a § 3 i i Wa HI = THE MEYERSDALE COMMERCIAL, MEYERSDALE, PA. N A complete line of Fountain, Bulb and (Combination Syringe, ¥ Hot Water Bottles, Rubber 2 Gloves and Bathing Caps. We have bought these goods so that : we can sell them at the old price; no : advancement. Columbia Records for June on Sale, 19th F. B. THOMAS LEADING DRUGGIST : MEYERSDALE, PENNA g CORORURCR HARTLEY & BALDWIN. PEEOP® We never had a more complete line of High Class, Stylish Suits in Stock than we have this Spring. Mens all-wool Suits, from sio to Hart, Schaffner & Mark's finest line in the country, up to $25. We have made arrangements for extra help on Sat- 3 urdays, so we can wait on large crowds promptly. ‘&|¢ : The Second National Bank 3 Come in and you will see that Clothing has not ad- vanced in price but very little compared with other 3 goods. CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. Meyersdale, Pa. UST ARRIVED! TROY WAGONS Quality Right Prices Right Meyersdale Hardware Company. J. W. Mallery, MEYERSDALE, PENN. BIG VALUES IN WEARING APPAREL IN COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, SKIRTS, WAISTS WEINSTEIN'S LADIES COATS In Newest Styles, Materials and Shades of Green, Blue, etc. Prices from $4.90 up to $16.50, in all sizes. LADIES’ and MISSES’ SUITS In Poplin, Serge and Gabardine. Prices from $4.50 up to $19.50. In Silks, Poplins, Taffetta, Crepe de Chine and also Striped, Barred and Plain Voiles. From $2.90 to $12.50. SPECIAL. VALUE This week only in Ladies’ White and Striped Wash Skirts at 95c¢. Just received a beautiful line of Ladies’ Waists Y0c=4 0() in Crepe de Chine, Silks. Voiles, Lawns, Check ? DRESSE The entire line of Millinery will be sold out at a very low price. Extra Large Nizes for Stouts. All Alterations Free. WEINSTEIN'S Next to Post Office. Th bow Price Store. ~~ Meyersdale, Pa. 0 . CCLOYIROSOSOR a ER uisluiulsistalulnieinceceinieiniuininls BOERS 3 5 | % Loans and Investments ..... Ll HARTLEY & BALDWIN | rn Cera 0 YOR ORCHARD RECORD BORCROEOSORCR0) CONDENCED REPORT OF CONDITION ~~ § CR RL) MEYERSDALE, PA. NINETEEN SEVENTEEN RESOURCES $ 577,660,10 70,179.87 Real Estate, Furniture & Fixtures ..........,... © 64,075.20 Cash and due from Banks ......... ......... 117,341.45 Total Resources '$ 829,256.20 LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid in .......... Shao, ... $ 65,000.00 Surplus Fundand Profits. ....... ........... ... 62,669.69 Circulation .... ......... at. nna 64,300.00 Deposits. ............0. 00% a Oe ME 637,286.51 $ 829,256.20 Comrads Attention. | of the Dust pin his Say dorew 1 | For Infants and Children and let her float until the rights of | IN Use For Over 30 Years the U. 8. are vindieated. | Always bears J 1 C. MeRimley, | Signature of ¥ 2 770 i Commander. oJ ot received a lot of Red Kidney Beans; 3 Y= will not only save money but you will be satisfied if | SPECIAL PRICES ON CANNED HOMINY THIS WEEK, es a, Wnihglheisd C A STO i ! A ; ake known to us, in person or by phone, your wants in the Grocery line and we will do the rest which is THE BEST try them at 15 and 25 cents per can. you will buy your COFFEE from us. We sell the famous White Corn Brooms. for the money. None better We mention only a few prices this week, 3 bottles catsup for 25 cents. Only a few left, Full pound can Shad for 15 cents. 3 Jar best table Relish for 25 cents Fancy head Rice for 10 cents per pound. 2 cans Lima’ Beans for 25 cents. 2 cans String Beans for 25 cents, 3 cans Lye for 2S cents. 3 rolls toilet paper for 25 cents Try a can of our Roast Beef; you ,,ill want more. Give us your order for CANNED GOODS. Both phones F. A. BITTNER, 142 Center Street, Meyersdale, Pa. etmtaieiaiaieiataiatuiaiaieted TUESDAY, MAY 29 “GET READY” ONLY TENTED ATTRACTION OF IMPORTANCE COMING THIS YEAR. WORLD’S PROGRESSIVE - SHOWS ~ ~ ALLIED TRAINED IGGER ETTER RIGHTER 2 Performances THE WORLD'S WONDERS AT YOUR DOORS Matinee and Night. A A a CA A RR ia rs. ho P. J. COVER & SON An Accurate Watch —mno matter what your work is IMPLE and strong. That's the kind of mechanism in Ingersoll’ watches. ‘That's why they stand hard knocks—why an Ingersoll is the watch for you. . 2 Ingersolls are accurate—guaranieed accurate. That's been proved to the 50 million people who have bought them. At this store you can see all the different models—for men and women, boys and girls—for pocket, wrist or house. hold use. Let us help you select your : ? Jeweled Plain Dial Triumph, $1.50 A good - looking dee pendable watch. Other plain dial mod- ¢‘Radiolite,”’ $2 Shows timeinthedark. Ha nds and figures lay- Reliance, $3 A thin, 7-jewel watch; solid nickel case, $3; i ered with Radiolite,” gold-filled case, $6 els: Eci DSs) 13200; c nu Other jeweled watches 75: Midget, sts at Waterbury, $3; Water- bury “Radiolite,” $4. 2 Junior, ¢ ior MEYERSDALE SUN BROTHERS NIE TT —————— er tn PE ey he TL Te A xT Te apd », a oe om Metin.
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