1 VOLUME XXXVL - Meyersdal MEYERSDALE. PA. THURSDAY. JULY 17. 1913 BTommercial, NUMBER 1:97 OFFICER HARE WINGS HIS MAN Exciting Gun Play at Shaw Mines—Officer Hare Got There First. Albert Smithers, of Shaw Mines, and a friend of his came to town on Monday afternoon to hold a celebra- tion. Smithers had made up his mind to show his friend and the com- munity what kind of a dare devil he was. About three o’clock ia the afternoon they started for their homes at Shaw Mines, and while on the South Side, near the Morrell planing mill, Smithers began to fire his re- “volver and continued discharging it incessantly, frightning the South Side people along the route on which they traveled. : But the rumpus that was raised in Meyersdale was very mild compared with the excitement that was caused and the terror that was produced in ¢he minds of the people of Shaw . Mines. The man had been drinking and he was a devil incarnate, cowed the inhabitants of Shaw Mines, shot at several women. At the company’s store of the Consolidation Coal com- pany, drew his revolver, terrorized all about the place. Everyone was locking for a place of safety, and no one was willing to take chances with the black man. The people. of Shaw mines, tele- phoned to Squire Hay, who got into communication with policeman Cra- mer. Policemen Cramer and Hare went to the scene of the disturbance. As they came near the Smithers shanty, he was sitting en the porch. The policemen at once realized that they had a dangerous job on hand. Smithers had made loud boasts that no one could capture him. Before the officers reached the place, Albert Bauman warned them of the danger- ;, ous man they were about to tackle " "and the dangerous weapon which he was using so freely. ‘Smithers had somewhat changed 4is mind when he saw the officers approaching. He evidently was seized with fear and entered the shan- ty and tried to escape by the back door, The officers now were after their man. One was trying to take care of the front door and one of the back door, and as he came forth from the back door he saw Cramer and drew his reyolver, but it failed to go off and Cramer ordered him to halt and surrender. Smithers tried to effect his escape, and as he ran for another building he came into con- tact with officer Hare. Hare’ and Smithers at a distance of about eight feet apart exchanged shots Smith- ers missed his man, while Hare hit him in the fleshy part of his right arm, the force of which threw Smith- ers revolver out of his hand and ten feet, away. The bullet from Hare's revolver passed through Smithers arm, through the right lung and lodged in his back. The darkey realized now his situation and became ' very penitent. He exclaimed ‘‘White man you got me.” He believed he was going to die at once and his curses of a short time before were changed into prayers. This wild western scene took place about 6:30 o’clock. Officers Cramer and Hare brought him .to town. Dr. McMillan gave him attention and Officer Hare took him to the Western ‘Maryland hospital! in Cumberland, whereZhe was operated upon by Dr. A. H. Hawkins, assisted by Drs. Gracie and Hodges. The record of Smithers is that he is a very bad negro and that he and his gun were never parted. He is said to have come from Clarksburg, W. Va., sometime ago and has been living in a shanty near Shaw Mines. Mr. Hare was one of the happy men of Meyersdale, on Tuesday from the fact that he is still living, after the darkey had tried to put him out of commission, and his many friends rejoice too, that he made his escape from the aim of the desperado. Mr. Hare spent Monday night in Cumberland, enjoying the hospitality of the police force and returned to Meyersdale on Tuesday morning on train No. 12, ready to attend to his next duty as city guardian. INSTRUCTOR ENGAGED. | their intentions.’ Normal School, regular and scientific The Philharmonic Society, of Som- erset, has. engaged Prof. Smith, of to instruct the members in > month of July. riday eyening, | | Lint, Frieda Daberko, Marion Leydig, E I ] Monday, Tues-| FAMILY REUNION- A very pleasant surprise in the form of a family reunion was tendered Mr. andand Mrs. W. J. Meyers at the family home in Northampton town- ship on Monday, July 14. The details of the reunion were arranged several weeks previous by the children with- out the parents knowing anything of Previous provisions in the line of re- freshments had bean made by shipping all kinds of eatables to H. T. Meyers, a son who lives at the family home. These included ice cream, candies, cigars and all kinds of fruits. Most of the children and their families arrived at Meyersdale on B. & O. train No. 16 on Sunday afternoon and were driven across the country to the family resi- dence in automobiles, arriving there about 7 o'clock. The surprise was complete. All of Monday was spent in a social way and amusements of various kinds were indulgedin. Photographer Con- rad, of Meyersdale, took pictures’ of the entire family group. Inthe even-. ing a gorgeous display of of fireworks was put off. This was witnessed by a number of relatives and neighbors who stoped in to pay their respects to the family. Those present comprising the re- union were Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Meyers, the parents and the following children and their families: : Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Rodeniser and son Bruce,Jr., of Pittsburg; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Meyers and daughters, Ethel and Virginia, of Wilkinsburg; Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Meyers and child- ren Edison and June, of Mt. Pleasant; Mr, and Mrs. H. T. Meyers and daugh- ter Marjorie, at home; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Purbaugh and children Loreen and Clarion, of Connellsville; Misses Idella and Ollie C. Meyers at home, This included all the ‘children with exception of Mrs. Harrison C. Gray, of Elizabeth, W. Va., who with her husband and daughter, Jane, were prevented from being present by the latter’s sudden illness. = Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Purbaugh, of Havelock, Nebr. Mr. Purbaugh is the only sur- viving member of the generation in the family of that name which was so prominently identified with the the early settlement of Northampton and surrounding townships. ° FIRE AT SALISBURY. Salisbury had a fire on Tuesday morning when the property of Mrs. McGary of Akron, Ohio, was destroy- ed. M. M. Smith, father-in-law of J. F. Reich, lived in the house. It is thought that ths fire caught from a defective flue from the cooking stove. Most of the furniture was saved. The house is said to have been in- sured for $1,000. There was no in- surance on the furniture. Mrs. Mc- Gary had considerable of her furni- ture on the attic and in other parts of the house. Mr. Smith was at the mines and knew nothing of the fire until he was on his way home from work. The news was telephoned to town and Mrs. J. F. Reich went up at once in an automobile. Michael Cronnely, a brother of Mrs. Smith, and living in Washington, and a niece, Miss Margaret Cronnely, of Frostburg, were on a visit at the home of Mr. Smith. Mr. Cronnely had not seen Mrs. Smith for 17 years. —————————. TEACHERS ELECTED. The school board met on Tuesday evening and elected all the grade teachers that had not yet been chosen. Among the new teachers in the grades are Miss Susan N. Baer, and Miss Esther Austin. The board also took an action to secure the services of another male teacher in the high school. This is a commendable step and it should prove of much account in school work dur- ing the coming year. Isaac Rissmiller of High Bridge, N. J., has been chosen the teacher in the High School. He has had ex- cellent training in the Keystone State course of Lebonon Valley college and of the University of Pennsylvania. The following will constitute our teaching force: W. H. Kretchman, principa’ supervising HIGH SCHOOL. L. D. Crunkleton, principal; Rena Lauver, Alice M. Hanford, Evelyn Truxal, and Isaac Rissmiller. GRADES. Edith Wilhelm, Eva Hoover, Louise Floto, Mayme Platt, Nelle Dom, Kate Coulehan, Mary Eicher, Violet Clark, Martha Deist, Hester Meyers, Ellen Host tler, I ie Crowe, Esther | , and Susan N. | Baer. WILL MAKE IMPROVEMENTS The W. M. R. R. Promises Better Freight and Pas- senger Service. The Western Maryland Railroad Co. is getting ready to push its business in this section. The company knows better than any one else of the splen- did road bed it possesses on the Con- nellsville & State Line division, even the novice knows that scarcely a better roadbed can be found anywhere. The through trains of the company are a matter of just pride, but the local ac- comodations are not, up to this time, very satisfactory. This week the com- pany, on this division, has had her picked men, her officials, over the di- vision, to stop at every station, get personally acquainted with every ticket agent, and are stopping in the towns along the line with their men to call on the business men with refer- ence to building up a business to find out what the people want, and then it will be their privilege and pleasure to adjust matters so that excellent care can be taken of the public and at the same time increase their business along the entire line. The public is doubtless willing to patronize their company if they show a disposition to meet the needs of the public. The article which appeared in The Commercial of June 19th, evi- dently had been carefully read by the officials and it seems that they propose doing everything that can be done to push their business. The Western Mary land was fortunate in securing the ser- vice of the clever and obliging agent, in the person of Mr. Gill, but up to this time he simply had not been in a position to offer the public fhose facil- ities which the public demands. With the full realization of the needs of the people along the line on the part of the officials and are extension of time to adjust matters properly,the promise is that the Western Maryland ‘will do everything that can be done for the accomodation of the public. She sends out a high class of gentle- men, men who mean what they say and say what they mean, and conse- quently we are led to believe that in the not far distant future the W. M. R. R. will lend its full share in touch- ing the various points along the line, to the satisfaction of the public. JAMES S. PUGH ANS- WERS LAST CALL. Attorney James L. Pugh, one of the oldest members of the Somerset County Bar, passed away at 10:30 on Saturday morning, at the Markleton Sanitorium, at the age of 68 years. He has been ill for a long time witha complication of diseases. The body was brought to Somerset on Sunday. The funeral services were held on Mon- day,interment in the Union cemetery. The deceased was a son of James and Rachel Pugh, and was born in Somerset township. After securing a common school education, he gradu- ated from the Millersville State Nor- mal School, and later graduated from the law department of the University of Michigan. He was admitted to the bar in this county in 1874. He served. ‘pleasing manner. three yoars as District Attorney, two terms as County Superintendent of Schools and was in the Legislature two terms. Attorney Pugh was a veteran of the Ciyil War, having served two enlist- ments. The first was in Company E’ 133d Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and the second was in the Fifth Heavy Artillery. At the battle of Gettys- burg he was awounded three times. He was also in the battle of Chan- cellorsville, but escaped injury there. The deceased was never married. He issurvived by one brother,the Rev. B. F, Pugh, of Ottawa, Kan., and two sisters—Mrs.Oliver Knepper and Mrs. Rose Anne Saylor, both of Somerset. He was an uncle of District Attorney Virgil R. Saylor. Mr. Pugh was a prominent member of the local Mason- ic order. PURCHASED A FARM. J. A. Poorbaugh, for a number of years, member of the firm of Poor- baugh Bros., Meat Market, recently purchased a hundred acre farm, ciose to York City, Pa. Mr. Poor- baugh and family expect to leave Meyersdale in October to take pos= session of the farm. Mr. Poorbaugh’s | absence from town will be keenly | felt by many, for he was one of the] live, big-hearted, progressive spirits |e ‘sof Meyers | SOCIETY NOTES. Miss Regena Reich, gave a very delightful dance at the Auditorium Friday evening of last week to a few of her friends in honar of her aunt, Miss Leota Smith, and friend, Miss Caroline Craney, of Pittsburgh, who were her guests, the past two weeks. IN GUESTS HONOR. Charming appointments prevailed at the reception given by Mrs. C. W. Truxal at her home on Broadway street, last Friday afternoon. The hours were from three to five o’clock, when a number of her daughter Miss Beatrice’s friends were invited to meet her house guests, Miss Kathryn Philson of Johnstown, and Miss Mar- guerite Berthy of Cohen, W, Va. On Monday evening Miss Truxal entertained a large number of her friends by giving a dance at the Audi- torinm in honor of her guests, Miss Philson, and Miss Berthy, who were honor guests at the reception, ®nd Miss Harriet Hill of Pittsburg, who arrived here on Saturday. This was pronounced one of the most de- lightful social affairs of the season. After the dance the guests went to the Truxal home on Broadway where a delicious lunch was served. ONE O CLOCK LUNCHEON. Mrs. Paul D. Clutton was hostess on Saturday when she entertained at a one o’clock luncheon. The decora- tions were in pink and white and the center piece was a French basket of sweet peas. The honor guest was her sister-in-law, Miss Frances Clutton, of Slippery Rock, who has been visit- ing here for several weeks. . 3 INFORMAL PARTY. Miss Grace Kendall entertained in- formally at her home on North street, Saturday evening, in honor of her house guests the Misses Mary Willa and Kathryn Kendall of Pittsburg; Miss. Annie Campbell of Mechanics- burg, Miss Rosena Zuhurst and Miss Reta Van Nest of Washington, D. C. The out-of-town guests were Misses Harriet Hill of Pittsburg, Kathryn Philson of Johnstown, Marguerite Berthy of Cohen, W. Va.; Eloise Somerlatt of Cumberland, Mary Stickle of Frederick, Md., and Floi- ence Maust of Salisbury. MIRIAM GLESSNER ENTERTAINS HER GIRL FRIENDS . At her residence on the avenue, Tuesday July 15, Miriam Glessner gaye to her girl friends a delightful party which celebrated her twelfth birthday. evening the girls assembled and en- gaged in games and contests, chief of which was a ‘‘doll-dressing’’ contest. Each one present was provided with a doll and materials. The products of the seamstressess manifested much originality and skill as style creators. The first of the three prizes offered for neatness and originality was won by Louise Hocking; the second by Katherine Aurandt; and the third by Julia Hoblitzell. In fact all the girls deserved congratulations upon the general excellence of the workman- ship. At six o’clock a luncheon was served in the dining room. The color scheme was pink and was carried oui in a The following were present: Hilda Lichty, Stella Rowe, Louise Hocking, Elizabeth Hocking, Nancy Rutter, Margaret Shipley, Mary and Julia Cover, Julia Hoblitzell, Rhea and Katherine Auranndt, Alice Moore, Deeter Appel, Kathryn Sipple, Paul- ine Knieriem, Bessie Bittner, and Bertha Glessner’ FOUNTAIN COMPLETED. The long looked for fountain for which the Civic League had been working for for months is at last find- ing its reward in a finished fountain, furnishing an abundance of crystal water for man and dog; water from the noted Sand Spring. The concrete foundation was laid by the well-known firm of Beal & Weimer. Baer & Company have made the water connections and erec- ted the fountain. In the large basin there are four faucets, and below are two receptacles for thirsy dogs to quench their thirst. The fountain is massive and yet very beautiful, towering to a height of about 12 feet from the base. Three lights, at the top, furnish ample light for all who have occasion to get a drink. On the sid the we panel facing Centre st s in relief ‘‘ Meyersdale 1913.” At an early hour in the | BASE BALL. MEYERSDALE DEFEATED AT CUMBER- LAND. In one of the hardest fought base ball battles of the season on Saturday Meyersdale was defeased at Cumber- land by the score of 2 to 1. It was a great pitchers battle be- tween our own Johnny Stafford and Bell, the Cumberland pitcher.with the former haying the better of the argu- ment all the way through, although Cumberland won, due to errors. Stafford gave but twohits while neither was a good clean hit. Diehl relieved Bell in the last evening and held Meyersdale safe. MEYERSDALE. AB.R.H.P.A.E. Swearman,ss .. ........ 4. 0.1-0:13 2 Bowman, mf............ 4 12 00 0 Wilhelm, If........ ..... 4 0:2 0 00 Price, 1b....... 4 0 110 0 © Bennings, rf 4:0 1.1: 20 McElfish, 2b 4.0 1120 Clark, ©...........ss...n. 4.0 0111 1 Bleeher, 3b.............. 300130 Stafford, p............. 2°00 0 3 {1 Tolals........ ..... .. 33 1 82410 4 CUMBERLAND. AB.R.H.P.A.E. Geatz, 3b................. 4:0 0 1°30 Blackburn, If... 4:0 0.1.01 May. 1b........... 3 00'7 00 C. Lippold,2b $17 13 20 Marean, mf.............. 20.0110 O’Toole; 2b.............. 30.01.01 Rodenbaugh, rf........ 8112060 Brode, e................«; 3.0 011 '0 0 Bell, p..... 2 00030 Diehl, p......i0u.50.. 10:0 0010 Totals......... ....... 28 2 2 927 102 Meyersdale....... ... 00000100 0—1 Cumberland ........ 01000001 x—2 Summary—Struck out by Bell 1i, Stafford 10, stolen base, C. Lippold 2, Rodebaugh; sacrifice hit Marenan; double play,Marenan to O'Toole; wild piteh, Bell; hit by pitcher, Stafford. Time—1I:25. Umpire—Ritchey. MEYERSDALE VS. MT. SAVAGE. The Meyersdale ball team played a game at Mt. Savage on Sunday after- for Meyersdale and held the Maryland team downto a few scattered hits. Meyersdale played a good game and won by the score of 3 to 0. BERLIN VS, MEYERSDALE The Berlin and Meyersdale, ball teams will play a game of ball to morrow (Friday) on the Slicer grounds. The last game Berlin de- feated Meyersdale. Our boys will try to eyen up matters tomorrow. PITTSBURGH COLLEGIANS. The Pittsburgh Collegians will play here Monday and Tuesday of next week . MARRIED AT LANCASTER, PA. On Monday morning at 9:00 o’clock, Dr. Cyrus W. Truxal, son of Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Truxal, were united in the bonds of matrimony, in Lancas- ter, to Miss Elizabeth J. Frey, daughter of Mrs. C. M. Catnell. The ceremony was performed by his fath- er, inthe presence of the immediate friends of both families. The bride was given in marriage by her uncle, John D. Skiles, of Lancaster. W. Curtis Truxal, Esq., of Somerset, brother of the groom was best man. The wedding was a quiet but pretty function. The bride wore a travelling costume of blue and she also wore orcnids and lilies of the valley. After the wedding there was a breakfast for the immediate fami- lies. The young couple left on a wed- ding trip and upon their return they will reside in Lancaster. While on their honeymoon they will yisit Mey- ersdale next week. Dr. Truxal, is a graduate of Frank- lin and Marshall College, Lanaaster, of the Haenehan College of Medi- cine, of Philadelphia. The groom is well known here, and highly respected, while the bride has also been in Meyersdale and has made a num- ber of friends here. Dr. Truxal, will take up the prac- tice of medicine next year. FROM THE WEST. Simon Shaulis of Waterloo, Iowa, is another -one of the veterans who came a long distance to attend tke reunion at Gettysburg. He left the west on June 16th, and will spend three months on his visit. lis left Somerset county in 1874. | was born and reared near Berlin, | while Pennsylyania has an seven trips to his: S ; a place which he calls is choice. noon. Danny Miller was on the mound’ THE GRIM == ==Iz REAPER MRS. EPHRAIM WALKER. Mrs. Sara Keller Walker, wife of Ephraim Walker, who had been ill a long time .died last Thursday morn- ing at the Walker home, at Shanks- ville, aged 66 years. The funeral took place at 9:30 o’clock Saturday morning from the Pike Church of the Brethren, where the ser- vices were conducted by Rev. D. L. Walker, of near Somerset. The de- ceased was born in Somerset, county and was a daughter of Casper and Catharine Keller. She is surviyed by two sisters, Mrs. Rauser, and Mrs, Reitz, both liviug in the state of Iowa. Her husband to whom she was married about 42 years ago, sur- vives her, together with two sons, two daughters, and six grandchild- ren. The sons are Charles E. Walk- er, of Johnstown, who has been at Shanksville for several days; New- ton Walker, and Miss Margaret Walker, . both of Davidsville and Miss Sara Walker, at home. Mrs.- Walker was a lifelong member of the Church of the Brethren. MRS. LOUISE S. CROWE. Mrs. Louise Crowe, was born on the National Pike 2 miles west of Frostburg, Md., August 17, 1£37. She was a daughter of Jesse W. Chaney and Susan Lohr Chaney, and was married to George A. Crowe, October 11, 1855. She died at hcr home near Frostburg, Md., Monday afternoon, July 14, 1913, after a short illness of apoplexy, aged 76. years. She was a lifelong member «f the M.E. church, of which she was very faithful, and a devout christizn. She was a teacher in the Sundey school since 1871. She is survived by her aged hus- band, and the following children :— Floyd, Thomas, and John who reside: near the old home, Clarence E., anc Eugene of this place and George, of Frostburg, Mrs. Henrietta Murphy" and Mrs. Annie Wilson, ne: r Frostburg, Mrs. Carrie ZFinzel, of Davis, W. Va., and one sister at Lc. = aconing, Md., 50 grandchildren and. 18 great grandchildren also survive.. She was laid to rest in the ceme- Wednesday afternoon, in the pres- ence of a large and sorrowing crowd. of relatives and friends. MRS. ALICE LARGENT. Alice Largent, who lived on ths’ corner of High and Eighth streets, died on Tuesday morningat. 2:00 o’clock in the Johnstown. hospital. Mrs. Largent was the widow.of John Largent, who was killed on-the B. & O. railroad about 16 years ago. A son aged 14 years, died 12 years ago. Mrs. Largent had been ailing ago she went to the’hospital suffering from a complication of maladies, gall enlargement. The immediate« cause of her death was through an operation resulting from the removal of the gall. 4 Undertaker J. F. Reich went to Johnstown on Tuesday morning and brought her remains to town on train No. 56. Mrs. Largent is survived by the following brothers and sisters: — the Latrobe High school, but now of New Waterford, Ohio, Mrs. Alvey Murray of Johnstown,fand Mrs. B. Fo, Boyd of Bellaire, Ohio. The funeral is being held today, Rev. J. A. Yount, pastor of the Lutheran church officiating. Inter- ment was- made in the Union ceme- tery. MRS. MULL. Mrs. Mull, an aged lady of Mance, died July 14, 1913. She was a member of the Mt. Lebanon Re- formed church. The funeral seryices are being held today at 1:00 o’clock, by her pastor, Rev. A. S. Kresge, assisted by Rev. H. H. Wian®. In terment in Mt. Lebanon cemetery. Three granddaughters survive her, as follows:—QGertrude, Mayme and Margaret Lynch, children of her daughter, who was the wife of Philip Lynch, of this place, and died about | ten years ago. LLOYD MCKENZIE. Mr. Shau- | Lloyd. McKenzie, child of W. H. He | McKenzie, and wife, of near Pocahon- died on Monday July 14th, 1 nd was buried on Wedn : + sday, July tery at Emmanuel chapel at 2 o’clocies TR iW for a number of years.j Three weeks : stomach trouble, enlarged liver, and . Charles Streng of town, Prof. A. A. ; * Streng, for many .years principal of - Bk Hn BREA
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