> /m l he tj in " to advertise in an SUBSCRIPTION $1 PER YEAR DK IRVING H. JENNINGS, Ufiirt H»vri 9 A M- to 12 M l MM ,Sf « 1 /> M to I I'. M Danville. Pa. fHCLTZ, Ml». 425 Mu.l ST., DANVILLE, PA. I»HM-U»«*S *>f the Stomach an.l Intestines a Specialty J W. P. ASULK, DENTIST OvruK 218 .MILLSTHKKT. hwlli Extracted without Fain. Crown and Hrtdge Work a Specialty. •Quipped with the latest and moat Improved Inatmnientn and prepared in execute the moot difficult work. DR. C. 11. REYNOLDS, —DENTIST - 288 Mill - St., Danville, Pa. Dentistry in all <ts branches Charges Moderate and all worw Guaranteed Kutablished 1892. CONDENSED NIV.S. Oysters are on their Inst legs. Clean up around your premises. The whitewash brush is in demand. The blossoms are getting ready for late frosts. That tim»» of discomfort—the house cleaning period is now upon us. DeWitt's park improvements this spring are going to be extensive. Memorial Day exercises are already being planned by the veterans. March is doing a good deal of lap lingering hut it was to be expected that after the long spell of warm, dry weather last month, there should be a reaction. It is better to have our raiu and low temperature now th,m scatter ed through May and Jnne, when more damage to vegetation would ensue. Good roads mean a great deal to the people of this State. The toll roads must go. They are relics of a barbarous age. The state and the communities affected must hereafter improve and maintain all roads for public use. People who are arrested for trivial offenses in Wilkesbarre are made to saw wood,and the wood is distributed among the poor families. "It's an ill wind," etc. The recent rain has giveii the grass •uch a good start that the hum of the lawn mower will soon be heard throughout the city. Push it along it is a good thing—for your health and the grass. The opeuing of the season for rifle practice by the National Guard was postponed until the army rifles are distributed. A special rate of two cents per mile from points in Pennsylvania, on card orders, has been granted by the rail road" on account of the fifty-third an nual commencement of Bucknell un iversity Tickets to be sold and good, going June 17 to 24; returning to June K7 inclusive Card orders will be ready after June I and can be had from the registrar Cold weather and snow prevail in Continental Europe. The snow is so deep in Germany as to prevent the running of railroad trains. The tem perature# in France ami other countries are the lowest in years. The sun spot theorist will now have opportunity to re-present his arguments. Be»*f is much lower in price in Philadelphia than for many years. This reduction in price will extend,if it has not already extended, to all parts of the country. Now there is no reason why prices of all necessaries should not he reduced. With all the frost we have had late ly the {<each growers have ample op portunity to get up a scare. The forty-third session of the Sun day School convention of the North umberland Baptist Association will be held in the Clinton church, Mont gomery. Thursday. May 7. A special meeting of the O. U. A. M will be held on Friday evening. All members are requested to be pres ent. By order of the Lodge.— J. A Bheuck, K. S. The Harrishurg people are studying Iheir river front and taking stock of the lump heaps and other nuisances connected therewith Thev ar>- plan ning the ways and means for remov ing those unsightly conditions and Judging from the way they are going •bout doing things in the State Cap ital they will succeed. We have a very fine river front location and with a few dollars spent under the direction of a qualified gardener it could he made one of the most beautiful spots in Pennsylvania. Five years ago yesterday.how quick ly time passes, this country declared war agaiust Spain to relieve Cuba of the intolerable condition forced upon ber by the tyrannous Spaniards In that short spa -e of time we have ac complished more than any other coon try has done in a century of time. We are now a world power, consulted on world wide questions and with a world power's responsibilities Not even Washington with his supreme confidence in this country's destiny had any idea of tlie possibilities before the United States illtmtour jjplj. American. —ms - v "THIS COUNTRY WILL NEVER BE ENTIRELY FREE UNTIL IT SUPPLIES ALL OF ITS OWN DEMANDS WITH ITS OWN PRODUCTIONS." VOL. 48-MO 17. 'ADVOCATING SEWFMf - Our readers will be glad to learn that the Borough Council has a proj ect on foot for the abatement of thr nuisance existing at Blizzard's run which promises to yield tangible re sults. This is nothing less than the laying of pipe in the ohannel of the " creek from the P. L. brewery to the mouth of Mahoning creek. Mr. Reifsuyder of the Street and Bridge Committee at a regular meet ing Friday eve stated that after ob taining the best legal advice to be had r - they had come to the conclusion that d the law affords no remedy for the evil B of pollution at Sechler's run (common ly known as Blizzard's run) and that the only way to abate the nuisance existing there is by adopting sewer age. Beyond this, he said, the committee was unable to report. Several plans ' were ou foot which might have to bo considered at a special meeting to be , called at an early day. The cost, Mr. 1 Reifsuyder said, he did not think would exceed |lo,ooo, a sum which would in large measure be counter balanced by the revenue from property owners who might wish to connect with the sewer. No opposition manifested itself to Mr. Reifsnyder's plans, eveu'trom those who in the past deemed it to the best interest of the borough to op . pose sewerage. It was discussed as the only measure which would relieve the borough from the constantly ac cumulating law suits for the "con tinuation of nuisance." It is thought that a fifteen-ioch pipe will be suffici ent, while the plans include the sewer ing of the stream the entire distance from the P. L. brewery,to the Creek's mouth. An ordinance to regulate the licens ing of shooting galleries or other temporary establishments in the bor ough passed on its first readiug. Several communications were read relating to the advertisement for bids for borough survey and map. Only two of these were definite enough to be regarded in the light of bids. One was from George W. West, who offer ed to do the work as pur the notice advertised for the sum of $450 The other bid was from O. H. Ostrauder, who explaiued that some years ago he made a survey of the borough for a sewer system at his own expense. He has made a map of the borough,show ing elevation, &c. From this map which he ottered to the Borough for SBS, he said any contracting engineer oould estimate the cost of sewerage. Oil motion the bids were laid upon the table for the preseut. Messrs. Wesley Hollobaugh, D. C. Williams and Setli Lormor, of the Washington Hose company, appeared before Council to renew the request of that company that the Borough build them a barn, to the end that they may be able to use tlioir two horses in times of fire. They made quite an earnest appeal, and seemed very fav orably received by Couucil. The mat ter was referred to the Building Com mittee, it to report at next meeting. Gustave Weil and Heister Foust ap peared before Couucil to protest agaiust the cutting down of a large willow tree which stood oil the river hank, near Cross Keys place. The tree was an ornament and its removal, it was alleged, will necessitate the building of a guard ou the river bank. The Street Commissioner was called before Council and asked to explain on what authority he had cut down the tree. He said that some residents . in the neighborhood wished the tree removed, as it obstructed their view of the opposite side of the river. He called the attention of the Chief Bur gess to the matter, lie said, by whom he was given permission to out dowu the tree. Mr. Weil insisted that another tr e be planted on the spot. Coumil di ( cussed the matter at some length do- j ploring the fact that the tree had been cut down. On motion of Mr. Davis it was ordered that the Street Commis sioner comply with Mr. Weil's request and plant another tree ou the spot Appointed as Translator. Charles A. Newbaker, eldest son of Dr. P. C. Newbaker of this city, who passed a United States civil service examination at Harrisburg in October last, has received an appointment as translator in the Philippine service and is now on his way across the con tinent to San Francisco, whence on the 22ud inst he will sail for Manila on the steamship Hong Kong Maru. Mr. Newbaker was a student in the Danville high school and is an E. E. graduate of the Lehigh University. It i is only within a comparatively recent j period that iie returned from Lima, i Peru, where he resided for two years. I He has completely mastered the Span ish language, speaking and writing it with all the flueuey and precision of his mother tongue. During his so journ in Lima for some time he held a position in a select school, teaching ' Spanish youth. The Naval Appointment. Congress-man Dickermau returned Friday from Washington. While at , the capitol he had an interview with , the secretary of the navy in regard to t the appointment of a midshipman , from this district It is quite probable > that Mr. Dickermau will have a com r petitive examination and make his ~ selection from among those who make the best showing mentally and physi cally. i I EIGHTIETH ij ANNIVERSARY Q In the enjoyment of good health am j. in the midst of a circle of relatives rep e resenting four generations, Mrs. I n H. Torrence yesterday celebrated hei i_ eightieth birthday. e Among those assembled to do honoi M to the event were: Mrs. Margaret 0 Hughes, Mrs. O. H. Ostrauder, Mrs. V. O. Lotier, Miss Maiy W. Hughes, 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Peifer aud little . son, George Torrence, the lat'er rep resenting the fourth generation of j those present. t Time has, indeed, dealt kindly with I Mrs. Torrence and there are few who . are spared to enjoy advanced age as t has fallen to her lot. At four score , years her step still is firm,her memory . keen and she takes the same active in terest in life that characterized her j younger years. 3 Yesterday she was in her happiest mood and as her memory roamed back over the past she regaled those pres ent with interesting reminiscences of her girlhood aud middle life. She has seen many changes in the community and yesterday stated that of all those r living hereabout when she was a girl attending school so far as she can de termine only four persons survive be ) sides herself,namely, William P. Gear hart, his sister, Miss Hannah Goar i hart, Mrs. Catherine Van Nostrau and Mrs. Samautha Jameson. , The beautiful estate at Riverside , Heights has always been the home of Mrs. Torreuce. It contains 200 acres of fertile land, containing a fine brick mansion house, with tenant house, a capacious barn and other buildings. The farm was purchased by Jacob Gearhart, later kuown as Judge Gear hart, grandfather of Mrs. Torrence,iti 1790. Jacob Gearhart was a native of New Jersey. His wife before marriage was Margaret Runkle, and belong ed to a well-known family of Eastou. The couple were still young, in 1790, when they came to these parts. John Gearhart. Mrs. Torrence's father, was a sou of Jacob Gearhart and was only three years of age when his parents moved from New Jersey. The Indians had left this section ouly a short time before aud upon their arrival here Jacob Gearhart with his family moved into oue of the huts vacated by the ludiaus, which stood near the spring, south of the present mansion house. Mrs. Torrence is the only survivor of a family of six and judging by her preseut health and vigor she will no doubt live to see the recurrence of many other birthdays. Her husband, the late I. H. Torrence, departed this life in 1899. Two children are living: Mrs. George B. O'Connor and Mrs. Charles N. Kight, of San Autonia, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor reside with Mrs. Torrence at Riverside Heights. Horse Breaks His Leg. Liveryman C. C. Mover lost one of his best horses Saturday afternoon in a very singular manner. The unlucky horse, which was one of the well-known team of soriels be longing to the livery stable, broke his leg while standing in the stable. How the accident happened is not exactly known, but it is supposed that the horse I was taken sick and that he reared in the stall as horses are apt to do when : suffering pain. The result was that he fell with his leg doubled up under his body in such a way as to cause a fracture. ! The injury was of such a nature as to preclude all possibility of saving the horse and the only humane thing that remained to he done was to put him out of his misery. The animal accordingly was handed j over to James Frame and shot during I Saturday evening. Mr. Moyer esti mates his loss at $125. Killed at Bloomsburg. William W. Smith, of Bloomsburg, in attempting to get off of a train ou ' the Bloomsbnig & Sullivan railroad at that place at 7 o'clock Monday morning, fell under the wheels aud was so severely injured that he died two hours after the accident. The deceased was midlle aged and is sur vived by a widow and six children. Date of Concert. The date selected for the Ithaca j Hand concert has been definitely de cided upon for Friday evening, May Ist. The members of the Friendship Fire Company will make a hard effort i to secure a large house and those who j attend can rest assured that they will : get their money's worth. The prices ; of admission and opening of sale of | seats will be announced later. After Them. The Coal & Iron police force are I again after the train riders at many . | points. They are determined to break , | up the game at any price and have al : ready begun a concerted effort in this k direction. It is the youths who ride t back and forth from one town to an other who will receive the most atten tion. Will Return Home Next Week. John Kocher, of East Danville, who ' was accidentally shot while out liunt -1 ing some time ago and who has been ' confined at the Mary M. Packer Hos ' pital, Sunbury, for the last five weeks has recovered sufficiently to ho able to return home early next week. The s wound has healed mcr« rapidly than was expected and Mr. Kocher is now ably to be out a little each day. DANVILLE. PA.. THURSDAY APRIL 2:S. 190!{. | PERSONAL FI PAKAGHIPIL Miss Laura Gilbert of Catawis-a, spent Sunday at the home of Dr. C. [ H. Reynolds, Mill street, r Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mills of | Bloomsburg, spent Sunday at the ir homo of Charles Mills, Sr..West Mah t oriing street. '• E A. Burdick of Olyphaut, spent '• ; Suuday at the Burdick home, East e Market street. Mrs. Thomas Lyons spent Sunday with friends in Plymouth. I ( Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Howe, of Will iamsport, were guests over Sunday of H Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Anglo. e Station Agent W. R. Clark spent y Sunday with friends at Roaring . Creek. r Harry Mitchell of Borwick, spent i Suuday in Danville. 1 Oscar Burdick of Catawissa, spent c Sunday with his mother ou East ' Market street. 112 Mrs. P. H. Davis, of Sharuokin, 1 visited frieuds in this city yesterday. , Charles D. Morgan, of Trevortou, I was a Danville visitor yesterday. . i Prof. Richard Metherell will play . an engagement in Berwick this eveu - ing ■ I W. S. Kocher was IU Sunbury yes . i l terday. Miss Annie Dostir visited relatives ' in Sunbury yesterday. Charles D. Bausch, who is at pios ent living at Briar Creek,speut yester day morning in Danville. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ulp of North t umberland returned home on Tuesday after a pleasant visit with Mr. aud Mrs. Joseph Seidel, Washiugtonville. Misses Izora Heddens and Martha Pollock of Washiugtonville, were Dan l ville visitors on Tuesday. Miss Daisy Lowenstein returned home from a business trip to Philadel i pliia last evening. Robert Kline of Sunbury came up to this city last evening to attend a l meeting of the Comtuaudery. Fred Jacobs returned home from a visit to Philadelphia last evening. Simon Hoffman returned home from a trip to Harrisburg last evening. Mrs. J. H. Woodside returned home from a visit to Philadelphia last even ing. Miss May Pierce of Pittsburg, arriv ed in this city last evening for a visit at the home of George -Askins, Center j street. A. L. Heddens of Washiugtonville, i is spending several days at Selius ! grove. J. W. Davis, of Plymouth, Deputy i Factory Inspector for this district, was i in this city yesterday. W. T. Sheppersou of Riverside, was ' iu Sunbury yesterday. j Joseph Boyd left yesterday for Phila | delphia. H. D. Moser of Turbotville, drove to Danville yesterday. H. I). Caldwell of Shickshiiiny, at tended the shoot at DeWitt's Park yes terday. M. V. Marks was in Milton yester day. Master Jacob Harris returned to Sun bury yesterday after a visit at the Doster home, Bloom street. George Brawn left, yesterday for Ty roue. P. H. Cotuer transacted business in Sunbury yesterday. Miss Ada Seidel has returned to her home in Washiugtonville after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Dietrick at Ottawa. Birthday Party. Miss Sara Beaver was tendered a party on Mondav evening at, her home on Pine street in honor of her six teenth birthday. Those present were : Misses Bertha Cloud, Marion Jones, Elizabeth Vastine, Dora Jenkins, Florence Price, Clara Dctvveiler, Lorene Philips, Eleanor Gorman,P.uth Friek, Edith Blue, Lillian Foster, Rena Guliek, Elsie Gulick, Margaret Sidler, Bessie Clark, Edith Jenkins, Isabel Schoch, Ma.v Dreifnss, Annie Steiubrenner. Helen Pursel, Elsie Moore, Eloise Ciessmau, Harry Latri mere, Edward Price, William Pritch ard, William Hancock, Harold Pentz, David Thomas, Lewis Williams and Jay Sechler. Doctors Must Report. The Senate before adjournment pass ' ed the House bill making it a mis ' demeanor for any doctor or other per son knowingly not to report within 10 hours a case of small-pox, diphtheria or scarlet fever which may come to their knowledge, providing a fine of ' j from #SO to s.">oo, or imprisonment from ten days to six months, or both, : j and also making it compulsory upon all cities, boroughs and townships to j s furnish quarantined persons medical - j aid, necessaries of life, etc. Removing the Letter Boxes. The letter boxes throughout the city are being removed from the electric light poles to posts especially design ' d for letter boxes, which are furnish ed by the government. 1 Only about half of the number re quired have as yet arrived. They prove iu every way suitable for the letter ' boxes in uso here, and the latter when 1 installed upon them present a much more neat and graceful appearance. Seth Lormor has the work of chang ing the letter boxes in charge. |NEXT MEETING AT MILTON The Presbytery of Northumberlanc which was in session at Sunbury, this week, adjourned at 9:30 o'clock TUCK ' tlay night, to meet at Milton in Sep 3 I tember. During the sessions Dr. C. W. Hunt ingtou, of Williamsport, was present, t asking to be seated as a delegate from t the Church of the Covenant at Will iamsport, but the Presbytery seated J. . T. Fredericks, Esq.,of that city,with out auy discussion, aud by an almost unanimous vote. The complaint by the old session of the Church of the Covenant against the Rev. J. D. Cook, of Reuovo, the ' stated clerk, for, as they allege, fal ' sifying the records at the Oraugeville meeting, in not enrolling Dr. Hunt ington as a representative, was dis missed by the Moderator's decision because tho Presbytery had approved the minutes with the name of Dr. Huutington left out. The Presbytery elected the follow ing ministers as delegates to the Gen eral Assembly at Los Angeles, Cali fornia: Rev. W. T. L. Kießer.of Mil ton, and Rev. M. 11. Calkins, of Mifflinburg. The following elders were also elected as delegates to Los Angeles: John R. T. Ryan, of the First Church,and P. W. Beutly.of tho Third Church, Williamsport. The following resolution of thanks was adopted by a rising vote of Pres bytery : That the Presbytery of Northumber land desires to express its thanks to the officers of the Presbyterian church of Sunbury,for the use of their beauti ful church building for this the spring meeting of Presbytery ; to tho mem bers of the church aud congregation for the cordial and hospitable manner in which they have entertained the Presbytery in their homes; to the organist and choir of the church for the excellent music they have furnish ed us; to the pastor of the church for the courtesy and kindness which have made the visit of Presbytery to this place so pleasant. At tho popular nieetiug on Tuesday evening Rev. George Chambers, D. D., of Harrisburg, spoke on the cause of Synodical Missions. Rev. L. F. Brown presented tho work of the Sab bath schools in the Presbytery. Rev. C. H. Bruce, D. D., presented the cause of Ministerial Education. Rev. John H. Greyboil, Aid for Colleges. A Temperance Sermon. Rev. George H. Vibbert was greeted with a large audience in the Court House last night, about one-half of whom were women. As announced last week his disctnrse Wednesday night took the form of a temperance sermon. His text was taken from tho parable of the Good Samaritan : Luke 10:33: "When he saw him he had com passion on him." Although Rev. Vibbert has nothing but contempt for the liquor traffic aud is harsh in his criticism ol those en gaged in it, yet he has compassion enough for the drunkard. It is a shame, he declared, to laugh at a drunken man. Ir is rather tho duty of all good people to take him by the hand, to encourage liitu, to show him that they still have confidence in him. The number of saloons iu Danville, ho said, is out of all proportion to the population, being one to every sixty voters. Iu his extensive travels, ho says, he finds but few towns of the size of Danville that have so many drinking places. The subject of tonight's lecture will be "Bar Room or Home." There will be special music by a quartette of the Y. M. C. A. choir. A Trip to New Mexico. Thomas Murray has returned from a six weeks' sojouru iu Now Mexico. The trip was undertaken solely for the benefit of his health and he has re turned very much benefitted physical ly- The trip took iu Santa Fe aud all the leading towns of the territory. Mr. Murray is much impressed not only with the salubrious climate, but also with the mineral resources,of the country, which ho says are varied and nearly inexhaustible. The popula tion, too, is increasing at a rapid rate and the business opportunities of that section he says, in a few years may not be surpassed in auy part of the West. Funeral of Mrs. P. J. Adams. Mrs. P. J. Adams, whose death oc curred Saturday, was consigned to the grave iu Fairview cemetery Tuesday afternoon. Tlit services were conducted by Rev. Harry Curtiu Harman, pastor of St. Paul's M. E. church. The deceased was carried to her last resting place by the following: R. J. Pegg, Boyd Gearhart, John Sechler,W. G. Brown, Thomas C. Curry, and S. M. Trum bower. i Among those who attended the fun eral from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Lundy of Williamsport,and Miss Annie Mcllenry of Benton. Camp at Mt. Gretna. The Third Brigade of the National Guard will encamp at Mt. Gretna in July next. Although no official an ! nounceinent has yet been made it is ; generally understood that Mt. Gretna ; will he chosen. In fact General Gobin i has informed the newspaper men at j Lebanon that Mt. Gretna will be the 1 place. No better brigade ground could | be fouud in the state. {A STEEL ( HOOP WORKS d The current number of "Money," a is general newspaper devoted to finance, j- industry, etc., contains the following >- article : "The American Steel Hoop Com t- pany's works at Duucausville, near t, Altoona, are being dismantled and n will be taken to Danville, Pa., and [- rebuilt. The plaut was erected several r. years ago and only run for a few - months." it The article created a great deal of interest about town and an effort was if made by this paper Monday after it noon to verify the story. EI | Nothing definite could be ascertaiu - I ed, although it is a fact that active 0 1 interest is being taken in a proposition - to secure the plant for this city aud - that a correspondence has been opened ii with the parties in interest calling 1 their attention to the unoccupied . buildings of the Bessemer Steel Com pany, as structures which would form - a valuable nucleus for an industry - such as the one in question. The American Steel Hoop Com - pany's works at Duncansville now be f ing dismantled, is one of twenty sub s sidiary plants belonging to the Steel s Corporation. It was founded sixty a years ago and rebuilt or enlarged three 3 different times, the latest being in 1897. It is now an extensive plaut g containing thirty-seven single puddl - iug furnaces, a number of heating furnaces and several trains of rolls. - The estimated annual capacity is 30,- 3 000 gross tons. The works probably I employ 350 men. General Manager James L. Barber ; is not iu possession of any information - to the effect that the Steel Hoop Com i pany has decided to occupy the dis r mantled buildings of the Danville s Bessemer plant. Whether the com ! pany has been negotiating through any other channel for a site in Dan ■ ville is not known. "Money," the • publication quoted, is an eminently ! reliable journal and most people are s inclined to believe that there is truth iu the story of the new industry. A Gift to the Borough. > The abandoned burying ground on Bloom street is one of the proposi tions that the new Couucil will be obliged to face. Those responsible for the old cemetery in tho near future propose to present the tract to the bor ough. Couucil thus will fiud itself in the position of being obliged to reject a valuable gift to the borougii or to take over the tract and institute pro ceedings necessary to have it abolished as a burying ground and applied to other purposes. A representative of this paper yesterday was informed that practically all obstacles have been overcome and that little more now re mains to be done than to have the old cemetery in i's present form declared a nuisance by the court. Many of the dead, however, still remain to be ex humed aud all in all the old cemetery presents something of a problem aud just how the Borough Fathers will regard the proposition remains to be seen. The presentation of the old cemetery to the borough will be contingent upon the condition that the grounds be preserved aB a public paik. It will bo reoommeuded also that the tract be utilized as a site for a soldier's monu ment, the erection of which has been agitated for some time past. Will be a Success. The concert to be given by Wyle's orchestra under the auspices of the Thomas Adams class of the First Baptist church in Y. M. C. A. Hall ou Monday evening, May 4th, seems to be an assured success. Tickets are selling rapidly and a crowded house will hear the music. The following excellent program has been arranged: , 1. March Songs. .. ."Nancy Brown" 2. Overture.." Raymond" Thomas. 3. Soprano Solo Miss Margaret Ammermau. 4. Incidental Music from"The Darling of tho Gods." . 5. Piano Solo.. Miss Mary Bogenreif. , 6. Selection "Robin Hood" DeKoven. 7. Recitation Miss Elizabeth Russell. 8. Transcription for brass.. "The Holy City" Trombone Solo by ( Mr. E. H. Miles. 9 Waltz "Amoureuse." 10. (a) "A Social Chat." (b) "Zephyrette." 11. Bass Solo Mr. Walter Russell. ( 12. March "Has Your Mother Auy More Like You?" Chinese Newspapers. Mrs. A. M. R. Russell, of this city, I has received several copies of news papers printed in China from her broth er, Edward F. Reynolds, formerly of this place. Among the copies aro "The ' China Times," printed at Tientsin and tho "Shanghai Mercury," an evening newspaper. The journals aro both printed in 1 English and are quite pretentious in ' appearance. There is however, a dearth of local news,although there is a great deal of enterprise manifested ! in advertising, which fills page after 1 I page to the exclusion of reading mat -1 | ter. 4000 Elks Expected. 1 I The National Elks' Home at Bed -1 ford City, Va., will be dedicated on ( May 21. The orator for the occasion 9 | will be Meade D. Detwiler, Esq., of l ' Harrisburg. It is expected thai 4.AKK) ' Elks will attend. i ESTABLISHED IN 1855. THE SECOND ; DATS SHOOT i The second day's shoot at DeWitt's Park yesterday brought out a good at ; tendance, although the number par ticipating was somewhat less thau on the day previous. The weather was a ■ little too raw for comfort, although I the wind was not high enough to in- I terfere with the shooting, aud some very good scores were piled up. Each of these shoots are all-day affairs, lunch being served ou the 1 ground by Jesse Wyant. The targets today will be live birds aud interest will run very high. Notwithstanding the rivalry which naturally exists among the shooters the utmost harmony seems to prevail. The evident good feeling and the ab sence of dissatisfaction in anv form was commented upon by the visiting sportsmeu yesterday as conditions which do not always prevail on such occasious. Fifteen events were shot off yester day. In eight of these ten targets were employed, in five fifteen targets, in one twenty targets, iu one twenty-five targets. Stroh, Keller, Butler, Ho well, T. B. H., Cooper, Mason and Dietz shot in all the events. Following are the persons who par ticipated in the shoot with the total of hits to their credit and the percent ages attained: Total Percentage Stroh 174 87 Keller . 157 78 Butler 142 7) Howell. 149 74 T. B. H. 166 88 Cooper 152 76 Mason 136 70 Bonham ... 97 60 Hess ..... 55 64 Andrews. . 42 46 Paul 32 42 Haw ley 54 60 Speiser 145 71 Dietz 154 77 Scliram 7 70 Woolley . . ... 32 64 Keiger 15 50 Philo 75 71 Rohrbach 29 82 In events 4 and 5 Woolley shot for blue rocks ouly. Gentle Spring. Ethereal mildness may prevail in Florida or Southern California, but overcoats aud wraps were not uncom fortable for people outdoors yesterday, aud the artificial warmth indoors was needed almost as badly as two mouths ago. We had frosts and freezing weather duriug the past week aud the outlook is not favorable for warm weather yet. It was snowing in Michigan aud along the lakes yestei day and the clouds had a suspicious look of squalls as they hung over the mountains iu this section yesterday morning. East of the Mississippi the temperatures are unseasonably low, while it is slightly warmer west of the Father of Waters. We had a taste of early Spring in March. Too early, for we have paid dearly for the short but glorious period since by harsher conditions. In this latitude we do not jump into Summer from the bliz zards and the ice of late Winter with out payment in compensation. There were cold days, cold weeks to he ex pected. The promise of an early Spring often fails at the moment when we are lulled into confidence of a final escape from Winter. But we can await with confidence the outcome, knowing that from this time continues the grand march of living nature, from tender upspringing to full leafage, to fruitage, to harvest, and then again to slumber. We have passed the point of awakening ; all the aspirations, the delights, the glories of the year of nature lie before us for appreciation and enjoyment if we are wise to take them as they come—as they must come—without trying to hurt their sequence. It is not the first bluebird that makes the Spring, nor the first robin, nor the first loue hepatica blooming in some secluded snu-kissed spot. We have these iu abundance; they are only the strenuous forerun ners of the real Spring. We have gone forward so fai in the procession of reawakened nature as to reach the first peach, plum and cherry blossoms--though the two former came to their destruction. From now ou we cau enjoy the process of develop ment of Flora's ami Cere's bounties. There is nothing more inspiring than the elementary stir of the earth awak ening from hibernation. It moves the blood. We draw a longer breath of the air which carries the Spring smell. The whistle of the early-coin ing birds finds an echo in our hearts. The fragrance of the rare Spring dow ers brings a thrill which the scent of the hot house blossoms of the past Winter cannot evoke. We step from artificiality into nature, and before us we see the glorious realization of the elementary instincts of humanity. To be sure, it comes every year, but it is none the less satisfactory because of the repetition. The sequence of the seasons will not lose its fascination until human nature is metamorphosed So long as human life is what it is.so long will nature in its infinite man ifestations and its eternal changes sup ply the inspiration and the compensa tion of effort and endurance. While we may long for more genial ity, the warmth of the sun, the blue sky, the balmy breeze.it will come ere long. Nature is balancing things. We are thankful for the green grass, the early flowers, the birds and the promise ot even better things, though the air at this time is chill aud there are suggestions of snow. JOB PRINTING The o*hce of the Amemicak bei fumhed with a large atsortmn job letter and iancy type and jot> material generally, the Publish? announces to the public that he i prepared at all times to cxecutr the neatest manner JOB PRINTING Of alt Kinds and Description AT SHARON J Misfortunes coiij* thick and fast in the household of Samuel Vankirk, No j 200 Cooper street, thin city Mrs. Van | kirk is ill of pneumonia. On Satarday news was received that a sou, Will iam Vankirk, who resides at Sharon, was seriously injured by the cart, hi* skull being fractured This news was followed by a telegram on Sunday which announced the death of Urt Catherine Hall, the grandmother of the family, which occorred during a visit in Cleveland, O. It was carrently iej»orted yesterday that William Vankirk was dead as the result of his injuries A visit to the Vankirk home ye«terday afternoon disproved this story. On the contrary the last word received was ratbat I hopeful in tone, notwithstanding tie grave injuries inflicted. William, up to some months ago. resided in Danville and is well-known I by nearly every one in the upper end of the borough. He is twenty-six i years old aud has a wife and child A few months ago with his little family 1 he removed to Sharon in the north j western part of this state, where he holds the position of car inspector He was injured while in the per formance of his duty Thursday last He was on his way trom Sharon to New Castle when an accident of some sort occurred, as a result of which Ms skull was fractured in two places, and he was terribly injured otherwise about the head. He is undergoing treatment in the hospital at Sharon i The letter received from his wife on Saturday stated that he was at times able to converse. Mrs. Hall, the grandmother, who resided in this citv.went to Cleveland only a couple of weeks ago. She was accustomed to making these trips at intervals for the purpose of visiting a daughter. Although of advanced age. approaching eighty years, when she left Danville she seemed in good health. Ttie news of her death came as a great shock indeed. The remains were brought east aud bnried at Northumberland,the funeral taking place yesterday afternoon. Twelfth Regiment Appoinii^nu. Colonel Clement, of the Twelfth regiment, has approved the tallowing appointments of non-com Missioned officers for the regiment: Co. A, Lewisburg—Sergeants John C. GrofT aud Calvin F. Kauflman, Corporals Herbert G. Nabus. John A Brown, Harry C. Munro, Clyde M Gundy, Charles Mensch. Co. B,Williamsport—Sergeant How ard C. Kathmell, Corporal A. K Batdorf and H. K Faux. Co. D, Williamsport Corporal Samuel C Dinan. Co. F, Danville—Seigeants Frank N. Koefor. Frank S. Ebling and John F. Barry, Corporals Frank B. Yeager, Percy C. Shade, Roland Moyer. Co. H, Lock Haven—Sergeant Kd ward M. McGill. Co. I, Wililamsjmrf Corporal B A. Dymick. The following honorable discharges have been approved: Co. A—Sergeant Thornton M Shork ley, Corporals Charles C. Shorkley, Wesley J. Walter, Privates ; Edward Bell, Oscar M. Dunkle, John Foclit, John W. Schreffler, Francis M Skin ner, Lot Walizer, John J. Yoder, Robert B. Warren, Girton K I.en hart. Co. B—Sergeant Howard Rathmell, Corporals Charles A. Wesner aud Snowden Hall. Privates Walter Wright, Mark Webster, Charles Hess Co. C —Corporals A. K. Batdorf and H. K. Faux, Privates J. C. By ers. P. W. Criswell, W. Wagner, J. E. Zettlemoyer. George Kepler, John Bucher, H. Fetzer, J. H. Hile. Co. E—Sergeant John E. Buck aud Corporal Jacob K. Snodgrass. Co. H— Sergeant Edward M Mo- Gill and Private Garfield A. Bow man. The following discharges have been issued and approved for the ijuarter ending March 31: Co. D— Corporal Walter L. Hart man. Privates Benjamin F. Reed. Frank L. Mitcheltree, George F Hilick. Co. E—Private Charles E Dalzell. Co. F—Sergeant Martin L. Landau, Musician Wellington B. Vastiue, Privates Charles M Green, Henry F Belles, Charles Rosencranx, Alex Rainier, William MeCormick. Ithaca Concert Band. The Ithaca Band comes to us with a reputation second to no other band in the State ot New York,and its leader. Mr. P. S. Conway, has won an envi able place among bandmasters by the excellence of his programmes, aud the ensemble music which he gets from his carefully selected 40 men The men made so great a reputation at the Pan Am. Exposition that the "Express" ot that city speaks of their concert as follows: "The expressions of praise given the baud at the Pan-Am were none too extravagant, as certainly no such music was ever given out by any band iu the State, and as the Buffalo papers said, no band could be conipar ed with it except Sousa's or the marine hand at Washington, as certaiuly Mr Conway is a worthy successor of thai Irish bandmaster, Patrick Sarsfleld Gilmore." The Ithaca Band will appear in the Danville Opera House, Friday even ing May 1, under the auspices of the Friendship Fire Co. Shad fishermen are beginning to fin ure on the net profits
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers