KAILROAD TIMK TABIJiS I'KNN'A K. K. EAST. WEST 7.13 A. M. #.14 A. M. 10.17 " 12.88 P. M. 2.21 P. M. 4.53 " ti.OH " >.51 " SUNDAYS. 10.17 A. M. 1-5.1 I*. M. I>. L. A W. tt. B. EAST. W EST. 6.58 A. M. M.09 A. M. 10.19 '• 12.47 P. M. 2.11 P. M. 4..'f5 '• b.lO " 5.20 " SUNDAYS. 6.WA.M. 12.47 P.M. 6.10 P.M. *.20 « PHII* f A <& KKAUING K. K. NORTH. SOUTH. 7.42 A.M. 11.25 A.M. 4.00 P.M. 6.05 P.M. HLOOM STREET 7.44 A. M, 11.23 A. M. 4.02 P. M. 6.04 P M. J.N M KINFOKT, SURGEON DENTIST, OpifM KON MILL ST., Opposite the I'ost Office. Operative anil Mechanical iientiptry tJarefully pe ribruicil, Teeth positively extracted without pain,with i his, Ktlier and Chloroform: Treat ing aud Killing teethaStiecialtv. ■yyjl. HANK I*IJtT, ATTORNE Y-AT-L A W, Office over l'aules' I>rug Store MONTGOMERY BUILDING, IIjII STKKET, - - DANVILLE. PA J. J. BROWN, THE EYE A SPECIALTY. Eyes tested, treated, titted with glass es and artificial eyes suj»|»lie«l. 311 Market Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Hours-'— lo a. m. TO r> p. m. Telephone 1436. TORNADO IN WISCONSIN. Cfcbt I.nrj£«» Ttvi i lil i VIUM a nd TTTO Ilnn drcd Sinai 11 House* Blown Down. Sheboygan, Wis., Aug. 21. —A ter viflc wind storra struck this city yes terday,coming suddenly from the north. Eight large buildings were completely wrecked and 200 small houses were blown down, causing a loss of $300,000. At noon it was as dark as night and Intensely hot. A few moments before 1 o'clock the storm broke, increasing in force until it became a tornado. Peo ple were thrown down and fences and signs hurled hundreds of feet. The storm, which raged for only ten min utes. was two miles wide and wrecked the buildings. The street car barns were wrecked and cars were smashed to pieces. The electric wires were all blown down. The roof of the warehouse of the Crocker Chair company was blown off and thrown against the factory, wreck ing the building. The tent on a horse and pony show was torn from the ground and blown away, leaving the animals to run panic stricken through the city. The roof of the Schrier brew ery was lifted from the building and carried over 150 yards. The steeple of the Lutheran church was blown down onto two residences, smashing in the roofs. The fourth ward school house was completely wrecked. The wind wrecked buildings with the greatest rapidity, and there was little warning of the approach of the storm. The people in every case, however, were out. of their houses before the storm struck and those who were hit by flying debris were only slightly in jured. In the factories the employes were in many cases bruised and cut from wreckage. I'nnr Prrinna Drowned anil One II limed to Dentil. Pittsburg. Aug. 20. —Four drownings and one death by burning Is Pittsburg's fatal accident record for the day. The dead are: Chris. Paffenbath, aged 50, fell from a raft in the Allegheny river, was drowned; Edward G. Brillinger, 8 years old, fell from a raft while fish ing in the Allegheny river and was drowned before he could be rescued; James Gallagher and Hugh McGrady, boys, were drowned together while swimming in the Monongahela. Mc- Grady got beyond his depth and Gal lagher in attempting to rescue him was pulled under, and neither came to the surface again. Mrs. Mary C. Boyd, wife of the assistant superintendent of the New York and Cleveland Coal com pany at Oak Hill, was burned to death in a peculiar manner. She was clean ing a rusty saw and was using what she thought was elaine oil as a clean ser. She placed the five gallon can on the floor about six feet from the stove and turned around to get a rag. Immediately there was an explosion. She ran from the house a mass of flames, and though her husband quick ly wrapped her in a blanket and smothered the flames, she was so badly burned that she died In agony three hours later. Mr. Boyd thinks his wife had the gasoline can instead of the oil can. which would account for the ex plosion. While the neighbors wero working over Mrs. Boyd her house burned to the ground. limnne Fuultlve Captured. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Aug. 20.—Harry N. Hancock, the young man from Fish kill, who escaped from an attendant who was taking him to th Hudson River State Hospital for the Insane Saturday, appeared at a farm house on the country place of John A. Roose velt, on thf Hyde Park road yesterday and asked for breakfast. He was on the verge of collapse. He was still wearing the clothes of the Italian laborer whom he halted in the woods and forced to exchange attire. The farmer recognized him, gave him something to eat and sent word to the hospital authorities and a number of attendants arrived and overpowered the fugitive. Drnthcr Kind* Slater Murdered. New York, Aug. 20. Catherine Scharf, aged 22, was beaten to death with a hammer In her rooms on the second floor of 674 Second avenue, Bome time during Saturday, the body not being found until yesterday morn ing. Her brother made the discovery when he came home early in the morn ing. The woman's body lay in a pool of blood, face downward. Nearby on the floor was a bloody hammer and the rooms had been ransucked of every thing of value. It is the opinion of the police that a thief entered the house and was surprised in his work by the girl and that he killed her to prevent identification. Dnte of Hitz liclit tuairi Clinn^ed. New York. Aug. 20. —The manage ment of the Seaside Athletic club has again changed the date of the Fitz simmons-Sharkey fight. The date originally set for the contest war Aug. 24. but on account of the great crowd that would be drawn to the island on the 25th to see the Futurity run at Sheepshead Bay race track, the man agement, with a view of obtaining an increased attendance, made the date of the bout Saturday, Aug. 25. Kansas City. Aug. 20. The general opinion is that the Kansas corn crop will be the smallest, in proportion to its requirements, for feeding, that has been raised In many year 3. In 1809, it was 225.000,000 bushels. There have br-on I, 'i 'ks of hot, dry weather, which I,- ' 't'Tially reduced condi tion ■» rr..-! vt. liberal estimates of '.veil i:* 1 ■ • 1 in. a on 'Change do not cxii' ' ' ' 1 '.OOO bushels while many 1' < l.v up at not over 75,000,010 bushels. Ml! IN SMI AFRICA General Lord Roberts Issues Rig orous Measures. GENERAL DE WET WERY ELUSIVE den. Kitchener, After Having Chaa ril II iin Kor U TIMMIKHIMI Mile*, Hai Fulled to Overtake Him —ilursh Me (inure* For lloer Sy ■■■ |ia tli neri. Pretoria, Aug. 20. —Gen. De Wet ap peared Saturday at North Commando Nek, held by Gen. Baden-Powell, and sent in a flag of truce asking the sur render of the British force. Gen. Bad en-Powell replied, asking what terms De Wet was prepared to offer. De Wet j is evidently moving eastward. Great chagrin is expressed here over the news that after chasing Gen. De Wet 1,000 miles Lord Kltchner failed to overtake him. The Saturday Review says the blu- | ders in the pursuit of De Wet .ere due j to sheer incompetence. Lord Roberts, it says, is running the risk of losing his laurels by his inex* plicable failure to bring the war to an end. Gen. Lord Roberts is issuing new severe and rigorous orders, rescinding ! the one previously issued. Lord Roberts' proclamation, after ] reciting the fact that hany have broken the oath to aintain neutrality and that j the leniency extended to the burghers is not appreciated, warns all who break their oaths in the future that they will be punished by death, im prisonment or fine. He declares that all burghers in the district occupied by the ritish, except those who take the j oath, will be regarded as prisoners of j war and transported, and that build ings tin farms where the enemy or hio 1 scouts are harbored will be liable to j be razed. The case for the defense in the trial of Lieut. Cordua, of the Staats artii- I lery, charged with being concerned in the plot to kidnap Lord Roberts, was concluded Saturday. Leut. Cordua's j counsel admitted that the accused was guilty of breaking his parole and of ' attempting to plan a conspiracy, but 1 he asserted that the attempt was a j failure. Counsel also maintained that Gano suggested the entire plot and egged on the prisoner. On these grounds he asked the court to find that the charges had not been proved and begged its mercy for his client, j Gano, who is said to be of American ; birth denied having suggested the plot. BATTLING WITH MINE FIRE. Three Dead Miner* unit Slvty Mnlea Mule* Ifroiiuht to the Siirfnee. Mahanoy City. Pa., Aug. 20. —After many hours' of desperate battling with deadly white damp, one of the succes sive rescuing parties succeeded yester day in locating the bodies of George and William Tompkins and Charles Iritis, who were entombed on Satur day in the burning Primrose colliery. The bodies were found near the mid dle of the tunnel. They were lying in a heap. The three men were on their way down the slope to avoid the smoke, passed a surface air hole, and missed a chance to escape. The 60 mules which were In the mine when it was dis- ; covered on fire are also dead, and have | been raised to the surface. The fire is j still burning furiously, and the mine j officials are bending every effort to ex tinguish the flames. Micr. Ireland at the Vatican. Rome, Aug. 20. —Yesterday being the i feast of St. Joachim, the pope's patron saint, there was a large gathering at the Vatican of cardinals, bishope and presidents of societies. Mgr. Ireland, who was frequently applauded during a speech of 20 minutes, spoke glowing- j ly of the fidelity of American Catholics to the Roman church and the holy see. He described liberty under the Ameri can flag and set forth the necessity of I the pope, as the head of Christendom, being free and independent to any one , civil power, "so as to be in fact as well as of right the sovereign teacher and ruler of all nations and peoples, with out special dependency on any special nation or people." Train Wrecker* at Work. Atlantic City, Aug. 20. —Two cars of the Pennsylvania railroad train, which left here at 10 o'clock last night for Philadelphia, were derailed by enter ing an open switch just as the train was approaching the drawbridge at the Thoroughfare. There were 800 per- ! sons on the train, and as the derailed ! cars bumped over the ties the passeng ers became panic stricken and many jumped from the train into the mud along the tracks. No one was killed or injured. This is the same train that was nearly wrecked on Friday night by some one placing ties across the tracks a short distance from the scene of last night's mishap. Killed by a Traveling; Sale*mnn. Rhinelander, Wis., Aug. 20.—William F. Fenelon, one of Rhinelander's fore- ■ most citizen, was shot and killed Sat- j urday night by J. Bascom Robbins, a salesman for a Chicago crockery com pany. Robbins, it is alleged, insulted one of the women clerks in Fenelon & Co.'s store, and Fenelon drove the 1 salesman out of the establishment and pursued him within a block of his hotel. Fenelon later went to the hotel and as he entered the office, Robbins, who was standing near the desk fired, killing him instantly. Robbins was ar rested. L*LL> Ml<*l IT II I.ONI'N HOT I. L(>K>> New York. Aug. 20. —The physicians at St. John's hospital. Long Island City, have hopes that Dr. Franklin Booth, of Elmhurst, who was fright fully injured Saturday night by a trol ley car, will live. One of the doctor's legs was amputated by a surgeon while the injured man lay on the side walk immediately after he had been run over and the other was taken off at the hospital. Dr. Booth is one of Long Island's best known physicians, he having fillel several public offices. Not ? an Ordinary School When Williamsport Dickinson Seminary was founded, money making was not in the thought of its promoters. To give young men and women thorough intellectual and moral training ;it the lowest possible cost was its paramount aim. It remains its para mount aim. Buildings have been added, equipment increased, the faculty enlarged, but Williamsport Dickinson Seminary instill true to Its first principles. Itis a Home and Christian school. It provides for health and social culture as carefully as for mental and moral training* taking a personal intercut In each pupil, and adjusting methods to need, believing that true education seeks to develop tin highest types of manhood and womanhood. \ splendid Held, athletics directed by a trained athlete, make hall Held and gymnasium • t real value. Swimming pool for all. Single beds for ladies. Nine regular courses, with elective studies, oiler wide selection. Six competitive scholarships are offered. Seventeen skilled teachers classify and in struct, making school work other than drudgery. Music, Art, Expression and Physical Culture, with other branches or alone, under teachers with best home and Kuropean training. Home, with tuition in regular studies, $250.00 a year, with discounts to ministers, ministerial candidates, teachers, and two from same family. Kail term opens September JO, Catalogue free. Address Rev. EDWARD J. GRAY, D. D.. President, Willievm sport, Pa. CONYICTIONOF POWERS. Kentucky's Ex-Secretary of State Sentenced to Life Imprisonment CONDEMNED MAN'S STATEMENT. Clinracterlic* III* Trial For Com plicity In the Uoeliel Mnrdir •" a Political One anil One cf the Great est Judicial Farce* in Hi*tory. Georgetown. Ky., Aug. 20. —Caleb Powers, former secretary of state, was on Saturday found guilty of complicity in the shooting of Senator Goebel and was sentenced to imprisonment for life. There was a great crowd in and around the courthouse when the ver dict was returned and sentence pro nounced. The jury was out only about 45 minutes. Only one ballot was taken. It resulted unanimously in favor of life imprisonment. The jury was compos ed of eight Goebel Democrats, three anti-Goebel Democrats and one Re publican. Several of Powers' friends crowded around and expressed their sympathy with him. Powers seemed dazed. For a few moments he was at the point of fainting, but he recovered himself with an effort. "It is an unjust verdict," he said as he turned togo with Jailer Reid. There was no sort of demonstration following the verdict, and the vast crowd filed out of the courthouse al most In silence. Powers remained in the court room for some time after the verdict was rendered, in conference with his attorneys, who will at once move for a new trial, and, failing in that, will take an appeal. Caleb Powers Issued a statement to the public las evening as follows: "I am nske,d my opinion concerning my trial and the verdict of the jury. Could I have but one opinion? Can any fair minded man or woman of this state have but one? That one of the great est judicial farces known to history has been enacted here in my trial, un der the forms of law, no well informed man can doubt. Innocence is no shield with SIOO,OOO and the methods of Camp bellism against you. The rectitude of one's past life counts for naught. They say Taylor is guilty because he was at his office and that I was guilty because I was away from mine. This has been a political trial throughout for poli tical purposes. "There are good men and noble wo men in the Democratic party, and many of them. They are not all bad, far from it. A great many of them do not en dorse the theft of the state offices. A great many more will not endorse this mockery of a tri; 1, this prostitution of the courts of justice for certain ends. From the beginning of the campaign until now I have stood with what lit tle of merit I have had, for the rights and liberties of the people. That is my crime. That is the only offense I have committed. That is the only thing proven against me. I swore to that myself in my testimony. I have never had and I now have no apology to make for being true to the trust Im posed upon me by a majority of the voters of this state. History will draw its dark linos around those who have outraged me and disgraced the judici ary and blackened the history of the state." I.nriccNt A* Factory Ilnrned. Alexandria, Ind., Aug. 20.—The en tire plant of the Kelly Ax Manufac turing company, valued at JXO.OOO. waa destroyed by fire last night. It was the largest ax factory In the world, em ploying some 800 or a 1.000 men when running at full force. The company had just enlarged the factory. Increasing the output fully one-third. The plant was well insured. The factory was lo cated north of the city, outside the cor poration, and the fire department could not render any assistance. The fire cut off the water supply of the factory and left no means of fighting the flames. For rommnmler-ln-riiief of n. A. It. Chicago, Aug. 20. —The Chronicle saya: Major Leo Rausseur, of St. Louis, will be elected commander-in-chief of the Grand Army at the national en campment week after next. The other candidate for the place have one after another withdrawn from the race and yesterday the only one In the field was the St. Louis man. who Is now a Judge of the bench. Unless the unexpected should happen, Major Rausseur will have no opposition. The isition be longs to the west this year in accord ance with the accepted rule of rotation in office. Puppy'* Illte Cimaed Tivo Death*. New York, Aug. 20. —Mrs. James Strathie, of Atlantic Highlands, N. J., is dead after suffering a week from well defined symptoms of hydrophobia. A month ago Mrs. Strathle's son died of the same disease. Both mother and child having been bitten by a playful puppy. It was not until the son's death that the dog was killed and found to have been diseased. The mother was taken ill a week ago and in spite of the best medical treatment she died at noon yesterday in awful agony. Th# Arrented AnnrohlNtn. London, Aug. 20.—The Rome cor respondent to The Daily Mail says: "The arrest of Maresca and Guida in New York rose out of some letters re ceived at Bresci's lodging subsequent to the assassination of King Humbert. One of these, dated New York. July 25, and signed 'Mabor,' urged Brescl to commit the crime, urging that Maresca and Guida would do their duty toward President McKinley. Maresca is known to the Italian police as a most fanatic al anarchist." Cnban Teacher* In Sew York. New York, Aug. 20. —The Cuban teachers, who after spending some time In and about Boston and Washington, reached Jersey city last night. Ferry boats were In waiting and the teach ers at once went on board them and started down the river for the trans ports. The teachers remained on the transports over night and came up to this city today, where they are being elaborately entertained. They will go to Philadelphia on Thursday. FIENDISH MURDERER. SluuKlitcrt'il Wife and Knur f'lillilren. iludly Won it tied Fifth. Arlington. Minn., Aug. 21. —Theo- dore Walart, a farmer living eight miles from here, yesterday slaughtered his wife and four step children with a butcher knife. A fifth child was 30 badly wounded he may not recover. VVallart married a widow with a fami ly. The couple recently separated. It is understood Mrs. Wallart had taken steps to secure a divorce. The dead: Mrs. Sophia Wallart, aged 42; Justus Steinborn, aged 20; Helena Steinborn, aged 16; Annie Steinborn, aged 13; Reynold Steinborn,, aged 10. Otto Steinborn, aged 16, is so badly in jured he may not recover. aby Teresa Osterman, 2 years old, who was visiting the family was un injured. After committing the crime Wallart set fire to the barns, which were destroyed with their contents. Wallart escaped with a sheriff's posse in pursuit. Spiiin'.H Method of foil tit i nt*; Time. Washington, Aug. 21.—Vice Consul Reed, at Madrid, has informed the state department, that, by a decree, time in Spain is hereafter to be counted from 1 to 24 hours, the order togo into effect Jan. 1, 1901. the day to be gin at midnight. The interval between midnight and 1 o'clock will be desig nated by a cipher, and the number of minutes, as 0.05, 0.59. The government offices, telegraph, telephone, railroads, steamship lines and all public offices are to observe the new method. Mnher Wins I'lulit nn n foul. Trenton, Aug. 21. —Peter Maher, the Irish champion, last night defeated George Haines, the colored pugilist, of Chicago, better known as "Klondike," in the fifth round. Maher secured the decision on a foul. In the fifth round Maher floored his opponent five times. The last time he was knocked down Haines grasped Maher by the legs and threw him. He then crawled on Maher's stomach ami punched him repeatedly. Referee Crowhurst then awarded the fight to Maher. Amerlcnn Gets Trophy For Bravery. Pretoria, Aug. 21.—Gen. Roberts has ratified the reward of the queen's scarf to Trooper Chadwick, of Roberts' Horse, who was selected by the troop ers as most distinguished for bravery. Chadwick is an American. He was one of the boat's crew who cut the cable at Cienfuegos. The queen provided four scarfs to be given for bravery, one each for representatives of the colonial troops from Australia. New Zealand, Canada and South Africa. Africa's scarf will therefore goto the United States. Ship** Hell For Hit t ( ip lllinoln. Washington, Aug. 21.—The navy de partment is in receipt of an offer from a number of Chicago citizens to pre sent the ship's bell from the old brick battleship Illinois to the new Illinois, now approaching completion at New port News. The old Illinois was one of the lake front attractions at the Chi cago World's fair. The offer will be ac cepted and arrangements made for ap propriate ceremonies when the presen tation takes place. Advice* From tlir Klondike Victoria, B. C., Aug. 20. —The steam er Amur arived here last evening from Skagway. Advices were brought that Hon. Richard Mansfield White, of New York, explorer and mine owner, in an interview given at Skagway con tends that Klondike is in American territtory. Quartz strikes have been made on liennett, a ledge seven fet wide and having been traced for a considerable distance. The quartz is rich in gold and silver. Gold and cop per strikes were also made on the west side of the lake, five miles south of Caribou. Attempt to Wreck Train. Atlantic City, Aug. 18.—An attempt to wreck the outward bound Pennsyl vania railroad train leaving here at 10:30 o'clock last night while crossing the meadows was thwarted by the fortunate discovery of Engineer Will etts, who noticed an obstruction ahead and mnnaged to slacken the speed of his train sufficiently to pre vent probable loss of life. He quickly reversed his engine and managed to slacken speed so that the engine struck the obstruction with only force enough to give the passengers a bad shaking up. Population of fircutcr Xew York. Washington, Aug. 20. —The official count of the returns of the twelfth census shows the results of the count of the five boroughs comprising great er New York to be: Manhattan bor ough, 1,850,093; Bronx borough, 200,- 507; Brooklyn borough, 1,166,582; Rich mond borough, 67,021; Queens bor ough, 152.999. Total, 3,437,202. There has been an approximate increase dur ing the decade of 914.611, or 37.90 per cent, in the five boroughs. AK«'<l MIIII'M SIIIPIIIP. New York, Aug. 20. —George H. Stud well, 79 years of age, at one time a wealthy leather dealer of this city, shot and killed himself yesterday at the residence of his son-in-law, Eugene B. Sanger, at Larch mont. Mr. Stud well met with business reverses In 1894 and retired. The death of his wife a year ago and the fact that two weeks ago Mr. Studwell suffered a stroke of ap oplexy are supposed to be the causes which led to the suicide. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CORED. T. A. Slocum, M. C., the Great Chem ist ami Scientist, Will Send Free, to the Afflicted, Three llottles of his Newly Discovered Reme dies to Cure Consumption and All Lung Troubles. Nothing could betairer, more philan thropic or carry mote joy to the afflict ed, than the oiler of T. A. Slocum, M. (J., of New York (Jity. Confident that lie lias discovered a reliable cure for consumption and all bronchial, throat and lung diseases, general decline and weakness, loss of llesli ami all conditions wasting, and to make its great merits known, he will send, Iree, three bottles to any reader of the AMKKICAN who may be suffering. Already this "new scientific course o 1 medicine" has permanently cured thou sands of apparently hopeless cases. The Doctor considers it his religious duty—a duty which he owes to human ity—to donate his infallible cure. lie has proved the dreaded consump tion to be a curable disease beyond any doubt, and has 011 file in liis American and European laboratories testimonials of experience from those benefitted and cured, in all parts of the world. Don't de'-iy until it is too late. Con sumption, uninterruped, means speedy and certain death. Address T. A Slocum, M. !'S Pine street, New York, and when writing the Doctor, give express and postotlice address, and please mention reading this article in lie AMKKICAN" March -1 ,9 in pojnt* Attempt to Wreck a Train by Ne groes in Georgia. TROOPS DISPATCHED TO SCENE. A White Man Wan Killed. Whleh l.eil to Rnee llliitorhnneen—Troop* ■mil Armed Citizen* Are I'utrolllnft the Stn»etN. Atlanta, Aug. 18. —Governor Candler has ordered out the Liberty Guards, a company of the Georgia National Guard, to quell an uprising of negroes in Liberty county, in the southeastern portion of the state, where the blacks outnumber the whites three to one. One white man was killed several days ago in a quarrel with negroes and since that time discontentment has grown on both sides until now a race war seems in full swing. Two negroes are reported to have been killed for re sisting arrest. Thursday night a determined effort was made to wreck a Plant system passenger train at Aimars Mill, where the ncero Small, one of those said to have taken part In the murder of Cur tis, was killed. The switch lock was broken and crossties were placed on the track, but the arrival of a freight train ahead of the passenger prevented the wrecking of the passenger. Three miles of wire along the line of the Plant system have been cut, It is be lieved, by negroes. During the night several negroes were taken from their houses and severely whipped by crowds of whites for alleged incen diary speeches thoy had made. This in censed the negroes very much and was condemned by the more conservative whites of that section. About 1 o'clock In the morning a small shop occupied by a negro at Liberty City was found on fire. A crowd gathered and a man named Gordon threw a keg of powder Into the flames. Gordon was seriously, if not fatally burned. It was with great difficulty that surrounding property was saved. The rumor then began to spread that the negroes intended to at tack and fire every house in and around Liberty City. This led the sheriff to call on the governor for troops, saying the latter was beyond his control. Detachments of the two cavalry troops In Liberty county and armed citizens are patrolling the streets of Liberty City and most of the women and children have left the place. To ilrcak T JI WliNUj- Trust. New York, Aug. 18. —In the New Jer sey court of chancery there was filed yesterday a bill of complaint which is the institution of an action to break up the whisky trust —the Distilling Company of America. The orators, or complainants, are Henry I. Dittman, of the New York Stock Exchange, and Kalman Haas, a millionaire wholesale grocer, of San Francisco, both minority stockholders in the Kentucky Distil lers and Warehouse company, which is controlled by the Distilling Company of America. They not only make allega tions of fraud against the distilling company, but attack it as an alleged unlawful trust. Three Killed on Perkloinen ltond, Allentown, Pa., Aug. 18. —A pas senger train on the Perkiomen rail road struck a team of horses and wagon at Palm, Montgomery county, yesterday morning, and instantly killed the three occupants of the vehicle. The men left here early in the morning for the purpose of camping along the Per kiomen creek, near Palm. After setting up camp the three men started in the wagon for a nearby ice house to get ice for the camp, a id were killed while crossing the tracks of the railroad. Another I<'lre In Yellowstone I'arb. Washington, Aug. IS.—Acting Super intendent Goode. of the Yellowstone National Park, yesterday telegraphed the interior department that another big forest fire has broken out there and is now raging between the lake and the upper basin. The department wired authority for the employment of outsiders to assist in fighting the fire, but none could be secured. The In terior department has requested th» war department to detail for this pur pose some of the men engaged on the roads there. Clergyman Murderer. Williamson, W. Va„ Aug. 18. —The Rev. Thom 'a Clark yesterday shot and killed John Dempsey, on Island Creek, this county. Dempsey and Clark had been enemies for months because, it is said, the latter, who was a school trustee, refused to appoint a daugh ter of the minister to a position as teacher. Dempsey and the minister came to blows. Dempsey threw a hatchet at Clark and the latter shot Dempsey twice with a shotgun, killing him almost instantly. Clark sur rendered. Xew Trinl For Mm. Ilotkin. San Francisco, Aug. 18. —The de cision of the supreme court in the Hs>ff murder case has had the effect pre dicted. Mrs. Cordelia Botkin, who was convicted of causing the death of Mrs. John P Dunning and her sister. Mrs. John D. Deane, at Dover, Del., by sending poisoned candy through the mails to the former, and sentenced to life imprisonment, will have a new trial. (•old Kroin the Klondike. Seattle, Wash., Aug. 18. —The steamer Humboldt arrived in port from Lynn Canal yesterday with 96 passengers, 68 of them Klondikers, and more than $250,000 in treasure from the Klondike. The largest treasure holder was Clar ence Berry, who had four boxes con taining more than $150,000. Nearly all of the passengers from the Klondike are said to have possessed some dust. Denth of Rt-JudKe Fettermnn. Pittsburg, Aug. 18. —Ex- Judge Charles S. Fetterman died last night front the effects of a heat stroke received In July. He was 60 years of age, and has been prominent in the Alleghany bar for many years. He was appointed judge of common pleas by Governor Hartranft when Judge Sterritt waß ad vanced to the supreme court. DON'TS FOR VISITORS. Don't monopolize conversation at meals. A continual talker is a bore. Don't Hatter your hostess' husband. It is not in good taste. Wives object to this. Don't accept invitations unless your hostess is consulted, and if she is not in vited decline them. Don't leave hats, coats, umbrellas and the like in the best room, for it is an un pardonable offense. Don't refuse the church and its serv ices. To decline shows you are a person lacking good manners. Don't criticise other people's houses, other people's tables, other people's chil dren. It is very bad form. Don't take novels or magazines from tho bookroom unless permission is asked. When finished, return them to their i shelves. EDISONS PHONOGRAPH Better tlian a Piano, Organ, or Music Dox, for it sings and talks as well as plays, and don't cost as much. It reproduces the music of any instrument —hand or orchestra—tells stories and .sings—the old familiar hymns as well as the popular songs —it is always ready. See that Mr. Edison's signature is on every machine. Cata logues of all dealers, or NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO., 135 Fifth Ave., New York. 20-t 23 Aug SESATORKCAUS DEAD. .Succumbs After a Long Illness at Las Vegas, N. M. JUSTICE H. M. GREEN STRICKEN. I'ennsylvuniu's Supreme Court Chief Die* Suddenly at Aliunde City After Twenty-one Yeurx* Service. Career of Two Prominent Jurist*. East Las Vegas, N. M., Aug. 17. —The remains of ex-United States Senator John J. Ingalls, who died yesterday morning at the Montezuma hotel. Las Vegas Hot Springs, were started for Atchison, Kan., his late home, in the afternoon, accompanied by Mrs. In galls and her youngest son, Sheffield. The body will arrive in Atchison this afternoon and the funeral will be held from the old homestead on Sunday afternoon. In accordance with a special re quest of Senator Ingalls, every feature of the funeral will be simple. The di rect cause of death was bronchitis. He had made all plans to leave for Atchi son, where he had expressed a wish to die. He was anxious for the end to come, as he had felt for the last six months that his life work and career of usefulness was over. John Jame9 Ingalls was born at Middleton, Mass., Dec. 29, 1833. He graduated from Williams college in 1855, and two years later was admit ted to the bar. He then moved to Kansas. He was a lawyer and a hater of slavery. In 1859, when he had been in his new home only a year, he was a delegate to the Wyandotte constitu tional convention, and was a leader among those by whom slavery was ex cluded from the territory. He was secretary of the territorial council In 1860, and when Kansas was admitted into the Union he was made secretary of the state senate. From 1863 to 1865 he was in the volunteer service of the state, serving as major, lieutenant colonel and judge advocate. In 1573 he was elected to the United States senate to succeed Senator S. C. Pomeroy. He was re-elected to the sen ate In January, 1879, after a spirited contest, and was a second time re elected in 1885. He retired from the senate, however, at the end of his third term in 1891, when he was de feated by William A. Peffer, the Popu list, by a vote of nearly two to one in the joint convention of the legislature. This was the first time in the history of Kansas that a United States senator had been chosen who owed no allegi ance to the Republican party, and was elected without its aid. Mr. Ingalls went to Washington to take his seat in the senate a bitter partisan, and such he remained to the end of his 18 years of service in that body, as it was probably not in his na ture to change. Since Mr. Ingalls' re tirement from the senate his attention had been devoted chiefly to literary pursuits, and his name has frequently appeared in daily and monthly periodi cals as the author of descriptive or controversial articles. JISTICE HEKRY M. GREEN. Clilef Justice of PennNjivanin Su preme Court Dies at Atlantic. Atlantic City, Aug. 17. —Chief Justice Henry Green, of the supreme court of Pennsylvania, died yesterday at the Hotel Traymore of uraemic poisoning. His death was unexpected as he had been ill only one day. At his bedside at the time of his death were his wife, his son Frederick, his granddaughter, Miss Rowland, Justice John Dean of Pennsylvania, Judge Michael Arnold, of Philadelphia, and Judge Charles A. Mayer, of Clinton county. Justice Green had been under treatment for rheuma tism for many years. The body of the late chief justice was taken to his home in Easton, Pa., today, and the funeral services will probably be held Monday. Justice Henry ureen was born in Greenwich township, Warren county. New Jersey, about two miles from Easton, on Aug. 29, 1828. In 1842 he entered the preparatory department of Lafayette college, at Easton, and grad uated in 1816. He was appointed by Governor Hoyt in 1879 to the supreme court of Pennsylvania, to fill the va cancy occasioned by the death of Judge Warren J. Woodward. He was elected in November, 1880, and took his official seat on Jan. 1, 1881, for the full term of 21 years. His term of office would not have expired until the first Monday of January, 1902. President Steyn 111- ported T)cnd. London, Aug. 17—Former President Steyn, according to a dispatch to The Daily Mail from Lourenzo Marques, dated yesterday, is reported to have died while endeavoring to reach Mr, Kruger, as the result of a severe Wound. A British correspondent re cently released from captivity asserts positively that Mr. Kruger wishes peace, but that the fighting command ants insist upon continuing the war and would prevent his flight by force '.f necessary. The burghers, according to the same authority, share this view. The Transvaalers have 90 guns at Machadodorp, with abundant provis ,ollS. The Cotton Crop Will lie Short. Atlanta, Aug. 20. —Commissioner Stevens, of the Georgia department of agriculture has compiled statistics in dicating that the cotton crop of Georgia for 1900 will be from 50,000 to 200,000 bales shorter than in 1899. In dications on the Ist of August, were that every state in the cotton belt would be behind on the staple with the exception of Texas, reported to be 2 per cent, ahead of the average crop of the last five years. folonihliiii ItehelM Surrender. Colon, Colombia, Aug. 20. —Gen. Al ban, civil governor and military com mander of the department of Panama, telegraphs that he has received a dis patch from Socorro announcing the ab solute surrender of the rebel forces under Vargas Santos, Focion Soto and Uribe at San Vicente. Gen. Uribe es caped to Barranca. STATEMENT FROM ROOSF.VELT. ' Ai a Letter He Stuten Tliat St. Pnnl Speech Wit H Fit IniHccl. New York, Aug. 20.—Governor ftoosevelt yesterday gave out for pub lication a letter which he hart written on Aug. 9 to Gen. John M. Palmer, of Springfield, Ills., relative to the St Paul speech made by the governor, in which he had been quoted ass making derogatory remarks concerning Dem ocrats. The letter says in part: "You have evidently seen a r»onrt which was not merely Karl' lf H * :t falsified. I stand by this spec-• • .m, lutely, and have nothing to exp ,! >>ii in connection with it, but I do wish lo point out where its meaning was de liberately inverted. "In my speech I began by saying: 'We appeal not only to Republicans, but to all good citizens who are Americans in fact as well as in name to help us in re-electing President Mc- Kinley.' I ended by saying: 'Study the Kansas City platform and you cannot help realizing that their policy (the policy of its makers and sponsors) is a policy of infamy, that their tri umph would mean misery so wide spread that it is almost unthinkable and a disgrace so lasting that more than a generation would have to pass before it could be wiped out. They stand for lawlessness and disorder, for dishonesty and dishonor, for license and disaster at home and cowardly shrinking from duty abroad. We ask the support of all Americans who have the welfare of the country at heart, no matter what their political affilia tions may have been in the past' " CUBA'S CONSTITL'RION'AL CONVENTION.' Gumez Wnnts Everyone bnt Revolu tion i*t» Barred Out. Havana. Aug. 21. —Gen. Maximo Go mez publishes a letter in La Lucha re garding the election of delegates to the forthcoming constitutional convention, which he asks all the papers of the island to print. Gen. Gomez says in part: "IdeaS must not be confronted with principles. Honor demands that prin ciples should be saved even at the cost of life. The convention should consist of genuine revolutionists and it will bo consist, unless the people, flattered by fine words, allow what they have conquered to be taken away from them. Nobody should be allowed to enter the | convention who formerly defamed the j revolution, unless Cubans wish to out i rage honor and sacred duty. "The enemy is working hard, but j let Cubans remember that those who | opposed the revolution cannot be ac cepted at the last moment. Many rich and intellectual persons have shown opposition to the revolution. All these should be left out. Patriotism has the right to chose the most worthy—not the most wise—until the republic is established." PINANCE AND TRADE 7, Dnn't Merentitlle A«eney> Report on llnKineiis Situation. New York, Aug. 18.— R. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review of trade says: Af ter a great wave of advancing prices, optimism as to business is generally dangerous. But the top was reached the middle of March, since which time reaction has come in every great in dustry, so that consumers are a.~!:ing whether in some directions the decline may not have been unreasonably large, as was the advance, and whether buy ing on the present basis or prices is not fairly sure. There are further evi dences of weakness in raw materials, notably the break in structural iron, but each one is availed of to place heavy contracts. It is becoming more apparent that the bottom has been reached in prices of iron and steel. The decline was severe and recovery must be slow, but gradual advances and moderately increasing activity aro more healthy than violent changes. In no single division Is the improvement more striking than in any other. Ex cept steel rails, all forms of iron, frpm the ore to the finished product, are be ing sought more eagerly and with less effort to secure further concessions in price. The first effect of the report of the wheat condition, indicating a total crop of only 513.997,000 bushels, was to strengthen prices, but when the secre tary of agriculture was reported aa predicting "dollar wheat" before the end of the year, the market showed an inclination to disagree, and the Sep tember option fell below 80 cents at New York for the first time in two months. Failures for the week were 161 in the United States, against 156 last year, and 24 in Canada, against 24 least year. American Firemen Win. Paris, Aug. IS. —The preliminary contests in the international exhibi tion of fire apparatus came ofT yester day afternoon at Vincennes, some 5,000 firemen, representing many national ities, participating. The American rep resentatives, Chief George C. Hale, of Kansas City, and the men of the Kan sas City fire brigade, caused great wonderment by their quick harnessing and running, together with their methods of life saving. They received an ovation and. by common consent, were assigned the first place. w reoli Mny Cost Konr Wilmington. Del., Aug. 18. —A rrar end collision on the Maryland division of the Pennsylvania railroad occurred at the foot of Poplar street yesterday, by which two men had their legs crushed so badly that it is likely that both legs of one of the men, Frank Harley, of New York, will have to be amputated. William Zanner, of the same city, had both of his legs badly crushed. Both men were stealing a ride on a freight train, when a shifting engine collided with the rear cars. Fatal Dlweaiie Amonit Cattle. Tunkhannock, Pa.. Aug. 18. —An- throx has broken out in a herd of 150 cattle about throe miles from this place and five have already died. Parts of the diseased animals were sent to the state department at Harrisburg for analysis. A reply stated that they contained anthrox bacilli. Dr. L. E. Meade has vaccinated the living animals and has them quarantined. Onee Wealthy, Die* n Pauper. Pottsville, Pa., AUK. 21. —Mrs. Fran ces H. Von Benschoten, who is said to have been at one time a wealthy so ciety leader in New York, died here yesterday in abject poverty, at the ago of 71 years. She came here, poor, two years ago and nothing is known of the cause that led her to take up her resi dence in this city. It is said that in early life she was a familiar figure in the courts of France and England and that she entertained the Astors, Van derbilts and other families prominent In New York society. She is survived by children who reside in Albany, Brooklyn Heights, New York city, Washington and Stroudsburg, Pa. Killed IIIN Father In Self Uefenne. Lincoln, Nebb. Aug. 20. —James M. Burnham. publisher of The Wvmoran. at Wymora, Neb., shot and killed his father, Capt. Collins A. Burnham, at their home yesterday. A coroner's jury exonerated the son. Capt. Burnham was a captain in the civil war and while a congenial man when sober he was a fiend when intoxicated. Many times he has threatened to kill all members of his family. Yesterday morning the father came home and made an assault upon his son. The father used a but her knife and after getting his son in a corner was in the act of plunging the knife in his body. When there was no other alternative the son drew a revolver and fired a shot whicli went through Captain Burnham's heart, killing him in stantly. BLQSSQiUINa EFFEOT3 ! i! i i\ nSi U-X / Id® riJ-- Distinguish the Wall Paper this season Our designs rank with Frescoes in their grace and art. You should buy them because you get only what is beautiful and correct here. We keep no half-way papers, they ail come up to a certain standard, at prices astonishingly low, notwithstand ing the advance in price of all raw materials. Prices range from .'j cents to 75 cents per piece. A. H. GRONE Shoes, Shoes St3Tlisli ! C!h.ea,p! # Reliable I Bicycle, Cymnasium and Tennis Shoos. THE CELEBRATED Carlisle Shoes and THE Snag Proof Rubber Boots A SPECIALTY. A. BCHATZ, FASHIONABLE STRAWS. Trimmed and Uutriiumed, including the Rough .Tymbo Braid, this season's Sailor with black or navy bauds for 50 cents worth 85 cents. To reduce our trimmed stock we will sell all Trimmed Hats at reduced prices. junior. 122 Mill Street. Mil MOT! A Reliable TO SHOP For all kind of Tin Roofing, Spouting and Ceneral Job Work. Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, Furnaces, etc. PRICES THE LOWEST! QUALITY TOE BEST! JOHN HIXSON NO. 116 E. FRONT ST, | ' -r. i I j 7,;\ L _ i\ W TWICE m> AS! ANY OTHp' Try it J ..a?!'';:l**- %% " r l*' I'*^ rj ITilfJiMtfr'* FrtflUh TXasenA Hmafl. * feoNYRQVAL PILLS OHfiaal &r.C -riy A alwaj* r-uu'le. LADIES mI fIA C\ L *-~%k A fr>r Chiche*trr t RrujUsh Dig JW\ A I lirtmii in Ke<l *n«l irold metallic Vl — K*l6d with bin.' ribbon. Take f'Sl OthrtT. StfkMt (<i*V7i«rrii4 ▼ I / fffti u% *».« At Drugjruiti, or moA 112 W 'fin "tamp# foe par'ionl*™. I ■rtnancriato ul \ 44 Relief ffcr IttUr, by rHui .*7 fr IKuIL 10,000 I'-timooUli. rTmm* Papw. I At *ll OruKcmU. t'hit'ht-Mtcr Ch* m trail t'o., V iOO tf Miliiioß fSjuure, I*llll.. ADA., FA* Red I Suppressed Menstruation Of OSS PAINFUL Menstruation I HfISV And aPREVENTIVE lor " " J FEMALE ~i ■ I | IRREGULARITIES 111 Arc Safe and Reliable." » ■I I ty Perfectly Harmless The Ladies' / ?RiCEsi.oo Sent postpaid on receipt of price. Money refunded if not as wc^^^4F Yin de Cinchona Co. Des Moines, lowa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers