» 44 . = > Sa ET eT F REIT aw _ = mes = * THE MEYERSDALE COMMERCIAL MEYERSDALE. PA } f smn i — i BRITISH NOVELIST TO Altha <n oni > 3 i“ ti : + for tour- i : . | iat ifmic «i 5 ia ios 1 2 ruel. TALK FOR ALLIES HERE || ist tie: i oo cud ent cones | | 1O00 Things For Boys To Do orale fiselr so wr zuineired nor ve : uf: Lio ig r a the | Farad thete. ho usaficrare 1000 Things That Boys Can Do pore fined to Corie dei Greco. Pol g i Pn i Err} ie : rai ing - - cots 1 In Guan thes is an. interesting 1000 y Med Boys Like To Do The featuie of the work. It is placed mu a | EY small bag of strong, raw linen togetuer | f : a with crushed pumice stone, and the bag | 2 is shaken in a special tube with a hole anic—\ Os s the Fa od : for drainage under a small column of | \CPOSS water. When the coral is well pumi- | (A sequel to, J containing nothing found in Volume i; = cated it is washed and passed into a rrible clean pe Insite ad of the pumice the | Yelostnedly the Greatest Boys’ Book Ever Published | so called imento” (red or white) is used, id +e former operation is re- clerk, d ihe former op 480 Pages : peated, first w.taout water, then with it his ps a little and finally with much water, 995 Illustrations HB ° Es when the coral has become brilliant. dying Th Ga £ s S k What: the “pulimento” is the inhabit- Published by 8 e eax A merican mokKe ants of Terro del Greco, while so proud Popular Mechanics Magazine FE 1 . . 4 and jealous of their industry, have all in line with hundreds of thousands of red- never taken the trouble to find out, as, It gives complete directions for bl d d k f ih d 1d U k indeed, what the “aqua ossigenata” a Dp : ecsuons Io QO ic smokers oi the gcod oi 5 S. A. Smo e Giyroren peroxides 5 wiih re od making all the things boys love ; : . . 3 : ; f s ils the cigarette tobacco that's been an American insti- to clings tho color oF the cocal, bik tc build and experiment with anhat- : 1 : ’ : ? 2 i tution for three generations—“Bull” Durham. The when extracted from the sea, to red. - SUCH AS: LTneat, rich, relichy, star-spancl-d taste of “Bull” Durham _ | As for the “pulimento,” it is not differ- I rR A ; i ic jewelers use i is old puts the national spiri of g~*-up-and-hustle into your rom hm i thi Ice Boats Indoor Games $ 3 3 ge. Ice Glid ick: pave hand-rolled cigarette. “’u:il” Durham is the freshest, Photo by American Press Association. : Serres A He yd then 'snappiest, Eri of SMEs, SIR GILBERT PARKER. Guarding the Bank of England. Camps Pushmobile face 0 Si 1 : a The Bank of Engiand is quite the Fishing Tackle Flymobile s re =r > SNe =r Gilbert, who gained fame ak best guarded institution in the world. Houses of Poles Ferris Whee, you? : knighthood by his novels of Canadian | burglar or bank thief has ever suc- Kites Sunlight Flasher to the A 3 life, is generally recozcnzad in Eng- ceeded In making It part with a penny Aerial Gliders Reed Furniture 0 ry land as one of the spckesmen for the RE I . 8 peril. Photographic ~~ Motion Picture i © p The great outer doors are so finely bal- Appliances Camer: ing has xt . Lloyd George policies. It is under-| 5,049 that a clerk can, by pressing a po Mer Conor 2 lone in SMOKING TOBACCO stood he is to do publicity work here | pron Yinder his desk instantly shirt 2 a ‘> for the allies by a series of lectures. them in the T: > fs Shey akin. : wn and hundr- of equaly inter “You— “Roll your own” with “Bull” Durham and you'll ne fos of AY Te hake (Size 10x7x1% Inches) est. wings. . . . . . 5 . ) & { find a far greater satisfaction in smoking your ciga- i rie] rehhie ce A g Sails e gy gi Al 4 A QIN openeil except by special machinery. CD TM Price 2. 00 . PREPAID rette than you ever did before. Ask for FREE Bi NLA out} In recesses near the doors ave hid- LOTH RIDING TO ANY ADDRESS : J packageof papers” &% adr den four guardians, who, without being {LR 4 wens hurry Ma de of the Hohe raild. with each Sc sack i i AE seen themselves, watch all visitors 4 = 50s DEPARTMENT meee ate er hE Pe 1d EW Al through mirrors. 1 POPULAR MECHANICS MAGAZINE 6 N. Michigan Ave.. Cl Fy lie Roum Ele orton gr AS - . gan Ave.. CHICAGO hs: has a delizn Fal mellow-sweet — a thin a 4 : wo of the aaa The British cruiser Laurentic of where the gold is stored. It has beer | === . : y - irse aft- ae : “| stated that the whole department is nO " 1p his cop “at Te Hs : 14,892 tons gros as been s bv a I when this sort of {at is used. A Bel- iehow 1 re ons gro has been sank y subwerged every night in several fee A FOSER FOR THE JUDGE i 2 rociDe ie as FAHpwH: Tia yoldn’t” submarine or as a result cf striking of whicr OY machinery. The. same ma rere i gian recipe is as follows: Throw all the 14 accord me icial stato: iter D) : Ly. S ie . fat left alter drawing the goose into sad, and 2 ming, aceord ng jo an ciiigial States, hin ty would be also set in action au- The Way the Accused Put the Case Up 12 wntar with a Ri x : ’ ment issued by the British admiralty. Es : : 8 h to the Court. old winter with a little salt as soon as the lazy Twelve officers and 109 men were tomatioally If at eny ume Qurng the Writiug of Polish temperament and the goose is Srawn. When the bird is 2 saved. ' The admiralty statement adds | 2d poe place were tampered with.— talent. sidney Whiten Ji “Things 3 Da17 doue ladic off some of the dripping : ate £ 1 nt, Sid { Er re 3 RAW a , L The that the vessel went down off the Irish Lond Globe. Remem ser’ has an amusing story of 2 bevore it bhiow ns or becomes strong and the best coast last Thursday. ToT ee al Dill daw arot® a 1, | 8 (nc roasting proceeds leave only n charge Botore bolas tnkon over by the Brit. ) Looked Like a Mistake. ne t | ous GW who Irate i etmgh dripping in. the pan to baste 1 ish admiral: gt Er : Ee of reser One of the hig eastern structural com- ehoini i Bake > is brought be for 14° | yeith. Next day put the dripping, with ing, Mr. dot he L Se tic pg in Yi on Hh panigs, having a contract to build a law rou 3 Tob selliy poison Wiihos the fresh fat, in a stewpan, with slices uns in a fay hi i tL gi Fon bc traveling crane above a coal handling in the le al eunctinaents bearing | of apple, and onion if approved. Add n disap- ree 43s 16 Si Hite 8 ar lang at a dock, decided to employ a iio. s. salt aud pepper. When done clear it 5 tL Font ae 5 OWIEE | surgbon to remain “on the job." The igi. e procecnel tO. reat | and strain i into a jar. Cover it and rd Har- y e gean Sieam Nav.gation €om- | pon gaq one was given a note which = the hr when the «ow sudden keep it in a cool place, . e ablest pany of Liverpool. i read, “Please hand this to the foreman | IL inteviiiiod Tid with the question. nn what did In an engtgement between Britisn | jy cHarge and tell him that you will ie ne, Presid. ut, Do you | >» hurried light naval forces and German torpedo boat destrcyers in the North sea, a look after any of the men who may be injured by falling from the work.” The understand au chemi als?” avout ying Russians Light Drinkers. The Russian realized perfectly well wrote a ANY bathroom equipments ot..cr- German destroyer was sunk and the | geetor without ado went out to the | “Mr. S. the expert, is here in thar the is He of the use of Youka wise perfect are marred by the other torpedo craft scattered, it was | plant. He looked up at the false work | capacity,” vepiicd the judge. on EA rs ni dead cer- : : : 3 officially auivunced in Lendon. hat wos being built in preparation for | “And oud. dr 8. quericd the Jew. Dot made Hie belied. disseminated by noisy action of the closet fittings and by The sinking of a British torpedC | the ¢rane, and it was so high that the | “do you understand anything abou: the books of dilettante travelers, that on office, the sound of the water in flushing and boat destroyer in another engagement | men on it looked like lilliputians. He | law?” NY en Russia asa hard driniss ie tare refilling. : -with German torpedo boat destroyers | thought of the possibilities if one of| “You huve just heard (rom his |, Far from it. Certain very cousid- ce’s win- alms and the user as well as to'those in adjoin- and forty-four of the crew, also was Fe a mistake. It should have | about Taw ) case address yourself to opines = hem the pee “et of’ from the ing Tooms. announced. addressed tir's letter to an undertaker.” the judge.” . Te : or or ic a the Ju re oF tue: t walked 4 7 Ci enyry oa An unidentified German vessel | —ArgZo.ul. “1 ask you, Mr. President, just to Ape; Su fertile IRIS RICHY splendent A “Standard” Design “N’’ noise- shelled the Suffclk coast of England. Ah sonsider the cose 1 ile orthodox.” who refiniund ior, Pyle ahh ] t consider 'the case for ome moment. | ciple. Many others as well did net in- less closet which is in thorough keepin; There were no casualties. t ~nd [Motion Pictures. Y he {ude : . SHAE ML sD pS MY 5 i i ea mee 3 ay = . ou fre the jude of the court and ad- | gyjpe, either fromm distaste or from tonight, with our scientific workmanship is the _ The heaviest fighting in progress As i » of entertainment. not in- | mit that you do not understand any- | conscientious scruples. In fact, sta- ber some a ; solution. 1 in any of the war areas is in the Riga | struct votion picture will preb- | thing about chemicals, and the expert Hath al aviten: Shows thar the Deatle ly it that “Standard” Design “'N'* Closct sector, where the Germans recently} ably evel tie lines of free. l tells us that he does not kuow any- | yf the Re empire consumed de- AE & CO took the offensive and drove back the | even faut roti. of melodr ama | thing about law. And I, a poor Jew, et ol hor ay inot. i | ) Re id Russians a mile and a half in the re, | and of Sm lee eget The Stave. | am expected to be familiar both with | copies i other Lurcpean coun ewels—by gion of the Great Tirul marsh, that | free (rom SH Bn autiug stil fig vee the law and with chemicals. Now. | tries.— Robert I. flake in Atlantic. you know ont Bs rd the way to Riga for forms o entertain te, Sui protais, Mr. President, I ask you how you ean ! to appear / erman forces. Eguiraie ore, ui HESS0U 96 | hogsibly convict me?” Lile Tos 1e famous Berlin announces that the attack i the spoken work, wine is to convey b - £ ™ Aitomalie 16.5, ———————— nt trang Three : 3 3g ate hai i Ha e practice of rupuiiag an automo- netted the Germans strong Russian | ideas and Hizmiuate character. on os IMR TLE AL TI = bile with the top up win it is not fe vas a positions on a front of about six miles, | creation of the cour .ete iy 0 FINDING THE ALTITUDE. fo Pop Ib a ts CUT YOUR BUTTER BILL with more han 1,700 prisoners and | redlity and onthe pictorial ait 0. 8 gue = [rosiod BE IUHE. meni 3 wn , then you thirteen machine guns painting. The movies and the spoieit | How Airmen Measure the Heights te Li oi aE = eT 9 i Be > > . die 30 Hntaodnisiie hy = Lapiaar Mach n-cs. Vien the wk ninine so- . Attempting agiin to advance over drama aie not so antagonistic ud Véhich They Ascend. [ Pi 4 fost dash Wh > told me Save about half your butter bill the frozen ground which has made the at st : ane LR ot ! Altimeters or barographs are used by | hen a juild Wo ii . i .we think, will prove to us tha real intors rien ita bein | sistance Is especially great. X piles ain Light- and get better results by using ci effort in this swampy region possible |; they sa il Re ie id Sl cul she to measur Wy 5 hs BO var ihmiel Toe a lis oo . Brits SR enustal 5 whic ey ascend. Both of these in- | _ .. it A aed ; BI ¢ Cc / the Teutonic army has sustained re as different as painting and sculpture. struments are constructed Saoil | asoline with the top rolled and ¢ v- anton Creamo verses, accoi ding to Petrograd. North- | Tou. Year Book. nents are IStrucied on exactly | ...q as compared with having the ton ck lighted Butterine 2 =z west ‘of the marsh they opened a i ° the same principle as the aneroid ba- up with the back closed Wien going ound more heavy artillery fire and attacked, but oo rometer. They depend upon air pres- | 5. a oi y l . e ille 1 s E t against the wi bis exir: S ©S- oner, while Rich in Butter Fats; Sweet, failed to maks Yond A Simi ; The Bull of Phalaris. sure. At sen level, where the air Is ~oait the Wind Uis eXita pull is om Whol N aile o make any headway. simi $ veo fe oY pecially heavy, and difficulty iu mak- ie Earl of holesome, Nutritious lar result met attacks between the | Ferillus of Athens'is said by the av- | much compressed by its own weight, Loo XX y [nu mdb r ol eT cient authorities to have invented for | ¢ e is about fiftee 3 ing a hard (iii L may often be relieved ort with a de in I 9 ; { the pressure is about fifteen pounds to , _ LE ; 4 an Not made a marsh and the river Aa, and here, in a | py 10 ic tant of Aerigent BC by lowering tie top. Careful regula- de. In his . wD, counter attack. the Russians dislodzed is, tyrant of agrigentum, 3, . | the square inch, but at greater heights | Ta 4 = dy Evelyn Packing House ; a z Sdinioce 570, a brazen bull. which opened on the | jt hecomes jess. The barometer is gov- | Hon Of the tob. using it only when ex 1ad a horse : $ yormant side to admit victims who were to be | arpeq by the pressure and so indicates Sentinal. wil be foynn to bo.a worth Churned fresh every day in The fighting extended to the south- | .oacted to death by the fire which was ! a S | while factor in reducing the gasoline hat time— rich, sweet cream. Goes from ®, BD 3 > 3 y S| the height above sea level. 2 ’ x : east of the river Aa near Kalnzem. | wyuilt underneath. The dyin oans of bill. 1d the Earl churn te user in odor and germ Tiers the Russians arto GLkine the ob : ying gr ‘| There are many forms of barometers. al bets mond neck 4 iB Suss , g the the sufferers closely resembled the Spoiled His Speech. hain Light- Such sounds -are an annoyance to roof package with eve gr ¥'s So *t. area aad 5.0 in the vicinity of Scuouven Bank, with the lors of three of three officers | « fensive, were caught in a counter at- tack and compelled to retife north- ward a third of a mile. fall to the dock, and he © foveinan: “I think the com- thel) shold “roaring of a maddened bull;” hence the name that was given to the invention. worship that I am au expert in chem icals. If you want to know anything The simplest is a bent tube of glass, shaped like a very long letter J and partly filled with mercury. The upper erable secticas of the population did not drink at all. Such were the Mo- “When I rose to speak it was so still in the hall you could have heard a pin: odds?’ in- : It is refreshing to know that later ou | hart is closed, and the space above the | drop.” Better than Butter for Everything In what appears to have been the | the populace rose against Phalaris and column of mercury is a vacuum. The “Yes?” stories of most important offensive movement | burned the tyrant in the bull that he ell, it hap- iticians be- Derby day. d the earl - ace. After- lyn"— \ 9? her racy old klace there- ; collar. POORBAUGH & BOWSER Population by Sex. About half the probable popnulaticn of the world has been enumerated with relation te sex. About 50.3 per cent male, 49.7 per cent female, is the re- sult of this count. Only in Europe. Ch.im of Prahova. No trave.er wuo bas visiled Rea mau.a returns without peaising the wonders of I'rullova. iicre, alte om has passed the heights of Predesi, iv a charming valley in the midst or Toi undertaken on the Franco-Belgian front in several weeks, French trench- es on a front of approximately a mile in the region of Hill 304, northwest of Verdun, were stormed by German troops, the Berlin war office an- nounces. A counter attack delivered by the French failed te drive out the Germ:on~. who during the operati: captur ‘b. ut 500 prisoners and t had made to be the cause of death to |0 many others. A Better Trade. *“1 understand young Briefless is about to marry the daughter of old Bonds. the millionaire?” “Yes, so I am told.” “Will he give up the law business?” “Yes. He will give up the law busi lower or hook end of the tube is open and subject to the pressure of the at- mosphere. As the pressure becomes less on rising above the surface, the mercury in the long part of the tube falls. The extent of the fall indicates the height. Airplanes use one of these instru- ments mentioned, which are practically self registering barometers, and when the airplane comes down the instru- “Well, I stood there for a moment looking out over the audience and fram- ing my first sentence, and I am sure that I should have been able to get along all right, but just before I had got ready to utter my first word some fool in the back end of the hall yelled, “Leuder!” Reckiess Disregard. “The law of supply and demand,” wn in Eng- among continents, do the females out- 2 of great rocks and spotiing wa ag, Bune ; hid ness and go into the son-in-law busi | ment shows how high it has been car- | sald the economist, “1s as inexorable as ve it is con- number the males. the proportion be- | ters. The andscape evokes recollec e, aris Account of the orma. ness. 2 HISAR ried.—Philadelphia Press. the law of gravitation. » of jewelry ng: Female. 50.8 per cent; male, 49.4 | ious of Switeriand, with architecture | OFeDsive repcrts. it launched along : —_— You can’t always enforce either ot lity, whose per cent. In most parts of the world | (hag recalls the orient. Azuga, Bustena rather wide iront, the attacks being Court Plaster, Leoking It Up. them. The law of gravitation: doesn’t y were be- of which we have information the re- | ure seated on the Lauk ioe = tumuli delivered at four points between Ave You can make court plaster at hor. He was that type of genteel beggar | Prevent people from getting up in the Pittsburgh verse is true. The percentage of males otis icon Farther away is Siuuia. The court wcod on the extreme left ol by spreading clean silk with a prepa | that “puts up a frent,” as the fellows | 8ir these days.” —Washingten Star. in British India is 509; in the’ tribu- | ourt aud the Roumunian aristocracy | (p@ French lines about Verdun, and:| ration made by dissolving one part 6: | ggy. His face had more tears in it : ar?’ mused tary states, 51.7; in Japan, 50.5. In |} .ce built in this delightful foo Dead Man Hl, a. distance of morc | isinglass in ten parts of water an: | than a cemetery, and he was just get At It Night and Day. Evelyn was the United States by the last census BE a hs e vl 3 a vor than three and one-half miles, says | afterward straining it through muslin | 50 ready to tell his down and outer’s, “My daughter is a wonder at the t Lord Har- there were 106 males to 100 females. | |u ue hotels. All that made life a. | (hat the attacks were repulsed, except | Add two parts of tincture of benzoid | tale when the man at the desk reached | plano,” said the proud father. ed Paddock, iship favors 1 moment in . necklace of one thing to ‘Wall droop- + Manhattan ed with joy- he tell Mr. wait. ~& hom r Coming the divisions of native, foreign, etc., being as follows: Native white of na- tive parentage, 104 males, 100 females; native white of foreign parentage, 99.5 males, 100 females; foreign white, 129.2 males, 100 females; negro, 98.9 males, 100 females; all. other, 185 males, 100 females.—New York Times. Adjustable Mathematics. “Figures prove’ -— began the statis- tical expert. “Wait a minute,” interrupted Senator Sorghum. “You tell me what question you are discussing and which side of Bukharest “is taken by summer so journers to the shadows offered by Prahova aud its sweet freshness Near Sinaia the valley widens and Campina appears, the chief city of the coal lands and of the salt mines. Ani mals that are at liberty assemble about a block of salt to lick it, for salt, like petroleum, is everywhere. Ambiguous. When Bilkins was away from home on a long business trip he got a letter from bis wife that still puzzles him. it ended thus; that the Germans penetrated advanced trenches near Hil! 304. The German statement mentions the fighting fin the other sectors cf this attack as “enterprices on Dead Man Hill and northwest of Avocourt,” which “brought the desired result.” The number of prisoners taken in Rumania has reached near 200,000 says the Overseas News agency. Dis- persed scldiers who had hidden in/the forests and villages and who hal taken off thir u»'’'arms ure reappear ing, the agen-y adds. Many still are in hiding. —New York Telegram. Easy Marks. “This world would te a pleasanter place if there were not so many fools: in it.” . “Yes, but it would be more difficult to make a living.” —-Boston 'Cranseript Her Predicament. “When in doubt plav a trump.” “The trot’ le ts 1 in doubt most of the toe And I s'dom get more than four o- tive trurans "Louisville Cour fer-Journal. into a drawer and brought forth a dic- tionary, placing it itn fromt of the ap- pealing one.: “What do you want—sympathy?’ the man at the desk asked. “Yes, sympathy,” was the half sob- bed reply. “Look in 8 for it. other day.” The sympathy chaser grunted auu headed for the door. He wasn’t look- ing for work, just sympathy—in the form of a plece of loose change.—In- dianapolis News. I saw K there the “That's so, for wonders never cease,” said the man who occupied the adjoining flat. —Boston Transcript. Powerful Mind, “So Stubkins has a mind of his own?’ “I should say he has. And you ought to tee her nse it.” Chicago Herald. Not Saige. “Shall 1 lend him $2007" “I don’t believe 1 would. He's one of those chaps that never lets anything * worry him.”--Detroit Free Press. A Health Crank. E we: ly : i Lieutenant Goorge Guynemer, {th ttre ‘ Goose Fat “ERS . upg Bp tao it you are on and I'll tell you without “Baby is well and lots brighter than | prench avirior, by bringing an a'r “Honor thy fither and thy mother” | Goose fat makes excellent pastry that Have you any nice cocoanuts? 5, BB the trouble of going through the caicu- | ghe used to be. Hoping that you are | plane down on the Somme front, de. | stands Writ'ey ame the thre- laws of | ig absolutely free from any flavor of | Lc mum. Here's one full of milk.” lation just about what your figures are | the same, I remain, your loving wife.” stroyed his twenty-eighth- machine. most revere iighteousness. Aeschy ! the bird or of the onion stuffing. The “But is it sterilized?” -- Boston Tran- going to prove.”—Washington Star. + —Manchester Union. Be a lus. | i "aotry ‘rus out light and “short” script.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers