KA.ILKOAD TIME TABLES I'KNN'A K. K. KAS-r. WEST 7.13 A. \l. 9-H A. M. 10.17 » 12.38 P. M. 2.2 1 P. M. 4.M " ti.OH '• -.51 " SUNDAYS. 10.17 A. M. 4-5.1 P. M. L>. L. A W. K. K. EAST. WEST. 6.58 A.M. H.OUA.M. lU.lt) " 112. M. 2.11 P.M. 4.36 " 8.10 " S-20 " SUNDAYS. 6.58 A.M. 12.47 P.M. 6.10 P.M. 8-20 " HHII-'A A HEADING K. K. NORTH. SOUTH. 7.42 A. M. 11.25 A. M. 4.1K1 P. M. 6.05 P. M. BLOOM STKEKT. 7.44 A. M, 11.23 A.M. iM P. M. 6.04 P. M. I \K. J.N MKINFOKT, SURGEON DENTIST, ofpickon MiLL ST., Opposite the Post (lltioe. Operative sn<l Mechanical Dentistry Carefully performed. Teeth positively extracted without pain,with «>aß, Ether and Chloroform: Treat ing ami Killing teeth aSiioelaltv. KANE WKNI, ATTORNEY-AT-LA W, Office over Paules' Drug Store MIINTOOMKKY HIJILDINU, At 11,1, STKKKT, - - DANVIIjIIE, FA J. J. BROWN, THE EYE A SPECIALTY. Eyes tested, treated, fitted with glass es and artificial eyes supplied. 311 Market Street, Bloomsburg, Pa. Hours — 10 a. ni. to 5 p. m. Telephone 1436. THE WAKJN Mi. ' Britons Moving on the Country Held by Dewet. PRESIDENT STEYN TAKES FLIGHT. The Free State I.eader Ha* Taken Refuite In the Mountain*—Steyn and Gen. Dewet Are the Only Obstacle* to the Termination of the Wur. London, July 7.—Gen. Paget is mov ing toward the heart of the country held by Dewet. Lord Roberts telegraphed to the war office, under date of Pretoria, July 5, 2:25 p. m. as follows: "Paget engaged the enemy on July 3 successfully at Pleisirfontein. He drove them out of a very strong po sition across Leeuw Kop to Broncri fontein, where he bivouacked for the night. He followed up the enemy aad on the afternoon of July 4 was at Blaauwkopje, 15 miles northeast of Bethlehem. He reports that all of Steyn's government officials, except the treasurer general, who has gone to Vrede, are at Bethlehem, which has been proclaimed the capital. Steyn himself is reported to have taken flight to the mountains. Buller re ports the line to Heidelberg restored, thus completing every communication between Pretoria and Natal." Lourenzo Marques on Friday learn ed that the Boers are showing fresh ac tivity. A British force Is reported within 40 miles of Koomatipoort. The Times Lourenzo Marques cor respondent, in a dispatch dated Fri day, says: ■ "B'- . ~ . —• V «niirce it is learned that ex-President steyu and Christian Dewet are the only stacles to the termination of the war in South Africa." floldi«*r» Wnnt to (io to China. Havana, July 7.—Military Governor Wood has issued orders to the depart ments to have the Second, Fifth and Eighth infantry regiments ready for embarkation as soon as the transports shall arrive. The Eighth is practically ready now, as it has not been scatter ed, while the Second and Fifth have been divided among various districts. Three companies of the Tenth regi ment will proceed to Morro Castle, at Santiago, to relieve the Fifth, while troops of the Eighth cavalry will re lieve tho companies of the Fifth sta tioned at Guantanamo and San Juan de Tanamo. Baroca will be relinquish ed as a military post. A company of the Tenth will relieve the Second at Trinidad. The members of the Eighth regiment are delighted with the pros pect of soon seeing home, while many officers hope that they will be rushed right to China. A hlmiatrofiM Thunder Storm, Harrisburg, July 7.—A fierce thunder storm passed over Dauphin county 011 Thursday night, doing much damage. Among the properties struck by light ning and destroyed were the house and barn of John Hartz, near Palmyra; the barn of Daniel Hetrick, near Sand Beach, containing two horses and part of this year's grain crop; the house of Albert Minnich, near Dorry Church; the house of L. J. Strohm, near Ling leßtown; two large barns near Berrys burg, and a house near Uniontown. An unknown man was killed by lightning while under a tree at Derry Church. Arrested For Double Murder. Dover, N. H., July 7.—Four men, giving their names as John Williams, John Farren, William Scott and Frank Gold, supposed to be the men who murderously assaulted four Dover resi demts on the night of July 4, resulting in the death of two men —John Mc- Nally and Thomas Dobbins —were ar rested yesterday near this city. Wit nesses of Wednesday night's affair have Identified Williams as the man who shot Dobbins, and Farren and Gold as two of his companions. Canton'* Welcome to lloosevelt. Canton, 0., July 7. —Tha home city of the president yesterday accorded to his colleague on the Republican na tional ticket an ovation almost unpre cedented, even in Canton. It would be hard to say whether the citi/ons of Canton voiced a more demo r .strative welcome to President McKiriey or to Governor Roosevelt, yet it r.ay be said with truth that Canton did not dis criminate in yesterday's demonstra tion. " DISOBEYED WOULD-BE RESCUER. And a» a Result Two Ynnnu Men Their Death. Philadelphia, July 9. —David Hallen and Isaac Braumfine, both 19 years of age, were drowned in the Schuylkill river yesterday afternoon by a row boat going over Flat Rock dam, just above the city, while two companions were rescued. Hallen and Braumfine were members of a picnic party, and in company with Leon Kapplain and Til lie Stein hired a rowboat for a ride on the river. They did not know of tho close proximity of the dam, and when they discovered it the boat was too close to be rowed away. There was not much water going over the dam at the time and the little craft stuck fast. The lockkeeper came to their rescue in a launch and threw them a rope, which he instructed them to tie around their bodies and then jump overboard. Hallen and Braumfine refused, but the girl and Kappi;.!ti did so. and as they jumped out the boat shot over the dam to the rocks below. Hallen and Bratiu, fine sank immediately. The other two were pulled op board the launch. CONGER'S REPORT. A Tardy Message From Our Minister to Pekin. PERHAPS HIS LAST REPORT. It Tells of the Threatening Outlook 011 May 21, AND IS SOMEWHAT OPTIMISTIC. He Believed at That Time That the t'hinese Government, Alarmed at the Situation, Would Take Kner- Ketic Aet ion to Suppress the Horn era—-Meantime Conies mi Olllelnl Ki'iiort from Sliiinnlial That the Legations at I'ekln Were Safe on July 4, While Still Another DU pateh Discredits the 4t OlUeial He port—The Allien Will Soon Have Fifty Thousand Troop* Ashore —ma- orders 111 the Provinces Appear to lie Increasing; in Violence. Washington, July 9. —The last China mail to reach the state department brought the report of Minister Conger, perhaps the last that will ever come to hand. This bears date of Pekiu, May 21. It Is of the utmost import ance, disclosing, as it does, a full com prehension on the part of the foreign ministers in Pekin of the character and extent of the Boxer uprising, even through Mr. Conger himself, by dis position optimistic, found some reason to hope that ihe worst was over at that date. What Mr. Conger has to say as to the attitude of the Chinese government toward the Boxer move ment, as revealed in the formal inter change that took place between him self and the tsung-li-yamen is not only of peculiar Interest now, but probably will have a strong bearing on the final reckoning that must be had between the civilized nations and the Chinese. Mr. Conger makes it very clear, through the publication of the French priest's letter, that at least one, and probably all of the European nations having interests in northern China were acquainted with the dangers of the situation at least two or three weeks before the actual outbreak In Pekin. The letter to Secretary Hay of May 21 is as follows: "In response to the request of the French minister the dean called a meeting of the diplomatic corps yes- MINISTER 'V. i I terday, and upon information furnish ed in a letter from the Catholic bishop in Pekin and verbal reports by the other ministers, the situation was con sidered so grave that the corps unani mously instructed the dean to present it to the tsung-li-yamen and demand immediate and effective measures, which he did today by the note, copy of which is enclosed. "I also enclose copies of the bishop's letter and one from Rev. Mr. Killie, au American missionary, who lives in Pekin. but travels a circuit to the north and east. "On the 18th inst., during an extend ed personal interview with the tsung li-yamen, I called their attention to the fact that notwithstanding constant warnings from this and other legations the Boxers had continually increased and spread until now they are boldly organized inside the wall of Pekin, the existance of thousands is known in the villages around Pekiu, Christian converts are being persecuted and threatened everywhere, many forced to recant their religious professions, and some have been compelled to abandon their chapels and come to Pekin for safety. "I said: 'At a London mission near Chou Chow, 40 miles west of Pekiu, two native Christians have been kill ed and their chapel destroyed. Near Pao Ting Fu, a Catholic village has been destroyed and 61 Christians mur dered, feome of them being burned alive. The foreign governments can not longer sit idly by and witness this persecution and murder. I can only speak for my own government, but it is becoming very impatient over China's continued treaty violations. It always has been and still is the good friend of China, and only wishes it prosperity, but is now more than ever determined to sustain the treaty rights if all American citizens and of the Christian converts, and it will hold the Chinese government to the strict est responsibility for every treaty in fraction in this regard. It will do thia not only for the benefit of its own citi zens, but in the interest of China her self, whose government is now sadly threatened by these lawless organiza tions. At present, it is true, they seem to have no capable leader, but should one arise and the populace be come really inflamed the overthrow of the present dynasty is most likely to ! Not an Ordinary School j 2 When Williamsporl Dickinson Seminary was fouti<le<l, money 'M » making was nut in the thought ol its promoters. To give young 'm Z; tin n tinl women thorough intellectual ami moral training >1 tin A.- ' >w<-st possible cost was its paramount aim. It remain- ii . ;>.n J| X; Mount aim. BuiMings have been a<l<le<l, equipment im rt i I /X the faculty enlarged, but jZ j Williamsport j J Dickinson Seminary J 0) Is still true to Its first principles. II is n Home and « hristlan school. II )Z aJ provides fur health and social culture as cm fully us for in- niiil anil W w? moral training, taking a personal Interest in each pupil. Mil adjutdn 5J ii methods to need, lielfevliig tliat true eilueati«.;i :««•!. In develop W highest. type- of manhood and woinanho "I. \ splendid Held, . ii athletics directed hy a trained athlete, make hail ileld and g.\ innii' Wi real value. Swim mini; pool for all. Single heds for ladles. Nine iei nl;n )% m. courses, with elective studies, oiler wide selection. Nl\ com pel It i\ e w Z> scholarships are otfareil. Heventeen skilled teachers classify and In iX Ji struct, making school work other than drudgery. Music, Art, Kx press ion JW Wand I'liysteal Culture, with other brunches or alone, under teachers with H Z l>est. home and Kuropean training. Ilome, with tuition In regular « X) studies, -J.vi.fKi ayear, with discounts to ministers, ministerial candidates, wl teachers, and two Ironi same family. Kail term <>|>eiis September 10, l!**i. B M Catalogue free. Address 112 Rev. EDWARD J. GRAY, D. D.. Preji.lent, Williivmsport. Pa. ronow, ana possit)iy tne aestruction or ! the empire, etc., etc.* "They replied that I did not under- | Btand the may difficulties under which they labored, but they had succeeded j in suppressing the Boxers in the prov- j ince of Shan Tung, and would do so here. "1 told them I saw no effective measures whatever being put forth. | They replied that the movement had j not heretofore been looked upon as I serious, but that now the throne was fully aware of the gravity of the sit uation that a recent confidential decree had been sent to the 7iceroy, the Pekin and neighboring officials, which would surely prove effective, suppress the Boxers and restore order. "I told them that the most alarming telegrams were being sent to the news papers of Europe and America of the existing state of anarchy here, and that the people of tne world would be forced to believe that the government of China was either abetting these murderous brigands or that it was too weak to suppress or control them, and its good name and credit must suffer irretrievably in consequence. After reading me the decree, which was much like those heretofore published, they asked if I would not wire my government that they could and were suppressing the Boxers. "I replied that at present I would not; that I had been for six months telegraphing the issuance of ineffective decrees, but if they would show me the fact by actual and immediate repres sion, which they could if they would, in three days I would gladly and quick ly wire it to my government. "They assured me that sufficient troops had been sent to the disturbed districts to restore order and afford protection. "1 again told them that restored order would be the only possible proof. I also said that unless the sit uation was relieved and the threaten ing danger from mobs averted I should be compelled to ask for a sufficient guard of American marines to insure the safety of the legation. "They said: 'Oh, don't do that. It is unnecessary,' and again promising energetic action the interview closed. "Unless some energetic action is taken the situation will become fraught with great danger to all for eigners, not from any intelligent or organized attacks, but from ignorant and inflamed mob violence. I, how ever, believe, as I said in my tele grum, that the government is aroused, itself alarmed at the situation, and will take more energetic action, but no one can be certain of this until it is done. "Since the United States steamship Wheeling had already left Taku, I deemed it prudent to ask the admiral for the presence of another war ves sel, and, responding to the request, Admiral Kempff, with the Newark, sailed hither from Yokohama on the 19th inst. and should arrive soon." The enclosures referred to by Mr. Conger follow. Mr. Wu. the Chinese minister, con tinues optimistic in spite of the alarm ing statements which have appeared. Such recent communications as he has had with the officials of the southern provinces leads him to believe that up to a very recent date the legationers were still safe. Considerable importance is attached here to the telegraphic announcement that Prince Ching is leading a counter revolution against the rebels in Pekin. The prince is the head of the tsung li-yamen, the Chinese foreign office, and the commander of a garrisoned force in the capital. His influence is said to be considerable, and the fact, if the report be confirmed, that he has espoused the cause of the government of the empress and that the loyal troops are with him, it is said may prevent further murder and pillage by the rebels and in this indirect man ner be the means of aiding the for eigners. ARE THF I FfiATIONS^SAFE? An Offlclnl Announcement Which SITIIIM to l!«* I)iN<'r«»«l 11«•«! by Kilter lit* port*. London, July 1). —The foreign con suls at Shanghai met on July 7 and officially announced that the legations at Pekin were safe on July 4. The foregoing statement, read with Consul Warren's dispatch to the foreign of fice on Saturday, makes it possible to believe that the legations will hold out for a number of days yet. Having fought to a standstill the first out bursts of fanatical fury, it is believ able that something may intervene to save them. The news, after the sin ister rumors of the last ten days, is enough upon which to build up hopes. The Shanghai correspondent of The Express, telegraphing on Sunday, at 5:10 p. m., however, throws doubt upon Consul Warren's information. He says: "Taotai Sheng now admits that there was an error in his communication to Gen. Warren. The date of the cour ier's arrival at Chinen Fu was July 3, which does not apply to his departure from Pekin. The journey from Pekin to Chinen Fu occupies five days. The courier, therefore, could not have left Pekin later than June 28. The date of the massacre there, as given by Chi nese reports, was June 30 or July 1." Tien Tsin is still hard pressed. A Chinese force numbering from 80,000 to 100,000 men, as estimated by incon clusive reconnoissances, floods the country round about Tien Tsin, com munication between which place and Taku is apparently possible by river only. A Crefoo dispatch says the Russians have landed 3,000 men at Taku and the Japanese have discharged several transports. The Japanese pushed on to Tien Tsin, leading in the subsequent assault upon the native river, in which their commander was killed. Ten more transports are engaged at Japanese ports. With the 10,000 British India troops afloat and fresh Japanese con tingents it is quite probable that the allies will soon have 50,000 men ashore. The disorders in the provinces ap pear to be increasing in violence. A Chinese army is within 40 miles of New Chwang, and the foreigners are preparing to abandon their homes. The southern part of the province is swept by raiders, destroyirg all works »112 the white man, except in spots gar risoned by Russians. Proclamations have been posted in all villages near t neroo calling upon the 10/al Chinese ! to rise and expel the foreigners for in troducing among tLe pious Chinese an I immoral religion. Every good Budd hist is expected tc kneel three hours daily, knock his head upon the floor thrice and pray earnestly that sudden, cruel death may overtake all aliens. The foreign settlement at Chefoo Is at the mercy of two Chinese forts equipped with Krupp guns, which com mand two sides of the city. Six war ships. including the United Slates gun boat Nashville, are constantly cleared for action. i The provisional government at Pekin appears to have designs upon the ! southern provinces. Besides having or- j dered Kwan Shi Kai to advance upon I Nankin, which Kwan Shi J£ai says he I will not do. Prince Tuan ftas sent an army along the route of the Grand j canal. Nankin is on the south bank of the river, nearly a mile wide. The British i cruisers Hermione and Pique I will as- j sist in repelling attempts to cross. Six Chniese cruisers are there and 17,000 j Chinese troops are at the disposal of Viceroy Llu-Kunyi. The forts mount ; 34 high power modern guns. The for- | eigners in Shanghai are becoming un- | easy. Everything depends, they feel, ! on Viceroy Liu-Kunyi. Refugees from Tien Tsin arriving at j Shanghai says that only five civilian foreigners were killed during the long 1 Chinese bombardment. The foreign j women became so indifferent that they [ walked through the streets, not heed- j ing the shells. Most of the civilians I were deported to Taku, thence to be ! conveyed to Shanghai. The Times this morning says: "We learn from a private message from Canton that Li Hung Chang has tele graphed direct to the Chinese minister ! in London urging him to request the I British government to approach the United States government with a view to a joint invitation to Japan to co operate in the maintenance of the Chi nese empire and the establishment of a strong government on a solid basis, the three then uniting in an appeal for the support of all the other pow ers." VICTIMS OF HOBOKEN'S HOLOCAUST. ' tine Hodv found lit Korkmvuy Heaeli. 117 lloclit'N Recovered* New York, July 9.—Three more : bodies were found yesterday on the | Saale. This makes 29 bodies that have | thus far been taken from the wreck of ! the Saale since the fire, and 14(1 bodies 1 in all recovered. The bodies recovered I yesterday were all found in the see ' ond cabin, in the after part of the ship, j and they were horrible Bights to look , upon. They had very little clothing on | and were all victims of fire. They ' could not be identified. Chief Officer i Henry Schaeffer, who was in charge. ; said he had no idea who the men had ! been, but, judging from the place where they were found, he thinks they were stewards. The body of a man, badly scarred ' and burned, was found at Rockaway Beach yesterday afternoon and taken to the morgue there. The body is sup posed to be that of a victim of the Ho i boken disaster, which would make 147 | bodies recovered. No bodies were recovered from the Bremen or Main yesterday, although the work of searching was kept up. Dynamite was exploded on the river i bed about the wrecks off the pier of ! the North German Lloyd line without , bringing to the surface any more bodies. One charge was sent down be tween the ruins of the Thingvalla line pier and the pier of the Hamburg line. A column of water was hurled into the air and the water agitated for a long distance by the charge, but no bodies were floated. Another charge was fired, but to no purpose. EXCURSIONISTS' NARROW ESCAPE. ! Perilous Trip Aeross a Temporary ftrl<lice i»> Mne Hundred People. Buffalo, July 9. —The storm which swept I>ake Erie Saturday night was i one of the most sudden and severe j known to the summer season. Many | yachts were broken from their moor- I ings and driven on shore, and the dam age to small craft will be considerable, j The large passenger steamer Pearl, which was caught by the squall as she ! was backing from her dock at Crystal I Beach, Out., with 900 Buffalo excur | sionists on board and driven stern foremost on a sand bar, was released. | The damage to the boat proved trifling. The rescue of the passengers was peril ; oils. Gangplanks were spliced with rope and pushed from the Crystal Beach dock to the deck of the Pearl, I which had listed to port so heavily I that it was feared she would be turn led completely over by the waves, j Across this undulating bridge each of the 900 men, women and children on board were forced to walk or crawl, while the driving sea foamed about them. Mischievous Hojs t'ause ratal Wreck Scranton, Pa., July 9. —Two open cars on the Scranton Railway com pany's Duryea line collided head on at 10 o'clock yesterday morning at Old Forge, injuring 11 persons. S. S. Westbrook, niotorman, of Scranton, had his arm, leg and hip fractured and was Injured internally. He died last night. The injuries of Mrs. John Lewis, of West Scranton, Mrs. Patrick Judge, of Old Forge, and Mrs. Daniel Morgan, of West Scranton, are serious. Mis chievous boys, it is supposed, tampered with the switch signals and both cars got into the same block. COSSDHPTION CAN BE CORED. T. A. Slocum, M. ('., the Great Chem ist and Scientist, Will Send Free, to the Alllicted, Three Bottles of > his Newly Discovered Ileine ' dies to Cure Consumption i and All Lung Troubles. i Nothing could lie iairer, more philan- J thropic or carry moie joy to the alllict ed, than the oiler of T. A. Slocum, M. C., of New York City. Confident that he has discovered a reliable cure for consumption and all bronchial, throat and lung diseases, general decline and weakness, loss of tlcsli and all conditions wasting, and to make Us great merits known, lie will send, tree, three bottles to any reader of the Amkiucan who may be suifering. Already this "new scientific course of medicine" has permanently cured thou sands of apparently hopeless cases. The Doctor considers it his religious duty—aduty which he owes to human ity—to donate his infallible cure. lie has proved the dreaded consump tion to he a curable disease beyond any doubt, and has on tile in liis American and European laboratories testimoi ials i>f experience from those benefitted and cured, in all parts of the world. Don't delay until it is too late. Con sumption, uninterrnped, means speedy and certain death. Address T. A Slocum, M. US Pine street, New York, and when writing the Doctor, give express and postolliee address, and please mention reading this article in he Amkhh an* March I (ill's III' MM mis. — One-Sided Skirmishes in the Phil ippines and in Africa. FILIPINOS AND BOERS BEATEN. The Presumably "t'oniiuered" Ene niles of the 1 lilted States and (irest Britain Make Work For the Sol- j tilers of the Two tireat Nations. Manila, July 9.—The past week's scouting in Luzon resulted in 11 Amer- ; icans killed and 16 wounded. One j hundred and sixty Filipinos were kill- j ed during the week and eight Ameri cans who had been prisoners in the hands of the rebels were surrendered and a hundred rifles were turned over j to the United States officials. The enemy ambushed a wagon train ! between Indang and Naic. The Third infantry lost nine men while on an ev- j pedition to punish the Ladrones in the Delta and Rio Grande. In the Antigua province of Panay a running fight of three hours' duration resulted in the killing or wounding of 70 of the enemy. There were no cas ualties among the Americans. The insurgents are slowly accepting the amnesty provisions. In some in stances the Americans are suspending operations, in order to give the rebels an opportunity to take advantage of the decree. THE "COXQI EKED" IIOEHS Manage to Keep the llrltlsh Troops In Atriea Employed. London, July 9.—Late news from South Africa reports that the Boers in effectually attacked Gen. Buller's es cort between Standerton and Heidel berg on Saturday, as he was returning from a visit to Lord Roberts. The Boers attacked Ficksburg gar rison at midnight on Tuesday, but were driven off after 45 minutes' fighting. Gen. Brabant on July 5 occupied Dern berg, between Seneltal and Winburg, which served as a base for bands as sailing convoys. Col. Mahon, of Gen. Hutton's mounted troops, on July 6 and 7, engaged 3,000 Boers east of Brouker Spruit and drove them off. The iSritisl. casualties numbered 33. Commandant Limmer tried to recap ture Rustenburg on July 5, but was driven back. Thirty-four of Strathcona's horse, under Lieut. Anderson, were attacked by 200 Boers, east of Standerton, on July 6. The British soon took posses sion of a kopje, upon which they successfully withstood the attack of the enemy. Killed Returning; From Chnreh. Pittsburg. July 9.—Two poople were killed outright and a third seriously hurt last night in a most peculiar rail road accident. The dead: Mrs. Eliza beth Edwards, aged 40; Thomas Mor ris, aged 48. Thomas Edwards, hus band of the dead woman, had his leg so badly lacerated that it will ha\ <i to be amputated. The victims were on their way home from church, and were waiting for a long Pan Handle freight to pass. The i eight broke in two, supposedly causeu by a broken frog, and jammed a line of cabooses into the party of church people. Mrs. Edwards was literally cut to pieces. To llelinlld Destroyed l air llntldlnKS Trenton, July 9. The executive com- I mittee of the board of directors of the j Interstate Fair association met at i Spring Lake, N. J.. yesterday and adopted resolutions for the rebuilding of the grand stand and other buildings of the fair destroyed by fire Saturday night. They decided to build on a more elaborate scale than the old structures, and will have the new buildings completed in time for the annual exhibition in the last week of September. (>m criior IflorijfMOii Sufp. Capo Coast Castle, July D. —A letter from Sir Frederic Mitchell Hodgson, | governor of the Gold Coast colony, : dated at Akwebusu, July 1, has been received here announcing his safety. The column under command of Col. Willcocks, which is marching to the relief of Sir Frederic Hodgson, has ar rived at Fumsu. Hard fighting is ex pected. mn*t«*r Friiilift'neil to Death. Chattanooga, Tenn., July 9. —Post- office Inspector Bass, of this division, has notified the inspector in charge that he has completed an inspection of the postoffice at Gainesville, Fla., and found the postmaster, James Bell, short in his accounts to the amount of $1,400. The shock of the discovery caused the death of the postmaster. Oii4»]| For (Governor of Neu York. Washington, July 9. —The Post says that the friends of the Hon. Charles H. Duell, commissioner of patents, In tend to press him vigorously as the next Republican candidate for gover nor of New York. Two Siininier Home Hoys Drowned. Riverton, N. J., July 9. —John J. Ryan and John M. Kelly, two small boys, who resided in Philadelphia, were drowned in the Delaware river near here Saturday. The boys were spending two weeks' vacation at the Children's Summer Home at Cinna minson. They wandered away from the home, anil nothing was seen of them until their bodies were found floating in the river. It is supposed they fell into the water while playing along a high bank. Reeriiitinu in fliieniro. Chicago, July 9. —Gen. Joseph Wheel er, commanding the department of the lakes, has received orders to recruit four companies of the Fifth regiment, now at Fort Sheridan, to the full quota as rapidly as possible. He expressed the opinion that dispatches from Washington announcing that 6,400 men were to be sent to the Philippines and thence to China, if needed, were entirely correct. Mntli Victim of Kxploniovi. Philadelphia, July 9.—A ninth vic tim was on Saturday added to the list of those who perished as a result of the deadly explosion of fireworks on South Eighth street, on the morning of July 4. Fifteen-year-old Joseph Zecca, of 718 Mildred street, died in the Penn sylvania hospital Saturday evening as a result of the severe burns received In the explosion. The l , rcnMlcii I'm Sunday. Canton, 0., July 9. —President Mc- Kinley began yesterday with a short drive. He put Mrs. McKinley and Mrs. Julius Whiting, Sr., an old friend of the family, on the rear seat of the surrey and took his own plac*> beside the coachman for a turn about the city. Just as the bells were summoning worshipers to church the president's carriage stopped at the First Methodist church. The president eutered the church and the women continued their drive. At the conclusion of the service the president walked to his home. An other drive was taken towards even ing, and the president spent the even lug with Judge Day. EDISONS PHONOGRAPH Better than a llano, Organ, or Music Bos, for it sings and talks as well as plays, and don't cost as murli. It reproduces the music of any instrument—band or orchestra —tells stories and sings the old familiar hymns as well as the popular songs—it is always ready. See that Mr. Kdison's signature is on every machine. Cata logues of all dealers, or NATIONAL I'HONOORAFM CO., IJS Fifth Ave., New York. LEGATIONS STILL SILENT^ No Authentic News From the Foreigners in Pekin. PRINCE TUAN AND EMPRESS. War to the Knife Between Them, Says a Shanghai Dispatch. HEAVY LOSSES AT TIEN TSIN. The Konrteen Thousand Allies Made 11 liallaiit l)efcn»« Against Seven- | live Thousand ("liliiamen—The Clil- | nese l-'uiperor, Ouee More Reported Al 11 e, 1» Kvidently Held n Pris oner— Secretary Hay's Instructions to Our Representatives Abroad. London, July 11.—No authentic news from Pekin" is still the burden of the dispatches from the far east, and, al though the disposition is to believe the optimistic reports from Chinese sources, no real confidence is possible until the legtitions, if they are still in existence, are permitted to communi cate with their governments. If, as is alleged, the Boxer movement Is losing ground in Pekin, it might have been supposed that the Boxers would have endeavored to send up reinforcements from Tien Tsin, but instead of that they are still in great force in the neighborhood of the latter place, and are assisted by the Imperial Chinese troops, with ample, efficient artillery. According to a special Chefoo dis patch the lighting around Tien Tsin on the 3d and 4th inst. was the severest yet experienced. The British losses alone were 30 killed or wounded. The Chinese had 75,000 men attacking simultaneously from the west, north and east, and made excellent practice with over 100 guns. The defenders numbered 14,000, with scant supplies, and it was only the presence of the newly arrived Japanese and Russian guns that prevented a disaster. One Russian company of Infantry, number ing 120 men, had 115 killed or wound ed. The German contingent also suf fered heavily. By the evening of the 4th the situation was very critical. The allies narrowly escaped total defeat. Providentially, when things were at their worst, a torrential rainfall com pelled the Chinese to retire. The Japanese, whose behavior was splendid, executed a well conceived movement on the 4th and succeeded in PRINCE TUAN. turning the Chinese left and driving the enemy from their strong position among the irrigation trenches. The Chinese retired to the native city and the allied infantry then withdrew and the affair became an artillery duel, lasting until darkness, with little dam age to either side. According to the Shanghai corre- Bpondent of The Express, it is war to the knife between the dowager em press and Prince Tuan. In a recent edict the latter boldly discards his mask and signs himself as emperor. He warmly commends the prowess of "his faithful Boxers" and in flowery language appeals to their cupidity and fanaticism. In the same decree Prince Tuan appoints Prince Tsuun, the "iron capped,'" Priuce Tsaishan, his imperial clansman, and Ivang Yi to command the three chief wings of the Boxer army. Three hundred European refugees from Tien Tsin have arrived at Shang hai in a state of destitution, after ter rible suffering. The Chinese version of the origin of the outbreak, as published in Shang hai, is that Baron Von Ketteler was hated by the Pekinese, who, taking ad vantage of the disturbed condition of affairs, shot him out of revenge, there by causing a conflict between the Chi nese troops and the Germans, the lat ter of whom destroyed the tsung-lt '•amen. The infuriated soldiers under Prince Tuan then gained complete control over the dowager empress. The Daily News Tien Tsin corre spondent says the allies have decided to bombard the native city, which they have hitherto hesitated to attack, ow ing to the heavy commercial interests involved. The Shanghai correspondent of The Daily Mail, telegraphing yesterday, says: "A message has arrived here from Emperor Kwang Hsu, dated July 2. by couriers, from Pekin to the viceroy of Nankin, who forwarded it here. It is addressed to the Russian, English and Japanese governments. It de plores the recent occurrences and sol emnly atfhms that the foreign govern ments are mistaken in supposing that the Chinese government is protecting the Boxers against the Christians. The emjwor further implores their aid in suppressing the rebellion and uphold ing the existing government. "In a separate dispatch to the Jap anese government Kwang Hsu express es deep regret for the murder of Le gation Chancellor Sugiyama. "These dispatches are taken to Indi cate that the emperor is in seclusion and is ignorant of the seriousness of recent events." The chief difficulty of the allied forces at Tien Tsin is the absence of an adequate wt»*er supply. The con dition of the ls ls pestilential. The panic among the Chinese in the southern provinces is completely stop ping trade, and most of the native cot ton mills are closed. A MKSSAUB KIIOM COMIX FOWI-EH. It (alvea Chinese lle|>orts of the Safe ty of the L.v|(Utlons. | Washington, JUly 11.—-The following | official dispatch was received here last I night from China signed by United States Consul Fowler: "Shan Tung governor wires that he has reports that on July 4 all the le gationists in Pekin were safe except the German." The information contained in Consul Fowler's dispatch is very much the same as that in a cablegram received early in the day from Consul Goodnow, at Shanghai, except that it reported the legations safe one day earlier, specif ically omitting, however, that of the Germans. Both dispatches apparently were based on the same source —the governor of Shang Tung province—and for this reason not as much faith is felt as to its accuracy as would have been the case had the information come through more reliable channels. At the same time officials hope it is true. Consul Fowler's dispatch was undated. Secretary Hay has sent a circular to our foreign representatives, in sub stance as follows: "We adhere to the policy initiated by us in 1857 of peace with the Chinese S nation, of furtherance of lawful com j merce, and of protection of lives and ! i property of our citizens by all means | guaranteed under extra territorial j I treaty rights and by the law of na- | ' tions. j "If wrong be dene to our citizens we j : propose to hold the responsible authors j to the uttermost accountability. "We regard the condition at Pekin as | one of virtual anarchy, whereby power j I and responsibility is practically de- j volved upon the local provincial au- i i j thorities. So long as they are not in ; I overt collusion with rebellion and use their power to protect foreign life and i property, we regard them as represent i ing the Chinese people, with whom we seek to remain in peace and friend i | ship. l | "The purpose of the president is, as i It has been heretofore, to act concur . | rently witlk the other powers. The ' policy of the government of the United i States is to seek a solution which may : j bring about permanent safety and ! peace to China, preserve Chinese terri i torial and administrative entity, pro- I tect all rights guaranteed to friendly i powers by treaty and international law, i and safeguard for the world the prin i ciple of equal and impartial trade with , ! all parts of the Chinese empire." I ! ALLEGED ASSASSINATION PLOT. s ' Spaniard* and (ulxiii* Conxpired to _ j Kill Prvniilent McKlnley. New York, July 11.—The World a ! says: A plot to assassinate President 0 McKinley has been frustrated. It was j concocted by a group of Spanish and t 1 Cuban conspirators, with headquar . ters in New York. One of the plotters weakened and sent a warning letter 3 to a member of the Republican nation -1 al committee. That letter was placed ! in the hands of Secretary Charles Dick, who referred it to Chairman B. B. Odell, of the New York state com mittee, for investigation. Chairman Odell engaged a detective, who speed ily verified certain important allega tions made in the warning letter. Thereupon Mr. Odell reported to Sec retary Dick, who laid all the facts be fore Chairman Mjirk Hanna. Messrs. Dick and Hanna laid the whole before the president shortly before he departed for Canton. They instructed Mr. Odell to continue his investigation and cautioned him to work with the utmost secrecy. To a World reporter last evening Mr. Odell admitted that he and certain members of the national committee had discovered a plot to assassinate the president. "Yes, it is true," he said, "but I re gret exceedingly that the matter has become public." Special detectives are guarding the £ president at Canton. | Slisn Morrixnn Mow 11 Murdpreu. J Eldorado, Kan., July 11.—Mrs. Olin Castle, whose throat was cut June 22 by Miss Jessie Morrison, died yester day. Immediately after her death the A charge of assault with intent to kill was dismissed against Miss Morrison and she was arrested charged with murder in the degree. Miss Mor is rison had been infatuated with Mr. a Ca3tle, it is said, and according to Mrs. e Castle'* statement made the attack d without provocation. After cutting J Mrs. Castle's throat she tried to kill I, herself. When Mrs. Castle was at - tacked she had been married but a week. I) Philippines Import* Mn»t I'nj- I)nty. Chicago, July 11. —Judge Kohlsaat t made a ruling in the United States dis s trict court yesterday declaring that a '• duty must be paid on goods brought to 112 this country from our new possessions. Y The ruling was made in the case of 3 Emil J. Pepke, a member of the First e South Dakota volunteers, who was ar a rested last May, and 14 diamonds found 1 in his possession, which he had J brought from the Philippines without r paying duty, were seized and turned over to the collector of the port. An s appeal will be taken to the United - States supreme court. Jeiiloiiay, Murder and Sulotde. R Lynchburg, Va.. July 11. —Yesterday " afternoon Isaac H. Pollard, an assist s ant foreman of a tobacco factory, shot - and killed a young negro woman 112 named Ella Owens. When a policeman approached he put the pistol to his - own head and sent a bullet into his - brain, resulting in instant death. Jealousy is assigned as the cause. r " g Went Virginia IlepnlilicaiiM. Charleston. W. Va.. July 10.—The capital is rapidly filling up with Re -1 publicans for the state convention, y which convenes here tomorrow. Sen ator Elkins, who is to be temporary s chairman, arrived today from his home at Elkins. Senator Scott will not be e here. Among the arrivals are ex-Con gressman Warren Miller, who is a can didate for supreme court judge; ex a Congressman C. P. Dorr and James A. t, Hughes, the Republican nominee for y congress in the Fourth district. Hon. t A. B. White, of Parkersburg. collector 4 of Internal revenue for the district of West Virginia, has no opposition for the governorship, and will be nominat ed by acclamation. t g> Iml in'* Famine and I'liiKiic. e London. July 10.—The secretary of state for India, Lord George Hamilton, has received the following from the viceroy of India, Lord Curzon of Kedle ston: "The cholera mortality contin ues high in Bombay. The May mortal ity there was appalling. The number of persons receiving relief is 6.013,000. There were 10,320 deaths from cholera and 6.502 fatalities in the famine dis « trict during the last week in June. The total deaths among the numbers . on the relief works in the British dis j trict were 5,324. The number on the relief works is increasing rapidly." Cn rdiiifil Caiblionn* Kii ro|i«*nn Tour. 8 Washington. July 10. —Cardinal Gib bons has decided not togo abroad be fore next spring, contrary to the gen eral impression that he would visit the f'aris exposition and the Passion J play at Oberammergau this summer. He expects, however, to visit several parts of Europe in 1901, and already has promised Cardinal Herbert Vaugh an. archbishop of Westminster, to preach on June 29 next at the opening of his new cathedral. Rnapprteil Wife Murderer Arrested. Elmira, N. Y., July 10—A colored man giving his name as George Martin was arrested here yesterday. He an swers to the description of Edward White, who is wanted in Pottstown, Pa., on the charge of murdering his wife near there tnree years ago. The Pottstown authorities were notified. FASHI<)NABLE STRAWS. Trimmed ami ITntriinnied. including the Rough JUIIIIH) Braid. this season's Sailor with black or navy hands fur 50 cents worth 85 cents To vednit our trimmed stock we will sell all Trimmed Hats at reduced prices. isisiiifif. 122 Mill Street. E. A. ADAMS Painter & Paper Hanger DEAI.EK IN Wall Paper and Window Shades We carry all the latest thingß in Wall Paper and Window Shades?. o I One of our specialties is the painting and pajjering of new houses. AGENT FOR THE llKltl 111 Bill Still] MACHINE. «#• COSNEE OF CHURCH b FEOI'T STREETS Shoes, Shoes Bt3rlisH! Clieap I 3rSelia,'ble I Bicycle, Cymriasium and Tennis Shoes. 'I HE CELEBRATED Carlisle Shoes I AND THE Snag; Proof Huiuu'i' Boots A SPECIALTY. .A. SCHATZ, BffiWG EFFECTS ! II 1 V. . I VMpy tiw Distinguish the Wall Paper this season Our designs rank with Erescoes in their grace and art. You should buy them because you get only what is beautiful and correct here. We keep no half-way papers, they all come up to a certain standard, at prices astonishingly low, notwithstand ing the advance in price of all raw materials. Prices range from ofceuU to 7"> cents per piece. A. H. GRONE SOMETHING NEW! A. Reliable TOf SHOP Tor all kind of Tin Roofing, Spoutine and Ceneral Job Work. Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, Furnaces, etc. PRICES TAB LOWEST! QIIJLITY TDE BEST! JOHN HIXSON NO. 116 E. FRONT ST. HW / . THisa Jusr\^*oti«f»tP R us 6 \ \ /WH»r I SHAU fflfc a J l R e *|rEAJeJ »\ \DO AFTER THIS '\S V ... * .. w- \ tvER y WHEgJc & *9ll a E^r TWICE AS,J- H|l AS ANY OTH, eP ' -jJBBFc, - I• 1IP * *o^
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