Hue Paper - .—For tbe lone The circulation of this paper is in creasing rapidly. It will pay you to advertise in the AMERICAN. SUBSCRIPTION $1 PER YEAR DR. IRVING H. JENNINGS, DENTIST. IJfltt EoHTt » A. M. t'j 12 M Mill St., P. J, P. M. Danville, Pa. iHI'LTZ, M. D. Urn 425 MILL St., DANVILLE, PA. Ureases of the Stomach and Intestines a Specialty W. P. AR6LI, DENTIST Ormir. 218 MlLLStbkkt. eth Extracted without Pain. Crown and Bridge Work a (Specialty, uipped with the latest and moat Improved Xantramenta and prepared to execute the moat difficult work. DR. e. H. REYNOLDS, (FORMERLY OF CATAWISSA). DHNIISI ifflM, Opposite Borten Store, Danville, Fa entlatry in all its branches. Charge Mod-rate and all work Guaranteed Established 18W.' CONDENSED NEWT Sow for pleasant April days. Some good amateur base ball is prom ed us this summer. The Susquehanna is dropping to the dinary water mark. Suaquehanna shad are expected in a w daya. Strawberries continue to sell at high ices. V'ugel and Deming's minstrels at the era house on Saturday Vlemorial Day will lie the next holi y- The several street sprinklers in town : doing good work this week. Fhe Howe and Polk mill is booming th activity. Several good base ball nines will be in thus city soon. Che Easter church music was never it in Danville. ."he Easter offering at Christ chnrch onnted to nearly 112 800. t won't be long before the arbutns nter will take the trail again, and ying the rattlesnake, will gather the tal harvest of the pretty blossoms, nvitations have been received in this y for a Charity Ball to be given at ibury, Thursday evening, April 11th. lr». Sarah Miller died at her home rWnt Milton on Saturday morning, i. Miller was the mother of Mrs. John Waiteof this city. taac Gross has accepted a position h the Surprise Clothing Co., soon to n np business in this city, aul Groff has accepted a position in office of Howe & Polk, he companies of the Twelfth regi it N. G. P., will all be provided with canvas blouse before the coming en ipment. here is no foundation for the persis ; rumors that the state will send the ional Gnard of Pennsylvania to ciio this summer. lifi kind of weather is not in har iy with spring millinery, kinters and paper-hangers are bnsy. he house-cleaning epidemic is now ng. le congregation of B'ni Zion synag e has contributed toward a fund :b will be used to defray the ex es of macadamizing the road from Episcopal to the Jewish cemetery, te penitential season of Lent being , there will be a number of social tiooa in thin city within the next weeks. le shirt waist promises to be more videnoe a* a part of man's wearing rel this supuner than it was last tter and better grow the times and itions. Dun's review of trade 's that the failures of the past three ibs were much smaller than those e same period last year ading is making big preparations tertain the Knights Templars. The ■ conclave will be held in that city month. would please everybody now if 1 would get down to genuine g business. nville will l>e well represented at >ig meeting of Odd Fellows in amsport on the 26th inst. leal was made at Ashland on Mon •y which th* Schuylkill Telephone •any was sold to the United Tele t and Telephone Company, a new ration with a capital of $2,000,0(10. latter corporation has already it twelve independent companies ling the Montour and Columbia hone property. The price paid e Schuylkill property was fc)l8,?50. nW. Yogel and Arthur D.e™ing heir Mii\*tre\ Company of more ufty people will be seen at the house on Saturday evening next. ;ce at the roster ol this organiza ogetber with Vogel's reputation adling nothing hut the best, pre any possibility of an inferior per oce. ay marks the end of the Feast of tssover. The occasion will be ob hy special services which %vill be in B'ni #ion synagogue. The is a jewish festival to coup rfkte the release ffom bondage in ilUmtiuir American. "THIS COUNTRY WILL NEVER BE ENTIRELY FREE UNTIL IT SUPPLIES ALL OF ITS OWN DEMANDS WITH ITS OWN PRODUCTIONS." VOL. 46--NO 14. 1. F. PATTERSON'S RESIGNATION Superintendent of the Reading: Iron Works Since 1895. Theodore F. Patterson, Superintend ent of the Reading Iron Works, has ten dered his resignation to take effect on April 30. The news of the resignation, which became generally known yester day for the first, caused a great deal of surprise and nowhere more than among the employes of the big plant under his superintendence. Mr. Patterson took charge of the plant in the spring of 1895, when the Montour Iron and Steel Company went out of ex istence and the works were purchased by the Heading Iron Company. During the six years intervening the works have made better time and have on the whole been operated more successfully than at any time since passing out of the hands of Waterman & Beaver. La bor troubles are likely to occur in the best of regulated mills, but these during Mr. Patterson's administration have been comparatively few and of short duration, while with the exception of brief intervals pending the adjustment of wage differences there has scarcely been a time when one or more of the departments were not in operation. The Heading Iron Woiks has come to be re tarded as the maiu dependence and sup port of our town. Mr. Patterson is a practical iron man and has been identified with the man agement of iron industry for many years pa-t. lie was with the Phoenix Iron Company for twelve years. Im mediately before accepting his present position he was Superintendent of the Allison Pipe Works of Philadelphia. Mr. Patterson said yesterday that he has formed no definite plans for the fu ture. He does not contemplate remov ing from Danville,at least,not for a while. Who Mr. Patterson's successor will be has not as yet been made known. He will probably be sent herein a day or so, as he will desire much information on subjects relating to the work that can best be obtained before the present Sup erintendent retires. Mr. Patterson says the outlook at the plant is very encouraging. He attri butes its prosperity in no small measure to the fact that the Reading Iron Com pany, the owner, is a heavy consumer of its product. The company's pipe mill at Reading utilizes about 500 tons of skelp iron daily and requires the full capacity of the skelp mill here, the pro duct of which averages one hundred tons daily, along with the product of four other mills, to Keep it in operation. The pipe mill at Reading is a well estab lished industry whose future is secure and as long as the mill here remains a feeder to it, along with its other mar kets, which never as yet have failed, steady work and fair wages may be look ed forward to. To Organize a Ladies' Auxiliary. After the regular meeting on Tuesday night of the members of Washington Camp, No. 364, P. O. S. of A., an open meeting was held for the purpose of con sidering suggestions and of formulating plans for the organization of a Ladies' Auxiliary to the P. O. S. of A. in this city. There was a large attendance and much interest was show n in the move ment. Miss Clara Powley, of Sunbury, Dis trict President, was present and at ber suggestion the order will be formally or ganized at a meeting called for the even ing of Tuesday, April 23. It is thought that forty five or fifty members will go in on the charter. John Morgan Painfully Burned. John Morgan, Front street, met with an accident while at work at the Struc tural Tubing Works of Howe & Polk on Tuesday. He was working at the rolls when one of the hot pipes runniftg through as often happens fouled an other just preceding which had not been removed and darted upward. Mr. Mor gan was unable to get out of the way of the red hot iron and was badly burned upon the arms and breast. He will not be able to work for some days. Struck by a Rivet. While engaged at work at the North Branch Works yesterday William Faus noughtofNo. 17 Second street, receiv ed an injury which, while it did not dis able him, caused him considerable pain. He was dismantling an old boiler and was cutting the rivets when the head of one of them flew off prematurely and taking an upward turn struck him on the right cheek, just below the eye, and ploughed a furrow through the flesh for the distance of several inches. A Breakdown. A breakdown at Howe & Polk's Struc tural Tubing Works necessitated a parti al shut down yesterday afternoon. A tlash of water occurred at the large en gine which operates the factory portion, causing it to stop short, the big fly wheel under the momentum twisting the shaft 8q as to break it in two. An order was at once placed with the Beading Iron Works for a new shaft and the works will be in full operation again in a day or so Gulick Becomes Penitent, John Gulick, murderer of his mother and his brother, has become very peni tent and yesterday expressed a desire to see a clergyman. He named two—Jiey, O. G. Morton of Sunbuiy, and Rev, Brvoks, the pastor of a country charge as tlp,e only t\yc\ ministers of the gospel whom he was acquainted. Kev Morton will visit the prisoner some time todav. DANVILLE. PA.. THURSDAY, APRIL 11 1901. WANT LICENSE REFUNDED Two Milk Men Appear Before the Borough Council Friday Night. The borough council held a regular meet ing Friday night, the session occupy ing just one hour. President Kemmer occupied the chair with other members present as follows: Dougherty, Gold smith, Jones, M. D. L. Sechler, Fetter man, Davis, George Sechler,Vastine and Laurer. On motion it was ordered that the property owners on AVest side of Ferry street between canal and East Mahoning street be requested to cobble the gutter in front of their residences lo prevent the water from running in on tbe pre mises of Robert Miller, whose gutter is in good repair. M. D. L. Sechler called attention to the bad condition of Foust street near the river where it is badly cut-up owing to the digging and removal of clay; Mr. Vastine reported a crossing on Rail road street between Market and Front streets, as in need of repair; Mr. Fetter man reported Railroad street between Grand street ami the river as in need of tilling up; the matter in each case was referred to the Committee on Streets and Bridges. On motion of Mr. Vastine it was or dered that the old boilers at the Water Works undergoing repairs be removed to the annex and placed in position by the side of the new boilers. On motion of Mr. Fetterman Will G. Shoop was granted a permit to erect a frame dwellingon East Front street near James L. Hiehl's. On motion of Mr. Fetterman the par lor belonging to John Eisenhart's resid ence was ordered repapered, an inside stairway was ordered built for Seidel & Bauscli and other improvements in the City Hall referred to the Building Com mittee. F. W. Diehl and W. K. Davis, milk men, fined under the ordinance for sell ing milk without license, in view of the recent decision of Judge Little which granted them the right to sell the pro duct of their own dairy without liceuse appeared before council and asked that the amount of license they had paid in —which in Diehl's case was §25 —be re funded, hinting that it refusal were met j with they would resort to legal action j tolrecover the money. The matter was \ referred to the committee on ordinance ! and police. C. E. Welliver of 33 Vine street ap-i peared before council to protest against j the imperfect drainage which throws the surface water from tbe street in on his premises. Referred to the Commit tee on Streets and Bridges. The Finance Committee reported that it had audited the accounts of Sam A. McCoy and found them correct. The bond of Harry Patton as Secretary of the borough and receiver of water rents was read and approved. The following bills were approved for payment: BOROUGH DEPARTMENT. Regular employes $82.50 Street work and hauling 46.62 Standard Electric Light Co 467.46 Standard Gas Co 4.00 i G. Edward Roat 1.50 S. A. French 1.60 Sam A. McCoy 1.25 Adams Express Co 25 E. S. Gearbart, Esq 1.00 WATER DEPARTMENT. Regular employes $151.60 Sam A. McCoy 31.00 Repair work 56.55 Hiram Blectier 6 76 Standard Gas C 0.... 12.00 O. S. Janney & Co 4.1S Haines, Jones & Cad bury Co 13.86 Washington Hose Co .40 j Mrs. William J. Thomas 1.45 Danville Bessmer Co 5.66 | A. C. Amesbury 138 20 j Sam A. McCoy 25.00 Peter J. Keefer 7.00 P. & R. R. Co 95 Penna R. R. Co .45 Joseph Lechner . 32.13 Babcock A Wilcox Co 2940.00 Curry & Vannan 329.09 Murder Victims Buried in One Grave. J. H. Kase, P. 11. Cotner, Calvin Keefer, Harrison C. Kase, Hugh Vastine and son, Spencer, attended the funeral of Mrs. Amy Gulick and her son, Philip, the murder victims, who were buried Friday forenoon. No more touching or impressive burial ever took place in Northumberland county. The impression somehow got abroad that the funeral would be a pri vate one, which had the effect of keep ing many persons away. At the church, however,the attendance was quite large. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. L. R. Armstrong, pastor of tbe Snydertown Methodist church. The two coffins tbe mother's covered with black broad cloth and the son's with silver grey plush—were arranged head to head in tbe parlor of the farm house. On the Silver plate of one coffin was en graved "Our Mother;" on the other, "Our Brother." They were both buried in one grave. Beautiful Floral Tributes. Among the many beautiful floral trib utes noted at the funeral of Miss Ella Lunger, which took place in this city on Thursday afternoon, were a bouquet of Easter lilies from her sisters, a bou quet of carnations and lilies from her girl friends; a bouquet of white carna tions from neighbors; a wreath from Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Cleek, of Brooklyn, N. Y.i a pillow from the Luther League; a cross from the Trinity Lutheran Sun day school; a bouquet of pink and white carnations from Themas Gunton, of Bloomsburg. Mr and Mrs. Lunger, parents of the deceased, desire to thank friends and neighbors who so kindly lent assistance during the time of their late bereavement. PEKSONAI. PARAGRAPHS. Brief Mention of the Doings of Your Friends and Acquaintances. Mrs. Aaron Rockafeller and Mrs. John Hughes called on friends in Sun bury yesterday. Samuel James, of Berwick, was in this city yesterday. I)r. I. G. Barber transacted business in Sunbury yesterday. Mrs. James Powers, Mill street, left yesterday for a visit among relatives in Scranton. Mrs. Henry Snyder returned to her home in Plymouth, yesterday, after vis iting relatives in this city. I). L. Mauger,of Willianisport, Travel ling Passenger Agent of the P. & R. railroad, transacted business in this city yesterday. Mrs. A. A. Geisinger jeturned last evening from a trip to New York. Mrs. Caroline Parsons returned to Lock Haven last evening after a visit with the family of Sheriff Breckbill. James Wilson transacted business in Catawissa yesterday. Mrs. J. J. Kline returned yesterday after a visit among relatives in Allen town. Mrs. William Myerly returned to Long Branch, N. J., yesterday after a visit at the home of Dr. F. E. Harpel on Ferry street. A.E. Jacobs returned to Pittsburg yesterday after a short visit at the home of his parents on Mill street. Mrs. W. C. Frick returned to Phila delphia yesterday. Thomas Fox, of Scranton, had busi ness in town yesterday. Mrs. J. D. Gosh left yesterday for a visit among relatives in Dewartand Wat sontown. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Birks and daught er, Edith, left yesterday for a visit with friends in Shamokin. Mrs. C. C. Hess, of Berwick, spent Tuesday at the home of Mrs. David Snyder, I'pper Mulberry street. Mrs. J. M. Geise returned yesterday after a short visit among friends in Cat awissa. Mrs. Samuel Herbine, daughter, Elsie, and son, Robert, of Allentown, are guests at the home of Charles Zaner on Church street. Miss Lois Boyer, of Plymouth, is vis iting Miss Isabella Baldy, West Mahon ing street. Will Eggert, of New York, spent East er with his parents on Upper Mulberry street. Mrs. Swayze, of Catawissa, spent Sun day at tbe home of William E. Young, Pine street. Lewis Nied, of Somerset, is a visitor among relatives in this city. C. G. Voris. Esq., wife and two sons, Archie anil William, of Milton, were guests over Sunday at the home of the Misses Voris, Pine street. Mrs. Charles Snyder, of Northumber land, was a visitor over Easter at the Hoffman home, Lower Mulberry street. Mrs. Henrietta Angle has returned from a visit among relatives in Syracuse, N. Y. Miss Emma Hobbs, of Scranton, is a guest at the home of Mrs. Emma Camp, East Market street. Mr. and M r s. William Mock who were in this city attending the funeral of the late Harry Titley returned to Scranton Monday evening. Misses Jennie Price and Margaret Rey nolds, of Scranton, are guests at the home of Postmaster Price, East Market street. Mrs. Peter Winters returned last even ing after a visit among relatives in Sun bury. Rev. A. B Bowser returned last even ing from Lewisburg. Mrs. William C. Boyer called on rela tives in Sunbury yesterday. Miss Lizzie Lovett returned last even ing after a visit in Shamokin. Mrs. F. E. Harpel was a visitor yes terday among friends in Sunbury. Arthur Mills and two young sons will return to New York today after a short visit at the home of Samuel Mills, East Market street. Mrs. Frank Woods and Mrs. J. L. Evans called on friends in Bloomsburg yesterday. J. 11. Cook, of Mt. Carmel, was in this city a few hours yesterday. J. B. Nicholson, of Carbondale,Gener al Superintendent of the Standard Gas Company, was a business visitor in this city yesterday. Adjutant General Stewart passed through town yesterday enroute from Hazletou to Harrisburg. Miss Martha Pollock, of Washington : vi I le, called on friends in this city yes- I terday. Miss Lizzie Miles will return to Col j Icgeville today to resume her studies at | I'rsinns College. Mrs. flattie Hovis, of Danville, is vis ! iting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Charles Wiest, of strawberry avenue, this city.— Sunbury Daily. Edward Jones, of Watsontown, bad business in town yesterday. Edward Czechowicz made a trip to I Catawissa and Rupert yesterday. Prejia rations should he made forth* l ! observance of Memorial Day in Danville, fjt is one of the holidays on the calendar that should not be allowed to pass by « without proper observance. SMALL BLADE 111 - A KNIH: Was Caprio's Murderous Weapon Found Secreted in Settee in Hall. An inquest was held Thursday after noon over the remains of Dr. 11. Erskine Johnston of the Hospital for the Insane who was killed by a patient Wednesday, which brought out the following addi tional facts : That death was directly due to the wound upon the breast, which punctur ed the aorta or main artery; that the weapon with which the blow was struck has been found; that the murderous pa tient fully realizes what he has done, and that he yesterday remarked that there were two others whom he would yet "do," or kill—Supervisor Swank and W. E. Heller, ac attendant. The inquest was conducted by Justice i of-the-Peace J. P. Bare. The following v. ere selected as jurymen: .T. C. Patter j son, E. C. Voris, John R. Wallize, 1). IC. Williams, J. C. Miucemoyer and j Theodore Hoffman. Dr. Meredith, Superintendent of tbe | Hospital, was the first witness sworn. He was in another part of the building when the murder was committed and j his evidence related chiefly to tbe insane j patient who did the killing. C'aprio, whose Christian name in the commitment paper is given as Joseph, ; was admitted to the Hospital on June 23, 1898. He is a native of Italy, 3ti j years of age; he has been in this countiv 11 years, and is naturalized. He is a married man and the father of six chil dren. His last residence was at Hawley and he was committed to the Hospital by the court of Quarter Sessions of Wayne county. Caprio's condition. Dr. Meredith ex ! plained, is stationary and admits of but little hope of recovery. His mania is marked by delusions of persecutions. ! He is always fault-finding and he fre quently has trouble with other patients. ' The history of his case shows that he ! was insane when a boy. He had already ; been afflicted one year and was under sentence for commitment of crime when ' adjudged insane and sent to the Hospit- I al. Dr. Meredith gaye it as his opinion i that Caprio was insane at the time of : the murder. Roy Risliel, whose home is at White Hall, this county, who is attendant in Caprio's ward ami who assist ed Dr. John ston, was sworn. The physician was i sitting on the side of the bed with his left side next to the patient. When he resisted Rishel took his left hand, the patient keeping his right hand conceal ed under the covers. This hand Dr. j Johnston was trying to get hold of. but 112 before lie conM accomplish it the pati ent quickly withdrew it and dealt the : doctor a stunning blow on the left jaw. The doctor arose, but not until !as proven by the wounds on bis j body he received three other blows 1 from the murderous patient. As to the latter the attendant, who confessed that he was very much excited, was able to i give little informa'ion. far | as his knowledge went (here might have ; been but one blow struck. He saw notli . ing in the patient's hand resembling a j weapon of any sort. | Rishel struggled with the patient | while Dr. Johnston ran into the hall and j called Harry Huntington, another at tendant. Huntington arrived just as Dr. ; Johnston fainted. At this juncture the I patient was dropped and the two at- I tendants gave their attention to Dr. j Johnston. He soon reviyed and said lie did not think he was hurt seriously, al though the blood was flowing freely from tbe wound in his face. The second faint followed when the physician was I carried to a room seven doors further down the hall where Dr. Bobbins was called and death ensued. Meanwhile, for a period of twenty-five minutes, the patient was alone and had ample opportunity to leave his room and secrete the weapon. Harry Huntington next testified. His statements coincided with former tes timony. W. E. Heller, the attendant who put Caprio to bed Wednesday, next sworn. The man had fever, he said,his tempera ture being 100. He requested the at teudant not to tell the doctor. The pa tient disliked to take medicine and in this way, it seems,he acquired a marked hatred of the doctor. Heller had heard him threaten Dr. Johnston a dozen times I It was as late as two weeks ago that he threatened to kill him. A knife blade at this point was pro duced, which the witness identified as one he found yesterday morning effect ually secreted in a crack of the settee stationed in the hall just outside of Caprio's door, ft was about an inch and a half long, the small blade of an ordi nary pocket knife. Around the heel : or end connecting with the handle a i piece of string was wound several yards | in length. Mr. Heller stated that they make it a ! practice to search tbe patients, even ex ■ amining the lining of their clothing, to | see that they have nothing about them jby which they can inflict injury upon ' themselves or others. Beyond a few nails and the like nothing has ever been found on the person of Caprio. Mr. Heller stated that lie himself had ex : amined his clothing as late as Tuesday last. After the murder he asked Caprio , what he bad used in bis assault on Dr. j Johnston. He said that he reached into | the doctor's pocket and got hold of his knife with which lie stabbed him. The story is absurd, as Dr. Johnston's knife was found in his pocket. ' ' Caprio fully realizes that he has kill ed Dr Johnston. He is utterly free from 1 (Continued on Fourth Page). A VISIT TO THE SILK MILL All Departments Busy and Everything Running Like Clock Work. A visit to the Silk Mill Tuesday found all departments busy and everything running like clock work. But little has been written concerning this industry of late and it may be news to some of our readers to learn that there are three hundred and forty hands on the pay roll. Tuesday there were some two hundred and eighty at work, scattered about both wings of the mill. Many of these, it is true, are rather diminu tive, but looking down over tbe long line of machinery, where the little figu res moved in and out there was not one upon whom the work seemed to weigh heavily or with visible effect. Indeed, a more cheerful and light hearted set of youngsters it would be difficult to find as they paused a moment to exchange words or skipped off playfully about their work. Mr. Hartman says he makes it a practice as far as possible to have every hand about the mill duplicated,so that steady service is not exacted of any one and when the boys and girls want a day of! there is no difficulty in filling their places. It is no uncommon thing for as many as eighty or ninty to be oft* duty in a single day. The product of the mill is now nearly two tons per week, the heaviest attained in the history of the plant. Easter at the Churches. Nature did not smile graciously Sun day and with the exception of a few hours' sunshine about noon the festival of Easter was celebrated under clouded sky. The attendance at the churches was large. The Easter sermons, which are supposed to represent the pastor's best efforts, as a general thing were master pieces. The Easter services were full of devotion and very elaborate as indicat ed by the programs printed in these columns last week. At PineStreetLutheran church Sunday night a large number of people were turned away unable to secure standing room. The music there was a great at traction. In addition to an orchestra of seven pieces there was a duet by Mrs. Pauies and Mrs. J. H. Johnson; a solo by Miss I'nger, and a duet by Rath Kase and Margaret Byerly. The Ex tension Day collection reached $75. The praise service at Mahoning Presbyter ian church attracted a large audience. The large auditorium of St. Paul's M. E. church was packed at both morning and evening service. Death of Lewis Bloch. Lewis Bloch, one of Danville's well known business men, died at his home, West Mahoning street, Thursday after noon at 4:15 o'clock. Mr. Bloch has been ill for the past few years and but recently returned from Chicago where be underwent several months' treatment at a hospital. Death was caused by a complication of diseases. Mr. Bloch was the senior partner of B'och Bros., knee pants manufacturers, and was 42 years of age. He was a member of Mahoning Lodge No. ol(i F. and A. M.and a trus tee of B'nai Zion synagogue. He is sur vived by a wife, one son, George, and a daughter, Elsie. The funeral of tbe late Lewis Bloch which look place Sunday afternoon was attended by a huge number of relatives anil lik-mls, many of them from sur rounding towns. The services were con ducted by Kev. Adolph Maier. The pall bearers were: Ed. Y. Seidel, R. L. Marks, Samuel Goldsmith, Will G. Pur sell, W. L. Sidler and M. H. Schram. Among those who attended tbe funer al from out of town were: Lewis Schloss, of Bloomsburg; Wolff Dreifuss, of Milton; Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Wolf,Mr and Mrs. Eleaser Maier and Jacob Wyle, of Philadelphia; Mrs. Emma Maier and daughter, Ellen, and Samuel Oppen heirner, of Sunbury; Oscar Lesser, Alex ander Schwartz, Lewis Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Gross, Mr. and Mrs. Max < iross, Gerald Gross, Mr. and Mrs. Ben (iidding and Ralph Dent, of Blooms burg, and Max Levy, of Berwick. Interment took place in the Jewish cemetery. Funeral of Dr. Johnston. Funeral services over the remains of the late Dr. li. E. Johnston were held Saturday afternoon at the home of Dr. Jonathan Sweisfort, East Market street. Rev. Erskine Wright officiating. The pall bearers were: Dr. H. A. Adams, Dr. E. A. Curry, J. G. Brown, Ira C. Everhart and W. 11. Orth. Among those from a distance who were in attendance were: Rev. J. CM. Johnston and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce John ston, of New Wilmington; Mr and Mrs. W. W. Sweisfort, of Philadelphia, Mrs. George Dechant and daughter, Miss Sue, of Catawissa, Miss May Boone, of St. Clair, and Dr. Detweiler and Miss Det wt iler, of Willianisport. Death of Charles Henry Titley. Charles llenry Titley, an old resident, died Friday eve. aged B7 years. Death was due to a stroke of paralvsissustained at noon Friday while seated at tbe dinner table. He is survived by a wife and the following children: Mrs. Will iam Mock, of Scranton; Joseph, of Welch, W. Va.; Mrs. Clara M. Wilkin son, and John, Rebecca and Harry of this city. Mr. Titley was formerly roll er at the Cooperative Rolling Mill. Will Occupy Pnlpit. Raymond H. Wilson, a student at the Princeton Theological Seminary, will oc cupy the pulpit of the Mahoning Presby terian church on Sunday next. ESTABLISHED iS 1855. lOIIN GULICK RETURNS HOME Up to Friday He Was in Hiding in The Vicinity of His Home. Gulick, the murderer, is in custody, safe behind the bars in Sunbury jail. Weary of being hunted down like a wild beast, on Saturday night amid the fail ing rain he returned to his father's house, to give himself up and expiate his inhuman crime as the law may dic tate. Since the day of the tragedy one or more of the near relatives have occupied the Gulick home with the stricken fath er. About 7 o'clock Sunday morning a little grandson, named Mettler Surgon, entered the milk house near the dwell ing on an errand and was surprised to see a man with his face buried in his hands seated by the stove, in which a fire bad been kindled,drying his clothes. The man looked up and the boy recog nized him as his uncle, John Gulick. "Don't be afraid,''said the murderer, "I will go with you to the house." The hunted man followed the boy and was led into the presence of his aged lather, whose life he had attempted and whose declining years he had robbed of all that makes life dear. No attempt is made to portray the emotions of father and son. John Gul ick extended his hand. His kind old father had still enough of paternal love left to take the proffered hand. Then in language broken by emotion the son expressed his deep regret for the terri ble and inexcusable deed he had com mitted. He described his wanderings from the time the fatal shots were fired and said he had no longer any wish to escape. His intention had been not to give himself up until Monday. But now that his whereabouts were known, he of course would have togo into custody at once. He changed his clothes and was given a warm breakfast, after which he was taken in charge by Milton Con rod, constable of Upper Augusta town ship, who, accompanied,by H. F. .Moore and E. K. Campbell, neighbors, escort ed the much wanted man to Sunbury, where they arrived between 9 and 10 o'clock. The newst)f Gulick's arrest had scarce ly reached Sunbury before the prisoner, himself appeared. The excited town which last week sent hundreds of peo pie to the station at the mere rumor that the murderer had been captured and was to be brought in on the train, was taken unawares Sunday and there was little or no demonstration. Gulick seemed much relieved when safe in jail. He was inclined to talk; even cheerful. Evidently a great bur den had been lifted from him. He had scarcely been incarcerated when a rela tive called upon him, on whose advice he abstained from all allusion to the murder. The story of his wanderings, however, were already out. After committing the murder he went across the fields to the barn of James Eckman, where he was in hiding most of the time for three days and three nights. From an elevated field on the farm of Foster Oberdorf Fri day morning he viewed the funeral cor tege,with its two hearses bearing the re mains of his mother and his brother, as it passed from the Gulick home to the burial ground at Presbyterian church. Only on one occasion was he out of Lower Augusta township, and that was Friday night when he entered the Palmer House at Northumberland and bought a glass of beer. Gulick says that he did not expect to find Landlord Zerbe present at that hour and hence made a hasty exit as explained in the telegram which was received by the Chief of-Police at this city and printed in these columns Saturday. He was in Danville the next day, he admits, which would lend color to the story of John and George Halderman, Saturday last, who claimed to have had a conver sation with a man on Montour Kidge who answered the description of Gul ick. The Halderman brothers during the forenoon were strolling over the mount ain. Upon reaching the vicinity of the old ore drift on the south side of the ridge near the "dug road" they were surprised to see a man emerge from the mine. The fellow's dirty and hag gard appearance betokened the hardest kind of usage and the two brothers at once thought of Gulick. They manag ed to get into conversation with the man but could get but little satisfaction from him, his conduct being very sus picious. I'pon leaving the drift the man went in the directiou of Mooresburg. The boys returned to town immediately and reported the matter to Chief Mince moyer. The Chief had a photograph of the murderer and as soon as the two laid their eyes upon it they were struck with the resemblance. Some doubted the boys, but many others who heard them relate their story felt convinced that they were telling the truth. There are few persons to be found who are inclined to attribute Gulick's in human crime to mental derangement. Those who knew him best have no such plea to make. The warden of the Sun bury jail Sunday stated that he was perfectly rational and showed no sign of mental weakness. Successful Event. The dance given in the Armory Mon day night under the auspices of Herbert Wyle was a decidedly successful affair. There were thirty-four couple present. Dancing continued until 2 a. m. Post Office Change. Kalph Diehl has accepted the position in the post office vacated by Eugene Miles, who has accepted a position iu Ithaca, N. Y. JOB PRINTING The office of the AMERICAN ucing furnished with a larye a*sortmtn of job letter and fancy type and job material generally, the Publishei announces to the public that he is prepared at all times to execute in the neatest manner JOB PRINTING Of all Kinds and Descrption. our prices before place your orders. SCHOOL BOARD IS SESSION Tiffany Nature Cabinet Temporarily Dis posed of. The borough school Solons met in re gular semi-monthly session Monday eve with President Fisher in the chair and the following members at their desks: Messrs. Ortb, Green, Barber, Harpel, Werkheiser, Black, Fenstermacher and Keefer. The much agitated question of pur chasing a Tiffany Nature Cabinet was settled, for a time at least. After a lengthy discussion the board decided to leave the matter lie over until the meet ing of the teachers and directors at the end of the term. The International En cyclopedia. the question of whose pur chase has been hanging lire, met a lit tie better fate and on a yea and nay vote it was decided that it be given considera tion again at the next meeting. At the suggestion of Dr. Harpel tbe applications of Misses Alice Bird and Sarah Cunningham for permanent teach ers' certificates were ordered approved and signed. The High school committee, made the following recommendation, which was unanimously adopted : * That any subjret now in the course of study for the High school and not elective be made elective to one or more students at the discretion of the Faculty and recommendation of the Sup erintendent and approval of the Board. On motion of Mr. Orth the monthly rental of the depot school house dwell ing was reduced from four to three dol lars. Insurance for three years on the High school building to the amount of S7OOO was renewed in the companies repre sented by J. W. Farnsworth, Vincent & Sons and VV. H. Ammerman. The following bills were approved for payment: Standard Gas Co $1.40. ThomasG. Vincent 20.00. J. W. Farnsworth 20 90. W. H. Ammerman 30.00. Franklin Boyer 48.50. \V. E. Young 5.00. Adams Express Co 25. The Treasurer presented a statement of finances, which showed a net balance on hand of $8074.53. A Narrow Escape. Joseph Walters, Second street, came within an ace of losing his life Sunday. That he is among the living is due to a woman's heroism. About 2 o'clock in the afternoon Walt ers was walking along Chambers street. Upon reaching the Welsh Hill crossing he was seen to drop to the ground, his body falling directly across the railroad tracks. Every one expected to see him regain his feet and move on. In this they were mistaken, as due to whatever cause it might be he lay nearly motionless upon the track, while to the horror of those in sight of the crossing there was a rumbling sound and the next moment an empty engine, north bound, emerg ed from the cut only a few rods from the prostrate man. Eveiy revolution of the wheels brought the locomotive nearer to Walters, who seemed in no condition to realize his peril. The eye witnesses, with one exception, were too far away to rescue the man. That one exception was a woman, Miss Bertha Kapp of Mausdale, who had reached a point some fifty yards from the track. Taking in the situation she made a dash for the crossing and seiz ing the helpless man dragged him from the track while the locomotive was a matter of only twenty feet away and still running at a fast clip. The sight was a blood curdling one. Manufacture Shovels, Scoops, &c. The stock holders of the Danville Bes semer company met at Camden, N. J., on Wednesday and authorized a cash distribution of $1 per share and the re duction of the capital, which is to be cut from $1,200,000 to $(>00,000, or pro bably less. There is $386,000 cash and quick assets on hand, of which $240,000 will be absorbed by the cash distribu tion. The manufacture of hardware specialties will be continued by the com pany. j It is estimated that it will cost to equip the plant with new machinery, which would leave about $94,000 avail able for working capital. It is proposed to manufacture shovels, scoops, soiales and forks. The work of President J. J. Mac Donald and the directors was highly commended. Anniversary on Labor Day. . At a meeting held Monday night l the members of Montour Castle, No. 186, K <i. E., decided to hold a banquet in their lodge rooms on Monday evening, April 22, at which time committees !will be appointed to make arrangements for the anniversary which will be held in this city on Monday, September 2, La bor Day. Extensive preparations will be made and the largest kind of a time is in anticipation. Death of Edward Mills. After a brief illness, Edward Mills, aged 62 years, died at his home on East Front street about noon Sunday. The deceased was unmarried. A complica tion of diseases which compelled hipi to take to his bed but a week ago wasjthe cause of his death. * The Athletic Association of the High school is developing a base ball learn. Arthur Campbell has been elected man ager. The boys are training daily ou the Nail Mill grounds with Professor Carey as coach.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers