Bon Paper-—- —For fle Hoi The circulation of this paper is in creasing rapidly. It will pay you to advertise in the AMERICAN. lUBSCRIPTIOfI $1 PER YEAH DR. IRVING H. JENNINGS, DENTIST. )Jtce Hours A. 12 M.* 104 Mill St., P. iP. M. Danville, Pa. SHVLTZ, M. D. 425 MILL ST., DANVILLE, PA. iseases of the Stomach and Intestines a Specialty W. P. AHGLB, —DENTIST— OFFICE: 218 MILL STREET. seth Extracted without Pain. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty, julpped with the latest and most Improved Instruments and prepared to execute the most difficult work. DR. C. H. REYNOLDS, (FORMERLY OF CATAWISSA). DBNIIBI iffioe, Opposite Boston Store, Danville, Pa intistry in all its branched. Charge Mod-rate and all work Guaranteed. Established 18M COMXSED NEWS. The ice harvest goes on. The winter bliziards are overdue. Lenten services will be the rule in a w weeks. The same sort of things are happen g that happened last century. Passenger trainmen on the Pennsyl nia railroad are still very buay. Councilman William Amesbury is ser ii«ly ill at his home on Bloom street, ['he "mark down" season is at hand j J the garment you envied, but whose X precluded its purchase two weeks >, may now come within the purview your purse. Everything comes to him 10 waits. 'ennsvlvania will have three legal idays next month as follows: Tues f, February 12th, Lincoln's birthday; esday, February 19th, election day, I Friday, February 22d, Washington's .hday. / lr. and Mrs. John B. Gulick have ted one of the dwelling houses recent built by George Edmondson on irch street. he thoughtful driver will be careful danket his horse when obliged to let i stand exposed to the wiuter kther. fatoh your water pipes these winter s or you may have to call in the nber. anuary is doing her best so far to ifound all the pessimistic weather phets who insisted that "we'd catch his month"by dealing out the cheer t kind of conditions. Quite nat illy storms will come before her de rture, but these will only emphasize J glory of the succeeding calm. The members of the Twelfth Regi nt Military Band, of Sunbury, recent presented their leader, Ben Gaskins. h a handsome silver plated music k. drs. Robert Moore, who broke her leg reek ago by falling down stairs at the me of her daughter in Elizabeth, N. is very much improved. •"rank Newbaker, Q f Danville, the est • accession to the Bloomsburg aeelmen's basket ball team, was in rn Sunday the guest of Manager tore. Mr. Newbaker fills the position centre and judging from his excellent ysiqae he no doubt will keep his op aetits guessing.—Bloomsburg Daily, ome one must have left the door ttty wide ajar, that this is such an pen" winter. The next matter on which local inter will centre is the elections in Febru \ A number names are mentioned connection with the vacancies in mcil, and the school board, and the p of candidates promises to be a large eople who have been watching their ;s and keeping them tied up are be ning to breath easier, because the e days are past since the mad dog hia wholesale biting. It will be well, ffever, to observe the usual days of ce. Irs. E. B. Coxe of Drifton has over people on her list that she keeps in necessaries of life month in and nth out, be revival services at Trinity M.E. ,rch have been of special interest, 'ruggists say that quiuine is in de ad, owing to numerous colds, low are those New Year resolutions ting along. Jmost every body Is longing for a id snow fall and for sleighing, be ice harvest promises to be most intiful. 'raveling salesmen for furnishing ds are already sending in large era for men's shirt waists. The shirt ist man promises to be popular next imer. lanufacturing sites are numerous in nville and there is no reason why our r should Dot secure additions to its ustries. lias Neta Mover who has suffered m a severe cold for a few days, ia im iving. he funeral of Flora Alexander was din Bloomsburg yesterday. Thirty opie from this city met the funeral Kession at Grovania. Interment was ide in the Jewish cemetery, this city, Montour American- "THIS COUNTRY WILL NEVER BE ENTIRELY FREE UNTIL IT SUPPLIES ALL OF ITS OWN DEMANDSWITH ITS OWN PRODUCTIONS." VOL. 4G--MO 2. DANVILLE DEFEATS (JUAKER CITY By the Score of 37 to s—Visitors5 —Visitors Put Up a Past Game. For the third time the Danville and Quaker City basket ball teams met on the Armory floor last evening. But the conditions were exactly reversed this time. I*e Philadelphians won both games in 1899 and 1900. Last evening they were defeated with a score of thirty seven to five. The Danville boys went into the game to play good ball, and every member of the team did it. All of them scored, and the entire team played well together and put up a fast game from start to finish. They took the lead by scoring in the first half minute, and kept the advantage to the end. The score at the end of the first half was twenty-four to two. For the second half the visitors pulled together and held the local play ers down a little. Klase kept up his record for fast scor ing and accurate throwing. Newbaker distinguished himself by shooting two difficult baskets from the center of the field. For the visitors Lindsay and Green put up the best game. The good games that the local players have been playing of late prove that they are well qualified to meet any team in this section, and warrant better pat ronage than has been accorded. Con sidering the late hour at which the game was played, a good sized audience wit nessed it. The Philadelphia players will meet the Normal team at Blooms* burg this evening. The line up of last night's game was : Danville. Quaker City. Klase Attack Kilpatrick Bedea Attack Lindsay Newbaker Center Brown Sechler Defense Green Gaskins Defense Goodwin Summary—Goals from field: Klase, ten; Bedea, four; Newbaker, two; Sechl er, one; Gaskins, one; Lindsay, one; Goodwin, one. Goals from foul: Klase, one; Brown, one. Referee : Carson, of Philadelphia- Umpire: Czechowicz.of Danville. Time: Twenty minute halves. Mr. Breckbill Pinds Eight Prisoners Awaiting His Oare. Michael Breckbill began his third term asSheriffof Montour county Tuesday] noon. During the day he moved part of his household goods iuto the jail res idence. In assuming his office Sheriff Breckbill finds eight prisoners to care for. All of them are held for the Grand Jury or are awaiting trial at next week's term of court. They are Boyd Wintersteen, in dicted on the charge of murder; Harvey Lamberson, held on the charge of arson and attempt to kill his wife; Benjamin Severcool, from Limestone township, held on the charge of Larceny; Edward Burke and Clyde Keefer, boys held on the charge of stealing a stove from the tool house at the Episcopal cemetery; Peter Roden, held on the charge of as sault and battery; David Barrett, held on the charge of highway robbery, and Thomas Saul, charged with larceny. During Sheriff Maiers' term, thirteen prisoners were the most that he had in jail at any one time. Several times,just after sessions of court, the jail was with out a prisoner. Death Was Sudden. Samuel Hoffner died at his home on West Mahoning street shortly before six o'clock last evening. Although he wascontined to the house for two months by asthma and other troubles, death was sudden and due to heart failure. The last time that he was out of the house was when he voted on election day. Last evening he sat up and ate his supper. Shortly after that Mrs. Hoflner noticed that he looked strange, and he »oon died while sitting in his chair. He was born in France neventy-one years ago, and came to Danville when be was fifteen years old. For the past twenty years he was employed by Grocer H. M. Schoch. He is survived by a wife, one son and a daughter, George A. Hoflner, of Suubury, and Mrs. John Lewis, of this city. Arrangements for the funeral have not been made. Officials Took Oath of Office. All but one of the county officials elected in November took the oath of office before Register and Recorder Will iam L, Sidler Monday noon. Mr. Sidler, being re-elected,had the oath ad ministered by his deputy, Miss Hotiman. Mr. Sidlerthen administered the oath to Sherifl Michael Breckbill, who succeeds George Maiers; Associate Ju<\ge Frank G. Blee, who succeeds Judge Henry Divel; and Jury Commissioner Charles M, Kinn. Francis Patterson, the other Jury Commissioner elected, was not pre sent to take the oath. The retiring Jury Commissioners are William Sunday and Curtis Cook. Shipping the Machinery. It is expected that the dismantlement of the Bessemer plant will be completed by February 1. Mo»t of the heavy pieces of machinery have been shipped. Over 1(J0 oar loads have already been sent to the Canadian plant, and nearly 100 oars of smaller materials remain to be shipped. Masquerade Ball at Bloomsburg. A number of pupils of the Seamen dancing classes, of this city, in company with a number of Bloomsburg will hold a masquerade ball in Enter line's Hall, Bloomsburg, on Mouday evening, January 21, Prof. Richard Metherell will furnish the music. I>ANVILLE, I'A- TIIUUSDAY, .JANUARY 10, 1!)01. II SDRELV IS A GOOD START Danville Industries Begin the Oenturv in a Promising Manner. From the present outlook it seems as though the first year of the new century will be a prosperous one for Danville. The town is at present suffering that temporary cessation of business that us ually follows a brisk holiday trade, but the merchants are very hopeful and many of them have already bought heavy spring stocks. The various'industries of the town are working steadily, and from those in au thority it is learned that they will do so for some months to come. The Reading Iron works are being operated double turn. The repairs at the engine of the Structural Tubing works have been com pleted and the plant started full hand ed Tuesday morning. The Howe Samuels puddle mill is woiking full time as is also the Stove Works and the Curry & Vannan machine shops. The Silk mill and Knitting mill are rushed with work only a lack of help preventing these important industries from working double turn. The smaller factories all resumed Monday after the shut down for inventory. It is also believed that work will he resumed in the near future at the Dan ville Rolling mill and the Bessemer plant plate mill. The beginning of the race promises well for the part that Danville industries will play in the Twentieth century industrial world. Satisfaction Over Removal of Last Diph theria Quarantine Card. The fact that the last diphtheria quarantine card has been removed in this city is a matter of much gratification to Danville physicians. Until Monday there has not been a time since August when cases of the disease did not exist in the city, and at times it made such headway that fears of an epidemic were entertained. The physicians have made great ef forts to confine the disease as much as possible to the places where it originat ed, and in most instances have been successful. The precentage of deaths, for the number of cases reported, has been small when compared to the fatali ties that formerly accompanied ibis dread disease. Came Near Losing Her Life. Mrs. A. F. Spi tier, of No. 11l East Front street, came near losing her life Friday%ioruing while thawing on a water hydrant Ht the rear of the house, by burning paper around it. She had a broom with which she was keeping the papers from blowing away. She stood the broom behind her for a minute, when she soon felt something warm at her back. Looking around,she ] found her clothes all in flames, having become ignited from the broom. She attempted to extinguish the fire by wrapping her clothes around her, but succeeded in burning her hands and arm*. Mrs. Margaret Hoffman, a next door neighbor, rushed to the scene with | a piece of carpet with which she soon smothered the llames. The burns on her hands and arms were the only injuries which Mrs. Spitler received. Death of an Old Resident. John Diehl, one of the oldest and best known residents of Exchange, die I at his home at that place on Saturday evening. He was ninety-three years old, and had spent much of his life in this part of the state. The funeral was held from the bouse on Wednesday morning at eleven o'clock, and burial was in the Strawberry Ridge cetne tery. Mr. Diehl is survived by four daughters and four sons, Mrs. Jackson Good and Mrs. Thomas Cole, East Dan ville; Mrs. John Dye, of Strawberry Ridge; Mrs. Joseph Moust, of Columbia Hill; Jacob, John, Daniel and William, all of whom live near Exchange. Daniel Diehl is one of the Montour County Auditors. J ohnston—Sweiefort. Miss Augusta May Sweisfort and Dr. R. Erskine Johnston were married at eleven o'clock Tuesday morning at Ohri9t Episcopal church, the Rev, Erskine Wright officiating. Dr. J. Herb ert Adams was groomsman and Miss May Boone, of St. Clair, was bridesmaid. A wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents, I)r. and Mrs. J. Sweisfort, East Market street. After their return from Washington and Old Point Comfort, Dr. and Mrs. John ston will reside at the new infirmary building at the State Hospital, where he is a physician. Passing Experimental Stago. The Safety Spindle & Manufacturing cotrpanv, which was recently organized in this city, is still having its product made at the Stove Works. So far the spindles turned out have been for ex perimental purposes. Several of them | have been subjected to severe usage on wagons over rough roads. They have stood the tests well. The stockholders of the company hope that they will soon create a demand fur their goods that will permit of operating their own fac tory. Death in Frosty Valley. Nellie Stewart, the four teen-years-old daughter of Mr and Mrs. Jacob Stewart died Monday evening at the home of her parents in Fr<.sty Valley. Thechild was taken sick with diphtheria last Wed lies day. There are four other children in the family, but none of them has shown any signs of the disease. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Brief Mention of the Movement of Your Friends and Acquaintances. The Rev. Henry Diselcamp, of Locust Gap, spent yesterday in Danville. Samuel Junod, of Jersey Shore, spent last evening in town. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Moyer and Mr. and Mrs. Perry Gaskins drove to Sha mokin yesterday. H. M. Hockman,of Bloomsburg,trans acted business in this city yesterday. Miss Harriette Alexander visited friends in Sunbury yesterday. Simon Behler, of Benton, called on friends in South Danville yesterday. William Magill Esq., of Bloomsburg, was in Danville yesterday. Miss Blanche Moyer and Miss Kath erine Hoy, of Northumberland, spent yesterday with Danville friends. McWilliams Curry spent yesterday in Sunbury. Frank Mowrcy left yesterday for a visit with relatives in Ardmore near Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Smith, of Elys burg, visited friends in South Danville yesterday. Harry Gilger, of Trevorton, spent yes terday in Danville. Philip S. Moser and Andrew Russell attended the funeral ol John Diehl, yes terday, at Exchange. Miss Maggie Ward, of Scranton,is vis iting relatives in this city. Sister Fides,formerly Miss Belle Shep person of this city, left Sunday eve for Pittsburg after a visit at the Sbepper son homestead on East Front street. She was accompanied by her sister Miss Mary and brother W. A. Sheppersou. Miss Margaret Brawn left on Saturday for Berwick, where she will reside in the tuture. Miss Margery Dougherty, of Blooms burg, spent Saturday at the home of Harry Peyton, Mill street. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Keller returned to Scranton on Saturday evening after vis iting Danville friends. Lloyd Peifer, of Wilkesbarre, spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. George W. Peifer. Mill street. Sylvester Barry, of Troy, N. Y., is vis iting friends in Danville. Mr. Barry was j a former resident of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rebnian return el from a visit in Philadelphia on Sat urday. Mrs. F. E. Harpel returned on Satur- , day from a visit with friends in Shainok in. Mrs. Frank Baker and it!rs. Louisa Trumbower have returned to their home j in Muncy after a visit at the home of i Samuel Trumbower, East Market street. Mrs. W. F. Rowe and daughter Ma tilda, of Berwick, spent Sunday with Mrs. Wesley Hartzell, Grand Street. Mrs. Lizzie C. Fisher left Monday for a visit with relatives in Scranton and Brooklyn N. Y. Miss Cressman and James 1. Riehl re- ! turned from lv.istoii Monday evening ; where they attended the funeral of ; Oliver Riehl. Miss Margaret Grove returned to Philadelphia Monday after a visit with ' friends in this city. Miss Mary Yorks returned to Miss ! Gordon's school in Philadelphia Mon-1 day. Mr. and Mrs. William Hullihen spent Sunday in Millville. Miss Laura Hunter visited friends in Bloomsburg yesterday. A. B. Brown, of Pittston, was a visitor in Danville yesterday. Mrs. George Sonnebornc returned to New York Tuesday after a visit at the home of her brother Major C. P. Gear hart, South Danville. Hon. and Mrs. H. M. Hinckley re turned from Harrisburg Tuesday even ing. Mrs. T. F. Patterson and daughter Miss Abigail left Tuesday for a visit in j Philadelphia. Undertaker 11. W. Bittendender, of Bloomsburg,spent several hours in Dan ville yesterday. John Lore is visiting friends in Blooms burg. Charles Zaner transacted business in Catawissa yesterday. J. E. Colt, of Northumberland, was in town yesterday. Mrs. T. 11. Raw lings, of Bloomsburg, visited friends in Danville yesterday. Mrs. Robert Black, returned to her home in Mt. Carmel yesterday after a visit with relatives in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vincent visited friends in Milton last evening. Miss Mabel Gearhart returned from a visit in Wapwallopen yesterday. B. F. Foulk is visiting his son Roy in Williamsport. Henry Vincent returned from a trip to I'hiladelphia last evening, Mrs. James Steiner returned to Lock Haven yesterday after a visit with rela tives in Washingtonville. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cohen, of Blooms buig, called on Danville friends yester day- Mrs. Charles Hovies spent yesterday in Sunbury. Secretary W. D. Laumaster made a trip to N>«\*berry yesterday, Henry Billmeyer, of Pottsgrove, trarvtaatftil business in Danville yester day. PREPARING FOR COMING COURT Thirteen Criminal Cases Ready for Next Week's Term. District Attorney Thomas C. Welsh is busy preparing the criminal cases that will be presented to the Quarter Session of County Court that will convene next Monday. Sixteen criminal cases have been pre sented for this term of court. The charges range from assault to murder. Three of the cases will not be presented to the Grand Jury. Of the other thirteen, the minor ones will be disposed of first. As soon as the Grand Jury is sworn in and instructed on Monday, one of the minor cases will be presented for its consider ation, and it is expected that an in dictment can be secured so that one of the trials can be begun by the time the few civil proceedings are out of the way. Mr. Welsh thinks that it will be possi ble to dispose of all of the criminal cases except that against Boyd Wintersteen, by Wednesday night. lie thinks that the Wintersteen murder case will be reached for trial by Wednesday after noon or Thursday morning. Mr. Welsh does not think that this will be a long trial, and that it will be concluded be fore Saturday night. Wintersteen will be defended by Hon. H. M. Hinckley, Edward Sayre Gear hart, Esq., and Major C. P. Gearhart. Mr. Welsh does not know for certain whether he will be assisted in the pros ecution of the case, but it is probable that James Scarlet, Esq., will assist in the prosecution. Joint Installation of Officers of Goodrich Post and Relief Corps. A joint installation of the new officers of Goodrich Post, No. 22, G. A. R. and Goodrich Woman's Belief Corps, No. 31, occurred at the Post rooms Monday eve. The Post otlicers were installed by Past Commander James C. Foster, and the Relief Corps otlicers were installed by Mrs. Rebecca R. Sechler. Following the installation the Post was agreeably sur prised by refreshments served by the ladies. The officers installed are: Command er, John M. Sechler; senior vice, Ellis 11. Best; junior vice, Levi B. Sechler; adjut ant, Jacob Sloop; quartermaster, A C. Angle; surgeon, Dr. P. C. Newbaker; chaplain, Jacob Reaser; officer of the day, Robert G. Miller; officer of the guard, Charles S. Baker; sergeant major, John H. Hunt; quartermaster sergeant, Josaph L. Shannon. The officers of the Relief Corps are: President, Mrs. Kate Moyer; senior vice president, Mrs. Mary Sechler; junior vice president, Mrs. Sarah Shutt; treasurer, Mrs. Louisa Angle; secretary, Mrs. Re becca R. Sechler; chaplain, Mrs. Julia Mowrer; conductor, Mrs. Elizabeth Cuthbert; assistant conductor, Mrs. Ann Cook; guard, Mrs. Malinda Landau. Death of Georgiana Phillips. Georgiana Phillips, aged eight years, died at the home of her father, Thomas 11. Phillips, at the corner of Water ai d Rough and Ready streets, at ten o'clock Monday morning. She was a bright and attractive child, popular with her companions and teachers at the First ward school. On Christmas eve she at tended the entertainment at the First Baptist church, and the next morning she was taken sick with tonsilitis, which gradually grew worse until her death. The funeral was held from the house Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock. Burial was in the Episcopal cemetery. Mrs. Phillips, mother of the child, died about six years ago. Death of Mrs. Caroline Cotner. Mrs. Caroline Cotner died at her home at Washingtonville Monday morning at three o'clock. She was seventy-three years old. The funeral was hel I froti} the house on Thursday at tena m. Burial was in the Washingtonville Lutheran cemetery. She is survived by five sons and four daughters, Pierce, Oliver, John, McClellan, Philip, Mrs. Seville Patter son, Mrs. Prudence Kneiss, Mrs. Caro line Reeder and Mrs. Lydia Reeder, all of whom live in the northern part of this county. Pirst National Bank Directors. The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the First National Bank was held Tuesday afternoon. The entire board of directors was re-elected, consisting of I. X. Grier, C. G. VanAlen, of North umberland, James D. Magill,S. A. Yorks, C. Laubach, B. R. Gearhart and William Pensyl. County Auditors In Session. County Auditors John F. Gulick and William Black Monday began the audit of all claims against Montour county for the year 1000. Owing to the death of his father, Auditor Daniel Diehl did not meet with the other members of tbe Board. It will take several days to complete the work. Church Council Elect Officers. The council of the Pine Street Luther an church, consisting of the four trus tees, four deacons and four elders, met for organization Monday eve. John W. Eyerly was elected secretary; F. G. Schoch, financial secrelaiy, and George B Jacobs, treasurer. Danville National Bank Officers. The directors of the Danville National Bank met yesterday afternoon and re elected William J. Baldy, president; Joseph Hunter, vice president, and M. G. Youngman, cashier EXTEMPORE DEBATING First Meeting of New Olub at the High School. A commendable idea of Prof. Gordy's was put into practice at the High school Friday eve when the first meeting was held of an extempore debating club. The members of this club will be confined to students of the high school. All pupils, of either sex, will be entitled to attend and participate in debates. As the name implies, these debates will be entirely without preparation. The students will attend on the meeting nights, organize the meeting, decide on the subject of debate and then any one will have the privilege of speaking on which ever side of the question he or she chooses. It is believed that these de bates will furnish excellent practice in extemporaneous speaking and for de veloping quickness of thought. Seventeen students attended the first meeting. Clarence Derr was chosen chairman; Joy Brader, secretary, and John Gorman, Miss Julia Arms and Miss Alice Smull, judge", to decide the merits of the arguments on the question •'Resolved that United States Senators should be ehcted by direct vote of the people." The question was decided in favor of the affirmative, which was championed by William Dougherty, William Wat kins and Howard Lunger. The speakers for the negative were Walter Payne, William Bailey and Frank Montague. Prof. J. C. Houser gave a short talk in explaining the benefits of this move ment. As soon as the High school debaters gain proficiency, it is the intention to arrange for interscholaslic debaUs with some of the High schools in neighboring j towns. William Houghton, of Exchange, Charged With Illegal Liquor Selling. Residents of Exchange are much in terested over the outcome of a hearing held before Justice-of-the Peace Bare | yesterday afternoon. William Hough ton, proprietor of theKxchangeHotel, is charged by David Mitchell,of that place with selling intoxicating liquor on Sun day, selling to minors and selling to habitual drunkards. Seven or eight witnesses from Ex change were examined. Two or three young men,who testified that they were under twenty-one years old, swore that they had purchased liquor in Mr. Houghton b place, but they all testified that before the liquor was sold to them they told the bartender that they were over twenty-one years old. Other witnesses testified that they had seen men drinking in the place on Sunday, but they could not state posi tively whether they drank intoxicating liquor. 'Squire Bare reserved his decis ion until this afternoon at two o'clock. "Human Hearts." Have you seen "Human Hearts"? If not do not miss your opportunity to witness a play that never fails to hold an audience. Everywhere it is spoken of as possessing rare power to move and entertain. The varied characters chosen by the author to reveal his intention are woven into action that in itself has ar tistic variety, and is alive with such ele ments as rivet the attention. The play is clear, clean and clever,and the fact that it is in its fourth season of success, warrants the statement that it has lasting power, which can be said of very few dramas. The secret of this lies in the simplicity, truthfulness and vari led human interests. Opera house on Tuesday evening, January 15. From Shan Tung Province, i The Rev. J. H. Laughlin will preach at the Mahoning Presbyterian church ton Sunday, both morning and evening. Mr. Laughlin is a missionary from the Shan Tung Province of China. His mis | sion was situated right in the center of the Boxer movement. After he left ! there all of the mission buildings were burned. His addresses on missionary i work will be of particular interest, giving a <jood idea of the recent troubles in China. Cronje Sends His Autograph. The latest addition to the Y. M. C. A. autograph collection is that of General P. A. Cronje. the celebrated Boer prison er of war. The envelope containing the autograph was postmarked St. Helena, November 27. Besides the two half penny stamps, it contains the stamp of the British censor for the prisoners of war. Among the other autographs ex pected soon are those of President Krug er, Cecil Rhodes, General DeWeitand Li Hung Chang. Chicken Th'eves Active. For the second time within a month j thieves visited the chicken coop of E. C. ; Weiliver, Sidler Hill, on Saturday night, j Twelve chickens were stolen, among them being three priz-t game fowl?. Seven or eight chickens were taken by the thieves several weeks ago. Mr. Weiliver promises to give the thieves a warm reception if they will make an other visit. Boatmen Will Protest. A movement is on foot in some parts J ofPeiry and Juniata counties to peti ! tion the Legislature against the aban donment of the Pennsylvania Canal, should such a bill be presented during this session. A large number of boat men reside at Liverpool, Duncannon and Newport, and they claim that a great ileal of traffic could be obtained if 1 given proper encouragement. ESTABLISHED IN 1855. IT CANNOT III; DONE TOO SOON Plans for Reopening the Danville Rolling Mill. Since the beginning of bankruptcy proceedings against C. K. Baird, consid erable curiosity has been expressed con cerning the future of the Danville Roll ing mill, one of the properties controll ed by Baird & Co. Before the bank ruptcy proceedings were begun, Mr. Baird had a re-organization* plan par tially worked out.wfaereby it was expect ed that all of the plants controlled by him would soon be putin operation. The day the bankruptcy proceedings were begun, a Philadelphia attorney,re presenting a large number of creditors, said that he thought those re-organiza tion plans would be carried out by the creditors. A Danville man, familiar with the situation, said Tuesday that should those plans he curried out he did net think the plant in this city would be in cluded. Before the firm was forced into bankruptcy arrangements were all made by a responsible man for the lease and operation of the Danville plant. It is still believed that such a lease will be consummated, although the bankruptcy proceedings necessarily complicate mat ters so that it is difficult to predict how soon it can be done. At the Elmira plant,where affairs were less complicated by local creditors than in Danville, such a lease has been ar ranged, and operations are about to be resumed under a new management. Sev eral of the rollers that were employed at the Danville mill have been engaged for the Elmira company and will go there to work until the affairs of the Danville plant are straightened out. Instructive Lecture of Dr. D. G. Nutt in the Y. M. 0. A. Hall. An audience of men crowded the Y. M. C. A. hall Tuesday eve to listen to the interesting lecture of Dr. D. G. Nutt, of Williamsport, who explained some "Plain Facts for Men." This lecture was interesting and in structive and will be beneficial to many of those present, if they will heed the physician's excellent advice. Dr. Nutt gave a comprehensive de scription of different organs of the hu man body, explained their functions, and the manner in which health can be promoted by the proper care of the body, or how loss of physical, mental and moral health is almost certain to follow dissipation and excesses of differ ent kinds. Work of the Auxiliary. The members of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. met in the Associa tion parlor last evening to plan for some of the work which the ladies propose to do for the financial betterment of the Association. It was decided to have the annual supper in the Y. M. C. A. hall on the evening of Thursday, Jan uary 31. The plans are being worked out for the entertainment to be given at the opera house in February under the auspices of the Auxiliary. The ladies also talked of later having an entertain ment of a social nature, but no definite plans were made for that. The proceeds from the supper and entertainment will go into the Association treasury to help pay the running expenses for the com ing year. Entertained at Kaseville. Mrs. Amanda J. Sidler entertained a number of friends at dinner at her home, Kaseville, on Thursday. Those present were : Mrs. George F. Eye and daughter Catharine of Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Sidler, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Johns, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Sidler, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sidler, Mrs. E. Y. Seid el, Mrs. Julia A. Mowrer, Mrs. Mary C. Moyer, Mrs. Wilson, Horace Sidler, William and Raymond Johns, Mary Sidler and Clyde Sidler. Party Drove to Pottsgrove. The following party drove to Potts grove on Saturday evening where they attended a dance: Mr. and Mrs. John Foy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schutt, Mr. and Mrs. William McCanu, Mr, and Mrs Joseph Fausnaught, Mrs. John Reefer, Misses Htlen and Carrie Reefer, Annie Mullen, Edna McElrath, Minerva Wint ers, William Schutt, Joseph Kaup, Koss Reefer, Joseph Fausnaught and Horace Snyder. Revision of Methodist Hymnal. The committee of nine appointed at the last general conference of the Me thodist Episcopal church to revise the Methodist Hymnal is making progress on the work. The new hymnal, it is said, will cousist of about 600 selections, which means that over 400 of those now included will be dropped. All of the olden hymns, so dear to the members of the Methodist church, will be retained. Election of Board of Directors. At the annual election of the Danville National Bank, held Tuesday after noon, William J. Baldy, C. P. Hancock, F. C. Angle, Judge W. R. Holloway, .Joseph Huuter, D. K. Eckman and Alex Bilimeyer were re-elected directors for the coming year. Germania Verein's Ball. The first ball of the Germania Verein, held at the Armory Monday eve was well attended. The enjoyment was continu ed until an early hour Tuesday. It was a success in every way and a large number of Danville people will eagerly i watch for the next dance given by this ' organization. JOB PRINTING The office of the AMERICAN oeing furnished with a large assortmen of job letter and fancy type and job material generally, the Publisher announces to the public that he is prepared at all times to execute in the neatest manner JOB PRINTING Of aft Kinds and Descrption. JjgfGet our prices before place your orders. MR. REIFSMYDER'S LATEST PURCHASE Last Real i Estate in Danville Owned by the Grove Estate. A real estate deal was consummated on Saturday morning whereby the last piece of real estate in Danville owued by the estate of the Grove Brothers was transferred to George F. Keifsnyder. This is a tract of vacant land containing seven acres and forty-four perches, bounded on the east by Pearl street, on the west by Railroad street,on the south by the canal and thenorih by the Lack awanna railroad. This addition to his property gives Mr. Keifsnyder twelve acres of the old Grove property, situat ed between the canal and the Lacka wanna railroad and east ofChurch street. He puichased over tour acres of this land at the public sale of the Grove estate properly several years ago. In the early days of Danville the Grove Brothers were heavy own ers of real estate, mining and manufact uring property in this section. Much of the property was sold more than twenty years ago. The land and build ings retained by the estate have been sold piece by piece since that time. About two weeks ago the old Grove furnace office property on East Mahon ing street was purchased by Goodrich Post, No. 22, G. A. R ,and this last pur chase by Mr Keifsnyder marks the clos ing of an important epoch in the com mercial history of Danville. Mr. Keifsnyder intends to hold this property for the present. Part of it is located along the railroad tracks and would make excellent sites for manufact uring industries. Next summer -.e will dredge about three acres of the low land making a lake of it, and using the dirt removed to fill in other sections. Ice will be cut from this pond in the winter and it can also be used for skating. Boats may be put on it in the summer. Mr. Keifsnyder is also considering the feasibilty of using this pond for raising frogs for market. Such a frog pond at Selinsgrove is making a fortune for its owner. He has not fully decided, how ever, what use to make of the lowland, except to use it for an ice pond. Narrow Escape Prom Drowning. While crossing the Susquehanna river at Shickshinny Sunday afternoon S. W.Broadthada narrow escape from drowning and was rescued only by the prompt action of his companion, David Edwards. Messrs. Broadt aad Edwards are well known in Danville, having boarded here while acting for some time as telegraph operators at South Danville and Wolverton, respectively. They are both employed in the telegraph office at Mocansqua, and board across the river at Shickshinny. About four o'clock Sunday after noon they started to take a short cat across the ice instead of going around by the bridge. When about half way across, where the river is swift and deep Mr. Broadt, who was a few feet ahead of his companion, broke through the ire. Mr. Edwards instantly pulled oS his overcoat, threw himself tiatonthe ice and reached the garment out so that the struggling man caught it just as he was beini; drawn under the ice. With the coat Mr. Edwards succeeded in pulling his unfortunate compauion onto firm ice. Death of George Elwell. George Elwell died at his home on Spruce street at two o'clock yesterday morning. He was ill for several weeks from a complication of diseases. He was tifty-eight years old, and always lived in this city. He was employed at the Howe & Polk Structural Tubing works. The funeral will be held from St. Joseph's church on Friday morning at nine o'clock and interment will be in the Catholic cemetery. Mr. Elwell is survived by a wife and eight children, Mrs. John Pfeiffer, and Miss Anna El well, of Chicago, 111., David and George, of Cleveland, Ohio; Thomas, Alice and Gertrude, of this city. Reading's New Block System. A large force of men, under Signal Engineer W. F. Johns, is equipping the Willianisport division of the P. & R. road with an improved semaphore tele graph block system. The division will be divided into fifteen blocks,which will necessitate the construction of fifteen signal towers, each of which will re quire the service of a night and day op erator. Each tower will be provided with two sets of telegraph instruments for blocking, and it will be equipped with an electric indicator, controlled by a track circuit,which will show the loca tion of a train in a block. As soon as the Williamsport division is equipped the same kind of a system will be installed on the Catawissa div ision. Ready to Begin in the Spring. Several railroad contractors have been in Bloomsburg recently looking over the route of the proposed trolley road be tween that town and Berwick. One or two more are expected within the next few days, after which bids for the work will probably be presented. The pre liminary work for the road is being com pleted. so that everything will be ready to begin actual construction as soon as spring opens. Dancing Glass Well Attended. Miss Nita Moyer gave the first lesson to her children's dancing class on Satur day afternoon in the Armory. The first steps of the waltz were taught and all of the youngsters made much progress. About thirty-five pupils attended. Miss Books will preside at the piano for these lessons.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers