fi ‘ #4 A THE MEYERSDALE COMMERCIAL, MEYERSD ALE, PA. HEAT OF THE SUN. its Source of Supply 1 a Puzzling Problem to Science. ARMORED VESSELS Probably the most puzzling problem ° We have in connection with the sun is to account for its tremendous output Of heat, which we are told has varied no more than a few tenths of a degree in 50,000,000 years, the period general- ly given by geologists for the duration of life upon the earth. If we accept the theory mos gener- ally advanced in the past that the sun was formerly a vast nebula extending at least as far as the planet Neptune | i and that its heat was maintained by ! slow contractions, computation shows | us that only 25,000,000 times the pres- ent output would be maintained from this source—that is, if its heat were supplied by contraction alone it would have lasted only half as long as life has been known to exist upon the earth. This is plainly impossible, and though contraction undoubtedly sup- plies part of the solar heat, there must be seme other source of supply as well. “The discovery of radio-activity in re- * cent years may have much to do. with explaining this mystery. It is interesting to consider that if the sun were composed of coal and its heat were kept up by the process of combustion more than a ton of coal would be required per square foot of surface per hour to supply the present output of heat. The sun would be en- tirely burned up in 5,000 years if made of coal.—New York Sun. OUR UNPAID LABORERS. Birds Do Great Work, Yet We Do Not Properly Protect Them. One form of national waste which is far more serious than the American people realize is a result of the deplor- able neglect to conserve bird life in this heedless and ungrateful country. Ornithologists and other intelligent observers of nature who have made a study of the subject say with the sanc- tion of crop experts that insects de- stroy one-tenth of the products of agri- culture in the United States. More than 100,000 kinds of insects have beep enumerated in the fields, orchards, meadows, pastures, vineyards, gardens and woods of this chief agricultural country of the world. A very large pro- portion of these insects are injurious to crops. Birds are the insects’ worst enemies. Nearly all birds destroy insect life. “The federal department of agriculture has examined the stomachs of forty kinds of birds to determine: accurately ‘what they consume. It was found that among the birds which most effectively aid the farmers are phoebes, kingbirds,. catbirds, swallows, brown thrashers, rose breasted grosbeaks, house wrens, viroes, native Sparrows, shrikes and meadow larks. Even the <row and the crow blackbird. which have rested under suspicion so long. do more good than harm to the farm- ers.—Chicago News. The Indoor and the Outdoor Man. In the American Magazine Dean Her- ' aman Schneider says: “The characteristics of men are so much on the surface that a keen ana- iyst usually will uncover the correct one in the first interview. They signal the indoor and outdoor type of man. ‘When a blizzard is beating against the house an ‘indoor’ man likes to hear the roar of the wind because it empha- sizes the coziness of the inglenook and heightens his sensé of protection. “The ‘outdoor’ man is straightway seized by a desire to get out and fight the storm. Draw a picture of prospecting or construction work, and the second aman will lean forward with tense mus- cles and radiant eyes. The other will «draw more and more into himself, as 4f for shelter.” Toilet of the Tidy Ant. No creature is more tidy than an ant, who cannot tolerate the presence cuckoos, ori- - oles, warblers, shore larks, logg certiedd How the Great Steel Plates That Protect Them Are Made. ger A SEVERE TEST OF SKILL. The Various Processes That Produce the Conflicting Properties Necessary In These Modern Projectile Resisting Warship Jackets. : Only armored warships could live in a naval battle with modern big gun projectiles in use, and hence the mak- ing of armor plate has become a science. The manufacture of armor plate has developed considerably in re- cent years, and in no branch of the steel industry is there greater oppor- tunity for engineering and mechanical skill, coupled with metailurgical knowl- edge, than in the operations of forging and rolling, followed by the exact heat treatment essential to produce the al- most conflicting properties necessary in modern armor. The plate must be hard, glass hard, to resist penetration by heavy projec- tiles moving at tremendous velocities, yet tough and fibrous enough to take up the momentum without cracking or distortion. Mechanically. then, the plate must have an extremely hard surface and a fibrous backing. These requirements were attained in part by the old compound armor. Molten steel was poured on to a wrought iron plate and cooled. The slab was then re heated, forged and rolled to the re quired dimensions. If the operations were successfully carried out -the line of demarcation was scarcely visible. Recently a modification of .this proc- jess was introduced to cheapen and render less tedious the production of armor. A layer of hard steel was poured -into a cooled mold, the under- side quickly setting. On the still fluid or pasty surface a thick layer of soft steel was poured. By careful manipu- lation the union of the surfaces was almost complete, and it was impossi- ble to detect the break in composition on viewing the fractured section. This method of manufacture was undoubt edly an improvement on the old com- pound method. The increasing size, velocity and hardness of modern armor piercing projectiles have necessitated the intro- duction of the modern armor. The process of manufacture essentially consists in case hardening to a depth of about two inches the surface o! a homogeneous tough nickel chrome Steel. Special . air or self har nickel and more complex steels are used for lighter armor, gun shields and cast armored structures. The stéel i8 made in Siemens fur- nates” and carefully cast into ingots up to eighty tons in weight. These in- gots are then slabbed under powerful hydraulic presses (18,000 tons) or roll- ed direct to the required dimensions, depending on’ the power of the mills and appliances. During the rolling ~ operation, which lasts about an hour, ' the slab is reversed and inverted to at- tain uniformity of working, and scale is removed by wood fagots and wa- ter jets. After rolling the plate is usually quenched. The next operation is that of case- hardening, and in this two plates are put face to face, separated by a layer of the carburizing reagent if it be solid, or if gaseous hydrocarbons be used the plates are slightly separated, to allow free passage for the harden- ing gases, by bricks arranged in rows, The plates are maintained at redness’ in a car furnace for three weeks and withdrawn after the hardening carbon has penetrated to the required depth. The plates are thus carburized and so made capable of being hardened, but {they are not yet actually hard. At this of dirt on its body, says a writer in | St. Nicholas. These little creatures -actually use a number of real toilet articles in keeping themselves clean. A well known authority says their toi- let articles consist of coarse and fine ‘toothed combs, hair br#shes, sponges, apd even washes and soap. Their combs, however, are the genuine arti- «le and differ from ours mainly in that stage all holes are drilled and plugged; and any bending or machining neces- sary is carried out. From this point onward the treat- ments differ. Some makers insist on heating and quenching in oil or water to remove any coarse structure that i may have been formed during the ‘ next essential joperation long annealing while carburizing. The is’ that of ‘ hardening, and this is usually car- they are fastened to their legs. The ! ants have no set time for their toilet operations, but clean up whenever th get soiled. It Was Not Her Fault. Dr. Black—I suppose, Mrs. Brown, that you have given the medicine ac- cording to directions? Mrs. Brown— Well, doctah, I done my bes’. You said give Pete one 0’ dese heah: pills three times a day ontil gone, but I done run out o’ pills yistaday, an’ he hain’t gone _yit.—Christian Herald. Quite So. “The bride’s mother has the advan- tage of the bridegroom’s mother at the ceremony.” “How so?” ried out in one of two ways. Either the plate is uniformly heated to the hardening temperature and quenched by a series of water jets playing on the upper surface with sufficient force to prevent the formation of steam or by a process known as ‘differential quenching,” by which the carburized surface is heated to a temperature from which it will harden and the under side kept well below, so attaining a gradual fail in temperature from the top to the bottom. The whole plate is then immersed in water, the hotter sur- face alone being hardened, while the bark is toughened. Further mechanical operations can be carried out only by grinding or cutting with oxyacetylene, as the plate has now undergone the treatment conferring maximum hard: ! ness. “Hverybody assumes that the bride is getting a little the worst of it.”—Louis- ville Courier-Journal. Found Out. “Would you like to hear a secret in- volving Mrs, Next Door in a dreadful scandal?” “Yes, oh, yes; tell it to me!” “I don’t know any such secret.. You «certainly have a mean disposition.”— Chicago Herald. Her Ability. to keep y¢ *Are you al ur servants 1 unit may In resume, it will be noted. that there are three distinct operations in modern methods of manufacture—the mechani- cal working of the plate to the required dimensions, the carburization of the surface, quenching the carburized surface to harden it. These operations call for exact manipulation, super- vision and control, for the skill of the engineer and metallurgist may be put | to the severest tests, not of the labora | tory or the testing machine. but out in the “gray mists,” when fail Oi d imperil the sat hesion of the whole.— Chambers’ Jour- | nal od and evil is ening and c¢o- | SAVE THE TREES. The White Pine Blister Rust and a Warning and an Appeal. The American Forestry association has issued a warning and appeal for co-operation in fighting the disease known as the white pine blister rust that threatens the destruction of all the white pine and other five leaved pine trees in the United States. This disease has already appeared in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Is- land, New York, New Jersey, Pennsyl- vania, Wisconsin, Minnesota and in Quebec and Ontario. There is no known cure for it. It kills the white pines spreads steadily. The spores or seeds are blown from diseased pines to cur- rant and gooseberry bushes. They germinate on the leaves of these bushes. The leaves then produce mil- lions of spores or seeds of the disease, which are blown by the wind from the bushes to the pines, and these, even those several miles distant from the nearest bushes, are infected. become diseased and die. The white pines in New England are worth $75,000,000, inh the lake states $96,000,000, in western states $60,000,- G00 and in the national forests $30,- 000,000, or a total of $261,000,000. Unless the ravages of the white pine’ blister rust are stopped these pines will be destroyed. The American Forestry association urges peopie in all the regions where { the disease has been discovered to de- stroy at once all currant and goose- berry bushes, diseased pines and oth- ers exposed to infection. This will help stop the spread of the disease. The great forests of dead and dying chestnut in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and Massachu- setts stand today mute but convincing witnesses to the fact that such dis eases must be checked, if at all. in their early stages. The pine growth of this country is far more valuable than the chestnut ever was, and the damage the blister rust may do is accordingly greater than the injury that has been or can be wrought by the chestnut blight. But experience proves that the rav- ages of the blister rust can be, if taken in season, stopped much edsier than the chestnut blight. In a number of places where started it has been near- ‘ly or entirely eradicated. May the pific forests of America be saved and is too late!—Tree Talk, Musical Vibrations. We can take the scale of vibrations, beginning with the shortest wave ‘gamma rays given off by radium, which are only about ‘one ome-hun- dredth of a millimeter long—and end- ing with the longest known electro- magnetic waves, 10,000 meters or more of octaves like the musical scale. In the Scientific Monthly Professor Da- | vid Vance Guthrie of ‘the Louisiana State university says they will cover just about forty-eight octaves, of | which the rays that are visible to our eyes comprise but one. Wrens Good Insect Eaters. The wren, according to A. A. Saun- ders of Norwalk, Conn., is a valuable and interesting bird. It has a cheerful song, and during the summer months it sings almost incessantly. Its food is largely iusects. A pair of wrens ing long June days gathering cater- feed their young. I have known them to visit the nest with insects on an average of three times in five minutes. The number. of insects destroyed by a pair of wrens and their young in a season is enormous.—Tree Talk. The Constitution. The constitution is either a superior paramount law. unchangeable by ordi- nary means, or it is on a level with ordinary legislative acts and, hike oth- er acts, is alterable when the legisla- ture shall be pleased to alter it. * * * Certainly all those who have framed written constitutions contemplate them as forming the fundamental and par- ernment must be that an act of the Jegislature repugnant to the constitu- tion is void.—Chief Justice John Mar- shall, Judging a Potato. A. good potato should be firm and crisp when cut, and a thin cross sec- tion when held between the eyes and the light should show a relatively uni- form distribution of starch throughout its whole area, as opposed to a large. translucent, watery central area, which denotes a lack of starch in this portion of the tuber. The even distributicn of starch insures greater uniformity in cooking and in texture of the flesh when cooked. » Useful Curtain Suggestion. for keeping papers pinned together will be found exceedingly useful for clip- ping up the curtains at ‘night. The advantage over pins in preventing cur- tains from blowing out the screenless windows at night is that the clipsleave no telltale holes. The National Hymn. “The Star-Spangled Banner” is hon- ored as the nations) alr not by act of 8 0f 1 ices, warcn prescribe that 1t colors and retreat | Drops of dew o faded flow- ers; so do kind we BE 3 { heart. in length, and arrange them in a scale . amount law of the nation, and conse-| quently the theory of every such gov-. The small metal office elips so handy | not neglected as the chestnut until it | lengths that have been measured—the,! will work from daylight to dark dur- | pillars and other harmful insects to || t 3: : the ladies that the angered emperor i i i § 2 | rid of i Demosthe i RESPECT YOUR PROMISES. Therefore Do Not Make Any Unless You Can Keer Them. Keep your promises, so don’t make any you can’t fill. Don’t make any in conflict with agreements, Neglecting the exact terms of a defi- nite promise is often a very serious thing. The keeping of promises in business transactions is the “sheet anchor’ in the establishing of credit among one’s business associates, The world of business places great value on promises. Not only in all business transactions, infected, and it Put in everyday life, the keeping of promises should be looked’ after with care. Whatever you do, keep your word. for the man who breaks his promises even in little things is sure to break them in the more important ones. It is a good plan when making a promise as to appointments to jot down in a memorandum book the man’s name, so that no mistakes can be made. It is a question of obligation that is uct canceled until it is paid. The man whoo promise or word can be relied upon is tle one whose intin ence ig farreaching in any community or in any business, Keep your promises. so don't maks any you can't fill.—New York Mail. MANNING A CANOE. The Bow Paddler Should Be Both Cocl Headed and Skillful. Contrary to the general notion about : the relative importance of those in a ca- noe’s manning, the bow paddler stands dist, Among Indian voyagers he is the captain of the crew. His will is law. Jot arbitrarily is a captain's power vested in the bow paddler. It is the o.tccme of experience, and the basis or it is skill. The advantage of a canoe is this, that, being lighter in d:u t than any other known craft, it ean be taken into very shallow water, And just bere, accompanying {his advantage, lies a danger which the bow man must be able by his skill to meet. It is his business to watch for and avoid obstacles—snags. “dead- heads,” slightly submerged tree trunks and shoals—and the last two are some- times very difficult to see before one is almost upon them. But a bow man must Le able to see them. Much is at ‘stake, life itself even. Especially in certain kinds of rapid running it is his trained eye for navi: gable water and his skilled band quick to guide the boat into it on which the safety of the crew gobeuds. —Outing. ; Father of the American Navy. A native bor Irishman that the members of his ruce are particularly proud of is Commod ore John Barry. the “Father of the American Nav v.” He was born in Wexford. ‘Ireland. in 1745. His father put bim on a mer- chant ship before he was twelve years old, and at fourteen he was employed on a ship sailing from Philadelphir He was a master of ships before he was twenty-one years old. When the Revolution began Barry was em- ployed by congress to fit for sea the ‘frat floet which sailed from Philadel- phn. Bayes tow. "which cantare “war vessel tal en by a regtitar cruiser. vourcand 4 ths luxing- ihe first British Bloc added ar the elaws ors aud mz ton’s Arg, a superior Beit'sh fleet in be landed ‘with his saii- a % and joined Washing- Metro: t Free I’ress. Keep to Left Is French Rule. French railway: retain oo eurious trace of their origin. Contrary’ to the Tule of tHe road. "Keep to the right.” observed in ood large ma jority of for- : ‘eign countries. trains in France have always kept to the left, as in England, ‘The pioneers of French railways were ‘Englishmen (Sir Edward Blount was “chairman of the Chemin de Fer du — HE Chicago Musical Arts Quartet will be here the last day of Chautauqua in two concerts. For their afternoon concert they sing selections vary- ing from classical to popular, and for their evening program they sing the opera “Martha” in costume. Carl Craven, tenor and manager of this com- pany, has been engaged by the American Symphony Orchestra to appear as a soloist with it on a concert tour next winter. ‘Nord until 1898); and nearly all the en. gine drivers were for many years of the same nationality. These men fol- lowed the rules of the road they had learned at home and passed them on to their French successors.—London ‘Chronicle, : An Unlucky Showman. Punch and Judy originated in China about 1,000 years before Christ. The Emperor Mir of the Chow dynasty was one day making a tour through the empire when an entertainer namod Yien Shi was brought into his pres- | ence to amuse the ladies of his court: ] During the performance the puppets | i cast such significant glances toward | ordered the originator of the ‘puppet’ play to. be executed.—London Answers. Wasting Food. Professor A, E. Taylor of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania declares one-third of the annual food production of ‘the United States is wasted by bad han- dling. He advocates food storage un- der interstate control as a means of checking the waste and maintaining price levels at reasonable heights, Didn't Kill Him. “Brown's wayward son has return- ” » “Did they kill the fatted calf?’ “No. That would have been murder, and, besides, he’s as skinny as a rail.” —Detroit Free Press. cm ——L reese —— Expert. Manager Yes. we have a vacancy in our financial H ave you had Vv exper © *T'm support ng a $10,000 ‘wife on $5,000 a year.”’—Life st way to get ‘rect olirselves,— The ret i The DeKoven Male Quartet the Chautauqua. The Chickasha Daily Express recently spoke of the DeKoven Quartet in this way: “If the opening number of the course given by the DeKoven Quartet to a large audience Friday evening is a fair sample of what is to fol- low the patrons of the course have a feast of fine things coming to them. The DeKovens are a decided success, presenting a program of pleasing variety which appeals to lovers of classic music as well as to those .who are fond of light entertainment. The qnartet is composed of Fred T. Johnston, first tenor; G. S. Pell, second tenor; Clifford A. Foote, first bass and reader, and W. G. Johnson, second bass. One of the magnificent numbers of the program was the solo. “The Prodigal Son,” sung by the latier. As a reader Mr. Foote made a pronounced hit, while the one act play in which all of the quartet par- ticipated was a scream from start to finish.” And the paper at Palestine, Ill, had this to say and said it: “The DeKoven Quartet gave the third number of the course. It is a mat- ter of fact that we have never seen a better satisfied audience. The feature was without doubt one of the best that have been given in this section of the country, and we doubt if there is anything in this line on the road that is better.” T: DeKoven Male Quartet will give two conceris here the first day of debt de fbb hk bh hhh hd dd bh hpi SPECIAL NOTICE TO CHAUTAUQUA BACKERS, 3 If you wish to see positive Fesulis from the Chautauqua, boost i The more men and wom the tent “ench day, the more minds will be at work along constructive .: lines for community betterment. Talk the SEASON ticket and talk it hard. Every person in munity ave one. It puts the cost down low and gives u he wl the WwW a Bi should day a full and represe entative audience. : THE CHAUTAUQUA CO of ofe of ole oe ole ole ole fe ojo cle oo ole sfocfonie of oh fe of os ole oo oe ole of the ’ ® dp deol oste ole ob fools heck bool
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers