MONTOUR AMBjRIGAN FRANK C. ANGLE, Proprietor. Danville. Pa.. Jan. 22.1903. COLDER WEATHER FOLLOWS THAW The warmer weather of Tuesday with the rain which followed finished up both the sleighing aud skating for tho time being. The roads at places aro bare audit will require another j fall of snow to make sleighing even j passably good. Colder weather promised for today, but no snow is in , siylit so that sleighs and sleds will take a back place for a few days and j wheeled vehicles will come to the | front. Tho present season has already furn ished a great deal of good sleighing and in that respeet has proven quite an "old fashioned" winter. During the decade or so past there have been j many winters in which tho sum total • of good sleighing has been far below what we have already enjoyed up to tho present date this season. Although plenty of ice thore was not much good skating until a few days past. The best ice was found in the canal, which siuco the thaw ot last week has contained two or three feet of water. Monday and Tuesday many of our young people skated all the way to Cameron, returning either by the same route or by tho river, which at many places afforded quite good skat ing. The rain of Tuesday night has covered the ice in the canal with sev eral inches of water. This of course has spoilt skating tor the present, but all that is needed is another freeze to make tho ice bettor than before. OKAKSKSS ( ASSO't 810 <1 UKO by local application*, as they cannot rem :! 1 thedisoii; od portion of the car. There is only one way I > euro deafness, and that is by eon stltutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Kustachian Tithe. When this tube gets inflamed you haw a rumbling sound or im- \ perfect hearing, and when it is entirely clos ed djafness is the result, aiul unless the in flammation can l>e taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will : be destroyed forever; nine cases out often are caused bj' catarrh,which is nothing but an iu- | ilamcd condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of 1 »eafncss (caused by catarrh) that can ot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cute. Henri or circulars, true. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Sold by Druggists, 76c. Hall's Family I'illsare the best. Keep Up the Agitation. Tho announcement that the govern ment has admonished communities that the rural froo mail delivery sys tem will be di •continued nnless tho public roads along which carriers are forced to travel are kept iu good con dition, has given the good road move ment new impetus. The farmer, for whose benefit free rural mail routes have been established, will have an additional incentive to give the ques tion of road making more diligent study and to make a more determined aud united demand upon tho State Legislature for financial assistance iu improving tho thoroughfares. The mass meeting in Washington County Wednesday, at which tho subject of good roads was discussed and a plan of campaign in behalf of good high ways in that county was mapped out, including a proposition to ask assist ance from the state in tho work, will doubtless bo followed by similar gath erings in other parts of the state. Democratic Stat" Chairman Creasy, himself one of the most ardent advo cates of state aid lo road building, takes exceptions to tho bill which Senator Sproul will introduce in the Legislature, on tho ground that his bill becomes a law it will impose too great a hardship upon the counties. The main trouble seems to bo that a law that would suit oue community would be objectionable to other com munities because of tho differing con ditions that exist throughout tho State. Ono county or ouo township, because of the wealth that abounds therein, might bo able to meet the requirements of such a bill as that drafted by Senator Sproul, while oth er counties or townships, because of their lack of financial resources,might bo overburdened with taxation if forc ed to meet tho extra demands made upon it.—Williamsport Sun. UncoDecious From Croup. During a sudden and terrible attack of croup our little girl was unconsc ious from strangulation, says A. L. Spafford, postmaster, Chester, Mich., and a dose of One Minute Cough Cure was administered and repeated often. Jt reduced the swelling aud inflamma tion, cut the mucus and shortly the child was resting easy and speedily recovered. I' cures Coughs, Colds, LaCJrippe, and all Throat aud Lung troubles. Ono Minute Cough Cure lingers in the throat and chest and en ables the lungs to contribute pure, health-giviug oxygen to the blood. Gosh <fc Co., Panics & Co. Funeral of Alem Sechler. The remains of the late Alem Sech ler,whose death occurred Friday,were consigned to the grave iu the Episcop al cemetery Tuesday afternoon. The funeral, which took place at the home of tho deceased, Kipp's Run, at 1:30 o'clock was very largely attended, among thosa who gathered around the bier of the aged and well-known citiz en being a large number not only from this city, but also from Sunbury, Mil ton and other towns. The services wero conducted by Rev. K. J. Allen, pastor of St. I'ot er's M. E. church. Riverside. The choir of St. Peter's was also present aud sang two selections. Following were the pallbearers: ,T. 11. Campbell, John Crossley, James Schaffor, .T. D. S. Rhoades, .James Carr and A. D. Wyand. Among those from this city who at tended tho funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sechler, Mr. and Mis. J. w. McKinuey, Miss Ida Soehlor, Mrs. Frank Spitler, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rebmnu, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer New berry, Mis. Mariah Rondeman, John ; veritt and Mis- S ira Waters. WITNESSES BEFORE STRIKE conrussioN PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 21. The first witness before the Strike Com mission today and incidentally the four hundredth one to whom the com mission has listened to was Gilbert Jones, assistant mine superintendent for the Temple Company.He admitted that lie had refusod to re-employ a number of men who had gone 011 strike, but declared that his only reason for so doing was that ho had filled their places during the strike with men who had provon efficient and whom ho would not discharge. He had also refused to employ sixteen miners who bad refused to work with non-union men Mr. Darrow brought out the net that these sixte"» men were former employes of tho Lehigh Valley companv and ho had b'eii warned against them by the Luenian •it' the Maltby oliierv*. Mr. Darrow contended that ihi> was an example of the innf h discasso 1 blaislist, !W the witn -s vigorously denied this. Tiie next- witness called was Gaorge L. Houser,auditor of the Temple Coal company, who gave the commission the wage conditions of the miner- em ployed by the company as shown by figures which ho declared it had taken him over two months to compile. The total number of company miners was 79'.), he said. He gave a lengthy do tailed statement concerning the arn ings of the various classes. The aver age wage was §1.51) 2-10. This testi mony closed the case of tho Temple company. Heads Should Never Ache- Never endure this trouble. Use a once the remedy that stopped i: for Mr.'-. N. A. Webster, ot Winnie, Va., —she writes "Dr. King's New Life Pills wholly cured mu of sick head aches I bad suffered from for two years. " Cur." headache, Constipa-ion, Killiousuois. ?5c at Paul's & <'o drug Flore. Good Health and Gjo 1 Morals. Dauvillo ha-i several thing* i«> he thanktul for. The Secretary of t!ie Board of He ilth states that there is not a ease of in fectious disease in town. Good order and due regard for law, which at all times is a natural char acteristic of our citizens, was never more manifest than at present, i here are only two prisoners in jail and neither of these is a resident of our town. Arrests are few and far be tween and our justices of the peace find time weighing heavily upon their hands. Our police are always alert and arrests are few because often ders against the law are scarce. This flattering state of affairs i- due to the general intelligence,the upright aud law-abiding character of oar citi zens, which has frequently been re marked upon by those outside of town, but familiar with affairs in our midst. This is especially complimentary to our wage-earners who make up the bulk of our town's population, men who have distinguished themselves, not only for skill and devotion to duty, but also for temperate habits and those manly qualities which are bound to command respect. Little Montour seems to affoid an instance where good health aud good morals go together. New Century Comfort. Millions are daily finding a world j of comfort 111 Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It kills pain from Burns, Scalds, Cuts, ' Bruises; conquers Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Boils and Felons; removes corns and ; Warts, Best Pile euro 011 earth. Only I 25c at Panles & Co. drug store. Laid to Rest. NEW YORK, Jan. 21.—The funeral service over tho remains of the late Ahram S. Hewitt took place this morning at tho Calvary Church. Ob - sequious honor was paid tho dead man bv representative citizens of New York aud the church was filled with sorrowing friends. Committees aud representatives from many civic and business organizations attended the funeral. The rites were performed by Bishop Henry Codman Potter aud Bishop Herbert Letterboe, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Sims Park. Tho musical program, selected by Mrs. Hewit. was conducted by Lacey Baker,the organist of Calvary Church. The vested choir sang the vocal numbers without ac companiment. Tho only instrumental number, Chopin's funeral march, was played by Mr. Baker. The pall bearers were: Mayor Low, Andrew Garuegie, Alexander E. Orr, J. P. Morgan, Morris K; .Tossup, H. H. Rogers, R. Pulton Cutting, Henry E. Howlaud, John E. Parson-, Win. E. Dodge, Charles Stewart Smith, John S. Kennedy and John D. Cadwa lader. Sixteen pall bearers were sel ected, but tliroo were compelled to re main away on account of illness. After the church service the remains "of tlie iron master and philanthropist wero removed to Greenwood cemetery, when- they were interred in the Peter Cooper burial plot. WW WXBt MP - r ' TTWuil Xwli I Hair Splits I £ UrSMii-'. "S3 S "I have used Avcr's Hair Vigor I S for thirty years, it is elegant for Q 9 a hair dressing! nd for i.eeping the 1 112 hair from splitting t.t the ends."— I 9 J.A.Gruenenfc:dcr,Crjntforh,lll. g IwHair-splittinj* splits | I friendships. H' it>c fj 1 splitting is ci ; c c .*> y:ur £ g own head, it I ,-sc friends | |';forJyou, for every hair of 3 |« your head ; r. ?. friend. I K :r in 1 advrnc; v ; prevent the £ splitting. If the splitting w has begun, it will stop it. ■■aJMIIII ■ " * Wllle ■ It your druggist cannot supply you, I I »e:id us one dollar and we will »*|.it-88 fj I you a bottle. Be sure audjeive the name I H of your nearest fxi reh* office. AddreßS, I J. C. A YER CO., Stass. I sr sr tr «r-«■:sr. sr «*• sr. sr £• e-- sr- & 112 YOU RUN lit no risk whatever in buying a watch here. \V r e guarantee per- feet satisfaction with whatever watch you buy of us. We've been JjjJ Win business long enough to prove that we keep our promises. >ijl Mr We know all about the watches we sell. We have handled and repaired watches for twenty years. Can't we show yon a watch. X The price will be right. fft «, * * HEKB7 REMPE. 112 Jeweler and Diamond Merchant Jjf? jjy j . I0$&m : "4;... ! 1 J«| IHSHi IiITSmM l|l ■ i mi l| ir UNITED STATES SENATOR PENROSE The Hon. Boies Penro e, on Tues day elected to the United States Senate for anotli r r rm, wo i the honor by close attention to duty and by un swerving loyalty t>« his < oasntuents, all the people of Ponnsylv mi a. Every man in the State who h;s had any business with him ha; b en treated with cordiality. Upon his record as a Senator has be been re-elected. Long ago it was rt alized that ho would have no opposition, and no man would undottako tho hopeless and self assumed task of contending with him for the nomination. His JURY LIST. The following is tho list ot jurors drawn for February term of Court. GRAND JURORS. ANT HON Y TOWNSHIP. Ambrose A. Love. COOPER TOWNSHIP. C. D. Garrison, Alonzo Monser, Charles Wertman. DANVILLE, Ist WARD. Thomas C. Curry, William M. Cook, John Derr, Kinney Evans Jr., Newton Reifsnyder. DANVILLE, :ird WARD. John Kilgus. DANVILLE, 4th WARD. Nicholas Hofor, Frederick Mayan, George Rodenhoffer, John Udelhofen, Jr. MA i lONING TO WNSHI P. Joseph Longenberger, Geo. Strause. MAYBERRY TOWNSHIP. Joseph A. Eimbel, Miles Pensyl. VALLEY TOWNSHIP. J. M. -Fenstermacher, W. K. Davis, John McMahan. WEST HEMLOCK TOWNSHIP. Jefferson Betz, B. F. Shultz. WASHINGTONVILLE BOROUGH. Clarence H. Seidel. TRAVERSE JURORS. ANTHONY TOWNSHIP. William Flora, William Satison. COOPER TOWNSHIP. David Krum. DANVILLE, Ist WARD. Samuel Lunger, Charles Kehl, John H. Hunt, Joseph D. Hahn, William H. Maiers, George R. Sechler, Bigler Moyer. DANVILLE, 2nd WARD. Samuel Van Kirk, Harry Seidel, William Brent, Charles Askins. DANVILLE, 3rd WARD. B. F. Foulk, Henry Trotter, Frank Ickes, Fred W. Ream, Arthur Line, Fred Hold. DANVILLE, 4th WARD. Joseph Broidonbach, John Haney, Sr. DERRY TOWNSHIP. Emanuel Mowrer, S. P. Moser, D. S. Spoonenberg. LIBERTY TOWNSHIP. Frank Billmeyer, Aaron Bogart. LIMESTONE TOWNSHIP. C. W. Dye, Jacob B. Moser. MAHONING TOWNSHIP. Hugh MeCaflfery, Sr., William Hel ler., William Backer, Elwai'd Wert man. WASHINGTONYILLE B()ROUGH. W. P. /.el iff. WEST HEMLOCK TONWSHIP. William Gething. VALLEY TOWNSHIP. Walter J. Vincent. Election Notice, Notice is hereby given that an elec tion will be held by the stockholders of the "Colonial Spinning Mills, (In corporated)," at their office in the ! Borough of Danville, Pa , on Satur day, February 28, 1S) ; )3, between the hours off. and 6, for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors for the • inisuiiig year and for the purpose of transacting such other business as may I come betorj I bom. F. Q. HAIITMAN, Secretary. January 5, 1903. Don't forget tho Chicken— Noodle Supper and Musical entertainment at , St. Peter's M. E. Church, South Dan i ville, tonight. Supper served from |<> to K o'clock. Tickets 2."i cents. Tick ets for entertainment without suppei, : 10 cenls. i<irty wis \ unit fot liirn and ho re ceived tlie unanimous oudoivemont of the Senatorial caucns. He thus wins tlio reward of a tried and proved public servant whose fut ure usefulness is assured because of his experience daring the term now draw ing to a closw Senator Penrose's abil ity is of the highest and his capacity lor hard and pyrsiatent work is of the greatest. Ho is an honor to the State which again selects him as its repre sentative in the upper Hall of Cong ress and lie is a decided acquisition to the Senate. RAILROAD MEN WANT MORE PAY There are ominous mutterings among the railroaders in, and near Hazleton over the reluctance of the coal roads to grant a general wage increaso. The men arc very reticent in regard to their intentions, but from the stray remarks let fall, a strike is probable, unless the transportation i companies do something to appease tlio demands of the employes. Tlio railroaders are known to have made a demand for a gtri-'iul a Ivaue", but what answer, if any, has boon made |is not known. A strike has ttlready been inaugurated on the Silve.* Bri ok division of tlio Jersey Central, al though the cauvt assigned is the dis charge of three scale runners. A new superintendent thought their work | could bo done by the hrakemon aud conductors and issued orders that tlio scale runners be dispensed with. The brakemen, however, refused to do tlio work aud a strike resulted. A half dozen collieries will ho affected if the matter is not speodily adjusted, and their suspension would materially decrea-e the output of coal from the Lehigh region. Railroaders from Mauch Chunk, who were asked ;to handle the trains on the Silver brook division, have refused to take tlio strikers places. Entertained Sleighing- Party. W. B. Billheim entertained a jolly sleighing party on Tuesday evening at bis home on the road leading from Danville to Jerseytown. Those present j wore: Mr. and Mrs. O. Reichard and son Willard, and daughter Ethel, Mr. and Mrs. .Jaiue- Reioliard and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ait Reichard and son Harry, Mr. And Mrs. Balliott, Mrs. Balliet ! aud Miss Seidel of Milton. Music j was enjoyed during the evening and j refreshments were served. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news ! papers is sure to know of the wonderful • I j' cures made by Dr. T"TV I Kilmer's Swamp-Root, i I l ' ie £ reat kidney, liver L, iu,i it and bladder remedy. - FkM " It is the great medl .. L ( cal triumph of the nine \V__\ | teenth century; dis- L covered after years of | !' scientific research by |~ , £3rr" x ti Dr. Kilmer, the emi _ ' nei d kidney and blad j S p ec i a ij s j ( an( j j s wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ! ommended for everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. 11 has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur ; chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and fr^y v * send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing regular fifty cent and Home of flwamp-Roo* dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. Don 't make any mistake, bnt remem ber the name, Swamp Root, Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Biiighanitoii, N. Y., on every bottle. List of Applications for License; In Montour County at January Session, 1903. At License Court to be held January 23d, 1903 at 10 o'clock a. in., for Hotel, i Wholesale Liqnor Stores, Distillers, Brewers and Bottlers, with names, places of residence, location, &c., of each. Names of Applicant Residence Kind of License James L. Rlehl, Ist ward, Danville. Hotel j O. It. Drumheller, " " Hotel < James C. Heddens, " " Hotel i James V. Gillaspy, " *' Hotel ! ] Carl Lltz. '■ " Hotel Daniel 11. Heddens, " " Hotel Daniel Marks, " " Hotel i Heister I!. Foust. " " j « onily W. Foust, " '' Brewery Curry W. Foust, " " \ Win. C. Williams, " " Hotel l s. M. IMet/., " •' Hotel i : .Iciinir ?»h<H»tiiakt*r, •* ** Whole Hale Liquor store I | Alljert Keuimi'i\ 2nd ward ** Hotel I ; VV 11. N. Walker 44 " Hotel I i Kiias Maier, ward •* Keslaunuit I , George F. Smith. " " Kestaurant ' Paul S. Sweintek, *' " Hotel I Lewis Titel, '* " Hotel | , I ' Franklin L. Cocliell. "* " Kestaurant i ' Thomas Tully. " " Hotel ! Clarence K. Pelfer. " " Hotel i John C. I'elfer, " " Wholesale Liiiuor Store George A. Meyers, " " Hotel i ( ' t'harles Beyer, '* " Hotel ! James Ityau. " " Hotel j ! Caroline lteick, " " Hotel I Peter '.Varna, " " 11 «>tol ! i ! Jaines F. Doi'.ghcity. " " Hotel | ! William Mackart. " " Hotel j Andrew Knssell. " " Kestaurant | Peter Dieirlch, 4th ward, " Hotel ! Polish Lithuanian Brewing Company 4th ward, Danville, Brewery j Win. Houghton. Exchange, Anth'y twp. Hotel George N. Oyster, Derry rownshlp,Distlllery C. T. Mowrer.- '' " Hotel Ben.j. F. Wise, " " Hotel Richard B. Moser, " Hotel 'V. D. Wise. Valley " Hotel Frederick Moser, " Hotel Fanny Heddens, Washingtonvllle Hotel Amandus L. Heddens, " Hotel Notice is hereby given that the foregoing named persons have filed with the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace of Montour County, their Petitions for License, which will be presented to the said Court 011 Friday, the 23d day of January, A. D., 1903, at 10 o'clock a. m. THOS. G. VINCENT, Clerk of S. Danville, Pa., Jan. 5, 1903. ! HAY DOUBLE THE SPEED OF TRAVEL A successful test of a machine pat- j ented under the head "A new and use ful improvement in gearing," lias re cently taken place at Lockport, N. Y., ; according to a despatch to the Phila delphia Ledger. The machine promises to give lailroads the 125 mile per hour locomotive and to give ocean steamship a power that will overcome the mom entum of an ocean greyhound in one i minute, instead of the five minutes now required to reverse a large steam ship. The new engine is, properly speak- j iug, a mechanism devised to increase the power and speed of any reciprocal j ing type of engine. Doing away with the crank aud rods, as it does, it in creases the power by means of a spiral shaft crosshead and stub shaft, which j gives a leverage hitherto unknown in ; any type of engine. There is no change j made in the steam cylinder, except to putin two pistou rods instead of one. The two to 0110 engine has ran 4,000 revolutions per minute, moving the pistou head 2,000 times,something that has never been accomplished before with a reciprocating engine. Tho en gine is always under complete control by means ot eccentrics and link mo tion, the same as any crank engine, j It may he reversed at will at any speed, running equally well in either direction. This eugiuo shows a saving in fuel, water and steam of not less than 33 1-3 per cent over a crank engine of the same type cylinder. If an automobile, as they are now constructed, can run eighty-four miles an hour, this mechanism, using the same generative power, will move it 108 miles an hour,with the two to one shaft, or 252 miles with the three to one shaft, always providing tho auto mechanism would stand high speed. All Poles in Alleys. The attempt of the Central Pennsyl vania Telephone Co. to erect a pole line through the principal street of Catawissa has resulted in the passage of an ordinance by the Council of the 1 town requiring all telephone, tele graph and electric light concerns to | pla';e their poles in the alleys. SOTICK. Estate of Margaret Deen late of the ' Borough of Danville, in the County of Montour and state of Pennsylvania, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given Unit letters of Ad ministration on the above estate have been' granted to the undersigned. All persons in debted to the said estate are required to make payment, and those having claims or de mands against the said estate, will make j known the same without delay, to JONATHAN S. DEEN, Administrator of Margaret Deen. dee d. P. O. Address, Danville, l'a EDWARD S. GEARHART, Counsel. Places for which Application is Made. »S. K. corner Market and Mill streets, Ist » ward, Danville, l'a., known as the Montour! House. N. W. corner of Penn and Mill streets, Ist ward, Danville, Pa., known as Hotel Oliver. West side of Mill street between Market :ind Front streets. Ist ward, Danville. Pa., No. 11 Mill street, known as Heddens House. N. W. corner Mill and Front streets, No. 1, Ist ward, Danville. Pa. East side of Mill street, between Market and Front streets. Ist ward. Danville. Pa.. No. lti Mill street. West side of Mill street Itetween Market and Mahoning, No. 127. Ist ward, Danville. Pa., known as Mansion House. East side of Mi II street, between Mahoning street and Penn'a ( anal, No. Mill street. Ist ward, Danville, Pa. N. W. corner Front and Ferry streets. Ist j ward, Danville. Pa . No, 11* Front street. Kust side of Mill street, between Market and Mahoning streets, known asthcßaldv lloihe Nos. lIH and 120. Ist ward. Danville l'a. S. W. corner Rough and Keadyand .Market ' streets known as the Glendower House. Ist ward. Danville, l'a. Opera House Block, No. 7 East .Mahoning streets. Danville, l'a. Room D. South side of Market street, adjoining an • alley on the east, .1. A. Faux on the west and ' known as the Lafayette House in the 2nd ' ward. Danville, Pa. On the south nidi' of Market street, being i Nos. 724 and72o East Market street. 2 I ward, I Danville, Pa. West side of Mill street between I'enn'a • anal and D. L. & W. K. I!. .'!d ward, Danville Pa.. No. i7!t. West side of Mill street. Nos. 1 1 and 2!t! bet ween Penn'a < anal and 1). L. iV W . It. R. ;id ward, Danville, l'a. West side of Mill street. Nos ar, and be twein Penn'a Canal ami D. !,. ,t W. IJ. K. :ui ward Danville, l'a West side of Mill street, No. !.i Iw t<vei n l>. L. & W. K. li. ami North'd street. ;id ward, Danville, l'a., known a., tiie Hudson River House, North side of North'd street. No. 11, be tween Mahoning Creek ami Mill street. -•< 1 ward. Danville, l'a.. known as the North Danville House. East side of Mill street between t 'enter and •Spruce streets, 3d ward, Danville, l'a.. No. 510. Southeast corner of Mill and Spruce streets :td ward, Danville. Pa. Northeast corner of Mill and Spruce streets lid ward. Danville, Pa.. Nos. 524 and ~Ci Mill. West side of Walnut street between It. R. street and an alley opposite Heading depot, Hd ward, Danville, Pa , known JIS Catawissa Depot House. Southeast corner of Mill and He:iil>x-k streets, :iil ward. Danville. Pa . Nos. 51:* and 541 Mill street, known as White Hots - Hotel East side of Mill street between Spruce and Hemlock streets. No. 532, 3d ward. Danville, Pa. Corner of 11. It. street and an alley opposite D. L. A; W. R. depot, known as Railroad House, .'ld ward, Danville, l'a. East side of Mill street. bep.v en ll.mlock ami Little Ash streets. 3d. Danviile Pa. ami known as Washington !1..:>.»• North side North'd stiwt, •';«! Wartl, Dan ville. Pa., adjoining property of ',u on, Treason the east and property of Montot; :- Iron and Steel Co. on the west. In a house situated in :i,l wat •' on the northeast corner of Mill it Little Ash sir..-is being No. tii2 Mill street. Danville, l'a. East side of Mill street, No 33K, Danville, Pa. West side of Cpper Mulberry street, be tween Bloom and Center streets No. I Cpper Mulberry street, 4th ward. Danville, l'a Fronting on Soring street, between A and B streets in 4tn ward, Danville. Pa. Situate lit Exchange. Montour County on the north side of Public road leading from Exchange to Turbotville adjoining 1 inds of Mrs. Austin Mohr, Dr. M. McHenry and Charles Yeager. On the road between Derry and Limestone township on Derry lioad. known as oyster's Distillery. On south side of public road leading from Washingtonville to White Hall, near or ad joining lands of Wilkesbarre .V- Western R. R. where Washington ville Station is located Derry Township. A two story frame building situated on the east side of public highway leading from Danville to Washingtonville, bounded on the north by road leading from Washingtonville to Jerseytown. on the east by land of Joseph Hartman, on on the south by land of Henry Cooper. In a two story frame Hotel building, sit uated on the corner of Main and Ooal streets in the village of Mooresburg, Liberty Town ship. At Junction of public roads leading from Mooresburg and Washingtonville to Danville in Mausdale, Valley Township, known as Val ley House. Valley township, on road leading from Washingtonville to Danville, known as Penn sylvania House. Fronting on Water street, corner of street in Washingtonville Borough known as Kx celsior Hotel. Southeast corner of Water and Market streets, Washingtonville Borough, known as Eagle Hotel. PXBCVTRIX'S KOTICK Estate of George W. Myerly, late of borough of Danville, in tho county of Montour aud state of Penusylvan ia, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to the said estate are required to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the said estate, will make known tho same without delay to MRS. HARRIET S. MYERLY, Exec utrix of George W. Myerly, Deceased. Edward Sayro Gearhart, Counsel. Danville' Pa., December 10th, 1902. AUDITORS NOTICE. ESTATE OF WILLIAM B. ROBINSON, LATE OK VALLEY TOWNSHIP, MONTOUR COUNTY, DECEASED. The undersigned auditors, appointed by the Orphan's Court, of Montour County, to make distribution of the balance in the hands of the accountants : to and among the parties entitled there to, will sit to perform the duties of his appointment, at his office, 110 Mill Street. Danville, Pa., 011 Saturday, the 24th, day of January, A. D., 1903, at 10 o'clock A. M.. when and where all par ties interested are requested to attend, or be forever debarred from any share ! of said fund. RALPH KISNER, Auditor. Danville, Pa., Dec. 29, 1902. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In re exceptions to the first aud final account of Win. H. Krainm us Test amentary trustee of Margaret Kram 111, late of the Township of Limestone. County of Montour, deceased, as filed by the said trustee. The undersigned audit r appointed by the Orphan's Conrt of Montour County, to pass upon exception tiled to the first and final account of Wm. 11 Kratnni, as testamentary trustee of Margaret Krainm, deceased, will sit to perform the duties of his appointment, at his office. No. 110 Mill Street, Dan ville, Pa., 011 Friday, January 30, 19*13, at lOo'lock, a. 111.. when and where all parties interested are requested to at tend. RALPH KISNER. Auditor. Danville. Pa. January 7, 1903. -piXKCItTIIIX'H SOTK'K. Estate of Elizabeth (4roves, deceased Late of the Borough of Danville in the County of Montour and State of Pt nusylvania. Notice is hereby pin n that l«-lI• r- Testa mentary the above estate liavi l«'en granted to the undersigned. Ail persons in debted to the said Estate, are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the said estate, will make known the same without delay to URIAH GROVES, Executor, of ELIZABETH GROVE, deceased. P. O. Address, Danville, l'a. EDWARD SAYRE GEARHART, Counsel. FLORIDA. Personally-Uonducted Tour via Pennsyl vania Railroad. Tiie first Jacksonville tour of the sea son via the Pennsylvania Railroad, al lowing two weeks in Florida, leaves New York, Philadelphia, and WashitiK ton by special train February 3. Ex cursion tickets, including railway trans portation, Pullman accommodations (one berth), and meals t/i rorte in both directions while traveling on the special train, will be sold at the following rates. New York, $50.00; Buffalo. £i4.2"> Rochester, |54.00; Elinira, $»1.45; Erie, $•>4.85; Williamsport. $50.00; Wilkes b.irre, sso.3s:aud at proportionate rates from other points. For tickets, itineraries, and full in formation apply to ticket agents, or ad dress Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent. Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. Points to Farmers About Oil's CONDITION POWDER. K •.¥ vs UPPISH AUGUSTA, PA. I fed "Diehl's (Condition Powder" to my chickens according to directions I and fonnd it the liest I ever used. When ! 1 l>egan to feed it my chickens were sick j with the ronp. I have seventy-five [ chickens now, and yon never saw a l finer lot They have fine red comb" and lay lots of all through this cold weather, I also fed some to my hogs: it kept them healthy and gave them a good appetite, helping them to fatten. I say upon honor that it is the K-st powder in tne market. Yours truly, ISAAC SHIIM:. STILL. WA FKK. PA. "Dielil's Horse. Cattle and Poultry Powder" is far superior S-o auything <>f the kind I have ever used, and can re commend it to all. Am c iiitid-ut that using a reliable p c.vder and keeping stock in good health is a most profitable and economical investment to the own ei. and I want no better powder than yonrs. T. If. EIKJAR. I MANUFAFTI'KKD L!Y - Moyer Bros, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Bloomsburg - - Pa. J.3J"For sale l»y all dealers. JOEHST W. FARN 8WOIITH INSURANCE Lift Fire Accident and Steam Boiler Office: Bulldlnjc, Mill street, Danville, - - PenrTa ~win nn vn want "* w ° ney o yL,, ! WANT PROFITS IJ[] I ON A SMALL INVESTMENT INVES- W» ARE TIGATE Tie Yirginia-PitlsMri Coper Mimae Co. 7 INCORPORATED. | J capital StocS. 4,000,000 Shares. Per Value, $4.001),000 FOR a few days, or weeks at most, *ve offer the ■ Opportunity of letime •'FORTUNE raps but once at every door, ami onoe refadinisM mi returns no more." We have the Safest, Surest and Best Mining Proposition of tn* i present day. RZMZMBEII, COPPS2 IS KIX3! Its nse in th»- mannfa<*tnre 112 «»b*ctne *p pliances has doubled its demand and price. ''The LEROY" Copper Miuing SUn-k ontv suM »t '.'Vis per share its now worth abont $'25.00. The Calnmet and Heela Copper Mining Stock in "went a tagging'' at 10c j>er share, it is now worth *">7i> |»*r • li.f. ml has pnid more than smo,oOo,i>oo in dividends. A ten dollar Investment May make you rich We have a wealth of ore in sight. The prospecting stage is past. Our Success is Positively Assured. OUR DIRECT! >KS and officers are one and all strict-forward hon»-t and industrious business men. of Pittabnrg and vicinity We arr iut»*r> *r»-d HE.ART and SOUL as well as D< )LLARS and CENTS. "Will You Investigate ? A booklet on Mining Matters in general. "HOW T«> MAKE SIDNEY FREE. It costs yon nothing. We pay the postage. Its fr.v as air Wnt for it at one. Address, O. F. IIALLAM, Pec. and Mgr. Virginia-Pittsburg Copper Mining Co. 246 Third Avenue. Pitta*! nhk. Fa "ooooo : ~o~^>^'>tx>oc>obco6boooooC"X : 3cobooo- y r ■ William sport i s Dickinson *' | y ' X b a 111 .. ' ' 1 *: ! O « r rofnSyts S } im| n A .:• ; • •'!. -: I I f.tlil. .1 . • • ' < jv *: v. • H.vr s . . . 2 vj 3 I'• ■ '.EllT.i. 'i > ft ? O : l-ct/V'.. i i.'l.t i .u| 112." i * «it ■ i| »*•.. lu rs I'u • , Art. Fxprt • ' -I » ' * • $| 'i i cv■ Y: t-. ! •:■•• ■ 0 A v. ;; 1 ; :i ! . 'i X . ihtistcri 1 . . O X ** O opens Scptnuloct! Q V. I.UWARI) J I'.KAY, D. 1> I'cs . riVV i T*. jg OQOOOOCK 0000000 CWOOTOJOOO GOLDEN GATE TOUR. Onder the Personally Conducted Bysteai of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The first Pennsylvania Railr >a-l Per sonally conducted Tour to California fur the present season will leave Xew \ ork ami Philadelphia ou the Golden (iate Special, .January "29. {<<>1111; via Chicago. Kansas City and El Paso to Liw Angeles and San Diego. An entire month may be spent on the Pacific ( •oast. The Golden Gate Special will leave San Francisco. returning Ta»* 'lav, March it, stopping at Salt Lake City, Glen wood Spring, Colora<io Springs and Denver. Rate s:p»i front all prints on the Pennsylvania Railr<>ad east of Pittabarif, covering all rTprr—« of Railroad transportation, side tnpn in California, and berth and meals go ing and returning on the special train No hotel expenses in ( alifornia are in eluded. Tickets are good for return within nine months, bat when not n-ed returning on the Golden Gate Sj>»fial they cjver transportation only. For de tailed itinerary apply to Ticket Agent or address Geo W Boyd, Assistant General Paa-enger Agent, Br ad Street Station, Philadelphia. Pa NOTICE T<» HEIRS. IN TIIK ORPHANS tOI'RT OF M< »XT» )CR COUNTY. ESTATE or RI'KTON G WAPLKS. OF THK TOWNSHIP OK C<X>P»:K IN THE COCXTV OK MONTI K AND STATE or PbNNSI I.VVNIA. L»E CEASED. TO: Sarah L Lynns. Norristown Montgomery County, Penna.. M»ry .1. Fisher and A H. Fisher, her hns band. Grovauia. Montour County. Penna,, Hannah Wallace Heiui and Frank Hieui, her husban<l. Danville. Montour County. Peuna.. and Harry C. Waples. Espy. Columbia Cooatr Penna., h-ir* ;it law of the -aid Bnr ton G. Waples. YOU: and each of yon are hereby duly nolifie.l toapj>ear before the Ju<lire-« of our Orphan '* Conrt to be held at liittiville, Mon tour County. Penna.. on the first day of next term, the -nine be- on Monday the -j.i iUy of February A. I). ISXfcii at ten o'clock iu the fore noon of the said day to accept or refuse the real estate of the *aid decendent at the respective valuations pla< ed thereon V»y the Inquest or make bid.* 00 the same to show why the same should not be aold by < >rder of Conrt on yonr ne glect or refusal to accept the same. Said real estate of the said de«-edent l>eiiig valued and appraised as follow respectively: Lot No. 1. The undivided H-ll th in-, terest of the said decedent in Lot No 1 valued and appraised at $927 2* Lit No. 2 The undivided 1-2 interest of the said decedent in Lot No. 2 valued and appraised at $.">50.00. Lot No. 3 The interest of the said decedent t, being the entire interest there in) in Lot No. S valued and appraised at $75.00. WITNESS the Honorable Robert R Little. President of our said Orphan 's Court at Danville. Penna , this seventh day of December, A. D. 1902. THOSU. VINCENT. Clerk of the Orphan's Court. MICHAEL BRECKBILL Sheriff EDWARD SAYRE GEARHART. Counsel. SIITICK. Estate of Elizabeth C. Line, deceased Notice U hereby given that letters of A<l minis! ration upon t In- al>ove estate ha v. - .-ri granted to lie- utMltroigiit-d All persons in debted t" the - iiil Kstttte. are required to make iKiynient. nxl those havlin: • . r demand* against t lie said estate. will nukr known the same without delay t«> JOHN L LANK. ARTHUR P. LANE. Admr's of Elizabeth C. Lane. dec'tl. WM. J. BAU»Y. Attorney.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers