 85 00 Town Clocks 00 00 Auditors 4 00 Tax Collector's Coin's.. 299 02 Stationery 20 09 Int. on W«>lf bequest.. 72 00 Miscellaneous 417 55 Sewer Job 12704 82 25293 00 THE BOROUGH OF DANVILLE, PENNA Decemlier 31st, 1903. ASSETS. Taxes entered at the County Commission ers office prior to 'OB. 171 12 1903 taxes entered.. 10 50 Balance of 1890 taxes due from George W. Miles 51 88 Balance of 1901 tax- s dnefrom Edward W. Peters 14 90 Balance of 1902 tax>'s due from Edward W. Peters 077 45 Balance of 1903 taxes due from Edward W. Peters 2051 81 Fire Engine Houses .. 0000 00 Steam xir» Engine ... 3000 00 Fire Hose MOO 00 Small Hose. ... 25 00 Sundry Supplies ITo Ort Tools for Street Work 40 00 Town Hall Building. MOOO 00 Furniture 250 00 Lock Up 100 oo Barn on Friendship lot 135 00 City Hall Rents 150 00 Sewer 12764 H'» (of the above amount of Sewer, have on hand in the way of pipe, engine and materials *ISOO 00) Cash balance on hand Dec. 31st 1!H)3 6825 0; 4:544 s So LIABILITIES. H. L. Gross, mortgage on Town Hall Bldg. 2.100 00 :t per cent, bonds issued Nov. Ist, 1 WOO 14000 00 3i percent, bonds issu ed Julv Ist. 1903 .. 20000 00 Assets exceed Liabilities 6948 55 WATER DEPARTMENT. George W. Miles, Receiver of 1 sl J*i Wat er Tax for First and Second Wards. DR To bal. ilue per last statement 39 4M CR. By cash paid to the Borough Treasurer during 1903 4 85 Bv bal at settlement 34 03 ;S9 ;S9 48 Edward W. Peters. Receiver of 1!W>1 Water Taxes DR To balance due per last statement 71 94 CR By cash paid to the Borough Treasurer iluring 1903 02 37 By bal due at settle ment 9 57 Edward W. Peters, Receiver of 190'2 Water Taxes. DR. To balancedne per last stateineut 647 OS To 5 per vent penalty added after Jany Ist. 1003 32 35 CR. By cash paid to Boro. Treas. during 1903.. 350 00 Bal due at settlement 329 43 *;7!» 43 Edward W. Peters, Receiver of 1903 Water Taxes. DK To duplicate 3617 4* CR. By 5 per cent rebate on taxes paid within 60 days ... 14'". 7"J By cash paid to Boro. Treas. within6odays 2787 II By cash paid to Boro. Treas. within 4 nios. 200 00 By taxes entered at Co. Com'rs offiice t 56 By bal due at final set tlement 17* 4:! Harry Ellenbogen, Borough Treasurer. Danville, Pa., Dec. 31, 1903. WATER FUND. DR. To cash on hand Jan 1. 1903 37:59 43 To 11. B. Patton. Rec. of water rents 11750 97 To Ed. W Peters, 1901 taxes 62 37 To Ed. W. Peters. 1902 taxes 350 00 To Ed. W. Peters. 1903 taxes 29N7 77 To cash from P. J. Keefer, old pump sold 3 Oo To cash from P. J. Keefer, old iron sold . 12 50 To cash for use of pump 42 «H» To cash from H. B. Patton, Rec. corpor ation cocks 74 60 To cash from H. B. Patton, Rec, barrels sold I 70 To crash from Pawnee Bill, water 2 00 To cash from Curry &: Vannan, fire plug... 32 oo To cash from George Hullihen. coal. . 3 00 CR. By orders paid 7607 ill By coupons paid 2554 50 By bonds Nos. 18, 56, H7, 110, 119, 210, 224. 226, 228, 230, 244.260, :516, 326, 329, 337,339, 360 and 369 (with in terest) paid 4010 M 0 By old bonds Nos. 215 & 235 paid with in terest to July 1, 1900 to F. N. Bank 220 00 To cash bal. on hand Dec. 31st 1903 4668 70 Water Dep't Expenses tor 1903. REGULAR EMPLOYEES. ENGINEERS. Jacob Bverly 773 50 Edward Bell 778 66 Geo. Hullihen 8 60 FIREMEN. Geo. Hullihen 564 10 ' 'has Bryan 555 65 Ed. Wertman 6 75 P. J. Keefer, Sup t salary 660 00 H B. Patton, Receiver salarv 480 00 3*27 26 AL'DITORS. Edward Purpur 1 00 MISCELLANEOUS. H. P. Patton. postage and box rent 44 50 II B. Patton, making 1903 tax duplicate. 12 50 Harry Ellenbogen Bur ougli treas. salary. .. 75 0o Harry Ellenbogen,Bor ough treas. for Staie tax on water bonds.. 332 on U. S. Express Co.. Ex. 85 464 *5 TAX RECEIVER'S COMMISSIONS. Edward W. Peters.... 103 86 HOROUGH SOLICITOR. Edward S. Gearhart .. 50 00 Repairs. LABOR & MATERIALS. Setli Lormer 79 50 Thos. Williams... . 9 75 Win. Hullihen 35 00 E. A. Adams 12 25 Joseph Lechner 15 55 Curry & Vannan. 41 46 D C. Hunt 75 Ed. Wertman. ... 25 50 David Rank 7 50 Jesse Craft . 7 60 Richard McCorinick :! i:> Ben Livze.v 2 50 Chas. Gibbons .. 420 Samuel Sainsbnn :»oo Ed. Sainsburv 4 20 Tell Heim . . * 75 Chas Foster :i 75 John Herman ... • TSO H. R. Worthington 32 16 E. Heim TruinlH)wer & Werk heiser 4 4H John Hixson ... 925 Thos N. Reifsnyder *45 SI'IM'LIKS Atlantic Refining < 'o oil 154 Standard Gas C<>. ga- 98 .'<• A. M Peters, ice 22 1" Buffalo Meter < V met erN. etc 17 52 O. S. Jailllev iV ( '•» soda asli I IK (Quaker City Rubber Co, sundries .'Mil Rensselaer Mfg, (V hydrants 94 NO E. Keeler Co., rubber belting 7 75 J. H. Cole, sundries. I" 10 J. H. Goeser & Co, sal soda I 50 Cherry Chemical Co. boiler compound. • ? s 55 U. T. it T. Co. phone rent MHO Curry A: Vannan. waste •_'»» 71 H. R. Moore, Sundries. 30 05 Harrison Bros «.V Co.. Inc .alum '.".'7 75 Finance Co of Pa. coal 91 7o C. .1. Callahan, coal. 2MK 31 A. C. Amesbury, coal. 33 00 Cross & Lefller. coal.. 22 Mrs. M. T. LeDuc.coal 'ill 20 Rohrliach & Stannert. coal 109 70 Irish Bros., coal 10 84 S. J. Welliver,sundries 28 HI Ellis Rank, wheelbarw 3 (Hi Danville Struct. Tub ing Co., rubber belt ing I 11 Emanuel Price, castor oil 1 00 Haines Jones & Cad bury Co, cor. cocks l.j 90 F. E. Fitts Mfg Co.. steel barrow 13 oo Jos. Lechner, varnish. 75 Ed. Corman. sundries. 5 00 STREET WORK. Repairs and extensions to mains, etc. LABOR MAT KILL A LS. Joseph LEchner 05 21 Win. Hullihen 3 75 Frank Love.. 4 50 George Lechner 4 50 Win. Paugh 08H Sam'l Waite 125 Emanuel Price 125 Coleman & James 20 Dan'l McClow 00 John Lechner 1 00 Keely & Trnnibower.. ITo 9l 9l 09 FREIGHT & DRAY AGE. Washington Fire Co.. 17 o'' P. &R. Railway Co.. 121 8 4 ' Penn'a R. R. Co jso o J. 11. Yorgy & Co 45 8;; Ellis Rank 35 8-_> Wm. Shepperson .4 2 (( Samuel Mills 0 3<| - 107 09 PRINTING. Morning News 12 00 Intelligencer . . 25 00 G. Ed. Roat I* 00 STATIONERY. Wm. F. Mnrphv'sSons Co ! 13 00 F. R. Miller Blank Book Co 3 75 10 75 W ATER R ECAPIT VLA Tl< >N 190:5. Regular Employes.... 3827 20 Auditors 4 oo Miscellaneous 104 85 Tax Receiver's Com.. 103 *0 Borough Solicitor.... 50 oo Repairs 324 23 Supplies 2202 01 Street work, materials. etc 9109 Freight & Drayage,. 407 OK Printing 55 00 Stationery 16 75 Water Department.—Assets. All Taxes entered at County Commission ers office prior to 1903 231 07 1903 taxes entered 1 50 Bal. of I*9o taxes due from Geo. W. Miles. 34 63 Bal. of 1901 taxes due from Ed. W. Peters. K 57 Bal. of 1902 taxes due front Ed. W. Peters. 329 43 Bal. of 190:! taxes due from Ed. W. Peters. 47*43 Water Mains 100000 oo Fire Hydrants 12300 00 Building, Machinerv, Wells '.. 62887 00 Filtration Plant com 175(H) 00 Cash bal. on hand Dec 31st. 1903 4008 70 LIABILITIES. 3 per cent bonds issue of July Ist, 1900 ... 77000 00 Assets exceed Liabili ties 121393 99 We, the undersigned, the Finance Committee of the Town Council of the Borough of Danville, having been di rected to audit the accounts of the re ceipts and expenditures for the year 1903, do certify that we have examined theabove statement and find it to be correct. THOS. J. SWANK, F ; ALBERT LLOYD, -Com j GEORGE F. REIFSNYDER, i We. the undersigned, Auditors of the j Borough of Danville, County of Montour and State of Pennsylvania, having ex amined the above statement of the re ceiptsand expenditures of the Borough and Water funds for the year 1903, do certify that we find them true and cor rect. CHARLES G. CLOUD. Allllit . )rK D. R. WILLIAMS \ Auditors We, the Chief Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Danville, County of Montour and State of Penn sylvania, do certify that the above statement of receipts and expenditures of the said Borough and Water Funds are true exhibits as shown by tin' books of the Secretary and Treasurer, and the Receiver of Water Rents, according to our knowledge and belief WM. <T. PI'RsEL. Burgess. COUNCILMEN GEO. RKIFSNYDER, .1 11 OOESER, WM. DAVIS, D. A. MONTGOMERY, AMOS VASTINK .1 AS DOUGHERTY. T. J. SWANK, ALBERT LLOYD, TIIOS. WELLIVKU, DAVID CIHSON, G. FENSTERMACIIKR. JOS. (iiiiso.w ADMl.tlNtd ITOK'S NOTICE Estate of William N Siniingtoii, late of Liberty township, Montour county. Pa., deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters of Administration on the above estate have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted t<> the said estate are required to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the said estate, will make known the same without delay, to R. M. Simington, Admin of W. N. Simington deceased E X EC) UTOR'S NOTICE. ; Estate of Jacob Reaser, late of the Township of Mahoning, in the Coun I ty of Montour ami State of Penn sylvania, deceased. Notice is herbey given that letters testamentary on the above estate have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to the said (-state are lequlred to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the said estate will make known the same without delay to DR. P. C. NEWBAKER, Executor ot Jacob lteaser, deceased. I'. O. Address Danville. Ha. \L VI A I KMKM OK 111 K DIRECTORS OF THE POOR Ol Danville and Mahoning Poor Dis trict for the N car Knding Jan. I, 190 . I.l'. It.\ IC K, Treasurer. In iii'i'iiuiii with the Directors of the Dan ville sind Mahoning Poor District 1 >R. To balance <lue Directors at last settle incut t-'TiHi i>:; To cash received 1 rum K. W. Peters on duplicate for 1901 1 : : To cash received from K. \S Peters on duplicate 1902 450 (10 To cash received from E \V Peterson duplicate for 1903 171888 'l'd cash received from Win. K. Dyer on duplicate for nttrj 17 w I o cash received from Win. E. Dyer on duplicate for 1903 E2630 I«» < ; received from .Mrs. (Joiner Thomas SO 00 To cash received from Sam Pickiiis.... 9t; 00 To cisli received from Kli Rosenthal . 21 (Ml To ca>ii received from Mrs.iC. Tooley... 38 00 To cash received from Montour Lodge.'... 22 50 To cash received from Stillwel! 31 of) To cash received from 1 itlior Districts... »4 Hi cash received from Steward for pro duce sold 494 06 To cash received from John F. Tooley \ Co.. 4".75 t 9:139 37 Vll. By w hole amount of orders paidiby t lie Treasurer during the year 1903 .... HOBB 93 llal due Director* ill present settlement 81250 44 Directors <j Dancille mid Mahoning /'"II Distent ill Account with tin District. DR. To balance due from Treasurer at lasi settlement 2700 63 To balance due from W. E. Dyer at last settlement for tlie year 1902 17 hh To balance due from E. W. l'eters at last settlement on duplicate for the year 1901 -J 71 To balance due from K. W. Peters at last settlement on duplicate for t he lWi 858 (Mi To amount of duplicate issued E. W. Peters for the Borough of Danville lor the year 1903 5078 68 To Penalty of 5 per cent on Stilt; tKjdup iicate for the year 1903 30 83 Amount of duplicate issued to Win. E. Dyer for the Township of Mahon ing for the year lima IW 02 I'u cash rec. troui Mrs. (lomer Thomas mi (hi I'D cash received from Bam Pickens. 9880 cash received from Eli Rosenthal.. -100 cash received from ('. Tooley. . 28 00 cash received from Montour Lodge.. 22 50 'l'o cash received from Stlllwell 31 <k» cash receiveil from other Districts.. 04 85 '•ash receiveil from Steward for Pro duce sold 4VI !>»• To cash rec. from John K. Toolev it Co. 45 77 ♦ 10755 58 CII. I!y Commission allowed Win. K. 1 »>t-r of 5 per cent on SIT Won duplicate for the year 11102 90 Abatement allowed Wm. E. Dyer of •"> per cent on *468 10 011 duplicate for the year 1903 23 10 Commission allowed Wm. E. Dyer of 3 per cent ¥lll 70 on duplicate ftir tlie year IHO-'5 13 34 1 oumlmion allowed Wm. E. Dyer of 5 per cent on fioOOO on duplicate for the year IVHKi 100 Balance due from Wm. K. Dyer 011 duplicate for the year 1903 1' 1 92 Exonerations allowed E. W. Peterson duplicate fortiie year IWil I 157 l!y commission allowed E. W Peters of 5 |>cr cent on v 15 83 on duplicate for year 1901 2 28 By balance due from E. W. Peter.-, fur 1901 23 51 llv commission allowed E. W. Peters of 5 per cent on 547! OH on duplicate for year 1902 2" »>8 By balance due from E. W. Peters dupli cate 1902 INI *8 P.v abatement allowed E. W. Peters of 5 percent on ®4740 IH on duplicate for year 190:!. '.'IT Ml By commission allowed E W. Peters of 2 per cent on 44508.5ti on duplicate for 1903 90 18 commission allowed E. W. Peters of 5 per cent on 8315 HO on duplicate for the year 1803 15 79 Hi lance due from E. W. Peters on du plicate for 1903 (17 18 Hy orders paid hy Treasurer during the year 8083 93 Hy balance due Directors at present settlement 1250 41 10755 68 Statement of Orders issued during the jjmr 1903. Void and outstanding \ and pvrposes for which the name ice re issued. Directors Salaries ♦ :<OO 00 Steward :100 00 Physicians 140 00 Attorney 35 00 Treasurer 75 00 Clerk 75 00 Auditing and Duplicate IH<n» Transient Paujters 1857 Ex. In settlement ot cases 17 41 Justices s 27 Miscellaneous Items 18 13 Printers bills 51 00 Kent 50 10 lio'se hire incurred by Directors in ilis charge of their official duties s 00 Insurance 170 25 81315 79 Outside Relief as Follows: Medicine ♦ 300 Coal and Wood 12749 Shoes and Clothing 42 10 t'ndertaker 2810 Hospital 290:175 (lenerai Merchandise • 823 32 *3991 30 For Maintenance of Poor House, and Farm. Seeding Or.iin and Plants ♦ 29 24 Lime and Manure 107 07 Shoes and Shoe Repairing 29 40 Hiacksmitli bills SO 12 House and Farm Hands 385 77 Farm Implements and Hardware ::■'*> 97 Flour and Feed 120 03 General Merchandise 207 57 (Mothing 159 85 Heat bill 8807 Coal 177 HO Improvements and repairs 040 47 Tolmcco 5-1 45 l.iveMtock 80 50 Drug Store bills 15 75 I ted-, and Bedding IH7 4> 1 hitstanding orders at last settlement. 4 27 (trilcrs issued during the year 1903. 80H4 08 Paid by Treasurer during the year It" i.ssOHH 93 IV M. KERNS, 1 THE*». HOFFMAN, Directors H. W1 REMAN. 1 Wi, the Auditors of the Borough of I lanvilie and Township of Mahoning have examined the above accounts and find them correct D. R WILLIAMS,! C. <i. CLOUD, yAuditors. BENJ. L. DIEHL, \ Statements of Real Kstate and- Personal Property on hand at date of Settlement. KealEstate |22500 (X) Houseand Kitchen Furniture 878 60 Hay and Orain 1467 20 Farming I'tensils 1266 so Livestock 124. (SO Vegetables..... 174 00 Meat and Lard 154 00 Clothing and Material '7 00 Fruit. Preserves, Sic 1:130 Vinegar 24 00 Flour I|£"> Saner Kraut ' 8 00 Tobacco... 1000 Coal 61 IK) I,umber 50 o*l syrup 4 00 Medicine 2 00 ♦27712 s5 Produce Raised. 45 Tons Hay ♦ 45000 291 bushels Potatoes 142 tiO 1.17 bushels of W heat 350 4" 69' i bushels Oats 209.00 2U50 bushels Corn ears 512 50 S7O bushels Beets 175 00 12 bushels Onions 12 00 I bushels Onion sets 2 00 700 Heads Cabbage 21 00 12 bushels of Turnips H HO 1125 lbs Butter 2XI 25 •ViO Doz Eggs 125 00 3450 Bundles Oorniodder 172 50 $2460 65 Stock Raised. 8 Calves ♦ -noo 31 Pigs 124 00 21 Ducks 12 00 75 Chickens 10 00 *222 IN) Paupers admitted during the year 1903 x Left. 6 I Med 2 Number in House Jan. Ist. ions 16 Jan Ist. 1904 14 Tramps Relieved during the yetr 1903 ">s Night lodgings furnished Tramps .">1 Meals tarnished Tramps lot; J. J. BROWN, THE EYE A S»«CCIALTY Eyes tested, treated, tit toil with glass es -«ii(i artificial eyes supplied. Market Street, IJloomsburg, 1\». Hours—lo u. 111 to 5 p. uj. I Im- t Bkli »• w Nut. The cashew nut serves :t unique pur pose as a cosmetic in tie \W*t Indies, where women <lc- i;i!} to remove ex cessive tan anoint the si-in with an oil from the outer surface of the raw nut. For two weeks the patient must retire from so< ietv, for the lace ami hands so treated turn I»l.i< U At the end of a fortnight's seclusion, however, the wo man who has undergone the cashew treatment emerges, observers state, "with skin and complexion as fair as a babe's." A Valuable 4»rt. It was after her husband's failure. "She aets its if she expected to re trieve their fortune," was the com ment. "Have they any assets left?" "Oh, yes!" \vn~ the reply. "What?" "A daughter who is pretty enough to be quoted high in the matrimonial market." Chicago I'out. Ritreuirly Small. Tom— You called on Miss Milyun last night, didn't you? I)iek Yes. Torn Spent the evening indulging In "small talk." eh? I Mel; Well, her talk was entirely too small. She said. "No."—Philadelphia Press. iup:. * Professor (discussing organic and in organic kingdoms) Now, if I should shut my eyes so and drop my head so and remain perfectly still, you would say 1 was a clod. !sut I move. I leap. Then what do you call me? V..i,-e From the Hear —A clodhopper. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. TIME TABLE In Effect Nov. 29th, 1903. lAJmTia.m. I'. .\H ( Scrantonf DStHJIv ij 638 :9 47j 1 42 H2H j I'ittston " - 7051115$ 210 ■> 83; j A. M. A. M. P. M, P.M Wilkestiarre,.. lv > T25 $lO 35 245:8 00 Plym'th Kerry " 732 1 1» 42 125248 07 Nanticoke " 742 10 50 301 6 17 Moeanaaua .... " 801 110T 1 82y 037 Wapwallopen.. " 8 lit II It; 331 8 47i Nescopeck ar 818 11 20 342 700 A.M. A.M. p M - Potisville lv 550 911 55 ' Hazleton ' ' 705 245§2 45 Tomhicken " 722 305 305 Fern (Hen " 721 315 3 15! Kock (lien "1 T 36 322 3 22, Nescopeck . .ar 802 Catawissa 4 00 4 Oo 1 VI A. M P. M P M Nescopeck... .Iv 5 s if* sll 2ii 342 00 Creasy 831 11 3fi 3 ">2 70y Espy Ferry... '[t «4; 11 40 f4 02 7 201 K. llloomshurfc " 847 11 50 400 725 Catawissa Iv " 11.57 413 732 south Danville *• 014 12 15 4 31; 7 51; Sunbury ar !• 3-"> 12 40 4 50, kls _ A. M. 112. M. F. M R7J Sunliury lv a 42 512 4S S5 is y .-,3, ar 10 13 1 4"> 54S Milton " lo OH 1 ;;<» 54110 14 VVilllainsport.. " 11 00 111 #4O 10 00 L<ock Haven... " 11 60 220 737 Kenovo " A.M. 800 8 Kane " 8 25 ' I' M. P.M.I l.ock ;12 10 3 45' Kellefonte; 105 1 it .... ■ Tyrone " , 210 ii t> 00 Phllipsburg " Clearfield " 554S 845 1 Pittsburg.... " 055 10 45 ' ~ A. M. P. M. P. M. P M Sunliury lv 950ji 1 51) 510 31 Harnsbunt.... ar 11 3o S3 15 ti 50 10 10 _ P. M. P. M. P. M. A M Philadelphia.. ar $3 17 #231! 92s 423 lialtimore ",S 311 8 110 |9 4> 220 Washington ..." j 4 20 ; 7 16 10 55 3 30 ""IA.M. P. M. Sunbury lv §lO 00 § 2 15 1 Lewlatown .lc. ar II 45 105 Pittsburg ■' t> 55j§10 45 _ A.M. P.M. P. M. I* M HarrisbuDf.... lv 11 46 620|| 720 31105 P. M. A M. A. M. A M Httßburg ar 0 55||| 160 ; || 1 50, 530 P.M. P M.A MIAM: Pittsburg lv 7 10 »900 | 3 <K)|IB 00: ,A.M am! IP M| Harriaburg.... ar 2 00|J 4 25: 11 25, 310 ... P.M A fllj Plttsbuig lVi 9 00 j 8 00 A. M. P M l.ewistuwn J;. " 7 30 i 3 00 Sunbury ar « Uo' 4 60 P. M.I A M A M A M Washington... lv 10 40 7 5" 10 5o Baltimore •• 11 00 440 840 11 45 Philadelphia... " 11 40:, 4 2.*. 830 11 40 A. M. A M.A. M. P M llarrlsburg.... lv ,3 E 755 ill 40 ) 3 2> ( Sunbury ar ,000 , 9 3tii 1 08j? 613 l'.M. A M A M j Pittsburg Iv :12 46 3 OO i 8 On >iit Cleartleld.... "•' 3 i ' PhillpHhurg.. 4 25 \ ; 10 10, Tyrone " 7OC : 8 10: 12 25 Bellefonte.. " 810 932 1 . I.oek Haven ar 915 10 30 210 P. M.A M V M PM' Erie, lv 535 1 Kane " 8 45' sti 00 Kenovo " 11 so'; ti 40. 10 30 <j 1 13 I>ock Haven.... " 12 38 7 :10 11 25 250 A.M.! P Mj Williamsport.. " 244 825i12 40 350 _ _ Milton " 22; 913 12"' 4 :is ; Eewlsburg " 905 1 15 422 | Sunbury ar 3 3!) »45 1& I 6 05'].... A. M. AMP M P M Sunbury lv 112 0 45 j 9 55 s 2 00U 625 .... South Danville" 7 11 10 17 221 5 50].,., Catawissa " 732 10 3D 2 3ti fl 08 ',,,. E Bloomsburg.. " 737 10 43 243 8 15',,,, Espy Ferry.... " "42 flO 47 112 8 19 Creasy " 752 10 58 2 .10 0 'iO .... Nescopeck " 802 tl 05| 305 fl 40 .... TM A M P. M. P M Catawissa lv 10 :«8 .... Nescopcck lv 8 2i( 5505s 705 .... Kock (lien ar II 22 7 28 Kern (Hen " ssl 11 281 532 734 ... Tomhicken " 858 11 38 538 742 ' ... Hazleton " 919 11 57 5 69j 806 ' Pottsville " 10 15 150 t> 55 ]•••• AM AMP M P M "~ Nescopeok Iv 802 11 06 i 805: Bto Wapwallopen. .ar 8 l.> 11 20 320 t> 52 Mocanauua . .. " 8 ill 11 32 330 701 Nanticoke " 851 11 ;>4 319 719 P Ml I'lym'th Kerry f9 02 12 '2 i 57 17 is ••• Wilksbarre ..." 910 12 10 405 735 \MPSI P M P M Pittstoni I >.V H)«r v«, 12 29 456 804 scranton " " 10 1 8 I ' ; s 524| *29 j Weekdavs. PuUy 112 Flag station. Pullman Par! >1 a-"l Sleeping Cars run on through trains between >ur*>ury, Williamsport and Erie, tietween Snntmry «n' Philadelphia ami Washington and between HarrisDurg. Fitts tiurg and the West. Kor turtlier inl'nrinatinii apply to Ticket Agents \\ . W. ATTEHBCKY 1 K. WOOD, Genl' Manager Pass. Trattic Mgr. (il'.o. \V. BO\ M.l I Passenger Agent JOHTST W. PARNSWORTH INSURANCE Lift Firs Acciiem and Steam Boiler j Oflloe: Honte;om(iry Building, Mill Street, Danville, * • Penn'a T ACKAWANNA RAILROAD. •" BLOOMSBURG DIVISION WKHT. AM. A M A M. P. M .! V 200 iOOU I 4i P M. xTMnton HP 6IT J 50 I'. M HutTxlo lvll3U 215 *. M. Mcntiilon !,r 58 lUOS M. A. M. P. M. P. M M rmiUm...., |v tb3o •11)10 tl 56 *6 i>s Bellcvue Taylor 112, 4« 1017 iO3 • U Lackawanna hSO iu 114 210 850 Duryea t>»3 102b tU 653 PlttstOD 658 1033 217 657 Suwiuehanna Ave 701 10-17 219 859 West Pittstou 705 10 11 2 2-1 7 Utf Wyoming 710 10 40 227 707 Forty Fort 2 SI Bennett 71? 10 52 284 714 Kingston ar 724 10 240 720 Wilkea-Barre ar 740 11 10 250 730 Wiiketi-Barre Iv 71" 1040 2HO 710 K IngHton lv 724 10 50 240 728 t'iymouth June Plymouth 7Mi 11 05 24M 728 Nanticoke 748 1118 258 757 Uuulock'H 7 4!) 11 19 806 748 Khlckshlnny KOl 1181 820 763 Hicks Kerry . 811 111 48 880 re os Beach Haven 819 11 48 887 808 Berwick 827 1154 844 1 Briarcreek f832 .. .. f8 50 .... Willow Grove ft* 38 fi 54 f* 24 Lime Kidge. 840 02 09 858 f8 2i Eapy 840 1215 4no b n Rloomsburg 858 12 22 412 840 Kujiert 857 12 25 415 845 I'ataW'ihsu 9 02 12 82 4 22 8(0 Danville . 915 12 44 488 905 Cameron . 924 fl2 87 448 Northumber'd ar 985 110 455 9SO KAST. A. M. A. M. P. M. P. 44 .Northumber *0 15 tl" 00 fl 50 *5 2 6 Cameron 657 .... 1801 ISM Danville .. 707 10 18 211 GM OtlawiHNa 721 10 82 228 8M Rupert 726 10 87 229 601 Bloomsburg 738 10 41 288 606 Espy 788 10 48 240 618 l.lme Kidge 744 fio 54 U46f6 30 Willow 0r0vp.... f7 48 f2 50 Briarcreek 7 62 f2 53 112 827 Berwick 757 110.5 258 884 Beech Haven bOS f!il2 803 641 Hicks Kerry 811 flil7 809 647 shickshinny 822 1181 820 f6 68 11 unlock s 833 881 f7 Of Nanticoke. ... 888 11 44 S3B 714 Avondale 841 842 722 Plymouth 845 115 a 847 728 Plymouth June 847 .... 852 .. Kingston ar 855 11 59 400 "38 Wilkes-Barre ar 910 12 10 410 750 Wilkes Barre lv 840 tl 40 850 7SO Kingston lv 855 11 59 400 7S# Luzerne 858 al2 02 408 742 Korty Fort f9 00 ... . 407 Wyoming 905 12CI8 412 748 West PittNton 9IU 417 758 Susquehanna Ave 818 12 14 420 768 x*lttstOl) 919 12 17 424 801 Duryea 923 429 808 Lackawanna 926 432 8 111 Taylor 982 440 817 Bellevue Hcranton 942 12 35 450 826 A.M. P.M. P. M Hcranton lv 1025 tT 55 .... 1116 A. M Buffalo ar .... 755 7 0': A. M. P. M P.M A.M Scranton lv 10-10 12.40 {3 85 *2 la P. M. P. M P.M A. M New Y0rk..... ar 830 500 735 CSO *l)aiiy, fDaily except Sunday, fstops on signal or on notice to conductor, a Stops on signal to take on.passengers lor New York. Binghamton and points west. T. E.CLARKE T. W. LEE Uen. Superintendent. Gen.Pic Shoes Shoes St3rlisii! Cheap I Reliable I Bicycle, Cymnasium and Tennis Shofes. THE CELEBRATED Carlisle Slioex AND THE Snag Proof Rubber Boots A SPECIALTY. A. SCHATZ, SOMETHING NEW! A Reliable TIN SIfOP • Tor all kind of Tin Roofing, Spoutlne and Central Job Work. Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, Furnaces, eto. PRICES THE LOWEST! QUILITY TDE BEST! JOHN HIXSON NO. 116 E, FRONT BT. PEGG The Coal Dealer SELLS ' WOOD —AND - COAL —AT— -344 Ferry ti'eet
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers