MONTOUR AMERICAN FRANK C. ANGLE. Proprietor. Danville, Pa., May jI. 1903. i —— OALL FOR STATE CONVENTION TO THE REPUBLICAN ELECTORS OF PENNSYLVANIA i am directed by the Republican State Committee to announce that the Republicans of Pennsylvania by their duly chosen Representatives, will meet in convention at the Opera House, in the city of Harrisburg, on Wednesday, May 2?th, 19U3at 10.30 o'clock A. M for the purpose of nominating candi dates for the following offices, to wit One pfrsou for the offii*e of State Treasurer One person for the office of Auditor General. Two persons for the office of Judge tit' the Superior Court In accordance with the rules govern ing the organization, the representation in the State Convention will be based on the vote polled at the last Presidential «le«'tion Under the rules each legisla tive district is entitled t > «>ne delegate for every two thousand votes cast for th* Presidential Electors in lWk), ami an additional delegate for every fraction of two thousand votes polled in excess of one thousand By order of the Republican State Committee M S yUAY. Chairman. W R ANDREWS, Secretary. BRIDGE COLLAPSES AT BINGHAMTON BINGHAMTON, N Y , May 20. The Rock Bottom bridge, crossing the Sasqaehaana river in this city, col lated at 8:06 o'clock this morning onder the weight of an electric car. Seven persons of the eight on the car were injured, while the other one was more or less bruised and shocked. So far as is known at present,none of the persons on the car was injured fatally and no foot passengers or teams were on that part of the bridge w hen it went down. The injured are: Mrs Sarah Cook, injured about the i&ngs and badly bruised. George Bennett, btaised and cur about the head aud face. William Pickard, injured internal Mrs Hattie E Biiggs, head and face cut and bruised. Mrs. Martha M Esler, cut and bruis ed. Motorman Wemple. leg badly wrenched. Conductor McDowell received a •bock from being thrown into the water. For a uumber of years the bridge has been considered unsafe aud such an accident as occurred tins morning has been often expected. According to those who saw the accident there was no warning and the north span of the bridge,on which the car was running, slowly sank under the weight. The north end of the bridge is held op by the wires and ironwork, but the south end of the span and the car are tn the river. The police and street car employes at once began the work of rescuing the passengers, who had all been thrown into one end of the car and were un able to extricate themselves from the wreckage and water. Doctors wore at once summoned aud the injured were taken care of on the spot, after which they were sent to their homes in ambulances and cabs. ÜBiVSUCWtAANOTHK ('IHKII by locai applications, at I hey cannot reach lt>« dlaetuted portion of liie ear. There IM only one way to cure deafness anil that is l>y con •lltutlonal remedies. Deafness is caused hy an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Kuataciilan rube. When this tul«- gets inllauied you bave a rumbling sound or im ptrXect hearing, and when it is entirely clos tsd deafr.eisa U the result, and unless the ui flammaUon can betaken out and this tulie raatored to ita normal condition, bearing will tw daailroysd forever; nine cases out often are enusud by catarrh,which Is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Hollars for any caee of l>eafi.eaM tcauned by catarrh, that can ot bs cured by Hails Catarrh »"uie Send or circulars, free. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall's KarnllvFlllit are the beit. Mary Emerson. Marv Emerson will be seen lure early in Jauuaryin the new play," His Majesty aud the Maid." Miss Emer son, though a very young woman, is an actress of wide experience and much ability. She has been associated with such masters as Louis James, Richaid Mansfield and David Belasco. Samuel Lewis, who is managing the tour, ha* been seen here for the past two years in Miss Mildred Holland's company He promises us an excel lent attraction in every way. Third Brigade to Camp at Ml. Gretna. General J P. S. Gohin, commander of the Third Bigade, National Guards of Pennsylvnia, Tuesday made official announcement of hi» selection of Mt Gretua as the site for the brigade en campment this year. General orders to this efleet went out to the several regiments yesterday. The brigade will go into camp on Julv li and rt main the usual eight days A Gain of Population. The population of Montour County is increasing The records turned in at the Commissioners office for the l»ast year show three hundred and forty nine births as against one bund red aud forty six deaths, representing a gain of two hundred and three. Pomona Grange Meeting. Pomona Grange, No. 31 will hold their quarterly meeting on W. dnesdav, May *7, ltfo3 with Eldoro Grange, it the home of Mr Alfred H Litehard Dinner will b" served by Eldoro Grange at the usual rate It M,»\ JTth is a stormv dav. the meeting will be held the following day. May 2Mth Republicau Primaries, The Republican Primary election will be held throughout the county on Friday evening. May 22nd, between the hours of 6 :30 and 1 o'clock Vfc L GOUGER. County Chairman THE HEHORIAL SERMON Rev. N E. Cleaver will preach the Memorial sermon to the veterans of Goodrich Post, No. 22, G. A. R., at Trinity M E. church on Sunday next, the '24 th inst All veterans and their friends are cordially invited to attend the memorial services. In view of the tact, however, that there are some who may prefer to oc cupy their pews in their accustomed place of worship the Memorial Com mit ten makes the reqaest that each of the pastors of the town on Sunday de liver a short address appropriate to Decoration Day. During yesterday farther arrange ments were perfected Mechauicsville baud lias been employed to furnish music tor the occasion. The tlags, too, have arrived. These are designed tor marking the graves and are of a very superior quality, the colors being deep and ineffaceable and calcu lated to hold out, although exposed to tin elements, long as the fabric on which they are printed remains in tact. They are very pretty in appear ance, sixteen inches by eleven inches, and bear the inscription, "Goodrich Post '.''2, G. A. R," in hlaek letters over the face of the flag The following clergymen will offici ate at the ceoit tery on Memorial Day: Rev. George E. l.imbert—the opening prayer. Rev. Harry Curt in Harman —address to the veterans. Rev. E. B. Dunn address to the Woman's Relief Corps. Rev. li P.. Twichell—ad dress to the children. Rev. W. E. Weiiner address fo the citizens. Rev. Dr M L. Shindel— Benediction. When yon want a pleasant physic try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. For sale by Paules & Co. Druggist Mill street. Tearing Out the Vault. George Reifsuyder has a force of men employed in tearing out the vault in the room on the first floor of the Baldv Building, Mill street, until re cently occupied as Woolley's coal office. Among the improvements con templated is an annex in the rear, in which an open stairway will be built leading to the apartments above. The room will be fit up as an office. Former Townsman Heard From. Our townsman Theodore Doster re ceived a letter from Ed. V Seidel a former Danvilliau, who emigrated to California recently. Mr. Seidel has settled at Los Angeles and he is im mensely pleased with the city as he is with the entire state. He is very hope ful for the future. Incidentally, Mr. Seidel remembered the Morning News, and requested to have the paper sent to him. TO (JURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo (Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Groves's signature is on each ls>x. 25. Some of the coal companies have re fused to pay bi«ck money unless per sonally applied for by persons entitled to it. This will be a hardship to those who have left the services of the com panies and located at distant points. Beautiful photo butt-ous of the new "Miss Bob White" and "Goldenrod" in Nixon & Zimmerman's forthcom ing revival of the popular Spenser opera, are in circulation, and will be sent to any body desiring same upon application to Manager Nirdlinger, of the Park Theatre, Philadelphia. Barns Will Recover. The condition of Prank Burns, who was the victim of Tuesday's terrible accident at Mainville, in which he showed so much nerve and fortitude, i< much improved. The physicians state that he will recover. Pennypacker May Visit Bloomsburg. The Board of Governors of the Bloomshurg Free Library have ex tended an invitation to Governor Samuel W. Penny-packer to attend the ceremonies of opening the Library be tween June 15 Hi. They have also extended an invitation to State Libra rian Lynch to be in attendance. At a meeting of the County Com missioners. Saturday, the contract for building a highway bridge in Anthony township was awarded to the Nelson & Buchanan Company,of Cliambershurg. The bridge which will be located near Daniel Bomboy's, replaces one belong ing to the township. Maintaining a bridge at that point proved too burden some for the township and the court was appealed to. A county bridge was the result. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor , and cheerfulness soon ~ sjri disappear when the kid neys are out of order .fly HvX, v£gir~~ or diseased. ~yTl Kidney trouble has "U ' become so prevalent yjmi£ s 'j] 'l ia ' if' s not uncommon / /i \V U for a child to be born / '/ uV\ a M' c,e d with weak kid -Vk liEr ne y s - If the child urin —ares too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it.the cause of th» difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of the ,112. important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp.koot is soon realized. It i 3 sold t w, o pamphlet tell- i-t Hwarupßoot ing all about it. including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton. N. Y., be sure an«" mention this paper. Don't make no mistake, but, remem ber the name. Swanp Roof. I>r Kil nier'n Swamp Roof and the address Binghamtoii. N Y . on every Isittle STATE OFFICERS ELECTED The seventeenth annual Pennsylva nia State Camp, Patriotic Order <»t America,opened in Sunhury .yesterday morning at 10 o'clock, in the lodge room of Sunbury Camp, in the Moore & Dissinger building on Market square State President N. R. Hummel, of Reading,presiding. Over two hundred members and delegates of the order from all over the State are present and the sessions will continue until Wed nesday evening. The Divine blessing was invoked by Rev. G. W. Marquardt, and the ad dress of welcome was very ably de livered by Rev. (!. H. Brosius, and respouded to bv.l. H. Marine,of Camp I,Baltimore, Md. The addresses of both gentlemen wen warmly and enthusi astically received, and showed depth of learning. The ritualistic work was taken up and the camp went into executive ses sion,. The entice morning was taken up by tlie annual address of the State President and the report of the State Secretary and Treasurer. The total active aud associate members of the order, May Kith, HKW, was ?.TT'-i, a gain of nearly 1,500 during the past year. The total number of Camps in the State, to date, is 100, a gain (it 12 .luring the year. Tin- election of officers and the con sideration of proposed amendments to the constitution consumed the time Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday of the State Camp, Patriotic Order of America in session in Sunhury. The head officers of the order had no op position ami were elected by acclama tion as follows: State President—Sarah E. Persiug. viiJ, Mt. Carinel. State Assistant President Charles S. Wyatt, 120, Philadelphia. State Vice President Margaret Neidig, 93, Sellersvilie. State Assistant Vice President .1 W. Sha»v, 21, Philadelphia. State Conductor Claia How lev, 109, Sunhury State Secretary—J. B Beck, 12, Philadelphia. State Treasurer Carrie Smith, 80 Mauch Chunk. A number of amendments to the coustirutious were adopted. Noue will radically effect the wot king of the order. The committee to whom the reports of the district deputies was referred after carefully going over them, made a statement that the order throughout the entire State was in a flourishing condition aud that each camp had made big gains during the year in membership with still brighter pro spects to he expected. The appropriations were considered Wednesday morning, but the only changes made were in tin* salaries of the State Secretary and Treasurer. The former's salary was fixed at $i»00 a year aud the latter's at ? >o a year. Previous to adjournment noon Wed nesday tliH District President and members of Camp 120, Philadelphia, presented the State President with a handsome bouquet and the State Sec retary with a writing set. The Wastes of the Body. Every seven days the blood, muscles and bones of a man of average siz-i loses two pounds of wornout tissue. This waste cannot be replenished and the health and strength kept up with out petfoct digestion. When the stom ach and digestive organs fail to per form their functions, the strength lets down, health gives way, and disease sets up, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure enables the stomach and digestive organs to digest and assimilate alJof the whole some food that may be eaten into the kind of blond that rebuilds the tissues and protects the health and strength of the mind and body. Kodol cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. It is an ideal spring tonic. Sold by Gosh & Co., Paules & (Jo. A large consignment of Barre, Ver mont, gianite airived here today from the works of D. J. Rogers at Danville and the latter arrived at noon. In the stone are 17 tons which enter into a monunieut and headstones which the Shoener family will place over the graves of their parents at Mt. Carmel cemetery. A monument is also on for Lewis Haas for the lot containing the graves of the wife aud son. All will be erected this week. At Ashland Mr. Rogers is placing a monument over the grave of the late Robert Thirl well. father to our local storekeepers. Mt. Carniel Star. Funeral of Mrs. Hurt. The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Hurt took place from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. John Weigold, First street, on Saturday afternoon at two o'clock. The Rev. George Liiuhert officiated, interment being made in the Reformed cemetery. The pall bearers were A. J. Thomas, Henry Shutt, Jacob Miner, Aug. Hemiuerlv, Charles Kelil and L. Diet/.. The fun eral was largely attended. Snakes Numerous. Snakes will be numerous this season if the many snake stories already be ug fold ate any criterion Eugene Morrison of <'ooper township, while working in bin field a day or so ago killed a black snake measuring four feet, eight inches in length. Gould Declare Election Void. A point has arrived under which according to several prominent at torneys Monday's special elect ion vote at Berwick can be deelared void The ballots were furnished by the Couiieil instead of bv the County Commission ers. Although this is a point that might result HI another vote the Ber wick Council lias no desire to push it and several of the members speaking Tuesdav evening said the ballets used served the purpose of the people, a well as it gave th • opinion oi the people, and since that was again -t j sewerage, town ball and other im provelliellts that the present e should stand Meeting ol Male ('lioir. Members of the Male Cludr ot tin V. M. C. A. are requested to meet in Association Hall, this evening at S:l."i o'clock A full attendance is desired. PHIL'A. ARfIORY DESTROYED BY FIRE PHILADELPHIA, May 20.—Two fires of mysterious origin this morn ing gutted the interior of tin* First regiment armory, Broad and Callow liill streets, and only desperate efforts on tlif part of tin- tin men prevented the tire reaching the general ammun ition stores and causing an explosion which tuust have wrecked the big building. As it was the blaze fastened upon a room in which several cases of am munition were stored. This started togo off and regardless of danger and (lying bullets the men of Engine com panies IT and IS dashed into the room and deluged the burning cartridge cases with water. The quarters of the famous old guard were gutted, but their Civil war trophies and relics were saved by the insurance patrol crew. The tite first broke out at ('• o'clock and was subdued at s o'clock. Then just as the firemen were leaving the second blaze broke out in the gun loft It required another hour of hard work to get this under control. One fireman, Charles Margin, was overcome by smoke and was taken to a hospital. The loss will be heavy. Miuister in Charge of Circus Menagerie. Robinson's circus, which appears in Danville .luue 10, will have a decided ly novel feature in the person of Kev. William 11 Sheak, a Methodist min ister, who last week resigned his charge at Peru, Indiana, to become manager of and lecturer in the exten sive menagerie of the big show. The Rev. Mr. Sheak will also in terest himself in other departments of the circus in order to become thorough ly acquainted with the husim ss. The ex minister is considered to be peculiarly well fitted for the position as he is one of the best informed men on natural history in this country. He is thirty-six years of age and was reared in the United Brethren church. Even wlii le attending college natural history was his hobby. When he arrived at Peru lie became afliliat ed with the Methodists In his natural history studies, which he has never lost -iglif of, lie has been aided to a considerable extent by hav ing access to tlie wii.tei quarters of Wallace's ciicus at Peru. He has also had much experience hi the Chicago and Cincinnati zoological gardens Being an orator of magnetic power as well as a learned naturalist, Mr. Sheak will doubt les bring to the circus business a refining and eleval ing flavor of erudition that it has heretofore lacked. The Rev. Mr. Sheak is the tirsf or dained minister to step t rom the pu 1 pit into the circus ring, though many others have given up their calling for various secular pursuits. Mr. Sheak i.s able to point out a scriptural pre cedent in the ease of Noah, who traveled for quite a time in charge of the most complete menagerie ever col lected under one canvass or roof. Rev. Sheak has been one of the lead ers of the Epworth League at Peru and has been prominently identified with Methodism in the west. TLe X-Rays. Recent experiments, by practical test anil examination with the aid of the X-Rays, establish it as a fact that Catarrh of the Stomach is not a disease of itself, but that it results from re peated attacks of indigestion. "How Can 1 Cure My Indigestion.-" Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is curing thousands. It will cure you of indigestion and dy>pepsia,and prevent or cure t'atarrh of the Stomach. Kodol digests what you eat makes /lie stomach sweet. Sold by Cosh iV Co., Paules & Co. New Telephone Official. 11. Nelson Daniel,formerly managei of the Western Union office at Sha mokin but later of New York.Monday succeeded (J. B Wright as superin tendent of this section of the U. T. and T. Co., with headquarters at Sun bury. Made Young Again. "One of Dr. King's New Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me in my 'teens' again" writes I>. 11. Turner of Denipseytown, Pa. They're the best in the world for Liver, Stom ach and Bowels. Purely vegetable. Never gripe. Only ~sc. at Paules & Co's drug store. At St. Paul's Church. The services at Saint Paul's Church on Sunday, May 24th, will be of uu usual interest. At JOrllO a. m.the pastor will pioach a senium to the younger members of the church, and to those who are not church members. At 7::{() p. m. a special service in celebration of the organization of the Epworth League, young people's society of the church. A full attend ance of the members and tiicnds of the church requested. Rev. and Mrs. Miller Entertained. Rev and Mrs. A. L Miller, of Cat awissa, entertained at dinner 'Tues day Dr. and Mrs. \V. p. Kveland, of this place; Rev. and Mrs. 11. C llar man, of Danville, and Rev. and Mrs. Robert Allen, of Riverside. In the af tcruoon they enjoyed a tramp to the "bluff" and enjoyed the scenery from that romantic spot Bloomshurg Press. Do You Enjoy What You Cat? You can eat whatever and whenever you like if you take Kodol. By the use of this remedy disordered digestion and diseased stomachs are so completely restored to health, and the full performance of their functions naturally, that such foods as would tie one into a double bow knot are eaten without even a "rumbling" and with a posi tive pleasure and enjoyment. And what is more these foods are assimilated and transformed into the kind of nutriment that is appropriated by the blood arid tissues. Kodol is the only digestant or combination of digestants that will digest all classes of food. In addition to this fact, it contains, ia assimilative form, the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol cures indigestion, dyspepsia and all disorders arising therefrom. Kodol Digests What You Eat Makes the Stomach Sweet. Bottles only. Regular si.i*. $ 1.00. holding 2X tlmea the trial si/e, which sells for 50 cents. Prepared by E. O. DeWITT A CO.. Chicago, '!>• Y. M. C. A. BOYS' BIBLE CLASS The dosing entertainment of the Thomas Beaver Boys' Bible Class of ! the . M. C. A. was held on Tuesday 1 evening and was a most delightful event for the bovs. The llall was well 1 filled with members of the class and ! others who came to enjoy the closing ' event. Mrs. J. B. McCoy and Mrs. .lames 1 Scarlet, members of the Ladies' Auxi liary, were a committee to arrange for this entertainment, and that they carried out their part well was proven by the excellent program they provid ed anil the enthusiasm shown by those present as each number on the pro gram was presented. From beginning to end the audience manifested a real interest, and hearty applause greeted those who took part. After the usual opening exercises the following program was given: Piano Solo, Miss Hicks Chorus from the Cantata of Esther, sung by a chorus composed of hoys and girls. ((hiartetto —"The Wolf is on the Hill" M. ssrs. .1 B. McCoy and Walter Russell, and Mrs. .lames Scarlet and Miss Margaret Amtneriuan. Recitation W. .T. Rogers. Instrumental Music— Mandolin and Guitar, Win Settles and Clias. Wood yard . Duett (comic) Mr. .1. B. McCoy and Miss Cal Lyon. Quick Arrest. .1, A (Julledge of Verbena, Ala., was twice in the hospital from a severe case of piles causing v!i tumors. After doctors and all remedies failed, Bucklcii's Arnica Salve quickly arrest ied further inflammation and cured hiin. It conquers aches and kills kaiu. :2."ic. at Paules & Co., Druggists. Race Riot at Berwtck. A race conflict between American and Italian workmen precipitated a riot at Berwick yesterday morning which for a time threatened very ser ious results. The men were°employed in the blacksmith department of the American Car and Foundry Company and for some time there had been a bad feeling between the two national ities and Monday evening one of each faction had a light over the possession of a truck, but this was settled with out blows. Yesterday morning an Italian attempted to take this truck and an American objected. This pre cipitated a battle. Two of the Italians drew knives, the \ineiicaiis picked up bars of iron and for a time it was fast and furious. Superintend).lit Bowery was hastily summoned, lie secured the company's detective, Fisk, who with drawn re volver succeeded ill quelling the con flict Winn the smoke of the battle was cleared away several of the par ticipants were found to be severely wound 'd. Jacob McAfee had a severe -tab wound in the groin while his brother Eli had a had cut on hi- light arm. Augstan Pantano, an Italian who had tried to be peacemaker, was per haps the worst injured of any of them. His right cheek was cut open to the hone, and the >-ye was torn from its sockets so that it lay out on the cheek. The men were all given medical at tention after which the American em ployes requested that all til)' Italians who bad participated in the riot be discharged. As a result of Ibis re quest Speriutenrleiit Lowery discharg ed eveiv one of the foreigner leaving hut two smiths and as many helpers to he the only foreigners employed in this department. The discharged men are -nd to have just come from Italy where they have a more or less flowery reputat ion. The Interchangeable 1.000 Mile Refund Tickets. Commencing June Ist, 1003, Inter changeable 1,000 Mile Return! Tickets will l»- placed on sale, limited to one year from date of issue, good only for transportation of the owner, with usual free allowance of 150 lbs. of baggage, over any of the following lines; Baltimore & Uliio R. R. (Be tween all points East of Ohio River and between Pittsburg and Kane. Al so to and from points on Philadelphia it Reading Rv. and Central R. R. of New Jersey between Philadelphia and New York, i Chesapeake & Ohioßy. (East of and including Huntingdon). Delaware, Lackawanna, & Western R. it. Erie It. R. ( East of and including Jamestown and Suspension Bridge). Lehigh Valley R. R. Pennsylvania R. R. These tickets will be sold at rate of $::o.OO each,subject to refund of SIO.OO on surrender of cover to Trunk Lines Mileage Bureau, 14 H Liberty Street, New York, at any time within IH months from date of purchase. This form of ticket will be issued in deference to requests of numerous pat rons of the lines in interest desiring one ticket good over several lilies in stead of having to provide themselves as at present with a separate ticket for each line they desire to use. Agents at principal stations of the railroads named above will have these tickets on sale and give all fui tlier in formation regarding them that may be rei|u i red New Pulpit Furniture. Three handsome pulpit chairs lor the First Baptist Church arrived several days ago and have been placed in posi tion. The new chairs match the pews and add greatlv to the beauty ol the room Death Sentence Commuted. A telegram received in this city lat night intimates that in the case of CouitnonwV ilth \ Ciearhardt the I sentence will be commuted to im pri-(iniin■ 111 for life I'lie case w»- argued before tin | Board of Pardons ye-terdav by James I let of this ci' \, attorm v for the 1 defendant 112 To Cure a Cold in One Day 1 I Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. £ tji // ™ e X rry I I Seven Million boxes sold in post 1 2 months. This signature, box. 25c. J TO CIRCLE LOOP IN AUTOMOBILE ,• 11 <i Mephisto's great circling the loop," act with John Robinson's Shows, di liioustrates the fact that the man who works the longest doe- not get the 1 most money. His actual woik cover> i twelve seconds a day, six seconds at '' each performance. For this work of ' twelve seconds he receives sixteen 1 dollars. The law of supply and de ' maud is responsible for the exalte 1 figure for this one act. Public hi teres) is appeased by its performance and John Robinson pays the hill This "Riding the Loop" is a marvel ous performance daring in the extreme • and nothing like it has ever before been conceived and executed. Seated iu an automobile oi. a little perch at the dome of the arena thi - dare ile\ il performer shoots down a narrow in dine at a terrific speed. '1 he great momentum send- the auto up ami around the barrel shaped loop like a flash, and as lie shoots around thi cylinrler In- head hanging downward, while the automobile obeying the law of centi ifugal force, (dings to the -nr lace. The reserve spoil carries him into the arena from the tangent id bis curved course, where bowing and smiling the audience after a short breath holding *pell applauds this in trepiil and skilled artist to the echo, thrilled by the daring nerve ol thi marvelous performer. Robinson's circus will appear in Danville early iu June. Was Ground to Death. WILLI AMS PORT, May -Ml John M. Shearer, aged 34 years,of this city, was instantly killed, near Hepburn, this morning, about o'clock. The man was a conductor of i shift ing crew in the Reading yard A draft of cars was sent down on one of the tracks and Shearer was running along side of the cars to cut several from the draft when lie stuinbled and fell under the wheels, meeting instant and terri Ide death. His body was cut in twain about flu' hips and was badly torn ami mangled otlierwise. Shearer had been employed bv the Reading company tor the past fifteen years and was always considered one of the most trust win thy and caretul railroad men in this city. lie i in vived by a widow and one child The address before the Alumni at the coming commencement of Buck Hell University, will lie delivered h\ Frederick Bertolette, Esq., of Mauch ('hunk, on Tuesday evening, Jinn •Jllrd. Mr Berloleltc i- a prom nent lawyer, lias achieved distinction in his profession, and is a speaker of much power and ahilily. Funeral of Harry Rhode- . The funeral of Harry Rhodes, wlio-e death occurred on Friday, took place at one o'clock Monday afternoon i from 701 East Market street The ser vices were conducted by Re\ R II Wilson The pall bearers wr- John Bruder, W L. McClure, William Leister and Walter Ditzb-r Charles Rhodes, of Derr.v Station, and R M. Rhodes, of Lebanon, broth ir> ol the deceased. attended the fun eral. Interment was made iu Odd Fellows' Cemetery. We might lie able to worry along without the usual "rop ot May rose-, but it is the "garden -a--" that has sullcred most bv reason oft he drought. ! The Home Paper | of Danville. I r\ ' Of course you read . i • - - ■■ — IS ; ' ! 1 •i I ! THE [\EOPLE'S KOPULAR 1 APER. I . Everybody Reads It. Published liverv Morning l:\eept Sunday at | No. ii I;. Mahu^ingSt. i l Subscription 6 !s ;\r Week. ___ - J issm i» V > KlilSi KK'S NO I F( I Ix I To WJ. < I: I IH M M -, | I .. \| I I - \M» U| HI P. , that I it** follow u;t IN* <i |M I>I»II ilnl <»n I » j, late atfi xt*<l lothi ir names, tii« tl». »• • i>l their administration lot In » -1; 11 * -«> 112 ii. JMTSOIIH, Ut'<*t*aN« <i t an<H • uartJin n \« onii' ,a < whose nanus an h«*rt I riatt* T I»M nUon*-<i, MI I in* ofllceof the K« • -1 ♦-« for tin 1 1 1. • ! W ills ami grant in ;of I t« - «»! -lin lion, ill ami for tin < mini? of Montnnr •) I hat tla' saint' will l»« nr» -• nt«-ii lnili. in i L'oiirt of said «onnt>. for I-OIIIIM. • ;iilo\vam*4, on il»« cln> 4,1 Hay V I)., !'»«»:{, if i oiirt in t la* afternoon. JllO3. Fchy. :JB, First and Final account <1 Jacob M. Keed, Admiui- j t rat orcum testamcnto ante \o of Jacob Kin!, late nf 11.. , j nl' Danville, Mun ( lour < 'mintv, »l« ct-a-i d April I ir-t and Final account nl j John U. IJIIi , Kxcciitur of tlie last will and 1c tam. Nt of Lewis Schuyh r, laic of i the Township of Lime torn Montour i 'minly, a ■ tl \pril 1., First and I' mil at •01 .it i ' William I. Kriini iini Xhmzo A. Mauser, \iliiiiiii tratoi of tliim'siate of Hi t.i Kmm, lat. ot t In- 'l'ow nsltip of i I 'oopcr, Montour <'• urn , deci a-ed. April Jo, First and Final account of ' .1 oli n It. Sm i ih, Xll in in i ti it or ol tin' est at. of Stephen ' " i tl Smith, lat. oft! • Tew n-hip i of Derrv, Montout <'• untv, . | ti fleceased. April Fn t and Final mount ot l J i t.i Mayan, adtmni-t itm of tin- i— lati* of Nicholas ' II an In it, lat. ..till, lin •i_• h J ot I)anvilit , Montour count v. { " dfciwi'd. April "Ja, Fir.-t and Final account ot • Kup-m- Mum mi, Admiui- ! ' I rator of th< <-tat. nl liar jI" mini S. Morrison, lat. ot tin i I'nwii-hip ot Mahoning, ' Montour County, d» • a-.- i April First ami Final WTODB! ot '' Martli i M 151.-cl •r. Xdmili istiatrix of tin- i-tat-- ot 1 Hiram Jil.-ch. i lat' ot ti . ' iit 11 in \ i : ' , V ii tour t 'utility, •!«•( ■ r I April 2a, First account «.( nun. 1 X. riiompson, Admic i-I r it. r • 112 " tho .-state ot Hurl ■II < • ' Wapli -, lat. ot II • I wii ' -hip ot Cooper, Mmitour ('ounty, <!••« . a- .1 \ltrll -Ti, ln-t and tinal u-i unt t .loliu <Hfiitii Id and Thom •" as 11. Hi'iilichl. Admiiiistri- ' tors ot ilic estate nf John Hi'iilii'ld,l it>'of Yalh-v town ship, Montour count >, d> ceasert. April 112 ir-t and tl> it e t Jacoh Flii 1., Xdmuu-lr it. r of th. I -talc OT t ill ■ MIL Flick, hit. ..f W. -t Hemic I. township, Montour CnutiD. dcccas.d. Win. i sim. Kit, i:. ti-ter " llej! ist et - < llti. ■ , I I lliv ill I' I April -Mli. P.< v |: \K< i rit i \ •>» miiii i. I'.-tate of David \ 11 1—i. 'I,I ■ l it' lioron^hnt btnvilli iuthe< unM ■ t Montour and Stat, nt I'i. -I V.iliia, th ai-asi d. 1 Notice i< hereby given that h-t'er testaiuentarx have I" • n riunt'dt. i.« iindi-rsiuiicd II|HIII tic above eMail Ml " ! persons ilidehteil to the said •-lati at reiplifcd In make payment and t! • having claim- nr dcmaiid- a -ain • lh* said estate will make kiin.\n th> --nne without delay to M \itv K. Mil. MI ii. Ewratrixul Ddvitl \ an-i.-ki. ■!.. .1 IV i' Addres- ".'I I Mnw ri \ Ntn l»an ville. I'a. Kdward Sa\ re I iearliai t I' I AN ORDINANCE. 0 Hernial' f1,,. I, C,. n ,||J of mi«lt»t - iiii' i>all. lie- m otic r Ti luporwrj I. taliliMhiueut- |)c\ or Appli line, forthefe-1 of skill orStrtiißtli or l ir tic- I'urpo-c ot X must uieut, in tile lioiollgh of I >UII villi- 111 the 1 ount\ of Mouiour ami State of I'■ ini-ylvania, ami t• »r oiler pur I, . . I'K 1J OKDAINKIJ AND KNA»T .1) IA the Tumi I 'on mil of ih« Kor I,l S?h if Danville in the Coußlv ot loulottr and Stat* of Ivun-vlvauut ui .'tini, mil it t- heieby tdaili. il ami cliai tell tiy tin- aull.mity 112 the -am. That it -hall not tw la« ul tor any pi r-ou or | ersoim to ojeii. li-pl.iy, or eiimlui't »uy shool ny }.•:.!!. rv or other ti mporarf e-t »t*l shtnef, device or appliance for thw lot -kill cr treiiKth, or for the mi pne- ot amu-eineiit, within the iiuit- nt tin Horontth of Dituville uu il a license therefore shall have t»-eM ir-t ohtaiued from the i'hief .1 tl.e -aid Horough and for which -Aid ici n.-c -uch | ■ r-on or |» rs<.ns -lo»l! tay a minimum charge nf ti\e iloll»r« or the Ii r-t ten day-i of »och lnease, md no It-- than tiftv i-ents nor mora hail one dollar |»-r day fore* h nail very day then ait. r, at tlie ilis. r» il nil of the I'|||. 112 I'll rye—■. All> per nil or persons who shall Vii.htte huw .112 the I rovi-iims of this mn liub uf his ordiiiaiici -hall forfeit mhl p»y a iHe ol Hut le »or more than one humlr. >1 4UII*M fur •acti and every >wii olTeBs»- SKI'TION All tine.. |»-m*ltie<» iml liceiw fee. imposed by any o# ttwi •ro\ i-ions nf thi- ordinance m,»\ tie •ueil for, collected in.l rei'i>*ereil be ore any Ju«ti. Eof the Feme ot lb« •aid KnriiUKh of Danville .-»* of like amount and tin*- ami pfiialtk* ni| iw-ed for the \ mintmu ~112 iriliiiiiii. - ar.-ni.w_bv ius colbi table iml te<ii\» rable, and shall lie pa>4 v r t-i tit Ir> a-urer of »anl Hnrnugti for if- n-t < t -aid i?or<>u|(h Sl.' I |i»N .5 All oidiuam •-• or {MWIH .112 ordiuaiic- lii. .>n-i-teiir with i»r • ,u trarv to the proitou- of tbti* urilnrM. r in- h.-rebv re|» ab-il WILLIAM «; FI HSKL. Chief B»i«r*» All. -t IIA KK V F. F XTTMN Secr. tary of the Homuvh irf Danville 112 nun I I'haiuD-r, Mav I'.lb. tWU ADMIN HTKA Dd; - N« »TH K Kstate of H . rry Rh.«lei late of th« Hnmmrh of Danville m the I'oaaty • 112 dontonr and of IVnn-*! aaia |k..,«m,1. Notice i» h'-reby riven that letter* wf Admini-trati .il on the -<f»te have lieetl uraiited to the linder*l|fa ed. All |ier -o||« llii|eb|e<| are rn|Rir*il to make |m> a.ent ami th.ew bavituc claims or deniMttils airaiitat tbe «aid e-tate will lu-lke know II tb> -aßie without delay to. iti:\>Kl» M littuMis Xdinini'trttor of Harry •lei-d i" ' 1 Addres ;K# \ Ninth Hlrwt Fa. K.iw'itrd Say r<- ••• ai hat' I '.attmil Notice. 11l the I 'olirt of < ' .11111101 l I'b-a* of Mi .nt nr l 'ount i N -tie. i-hi lebv itiviii In all parte-* inter.-t«i| that the tir-t and m»- count ..f Tlioina- J Hi H5**FS I .uiiuitti-w ..f \X in. S Itolwrt- a Innati. villi the l onchets thi rent have !<e«-ii tibd un r» cord in tii\ "tlie. and that tin mhii will l» ptccnti-d to the f..r.~«aid Court for continuation on Mondav the 'i'.th lav of Max I'.HC. TH< »MAM. VieKNT Fri^ho»4ary Frothotiotarv -otlice Danville l'a April :toth. W HEADACHE !IH. \ llccKlachc k , cmcd> I ha Cu res. After venr* of cnn-ful «tmlv and e» pi-riin.-iit- we have foiiiid a remedy that will cure headache in nearly every CM* with th»- lir-t dose It i« a Tablet put up iu batiilsaiuu- IKIXCS ol till.i n labletn for ten cent- • hie tablet i* a duiw. They contain not him; harmful and no Imd after eft'ec?* can come from their use Th. \ are eii.|or-e.| b\ --oine of the leading physicians. Mi:, S i Ki i.m t: of Hl.H.ui»lNirfr say- ' I have tried nearly all headacha retneilie- ..ii the market and think there is none e.pial to yours. I would not b« wit hi ut them fur teli tin is tht ll 11-t •? * m -M\M K.\L 1 FUL L! ITV Moyer Bros:, WHOIFSAII DbM <KiI.S|S. Bioomsburg - - Pa. For -ale iiv all dealer-. .JOHN W. FARNSWOHTH INSURANCE Life Firs Accfet and Steam Boiler Oftlce: Eulldtn* Mill STr«et, Danville, - - Penn'i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers