THE MEYERSDALE COMMERCIAL, MEYERSDALE, PA. 5; Last Monday evening the Boy Scout Band made their debut upon the streets and was PROFESSIONAL CARDS. —————————" FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, COMPENSATION AND PLATE GLASS INSURANCE W. b COOK & SOM Meyersdale, Pa. ~ Countless Women met with as cordial a reception ® as any debutant could wish. | find— Under the leadership of in-| . structor. Baldwin they played | that when suffering from | nervousness, sick headache, a number of pieces in very fine | style and won the applause of | dizzy spells and ailments ~- J. T. Yoder JOHNSTOWN Sells the Champion Cream Saver Mrs. T. L. Rumgay, of Port- land, Oregon, is now spending some time in town, the guest of het mother, Mrs. Jenkins, and her sisters, Mrs. F. A. Bittner | audiences. It is hoped they | X 3 = i and Miss Edith Jenkins. will favor us with more of the peculias 0 AES Sex ork ¢ | same kind of music frequently | nothing affords suchpprompt W. CURTIS TRUXAL, 9 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Mrs. H. C. Kneiriam Broadway is very ill at the hour of going to press. grin THE NEW UTTER made from De Laval-separated DE LAVAL — All Highest Prize Butter during the summer. On Monday morning the SOMERSET, PA. follow a few doses of Prompt attention given to all Tegal and welcome relief, as will lives, fully determined to raise vegetables enough to supply | his family and a divison or two | of the National Butter- { makers’ Association. The first prize winners at every convention of the Association since : editor arose with the lark and ly. Mrs. Shimer, of Broadway Soo shovel turned over et 9 cream has won first prize at every De Laval Made business. had the misfortune to fal Eo tho Tot hick h | convention of the National Creamery HB most important — down the stairs on Monday and b o e lot on whic e Buttormners Association for the Jos tests tots hve at — = T - wenty-five years, as we as in every other the Annual Convention i WANTED—OId papers, magazines, important contest, and you must admit that sustained several broken ribs. this fact can, mean but one thing— She is 78 years of age. rubbers and shoes. J. D. DONER, 2:0 Grant SE. 12-16 ILLS Miss Olive VanHorn of} of the allies armies. Our | The De Laval ; Scottdale, is spending several | better half had planted rad- | e De Lava uses fis organization in 1503 | — En i i i i 2 bee: as folio Jn car days with her sister, Mrs. W. | ishes, beets, pickles, sauer | A proven women's remedy, gets not only more i Thi ey Bi etonartan | C. Price, on Main street. kraut and other vegetables, | which assists in regulating the cream, but better cream 1802 Louis Brahe : ; 1 ; 1893—C. W. Smith S. P. Fritz, veteaar'an, castradag Mrs. P. H. Ramer left yester | but at night some body’s old | organs, and re-establishing i : ee F.C Olirog . 22 Ee, day for a few day’s I with | crow bait of a horse broke into | healthy conditions. Beecham’s cause "fhe omgiraction of : Pes vay bowl 188 Thomas Wikion | 8 Spoil P.: 0 pu aress, Ps RICES friends in Waynesboro. the lot, rolled over the planted | Pills contain no habit-forming | Be a ls a oe Be 1s Samuel Hangzdahl | ull, Pa. Economy Tune Gumberh : bed and trampled holes as bi druz — leave no disagreeanle | the cream spout unbroken. 1500-4 XN Ja | store. 12 on angroval M CG Get h p g > y > < . fv 5 1900-—H. T. Sondergaard | bout. vatietien ti Orman Shy. who | as a clothes basket. The old | after-effects. They are— | A. JE you make butter yourself, oF M100 Sor your 10 © Suchury | E, N.Y. EY er rol eroiley plug isn’t worth what we paid | ’ . 31 faooms Tou deunot atiord To wes wn’ sepniater Jpal fs §: Taylor and sister, Dr, and Mrs. W. H. | for seeds but we intend wast-| N d TL ! WoT, Ci Sod, 3 Ryland, Meyers avenue, has | ing a half I ol of Hugin ature S al BS, 30, un Spe World's Fair, st. ] | y ; — 1 returned to Lonaconing, Md. | him should he call again. - He Be] Five Duties 0 p ’ i i vith patented milk 1906—A. Carlson NS do ressier Mrs. S. B. Phiison returned | looks hungry. to better Health | distributor is Chg reat, 1074 Lungbiad V : Be Sh Bro howe. | | MEmimiueeieomemie br eit tr BAe 18 Penal Dinebr and Bubatuer 3 ? m ; Now on what is termed their ! | thirty years and weld = 1912—A. L. Ph Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Dom, of | twenty-fifth Jubilee Year and | like to have a chance 1013; oriss Sadler Meyersdale, Penna. Wittemburg, Pa., were here on | Tour, the Sun Brothers’ World, gwy:) 2-5 Ory orks. ‘The NEW De bid omg Monday. Progressive Shows are coming < Ak io oa = B L’ Y y | Jieny other jmporeant {Fhere : were iy na- Pesidence: Office : Miss Nora Cox, of Pittsburg, back be Meyorsiale and will | FOR FLETCHER'S En will interest you. oi 1905, ‘and 1905.) v 309 North Nireet 7. 229 Center tree poirot Teast | he br grsgies n CAST ORIA | imi Fav | 589,96 . Coz, on South Side. ? It is hardly necessary to — | CARER state here that this tented show | or ,000.00 7 and Mrs. Hol Clemens | ig alright, for the reason that. : : ,200.00 Dn OE ie out citizens know, that it is all d i A | p— EE 887.79 A lpar- | right and besides it is simon cy e rs a e u O : O | . : ] 0.4 Oho Dively | pure, all clean and respectable. « / 9 | Baltimore & Ohio i y . . —_— , {22.95 RAILROAD , 470.29 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Crowe A POSTAL FREAK. A FE 11 | : f and son, Byre, were in Frost- —— u 1ne Oo | SPRING. TOURS TO burg iy » Represenintive Platt of | WASHINGTON ,000.00 irs B11. Thilson|Donshkeepsie; New York, says : : . : re] he has been working with the AND 727.88 and son, Samuel, motored to il d ppl S Si gud son, Samuel, ‘mofored to | Fo dofion Deparment for tour |Z A CCCSSOTIES, Ss and SUpPplCs, || ga) TIMORE ), YUU. attend the wedding of the lat- Fe ; di ; 2 al : yet, with reference to carrying > : : 3,692.41 ter's sister, Miss Roberta Regar | fog’ mails between Poughiceep: Godyear United States and Kelly-Springfi21d Tires || MARCH 31-AND JUNE 1 4 rs. Philson’s parents, Dr. and | _: : i Is . 5,470.29 Mrs. Regar, of Buckman, W. sie and Highlands. The post- - rm $6.45 ROUND TRIP FAOM Va., accompanied them home office are two miles apart, and We expect to open our Steam Vulcanizing Plant on or about May 1st. On MEYERSDALE on Monday to visit them for Bie separated 2% the Flugson account of the vast increase in the price of tires, it will pay you to take good iokars vail for all refalar trains and good several days. sary) inde. 11 care of your tires and have all cuts and bruises Vulcanized at once --You know returning 10 days including date of saie. . width. Transportation is kept y Miss Clara Stacer, who | yp between the two points by [A Stitch in Time] J ; Tickets including 5 days board in Washing g ent the ast ten da S visit- i pn Me # ton, side trips, etc., may be secured upon Sp v Pp y means of a ferry service which / Dbayment of $20.50 addicional Te ing in Cumberland, returned | makes a crossing every fifteen All Work Guaranteed. t+ SECURE FULL INFORMATION home, Mond n : : i : ns NET MG jpminutes, and there is also a "FROM TICKET AGENT a Ir. an rs. J. M. UTAZEY | bridge connecting the two / Kh, EE i : : . | went to West Milton, Ohio, on | shores. To get mail between HT - a J Tuesday evening to spend sev- | these two points the Postoffice E nn 1 2 eral days with the _former’s Department sends it up one ! A " a na AE L0 “~ 3 SR mother who is very ill. side of the river to Albany, y als W/IWES ~ Gq r © ua Miss Ella Brady, Frostburg, seventy-five miles; and then IT oh Hah {x back down the other side of pr ob | fe” 7 ER "1 I i vice. >a Ei is the guest of her brother, Rev. J. J. Brady, a few days this week. Isaac Bradburn, who had : been visiting his son and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bradburn, Large street, for a short time returned to Lona- coning, Md., Sunday. His grandsn, Joseph Bradburn, ac- companied him home to spend several days with relatives and friends in Lonaconing. Mrs. Thomas Rumgay and son, Lamont, of Portland, Ore., arrived here Monday to visit relatives for some time. Mrs. Charles Lepley, oof Somerset, spent Tuesday in Meyersdale. W. B. Coulehan, of Fitts- burg, spent Sunday here with his sisters, the Misses Coulehan Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Phillips Lod were in Cumberland, Tuesday transacting business. Mrs. James Harding and daughter, Mina, of Elk Lick, were shoppers in: town last Pearle Hay, of St. Paul; Ger- trude Cofforth, of Somerset, Monday. ; CARRYING THE LOAD. Misses Beatrice Weigle, A strange spectacle has been the river, another seventy-five miles. Mr. Platt publishes a newspaper, and he does not : think the postal way is the best method for reaching his sub- seribers on the other side of the river, so he sends his papers a- | cross on the ferry, and puts them in the post office, and { thereby succeeds in catching the morning mails, and the rural deliveries. He would lose a whole day by the postal method, but by using common sense instead, he gives his sub- seribers their papers while the news is fresh. The Govern- ment at one time carried the mail across the river, but de- cided to try the longer route, and now it is impossible to get it intothe heads of the Depart- ment officers that their method is ridiculous. Two milse off that regular 150 mile haul would leave a saving of 148 miles. Queer thing, isn’t it? Nevertheless it is true, and it is happening several times a day. i i themselves all out. ing for the fire to and toting ashes. are two big features. Perfection Oil —kerosene. Rayolight Oil for Sale presented of late with refer- ence to individual responsi- pie day. A roaring hot fire! hot enough anywhere almost unbearable. Why should it be? There’s another way. All over this nation busy and they get the same flaky pies without heating up A Perfection is always ready to fry, draw up. No carrying wood, shoveling coal The fireless cooker and the separate oven Cook Stoves burn the most And the ‘best kerosene is Atla) Ask for it at the store that displays this sign: THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY Philadelphia and Pittsburgh Goodness knows it’s this weather, but that kitchen is housewives are using big brown loaves, crisp cookies and the whole house and wearing boil or roast. No wait- Ask your dealer. economical of fuels Atlantic Rayolight. “Atlantic Here.” J Sa : ATLANTIC ® Alapastune tintea waus arc the fashion this year not only because they are very sanitary and economical, ‘but also because their colors are won- 1 derfully rick and soft. a m— The Beautiful Wall Tint Come learn what beautiful effects Alabastine colors and stencil designs will give you. Yor! Szte by P. J. COVER &SO N Driving It Home! ER a who were teachers in the Pub-| bility in war_ matters. The TICE. lic School here, have returned | newspapers that have cried the : to their respective homes fer loudest for war now find the : that an ap-- the summer: greatest number of reasons Let iw dive home fo yu e fact that no washwo- 0 the Govern- - 1sylvania, om: of June, 1917, j. A. Barron, nder the Act Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kearns of Pittsburg, spent Sunday in Meyer:dale. Mrs. Sarah Faviw: is visiting why advertising and postage rates should not bear any part in the increased burden. The most enthusiastic parents seem to think their children should man can wash clothes in as sanitary a manner as that in which the work is done at our laundry. mmonyealth ~ 1m Akron, Ohio. be exempt from military ser- A An a Mrs, Stella Cook and little | vice. Brewers, bakers, bank- We use much more water, ion? gon left on Tuesday for Water. es, Jetfios Fad] msnalgoture change the water many ad 1 oo, Iwa, spend several | €IS ags, baby carriages, and its sup-- weeks. » "| band instruments, barrels bath- ore Smee: use PIS and costly soap, and keep tubs and baloons, ‘have all been sending up their wail. If there ever was an instance of universal national shirking, we have it right now. Nearly everyone appears to be de- fending the war policy, but most of those who are vigor- ously proclaiming its right- rter of an in- - be called Y, the char-- hich is operat- - ying and sell- owning. hold- ing coal lands - for these pur- s and enjoy all all the clothes in constant motion during process. Mrs. Robert Cook and daugh ter, Betty, went to Brownsville Monday to visit the former’s brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. James Price. Monday was sparrow day, and hundreds of the feathered little fighters fell victims to the “Ha or yiRy BS It is smply a matter of having proper facilities. Meyersdale Steam Laundry READ THE COMMERCIAL Neyersdale's Leading Newspaper ar 0-3 Jur 3 privileges of hunter's aim. Some of the |eousness are wishing the re- ¥ ane - sportsmen, however made sponsibility onto their neigh- — some ridiculous shots at times, } bor. ; BEALY, Sew. Solicitors.i 18¢c per 1b... hillips. sometimes had the bird been as big as a full sized German he would have gone scot free. Oh, well, our soldiers wont be armed with air guns. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA ei: Loose garden seeds are cheap- er and better than packags seeds, get them at Habel i Phillips. ’ RE AA (a8 — X i £
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers