SUPREME IN ITS BEAUTY PAN-AMERIOAN EXPOSITION TO BE A MAGNIFICENT SDEPEISE. Birdseye View of the Great Group of Spleudid Areliitee tural Works A Womlerftal Setting of Foiuitaius, Pools, Plants and Flowers. It Is promised for tlie Pan-American Exposition tliat it will surpass in beau ty any previous exposition in the world's history. It is also expected that it will outrival its predecessors in many other ways, tor at no time have such wondrous achievements in all arts, such perfection in the hundreds of trades, been attuined. Hut the pur pose of this article is to treat, in a gen eral way, of the plan of the Exposi tion, the symmetry of arrangement and the exterior beauty that repre sents the careful expenditure of several millions of dollars. Accompanying this article is a birdseye view of the Expo sition plot, showing the magnificent work in its complete state. The view Is from the south and shows an area one mile and a quarter long and half a mile wide, there being 350 acres in the lnelosure. In the immediate fore ground is a portion of Delaware Park, one of the famous beauty spots of Buf falo. The view shows the Park Lake, with the North Bay at the left, and in the left foreground, south of the bay, may be seen a portion of the Albright Gallery of Art, a beautiful permanent building of white marble, the gift of John J. Albright of Buffalo, and cost ing over $400,000. North of the Bay is the New York State Building, also a permanent structure of marble. These two buildings are in the style of Greek temples, one containing reminders of the Parthenon and the other resem bling somewhat the Ereehtheuin upon the Acropolis at Athens. Between the North Bay and the Lake the City of Buffalo has built at large expense a new and beautiful bridge of heavy masonry, known as the Bridge of the Three Americas. This bridge carries the broad thoroughfare which leads from the main southern entrance to the approaches of the Exposition, as se«n in the foreground just north of the Lake. On the northern shore of the tLake Is situated the life saving station erected by the Federal Government where daily exhibitions will be given by a crew of ten men showing the uses of modern life saving apparatus as em ployed upon our coasts. Hidden from view, npon the southern bank of the 3L.ake, a beautiful casino and boathouse has also been built by the City of Buf falo for Exposition uses. The symmetrical grouping of build ings will be at once noted by the ob server. Beginning at the formal ap proach, just north of the Lake, the eye follows northward between two rows of ornamental columns to what is known as the Forecourt. East of this are the State and Foreign buildings, forming in themselves a very interest ing feature of the Exposition. Near these also are the buildings for the spe cial ordnance displays representing the products of several hundred manufac tories in tills line of work. West of the Forecourt will be the outdoor horticul tural displays and the Women's build ing. We cross now the Triumphal Bridge, which will be remarkable for its tall piers, richly ornamented with statuary, the product of the genius of Karl Bitter, the director of sculpture, 1 and other famous sculptors. On either eide are the Mirror Lakes which form a part of the Grand Canal, more than a mile in length, which surrounds the main group of buildings. We come next to the Esplanade, i .which is nearly two-fifths of a mile long and 450 feet wide. The western end of the Esplanade is inclosed by the Horticulture. Graphic Arts and Mines buildings. The eastern end is shut in by the Government group of three large buildings. Sunken gardens with elaborate fountains and many groups of sculpture occupy the two arms of the Esplanade, and the decorative fea tures throughout this broad space are ,very numerous and beautiful. North of the Esplanade is the Court of Foun tains, with the Ethnology building on the right and the Music building on the left. Two subordinate courts also , open Into the Esplanade from the north, the one on the right being known as the Court of Cypresses and the one on the left as the Court of Lilies. Next, north of the Fthnology building on the right and fronting upon the Court of Fountains, is the Manu factures and Liberal Arts building and on the opposite side the Machinery and ! Transportation building. In the Court of Fountains Is a large pool, having an 1 area of about two acres and contain- I lng many beautiful fountains. Pro- ! ceeding again northward we come to ! the Mall, a broad avenue, half a mile long, extending from the eastern boundary to the western gate of the Ex- 1 position. Fronting upon the Mall on the right is the Agriculture building and on the left the Electricity building. .We now arrive at the most conspicuous feature of the Exposition, the massive Electric Tower, 31)1 feet In height This tower stands oetweeu tne of Fountains and the Flaza, in a broad poo/, about two acres in extent. ; This will be the most ornamental j feature of the great Exposition and j will be the centerpiece for special and elaborate electrical Illumination, loi- i mediately north of the Electric Tower is the Plaza, with its beautiful sunken garden aud bandstand in the center, the Fropylaea or monumental en trances at the north, the entrance to the Stadium on the east and the en- i trance to the Midway on the west. " It should he understood by every In tending visitor that the Exposition will present the most beautiful spectacle that twentieth century genius can pro vide. By day there will be a most pleasing display of floral and fountain effects. The many buildings, with their elaborate and delicate tracery of orna mental plastic work aud their radiance of color, the many groups of statuary In eveiy part of the grounds, will con stitute a picture never before parallel ed. At night all the buildings will glow with the soft radiance of thousands of electric lights, making a scene of un rivaled brilliance and splendor. Half a million lamps will be used in the electrical illumination. It should also be added that the Mid- i way at the Exposition will be the most extensive and novel that has ever been prepared. It will be 3,000 feet long, having more than a mile of frontage. Over 30 very interesting features, many ®f them covering several acres, will make up this gigantic collection of wonders. The athletic features of the Exposi- | Hon will be shown in the Stadium, j which covers about ten acres of ground and contains a seating capacity for more than 12.<;C0 people. All of the exhibit buildings will lie filled to com pletion with the very latest products of Pan-American genius an 1 industry and will offer an opportunity for every Inquiring mind to learn a most inter- I TALL CORN doesn't come by accident. A fertile soil and careful cultiva tion are necessary to produce the towering stems and heavy Vet the farmer who under stands that lie can't have a healthy corn crop without feeding and weeding, seems to think that he can have a healthy body without either care or culture. But the body is built up just as the corn is, by the assimilation of the several chemical elements on which vitality depends. And what weeds are to the corn, diseases of the stomach and nutritive systems are to the body ; they divert the neces sary food supply from the proper channels, and the body becomes lean, sickly and ill-nourished. The proper digestion and assimilation of food is a pri mary essential of health. By healing diseases of the stom ach and organs of digestion and nutrition, I)r. Pferce's Golden Medical Discovery increases the digestive and assimilative power,-;, stimulates the action of the blood making glands, and sends to every organ of the body the rich red-corpuscled blood on which physical vigor and vitality depend. "I took two bottles of I>octor Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery, for stomach trouble," writes Clarence Carnes. Esq., of Taylors town, toudoun Co., Va. "It did me so much good that I didn't take any more. I can eat most anything now. I am so well pleased with it I hardly know how to thauk you for your'kind infor mation. I tried a whole lot of things before I wrote to you. There was a gentleman told me about vour medicine, how it had cured his wife. I thought I would try a bottle of it. Am now glad that I did, for I don't know what I would have done if It had not been for Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate the bowels and cure constipation. esting lesson or .New World and civilization. The power for Exposition uses is fur nished principally from Niagara Falls, which are situated only a few minutes ride from the Exposition grounds. Buf falo Is a city of nearly 400.000 popula tion and is preparing in every possible way for the reception of millions of visitors in 11K)1. Mark Benxitt. MAMMOTH TURBINES. Sis Sew Onn For the \laKara Pa 11a I'ovrer Company. A new feature of much interest has been added to the delights Fan Ameri ca:) crowds will have when they visit Niagara Falls io view the scenic and Industrial attractions there. In that favored spot there is already developed more power than is used in many of the large lilies, but to this developed force must lie ad led 30.000 horsepower that is to bp developed by means of six uew turbines and six new gener ators. the contracts for which have been awarded. These new turbines are to b_' installed in the new wheel pit now in course of construction. The design of the new turbines will differ materially from the design of those now in use in the present wheel pit. This change is significant of the fact that the Niagara Falls Power com pany intends that the installation in its uew plant shall be up to the highest state of perfection known iu this open ing year of the century. It is t.his knowledge that at Niagara the most modern, the most perfect working pow er development in the world, may be seen that will inspire visitors to the Exposition togo there and look upon the wonders that man has wrought. Each of the six uew turbines will have a ctpacify of 5,000 horsepower, and each will be connected to and drive a 5.000 horsepower generator. The turbines now in use were designed by Pieeard, Pictet & Co. of Geneva, Switzerland, while the new turbines are to be built after designs prepared by Esclier. Wyss & Co. of Zurich, Switzerland, the plans of which com pany were accepted In a competition. The turbines in the old pit each have two wheels, while the new turbines are each to have but a single wheel. With these new turbines in place In the wheel pit. the output capacity of the Niagara Fails Power company will be 80.000 horsepower. There will be space in the new pit for live addi tional turbines, each of 5.000 horse power capacity, and with these in place the total output of the two pHs will be 105,000 horsepower. Or,i!in E. Dp^lap. Took It Serloualjr, The late Professor Hinsdale wna sin gularly devoid of all sense of humor, and as for slang—well, he knew far more about the deadest of dead lan guages than he did concerning these saucy Innovations on his native tongue. There was a certain piece of legisla tion which was of considerable inter est to the local school ottieials. It had been Introduced Into the legislature j and was there hanging fire. One day Professor Hinsdale, then school superintendent, said to Mr. Tom Whitehead, secretary of the board of education: "Mr. Secretary, what is the outlook for that special school bill now In the hands of the state legislators'.' Do you believe it will be adopted soon ?" The secretary shook his head in a manner that was meant to be thorough ly discouraging aud said, with a strong emphasis: "It will be a cold day when that bill Is passed." The superintendent nodded anil pass ed on. A day or two later somebody came Into his office and asked him about the prospects of the same bill. "Well," lie refilled In his heavy way, "I have no personal means of knowing | the status of the measure, but I have been assured emphatically by Secreta ry Whitehead, who may be considered an expert In securing knowledge of this character, that the bill will not pass until next winter." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Sotp» Prom The Jeweler*' Clremar, The old time poui.cet which spreads abroad sweet odors is one of the inno vations. It Is usually a ball of per forated or pierced gold or silver at tached to tlie long chain or bracelet. Tiniest gold or silver mesh purses, which can hold at most two silver dimes, are among trinkets that may be attached to the chain. Short lengths of heavy silver chains ending In elaborate balls can be looped about the wrist as bracelets. Fancy lorgnette chains consist of daintiest blossoms in enamel, with pre cious stone centers. Chalcedony, a peculiarly pleasing soft green stone, is one of the most taking novelties displayed this season. Barrettes afford a pleasing variation in hair clasps. The long and large, open, oval shapes seem decided favor ites. Very fine flexible chain fobs, daintily mounted with pearls, are adapted to ladies' use. Pearl and diamond collars of many rows remain fashionable, despite ail new claimants for favor in neckwear. ARMY REORGANIZATION RadicaJ Changes Will Be Made In the Service. MANY PEOBLEMB TO BE MASTERED. Not Only Will an Kntirely New Kle nient Be Introduced, Itnt It Will Include I'oiiik, Well Trained Vol unteer Ofneem—Kt-fcular Army Men Glad of This—Vonngcr Set Will Benefit Moat by ChanKea. A competent military critic who has carefully studied the new army reor ganization act declares In the Washing ton Star that it will subject the regu lar military establishment to greater and more radical changes than have ever occurred at any one time in its history. He asserts that not only does It Involve more careful and intricate labor on the part of the war depart ment officials than the reorganizations of 18G0 and 1800, but promises, espe cially as regards the lower grades, to resuit In a more general rearrangement of the personnel of the army. Aside from all this, however, he claims to voice the general sentiment of the ar my In stating that, apart from some mi nor details affecting the status of a few particular classes of officers, the new law Is most satisfactory as a whole and will result in unmeasured good to the military service both with respect to general efficiency and specif ic individual advantage. Under it he states that the regular army will at last be organized on the lines recommended aud urged by mili tary authorities for the past 25 years and promises that degree of elasticity which would be ecfual to meeting the emergency for a quickly required army pending the naturally tardy work of or ganizing and equipping volunteers. Speaking of the proposed changes in general, he declares that they involve not only the Introduction of a large, en tirely new element Into the regular service, but provides for the fortunate selection at this time of that new ele ment from the experienced aud well trained younger officers of volunteers. In this respect the regular army Is de lighted. As a rule in times past en largements or curtailments of the regu lar establishment have worked grave injustices to veterans who, having no political backing and relying upon mil itary service alone, have been Jumped and overslaughed by younger men. This was especially so in 1800, when volunteers 20 years of age were ap pointed colonels over men who had graduated from West Point in the for ties. But it is not so now. While provid ing openings In the regular army fo r aspiring young volunteers, the regular officer already in the service will be carefully guarded In his rights. Nevertheless it will cause extensive derangement of the personnel of regi ments and will In a great measure tend to upset that regimental esprit which prompts officers to espouse the respec tive regimental claims of particular achievements and traditions. This con dition relates exclusively to the line of the army. The personnel of the staff will not be materially affected. Inas much as the additions to the staff be ing all at the bottom will enable the older set to be advanced each in bis own corps or department, wherein each may cling to that esprit of corps which all are wont to maintain and cherish. Of course so far as the three arms of cavalry, artillery and Infantry are con cerned they will remain separate and intact, unmixed with each other as In 1800, and the votaries of each may still contend and banter with each other over alleged special merit and useful ness. But on the creation of new regi ments, the doubling of the cavalry strength, the one-third Increase of the artillery and the one-fifth increase of Infantry the changes in the personnel of regimental organization must neces sarily be very decided. For example, of the 1,900 line officers of all grades on the army list of today 860 will be promoted by the new law. Of the total 409 officers of cavalry 270 will be promoted, of the 349 artillery officers 250 will be advanced, and the same will be true of 340 of the 1,147 officers of infantry. As far as prac ticable promoted officers will be assign ed to their old regiments, but naturally obstacles to this plan will arise by reason of the scattered distant stations of officers, and besides it may be de cided to make a general redistribution of regimental officers so as to preserve a system of equalized rank and ex perience In both old and new organiza tions. Officers who desire especially to waive advantages of regimental status and to remain with old regiments in whose service they have long shared will doubtless be gratified, but all in all the wholesale promotions bid fare to cause a general upheaval of regimental personnel. Some Idea of the extensive changes likely to occur In this regard may be had from the statement that over 2,500 new commissions must issue, one-half of which will be for appointments from the volunteer force and civil life to the 920 vacancies of nrst ana second lieu tenants of the line and 288 available vacancies of first lieutenants, captains and majors of staff, not Including the 200 two year service volunteer sur geons and assistant surgeons, the 24 retained volunteer quartermasters, the 80 dental surgeons and the veterina rians provided for. The vacancies to be caused by promotions and retire ments and appointments to 15 brlga dierships will create new places to be added to those for which original ap po'ntments of volunteers may be made, excepting of course the number of va cancies to be reserved for the annual promotion of meritorious noncommis sioned officers of the regular army and for this year's graduating class of West Pointers. The civilian aspirant, though he be handicapped by the pref erence to be given to volunteer officers, will not be debarred altogether, as aside from all considerations the presi dent is vested with full discretion to proceed according to merit and fitness of applicants. President McKlnley will sign in the neighborhood of 3,000 new commis sions, Including the new commissions of commanding generals and all the 21 general officers excepting the two pres ent major generals. Indeed, not only will all the generals, nearly all the ; colonels and lieutenant colonels and a majority of the majors within the next j year or two bear commissions signed by President McKlnley, but a large percentage of the entire army before j March 4, 1905, will hold their authority by his "trust and confidence" in their "patriotism, valor, fidelity and ability." | Nerves Like a Flat-Iron. A woman who suffered for three years 1 from nervous prostration says, two bot tles of Lichty's Celery Nerve Compound effected it complete cure. She hardly knows to-day whether she has nerves or ( not, as she never feels them. It is ; certainly a wonderful remedy. Sold by i Rossii an & Son's Pharmacy. J I I ♦ ,(f V I I I j The Beauty of Health, j i * ♦ ; Health is what makes a woman } I beautitul. Beauty is another name j t for liealth. Find a face that is fair, t I cheeks that are rosy and full, eyes | t that sparkle, a form that is well- j | rounded and symmetrical—and you • { will find perfect health. ♦ It is sad to think there should be J i so many sufferers among women. • | They are the real martyrs of the 1 t world. They endure pains, aches { I and agonies in silence, when there j | is neither need nor necessity for { | their torture. ; • i !>r David Kennedys j ! favorite Remedy j ; makes women attractive by making them J ? lie.ilthy and strong. It builds up the nerves, J ♦ hurls the blood rich and pure, strengthens X | the organs that are often weak, and stops the I 112 wastes that tear down the system. It cures ? j the endless chain of female troubles. It Is { 112 the best friend that woman ever had. J { A daughter of Mrs. Christina Beal. of J ♦ Jonesport, Me., suffered greatly from female J j troubles. No doctor could help her. But Dr « 1 David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy made her « | strong anJ well. It will make thousands of I ! oth'-r women perfectly healthy If they will « I only try it. J $1 a bottle; 6 bottles $5. Of any druggist, j Never before iu the history of the regular army has any one administra tion had so much directly to do with its personnel, and never before in the history of modern armies has a nation al war office had thrown upon it so much technical labor to be performed within such a limited, brief period. Nearly all the officers of cavalry and Infantry and many of the artillery offi cers who are to be promoted and as signed to new regiments, as well as the great bulk of those who are to be pro moted iu and transferred to and from the old regiments, are in the Philip pines, Cuba and Porto Rico. They are all more or less remotely separated Into minor garrisons, and the greatest care will be required to secure expedi tion and avoid confusion and error. Then, apaiu, the enlisted men for the new regiments must be quickly enroll ed throughout the United States, as signed, uniformed and organized, un der command of a sufficient number of officers, who must be somehow found In this country to take charge of and conduct the newly formed regi ments to the Philippines. All in all, it is a heavy task, especially for the adjutant general's and quartermaster's departments, but so thorough is the understanding of all requirements and so perfect the system of procedure by skilled officials no one doubts the final successful accomplishment of the work. While the new army bill will make a bonanza of quick promotions for the younger set, such as has never before occurred in quasi peace times, the older set will not derive near as much im mediate benefit. In the lino of the army, for example, of the 800 promo tions only 15 will tie of lieutenant colo nels, 30 of majors and but 75 of senior captains. The promotion of 15 colo nels to the grade of brigadier general and a jtossible five additional promo tions and retirements of colonels will make a total of 140 field officers and senior captains of cavalry, artillery and infantry, a total of 140 as com pared with about 700 promotions of subalterns. In the several grades of the staff department the promotions will be much less than generally imag ined, making a total of 220, Including 8 lieutenant colonels, 19 majors, 38 captains and 155 first lieutenants. The adjutant general's department will have but one promotion of a major to lieutenant colonel under the new law and the inspector general's de partment but one promotion to colonel and two to lieutenant colonel, but the former will have an Increase in the lower grade of 11 officers and the latter an Increase of 7. These figures, both for line and staff, show greater advantages and benefits for the younger set, but the new law holds out to the older and higher grad ed officers much greater hope for fu ture advancement than to the younger class, whose time for stagnation of promotion Is sure to come. Rooaevelt Plana a Hunt. Fred Herrig of Ivallspell, Mon., a member of the rough riders during the Cuban campaign, lias received a letter from Vice President Elect Roose velt saying that he will visit Herrig next summer with a party of eastern sportsmen and hunters, says the Chi cago Record. The party will proceed up the north fork of the Flathead river, cross the Rockies and go down the famous hunting grounds around Lake McDonald in northwestern Mon tana. CmMnde Aiiiiinnt the I'lUow. Is it better to sleep with the head high or low? This is a question which manufacturers of bedclothes apparent ly answered long ago by announcing authoritatively that no one in his senses would think of lying down to sleep unless he had a pillow and a bolster under his head. Now, how ever, a French scientist comes forward and says that any one who rests his head on a pillow and bolster while he is sleeping is slowly but surely com mitting suicide. This scientist is M. A. Feret, and it was at the recent meet iug of the French Society of Hygiene that he expressed his heterodox views ou the subject. According to M. Feret, the only natural position for man while sleep ing is the horizontal one, and the first thing to do in order to accustom one self to it is to remove the bolster. Within a few months, he says, one will be able to sleep much more calmly thau ever before and, moreover, the general health will be much improved. "This statement," he insists, "is not made lightly, but Is the result of long experience." The next step, he says, is to remove the pillow, for not until then will the circulation of the blood be as free as it should be. Iu further explanation he says that the pillow and bolster keep the head and neck at an abnormal angle, and that consequently the sleeper's entire body remains during the night iu an uncomfortable position and one which impedes the free course of the blood through the vessels and organs. The only remedy, he maintains, is to adopt a horizontal position, since by it alone is absolute rest guaranteed, and this rest is due to the fact that iu such a position the ligaments of the neck are not strained or distorted, the luugs eas ily perform their proper work and the heart beats regularly. BETTER PASSPORTS. More Protection For American Cltl •eni of Fort-lgu Birth. The department of state has adopted a new policy in issuing passports to American citizens of foreign birth which, it is believed, will result iu pre venting some of the arrests of those who now return to the country of tbeli origin, says the Washington Star. 1 Heretofore it has been the practice to 1 grant passports to all Americans who : proved their citizenship and allow them togo wherever they choso with out any warning as to the risks they j might run, but it has been found that I many people of foreign birth suppose | that the mere acquisition of American I citizenship and the security of an ! American passport render them im j muhe from the operation of the laws or | regulations of the country of which ! they were formerly subjects or citizens j If they return. Such Is, however, very I far from being the case. | In all countries a person who secures , naturalization In another country is \ still liable to punishment upon his re turn for au offense committed before his emigration, and in some countries emigration and naturalization without permission are themselves offenses. The department has taken a very simple way of preventing Americans from unwittingly running into danger by preparing a series of notices which It now sends to all applicants for pass ports of foreign birth. Each applicant receives one of these notices with his passport. It is brief and simply writ ten and tells him in a way that any one can comprehend just what the laws and regulations are that may affect him. As the notices relate to the pol icy of foreign countries they are not official, but they are believed to be cor rect and have been compiled with great care in the department after con sultation with our ministers abroad. The notices for Germany, Prance and Switzerland are being regularly issued, and those for other countries of Eu rope and Asia are now being printed. There is intended to be no departure from the attitude of dissent of this gov ernment from the policy of certain for eign countries in their treatment of their former subjects or citizens, and the department has from abundance of caution so Instructed American diplo matic agents abroad. Lumber Supply Neurliig Its End. The American Lumberman publishes Borne figures which should stir con gress and state legislatures to prompt action touching the preservation of American forests. They ought also to move owners of forest lands to consid er whether self interest would not re quire them to take steps to prevent the destruction of their industry. In 1890 the states of Michigan, Wis consin and Minnesota produced 8,. r >97.- 000,000 feet of pine lumber. Since then the product has steadily declined and in 1900 was but 5,455,2G1,000 feet. Dur ing the last two years prices of lumber have been high, and there has been ev ery inducement for the mills to turr. out a heavy product. Every resource has been strained, but without avail. The trees could not be found. The end ©f the white pine Industry of the north west is almost at hand. The years of Its greatness are already passed. While the destruction of the forests In the states named has perhaps been more rapid than elsewhere by reason of the proximity to markets and favor able shipping facilities, all forest sec tions of the country are suffering irrep arably from the woodman's ax. Chief Geographer Gannett of the United States geological survey, from the best data obtainable, estimates the total Stand of timber throughout the T'nited States at 1,380,000,000,000 feet. In 1890 the cut was about feet, and since that time it has steadily in creased throughout the country at large, though decreased In some sec tions by reason of the practical ex haustion of the supply. At the present rate of consumption the available supply will last not to exceed 50 years and perhaps not so long as that. The present generation is likely to feel the pinch of scarcity. Aside from the meteorological influ ences of land denudation and its effect upon the water courses there is shame ful waste of natural wealth which is Justly a part of the heritage of coming generations. The preservation of the yet remaining forests is one of the most important matters to whicli legis lators, state and national, can direct their wisdom and energy. protecting American Dairy Interests. The Dolllver amendment to the agri cultural appropriation bill adopted by the senate takes a commendable step toward preserving the foreign markets for American dairymen. Senator Dol- Uver's proposition is for a rigid inspec tion of all dairy products intended for export. Its purpose is to prevent but-, ter imitations from being shipped abroad as genuine butter, only to be re jected after trial and test by the for eign consumer. One of the most ur gent complaints against the present practice of the makers and exporters of butter Imitations is that they do not hesitate to ship their goods abroad in the name of the genuine dairy product, thus depreciating the value of the lat ter in the foreign market. By the use of a double export pail cover and other cunning devices the makers of artifi cial products have been enabled to avoid detection as the goods are being sent abroad. Under a proper system of government inspection it ought to be impossible to send out of the country any article of an artificial nature brand ed as natural, and it ought, further more, to be possible to prevent such adulterations as will eventually de stroy the foreign market for all classes of goods, whether pure or not. which fall in the least degree under suspicion. It is hard enough to capture the for eign market at best and more difficult still to hold It in the face of the oppo sition of foreign governments without the handicap of fraudulent practices which serve to destroy confidence abroad iu the integrity of American products. The farm separator calf is always a healthy calf. lie is never troubled with Indigestion, scours, loss of appe tite or lice. There Is a vital and health giving property about the milk fed warm from the cow which can never be imparted to it artificially after It has once become cold. . Krause's Cold Cure for colds in the head, chest, throat or any portion of the body, breaks up a .cold in 24 hours without interruption to work. Will prevent cold if taken when rst symptoms appear. Price 25c. Sold Rossman & Son's Pharmacy. WOMAN AND HOME. A REAL DAUGHTEK OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. How She I,oat a 'l'lxiiiiaiiil—The Care of Food—Treatment of Meaalea—Aa One of the Family The Love of Jewels. There are those living today who cau look back to the time when at a father's knee they listrtied to the thrilling expe riences of the stirring times of the Rev olution as told by the actual participa tors in the struggle. The number of these is, of course, exceedingly small, scattered over different parts of the United States. Two are residents of the state of Wis consin. The first of these two original daugh ters of the Revolution, Mrs. Jane A. Walker of Waupun, Wis., was born at Ferrisburg, Vt., Aug. 31, 1810. She is the daughter of John Powers, whose name appears upon the muster roll in both the battles of Lexington and Bunker Hill. He was 27 years old when he an swered his country's call iu 1776, and he faithfully bore arms until the war was ended. Mrs. Walker tells many interesting in cidents of her father's experiences. She MRS. JANE A. WALKER. said: "I have often heard my father tell of the battle they fought at Bunker Hill, what a fierce struggle it was and how their ammunition gave out and they had to fall back. But they were not whipped. History tells of this battle that the Amer icans were told not to fire until they could 6ee the whites of the eyes of the British." On her mother's side also Mrs. Walker has a remarkable Revolutionary ances try, her mother's father having been one of the famous minutemen of the Revolu tion. She says she has often heard her mother tell of how, a child of 8 years, she had to plow while her father was away at the war. Mrs. Walker is one of a family of 16 children and the only survivor. She pos sesses great activity both of body and mind, is interested in all the questions of the day, reads the papers and is an active and devoted church member. She is quite an adept in the art of embroidery. At the age of 80 she began to make colored embroidery on linen, and since that time 6he has completed over 100 pieces, one of which she presented to the local chapter D. A. R. of Port Atkinson, Wis., of which she is a member, and it is highly prized by the society. Mrs. Walker has resided upon her farm near the limits of the city of Waupun for over 50 years. Soon after its purchase she was left a widow with six small chil dren, all of whom she brought to wo manhood and manhood. Four of the six are living today—one, a daughter, re sides in Canada. Two sons, Charles and Gideon Walker, live at Waupun.—Chica go Times-Herald. Hon- She Loaf a Thonaand. "I've just lost a thousand dollars," said the girl with the pensive face casually. "Well, it's hard to keep track of such a small sum in one's purse," was the re joinder the sarcastic young woman in the Morris chair made. The pensive girl's nose wrinkled in dis dain. "It was this way," she explained: "I was coming home with one of the lat est novels my friend on the North Side had lent me. The book I carried was brand new, and I was going through a department 6tore and happened to stop and look at some books in the book de partment. It was then I thought of it. They are always on the lookout for shop lifters, you know, and it suddenly occur red to me that it was quite likely I would feel the heavy hand of a house detective on my shoulder as I walked out of the store. In fact, I didn't quite see how a detective who was doing his duty could avoid nabbing me. There I was loitering around the books and intending to walk away with a brand new, unwrapped novel under my arm. What grounds would the detective have for believing I hadn't stol en it? I decided to remonstrate gently but firmly with him. He would scoff. Thereupon I would consent to be led away. I would demand being taken to the manager. I would state my case to him in a quiet, ladylike, haughty manner which would cow him, so different would it be from the usual hysterical threats of the real shoplifters. He would be con vinced and apologize and hope it was all right. Then I would smile frostily and make no move toward going. 'Oh, no,' I would say, 'it is not all right. You know perfectly well what a box you and your bright detective have got yourselves into. I have a good damage case against this store, and I intend to put it in the hands of my lawyer. Either that and the annoy ing publicity for you or you sit down and sign a check for SI,OOO and hand it to me.' Of course he would be glad to get out of it for a paltry thousand, and then I would depart, planning a summer trip to Europe." The fascinated audience was listening breathlessly. The pensive girl drew a long, long sigh. "But the horrid house detective let me walk out rignt unoer nis nose, ana t flashed the book in his very face. I could have hit btm, 1 was so mad." "It was a shame!" sympathized the lis tening chorus.—Chicago News. A Reasonable Inquiry. "Have you heard from "OiO I'.oomer aug' since she went home'/" asked Mr. Tucker, putting his feet on the table. "I want you to stop calling mamma 'Old Boomerang,'" said Mrs. Tucker. "What makes you call her that?" "Why, 1 was just wondering when ehe was coming back, that's all." au ewered Mr. Tucker. "You ueedn't get sore about it."—lndianapolis Sun. Claaa Ajralnut Claim. "You," remarked the fire fiend, "are not the consumer 1 aui." "No," said the cyclone; "I am one of the greatest distributers in the busi ness, though."—lndianapolis Press. Mr. Schwab is only 39, having start ed out iu life when he was a mete in fant. But he has managed to learn a trick or two about the steel business. i CATARRH AND IIK.4L.IXCI Cl' K FOIt CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm %^jl Easy and to use. Contains no injurious drng. jr "'HAY FEVER It opens and cleanses the Nasal Pass ages. Allayslnflaination. Heals and Protects the Membrane. Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Large Size, 50 cents at Druggists or by mail; Trial Size, 10 cents by mail. ELY BR( >THERS, 56 Warren Street, New York. ! O.L.&W, fin, i TIME TABLE. In Effect September Ist, 1899 - -- ->• GOING WEST I I ' AS I hamj | NEW York. ~.m . A. m. p m Hare lay St. Lv. , j jO ou .... L'ristoplier St..i B 'J u ;*"" ' ju uu' .... lloliokcn y j 5 Ji> lb : S«THiitnii Ar. .j ;{q j i-">i k-"ji!sso ! « dB ®"SSH SCRANTON .. 10 00 8 40:„ ;!) Bellevue ! I -••• 3 45°"* Tayiorvllie i 6* io »"I » $ Lackawanna 10 - a 112 {" Duryea 10 »i 1w •< .1 Ij Pittiton Jo 'i 17 402'* " Susquehanna Ave... 110 *' M 406 West Pittston 0 5 in #»' 224 •» «•« S Wyoming j" 0 10 U ' l '** *'a £ forty Fort i.i .... 416 Bennett i io id 2 30 421 i'V, Kingston I 10 60 242 42S 1~ Kingston 244 43)2 r, Plymouth June... .7 I .. .. 247 435 « Plymouth 7 1 1105 262 .... 7 TJ Avonrtale ; ; 257 ....725 Nantlcoke *ii"l3 302 .... ' Hunlock'.'.. i 11 jy 310 ....; Shlckshlnny I I 1130 324 .... Hick's Ferry j fll 43 335 HeachFaven j j 114s 542 •••• Berwick ■ 111 51 34« Briar Oreek 112 If 3 56 -••• Lime Kidge 1 83y yy 404 .... ! Espy ! 8 3.. 12 15 411 .... Blooms burg j8 4 12 22 4 17: •••• Kupert i 8 6< 12 27 423 .... (Jatawlssa I 86t 12 32 4 2t» Danville '9 10 12 47 442 .... Cbulasky I 4 49 .... J»ineron 9 2 12 57 454 .... «40 NO'tTHIMHKRLAND 83£ I 110 608 •- • • lil 0U A r.i A.M P. M. P. M. P. M.'P.M GOING RAST. fTATIOM. I'AS I PAB. PAS. PAS.'pa* NEW YOW , n . p. ni a.rn a.m. am Barclay St. Ar. 3 3<jj 6Ou 640 Christopher St... 300 4 60 1 835 Hoboken 247 44S #25 Scranton 10 05 '2 55 1 40 am.; pm. "in daily p.m a p. *. p. m. p. M. dly Scranton u42 12 35 466 635 9t>7 Bellevue 9 3jt 460 6309 02 Taylorville 983 446 6258 57 Lackawanna 9as 437 6 147 Duryea i 8 23 434 5 848 Plttston 819 12 17 429 6 844 Susquehanna Ave.. 916 12 14 : 424 6 830 West Pittston.... 9'2 421 6 836 Wyoming »Ob ii Oh 410 5 J 822 Forty Fort 903 .... 410 4 828 Bennett 900 400 4 824 Kingston, 867 12 02 401 4 821 Kingston 855 12 00 412 4 .810 Plymouth Junction 1 850 355 4 4 818 Plymouth j 845 11 52 361 4418 01 Avondale 8 40 3 4ti 80" Nantlcoke 835 11 45 342 751 Uunlock 6 8 27 3 34 7 46 Shlckshinny Sls 11 30 324 738 Hick's Ferry 8 04 3 13; 7 35 Beaeh Haven 7 53 3 o" ! 7 12 Berwick 745 11 04| 301 706 Briar Creok 7 08 1 ! Lime Ridge 7 30! I 248 #52 Espy 7 23 10 48 ; 2 42 845 Bloomeburg 716 10 4t, 288 .... ®3» Kupert 7 Owj 10 86, 231 j 833 Oatawissa 7 031 10 32i 2 2fl ! 8 Danville «50 10 21 212 •1» Chulusky i I | e vj Cameron 6 38 J 6 03 Nobthumbbbl'D... 8 26)10 00 1 50, 650 LviA.M. A.M. !r. M.!'•*• P.M Connections at Kupert with Philadelphia & Reading Railroad for Tamanend, Tamaqua, Williamsport, Sunburv, Pottsville, etc. At Northumberland with F an<l E. Div. P. K. K. Tor Harrisburg. Lock Haven, Emporium, Warren Corry, and Erie. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, TIME TABLE In Effect Nov. 25th, 1900- A M IA. M.i P.M.P. M , Scranton(l)&H)lv \ « 45 §» 38' 2 18 g4 27 Plttston " '• 708 112 1000 §2 42 452 A.MJA.M. P.M. P.M Wllkesbarre... lv § 7 30410 55 | 3 08 58 00 Plym'th Ferry " 112 7 37 fli 02 112 3 16 fo 07 ' Nanticoke •' 746 11 10 326 617 """ Mocanaqua 804 11 32 846 637 Wapwallopen.. " 8 13 11 42 356 647 "" Nescopeck ar 824 11 62 407 700 [||| t A.M. P.M. P.M. I'ottsville lv § 5 50 Sl2 18 § Hazleton " 705 200 650 Tomhicken "1 722 218 6 10 "" Fern Glen "i 7 291 227 6 18 Rock (Hen •' 7 35! 234 025 ' Nescopeck ar 8 04»| 300 650 ' Catawissa.. .ar A. M A. M P. M. P M Nescopeck lv §8 24 §ll 52 || 4 07157 00 Creasy " 833 12 02 410 709 Espy Ferry.... " 1 8 43 12 10 112 4 24 : 7 2o "* E. Bloomsburg, " 847 12 14: 429 725 | I : Catawissa ar 856 12 21 435 732 Catawissa lv 856 12 21 435 T32 South Danville " 9 14 12 38 4 53j 751 Sunbury " 9 35i 100 515 815 A. M. P. M. P. M RM. Sunbury lv || 9 42 § 1 10 § 5 45 .8 40 Lewisburg.... ar 10 13 145 6is Milton " 10 08! 139 814 904 Williamsport.. " 11 0o 230 710 950 Lock Haven... " 11 69 340 807 Renovo "A.M. 440 900 Kane " 1 825 P.M. P.M. Lock jl2 10 S3 45 Beliefonte 10511 4 44; Tyrone " 2 15-11 600 PliilipKburg " 441'( 8 26 Clearfield.... » 6 37|8 9 0«! Pittsburg.... " 6 551111 30 A.M. P. M P. M. P M Sunbury lv 960 § 1 55|j| 525 118 31 Harrisburg.... ar |ll 30JJ 3 15 j 6 55 10 10 P. M.:P. M. P. M. A M Philadelphia.. ar § 3 17i|| 6 23 (|lO 20 J4 25 Baltimore " § 3 ll!j| 8 00 i| 9 45 2 30 Washington... "§ 4 10J, 7 16 jlO 55 406 ""~A.MP,M.I Sunbury lv,§ 9 57|§ 2 03 Liewistown Jc. ar 11 401 3 50 : Pittsburg *'| 6 55|§11 j A.M. P.M P. M. P M Harrisburg.... lvjll 46 II 3 46 || 7 20 P.M.! A.M.AM Pittsburg ar j 6 55|,'| 1130||| 1 50! 5 301 [P.M. PMA M AM Pittcburg lv s 7 10 i 8 30 j 3 00 18 00 .... A. M A M P M Harrisburg.... ar g 1 95 I 3 40 | 9 30 | 3 10 .... P M AM Plttsbuig lv $ 8 00 P M L<ewißtown Js. " \ 7 30 t 3 '.O Sunbury ar : 9 20 \ 6 00 P. M. A M A M A M Washington... lv j|lo 40 i 7 45 ;10 50 Baltimore " ||ll 41 J 4 501 840 fll 45 " Philadelphia... " ;n 20 ] 4 25 ;i s 4o! 12 26 A. M. A M A. M. P M Harrisburg.... lv | 3 35 j 7 55 gll 4U \ 4 00 Sunbury ar j5 05 936 110j 6 40 P.M. A MAM Pittsburg lv £l2 45 i 3 00 \ « 00 Clearfield.... " 4Wt 928 "" Pbiiipsburg.. " 456 10 12 Tyrone " 715 II 810 12 30 Beliefonte.. " 831 932 142 Lock Haven ar 930 10 30 243 """ P. M. A M A M P M Erie lv ( 4 30 Kane, " 755 S6 00 Renovo " 11 15 \ 6 45 10 30 Lock Haven.... " 12 03 735 11 25 300 A.M. P M Williamsport.. " 106 J 8 30|i>12 40 400 Milton •' 15# 919 127 4 :>2 •*** Lewisburg " 9 05] 1 15 447 Sunbury ar; 227 946 155 620 |A. M. A MP M PM Sunbury lvjg 650 j 9 . r »s'g Uoog 6 48 South Danville " 7 13)i017j 221 809 Catawissa " 733 10 36 j 236 627 E Bloomsburg.. " 739 10 43; 243 632 Espy Ferry...." 7 43jf10 47 j 16 36! Creasy "| 7 53) 10 66 , 2 .">5 646 Nescopeck "803 11 05j 3056 66 A M *A~MjP. MJP M j Catawissa lv 738 Nescopeck lv §ll 55 8 4 10 jS 7 05 Rock (Hen ar 8 26:12 21 436 731 FcrnOlen "j 8 331 12 27| 442 737 *•** Tomhicken " 8 42! 12 35, 451 j T45 Hazleton "1 #O2 IS 65] 512 806 Pottsville "j U 50! 220 6 30] 805 I AM AMP M| P Mr Nescopeck lv,§ 803 jll 063 05 g 6 55! l 818 11 20 3 19! 709 Mocanaqua .... "I 828 11 32 329 721 Nanticoke "1 848 11 64 348 ; 742 P Ml 1 Plym'th Ferry' 112 857 12 02 35T f7 62 wilksbarte ... "j 905 It 10 4ON 800 AM P M P M P M Pittston(DAH) ar 'i 9 J9 1112 49 j 4 52! 8 36 Scranton " "I 10 08 1 18| 520 05 \ Weekdays. 0 Daily. 112 Flag station. Additional Train leaves Hazleton 5.15 p. m., Tomhicken 5.35 p. in., Fern Clen 5.43 p. 111., Hock Glen 5.50 p. m., arriving at Catawissa 6.25 p. in. Pullman Parlor and Sleeping Cars run on through trains between Sunbury, Williamsport and Erie, between Sunbnry and Philadelphia and Washington and between Harrisburg, Pitts burg and tbe West. For further information apply to Ticket Agents /. H. HUTCHINSON, J. 11 M OOD, Gen'l Manager, Qen'l Pass'n'r Ag. Shoes, Shoes Stylisii! Clxea,p I I Bicycle, Cymnasfum and Tennis Shoes. THE CELEBRATED Carlisle Shoes ANi) THE Snag Proof Rubber Boots A SPECIALTY. -A.. SCHATZ. sum xi 1 A Reliable TIN SHOP Tor all kind of Tin Roofing, Spouting and Ganaral Job Work. Stoyaa, Heaters, Ranges, Furnaces, etc- PRICKS THE LOWEST! QUALITY TBE BEST! JOHN HIXSON NO. 116 E. FRONT ST. JOHN W. PAENSWORTH INSURANCE Li Fire Accident and Steam Boiler Office: Montgomery Budding, Mill Street, Danville, ■ - PeniTa PHILADELPHIA & READING RAILWAY IN EFFECT OCT. 15, 1900. TKAINS LEAVE DANVILLE (weekdays only) For Philadelphia 11.25 a m. For New York 11.25 a m. For Uatawlsaa 11.25 a. in.. 6.01 p. m. For Milton 7.32 a. m., 4.00 pm. For W illlamsport T.S2 a. m., 4.00 p m. Trains for Baltimore, Washington' and th« South leave Twenty-fourth and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, weekdays—3.Bß, T. 14 10.23 a. m., 12.16, 1.33, 3.03, 4.12, 5.03, 7.86, 8.26 p. m., 12.21 night. Sundays 3.23, 7.14 a. m., 12.16 1.33, 4.12, 6.03, 7.26, 8.26 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Whai 112 and South Street Wharf. WEEKDAYS—Express 9.00 A. M., (Saturdays only 1.00), 2.00, 4.00, 5.00, 7.15 P.M. Accommo dations »«.00 A.M., 5.30 P. M. Sundays- Express 9.00, 10.00 A. M. Accommodation 8.00 A. M.< 5.00 P.M. Leave ATLANTIC CITY DEPOT-Weekdays- Express 7.3 >, 9.00, 10.15 A. M. 2.50, 5.80, P. M. Accommodations 8.06, A.M., 4.05 P. M. Sun days—Express— a. m., 4.30, 7.80 P. M. Accommodation 7.15 A. M., 4.05 P. M. Parlor cars on all express trains. LEAVE PHILADELPHIA. For CAPE MAY and OCEAN CITY-Week days—H.lsa. m., 4.15 p.m. Sundays—9.lsa.m. South St., 9.00 a.m. Additional for Cape May—Weekdays--5.00p. m. For SEA ISLE CITY-Weekdays-9.15 a. m. 5.00 p. m. NEW YORK AND ATLANTIC CITY EXPRESS. Leave NEW YORK (Liberty Street) 3.40 P. M Leave ATLANTIC CITY, 8.80 A.M. Detailed time tables at ticket offices. W-G BESLER, EDBON J WEEKS Gen. Superintendent General Agent. New Coal Yard! R - J- Coal Dealer, has re moved to his new COAL YARD. OFFICE: — No. 344 Ferry Street (near D. L & W. R. R Crossing) « ♦ YARD — In rear otOffice. Robert J. Pegg, COAL DEALER. Telephone No 158.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers