SS — "PERSONAL AND LOCAL HAPPENINGS [tems Pertaining to the Town in General and Prepared for the Readers By Our Busy Staff. W. L. Brant, of Garrett, was a Mrs. O. Watson Kenney, and little | town visitor yesterday. son William of Pittsburgh, is spend- | Penrose Wolf, of Rockwood, was a ing a few weeks here with her sis- | town visitor Friday last. . ters Misses Clara and Nelle Zufall, | : ’ Collins’ Guaranteed Renovator Miss Maud Hady, spent a few of Main street. | days of the past ‘week with relatives| Mrs H. C. Ausburn, and daughter | For Horses and Cattle at Somerset. i Helen 02 Besve Pa. Spon iow : Charles Weimer, is spending a few 5s Of lash weell here WI er rel SR haw o Attgn(uiven Xo. a0 Nos, H, H. Willems | tic City and Reading. Bn Street. Miss Aquilla Albright, of Connells- ville, is the guest of her aunts, the ‘Misses Deal, of North street. Miss Gertrude Soison, of Los An- geles Cal., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Dixon, of Grant street. Miss Mary Reindollar, of Tanny- town, Md., is the guest of her friend, iss Ethel Collins, of Large street. Mrs. Ellen Shope, of Garrett, was taken to the Western Maryland hospital last Friday for appendici- tis. John A. Habel, of Cumberland, spent Tuesday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Habel of High street. N. R. Shumaker, and wife of Oling- er street left today for Geneva, Ohio, where they expect to remain a month ; Miss Elizabeth Holtzhouer, of Con- nellsville, is the guest of her brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Newcomer. Emmert Miller, of Confluence, was a town visitor Tuesday at the home of his grandfather, 8. J. Miller, of the South Side. F. G. Stewart, and wife of Chicago, left for their home on Monday, after spending two weeks 'mongst the hills of Somerset. Mise Mayme Altmiller. is spending a fow weeks at Magnolia, W. Va., with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. ard Mrs. Thomas Judge. The cut of the fountain presented by the Civic League, was made from a photograph ‘by P. W. Geidt, the well-known photographer. Mrs. Mary Gipe, of Garrett, was taken to the Memorial Hospital at Johnstown and underwent a very serious operation last Saturday. Wm. Martin, of Garrett, had his leg broken in the mines on Monday aud was taken: to the Western Mary- land hospital, where he is doing very well. Mrs. Charles Holzshu, of Glenwood, arrived here Saturday, and will spend a week with her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Holtzshu, and with friends. : A Concentrated Condition Powder Made of Drugs— Not Filler. Especially adapted for building up a run down system. Equally ef- fective on horses and cattle for aenemia, loss of appetite, indigestion, worms, kidney and bladder diseases, etc. Misses Marion and Pauline Knieriem and brother Paul, have returned home from an extensive trip in the eastern cities, York, Pa., Columbia, Atlantic City ane other places. Ozias Weimer, of Greenville town- ship, was in town yesterday, on his way to the county seat to transact legal business, in connection with his work as administrator. A. J. Rumgay, spent last Thursday in Johnstown, attending the Moose reunion and calling on friends. He reports having a pleasant time while guests of Johnstown Moose. Miss Mary Weakland, who is hod ing a position in New York City, arrived here Monday evening on No. 5, to spend a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Weakland, of Meyers ayenue. Samuel J. McClune, manager of the Savage Brick works spent Sunday with relatives at Johnstown. He was joined there by his wife and children who had been in the east and returned to Meyersdale Monday. AC Mrs. Thomas Bracken, of Mance,| Miss Laura Twigg, of Cumberland, was a Saturday visiter here. Md., is spending a few weeks here Miss Corine Derry, of Salisbury, | visiting friends. c' ¥ spent Saturday evening here with| Mrs. Harry Brown, of Pittsburgh, ' friends. was a guest of friends here a few Rev. E. K. Hostetler, of Greenville | days last week. township was a town visitor on Fri-| Miss Lelia Coulehan, spent a few 4 day last. days of last week with friends in Howard Mazer, of Greenville town- | Cumberland, Md. ship, was a town yisitor Thursday of| Wm. Daugherty, spent seyeral last week. days of the past week with relatives F. J: Price, of Baltimore, Md., was | at Cheat Haven. a business visitor here a few days| Nicholas Deitle, of Greenville ee last week. township, made a visit to Meyers- Ike Weinstein, spent a few days of | dale on Saturdey. last week at Uniontown, on a bus-| Miss Mary Geiger, of Greenville iness mission. township, spent several days of the Mr. and Mrs. Simon Fullem, werc | past week here with friends. Sunday visitors with 8t. Paul, rela-| Miss Mae Wilson, has returned tives and friends. home from a visit with relatives Mr. and Mrs. Roy Crowe, of near |at Frostburg, and Midland, Md. Frostburg, Md., spent Sunday here| Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Klingensmith, visiting relatives. of Pittsburgh, spent a few days of Messrs. Charles Deist, and Frank | the past week here with friends. Brant of near Mt. Lebanon, were| Miss Annie Stacer, left Sunday in town on Monday. afternoon for Confluence where she Mrs. Samuel Corfield is spending will spend .a week visiting friends. the week ' visiting relatives and| Mr. and Mrs. John Werner, of friends at Cumberland, Md. Scottdale, attended the Werner Re- John Liebau, and Miss Florence | union at Riverside Park Saturday. Fullem, attended a lawn fete at| Misses Mary Fike, and Mary Wil- Pocahontas, Saturday evening. ‘moth, were Thursday visitors with Mrs. D. R. Cramer, returned home Miss Martine Cleaver, ab Somerset. Thursday last from a visit with rel-| Miss Maggie Baer, of Pittsburgh, atiyes and friends at Scottdale and | while in town on Thursdaay renew- Mt. Pleasant. ed her subscription to The Commer- Mrs. Annie Matthews, who had cial. been spending several months in| Misses Lillian and Margaret Dom, Washington, D. O., has returned | of Pittsburgh, weie visiting relatives to Meyersdale. and friends here several days last Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Philson, and Week, ; little son Samuel and Miss Roberta Mr. and Mrs. H. W.Fike, of Savage, Regar, were Sunday visitors with were the guests a few days last week Berlin relatives. at the home of the latter’s parents, near town. Price 50c per Package. Order by Mail. Dose--One Teaspoonful We pay the postage. Collins’ Renovator is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or the full purchase price will be refunded. No red tape, no formality, nothing to sign—your money back if you are not satisfied. a Sold only by COLLINS’ DRUG STORE | The Rexall Store Hartley Block Meyersdale, Pa. Ao Te = Do SB SB a » — —_—— br 2 rr D TS We Welcome You to the Ww Fair ¥ Miss Elsie Hartung, daughter of John Hartung, brewmaster for the Mey ersdale brewing company, who spent three weeks here with her father, left Wednesday morning to finish her course in the Success Col- lege in Chicago, Ill. Mrs. Ella (George, State President, of the W. C. T. U., was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Yount, on Friday last. Mrs. George, is the wife of the former President of Geneva College, Beaver Falls. Dr. H. H. George, who was succeeded by his | fi\ son, Dr. Henry George, as Presi- AN dent. o Ed. 8. Miller and wife of Lincoln, Neb., who visited Dr. H. C. McKin- ley and family and other relatives, Mrs. Bishop Liut and Mrs. J. Ww. Peck, who are aunts, of Mrs. Mil- ler, left Wednesday evening on the Duquesne, tor the bedside of Frank Masters, who is in a hospital in New York, seriously ill. a The Home of Qualty Groceries] daughter Evelyn arrived Thursday x from Tampa, Fla., and will spend A good many good people buy good Groceries here. Do you? several weeks visiting relatives and You, like the others, will find it a good place to buy good goods. friend M Girbar tc Ler We carry a full line of Canned Goods and we are confident we Tienas. rs er expects ho can please you; try us and be convinced. husband, Dr. A. D. Garber, who is Levering’s Coffees have no equal for the money. how 18 Atlanta, Ga., on business to We sell Economy Fruit Jars, the latest and best thing for join her in a few days. after which canning purposes. they will visit in Johnstown, that / And extend to you a personal invitation to make our store your headquarters. You know what we sell—If it’s anything to wear, we have it. MP BP BT Ss Bs BE A BE A 'e o. PHY LITA et —wt— EES SESS EEE SEES Miss Florence Meyers, left Tuesday for Pittsburgh and from there she will go to Grove City to take a po- sition a milliner. : Lawrence Siehl, spent the past week visiting relatives and friends at. Frostburg, Lonaconing, and Cum- berland, Md. Miss Rae Blocher, and brother Marx of Fairmont W. Va., spent sev- eral days of last week here. visiting relatives and friends. Druggist and Mrs. L. R. Collins, spent a few days of the past week with the former's brother, George Oollins, and family at Berlin. Mr. A. O. Ebbecka, of Davenport, Neb., arrived here Saturday and will remain for several months with rela- tives and friends. Misses Martha and Bertha Glessner, returned hqme Saturday evening on No. 16, from a pleasant visit with relatives at Stoyestown. Miss Verna Schuyler, of Lonacon- ing, Md., was the guest of her brother-in-law, and sister, Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Ryland, of Meyers avenue Misses Edna Wolfersberger, Mary a few days this week. It will pay you to note these prices for this week: : Mrs. Arthur Robertson, and son being Mrs. Garber’s former home. : Milieh and" Florence Dull, of Rock-| pave returned home from Akron, | Covelle Parsons, of Magnolia, W. Tee. _ {3 31bs. Lima Beans 25¢ 3 lbs. good rice 25¢ wood, were guests at the Colonial {ohio where they spent some time |Va., spent Sunday here with his An Op n Letter To The Public. |} 7 boxes Sardines 25¢ 3 boxes Herring in tomato sauce 25¢ Hotel, Friday of last week. visiting relatives and friends. family who are visiting at the home RL Large jar prepared Mustard 10¢ Qt. can Applebutter 10c P ‘Miss Carrie Donnecker, who had rsdale. J. A. Kirkpatrick, of Rock- of Mrs. Parson’s parents, Mr. afd i 3 packages Macaroni 25¢ 1 1b. good Baking Powder 15¢ ory ins been yisiting with relatives and ed Do x onlay isitor here | Mrs. G. H. Sn of Meyers To a and the public in 20c can Red Raspberries 15¢ 3 10c rolls best Toilet Paper 25¢ friends at Johnstown for several| yiph her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. L.| avenue. Wo. herewith take this J : , weeks, returned home Sunday. W. Weakland, of Meyers avenue. wit . : a Atlas Flour always gives satisfaction; try a sack and be con- | Mrs. Demetrius Bisel, was called : iss Ada Livengood, of Frostburg, method of announcing to you that after vinced of its merits. ie 60 the bedside of her brother who is Mrs. Elmer Klingaman and daugh- | Md., spent here at the |Sept. 1st, you can locate us at 310 Main ek tek at hig Bb Ellersli ter Dorothy ; spent several days of | home of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Liv- | Street, one door above the Post Offi- eX, very sick at his home pear ers > last week with her parents, Mr. and |engood. She left Sunday evening on | ce. 2 orth 93 pas. Seven? a of Be - | Mrs. John Wilbelm, ‘near Berkley. |No..49 for Johnstown where she will| You know we want your trade sole- F A BITINE R es of Dry as a pi as one Miss Mana Loyola: of Glensos: attend Business College. ly upon our merits of workmanship. . . ’ ver. 8-1 i : one of the grade teachers in our Pub- R. G. Miller, who had been in | Thanking you for your past patronage, : yn > Mode s By ne a lic School, arrived here Friday t6| the Mercy Hospital, at Pittsburgh, |and hoping for a continuance of the 142 Centre Street. Both Phones, Meyersdale, Pa. get 25 Ibs. ~~ yy Porte i. take charge of her duties Monday. | for an operation, penned home | same. We are, i * ' | Miss Kathryn Blocher, returned | Friday evening on the Duquesne, Very respectfully yours : : 3 Va, Spon Several days (Of the past | home i from a two weeks | very much benefited by the opera-|aug 14 5t. Ye Set Bros. a = De, su) ibe ss Aura Williams, iretiitned New work Tere sk ths homed VF Seen ich will Bos ree eA A re which Was, af serious ous. ggumlor Josepnine of Eo ovis, fos aires sug hi _ . M. Housel, of Keystone Mes, Lioyd Mountain, at Confluence. | py, and Mrs. Daniel Dahl, son Photographs and Picture frames ab spending a fow weeks here with is and is ir — aited Op: Misses Elizabeth and Edna Payne Miss Alice Hanford, of New Jer-| Alfred and Mr. and Mrs. William Conrad’s -tudio at half-price. Sat-| Mrs. Odell’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. here with her uncle and aunt, Mz ot fichus. and Helen Lichty, returned home sey, arrived here Thursday last and | Dahl, went over to Bedford Satur- isfaction guaranteed in every sale of | Samuel Hoffmeyer, of 'Keystone|and Mrs. M. J. Livengood, of ther with ’ on Monday took her position as day in their touring car and re- | Photos or Frames. E. E. Conrad. ad|gstreet. Broadway. rtios in all Sunday from a visit with relatives|y.tin teacher in the Meyersdale mained there until Sunday evening ate. and friends at Philadelphia and Bal-| gigy gchool. with the latter's parents, Mr. and -—— mw -——m A a WA Aas SR RR DSS = ww pine a Said Diveloy, Frane [Me D. P. Eogiand. SS33353SSS3555S33353SSSISSSISISIIIISZ ) Yr. an Ts. onn ilhelm, O ces Knepper, Howard Deeter, How- ard Philson and Ralph Hoyle, of Berlin, were Sunday visitors here with friends. N. B. Ringler, and two daughters Edna and Verna of Grantsville, Md., Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Althoff, of Tannytown, Md., are spending a few weeks at Salisbury, with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Weimer, and in town with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. John near Berkley, spent Sunday here with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Klingaman, of Lincoln avenue. . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller, and son of Cumberland, Md., were guests o ss goods. mforts. irs, ewelry and those who vith a ymfortable rou desire. o ~ —— for afew days at the home of their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. George Siehl, of the South Side. Misses Edna Baker, and Mary June Wiland' have returned home after spending several weeks with relatives and friends at Frostburg, and Lonaconing, Md. Miss Emma May, who had been in the eastern cities selecting and purchasing the Fall Millinery goods for the May Millinery establishment, returned home Sunday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lepley, of Somerset, were visitors here a few days last week with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. James Darnley, of | Front street, South Side. Keystone street. spent a few days of last week with |Stacer, of High street. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hoffmeyer, of Misses Rose and Theresa Smutz, who had been spending the past two weeks visiting relatives and friends at Somerset and Pittsburgh, arrived here Saturday evening and remained Mr. and Mrs. George Wilhelm, who had been spending several weeks here visiting relatives and friend, have returned to their home | until Monday at the home of their at Akron, Ohio. aunt, Mrs. Anna Weber, of High Mrs. W. H. Hoffmeyer, and child- | street. ren of Morgantown, W. Va., have returned home after spending a few weeks here with their relatiyes, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hoffmeyer. Webster Bittner, of Washington, D. O., arrived here Thursday even- ing of last week on No. 5. for a few . : + ! weeks visit . at the home of hs Miss Tina Collins, left Sunday for a | p,other, Mrs. Samuel Bittner, and week’s visit with relatives at Frost-| pis brother-in-law and sister, Mr. burg, Md. Her sister, Miss Ethel|,,q Mrs. R. G. Miller, of Meyers Collins, who had been spending sev- eral weeks here returned home with her. 1 Messrs. Lloyd Clothsworthy, and AN . w Vernon Hodinott, who had been | Z¥ having made. 1hing new. \ i. . and piece goods,—just the things the big stores are season. avenue. NEXT make your headquarters at Thorley’s Drug Store The most refreshing drinks, the finest ice cream. Center St., next to Post Office UST back from the Eastern Markets, where we spent one week in hunting out the new things in Fall and Winter Wearables for women and children. The new goods are coming in every day, not the extreme things, but crea- tions embodying the latest designs, with just a touch here and there of that some- For instance, our new fall line of silks includes the latest in fancy trimmings showing for the coming Then, perhaps, we can offer some suggestions on that new dress you are’ a at the home of the former’s brother WEEK and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Clothsworthy, of North street, left for their home in Baltimore, Md., Thursday last on No. 6. Miss Mayme Platt, who had been spending the summer with her brother in-law, and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harry May, at Johnstown, arrived here the latter part of the week to take charge of her duties as a teacher, in spending the past three weeks here A # The Women’s Store Hartley Block, | the Meyersdale Public School which PB BT EE EE EL APP ST EB. BE opened Monday. | o CETTE a — a a a > SS AG ~~ Cb ~~ Meyersda Hartley, Clutton Co. le, Pa.
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