YAR nilders. About y to, Johns- , Garrett, Pa. Y PILLS AND BLADDER .00 JR y Machine nd $25.00 coupons, ith every e around the ma- 5 SI G STORE, P,O., ENN’A. IEDIES © rms——— eries . a culinary > used, and ds for the 5 of all con- s, Jelly, ete. t moderate Levering’s HIS WEEK. .c per lb. 8, 10c ), 10¢ lale, Pa. tions Chil- irist- is the ng that ay this actions. | and isa. values numer - ou can things ill hold Boys’ ercoats price. 1 pres- - Items Pertaining to the Town in General and Prepared for the Readers By . + Our Busy Staff, TPERSONAL AND LOCAL RATPENINGS | J. W. Maul, was a business visitor at Rockwood, Saturday. i Austin Bennet, spent the past week with friends in Berlin. ; C. O. Kendall, of Garrett, was a town visitor Friday last. Nicholas Deitle, of Greenville town- ship, was in town Saturday. : H. G. Hay, of Rockwood, Spent Friday last here: with friends. Miss Eiizabeth Newman, of Salis- bury, was a town yisitor Saturday. E. R. O’Donnell, of Baltimore, Md., spent Tuesday here with friends. R. F. Mason, has returned home from a few days visit at Fairmont, W. Va. Thomas Wiliams, of Connellsville, was a Sunday visitor here with friends. Mrs. Catharine Loraditch, of Poca= hontas, spent Sunday here with friends. . Mrs. G. A. Hoffman, has returned |’ home from a visit With relatives at Boswell. ta H. ©. Newmn, of Elk Lick town- ship was a business visitor here Fri- day last. o P. J. Cover, after having been housed-up for some time is again able to be out andiat his place of business. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Reich, were in Cumberland, Md., a few days, this week. ; Misses Josephine and Siddie Dam- ico, spent Wednesday in Cumber- land, Md. J Misses Anna Graves, and Besse Deal spent Sunday with friends, ab Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Clutton, were Pittsburgh visitors a few days this week. : : Webster Trent, and'George Sorber, of Somerset were business vistors here Friday. Mr. and gMrs.§ Earle Musser, of Berlin, spent Sunday here at the Colonial Hotel. : Louis Cohen, who spent a week in town left for jDoe Gully, W. Va., on Monday evening. ' Mr. Dayid Cronin, of Confluence, was a visitor hese with friends Fri- day of last week. Miss Zella Mason, ofj§Berlin, is the: guest of her friend, Miss Hthel Col- lins, of Large street. Mrs. HarryaBowman, and children are spending the week with relatives and friends at; Somerset. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Floto, and Miss Ada Tressler jwere Pittsburgh visi- tors a few days last week. Mrs. Thomas Bracken, and Mrs. James Kelly, of Sand Patch, werd Saturday visitors in town. ] Mrs. Lydia Shaw, and three cbild-, ren of near Salisbury, were here Friday last visiting friends. Mrs. J. M. Black, of Boswell, was a town visitor ; with relatives and friends, a few days last week Miss Marie Holz, head milliner at the Diehl Millinery, on Main street, lett Friday for her home at Marietta, «Ohio. Misses Cora Bittner, Maud Saylor, Marion Knieriem and Edna Baldwin, «spent Sunday with friends at Gar- rev. : Mrs. Bethel, and daughter Mary of Philadelphia are guests of Mr. and Mrs.; G. E. Hammond, of North street. mi Miss Mae Newman, of Salisbury, was a guest at the home of her friend, Miss Florence Fullen, of Lin- coln avenue. Oharles Crowe, is spending the week. with his brotber-in-law and: sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sanders, at Markleton. Mrs. Annanias Gloss, and daughter Miss Lucinda left Thursday last for Akron, Ohio, where they will reside in the future. U. O. Blocher, of Grantsville, Md., and U. L. Blocher, of Swissvale, were guests of relatives and friends here last evening. \ Mrs. 8S. A. Philson, of Berlin, was a guest of her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Younkin, of Salisbury street, South Side. Miss Julia Schardt, is spending the wesk with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs. James Judge, at Magnolia, W.. Va. : Mr. and Mys. Frank Gurley, of Cumberland, Md., were guests of their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Gurley, of Centre. street. Mrs. Lizzie Weber, and daughter, Miss: Mayme, left Saturday morning for Latrobe, where they are spend- ing the week with the former’s son and daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. JohniWeber. -| spending several months with rela- Mrs. George Penrod, and twc children of Connellsville, were guests of relatives and friends here a few days this week. Misses Nell Bittner, Bernadette Crowe, Lulu Baldwin and Amelia Olotworthy spent Sunday with Miss Mr. - and Mrs. Glenn Crowe, is spending a few days with the forn.- er’s parents; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Crowe, near Frostburg, Md. Mrs. Charles Sanders, of Markle ton, spent Sunday here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Crowe, of Meyers avenue. The editor and family were per= mitted to have a meal of Johnny Saylor’s smoked sausages and can attest to their good qualities. Alex B. Groff, of Somerset, spent Saturday here with his mother, Mrs. Catharine Groff, of Meyers avenue, and other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. James McDowell, and ‘Albert Deist of Steubenville, Ohio, returned home Sunday from a visit ‘here with relatives and friends. Miss Genevieve Alimiller, is visit- ing her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Judge, at Magnolia, W. Va., this week. Mrs. Ida Staub, left Sunday on No. 15, for a week’s visit with her broth- er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Peerless, at Pittsbargh. Mr. Michael Ryan, was taken to the Allegany Hospital, in Cumber- land, Md., Tuesday, he haying fallen on the sidewalk and injured his hip. Harvey Housel, of New Bnena Vista, spent several days of this week ‘with his relatives, Mr. and Mrs. U. M. Housel, of Keystone ‘street. Miss Mary Jane Hoffman, of Cun- berland, Md., was the guest of her friend, Mrs. E. LL. Coun6ryman, of Olinger street, a few days last week. The first game, of basketball wlll be played here at Reich’s Auditorium Thanksgiving evening, between the local team and a team from Altoona. Mrs. George Pfeiffer, of Moorefield, W. Va., arrived here Saturday and is the gnest or her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Deeter, of North street. Mr. and Mrs. James Douglas, of Rockwood, were visitors here last week at the home of the latter’s father, Arthur Scott, of Main street. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Albright, of Berlin, spent Sunday here with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Matthias, of Beachley street, South Side. = Mr. Herman Deist, who had been tives at Steubenville, Ohio, returned home the latter part of the past week, Mrs. Joseph Knecht, and Miss Rose Sloan, of West Salisbury, were Sunday visitors here at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Dahl, of Olinger street. Ta Mr. and Mrs. M. Hurley;. of Con- nellsville, were Monday visitors here at the home of the latter’s mother, Mrs. Anna Weber, of 'High street. Miss Martha Weimer, of Greenville township, spent Saturday and Sua- day here “with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Stacer, of High street. Mrs. J. A. Kirkpatrick, of Rock- wood, spent several days of the past week here with her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Weakland, of Meyers ayenue. 3% Miss Carrie Steinberger, who had been spending several weeks with relatives and friends at Chambers- berg, Pa., returned home Friday evening. "Clarence Dahl, who is working for P. L. Livengood, at Frostburg, Md., for a few weeks, spent Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Dan- jel Dahl. * Bowman’ Kyle, and sons Edgar and Elbridge of Windber, spent several days of this week here with his pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Kyle, of Broadway. : ; Mrs. H. W. Groff, and three child- ren of Dunbar, spent a few days of .the past week with their rela- tives, Mr..and Mrs. A. R. Stratton, of Olinger street. Mrs. Wm. Graney, and daughters Josephine and Marie returned to their home in Lonaconing, Md., after spending several weeks here with Emma Merrill, at Garrett. = POWDER AbsolutelyPure ROYAL—the most celebrated of all the baking powders in the world—celebrated Is great leavening stremn an purity. It makes your cakes, biscuit, bread, et¢., healthful, it insures you against alum and all forms of adulteration that go with the low priced brands. Paul D. Gross, of : Johnstown, | y P was a town visitor Wednesday. | ALWAYS OTHERS TO HEL Mrs. Jerry Wiland, left Thursday | Thought for Those Who Are in Suffer- evening of last week on No. 16, for | ing at This Time of General Washington, D. C., where she ex- | Rejoicing. pects to remain for some time with | a relatives and irfonlls. | This was the sweet, consoling wor Messrs. P. J. Adams, John Dixor, fresh bereavement at the Thanksgiv- Sr., Joseph and Dr. Johm Dixon, ing season. Instantly a well of thank- of Connellsville, were here Monday | fulness was unsealed in her own heart. on busirsss in eonnection with the All was not over, then! There was Meyersdale Brewery. still something left,to live for. Some- . . one yet leaned on her. Someone turned Mr. and Mrs. Austin Kennell, and | to her for help and strength and com- little daughter Ida Elizabeth of Wel- | fort. ‘It set a whole nest ef singing lersberg, arrived here at the home of | birds caroling in the very ruins of her Mrs. Kennell’s mother, Mrs. Ida own happiness. Staub, of Main street. Does this not give us a hint how to Mrs. Henry Kraushouer. who had comfort the sorrowful? * 1 don't want been in the Allezany Hospital. in to be ‘poor-deared!’” cried one whose i gany pital, best-beloved had been taken. “All I Cumberland, Md., for treatment re | want on earth is just once more to turned home Saturday on No. 15, hear him say, I need you!’” That much improved in health. | comfort, alas! was nevermore to be Mrs. J. Harry Brown, and Mrs. Bers, but time showed her a helpless Harry Grove, of Pittsburgh, were | worldful of people always saying it, It guests here a few days this week | is the true soul-tonic. The solace of : | helping others is within the reach of ab the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. | every sufferer. Added to that is some- Friedline, of North street. | times vouchsafed the reward hinted at Miss Maud Hady, who is employed in the beginning of this paragraph. in a jewelry store in Cumberland, | Now and then someone will feel a Md., spent Saturday and sunday | warm throb of thankfulness toward us, here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. | and say So It pays a thousand times ’ for the little we are able to do out of Wm. Hady, of Large street, | our weakness. It is a thousand times Miss Helen Collins who had been! better than sitting by life’s wayside spending the past four months witi | and holding out pitiful hands for beg- her brother in-law and sister, Mr. 8ars’ alms of condolence and sympa- and Mrs Frank Burrow, at San | thy. Nobody wants to have anybody Diego, returned home Sunday. Mrs. A. H. Diehl, and grandson, | thankful for us. Luther Beegle, of, Bedford, were | here Sunday and Monday with the former’s daughter, Miss Mae Diehl at the Colonial Hotel, Main street. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. England, and daughter Miss Zelma, son Samuel and wife of Bedford, spent Saturday and Sunday here with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. William Dahl, of Cen- tre street. Mr. and Mrs. . George Raymond, For the Blessings Bestowed. Thankfulness makes the and simple gifts of God shine with a morning luster, and exudes the rarest perfume. There are two ways to get rich—one is to increase the number of our dollars, the other is to increase the value of the few dollars we already have. Thankfulness raises the bless- ings we already have to higher de- grees of worth, and thereby enriches us. If thankfulness does not create | that came to a woman struggling with thankful to him, but it is a high form | of hanpiness to know that someone is | ordinary | Habel & Phillips. ad of Clearfield, county, spent a few days of the past week here with the former’s brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Raymond, of Olinger street. TERE me ps Beautiful dinner, sets, toilet sets, lamps, water sets, and china ware, at Habel & Phillips. at re _ Jewelry for gifts, bracelets, lockets, and lavallieres, beautirul patterns, at T. W. Gurley’s. Olosing out prices. | ad eet estes Marvel flonr makes more bread and better bread than any other! flours, try it on our Habel & Phillips. —_— guar.ntee, 8 ' 5 ay Watches and Chains, your choice at a bargain, look them over at half price. T. W. Gurley, the Jeweler. ad +. . ee — pr —————————— i Navy beans, 5c per 1b., at —_—— ‘Mince Meat 12 1-2cts at the Don- |: ges Market. - LE ad eet es. Stanton Pure Buckwheat flour, at|’ Habel & Phillips. ad — ee P— Photographs and Picture frames at Conrad’s Studio at half-price. Sat- isfaction guaranteed in every sale of Photos or Frames. E. E. Conrad. ad —————— pe e——— Carload of salt just arrived, at Habel & Phillips. . ad ere —— WorksiBoth Ways, Possibly, as the saw says, faint heart never won fair lady. But, on the former’s brother, Rev. Father Brady. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walters, of Connellsville, , spent Saturday | and Sunday here at the home of | | | Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Fike, of Beach- |at Habel & Phillips. ad | ley street, South Side, and Mr. and | ne gi {Mrs. C. P. Meyers, of Meyers | New boiled cider for your mince avenue. | Globe. | meat, at Habel & Phillips. ad the other hand, it may have kept a Ian - from getting away.—Atchison te min) Pure Butcher Pepper 20c per ui new roses, it paints a finer hue on those we have; if it does not load our table, it puts a delicious sweetness in our simple fare; if it does not clothe our bodies in costly raiment, it lends a sweetness of behavior to our bodies, so that we do not need such raiment to make us attractive. All'other beau- tiful graces of Christian character are lacking in luster without the shining grace. of gratitude to God for his abundant mercies and unceasing lov- ing kindness to the children of men, To the Discontented. Let's be thankful, though care May be sent us to bear, For only the foolish may never know (THat trouble still breeds Wherever hope leads— at the flowers of joy are watered Bythe cleansing tears of woe. 4 ets ‘be thankful, though still Phere’ is many an ill "That We Jong to have strength to clear away. : For contentment is shown By the foolish alone, . By the weak who are merely: waiting. To return to, their mother clay, 2 —8. B. KISER. i; No One Too Poor to Give. Something that rich, poor, weak, -strong, young, old can give—thanks. Did you ever think of that? Just as long as you have a heart— and may it be always—you can appre- ciate something and be grateful. Poor indeed is that man or womas who in this life can find nothing for which thanks can be given. testes eee eee. ~ Beets as Fertilizers. An explanation of the improvement of European agriculture in recent years has been sought, and in Ger- many it is attributed to soil*stimula- tion from beet culture. From the books of eight, scattered estates where beets have been grown for sugar, Dr. Lilienthal finds an inerease in the yield of wheat of 5.95 bushels per acre; rye, 1.69; barley, 6.51, and oats, 6.77. Cattle have increased, and the net income has been raised by as high as 70 per cent. RRHEUMATISM KIDNEYS / ND Bie ODER FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS |} - Parisian Ivory Toilet Articles The finest line of Toilet Articles ever pro- duced. Our line is of the better quality and is complete. Brushes, Mirrors, Combs, Trays and all the fancy little pieces that go to make up a pretty set. PRICES ARE RIGHT. AN EARLY SUGGESTION FOR XMAS. COLLINS’ DRUG STORE, ! Meyersdale, Pa. ERR rd em Sa 0 nN Tre Hartley Block . a Jececccceccecsecese SeESaSEL You Know What's Coming the annual feast day is almost here; the bird is prepared to do his part. You can’ probably manage it successfully, but we sug- gest that you leavé the ‘‘dressing” to us. We'll dress you in our special [art Schaffuer & Marx clothes; you'll be dressed right, too. If you need a full dress or I'uxedo, or frock suit we'll see that you have the right thing. If you prefer to be in * everyday” attire, or if you want a good overcoat, here's the place to get what : ou need. \ HARTLEY & BALDWIN, The Home of Hact, Seballocr & Rarx Clothes. ah an nH 5 AP A Ee ST MT ST SS A AE AS A AT AT A a a a TT a Tm et a on a a _——_ NEA IE S. Lucente Purchases ! Entire Interest. The Lucente Grocery Company, doing bus- iness'in the Stone Building adjoining The Com- mercial bui'ding owned by S. Lucente and V. Greco, has been purchased by S. Lucente, who ] is now the sole proprietor, but the business will be conducted under the former firm name--LU- CENTE GROCERY COMPANY. 1 TM RRR BEGINNING NOVEMBER 22, 1913, A Special Sale Will Bs Hald, When Unusual Bargains Will be Offered Inquire at the store for prices. Western Maryland Lines | ERT THROUGH SERVICE TO Chicago and Pittsburgh § Ea" i The Chicago Limited leaves Mey- § ersdale 4:59 P. M., arriving in Pittsburgh 8:05 P. M., and Chicago 8:10 o’clock next day. Train with sleepers also leaves 3:59 A. M., ar- | riving in Pittsburgh 7:20 A. M. Modern Equipment} Observation Parlor Club Car g IN GOING TO i BALTIMORE Use the Baltimore Limited which § : leaves Meyersdale 12:18 P, M., ar- § . riving in Baltimore 6:49 P. M. § Also train leaves 1:12 A. M., arriv- ing in Baltimore 7:53 A. M. Eye” Strain, Headache, “Nervousness, Dizziness, And many other eye troubles too numerous to mention |} REMEDIED. BY GLASSES CONSULT M. D. GOLDSTEIN, |i Eye Sight Specialist, at Colfing! J. Ww. WASMUTH Drug Store, Hartley Block, Is Headquarters. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2 for Your Consultation and Exam Thanksgiving ination Free. C, W. Truxal, residing in Meyersdale, Som- AND : erset County, Pa., to whom all persons who are F 1 h indebted to said estate are requested to make g any legal { id estate, lay. In the Estate of Mary A Beachly, Deceased. » —————— Letters of administration have been duly granted by the Register of Wills upon the estate of Mary A. Beachly, late cf the Borough of Meyersdale, Somerset County, Pa., deceased, to W. TRUXAL, A at the | Fresh Fish, Meyers : Donges Mar- et ad
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers