RAILROAD TIME TABI.KS. PENS'A K. K. EAST. WEST 7.13 A. M. '-'-n A. M. 10.17 o 12.15 P..M. •fl\ P. M. 4.58 " O.OW " 7.51 " SUNDAYS. 10.17 A. M. P- M. 1). L.. & W. 11. H. EAST. WEST. 6.58 A. M.»•"» A. M. 10.19 " I- 17 2.11 P. M.»••'» " 6.10 " S-20 " SUNDAYS 6.58 A.M. 12.17 P. M. 6.16 P.M. *'•» " PHII,A. .1 READING K. K. NORTH. SOUTH. 7.82 A.M. 11.25 A.M. 4.00 P. M. 0.05 P. M. BLOOM STREET. 7,84 A. M. 11.28 A. M. 4.02 P. M. ('.Ol P. M. J. awKiarMT, /jPßfc SURGEON DENTIST, OrfioiDK MILL ST., Opposite the Post Office. Operative anil Mechanical Dentistry Oarefully performed, Teeth positively extracted witlioat pain,with lias, Ether and Chloroform: Treat liilC and Filling teetli aSoecialtv. HASE WKNT, ATTORNEY-AT-LA W, Office over Paules' Drug Store MONTGOMERY BUILDING, UU STKKKT - - DANVILLE, FA J. J. BROWN, THE EYE A SPECIALTY Eyes tested, treated, fitted with glass es and artificial eyes supplied. 311 Market Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Hours—lo a. m.to 5 p. m. Telephone 1436. THE DRUMHEAD BUSINESS. A Singe Lonic Inland Industry B'hloh Prosper* by War. Few people know that more than half the banjo and drum beads sold in the United States are made oil Long Is land. Near the railroad station at Cold Spring is a little red building sur rounded by frames, in which skins are stretched for drying, while near by is an artificial pond, with wooden sides and bottom, filled with a chemical mix ture. It is an unpretentious establish ment, but in our two wars and in the peace between it has fathered a great deal of noise. The business was estab lished in ISGO, and success was almost Immediate. Competition was strong after the rush of war orders was over, but the business has advanced in im portance until now there are but three factories in this country whose opposi tion can be felt. Two of these are in Brooklyn and the other at nigh View, N. Y. New York markets furnish the salt ed raw skins from which the drum heads are made. The hair Is removed from the skins by a chemical bath in the artificial pond, and the skins are then stretched on the racks and dried. A thorough scraping removes any par ticles of fat or flesh that may havt adhered to the dried skin, which is then the thickness of parchment. The skins are thoroughly bleached in the drying process and are then ready for cutting into heads. During the Span ish-American war the factory was fair ly swamped with orders for drum heads, 500 dozen heads often being or dered at one time. The principal de mand was for the "tenor" drum, on which a loud accompaniment to the fife or bass instrument can be pro duced. Kangaroo skins make the costliest drumheads. When dressed, they are showy, but beyond their appearance and name they are of no greater value than heads made from calfskin. Sheep skin is used for cheap toy drums.—New York Post. Mrs. Llvermore'» First Speech. In an interview Mrs. Mary A. Liver more gave a graphic account of the first time she spoke in public. She said: "My first speech was made in 1861, at Dubuque, la. I was 'scared to death.' I talked for fully 20 minutes without hear ing my voice or seeing the audience. The way my knees knocked together would have made the knocking of Belshazzar's a piece of folly. Then the people became clearer. I could pick out the faces of my friends in the densely packed hall. Then, aa I paused, there came a startling burst of applause that made me jump and look around, thinking something had given way. "This effort was followed by a deluge of invitations. 'Come and make us the same speech you did ift Dubuque,' was echoed from all parts of the country. At that time I was very much averse to wo men's speaking in public. I didn't believe in it. I doubted the wisdom of it. liui my interest in it grew, because I felt that the women must be started up to look after the needs »112 our soldiers, the men being so busy." They Eat Themselves. From various causes, such as anger and fear, many animals eat their own flesh. Itats, when caught in a trap by the leg, will gnaw off the captured member, and mice in captivity have been known to bite off their tails. But there are some creatures which go much further and actually eat parts of themselves if left for too long a period without food. A hyena belonging to a menagerie was kept by the proprietor without food In order to tame it. One morning he was horrified to find that tho fero cious creature had actually eaten part of its own leg. An eagle in the zoo a few years ago was noted for the fact that it would now and then pick pieces of flesh out of its own legs and eat them. Certain caterpillars and toads devour their cast off skin. This may be due to fear, but it looks like economy. There is Just a trace of this charac teristic in human beings. Children when in rage sometimes bite their own hands and arms, although it must be admitted that they desist when it be gins to hurt. .y Porto Itioan Percentages. I Of the 953,243 population of Porto Hl co only 75,000 live in cities. On this is land, but 100 miles long and 30 wide, are 40,000 district farms and one-fifth of the island under cultivation. The average size of a farm in Porto Klco is 45 acres, of which 12 are cultivated. Seventy-one per cent of these Porto Rlcan furms are owned by whites and the rest by negroes. Ninety-three per cent of all the farms are cultivated by their owners, a higher rate of owner cultivation than the United States can ehow, where the proportion is but 72 Der cent. Thirty-eight per cent of the •Porto Ricans are colored. In Porto Ri co 83 per cent of the colored people are of mixed blood. The percentage of il literacy in I'orto Hico is very high, about 84. This is higher than in any Other country from which statistics are obtainable except Guatemala.— World's iWork. For Female Complaints. and diseases arising from an impure ' state of the blood Lichty's Celery Nerve Compound is an invalnable specific Sold j by Ross man & Sou's Pharmacy. WOMAN AM) HOME, | A PHASE OF SETTLEMENT WORK IN A CHICAGO SUBURB. A Frenchwoman's Dot—The Eiaen tinln of Ileauty—The Frivolous One's j Caki'H— S|Miiled Children—(ilrU In Business l.lfe. In Neighborhood House, a social settle ment at West Sixty-seventh and May streets, Chicago has an example of a new phase of settlement Work. The first ; condition which awoke efforts of this ua- 1 ture was the congested state of districts : in the central parts of the great cities, the second is the stage which anticipates the need of such a social cen«er in the fu ture. Social settlements are hereafter, if the hopes of their promoters are realized, not to wait the coining of such conditions as prevail in the river wards of Chicago, but are to take their place in advance of dense populations aud grow with the neighborhood. Indirectly, Neighborhood House began in 1895 as a day nursery. Professor Ful ton B. Ormsby of the Perkins Bass school suggested to the young people of the Stewart Avenue Universalist church MHB. HARRIET M. VAN DER VAART. of Englewood that a creche was needed in the locality of West Forty-seventh and Halstead streets. A small cottage was rented and furnished for this purpose. Soon the demands on the nursery grew to such proportions that a kindergarten was started in West Forty-seventh street, just west of Halstead street. The Per kins Bass and D. S. Wentworth schools co-operated with the young people who had begun the work in its support and have since worked in conjunction with the settlement. Soon afterward a mothers' class was formed, and this has grown into one of the most successful woman's clubs in the city. It is in the Federation of Women's Clubs. The cottage in which the move ment was first given an impetus was opened in the evenings for a reading room ami clubs were organized for boys and girls. The cottage was outgrown that winter, and in 1800 a larger house was rented in West Sixty-ninth street, near Bishop street. This was the real beginning of a social settlement. Mrs. Harriet M. Van Der Vaart took charge and has since that time been head resident. In 1898 a new and still larger building was secured. Two more residents, both young women, Joined the settlement, making the total four, Mr. S. S. Van Der Vaart, husband of the head resident, devoting his even ings to the work. While the principal support of the set tlement has always come from the Stew art Avenue Universalist church of Engle wood and its members, the settlement is now gradually assuming an independent position and without losing the assist ance of the church, whose pastor and members are among its teachers and lec turers, is becoming the common heritage of all religions and nationalities Jn the district and is drawing on all for its mor al and financial support.—Chicago News. A Frenchwoman's Dot. John Strange Winter has contributed to the London Telegraph an interesting account of the Frenchwoman's dot. Probably, she says, few English people realize to tho full extent how fixed an in stitution the dot is in France. We in England do sometimes speak of the dot, often rather as a joke than otherwise, but I doubt whether tho average English man or woman fully understands that just across the channel the marriage por tion is universal and omnipotent. With very few exceptions every French girl has her dot. Indeed, from the day of her birth a French girl is saved for, and her dot is the object of her parents' most self sacrificing endeavors. A girl who has none is looked upon as an object of pity, forsworn to St. Catherine, with no better prospect in life than to enter a sisterhood or to hang onto the outskirts of the family in the capacity of a useful relative. Not many women, be they young or old, like this kind of existence, and this is the reason why so many women in France enter the religious life. As a good sister, no matter of what order, the portionless girl acquires a position of dignity and usefulness. Marriage in France is quite a different institution from marriagfe in England. It is entered into from different motives and in a very different fashion. Inclina tion scarcely affects the bargain'at all. In the first place, no young Frenchman actually proposes to the girl he wants to marry, perhaps, for one thing, because he never gets the chance. Friendship be tween the sexes is sternly discouraged. In fact, before marriage no girl of re spectable class is ever allowed to be alone in a yonng man's company for one single moment. "My son lives his vie de garcon, but my girl lives in my pocket," is tho motto of the prudent French moth *r. So, when a young Frenchman wishes to settle in life he looks around for a suitable partner. According to bis own position and his fortune, so does he de mand a dot of a certain sum. Perhaps two or three girls of his acquaintance may have the desired sum. The approxi mate amount is always known. So, fixing en tho one he admires most, he sends his rawyer or his uncle to some trusted friend to make inquiries and to open up pro ceedings. If the proposal is not disagreeable to the young lady, her family name on their side a lawyer or trusty friend, and ar rangements are very s*w>n made, money is carefully tied up, and the engagement is an accomplished thing. Then the wed ding day is fixed, and preparations fot the wedding are hurried on as fast as may be. Long engagements are almost unknown in France. The Essentials of Beauty. There is a distinctive something—a manner of dressing or a correct carriage • —that makes the American girls head the list by their natural right to precedence. They have their faults, to be sure, but such faults as are easy to correct. Loud voices are the commonest lapses into the unbeautiful and simple. I never realized this so much as I did on my last voyage from the other side of the Atlantic. On shipboard there was a crowd of girls who had been finishing their educations abroad. They sat on deck ami chattered like magpies, their voices rising shrill and The Spring Fever is a malady which no one can escape at this season of the year. The vitality is usually overtaxed during the winter months, and spring finds the system all run down. The blood is thinned and impure. The kidneys and liyer are in j active resulting in a loss of energy and appetite, and a derangement of the nerves. Lichty's Celery Nerve Com ponnd will purify your blood, tone up your nerves, and leave you feeling fresh and energetic. Sold by Rossman & Son's Pharmacy. Ci\glx aud grating fearfully on the nerves of any listener blessed with fine sensi bilities. They were pretty girls, charm ing, stylish, in splendid health, robust and athletic. Hut their voices were some thing fearful to listen to. A low, sweet ' voice, carefully modulated, always be- 1 speaks the lady. A voice that is rasping, quick of action, high strung, nervously pitched, will undo the beauty ambitions of many years. The matter of eating forms a large part in one's beauty rules and regula- ; tions. To my way of thinking, we Americans eat too much and d > not eat often enough. We wait for our . i «t night until we are lv huugiy, and we overload the »; The re sult is a florid, unbeautiful complexion, dull eyes, languid movements and wits that, if not exactly wool gathering, are certainly not as bright as they should be. In the old country meals are lighter. In the morning it is toast and tea and a bit of fruit, later a little chop, again a cup of tea, with bread and butter —always just enough to satisfy the stomach, not enough to cause it to overwork and to bring on dyspepsia, that surest complex ion wrecker of all. The time between meals is too long with us. We are so hungry that we are sure to overeat. And overeating is deadly. There is no mis take about it. Fresh air is a beautifier that is not ap preciated by the average woman. Good health is, of course, the first principle of nil beauty ambitions. Without it your foundation for everything is gone. Fresh nir enlivens the wits, stirs up circulation, brings encouragement to the lungs and instills one with new life.—Amelia Bing ham in Chicago Times-Herald. The Frivolons One'i Cake*. It was a progressive euchre party, and she was the prettiest and most frivolous looking person present. How couid any one who looked like a doll and dressed like a fashion plate be anything but frivolous? The members of the club, which met around from house to house, felt sure that the pretty and frivolous one had not an idea in her head that was more practical than her own gowns. There did not linger a thought in their minds that the refreshments, served at every meeting of the club, would be any less inviting at her house than theirs. In these days of caterers a lack of house hold knowledge does not count. Rut when the eventful day came there was a little gasp of surprise when there was served the most delicious cake any one had ever eaten, and it bore the unmis takable evidence of being homemade. No caterer could make such cake; neither could a maid. Cakemaking requires a cultivated hand on the spoon. "I made it all myself!" cried the frivo lous one when the exclamations of de light reached her ears. This is one cake. It was a layer cake, and between the layers was a chocolate filling made much like an ordinary filling, with chocolate, milk, sugar and the white of an egg, but into that was beaten a lit tle whipped cream, and the same cream covered the top and sides of the cake. The cake itself was very light and deli cate, freshly put together, aud the result can only be surmised by those who did not try it, for the cake was too good to describe. Another cake was made in the same way, only maple sugar was substituted for chocolate and melted with as little water as possible, whipped cream beaten into it and tho whole cake covered with the cream. Another way of using the maple sugar is to add a little to fruit layers in cake, as date cake, and the lit tle flavor given is perceptible and ex cellent. —New York Times. (Spoiled Children. Spoiling children consists in letting one's darling have its own precious way on all occasions, and the way is such a pretty, cunning, winsome way nobody can see any harm in it. But grown up willfulness is quite a different thing from baby willfulness. It has claws and teeth, so to 6peak, and is not nice to contem plate. Spoiling appears to mean a great many different things. One of its mild forms is a total disregard for the feel ings and convenience of others. If you notice a disagreeable, unaccommodating woman on the car or elsewhere you may know, that she was a spoiled child. Although poor people do contrive oc casionally to spoil their children by in dulgence, by making great sacrifices, this business is not carried on wholesale, as it is among the rich. Poverty is a severe yet kind stepmother. In a large family, not very well to do, the older children care for the younger ones and exert more influence often in their own way than their parents in teaching self denial aud common sense. Self control is the one thing spoiled children never learn. They must have everything they want and have it with out delay. Tho child who kicks his nurse, bullies his mother and his younger brothers and sisters develops into the passionate, dissipated young man. The spoiled girl becomes an exacting, disagreeable woman. The world must wait upon her, she makes everybody nround her unhappy and all because she was a spoiled child. Iler husband is a Jnartyr to her whims and caprices, and her children are made wretched by her irritable and fretful disposition, and all because her early training.was not what it Bhould have been.—Bouquet. Girla In BoalnfM Life. Because a girl takes a position of serv ice in a store is no reason why she should proclaim a personal declaration of inde pendence to every customer by her de« portment toward her. She simply cannot afford to do it, and the sooner she realizes it the better it will be for herself. Let mo whisper a secret to you girls who expect to take some similar position by and by. It is this: You will find that courtesy, self respect and an interest in the busi ness in which you are engaged are the conditions of ultimate success, and no girl need fear failure if she has added to these a natural ability to do the work she has undertaken. Tranquillity of spirit should be cultivated. And if in addition to this the mind be habitually occupied with elevating thoughts, to the exclusion of the petty, the ignoble and the sordid, the girl will not only succeed, but she will win friends whose friendship is worth having and retaining, who will re gard her with respect and admiration and make her in their own minds the pattern upon which other women in her line of business may model themselves. Itemem ber that love is a magnet that attructs the best in everybody, because it con sciously or unconsciously seeks the best. Is this method not worth a conscientious trial?—Sallie Joy White in Woman's Home Companion. Mr». Kwldr and Iler FUh Pan. Mrs. Emma P. Ewing, dean of the Chautauqua Cooking school, tells of one saddening experience when she first be giiii housekeeping. The art of cooking was unknown to her, aud she looked for ward with terror to the first visit of her mother-in-law, who was a famous house wife. She arrived, and Mrs. Ewing be gan to serve dinner. The first course was a fish, which she had baked in a pan. When she tried to lift it, siie was at her Wits' end. It stuck to the pan here, there and everywhere. At last the fish was removed by the aid of a carving knife, a fish slice, a spoon and a griddlccake turner. It was too broken to serve on the platter, so the youug cook, with tears in her eyes, made a sauce and served it creamed. She de termined, however, to fiml a better pan for baking fish. Tuere was nothing of the kind in the stores, so she got an in telligent tinsmith to carry out her ideas. She had a piece of sheet iron cut to fit When You Get A Headache don't waste a minute but goto your druggist and get a box of Kranse's Headache Capsules. They will prevent pain, even though your skull were cracked. They are harmless, too. Heed the guarantee. Price 2oc. Sold by Rossuian & Son's Pharmacy. loosely into a shallow bake pan, and at each end of the tin she had long handles attached. When thoroughly greased, the fish baked on it to perfection, all the juice being held by the pan. It was child's . play to slip a thin, long knife under the i fish when lifted from the pan aud slip it whole on a hot platter.—Good House keeping. Doner For the Toilet. Apart from the medicinal uses to which honey Is and may be applied are those ! connected with the toilet. A small jar containing honey should be kept on ev ery washstand and In every nursery. Honey proves a panacea for most of the ills that flesh, or, rather, skin, Is heir to in the shape of cracked lips, roughness of the skin, blotchy patches around the mouth, which are most disfiguring to even the most beautiful, chilblained or chapped hands, sore and cracked heels, wind caught ears, etc., which can all be prevented by this simple remedy. The 1 application is easy, and no one can ob j jeet to it, as they do to so many other remedies. After washing any part of the | body suffering from any of the above j unpleasantnesses, apply to the part af ! fected, while still wet, a very little honey by dipping the finger into the jar and | smearing over. To those who suffer habitually in winter from any of these | distressing complaints the continued use of honey will prevent them from appear ing. Begin to use as soon as the weath er gets cold or as soon as the wind begins 1 to nip. I'leaalnir Ifnsband* and Wlvn. The greatest secret of domestic happi ness lies in husband and wife pleasing each other. It is Quite as easy to say pleasant, graceful things as disagreeable ones. It is far sweeter to a wife to have tender words from her husband than it was to have them from him be fore marriage—husband in the role of lover has a double value in a wife's esti mation. It pleases a woman to know her hus band says pleasant thinga to her be cause he means them and not as flattery. Flattery never pleases her. It pleases her to be told by him that he needs her— that his happiness depends upon her com panionship. To feel that her efforts to please are successful and are appre ciated accordingly will stimulate most women to greater endeavor. —Woman's Life. Hare Yon Talent t "One good way, I think, to Judge whether we have a talent for anything or not is to watch the motive that draws ns toward doing a thing," -writes Helen Watterson Moody in The Ladies' Home Journal. "If we do it because it is the fashion, or because other girls are doing it, or because we have to do it for some useful purpose, it is not probable that we have a real talent for it. But if we find ourselves doing It just because we really love it and would rather do it than not, if it is doing the thing itself that attracts us and not the eclat it is going to give us in the eyes of others—why then I think we may reasonably conclude that God has given us a real talent for that particular sort of thing." The Queen's Legal Hlghts. Queen Alexandra has more independent legal rights than any other wife in Eng land. The Law Journal points out that the queen consort's legal status differs from that of all other married women. She is regarded by law as a "feme sole." Khe may bring an action in the courts as if she were unmarried. She has her separate court, her separate guards and her own servants, distinct from those of the king. By an act dating from the sixteenth century she is empowered to write after her name the title, "Queen of England," and, although she is only a subject, an attempt to assassinate her is punishable as high treason. Common, everyday earth is a cure for many an ache or pain. In the case of a burn from an acid the chief thing is to apply an alkali to neutralize the acid. This may be done by gathering a handful of earth and laying it on the injured part, for the earth contains alkali enough to render it very efficacious. Soda may be used for aa acid burn. If you will only have bare floors and rugs in your house there need never be a regular housecleaning period. The house will be cleaned from week to week, aud carpet cleaning as an exceptional func tion will not be known. Miss Rebecca Stoneroad has been su pervisor of physical training in the public 1 schools of Washington for years. Nine ' assistants, carefully trained by her, help to keep this work up to a high standard ' of excellence. Colored tissue paper is better than ' white for wrapping up laces and ribbons : to be laid away. White papers so used * trill cause white articles to turn yellow. Aaaoelatlon of Ideas. ' The 3-year old sou of a flat dweller, who had heard his father complain oc- J caslonally because the janitor was r drunk and"in no condition to attend I to his work," went to the flat above t his own last week and rang the bell. When Mrs. Blank answered it, the young man said: "Please, Mrs. Blank, can't your little • girl come down and play with me?" ' "Not today," said Mrs. Blank; "she Is in no condition to play." "What's the matter?" asked the boy anxiously. "Is she drunk?"— New York Sun. New Innomnla Care. Brown—Say, I've been trying the fin est cure for insomnia that I ever heard of. It is for one to count each breath 1 that he exhales while lying iu bed. ' Smith—Ah! Then you goto sleep. e Brown—No, but after a little while a t fellow gets rather interested in the □ work, and the night passes away so J quickly that lie doesn't mind lying still j' BO long.—Brooklyn Life. q The lit oi Lime on Soil. s Sorrel usually indicates a sour soil, - and lime is the best medicine for that, 1 says The Rural New Yorker. It is al ' so about the worst thing for potatoes. In most cases where lime is used on s potatoes the scab is very bail. The . reason for this is that the scab Is a . skin disease coining from germs or s bacteria and "spreading" somewhat a like a sore on the skin of the body. When you put lime In the soil, you sweeten or neutralize It aud make the conditions Just right for the spread 9 of tills scab disease. In u sour soil it is L> not so likely to spread. Do not put lime on the potato crop, but ou corn,, small grain, clover or grass. The prize consignment of American apples which won for the State Horti cultural Society of low* the first prize at the Tails exposition consisted of one bushel of Wealthles, one peck each of Wallbridge, I'lum Cider, Melluda, j Longfield, Tallman Sweet and Duchess i nnd one peck of Soulard crabs. This , fruit was raised by Mr. E. Beeves of . Waverly, la. He Is A Wonder. ■ DAII who see Mr. C. F. Collier, of Cher okee, 1 owa. as he is now. cheerful, erect, vigorous, without an ache, could harldy IsmKjvc he is the same man, who, a short time ago, had to sit in a chair, propped up by cushions, suffering intensely from aft aching back, in agony if he tried to atttop all caused by chronic kidney trouble, that no medicine helped till he •ised Electric Bitters and was wholly enred by three bottles. Positively enres BacJotche, Nervousness, Loss of Appe tite, all Kidney troubles. Only 50c at Paules & Co's drng store. JOBSON WAS OBEYED. HIS REMARKS MADE A BIG CHANGE IN MRS. JOBSON. Bat Even Then lie IHil Not Appear to Be Perfectly Sat lulled mid Had SomethiiiK More to Say llegrardim; the Matter. Mrs. Johson had putin such a busy day at housekeeping that she hadn't time to dress before Mr. Jobson's arrival home the other evening. Mr. Jobson surveyed her disapprovingly as he hung his hat and overcoat on the rack. "By the way," he inquired, scrutiniz ing her from head to foot, "what have you been doing, sifting ashes or plowing the back yard to putin a crop of winter wheat?" "This is my housecleaning day," re plied Mrs. Jobson, "and the clock is slow, so that I didn't have time to change my"— "Oh, that's it, is it? You didn't have time." "I was just about togo up stairs to dress for dinner when you came in, and"— "That's all right what you were just about to do. The point is that I come in and find you looking like you'd been caught in a Jackson City dust storm. ( There's no reason why you shouldn't look attractive around the house ail the time. What's the reason that that little Mis. Questreet, who isn't so much behind you in the matter of years, always looks pinked up and diked out iu frilly wrap pers and things every time we happen to call there, and"— "Not much behind me in the matter of years!" ejaculated Mrs. Jobson. "Mrs. Questreet is eight years older than I am, if she's a day! And we never happen to call upon her at a time of day when she's cleaning house, and, furthermore, she dings at Questreet so that lie lets her have all the money she wants to shop, and those pretty wrappers that you're talking about"— "If Questreet gives his wife any more money to buy these dinky things that make women look nice than 1 give you, then I'd just like to know it, that's all," interrupted Mr. Jobson. "If you haven't got house duds like Mrs. Questreet's, why don't you go and get 'eiu? What's more, there's no reason why you should do any work whatsoever around this house. Just you let the servant girl do the jumping up and gallivanting around when you want anything or I want any thing aud devote your time to keeping yourself looking neat and pleasing." Mrs. Jobson didn't make any reply, but went up stairs and made herself ready for dinner. Whea Mr. Jobson got home on the fol lowing afternoon, Mrs. Jobson, looking very splendiferous indeed, met him at the door. She wore a new and hand some baby blue tea gown, with a lot of cream colored lace scattered over it. Her hair looked as if it had been done up b> a hairdresser. Her feet were incased in neat red morocco slippers, with gilt cord sewed on them. "Well, what are you all rigged out that way for?" asked Mr. Jobson. "Why, don't you remember what you said last evening?" Mr. Jobson did remember all of a sud den, as she 6aw by his expression, and he didn't say anything more. "How do you like my new tea gown?" inquired Mrs. Jobson cheerily, holding out the skirt in her hands. "I goi it to day for almost nothing—— at a sale." "It's great," replied Mr. Jobson in a husky sort of tone. "And I got half a dozen pairs of those lovely silk stockings, different colors, for only $2 a pair," went on Mrs. Jobson. "I am so fond of silk stockings for house wear, and I know how you like silk stockings." "Like 'ein? I love 'em!" gulped Mr. Jobson. "I got these red slippers because you seemed to like Mrs. Questreet's pair, that are just like these, so much," continued Mrs. Jobson. "Do you like them?" "They're orientally magnificent!" said Mr. Jobson in a weak sort of tone. "Now let's have dinner. I'm hungry." instead of tripping down the stairs, as she usually did, to superintend the placing of the dinner on the table, Mrs. Jobson walked over to the sitting room table and rang a brand new gong which she had purchased that day, while Mr. Jobson looked on wonderingly. The serv ant girl wheezed up the stairs half a moment later. "Gertrude, you may serve dinner," said Mrs. Jobson, sinking back iu an easy chair. Mr. Jobson blew his nose rather fiercely, but didn't say anything. He wasn't particularly chipper during the meal, which Mrs. Jobson sat through without once getting up, as usual, to see about the coffee or the dessert or some thing or other, and she went right up stairs with Mr. Jobson when the dinner was finished. "My slippers?" said Mr. Jobson, look ing at Mrs. Jobson expectantly when they reached the sitting room. Mrs. Job son smiled amiably and sounded the gong. The servant niade her appearance presently. "Gertrude, Mr. Jobson's slip pers—you'll find them beneath the bed in our sleeping room," said she. Mr. Jobson was about to say something when the girl had gone up stairs, but he scratched his head instead. "Er—where's that long stemmed brier pipe of minp?" inquired Mr. Jobson after he had settled himself for reading. Mrs. Jobson, looking up from the magazine she had picked up, reached over and tang the gong again. When the servant appeared again, grinning—for the girl was in the play— "Gertrude, you'll find Mr. Jobson's long stemmed pipe on the window sill up stairs," said she. Mr. Jobson looked at Mrs. Jobson with open mouth, but apparently thought bet ter of it and scratched his head again. Mrs. Jobson pulled her easy chair closer to the grate fire and leaned back luxu riously. Abont half an hour later Mr. Jobson said, throwing down his paper: "Let's have a look at that account book of miue. I want to run up the fig ures." Mrs. Jobson was just about to reach over to riug the gong again, when Mr. Jobson stopped her with a gesture. "Just suppose you cut out this. Em press Eugenie, queen of Sheba business," said he."l don't know what this new game is called, but 1 know that I don't want to play it any more. You don't want to get haughty with me, Mrs. Job son. This isn't the British legation of the Peking palace we are living in, you know, and we haven't got any more than 18,000 servants, and there's no particu lar sense in rubbing it in."—Washington Star. Sweet ThlnKn A-nhopplnn. "Judy aud 1 got into a terrible tangle shopping today." "How?" "I owed her 10 cents and borrowed 5 cents ami then 50 cents." "Well?" "Then I paid 30 cents for something she bought." "Yes?" "And she paid 40 cents for something 1 bought, and then we treated each other to ice cream soda." "Well?" "She says I still owe her a nickel."— Detroit Free Press. Fought For His Life. "My father and sister both died of Consumption," writes J. T. Weather wax, of Wyandotte, Mich., "an<l I was saved from the sain? frightful fate only by Dr King's New Discovery. An at tack of Pneumonia left an obstinate cough and very severe lung trouble, which an excellent doctor could not help, but a few months' use of this won derful medicine made me as well as ever and I gained much in weight." In fallible for Coughs, Colds and all Throat and Lung trouble. Guaranteed bottles 50c and SI.OO at Paules <£r Co's drug store. Trial bottles free. THf BEGGARS OF MEXICO. Tlicy Abound All Over the Country and Aro Wi'll Treated. AH over the country beggars abound, for the Mexican people are the most carelessly good natured and charitable on earth. They seemingly never refuse, and I have seen smartly dressed young men ou passing a beggar turn back re pentantly aud hand him money. Every body gives; hence unlimited beggary. Some time ago in Pueblo a surgeon cured the deformity of a beggar cripple, and as his usefulness as a money getter was over his relatives sued the surgeon, alleging that he had deprived them of their means of support. It appeared on trial that the lame man had been "good for $4.50 a day on the average." The judge threw the plaintiffs out of court after listening to their curious expositioi of callousness and greed. A friend of mine here, a genuine Span ish count and a most charitable man, tills his pockets with pennies every morn ing before leaving his house, and to ev ery one who asks alms he gives a cent. He has also many pensioners, and be even economizes in legitimate personal expenses to help deserving people, wid ows and orphans. In the suburban towns every comforta bly off family has its train of beggara who are given money or food. Your beggars fairly adopt you and ask affectionately on meeting you for the health of every member of your family. One poor chap who hobbles round oi crutches ami wears on chilly mornings an old red blanket greets me as his "patron" and bestows blessings on me to last a month for every alms. The intimate relations of beggars and their patrons are amusing. Wealthy men and handsomely dressed womeu stop in the streets for a bit of talk with some favored beggar and never seem ashamed to show a kindly interest in the humbi# friends of the public thoroughfares. Beggars come to one's dining room windows, look in interestedly and go away satisfied with a small coin or a bit of bread. They ask alms in the name of God, or "por Dios;" hence the odd Span ish word "pordioseros," or "for God's sakers," applied to beggars. It is part of the strangely humane life of these southern lauds. A Mexican firmly be lieves that everybody has a right to live ; and to help in time of need. There is Immense charity and mostly quite unor ganized, although there are asylums, but for the most part the beggars are out and about and not housed up—Boston Herald. SEVEN DEVELOPED GOLD MINES. 60 ACRES OF GOLD ORE. THE ARENA. j Gold Mining & Milling Company CRIPPLE CREEK, COLORADO. , This Property is Estimated to be now Worth More than SIO,OOO per Acre and will be Worth over One Hundred Thousand Dollars per Acre,with Proper Development CAPITAL STOCK, $1,000,000. Divided into Shares of 81.00 Each, Full Paid and Non-Assessable."^©* The Arena Company offers 50,000 Shares at 50 cents each in a Property that is Worth over SOOO,OOO. For tiie purpose of raising money to purchase the necessary machinery to make the mines produce daily fully Three Thousand Dollars in Gold, t tins enriching every individual shareholder according to the shares he holds. You can buy any number of Shares you Wish, and make more money than can be made in any other line of investment. The gold ore is in these seven developed mines. There are 8,000 feel of ore in a vein, and these veins are true mother veins, held within walls of granite.placed there by nature. The Company has already developed this property to demonstrate that it is one of the largest gold properties oft lie < 'ripple Creek District which is the greatest gold-prodncing camp on earth, its output last year aggregating BiU,UOO,UUOor nearly double the amount produced in the whole State ofCali tornia. At 50 cents per share the Company is giving you a discount of 10 cents per Share to start with, making "M cents on the dollar. As already stated, this is done for the purpose of rais ing &>.'>,<**' to purchase improved machinery, air-compressor drills, and electric plant. We have two large hoisting engines on this property,a commodious shaft-house,office buildings, boarding house fort lie men, stables, a powder-house, a large quantity of tools, etc. The re ports on these mines, made by one of the best mining engineers in tlie State, succinctly de scribe these improvements. NAMES OF MINES. AZTEC, 210 feet in depth, with shaft-house. lioiler and engine for hoisting, well timbered all the way down. , BONDHOLDER, '-tit l feet deep, hoisting engine and boiler, large iron shaft-house. M EX ICO and MAN HA'l TA N, both over 100 feet deep, on same vein as the Aztec mine, t "KVSTAL, J ASI'EK and GREAT EASTERN, on the same vein as the Bondholder and open ed in depth to over HKI feet, and developments already made show over4,Uoo feet of ore. If you want to make money out of nature, become a producer of gold out of her treasure vaults. The Arena group of mines will do it for you. We can furnish the best of references bank and mining engineers and our title in the property is perfect, coming, as it does through a patent from the Goverment. With more im proved machinery, from S-'i.OOO to 55.000 per day will be a conservative estimate of the output of these mines. Remember that only 50,000 Shares of this Stock are for sale at 50 cents on the dollar, orders lor the number of Shares desired, accompanied by Draft, Money Orders, Express or Cash in Registered Letters, can besentto The Arena Gold Mining & Milling Company, 501 Equitable Building, DENVER, COLORADO. PLANING MILL? HOOTER BROTHERS MANUFACTURERS OF Doors, Sash, Shutters, Verandas, Brackets, Frames and Turned Work of all Kinds. Also Shingles, Roofing Slate, Planed and Rough Lumber. RIVERSIDE, NORT'D COUNTY. FOR FIRST CLASS 112 WORK Oil GO 10 ( .t i A <ik Special atten \ - tion given La- /jjf, fCsl: dies Suits and Delivery. Waists, Bight PlicCS. loons and Vests. Give ] 1 : Danville Steam I ,aundry, No. 20 Cana St Lore and Kase, Pro k Somebody's iJirmduy. Thin is somebody's birthday, Just as sure as fate; Some little hoy is ux years old; Some little girl is eight. Some little hoy is three today, Some little girl thirteen; Some little twins are exactly two- Two apiece, I mean. Some one is eating his birthday cake And laughing over the plume; Some one is counting her biithday do :a On all her fingers and thumbs. Some one is bouncing his birthday ball Or winding her birthday watch; Some one is not too wise or tall For birthday butter scotch. Think of the beautiful birthday books, Think of the birthday cheer, Think of the birthday happinesc Every day in the year! Every day in the y< ar, my dear, Every day we're alive. Some happy child is one or two Or three or four or five. —Ftlielwyn Wctherald in Youth's Companion. THE COOKBOOK. Prunes are greatly improved by being cooked in ii little eiier. Mix finger cookies with cold coffee in stead of water. It will improve them. When peeling apples, drop them into cold water as they ure done, and they will i not turn brown. Joints of meat should always be care fully wiped ami cleaned before they are cooked. Meat is subject to so much dust settling on it that this process Is impera tive. Shirred eggs are easily prepared in the chafing dish. Butter the blazer, turn in the eggs and cook them over boiling wa ter. Sprinkle them with salt and pa prika. Not II In Day For Selllnic. "Does you want to see tie president of de road?" queried the colored man who sat in a chair at the head of the stairs. "Yes; he's the man i want to see," replied the caller. "'Bout ti pass or suntliinV" "About buying out the road for $50,- 000,000. Can you attend to the busi ness for me?" "I 'spects I could, sah; but, tlis bein my second day yere an bein I ain't feel in powerful well, perhaps you'd better see de president hisself—right down de hall an second doali to de left, sah."— Chicago News. II Mil fe wan to do all Ms of Prilai | | I inn !; I Hi It's M. it will Ptee. IIS MM. I Jf A well printed, tasty, Bill or Let )) / ter Head, Poster )L Ticket, Circular, Program, State >l ment or Card is y) an advertisement for your business, a satisfaction to you. low TIP, Noi Presses, , Best Poser, M. Skilled fort, A Promptness- All you can ask. A trial will make you our customer. We respectfully ask that trial. i Mil «i '—- No. ii n. Mahoning St.. WE HAVE Just received some oi the Newest things ic: MILLINERY ! See the Roman and Persian cftects in Jallii and Outing Hats,.. A beautiful selection of -.TRIMMED HATS.:: AT MEDIUM PRICES. infill. 122 Mill Street.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers