3 ng ry ch dy j &» Heal emi r TRA Sl ® ~u fts 1S. 1s 1es - ers é ely : ver red ree SE€~ 5¢, 0 es 5¢C 6¢ TPERSONAL AND LOCAL HAPPENINGS Items Pertaining to the Town in General and Prepared for the Readers By Our Busy Staff. w_ J. M. Gnagey, spent Trurelay last in Somerset. Miss Mary Foley, Spottt Friday last with friends in Cumberland, Md. Rev. Father Brady, spent Thanks- giving Day with friends in Connells- : yille. Mrs. John Albright, spent Thurs- day last with relatives at Sand Patch. i Miss ‘Grace Beal, of Sand Patch, wasa Saturday visitor here with rel- atives. Mrs. J. H, Black, of the South Side is visiting ‘relatives and friends in Canada, Oharles Damico, was a business vis- itor in Baltimore, Md., a few days last week. 4 Miss Evelyn eas, spent ‘Friday and Saturday with friends ab Fred- erick, Md. H Misses ids Pfghler, and Elizabeth! Payne spent: Sunday with friends at Hyndman. j, ’ Murs. Edward Loraditeh, of Poeca- hontas, was a "Tuesday visitor here with friends. —John Wermer of near Riverside Park has advanced his subscription for another year. Mrs. Bruce Lichty, is spending the week with relatives and friends in Covmberland, Md. Miss Ada Mitchell, spent a few days of last week with relatives and « friends at Dunbar. Miss Flerence Johnson, of Wind- ber, was the guest of Miss Ida Pfahler, a few days last week. John Garrity, of Pittsburgh, was a guest at the home of Mrs. Mary Yeaer, the past week. Ou Saturday evening while Ira Shuck, of Vim, was in town he ad- wanced ‘his subscription. Miss Mary Connors, of Youngstown, Ohio, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Mary Lynch, of Olinger street. Misses Nellie Weimer and Mary Hoffmeyer, are spending the week . with friends at Jenner, Pa. Mrs. Pearle Hay, of Berlin, spent Thanksgiving Day here with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Poorbaugh. - Messrs. John Darrah, and Xarl Winter, have returned home from a visit with friends at St. Louis. : Mr. .and Mrs. J. H. Bowman, visited relatives and friends in Pitts- urgh, several days last week, Miss Edna Craton, left Sunday on No. 15. for a week’s visit with rela- tives and friends in Pittsburgh. Miss Clara Stacer, who had heen in Cumberland, Md., for some time, returned home Tuesday afternoon. Miss Evelyn Leckemby, spent sev- eral days of the past week with relatives and friends at Johnstown. Miss Agnes Kattan, of Latrobe, was the guest of her sister, Miss Kathryn Kattan, several days last week. Mr. William Hittie, and daughter, Miss Minnie spent the past week visiting relatives and friends at Fair Hope. | Mrs. Florence Turner, of New York, arrived here last week, to spend some time with her father, Mr. B. ¥. Smith. Miss Kathrym Meyers, left Tuesday for Grove City, where she will spend a few weeks with relatives and friends. Misses Sara Geibart and Vira Boger, returned home Sunday from a visit with relatives and friends at Somerset. Miss Florence Fullem, returned home Friday evening from a week’s visit with relatives and friends at Somerset. Miss Corine Derry, of Salisbury, spent Thanksgiving Day here with her friend, Miss Mary Livengood, of ~ Broadway. Mrs. Sara Watson, of Frostburg, Md., spent a few days of the past week here with her friend, Mrs. James Wilson. Mrs. Wm. H. Merrbaeh; ‘and son Conrad left Tuesday to spend a few gore with relatives and friends at Frostburg, Md. Mr. and Mrs. James Winters, of Ralphton, were guests of their rel- atives, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carey, of Keystone street. John Stacer, spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Cumberland, Md., with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Joseph Gravenstein. Misses Gertrude | Landis, Lucille Lint, Florence Middleton,Edna Payne, Messrs. James Hostetler, William Thornley, James Price, and George Smith, attended a party at the home of Miss Carrie Noel, Saturday evening, | teachers in the Meyersdalg High ‘Schardt, of the American House. Berkley Meyers, returned home Saturday evening on No. 16,-from 4d | weeks visit with friends at Grove City. Mr. and Mrs. : CO. H. Brown, of Indiana, Pa.; were guests of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Imhoff, the past week. Prof. Edward Loraditch, of Oak- land, Md., attended the funeral of his nephew,Guy Baer, who was buried here Wednesday morning, Miss Rose MeKenzie, left Thurs- day last for a visit with her brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Max Shaffer, of Mt. Savage, Md. Alex’ ‘Johnson, the marble man, is wearing his hat on the side of his head, because he has a new girl at his house, who has come to stay. Miss Madeline O’Niel, of Lamberts- ville,” N. J., arrived here Tuesday i| for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs! Donald Malone, of High street. Miss Rena Lauver, one of the relatives and School, spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives and friends at Altoona. Miss Marion ‘Leydig, one of the grade teachers in the Meyersdale Public fSchool, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents at Glencoe. Ray Wetherell, and = Miss Maud Sheets, of Connellsyille, spont “un- day here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. HE. Crowe, of Meyers avenue. Mrs. George W. Collins, leaves to day for asprolonged visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burrow, at San Diego, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. John D. B-rkskire, of Masontown, are guests of the latter’s brother-in-law and sister, Mr. | and Mrs. W. H. Deeter, of Broad-! way. Miss Margaret Duff, of Washing- ton, D. C., was a guest at the home of her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hoblitzell, of Bezchley street, South Side. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Olose, and daughter Ada of Cumberland, Md., are the guests of their relatives, Mr. ani: Mrs. James Wilson, of Large street. Miss Hazel Miller, returned home Saturday evening on No. 16, from a visit with her brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Newton Miller, at Pittsburgh. : Miss Alice Weimer, who had been staying with Mrs. E. L. Countryman, of Olinger street, for the last month, returned to her home at Shaw Mines on Friday last. Misses Annie and Luey Stacer, re- turned home Saturday from a yisit with their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gravenstein, in Cumbherland, Md. : Miss Rebekah Truxal, who is teach- ing school in Pittsburgh, spent the latter part of the week here with her * parents, Dr. and Mus. A. E. Truxal, of Centre street. Misses Josephine Brant, Hilda Schrock and Lucy Hoffman, of Ber- lin, spent Tnanksgiving Day, here at the home of Mr. and Mrs, OC. i. Darrah, ‘of Lincoln avenue. Mrs. Nora Winters, and daughter, Miss Marie, of Somerset, were guests at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stein, of North, street, a few days this week. Liywellen Rowe, who is attending Carnegie - Institute, at Pittsburgh, spent. Thanksgiving Day here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rowe, of Beachley street, South Side. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dia, and little daughter Ethel of Edgar, Neb., ai= rived here ‘Saturday evening on No. 16,’ and will. remain for some time with the former’s. parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dia, of Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oritchfield, and two daughters of Rockwood spent Sunday here with Mrs. Oritch- | field’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Philson, and Miss Ella Philson, of Berlin, spent Thanksgiving Day here with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Phison and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Philson. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Binford, of BEikins, 'W. Va., arrived here Thurs- day last for a visit at the home of the latter’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Truxal, of Centre street. Mr. Bin- ford returned home on Sunday even- ing, while his wife will remain here for some time. The first © game of basketball of this season was played to a filled house at Reich’s Auditorium, Thanks- giving evening, between the P. R., ¥. M. C. A. team of Tyrone and at Hyndman, place, the home team winning by the the Broadway Athletic Club of this . Mrs. Harry Fank, and’ three child- ren of Cumberland, ;Md.; spent” the | of Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, ing Powder. 4 i No Substitutes ETURN to the grocer all sub- stitutes sent you for Royal Bak- stitute for ROYAL. cream of tartar baking powder, and healthful. Powders offered as sub- stitutes are made from alum. cosmos There is no sub- Royal is a pure, Help to make the editor -a Merry Christmas, Pay your subscription i in advance. past week with relatives and friends at Salisbury and here, at the home of Large street. -— Miss Nelle Gordon, who is employ- ed in a Department Store at ; Fair- mont, W. Va., spent several days of the past week here with her pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs: James Gordon, of Centre street. Mrs. O. O. Cook, and daughter, Mary Elizabeth of Berlin, returned to their home Friday, after spending the past week here with the former’s parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Wm. Payne, GRIMINAL COURT IN SESSION. * (CONTINUED FroM PAGE 1.) AAA, and battery charge brought against Alexander Ches and Stiney Ches, by Martin Voisosky of Windber. John Kelley and Robert Kelley were tried ‘before Judge “©’Connor on a charge of assault and battery pre- ferred against them by P. H. Ohler. They were acquitted, the prosecutor being assessed with one-third and the defendants with two-thirds of the costs of prosecution. True bills were returned by the grand jury as follows:—John Knecht and Stella Wagner, adultery, Thomas of Meyers avenue. Mrs. Edgar Stotler, and two child- | ren who had been spending a week here with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. BE. O. L. Stotler, of the South | Side, returned to their home at Bos- well, Thursday last. Don’t worry about a Christmas present for that big girl or boy | away from home: Send The Com- mercial. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Evavs, Of] Frostburg, Md., arrived here Wed- | nesday from Pittsburgh, where they | had been . spending their wedding trip, and spent the day with their | friend, Clayton Wade. Mrs. Elizabeth Wilhelm, who had | been spending some time with her | relatives at Stoyestown, arrived here | the last of the week, and is the gnest | of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. street. Miss Jessie McKinley, left Monday | morning on the Duquesne, for Water- loo, Iowa, where she was summoned | on account of the illness of her pa-| rents, Dr. and Mrs. H. C. McKinley, | who went there some time ago for | a visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. McKinley, is improving, but suffering from pneumonia. It is] hoped that they will speedily recover | and be able to return home. Perhaps some poor old soul would | be made happy for a year if you would Merry Christmas her with The Commercial for a year. eee. Big stock of the very best imported aluminum ware at, ad Habel & Phillips. 4 1bs., good rice for 25 cents, at Bittner’s Grocery. SIPPLE’S COAL. This’ is to inform the public that our coal mine is in-operation and we respectfully solicit, your patronage. AlY orders will be promptly filled. E. W. SIPPLE. adv. ad dec.4-tf. PUBLIC SALE. The uderdigged wi will sell at public anction at the door step of the Second National Bank, Meyersdale, Pa., on Saturday December 13, 1913, at two o’clock p m., bonds Nos.. 43 and 44 of the Livengood Coal & Coke Com- pany of denominations of $500 each, first mortgage six per cent gold bonds, free of taxes, interest payable on the first days of May and November in each year, principal payable May 1, 1924. WiLLiAM P. MEYERS. dec.4-2t : adv. emer sree # Just recieved a carload of salt, at ad Habel & Phillips. v rl Plush; Velyet and Felt Hat Shapes, at the Diehl Millinery. : ad Toys going at cost, .at T. W., Gur- ley’s. Call in and see before buying. 5 Qtr i 4 roomed house for rent. to Mrs. Charles “Askey. ad ~The M. E. church. will hold a Bazaar and serve supper on Decem- ber Iith and 12th. Everybody is cor- dially invited to be present, Sale of Fancy Work open at 3:00 p. m. dee.4-26 eee fears 6 rolls best toilet paper for 25 cents, at Bittner’s Grocery. tri meses One 5 and one 8 room house for rent on Clay street. Apply, to score of 32 to 23. ad Habel & Phillips, Frank Bolden, of Olinger | : tei | the doctor is in a serious condition, | Apply, : Bittner, assault and - Battery, Harvey | Hemminger, prosecutor; Samuel Di- renzo and CO. F. Knuff, violating | liquor laws, Constable B. H. Mathews, prosecutor. | J. R. Childs, who burglarized the | Frank Spangler home near Stoystown | several weeks ago and who was later | shot while fleeing from Constable G, G. Spangler, of Stoyestown, and Coun- | ty Dective Lester G. Wagner, of Som- | set, entered a plea of guilty, but has not yet been sentenced. | Clare ince Johnson, the negro who | shot up the town of Confluence rééent- |ly was indicted by the grand jury, | tried, convicted and sentenced to the | penitenia 1y for not less than 4 years or not more than 6 years. BS | For Sale—Five-year-old Sorrel | Horse, weight between 1,000 and 1,200 Ibs. Good for working or driv- | ing purposes. Apply, to August Daberko, dec.4 2t Meyersdale. Pa. { rr rrr ree New raisins,currants, citron,orange, | lemon peel, nut meats, ete., for your | fruit cake, at Habel & Phillips. FAST SCHEDULE. The Western Maryland Railway | Company has completed arrangements | to establish a new direct train service | between Baltimore and Cleveland, | which becomes effective November 20. General passenger agent Charles F. Stewart, who has had the matter up for several weeks. The additional service is made poss- ible by the extention of the railway company’s present sleeper service be- tween Baltimore and Pittsburgh, and brings the Monumental City and the Ohio City closer together by a new di- rectroute via Western Maryland Lines. } were enabled to extedd this'seryice be- | cause of the trunk line connections which it has established, thus placing competition for both freight and pass- : enger traffic moving to and from the Atlantic Seaboard and the West. Begining tomorrow, persons desiring to use the new service to Cleveland, in the evening, arriving in Cleveland ness men and others who desire, to leave Oleyeland at5:15 P. M., arriving Under this extended service, Balt moroans ean reach: Cleveland in morning and will’ ‘have over sew. ‘hours in which to transact busine there, and can catch a train for _th East in the afternoon. Clevelanders, will arrive in Baltimore in the morning, and will have practically an entire day to spend in the ‘city, and can depart for the Westin the évening. In this way, they are not inconyenienced by being detained trom their business too long. Another, car of ‘Golden Loaf flour just in; 85.50 per bbl., at ad di Habel & Philips. Wanted. Two Coneérete Form Builders. About six weeks work. Apply to, Johns- town Construction Co., Garrett, Pa. Jewelry for gifts, bracelets, lockets, and lavallieres, beautiful patterns, at T. W. Gurley’s. Closing out prices. ad ee Watches and Chains, your choice at a bargain, look them over at half price. T. W. Gurley, the Jeweler. ad than ever. up to the prettiest booklet. Productions of the best artists. tinting. We are also.showing the new things in framed pictures.- : 20c and up. For those who do painting, we have piciures of all sizes for } Christmas Letters, Christmas Booklets, Christmas Post Cards, Christmas Greeting Cards. Christmas Tags and Seals— You know the big line we carry. This season our line is larger- Anything you may want—from a penny post card: Hartley Block COLLINS’ DRUG STORE, ; The Rexall Store Meyersdale, Pa. ; J. Wagner; prosecutor; Andrew E. | Jeceececcecececccececester v You Know What's Coming 1 H.you prefer to be in the annual feast day is almest’ here; the bird is prepared to do his part. probably manage it successfully, but we sug- gést that you leave the We'll dress you in oy special Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes; you'll be dressed right, too. Ifyou need a full dress or I'uxedo. or frock suit, ‘we'll see that you have the right thing. if 'you'want a good overcoat, ‘here's the place to get what you need. . You cans “dressing” to us. ‘ everyday” ‘attire, or A A. HARTLEY & BALDWIN, The Homo of dart, Schaffuer & A A sa 'o se A 2 + ST A AT . -~ oT. § . nNesSSSse a Nn” Na a nN yr nj NT - ———— & Ma x Clothes. The officials of the Western Maryland it in a position to enter into active will leave Baltimore at 9:00 o’clock|’ at 10;80'A. M., the next day. Busi- in Baltimore at 7;53 A. M. ; next day. ts who ard called to the Monumental City i Cakes. about this famous cake. 142 Centre treet. oes NSN SS For Rent. H. 8S. Glasener flats, 2nd and 3rd floors of the Centre street building, suitable for dwelling or offices—Heat- ed. All conveniences. Inquire of nid S. Glessner. ptr The Salisbury Cemetery Co., are — ‘selling’ desirable lots at an economi- cal price. John J. Livengood, Pres- dent. .George E. Yoder, Secretary and Treasurer. mech 18-14 Furnished : Rooms Wanted for a family of four .grown-up. people for light house keeping—modern conven- dence. A Photographs ‘and Picture frames’ at Qonrad’s Stadio at half-price. Sat- isfaction: guaranteed in every sale of Photos or “Frames, El E. Contad. ad Li BY CORRHEUMATIS® K! - {In the Estate of Mary A. Beachly, Deceased. Letters of administration. have been duly granted by the Register of Wills upon the estate of Mary A. Beachly; late of the Borough o Meyersdale, Somerset County,Pa., deceased. . Truxal, residing in ‘Meyersdale, Som- Hal County, Pa., to whom all persons who are indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and all persons haying any legal claim against or demand upon said -estate. shail make the Same known without delay. C, TRUXAL, Administrator. Nov 13-t&° »- i :Meyersdule, Pa. Wenge’ Mill All clistom chopping 4 cents per bushel. R. FD. 2 Meyersdale Pa. ‘Inguire at The Commergish “Friday and Saturday, Dec. 5 and 6, we will demonstrate the merits of Sunshine Chocolate Hydrex We cordially invite you *o visit our store and find out more. E/ Special prices will be given during the demonstration. You Can Not Afford to Miss This. F. A. BITINER, Both Phones. Meyersdale, Pa. pr Western Maryland Lines. THROUGH SERVICE TO Chicago and Pittsburgh ¢ EE ——— The Chicago Limited leaves Mey- ersdale 4:59 P. M., arriving im Pittsburgh 8:05 P. M., and Chicaga: 8:10 o’clock next day. Train withe§ sleepers also leaves 3:59 A. M., ar- riving in Pittsburgh 7:20 A. M., "and. Cleveland at 10:30 A. M. ‘Modern Equipmen Observation Sala lak Car IN GOING TO BALTIMORE | Use the Baltimore Limited: hicks leaves Meyersdale 12:18 P; M., riving in Baltimore 6:49. P. ME Also train leaves 1:12 A. M., arrive ing in Baltimore 7 53 A. M. Christmas Decorations, Seals, Tags, Cards, Booklets, Post Cards. Quite an Assortment to F ! Select From at : THORLEY'S DRUG STORE, | Centre St.; next to P. O., MEYERSDALE, PENN’A. fi Call in and inspect T. W. Gurley’ Line of Xmas Goods, all being soba at cost. ad” ~~ :
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