ii By bo of : i January 8 to 29. RED FREE PARCEL POST DELIVERY LE D-WINTER "TER SALE. | THE WOMEN S STORE. Our FOURTH MID-WINTER CLEARANCE SALE. have been waiting for. Fall and Wint for the new Spring goods that are comi January 8 to 29. MAIL ORDERS FILLED IN ORDER RECEIVED This is the sale that you er stocks must be cleaned out to make room ng in. Come in early, and buy while the Three Me 18 13TH artley ¢ 3 ERT TY f saan : : . ° ° - A - Family, assortments are good. Three weeks of fast and furious selling--Prices disregarded. Pamir: . . , boat Ac WINTER DRESS COODS; | Ladies Smuts: | DRESSES sows Plain serges, 36 inch, staple colors, regular 50c. value,42c Our entire line of Ladies’ Suits have been separated ONE-FOURTH OFF. : disaster in French serges, 36 inch, ‘black, navy, brown, regular 50c. into only three lots. Every one of these garments is abso- $ 6.00 All Wool Serge Dresses, blue and brown, $ 4.50 burg, W. value, PRIeRL ip ures : it, +... 4% lutely THIS SEASONS STYLE, positively not an old suit $ 7.50 Poplin Dresses, silk and cotton, for street $ 5.63 last week, Wool whipcords,, 36 inch, regular 50c. vale’ 0g. . ..42¢ in thiglot., .. _° .¢ : $11.50 Crepe de Chine Afton. dress, Ac. skirt $8.63 former Tes Sere, all wool, 52 inch. regular $1.00 vale 5 op. 0 - .Tbe SUITS, marked $11.50 to $12.50, in black, brown, blue $12.00 Taffeta Dress with striped taffeta skirt $ 9.00 known in anish Poplar Cloth, plain or fancy, 36. inch, regular “| and green Serges, Whipcords, Gabardines and Fancy :$16.50 . Plaid Silk and Navy Combination dress $12.38 relatives 0 25¢. HU Bel rs tp eg ee an EH b...719e. St Suitings, n full line of sizes from 13 to 44, nearly all plain . $18.00 ° ‘Charmeuse Dress wih wing skirt Aft’on. $13.50 The list Wool Gabardine, 40 in. in all shades, 2 regular $1.00 ‘| “ailored, this lot at only © ; a TT $23.50 Soft Taffeta, with Ac. pleated skirt . . . .$17.63 the names yalue ne ISL in i antl a BDC + SUITS, marked $18 to $23.50, including our line of large $25.00 - Soft Taffeta in Roman sripes, Ac. skirt $18.75 litzell, sr.; Sponged :and; Shrunk Serge, 44 inch, in red dnd blagk' ~~ ['“'Sized suits up to 45, infvelvet or fur trimmed, plain or +. This includes any Girl’s-Coat in the Store in Misses, Jun- litzell, jr., 7Bc VANE ~~ [SAR IW IEG vases Ven aa .69c’ ° |'"I’belted models, Beautifully made and e egaiily tailored, . ior, Children’sorinfant’s sizes. Pei i litzell, all torm Serge, heavy, 44 inch, in red only; 75c. value . .50c ’ "I" © this;lo at only = = ° OF. Cha. $12.75 F=% 0 SESW 2 ye Bog Ursina Plaid Suitings, all wool, 36 inch. wide, 50c value .340c.”' |i SITS, strictly high class garments in gpbardines, serges, : a ar ot 8 ; there is & ‘Wool Batiste, all colors, regular 50¢svalue .. .... 40c “broadcloth, tweeds and fancy suitings, in the .season’s 1 ip LL Ri 2g : zell, sr. be ‘Wool Suitings, in tan only, 36 inch; “regularis0c val-., | best shades, every suit right up to the ininute. Marked DOMESTICS ¢ usp «4... i When W. ‘ie Cy I RE OB “1 f¥eph $25 to $28.80, id ee rae 311.75 DRESS GINGHAMS 8 2h 4 7a gl f, he went’. Brocaded Cordurqy Suitings, in navy only, regular $1.00 NLY THREE PRICES ON LADIES’ {EQATS, teo. The 10c DR DRE 3S GINGH AMS slat als rie wo? di ported Tat: value Re i .50¢c assortments here are especially good. 2 8 Ta} nd 12 1-2c PERC ALES LIGHT OR DARKS! "Sh 100 i | killed by Corduroy Suitings, 29 inch, in red and rBwi.of1y, 1:00 +4 | . COATSmarked from $12.50 to $15.50] hestly: all Prints go 12 1-2¢ RE i Sat ALL, Be; By big railr i value i'm Sted i. J ak 0 woes! é ss models, in sizes 18 to 42, nicely ailored, now $8.78 1.7 Lnbe Cotton Twill Toweling .. -._- *iw delve alriise il They und * LADIES’ | a re | Ee a hoon’ 16e BLEACHED LINEN TOWELING Halt Ee ! boi . LADIES! WAISTS. OATS marked fro $17.50 to $24.50; in b¢r sehson’s Sh A EE ACHED MUSLIN 36 tt: s.r 7 re A : Entire Line of Waists, in Silk, ailored or lingerie newest materials and shades, sizes from 16 o 40, $77 8c FU 13 MUSLIN, 36 > n he Pe %* 9c i ington, D. HoT . ONE-FOURTH OFF. EE eT TIRE 7812.75 IL Ne ne tnra A i | Ww. L. I : _ CHILDREN’S COATS. t, § COATSmarked py S250 to $27.50, beautiful gar- 23 « FILLOY, EN COR pate ara cy 1.20 & W. I Hc 3.2530 oa = - 3169 | me TS Guiles and zibelinesinow . $17.75 1 Sc BLEACHED LINEN!TOWELING .. .. .. He JI | and anotl $3.35 COATS ..$2.44 LOF~-Of 20 SUITS carried over from last season, marked 5 UNBLEA CHED MUSLIN 36 a WIDE ry toate called .. $500 Oa - 32.0 fgom $10. to $3200; waeullont materials but justis_ lis SC ON ACHED SHEETING 9-24 ..fus A... -4-.2le Il 1 ff 1870, an $7.50 COATS .. ..$5.63 Ae DIES in the lot at = "on. .. $5.00 AC CURTAIN Serims Rh LE § Brooks, | $10.00 COATS .. .. .. .$7.50"° AR F 17.L ER S’ COATS carrieédiover from last sea- 20¢ CURTAIN SCRIMS "FIGURED gE 12 1-26 : bh of the 'I $12.00 COATS .. .. .. $9.00 n, niarked frém $10 to $35. Any coat at .. .. ..$7.50 a pl ea ee KR Pittabute RES : a r ! as ’ $, FL SUR { ed on RAINCOATS. EVERY GARMENT LISTED AB( a RR ir oh Any Lady’s, Miss’s or Girl’s Raincoa in stock at: “GUARANTEED TO BE THIS SEASON'S Entire Ling of Afternoon and Street, Dresses at... f They lef ONE-FOURTH OFF 3 ye STYLE. . / 1 to Coloh $5.00 COATS at $3.75 -———$7.50 COATS a $5.63 : Coal 2 A ay ————— % 4 PT - re wn - 3 7 PEAT RIG, farm ag <td « : Ey : 3 2 16 years rd vw 3 vq 1 : 2. / Known & Meyersdale Pa, HH] A R I'l E VY Cl. UT] O N C O THE WOMENS STORE. Trains, : : 2 : 3X ® iy i > il set Cou gd “ 7 5 3 § = Ne Q af. li : : ei ¥ . ain : / Tree NE ing stéc | SERRE SRE SESE SHAE E ARNG AY 05 FU U5 U5 16 46 666 6 6 6 UR UF AR UR UR UR UR U6 U6 OF UR UR UF AR UR UR UR UR 4 | 1% Jt ' h o the he ag x a x i Fo No vi :: : UE | Ns } go fouad a ~~ We propose to sell all winter bf + | <3 vr l11e-| We take our medicine, you get the Bargains. - | Goods at a tremendous Reduc "Ct i Ru fart swe 14. tion during this Red-Letter Sale, giving yoU 8(15 and 1.2 oft. childrens suits and some lines Teal opportunity to save money. You see we can | change the price but the quality remains the same. give during the on all: mens, boys and PA eC mmm— “5 STILL GREATER REDUCTION 4 MEN'S SUITS LATEST STYLES. Suits Red Letter Price .. $ 6.00 Suits, Red Letter Price .. ..$ 7.50 Suits Red Leter Price .. ..$ 9.00 Suis, Red Letter Price .. $ 9.00 Suits Red Letter Price ..$15.00 1-3 off young men’s suits, age 16 to 20 $ 6.00 Suit Red Letter Price... .. . .$ 4.00 $ 9.00 Suit Red Letter Price .. . .$ 6.00 $12.00 Suit Red Letter Price .. ..$ 8.00 1-4 off Knee Pants Suits $ 2.00 Suit Red Letter Price .. $ 3.00Suit Red Letter Price .. $ 4.00 Suit Red Letter Price . $ 5.00 Suit Red Letter Price .. $6.00 Suit Red Letter Price .._ $ 8.00 $10.00 $12.00 $12.00 $20.00 ..$ 1.50 3235 ..$ 3.00 ..$ 3.75 ..$ 4.00 1 lot about 50 “ Men’s and Young Men’s Suits but only one or two of a king. We will close them out at 1-2 price. $ 8.00 Suits goat only .. .. .. ..$ 4.00 $10.00 Suits go at only .. . ...+$ 5.00 $15.00 Suits goat only .. .. ... .$ 7.50 $20.00 Suits goat only .. .. .. ..$10.00 LOOK OUT BOYS 216 good double breast gray knee pants Suits, age 13 to 16, rgular price $4.00 to $8.00, most $5.00 and $5.50. HOLD YOUR BREATH-—Your choice for only $2.00 1-3 off Men’s, Boys and Child’s overcoats. 2 $ 3.00 Boys’ overcoasonly .. .. ..$ 2.0 $ 4.50 Boys’ overcoats only .. ..$ 3.00 $ 6.00 Boys overcoats only .. ..$ 4.00 $ 8.00 Men’s overcoats only .. ..$ 5.33 $10.00 Men’s overcoas only . $ 6.66 $12.00 Men’s overcoats only . $ 8.00 $15.00 Men’s overcoat only $10.00 One lot Boys and Children’s : overcoats 1-2 Price. $1.50 Boys’ Sweater WHY DO WE SACRIFICE? JUST ' BE- CAUSE.WE HAVE TOO MANY HATS. Winter Caps or av ..1-3 off Fur Caps and Fur Gloves .. ., ,.1-4 off Meén’s Wool Shirts and drawers an dUnion Suits Red Letter Price .. .. .. ..1-4 off $1.00 Union Suit Red Letter Price .. .75 $2.00 Union Suit Red Letter Price ..$1.50 All Cotton Underwear ..1-4 off 50 fleece lined shirts and drawers .. .35 $1.00 Men’s Sweaers .. JB $1.50 Men’s Sweaer :.. Yio $3.00 Men’s Sweater .: $2.25 $6.00 Men’s Sweater . $4.50 .50 Boys’ Sweater i! 35 $1.00 Boys’ Sweater 1b 31.12 “OUR LOSS YOUR GAIN. LOOK THEM over f PIE 3 Pe 1 lot Derby and soft hats, $1.60 to $2.00, Red LetterPrige only $1.00. : : 1 lot $2.50 Hats Red Letter Price $1.50 . 1 lot/$3.00 Hats Red Letter Prices $2.00 1-4 off all work coats : ! i-4 off all : wain anate OiL LALIE CWS 1-4 off all wool top shirts » 1-4 off all Bove’ Knee Pants 1 lot 25¢ dress Half Hose to close out 15¢ 1, lot dress Shirts to close out 1-3 off Will give you during this Red Letter Sale 10 PER CENT OFF on all Furnishing Goods, such as Shirts, Dress Gloves, “Ties eling Bags, Room Size Rugs Ec. Dress Caps; Also Trunks, Suit Cases, Trav-. 3 3 i FH You get more thanyour money's Worth No difference What you buy. Come in; See for yourself. Salewill last HARTLEY AND BALDWIN from Jan. 8-2
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