RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENN'A R. R. CAST. WEST. 7.11 A.M. 0.14 A.M. 1017 " 12.15 P M. 9.21 P M. 4.31 6.60 " 7-& I SUNDAYS. 10. 17 A. M. 4.:u P. M. I). L. WR R. EAST. WEST. 0.67 A. M. W.<m A. M. 10.19 " 12.44 p M. 9.11 P. M. 4.8:1 5.4H " ' SUNDAYS. 0.67 A. M 44 1 M. 5.43 P. M. # 37 PHILA A: READING R R NORTH. SOUTH. 7.63 A. M 11.24 A.M. 3.60 P. M. 0.05 p. M. BLOOM STREET 7.66 A.M. 11.22 A.M. 3 58 P. M. 0.04 P. M. DANVILLE BOfS HAD CLOSE CALL A uumber of Danville citizens fig ured in a trolley crash near Berwick ou Saturday and from the nature of the accident it in surprising that no one was killed or seriously injured. The party consisted ot W. E. Gosh, Simon Hoffman,Archie Hummer,Jesse Shannon aud short-stop Lewis of the Danville base ball club, Prothonotary Thomas Vincent, Edward Frazier.Paul Dubiu, Frank Schocli aud Frank Ed uiondson all of whom were on their way to the base ball game at Berwick. The party went to Bloomsburg and took the trolley from there to Berwick. A stop was made at Lime Ridge sid ing. As there was a delay in the ar rival of the Bloomsburg car which usually passes Berwick cars at that poiut the motorman decided to run to the next siding. Just above Lime Ridge there is a sharp curve that leads onto a heavy grade, after making the carve the motorman in charge of the Berwick car noticed the Bloomsburg car com lug dowu the hill at a high rate of speed. He applied the brakes aud shut ott the curreut but it was too late. The cars came together with a terrific crash, the Bloomsbuig car telescoping the Berwick car at least four feet. Both motormen jumped to save their lives and were but little injured. The Ber wick passengers including the Dan ville party were thrown from their seats with great force and badly sliak en-up but fortunately no one was ser lously injured. Simon Hodman was slightly bruised and was unable to participate in the game. The Berwick car was a complete wreck. Free Transportation for Soldiers. It was announced in the News some time ago that the State of Pennsyl vania, by a law passed during the ses diers of the Civil War to certain naV tlefields aud places of interest. The law applies only to the follow ing : 1. To all surviving, honorably dis charged soldiers of the Seventy-Sev enth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volun teer Infantry, to attend the dedication of monument erected on the battlefield of Shiloh. i 3. Transportation to Americas, Georgia, (Andersonvilie Confederate Prison),to all surviving honorably dis charged Pennsylvania soldiers who were confined in the prison at any time during the War of the Rebellion, to attend the dedication of the Penn sylvauia memorial in the National Cemetery at Andersonville, Georgia. 3. To all members ot the Survivors' Association of the One Hundred and Ninth, and also of the Seventy-Third Regiments, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, to attend the dedication ot monuments erected to these organiza tions on the battlefields of Wauhatchie and Missionary Ridge. The commissions appointed to make arrangements for the ceremonies an nounce that they will he held as fol lows: Audersouville, (Ga ) prison, November 10; Chattanooga,of the One Haudred and Ninth, aud also of the Seventy-Third Pennsylvania Regi ments, November 11 ; Shiloh, Seventy- Seventh Pennsylvania Regiment, Nov ember 10. Governor Pennypacker and his staff and other State officers will start on it special car for Andersonville, Nov ember Tth or Bth, and the Governor will make a speech at the dedication of each of the monuments From the towns where the memor ials are being erected come assurances of a most hospitable welcome foi the Pennsylvanians. Many People Attended* Nearly three hundred Danville peo ple attended the O. U. A M. picnic at Edgewood P»rk near Shauiokin on Saturday, it was an ideal day and everybody thoroughly enjoyed the outing A special train was run over the Catawisna division of the P &, R. railroad aud consisted ot eighteen coaches. The first section was made up of ten coaches loaded with Blooms burg people. The second section in cluded Catawissa, Rujiert aud the Dan ville excursionists Those who attend ed were loud m their praises of the courteous treatment they received at the hands of the lodge committee. The beauties of the Patk and the various amusements were much enjoyed throughout the day. Against Immigration. The district Northern Columbia County Convention of the P. <). S. of A. in session at Berwick Saturday ad opted resolutions which among other things petitions Congressman Dicker man to support a measure restricting immigration that will be intioduced at the next session of Cougiess. Mrs. Kulp is Improving, Mrs (iilbert Kulp who has been ser lously ill with peritonitis at her home in Shamokin, is slowly improving and has about passed the danger point. Mrs Kulp's many Danville friends will be pleased to hear of the iiupove meut lu her condition LOS! CAM TO ALL CUBANS "All Cubans" y, Danville 5. This was 1110 result of yesterday's game It was a lifeless sort of game, the Dan ville boys putting up the slowest base hall of tlm season and making errors thai in every instance proved costly. For the first four inuings l»oth pitch ers were hit hard and it was easy tor either team to make runs. Neither side scored after this and the playing was of a desultory kind that tailed to enthuse the spectators. In the second inning, the " All Cubans'' clinched the game by scoring five runs. The side should have been retired before the heavy hitting began and but for the errors in this inning the home team surely would have won. Captain Hoffman played an excellent game at lirst and wan strong at the bat. In the third inning he cleared ihe bases with a hard drive to center. Al ter this inning the Danvilie boys were unable to score though they had men on liases several times. ihe All Cubans" play fairly good ball and many seem to think that the home team, when putting up its average game, can beat them. Owing to cancellation at Williams port the " All Cubans" will again plav here this afternoon It may be that Danville can wipe out yesterday's de ft at The detailed score follows: DANVILLE. K H O. A E Gosh, It 0 3 4 0 0 Lewis, ss 1113 3 Logan, Mb 0 0 <> " Koss, !5b 1 10 1 2 Lawrence, rt' 0 0 0 0 0 Auinierman, rf 1 10 0 0 Yerrick, 2b 0 0 1 4 o Hot!man, lb 0 'J 13 o 0 Shannon, cf 0 1 0 0 0 Hummer, c lift 0 0 Long, p 1 0 0 I 1 5 l» 24 11 »'• "ALL CUBANS ". R. 11. O. A E. Calvera, lb 13 7 0 0 Muuoz, If .13 10 0 Fadion, 3b 1110 0 Bustanaute, ss 3 1 2 0 0 Rosado, p 110 3 0 Viola, cf 0 2 3 1 0 Molina, c 0 0 a 11 Carrilo, 2b 113 4 0 Magrina, rt 1 0 2 0 0 y 10 27 y 1 Danville .. 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0-5 "All Cubans" 3 5 0 2 0 0 0 0 x-y Runs earned, "All Cubans" 3, Dan ville 1. Three base bits Rosado. Struck out, by Long t'», by Rosado 7. Stolen Bases, Danville 1, "All Cubans y. Double plays Yerrick to Hoffman. First Rase on Called Balls,off Long 3, ott Rosado 2. Hit by pitched ball, Gosh, Lawrence. Wild Pitches,Rosado. Umpire .loues. Time of game I hour and 30 minutes. Two Accidentally Shot. A bullet lodged between the ribs of a Hungarian and a bullet wound in the arm of another Hungarian is the result of a number of nuisances which a crowd of Hungarians have been com day night. Sunday evening a number of Hun garians went to the hose house and were determined to cuter the place and sleep there. There actions were such that the men in the hose house demanded that they leave. This they refused to do and goiug out the men ejected them from the premises and were compelled to use a little force. The men started to run and as they did so someone tired several shots from a revolver after them, intending to scare them, but two of the bullets went too true. The noise of the firing created considerable excitement. One of the Hungarians was captured on Front street and was taken to the lock-up. There it was discovered that lie had been shot and he was at once taken to the office of l)r. E. L. Davis where the wound was treated. About this time the interpreter ap peared on the scene and with hi.n was another victim and a number of his fellow countrymen, each aimed with a club. Dr. Davis was again tailed to treat the second man's wounds and it was found that the bullet from a 22-calibre revolver had scraped the scapula and glanced between the ribs. The interpreter says that it was the natural curiosity of the men to see lire engines that caused them to behave as they did but the general opinion is different from this. A thorough in vestigation of the affair is being made. READ ALL THIS. You Never Know the Moment Wlieii this Information May Prove of lufiuite Value. it is worth considerable to any citiz en of Danville to know how to he cur ed of painful annoying and itching piles. Know then that IJoan's Oint ment is a positive remedy for all itchi ness of the skin, for piles, eczema,etc. One application relieves and soothes. Read this testimony of its merit: - 1). C. Williams,2o4 Lower Mulberry St., says:—"l can highly recommend Doan's Ointment. Before using it 1 was greatly annoyed with a burning and itching rectal trouble. This led me to become interested on hearing about Doan's Oiumcnt and 1 procured it at a drug store and found it satis faetory 1 did not use the remedy long before I was completely cured." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents per box. Foster-Mi Ihuin Co., Buattlo, N. V., sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doau's—and take no substitute Entertained by Mrs. Ream. Mrs. Keely Ream entertained the following at a lawn party at her home on East Front street, Saturday even ing Kathryn and Margaret Hoffman, Margaret Deen, Violet Pegg, Mary Walker, Kathryn Kiiuorer,Clara Fish er, Carrie Hoiton, Thomas Jones, Misses Lou and Mae Horton and Mary I'egg. Working Night and Day. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New I<ite I'll Is. These pills change weakness into strength, list lessiiess into energy, brain-fog into mental power. They're wonderful in build ing up the health. Only 25c per box. Sold by Panics <fc Co. DANVILLE TEA! DEFEATED Tin* Danville base hull rlul> played its hrst game oil fonign grounds for this Huiiiinrr on' Saturday ami met de feat at Mm hands of the Berwick team. The score was 11 to <> and of course there were reasons. A shake up in a trolley accident was the lirst. jolt ex perienced and it is said that this cau i ed some nervousness. And then the 15 hits made hy Berwick during the game were most discouraging. The Berwick base hall nine,has tieen playing gum! hall this year and tho way they went atter Long and his curve? was enough to make the "fans" weep. Seven errors on the part of the Dan ville hoys did not help matters much except for the other side. These werf a few reasons given for the hiss ot tin game. There are others, hut they nit lengthy. Well we can't win every game but we would like to. The fol lowing score tells the sad tale: DAN VILLE li. 11 (> A. E. (Josh, It 1110* Lewis.ss I I Yexrick, iU 118 4 1 Ross, 8b I 1 'J w t Holloway, cf 0 11 0 < Shannon, lh 0 o 10 0 1 Lawrence, rt 0 0 8 0 Hummer, c 114 11 Long, ]• 1 I 1 'i I McCloud, p 0 o ii a ' i; h •>! it BERWICK. R 11 O. A. E Carey, rf 118 0 1 Weatherwax, If I 11 o ( Eisenhart, lh ~ Ii llt o < Landis, 8b 'J 11 ft Smith, 2b '' I 4 1 < Chamberlain, c 2 2 4 11 Patterson, ss 0 2 0 4 I Haruer, rf 11 0 0 ( White, p 0 10 7 1 II 13 2« IS ! Danville I 0 2 0 0 <> <> o 8— • Berwick 0 1 0 2 3 ft (i 0 o—ll Runs earned Berwick 8, Danville I Two-hase hits Smith. Left on liases, Danville 'J, Berwick 2. Struck out hy White 8, hy Long 2, by McCloud X Stolen bases Beiwick 5, Danville 4 Double plays, Berwick, Patterson t< Smith to Eisenhart. First base oi called halls oft Long—McCloud 4, of White 2. Hit by pitched ball by Whit» 2. Wild pitches Long 1. Passed ball Hummer 2. * Ross out for not run ning. Umpire Thomas Sherwood. WHEN THE NERVES ARE SHATTERED Wl.en the nerves are shattered oni cannot think, work, eat, steep or ac complish anything. It's a case of force all the time i continued eftort to keep going -m life—no energy—no ambit ion— upset a anything—nervous headaches—eryiii| spells- lits of depression and utter de spoudency. Dr A. W Chase's N'ervi Pills cure this condition to stay curei by rebuilding the shattered nervou system—nouiisbiiig the nerve center and resuppl v ing what is laikiii;; —thi active principle of life Nei>. Porce Mr. .1 M. Kline of Paxiii.is. I'a Last fall I got a bo\ i I Dr. J wife live tliein. She had ; ull't rfil*' great deal from sliHtt>r<d nerves am sleeplessness ami nothing seemed to <ll her much good The Pill* acti d lik< a charm soothing and quieting tin nerves—giving restful «b ep ami goo< general strength. She speaks nios highly of tie in and 1 have no I esita tion in recommending them." fit cents a box at dealres or Dr A. \V, Chase Medicine Co., Bullalo, N. Y See that portrait and signatuic of A W. ('base M. D are on every package Funeral of Miss Wolf. The funeral id' Miss Catherine E. Wolte,wlio-e ileath occurred Saturday, took place Tuesday alternK.n from Christ Episcopal church anil was very largely attended, manv being present from out of tow n. The services yvere conducted hy Rev. C. W. Kirk by of Ne.v York The pall bearers w re : Elijah Mi.r;-i:i, llariy Camp, Kalpli Rowc, Jacob l.lliott, John Elliott, aid Cla id ■ Egvl ton. The following from oat of i w n at tended tiei funeral: Ceo:;;.) White, Joseph Wolfe and daughter Miry of Ringtown; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Drumheller of Krebs ; Mr.- Daniel Mc- Carty and daughter Miss Rose of Girard Manor; John McCarty, wife and daughter of Catawissa. Just About Bedtime, take a Little Early Riser it will cure constipation, biliousness, and liver troubles. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are different from other pills. They do not gripe and break down the mucous membranes of the stomach, liver and bow'es, hut euie by gently arousing the secretions ami giving strength to these organs. Sold by Paules & Co.. and Gosh & Co. The Fall of Luzon. The fall of Lu/.ou is a marvelously attractive feature of Pawnee Pill's Historic Wild West. '1 be almost mirac ulous heroism (d our Yankee soldier boys, as they push on the fluttering folds ot Old (ilory, is exhibited in a wonderfully realistic manner. Daring adventures, reckless charges, heroic encounters and stubborn th fenses meet and charm the eyes. Step by step the spectators follow the Hag through countless difficulties until its beauti ful folds rise triumphant above Agui naldo's stronghold. Were this the en tire performance, it would be worth the price of admission many times to see it, hut it is but one of many feat ures, all meritorious,all prepared with great care and enormous expense. The uplifting nature of the numerous at tractions of this mighty show was frequently commented upon Muring the performance, and all present felt they were made better by being present at what all considered to be the triumph of our times in the shape of a show. Man and money could scarcely do more. Paw nee Pill's Wild West i- com ing to Danville, Friday, August ,th Uliulera Infantum. This has long been regarded as one of the most dangerous ami fatal (lis eases to which infants are subject It can be cured, however, w hen properly treated. All that i- necessary is to give Chamberlain s < 'olio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil, as directi d with each bottle,and a cure is certain For -ale by I'aules & Co. Druggists. ] ACTED AS A STATE AGENT Tho Wi lkesbarre Loader of lust cven inn I*4 > 111: & i n*'*l tin- following concern inn I*'r«'«l (5. Kirkendall. former trea surer of Luzerne county. Mr. Kirk endall is well known here ami fre quently \ isits Danville relatives. (Ami of tint most interesting cases that lias coin*) lit fore the courts ill this county came uj» tliin morning when tin* referee, ex-Judge Tiout man, in the case of tin* County vs. Fred C. Kirk endall, former treasurer of Luzerne county, awarded the decision to tin' defendant and thus saved him a sum ahout $15,(100. The suit was brought in order to re cover this amount which,it was claim ed by the plaintiffs, belonged not to the defendant, but to them. It seems that it was a question ot fees collect ed by the former county ttcasurei while in office and while acting as an agent for tho State. The action tore cover was brought under the Salary Act of March .H, IB7f>, which applies t< counties of over 150,00(1 population, and which states in part that "All fees limited and appointed by law t< ho received by each and every county officer," whether appointed or elect ed,"shall belong to the county in and for which they are severally elected and appointed." Mr. Kirkendall contended that, a' an agent for the state he con Id lawful lv issue mercantile ami other stati licenses and could lawfully collect lot himself the fees allowed by the state for the issuance of such licenses. lb claimed that the county had no claim whatever to any fees collected by bin while lawfully acting as the agent foi tin) state and declared that the fees thus collected w* ro his by right ol certain state legislation. The county, however, contended that the fees wen collected by him while a county officoi and that therefore they were the prop erty of the county for which he hail been elected under the act mentioned. The opinion of the referee was i voluminous document and container the law and the testimony ot the cast and besides quoted at length the opin ion of the referee. He said in part : "The act of ISTti makes no mentior of the county treasurer in the exercisr of his functions as a State agent. I tin* legislature had intended that i county treasurer when acting lor tin State, to whom he gives a scparatt bond, should he accountable to tin county, some act of Assembly wouh provide that the county treasure! should make report of his transac ' tions, ot the licenses he has issued for instance, to the county controller whereby that official would be put 11 ' possession of data upon which Ins re port could be based and a proper si * t I tlomeut be effected.'' The referee then says on the con I elusions of law : First—That tho defendant in collect i ing the fees provided by law for issn ing mercantile licenses, etc., durinj | the year ending January 7, I'.Mil, act j " Kfv ,u • ••*•» • ~ * .Vfufo -Aifoiif <UI< Second—That such licen«e fees,etc. ! collected by hiui as a matter ot lav are not the property of the Countv o Luzerne (plaintiff), but are the prop erty of the dofeudant. Third—That as a matter of law judgment should be for the defendant In Ins judgment, therefore, Judgt Troutman says: Whereupon the referee reports judg rueut in favor of the defendant, !•'. A' Kirkendall, late treasurer of l.uzerm county, aAid against the County ol Luzerne, as plaintiff." Brutally Tortured. A case came to light that for persist ent and unmerciful torture lias per haps never been equaled. Joe (iolo bick of Colusa, Oalit, writes. "For IS years I endured insutlorahle pain from Kheumatism and nothing reliev ed me though I tried everything known 1 came across Electric Hitters and it's the greatest medicine on earth for that trouble. A few bottles of it complete ly cured me." Just as good for Liver and Kidney troubles and general de bility. (>nlysoo. Satisfaction guar anteed by Fatties *V- Co.. Druggists. Work OAA High School Annex. I Work on the High School annex, which has been delayed a little owing to a shortage of lime, is rapidly ap proaching completion. Today the walls will be completed up as far as the square. As soon as the timbers art placed in position the bricklayers will proceed with the gables and their work will be speedily brought to a rumple tion. The annex will be under root early in August. No man or woman in the state will hesitate to speak well of Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets after once trying them. They a I ways pro duce a pleasant movement of the bowels, improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion. For sale by Paules it < -o. SUMMER TOIJR TO THE NORTH. Vacation Trip to Canada via Pennsylvania Railroad. 'J'lie Pennsylvania Railroad personal ly-eomluetud tour to Northern New York and Canada, leaving August I*»', covers many prominent points ot in terest to tin* Summer tourist N'iagar Falls. Thousand Islands,Kapids of tin; St. Lawrotieo, The Sagueiiav, Montreal, An Sable (Miasm, Lakes Champlain and Oeorge, aurl Saratoga. The tour covers a period ot fifteen days; round-trip rate, #l ~i;>. I'lie party will lie in charge of one of tin' A 'outpany ' s tourist agents, as sisted by an experienced lady as chap moll, whose especial charge will be unescorted ladies. The rate covers railway an I boat fare for the entire round trip, parlor ar seats, meals en route, hotel enter taiaiinient, transfer charges,and cam ige hire For detailed itinerary, tickets, or toy additional information, apply to I'icket Agents, Tout ist Agciit,'v'C>:i Fifth Avenue, New York, oraddnss (ien W. Hoyd, (tcncral I'a seiiger Agent, liroad Street Station, Philadelphia LUTHER LEAGUES BIG CONVENTION Luther I.eagues throughout tho have receivi'il a initio; of the tout li annual Slate con vent ion ot tin* Pennsylvania Luther League which will he held in Reading on Tuesday and Wednesday, October and 'JI. Tho exeeut ive eoininittee lias arranged the following program : 1<» ::ti> a in , Tuesday, October '2O St. .lames' Lutheran Church, Filth and Chestnut st rents ; business session. '2. p. in., Tuesday, October Si. •laiin s" liUtheraii < Jhnrch; topic : "Onl Duty to the Individual Chinch," Rev. Robert li. Patterson, Somerset. 7 p. in , Tuesday, October (trace Lutheran church, Klcventl street below I'ellli ; addn s-i of wel come; response, William Caspai Stoev er, Esq.; of Philadeplhia; address "Our Duty to Our Inst it utbsns," Prank \ liartrantf, Esq , I'hiladel pliia; address, "Our Duty to tin liUthcr League," Rev. Luther M Kuhns, Omaha, Neb. 10 ::I0 a. in., Wednesday, October '2l —St. .Tames' Lutheran church ; topic "Our Duty to the Church's Missions,' Miss Anna M. Landis, Penn Station. 2 p. in , Wednesday, Oct. '2l. -St James' Lutheran Church ; topic, "Ou Duty to the Church's Institutions,' Miss Grace I!. King, Pittsburg. 7 :80 p. in., Wednesday, Oct. '21.- Trinity Lutheran Church, Sixth am Washington streets; address, "On Duty to Our Missions," E. Angus Miller, Esq., Philadelphia. The convention will he the guest o tho Central Luther League of Berk county. Jam's P. Ithoads is cliairmat of the committee of arrangements. 1 promises to be the most notable con Volition ever held by the league. Win Caspar Stocvor, of Philadelphia, pros ident of the National Luther League will he one of the speakers, as wil also Rev. L. M. Kuhns, of Omaha Neh., general secretary of the nation al organization. The officers of the oigania/.tiou are President,A. Raymond Hard, of Read iing; recording secretary, Mrs. E. R Kioto, of Meyersdale; correspondiiij secretary. Miss Ida 11. Zinser, of (»er mantowii, Philadejilhia; statistica secretary, D. W. Sholleiiherger, o Montgomery; t reasurcr, P. 11.I 1 . D Mill er, of Columbia. Catarrh of the Stomach. When t lie stomach is overloaded ; wliei food is taken into it that fails to di ge.st.it decays and inflames tho inucoii membrane, exposing the nerves, am causes the glands to secret mucin, in stead of the natural juices of digestion This is called Catarrh of the Stomach Por years I sutiered with Catarrh o the Stomach, caused by indigest ioi Doctors and medicines failed toheneti me until I used ICodol Dyspepsia Cure —J. li. Rhea, Coppell, Tex. Sold b Paules iV Co.. »nd (josh & Co Y. M. 0. A. Notes. In order to enter heartily into al the afV;»ir»< ot the Association, iiieni ed bv any man of good, moral charac ter. Religions belief oi erei dis 11 barrier, and the fee is so low as to h within the reach of all. Membership in the Y. M. (J. A. i of two kinds, ami costs sf».oo per yea for all privileges. PIRS I': — Activo Meinhership. —An young man. who, at the time of hi application for membership,is a mem her in good standing of any Protcstan Church, can become an active meinhe of titc Association. It is the omleavo of the Association to instill within it active membership a desire for am the knowledge of such a form o Christian work as is most practical ii reaching men. The met hods used while possibly peculiar to the Institu tion, are nevertheless strictly legiti mate. SE( It)N I)Associate Momhership. Any young man, who promise) to sustain a gentlemanly demeanor in and about the Y. M. (3. A. building, can become an associate member—not withstanding the fact that he may not hold any special religious creed or make any profession of definite Chris tian principles. Toward all such, the Association aims to exert such influ ences a-- will tend toward high ideals and ultimately lead to active member ship. The Association exists for every well-meaning man in Danville, no matter how old or how young. The building is the gift ot one man, and is now maintained by gifts of citizens and fees for membership privileges We have a number of men who come for the good of others. There are those who come foi what they get themselves We want more of both sorts, one as much as the other. Let tlicte be no shyness about it Paules & 00. Will Buy It Back. You assume no risk when you buy Chamberlain's Colic, Clioleia and Diarrhoea Remedy. Paules Co. will refund your money if you are not satisfied after using it. It is every where admitted to he the most suc cessful remedy in use for bowel com plaints and the only one that never lis; il "' ' s pleasant, safe and reliable. Those Who Get Vacations. The only railroad employes who are granted regular vacations by the Penn sylvania railroad are the office and station forces and passenger conduct ors. These are granted ten days in which to rest ami recuperate every summer. The passenger hrakemon, freight conductors and hrakemeii, engineers and fiienien are granted no vacations, however, as the heaviest tratfic occurs during t Ik> summer season and the railroad cannot afford to do without tin' services of il- employes. The Philadelphia ,V Reading like wise grants a vacation of one week to its passenger conductors and station employes. For a lazy liver try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They in \igornte the liver, aid the digestion regulate the bowels and prevent hil ions attacks Por sab by P.uiles iV ( 'o. LITTLE BILLS EM A l ital accident WHS narrow ly avert <■( l mi the I'. TV |< sw itch, leading from tho main track at North Mill street, l<» tho Reading Irou Works,! arty Sun day evening. Agues Dowil, aged 5 years, who re sides on Center street, with several companions was playing im tin- track l'licre )-, a heavy grade on tho railroad at tins point and at tin* top of the grade stood a freight car loaded with oil'. A number of hoys were on the car and in some manner they opened the brake. Tim ear started down the in cline, gaining a greater momentum every second It came rushing toward the children at a frightful rate ot speed, and they all cleared the track with the exception of little Agnes. William Moyer who resides on Cham bers happened along at this moment and in an instant took in the dangerous situation. Me jumped to the middle of the track and quickly pulled the little girl out of harm's way. The car just grazed the child's dress and arm and a second's delay would have meant sure death. It was a heroic rescue and Mr. Moyer receiv ed the plaudits of those who witnessed the thrilling affair. The car was stopped after it reached the trestle. The Foundation of Health Nourishment is the foundation of health life—strength. Kodol Dyspe psia ('ure is the one great medicine that enables the stomach and digestive organs to digest, assimilate and trans form all foods into the kind ut blood that noutishos the nerves and feeds the tissues. Kodol lays the foundation for health. Nature does the rest. In digestion, Dyspepsia, and all disord ers of the stomach and digestive organs are cured by the use of Kodol. Sold by Panics & (Jo. .and (iosli it <'o Will Talk on Various Topics. The topics for discussion at the an nual meeting of the State Firemen's Association to he held in Alleiitown October ti and 7 have been prepared They include. First —What methods are best for carrying lire hose to prolong the lite of same; on a reel or ou a wagon body - Second—Public Safety. The duty ot the councils to provide suitable ap paratus for the protection of the citi zens. Third—The danger of life attending firemen when at work fighting tiro by electric light and trolley wires What is the remedy and how can it be en forced? Fourth—Should not councils in all cities and boroughs pass ordinances giving the lircuicu the right of way on all public highways in proceeding to or answering an alarm ot lire'.' Fifth—What advantage is to he de rived bv the firemen of Pennsylvania by the payment to the city and borough treasurers ot the one per centum re ceived from foreign fire insurance companies doing business in the State: anv, is it'h, (fir'tfrniffp-/ 1 ?,, "ave mvii ers of real est ite or personal ptoperty place their risks in foreign tire insur ance companies ? I'lie topics are open tor discussion to all delegates and members. Night Was Her Terror. "I would cough nearly all night long," writes Mrs. ('has Applegate.of Alexandria, Ind.., "and could hardly get any sleep. 1 had consumption so bad that if 1 walked a block 1 would cough frightfully and spit blood, but, when all other medicines failed, three £I.OO bottles of Dr. King's New Dis covery wholly cured me and I gained f»S pounds. " It's guaranteed to cure Coughs, ('olds, La Orippc, Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Price 50c and $ 1.00. Trial bottles free at Paules tfc Co. 's ding store. REDUCED RATES TO THE SEASHORE. Annual Low Rite Excursions to Atlantic Oity, etc., Via Pennsylvania Railroad. The next Pennsylvania Railroad low rate ten-day excursion for the present season from Lock liaven, Troy, Relle fonlt, Williamsport, Mocanaqua, Sun bury, Shenandoah, Dauphin,and prin cipal intermediate stations (includ'ug stations on branch roads), to Atlantic City, Capo May, Ocean City, Sea isle Oity, A\alon, Angle sea, Wildwood, or Molly Baeeli, will be run on Thurs day, August ti. Excursion tickets, good to return by regular trains within ten days, will bo sold at very low rates. Tickets to Atlantic City will be sold via the Del aware Kivei Bridge Route, the only all-rail line, or via Market Street Wharf, Philadelphia. Stop over can he had at Philadel phia, either going or returning, with in limit of ticket. For information in regard to specific rates and time of trains consult hand bills, or apply to agents, or E. S. Ilarrar, Division Ticket Agent, Will iamsport, Pa. A Lively Saturday Night. Mill street presented a lively appear ance on Saturday night. It seemed as though the entire population of Dan ville took advantage of the fine w eath er and enjoyed the evening. Soda water fountains and ice creaiu parlors did a laud office business and tho.igh it was not a pay day the mcrchau's were fairly busy. An enormous throng visited the Red Star Trading Stamp (Lomptuv's new store in the Rogers building. The quarters were not largo enough to ac commodate the people and if was necessary to keep the crowd moving. Wyle's orchestra rendered hi excellent program ot popular music and with the handsome premiums and artistic decorations made the -c. ne a lively one. Many people enjoyed a drive during tile evening while others visited the parks where vaiious amusement- Wile on 11 • program More money i- being spent on rail road improvements tliis year than ev« i before This is an evidence of confi dence in the future. HII till,[lKß MAY GO FREE The Shainokin News ays " Arrange ment- Hi'- now I• i»i{_• mad< tn Midi tin' suits instiluted I»y bondsmen etc , against Calvin VaiiGiitlcr, tin- il sconding treasurer of Zorbe 'ownship's school district, and In- friends • x|■ I Ins release from the county jtil d.iih It will In rememlierod that Van Gilder -kipped out of Tri vorton ahout two intuit lis ago, leaving hchind » wifn and family ami debts amounting to ahout Some of tin- money In longed to the school district and an other port ion to the t Idd Fellow > lodge The hond-mien swore out warrant* for VaiiUild. i , ariest and through the clever work of Special Ollicer K F Schwartz the fugitive was captured in t Canada. The prisoner was brought hack and remanded to jail. It now devi lop that the man wai " more sinned au'ain.-t than sinning" as he claimed that it h. had all the money owed him hy I revni ton people for store goods, etc , lie could pay ott Ins debts Several citi /.ens ol the village who sympathized with Van Gilder have -ot ahout to etlect a settlement and the -aim- i now under way. The prosecutors re ali/.e if the accused is convicted and sent to jail it w ill not help them out of their financial predicament. Van Gilder formerly resided in Dan ville and is well known here Very Remarkable Oure of Diarrhoea. U - About x year- ago for the hr-t time in inv lifu 1 had a sudden and severe attack of diarrhoea. " .-ay- Mr- Alice Miller, of Morgan, T. \a-. "I got temporary relief, but it came bad. again and again, and for six long years I have suffered more misery ami agony than 1 can tell, it was worst than death My husband spent bun 11 rods of dollars for physician*' pr« script ious and tieatmeiit without avail. Finally he moved to lio-tpn county, our present home, ami one clay 1 happened to see an advert i.-c --m«' it tid < 'handier lain's Colic, t'holera ami Diarrhoea Remedy with a te>li monial of a man who had been cured by it. Tim case was MI similar to ni\ now that I concluded to try tin it* medy. The result was wonderfal. 1 could hardly realize that 1 was VM II again, o rbelieve it could be so after having suffered so long, but that one bottle of medicine, costing hut a few cents, cured mo.' Fur sale by I'aub iV Co. Druggists. Get After This. Now hem's a cliauce to get a now industry lor Danville. The company that was organized at Binghaiutou,N Y., in ISMM, for the manufacture id the •' Never Slip Horse Shoe," is set i, mg a location for thu niaiiufacturc id its own product. While representa tivus of the company have hot n al Sayre, they have as yet not decide® to locate there. They want no con cessions or monetary consideration, hut simply want a suitable locatior without (taying an exhorbitant price The company w as capitalized at #125, 000 of which #<>7,(MX> was j aid in. Ii •• iu4l cent, on its capital. Now let the Boari of Trade invito this concern to coiut to this city? Gel after it, gentlemen. A Surgical Operation. is always dangerous do not submit to the surgeon's knife until you have tried DcWitl's Witch liazlo Salve, h will euro when everything i lse tails it has ilono this in thousand- of ca.-e- Hero is one of them : 1 sutlercd from hheding and protruding piles "for twei,., , ars. Was treated by ditler ellt specialists ailtl u sell IliallV It lilt-die.- but obtained no it lief until 1 used l)o Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Two hoxe ot this salve cuied me eighteen montlo ago anil 1 have not !iad a touch td tin piles since. —H. A. Tisdalo, Summer ton, S. O. For Blind, Bleeding, Itch ing ami I'rotrutliug Files no remedy et|uals Di Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Sold by i'aulos Co.,and Cosh iV Co. New Oars on the Reading. I'lio Philadelphia \ Heading Kail way Company has begun to inn some ot theii new series of pas.-eiiger coach os on this division. The coaches were built at Wilmington ami are of an artistic pattern. The interior is Hnisli oil in light oak, the seats are of a blue plush, the ceiling panels are light blue ami the ventilators are ot blue glas- Tlie metal fittings are either of hra-- or oxidized metal, ami the geiieial i tfi ct i- pleasing in tin* extremi No Pity Shown. "For years fate was after me con tinously" writes F. A. (.'uHedge,Vei bona, Ala. "1 had a terrible case til Files causing 'ii tumors. Whin all failed Huckleii's Arnica Salve cuied mo. Kijually good for Buru> and »li aches ami pains. Only al Faith - & < \i.'- I)rug Store Things may be <pii> t at this juncturt hut just wait until the summer girl gets back home and begin- to detail the proposals. Hair Splits "1 hsve useJ A\cr'* Hair Vigor for thirty years. It is clevant for • hmr dressing «■.. 1 for k< hair from splitting at the ends " - J. A. Gruenenfekier,(irsntfork. 111 air-splitting splits i! the hair ispjitting is done en your head, it lose-, friends jfaggpjou, for every hair of Kwur,head is a friend. .JjAyer's Hair Vigor in •dvanec will prevent the splitting. If the splitting has begun, it w ill stop it. ft 00 a holilf All dmgflaia If your •and you a tiottlr ll« -■-ne .tint -m tin- i• ma of youi naurnt HI.THH I.ffi. •• A.Mnaa _ J. V. A VKK « 0., Lowell, Man We wain 10 do oil kinds of Printing (< i jf 1 II | ji IS ML I = II III! H®. ILS DSN. H! l "i A wt-H ;>i .u tasty, <u 1 \)/ ter Head !'• Tc i Ticket, I . Program, JiC L/J nient or v.l M W W an advents. for you i 1 • i:. < eatisfaetu nt . \ n Do* Type, lew Presses, Best Paper, M Skilled Wort Promptness- W\ you can ask A trial will make you our eustonu r We respect full* -k that trial. i in m No, it I Malmnitit; M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers