i PRR EETING OF BORO DADS "The Usual Amount of Busi- ness Transacted at Its Regular Meeting. “Council met in regular session in «wz onneil chamber on Tuesday evening. he following members were present: .Z Banman, Darnley, Weakland, Appel, + 7D¥a, and Deal. Absent—Bolden. “The minutes of the November meet- mg were read and approved. +Mr. Bowser was present and re- = -gmested that council put a crossing immesy his property, corner of Lincoln -szmnd Chestnut streets. “Mr. Gurley was present in regard. to & license for the picture show. ‘He abated that the manager of the Bijou “nad absconded and that the theatre ~ «mwounld be under a new management. On motion the license was transferred oid Mr. Gurley, proprietor of the Pas- “Mime theatre. ’ Beal and Klingaman reported that they had completed the Main street paving job. The street committee approved the work. FINANCIAL REPORT. Active Fund... .........coiisuniees $1271 23 Sinking Fund.......................... 3122 95 Scale receipts from April 26, to Nov. 14th.................. 8 55 WATER AND LIGHT COMMITTEE. Mr. Daanley stated that lights are needed at the bridges of the W. M. R. R. Co. BURGESS REPORT. Burgess Reich’s report was read. The report was received and plaeed on file. Balance due on fines Nov. 1...§ 118 00 Fines for November............... 19 00 The following bills were read: Meyersdale light...... arsine sass $ 625 25 Sand Spring Water Co............ 500 00 Meyersdale Planing Mill......... 6 60 Somerset Telephone Co.......... 6 60 Secretary salary, postage etc.. P. J. Cover & Son J. J. Hammers........c.u2uere ives . ‘Mr, Fike appeared in the interest ~<0of the Meyersdale Light, Heat and ower company. © Swany chances: to the series system as ==gpecified in the contract, the company #ibe granted an extension of two years | C. Saylor..... Nie om contract and at the end of that |J.'D. Saylor.......... if lights are satisfactory to J. Austin........ ic... “Hime, majority of council the company be’ JO. Willer... ..o.. his extension tO | V. GFess .........ccooceors iorrieoee BenSperry........... L.080000 Fred Hare........... Luu zgranted an additional ~ailow contract to expire with fran-| ~chise. Carried. i 0.:8aylor...... oni AL 18 70 J. D.iSaylor......c......i openers 17 60 dAAustim. eS, 17 60 J. OQ." Weller..............0c0... 00 24 00 HE. E. Klingaman...} ........ ..."" 15. 89 Fred Hare ...>. 5... “ 'B. J. “Lyneh A rr iaeRRER, Beal & Klingaman B. Jolhiynich.........., 0.0... J. J. Hammers... 26 47 All bills were ordered paid except the Light bill, Sand Spring Water Co., and Meyersdale Planing Mill. COMMUNICATIONS. The secretary was instructed to render bill to the Meyersdale Fair Association for $8.00 for extra police service during Fair week. The secretary was instructed to render bil to C. P. Meyers, adminis- trator of the Meyers estate for pro rata of the concrete culvert on Key- stone street. The street committee was instruct- ed to measure the new wvortion of Main street paving and assess the property owners according to law. The contractors are ordered paid $1,026.51 out of the sinking fund. Ordinance relating to’ shows, exhi- bition privileges, amusements, etc., was read. The secretary was in- structed to forward the ordinance to the solicitor for completion and to be present at the adjourned meeting. The street committee examined the race and Mr. Lynch made a profile of a proposed sewer in the old mill race, 780 feet in length. It was degided to put tile in the cld mill race in front of H. E. Bauman’s property. The purchasing committee was in- structed to purchase chairs for coun- cil chamber. At midnight council adjourned to meet in special session on Monday evening. re fee in ——— New Boiled cider, at ad Habel & Phillips. ' 6 1bs., oatmeal for 25 cents, at | Bittner’s Grocery. ad | QUICK LUNCH When the children come in from school they want some- thing nourishing. A Nice Bowl of Soup, or a Dish. of Baked Beans, easy to prepare and sat- isfies; Butter is high; Peanut Butter isa good substitute, but for good solid food; Navy Beans, 4 1-2 1b. for 25¢; Lima Beans, 3 1-2 lb. for 25c¢; Saur Kraut, 10¢c per can; 10 1b. Choice Buckwheat Flour, 34c; Hams 21c per 1b.; Flour $1.50 per large sack. We also have a nice line of Driving Gloves 50c to $1.00 per pair; Boys’ Gloves, 25¢ & 50c; Overalls and Jumpers, Star Brand; Cord Pants and Wool Pants; Wool Socks 25¢ per pair; Knit Gloves Ra Ladies and Mens hose 10c and up. Oyster Shells 85¢c per hundred. Corn, Peas, Beans & Tomatoes Special prices on by the case. Trading stamps. BIDDLE'S, Ursina, | JOIN THE IVIORRISON (CLUB PRICE $485. PRICE $287.50 100 Player Pianos Fine Instruments—Sweet Tone—Beautiful Cases —And Guaranteed ‘to Give Satisfaction. 100 New Upright Pianos Splendid Instraments in Every Way. Please You. Special Discount for Cash. TERMS $2.50 per week. Guaranteed to TERMS $1.50 per week. "FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS FOR BACKACHE KIDNEYS AND BLADDER In Every Department. WE MUST MOVE GOODS At Once! 2 Reasons: : . Warm W.ather. Preparing for Holidays CRETE ET, Tremendous 10 Day Sacrifice cf F~ll and Winter Clothing! Many Goods at the Face Cost of Manufacture. warm weather. prices up very heavily. To Be Frank With You-- the sale of heavy goods has been slack this season. due entirely to the Being very optimistic for a large Fall business, we stocked The weather man was against us and with the holiday season coming on we must sacrifice a portion of our stock at ridiculous Don't fail to prepare for cold weather that will surely come. the bargains now and get double values. Men’s Fleeced Underwear, 39c. Ladies’ Hats About Half. Your Fall saving of $5.00. Suit Can be bought at an average Sale Lasts 10 Nov. 28 to Dee. 8. Days Only! DON’T are full of many more. 20 o f+ These are the leaders and our racks $10 0 Suits for $ g 50 15.0 9 50 14 50 Men’s and Boys’ $10 00 Overcoa 15 00 , 18 00 $20 ** big saving. Overcoats at a ts for $ 6 50 ks 9 50 ss 1450 Men’s Work Shoes, $1.87 up. A lot Bovs’ att alf Oveicoats Price. Ladies wanting new Coats and Suits CAN SAVE NOW! 50 ed Coats for $ 6 75 15 00 ‘6 ‘‘ $18 00, $20 00 and $25 00 Suits Children’s Winter Coats, WAIT UNTIL JANUARY. 10 50 16 50 For $13.50 All late styles. $1.98 up. Men. Big Reductio oth i dil i Style $3.00 Hats, $2.50 and $1.90 $2.00 Hats for $1.45 CAPS 19¢, 39c, 48, 98c. ns in Shoes For the Whole Family. cater (Coats FOR EVERYBODY. $4 00 Shoes 3 50 “ 3 00 2 50 ¥ 2 00 2 Big Line Fur Caps 150 > 100 " Men’s 75¢ Flannel Shirts, Men’s $1.50 Flannel Shirts, Men’s $2.50 and $3.00 Flan- nel Shirts $1.95 Men’s Dress Shirts. . 45 and 95¢ Best quality and new styles th 50¢ and 75¢..... 39¢c O ones for... 7... $1 45 0 ones for........ 225 0 ones for.%....... 29 Wor for $3 45 $2 0 2 90 30 2 45 40 195 165 125 85¢ 45¢ 95¢ DRY GOODS BARGAINS Blankets, 48c up. Calicoes Ginghams Muslin Outings Canton Flannel Comforts, 75c up. Buy : If you are inte Instrument of any to write to us. “HORRINON 131 Baltimore St, Y.M. C. A. Building, 100 Victor Victrolas On Extremely Easy Payments—at the Cash Price. (Cumberland’s Big Piano House.) rested in a Musical kind. it will pay you MONIC (0. Ciiherland, 1. SALISBURY OVERFLOW. Harry and John Walker, sons of ¥ | Mrs. Martha Walker, are down with & [typhoid fever. : Mrs. Albert Reitz, and ber sister-in- law, Miss Elizale I» Reitz, spent Thanksgiving Day with itriends at Johnstown. Mrs. Harry Bepler, and daughter Nellie spent several days last week in town, the guests of the former’s mother, Mrs. Mary Newman, of (Gay street. "| Joseph Wagner, Sr., our newly i elected street commissioner, has been doing some work on the B streets by way of cleaning. ditches. D. M. Rodamer, of Spokane, Wash- f | ington, is visiting his parents, Mr. f | and Mrs. Henry Rodamer, at West i | Salisbury. 4 | James Harding, operator of the ll | Fairview mines, spent several days i | of the past week at Johnstown. y Our old friend and college chum, | “Link” Folk, of Niyerton, was ia ll town on Saturday doing some shop- ping. y | In spite of the drizzling weather on | Thanksgiving Day, a goodly num- | ber of people attended the Thanks- | | giving services at the Brethren | | | church. Mrs. Joseph Shaw, was on the sick | | | Hist last week, but is convalescing. ® | Mrs. Lorena Reitz, moved from the | Wm. Smith § | Barchus property on Ord street, one {day last week Miss Gladys Kimmel. entertained # | a few girl friends at a candy party Fi | on Wednesday evening. Those pres- i4 | ent were, Misses Elizabeth Johnston, {| Romaine Deitz,. Irene and Martha Reiber, Mary Reitz, Ola Wagner and Dessie Swartswelder. Alpert Kendall, of Akron, Ohio, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Kendall, on Grant street. - Mrs. Adam Fogle, is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. J.J. Bender and family, at Grants- ville, Md. On account of a broken belt at the power house of the local light company at Boynton, our town was left in the dark on Sunday and Monday night, but on Tuesday morn- ing, the trouble was remedied and the light service resumed. Miss Myra Lichliter spent week at Somerset and Johnstown. A full house greeted the second entertainment of the Salsbury Lec- | ture se om Wednesday evening House, by hers’ Quartette, Upera x. Brot z Brot property to the J. L.| last | the | Household Notes. er, waist larger, fewer and softer. | of patent leather. for afternoon wear. tiny diamonds. Ye MARKET REPORT. Smith. PAYING PRICE. | Butter, per pound..................r. 30-32¢ | Eggs, perdoz............0........ roves 28-30¢ | Chickens, per pound....................12¢ | Country Side, per pound............ 14-16e { Apple butter, per zal..................... 65¢ | Shoulder, per pourd.....n.. li... 14¢ {Ham ...................... NL, 18¢ Corrected weekly by Becker & Streng. SELLING PRICE. Corn, per bus................ oa bias, 95¢ OatBy ld nit ah ania 56¢ Wheat, per bus......i......con...o.n. $1 05 Wheat chop, per cwt Corn and oats, per cwt. home 17 Flour, ‘Best on Record’’ per bbl. 5 65 ‘King of Minnesota’’ 60 per cent patent, per barrel.................. 6 25 ————— eee. As long as the present stock of goods graphs at one half the regular price, the same rate. goods to be strictly first class and up-to-date. * E. E. Conrad. ad eee etree arenes For SALE—Photographs of Werner Family Reunion held at Riverside | Park, August 30th, 4 feet long, 8 | inches wide. Pletchers Stndio, | ad Somerset, Pa. CEI LA, Beautiful china pieces for Christ at Habel & Phillips. | mas presents, ¥ —_— - Ni Inthe new corsets, the bust is lot = but the blouses are The slipper most preferred for after- | noon wear'is the Colonial pump, made The two-button length glace gloves. in the various shades are very smart There is a wateh ‘bracelet with the bracelet of | grosgrain ribbon and ap-' pliqued watch entirely encrusted in Osakis Flour $1.35 per large sack, at Habel - & Phillips. ad Corrected weekly by McKenzie & last, we will make photo- All portrait frames will also go at We guarantee all Don’t forget the Hydrex Demon- 1 stration at Bittner’s Grocery, Friday and Saturday. ad 3 Salis mors Quin made Mr Mr. Gree parer ola « follo bert, Andr most Cla Kenz a ye mont ing, in-th and I has b
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