THE MEYERSDALE COMMERCIAL, MEYERSD ALE, PA {S| SERRE sr THE MEYERSDALE eRe JuroRe. | EN —————————————— : COMMERCIAL § 1 0 oi ond] Folios: URORS | SOME eee — — mmm EBER K. COCKLEY 8 ocal and Personal : FOE Jurors ba the mee RSET | W Il Editor and Proprietor. | BCBOECECBORCEORCHOICECH KRCECACHRCICORECEN b 2s drown Jor Beem ; I Bw 4 er term of court. 1917: | Mrs. Chas. Cook, Mrs. An-| ® PUBLISHED THURSDAYS en ey Black spent Sat-| Roy Adams, Machinist, Som ‘drew Wey and Mrs. Ralph V AT MEYERSDALE, P A | m Somerset, Pa. set Borough. : er- Spangler ahd son, Jack, visited us rl e MEYERS ALB, PA. a} H, Duecker, of Garrett, James Darnley, Engineer, Mey- 7slatives in Rockwood Tues-| I Btarad ox tne Potsefien a. 2 in bows Tuesday. hale ie aN ] N Megersdale, Pa, as a arr ord, of Clairton, Pa. omas Koontz, Brakeman. g.° Bro M. Stauffer and George 9: Joc Moy reas 8, Pa. as second | visited friends here Sunday. 1p Somerset Borough. 2 E. Brown, of Scottdale el. 10 000 Bl k Sh Il Yr Subscription price $1.25 pe Soirey Shupe, of Pittsburg, olay Slower Laborer, Mey-, Somérset visitors yesterday. ’ ac els best. vir I p 25 p Pr visited friends here, this week. Ar 'B : | Mr. and Mrs. John Knupp, | ' Capital A dvertisi ok i | J. W. Mallery was in All| me ose Brant, Laborer, Cone- of Pittsburg, are guests at the tive to do . vere rates furnished | toona on business the first t Sane Townshis. home of Mr, snd Mss Austin Bogtals ON Rp of the week. parti Chiorles = Touns: , Carpenter, Roel of the East End. | tive to d IE AES Mr. and Mrs. T i rough, iss Mabel Spangle example, AGRICULTURAL ner, of Garrett, Frumen San @. 5. MeDonald ection Fore- Rockwood, is visiting Se The Black Shell Prize Cont tive to i SHORT COURSE Meyersdale Monday. | Noah vig vik A aiter S jh Sone? est fved ad] iia Mr. and Mrs. Luther i Borough Tr Hike dncon alter 8 Hoffman, of Jen- will gi nde i The Agricultural Short of Connellsville, were Colliny D. M. Black, Merchant, Confl maviown, Jos retuned home oe i i hondsoms fm ox free, $0 i bi OA ues in visitors A his place. et Bovough. , u- REL nT days e Black Shell user who gets the best single Eg BD . Sai oe ne 33 Hon Conny 5 yon : ik Le Co metel Wind- M Miss Anna Lape iv Mrs | % YI gan the season. The gun case is use ihe : Fs ras one 0 ‘ S 5 rs. eFo n . Ma S. . 0 . 3 . most interciting and he Ludwig, at Pittsburg. rrest George H. Ling, Weigh Boss. Ei a spent Tues-| genuine leather, is made for a double-bar- I amr shis farm schools yet brought Elmer Stahl, of Connells- Candbet Borough. 1 1.35. or ‘of Currett,! reled gun having a barrel of thirty inches or a hat Pa Instruct TM hg 4% Mspuer ts, Mr. A Ques, Sor : Sransacing business in| less. It is lined with felt and contains an hich y al Instructor Me-|*" vs. Norman Stahl. 5 ! ship. merset. inside i Kenws dairy talks were of AMT Joseph Miller, Carpenter, Jen! Miss Anna C. Scull is visiti ie pocket for cleaning rod The end of : eat day the highest meri B g .F.| ner Townshi | fri i + Scul' iy yisung case is fastened with inati g epuse ih all wh rerit and value to aer and family motored to| Charles Gand: * | friends in Janesville, Wis. with » combination locking of peopl owes. Jered PO he Pen Md, Sunday well Boren MasenpsBos- a Renton Calverty, for buckle. This is a distinctly high-grade case many th IW = y a Wisconsin rs. Daniel Mill id. EB Me ~merly Superintendent of i farmer probabl liller, of Mid- dmund M. GI £ : Joi mines : . want fo ably could show, | dle Creek, Pa risiti sssner, Farmer, of the Berwind-Whit the great advanta a a , Pa., is visiting her Somerset Townshi 0 TING Yl Foal pape for 25 g ge of dair Z sister Mrs. G 11 Wa snip. ompany, 18 ¢riticall 11 f i farming over y ’ illian Walker. U. M. Housel, Jewel ne i YL Pind an, pravels of SF hy oiper Dy Sons Boucher of Braddock, | o erdale Borough. et Mey- Ppoamens at St. Petersburg, b oak IcKerrrow said da is parents, Mr. and|® 5H arver, Laborer, Berli Th i : I ocding oll the Sig Mrs. M. H. Boucher, Sunday. Borough. Berlin Fort GET of fhe M d We the Union, is producing a os. md Pm 8 A. Phillips Gegrae 5 Jollen Farmer, home of Mrs Sat ial ; eyers ale Hardware Co xh alt o rE ar 2 one notos o the home of F rse ownehiD, r Wodnesdny . ; ES ; ® ultera starting but true, and it car- ni ; oi Tow nship. »-ax given in ihe he ror a : 15 Center Street, Meyersdale, Pennsylvania go the ir ries : lesson to the. people re Mrs HJ. Bittner left Wed i Far- 5 Ot, whe let ed : frags : es tha should | «i+ Ior a 1ew ays’ visit| Har Kalcan nship. | New York ur--ay. y € ae Laborer, ower Ihe Mel OF, Jee Las a hive the ontive i Shao ger in Bre : : W. H., MecClintsck, Labo ship kL Siethersvaljey towni-| . at ever; Wisconsin is New York os ie Plaats vt ne Hocking, of El Lick Township Teh James B he Lneit 2Hiorney, When 1 dairy industry. Pa the Mr. and Ma a hot parents, Peter Petenbrink, " Farmer. enced a ap in Save COM : made a has dtursl o i Saicaay ed Yo Hooke y Soup * gainst the Ream FR he our Jospecy jor to both Wisconsin and N : M : . L. Kendall, Justice of Peac for the mining : ib it can | York that should mak ew Mrs. Charles Schmutz, of| Larimer Townshi © a four i i 2 he | Cumberland , ship. a four-foot vein of coal i Keystone Stat a was the guest of | Owen Scot, Electrici two 1 goal under ® ; poriun states in tek all Sine hor ys Mes S200 Weber, a maugh ah Bone. ough J i ey ioits of people would nn ar > ys of this week. Gabriel Berkey, Farmer, Jen- Charles R King. of Hoov O er tion, be opportunities. The silo is al Phe Schrock and Stella ner Township. ville, through i of Hoovers S es the most unive 3 AZ: al- illippi, both of town, w Calvin Tissue, L iese is sfrorness, rsal in Wisconsin nt ( , were , Laborer, Som- Biesecker and Levy, h The should become as wide- : uesday. es Hoover, Farmer, Sum- wife, Susan i w Th as in Wisconsin. The Ln Margaret Wilson, who mit Township. m- "Sohn Lady Few e have a large selection of Records, the Columbia, that ‘w terated Silage toy all kinds of livestock I Seine Dyes college, at Pain Ogi, Farmer, Lin-, formerly of nines ok would be very much pleased to show you and d at The ust become general through- burg, spent several days ownship. | has filed a petition i ‘|| Record end demonstrate, Columbia z out the United States. In Wis. of ih week at her home here. ns Alpen, Lumberman, erset Court of on Inthe Po ecords, for tone and quality, they are first. Leave your ord oan { consin. says Mr. McKerrow, | of r. and Mrs. Samuel Bockes Jo: ownship. i | against Harry C. McGee and and we will see that they well b ret ete 3 © “practically all now of Berlin, motored to Meyers- iller, Dealer, Addison Stella Campbell, th i e sent to the Company in which th The made from matured corn, and dale Monday to transact yo wa nn. RP : torney H. F. Yost Login a Bigs enlisted . swind] = EoD imimatare silage Is 2] ron and while here were the re > Her, Farmety Green-! Campbell defendants to re : Ik. The : ae of the past.” {os of Mr and Mrs. John| Levi s Township, ; on action in ejectment to 1d arte poorly Lecturer R. A. Hayne, th chardt for dinner. , Justice, of Peace. ermine title to two lots i ; : dX The Ohio. Apostle of Hovne, e wiv dou Jennertown Borough. | Uhl Addition of Ch on the *. ly bui DD ve rare! one tor. Mes. Resh, of HS ae Harvey L. Miller, Coal Opera-, ough. Sot bon F B T It was MR ST od Deen vistin i or, Summit Township. jL. The friends of Miss C ’ o HOMAS in. Mr. avers dat op Mrs. Andrew Spence ar g a oe Sones, Baker, Windber Spangler gave a rena Co : Leading D 3 Sn [ormey i st “come to” alfalfa, 0 hio, have returned to their | John I Behar Lab a 2 er-home on Main street, M ng Drude jp fra) or ose his pl Soe in ih a hom 20d report a very pleas- NR a nh aborer, Som- ol See iss Spangler left eyersdale, Pa. . You : ress. r. Hayne : Emanu 1 1 other, Mrs. Amand taint i : el Mock i! | anaa . a Ber Jvoens of s Ml John Wetman entertain- | Township. Framer, Ogle, Jrovaier, md re Mrs. a dE 1 ] 7s ‘hic Je il- £ ; owing at a d li < . H. a | ’ oO omerset, is intr Jiri with a stereopticon in 6 0 clock dinner on Shan 2a Prrmen Larimer, Br ay and ili James K. Columble, Records for November X i he. ening: Misses Zela Sides, | Beorge P 0 ’ ohnstown, foz|" : ow on Hale fale 1 bili Zella Wigent,theyoung Gertrude Hibner, Mayme Web. a Phorm! 4 Snr _Fldrida, = where Yiotih lecturer, gave oF Li Baer, Myrtle Smiley, Mahlon Miller, bhai | y wilt spend the winter. | terati Se i : logins on poultry S fo Dia. ; maugh Township. al NOTICE TO CREDIT oi Ei eel sso St by | Te focrepmons | New Select oh a and scientific ie i that he ng Se A 4 Toning agar inh said assign- | it ew elections of Le oa prime requirements of arber to his shop and is thi T i » |Jenner e of S. D. Livengood : food. S Si : : is think- ownship. ‘are h i gona, ood, Pens Sudeneitl she said, | 10° of getting one more. He A. P. Meyers, Barber, Wind + 30th rN poiifion that on hel up-to-date - 3 cent! I De I gaye hie ooh Sob oH ove ME ed ae oe Ny | toke ne Tost important andl! urry now and is looking for A. R. Beatty, Merchant, Bos i signee in Presented by the As-| ly, he try suc sable element in poul-| ™%° business than ever. well Borough. trie" [forth that a gelnie sorting : Bu y success, Seniel Be H 1a'F Bean, € par : at he had an offer of Wiss Wigent H . Hare, son of Eli 3 , Carpenter, Hoov-| Seven Hundred ($700.00) D you : ns fg) also gave a Hare, of Coal Run, who has|j ersville Borough. iw ol-- oats ° Le Yue a begun [he good of his sister, sooh Wine Farmer, Ad-| interest of the said SD 8, oid all uits trati mers agai ; : ar- a nyder, while on /nsnip. good of, in and t Atma Briel : vicio STI es ge Tuesday fo © H Gardner. Farmer, Jeff- tract or parcel al J R : jet The latest m . 59th Inf.— pany—Co. ‘B’,! Henry Bro i ~ {in Upper Turkeyfoot Townshi ust €eCelv : I fense against Hi es of de-|1cavesG SH Gettyspurg. He Boro ht, Miner, Garrett Somerset County Penns ou seggregation jhe Dyaim at Js ao Jotiyurs this week for Edward Hay mies. B bis adjoining lands jh or : the : mination. The latter hy Se Mr. J. H Leple f ; valey Township ¥, Brothers, Gh Hoel 5 Bod, On sale at pric 3 ob by this time recognized as an bury street, a oil is of Sale Morin Shaver, Retired, Stoyes and’ dg ER Grog i that will rh es Ip : a r : 7 Ge13 3 3 ’ mn . 3 : ee el impos- pad os eighteen years a mem- own Borough. | one and one half (51 on sult your pock tb Unit the fly in th Vive” ozains . of The Commercial staff in TT | acres more or less and praying | etbook Uni! cities was - Sa Amoriean whe capacity of solicitor, cor- Following are the names of} the Court for an Ty Gi 3 i: Ges Wan slontless that his respondent, ete., paid the Edi- the Grand Jurors drawn for| and permission to make ee : 1ve us a trial and : nar DL: Torey ined re ee Gi Saturday | December term of court, 1917: ecute and deliver a Yieed tor! b you will the ciably; but as a cone Pere: | moming. Monday, es or ,1917: said land. Whereupon the ecome a regul Nev Le paralysis Qyrage of of Mr SS Rr Township Shin Paint, Cot Fyaried 9 rule to Show guar customer | 4 , igh-brow scientific authoriti el still enj irth, and he | Clarence Bo se why a sale should not b : : ox : Scie) tio | still enjoys good health, i owman, Clerk, Som- made as : may by this tim ao very i i , is a|’ erset Bo ? : prayed for, returnable y the absence of his Siiribane io Me man to talk to, : Harry Poh, | Novorhe 19th, 1917, at 10 l 3 ny : is one of N his flyship, who eves in doing his bit to he , Farmer, Alle-10 clock A. M., and direct e L Pri s oie] boost The Commercial ang i _gheny Township. | tice to be given b fee i Stein s ow rrice cavengers. At least he is community. Call agai b is | William Brant, Farmer, Br th-!in t y publication S Jpvengen and any har nity, (all gain brother. J ersvalley Township » Bo we Sl k j N tore tal a against > : = Cay oh a . Cook, i ex : tali his value Lhe iy rust ignore Manuisep LICENSES nig ole, Farmer, Shade Prothonotary. | k 5 Posinffice fal it is possible the a the ries I. Shaver, Clerk of Howard Shockey, Life I | i : the puikoriies of hygienic ny i ee U Agent, Meyersdale oa! Se 4 J Farmer, ave conjured ins : to the ol- . LR 2 omerse ow i ? that A re up the thought | ‘owing parties during the past ersv ayman, Farmer, Broth-; Ben F. Hechler Daaip. : Bat otter, 11 the fly is not an och: p vw eg Township. | iri , Farmer, Paint RELIABLE PLUMBING SER Yo r ed nuisance, but Pauli : M. A. Rutter, Merchant, M ? : The plumbi VICE ot the contrary, a friend of on auline C. MecKenzie, and | __ ersdale Bor nt, Mey-| H. L. Seese, Farmer, Pai ; ane plumbiog Juuid be in f humzan 1S riend of the Thomas C. Obrien, both Wi i orough. | mm ownshi ’ r, aint fy so as to avoid the necessit To there i ale y rate SY Harry J. Walker o i uy men Addi John H. Long Laborer, Hoov oder fit cst rom econ ¥ the the high sanctu: s silence in| X {ford township, and Annie | Henry Tm ersville. Bor : : Ssomiest, ming TN ed or DS Oy = Ret of Lavonsvilles Pama pity Tain ahorens Sum-| W. E. Law, Sh Wells | a = fied Ts the fly Hes Sd tn! n| M. Baker, an Martha J.| Perry Me ih . burg Borourgh. ? i high quali £ er with the — he question. Common Campbell, ho of inher. Tk oush, Farmer, Elk|J. B. Eat Clerk, Q i re, = il human ular a! question of | valley township; John H Goi. | Frank K: Wiig mahoning Townsiip. Yer oye reliable plumbing. Tr ¥ pom are should dictate | sel, of Johnstown, and es Toni antner, Mfg, Somer-| John . wns 1p. sk tor bookle* grrr me the actions even of scienti ~ n, ana viaa et Townsh Erler, Minister, Rock-| TT and the I N . Seientisi May Shaffer, of Rummel ; William F Sap ; | wood Borough Sieh Boe mon sens “mu igh con» Caronge King and Grace rs Roenend ol Opera] Sherman Hoover, Laborers gr sity as to why "the id a Zan, both of Shanksville ; | D-H. Watt, A 1-1 Somerset Township. ’| BAER & CO. Plumbing & Heati all the fly was ever l: def nr oanuey Woodard d Es.| ber Borough. man, Wind-|I P. Jones, Plasterer, Son r-| Meyersdale ~~ Pa ES aie Sah : or Mav Recal. both of Ber-| Ralph K on set Borough ei : Toe n £3 : BL = Ralph Kantner Clerk, Somer-! igh Sa a : as Get our prices on Job Work. — . i ai ee —— Sm— sil ar
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