ED, y EENGAG- {1 SHING WANT To Look You ? OT HAV ING, BE- OME FOR CELLAR (URIOUSS, RNISHED R SToCK PER, LI- ING MA- HE BEST ARE AND WE 9 Both Phones, rsdale ON. L 1 chronic dis- 913. inent special- ir home. Dr. e living here, I realize that ick, therefore ed to see the service of an 11 and see me, er examining your case is b well, I will standing. I f it, purifies iney trouble, along spine, a why I can ntly, pains in nd give you JBLES ? h you, suffer | consult me. |. . S sore throat, ’e been sick, nt. be suffering h benefits in ‘h, Piles and rvous, weak, >, I want you , Variocele, oss of amb of a private manent and matter what treated only icer House, | of a treat- A rr pn rived at th ‘he procession *h proceeded the cemetery tery beauti- Ces were held 11 repaired to Memorial sere f Rev. E. 8. \) x Want Pm Menersdal i A ii ommercial. MEVERSDALE. PA.. THURSDAY. JUNE 12. 1913 VOLUME XXXVI MEYERSDALE'S NEW THEATRE T. W. Gurley’s Store Rooms to be Occupied by a New Moving Picture Show. The building on Center street, for some years occupied by T. W. Gurley, jeweler and stationer, has been trans- formed into a moving picture enter- prise to be known as the Bijou Thea- tre. The room was secured from Mr. Gurley by parties who conduct a mov- ing picture show at Somerset, on a long-term lease, and these same par- ties have successfully engaged in the business at Allentown, Pa., and points in the state of New Jersey. The interior has been made to con- form with the latest architecture and arrangement of modern city show places, and is in every respect strictly up-to-date. The floor slants toward the screen, which is the only place in town so arranged. The latest model comfortable opera chairs to the num- ber of 350 will be installed in three tiers, allowing space for two commo- dious aisles the entire length of the room. Extra precautions have been taken to avoid danger of fire. The ceiling is of steel, the operator’s booth, instead of being stationed at the usual place, will be located in an aleove to one side, which reduces the possibility of fire, and its a$tendant stampede, to a minimam. Then, too, the booth being located but forty feet from the screen will, it is said, have the effect of showing the finer points of a picture more distinctly, besides entirely eliminating the un- steady, flickering projection of a pro- duction on the screen. _ : There will be two large exits, front and rear, and this will also afford per- fect natural ventilation. But to further enhance the ventilation four .. 20-inch electric- fans will be located at proper points in the room. This insures perfect comfort within the theatre, no matter how humid the atmosphere may be on the outside. The theatre will be fitted with the very latest style picture machine, screen, musical and other accessories, and as soon as the famous talking pic- tures can be secured in the smaller cities and towns the Bijou will have one in operation. A piano artist of note will be imported from Johnstown to furnish the music for the shows. The instrument is located in a pit directly before the screen which .will permit the operator to play suitable selections and keep in touch with the pictures as they are being shown. Only the latest and best films obtain- - able will be shown, thus assuring all patrons that they have never before seen the picture. It is now thought that the workmen will have the room ready for the in- stallation of the chairs, machines, ete., by the 14th inst., and that the fine new show room will be thrown open to the public by the} 20th inst., when a cordial invitation is extended for all to be present, to witness the best pictures ever shown in Meyers- dale. The proprietor personally guar- antees satisfaction, and that only polite, painstaking attendants will be at your service, ASK FOR FRANCHISE. A proposed ordinance granting a franchise the Citizens Light, Heat and Power company passed first reading at the regnlar monthly meet- ing of Somerset Town Council. The new concern asks for a 20- year grant, and their proposition was presented " by Attorney Charles H. Ealy. The Citizens company was incor- porated two months ago by Thomas E. Gallagher, Allen B. Cunning- ham, and Robert Uhl, of Somerset. Since the present concern, the Som- erset Electric Light, Heat & Power company, was _ organized some twenty years ago, it has had a mon- opoly of the local field. Somerset has neyer had day elec- tric service and the new company promises to inaugurate such service promptly if Council acts favorably on their franchise. Several weeks ago it was reported that the old electric company had been absorbed by the Penn Electric Service company, a corporation of eastern capitalists, but the sale has not yet been confirmed. The price was given at $175,000. The Penn coinpany recehtly took over” the Citizens Light, Heatyand Power com- pany of Johnstown. It is not known whether the pros- pects of competition will affect the | > of th | witnessed the commencement exer- | cises. consummation of the old company’s sale. SOCIETY NOTES. Miss. Mame Weber was hostess on Monday evening when she delightful- ly entertained the Spinster Club at her home on High street. The young ladies spent the evening very pleas- antly in doing fancy work, and at eleven o’clock a dainty lunch was served. The euchre and dance given by Mrs. Philip G. Reich and Miss Mary Livengood at the Summer Garden on Tuesday evening, was the leading social affair of the season. About 125 guests were present and a very enjoyable evening was spent. An elaborate lunch was served at 12:00 o’clock. Livengood’s orchestra fur- nished the music. The Dorcas Thimble Club met at the horhe of Mrs. Paul D. Clutton, on Broadway street, yesterday after- noon. AUTO ACCIDENT. Stoyestown, June 10.—Two big autos, one on its way from Bedford to Pittsburg and the other on its way from San Francisco to Baltimore, Md., collided yesterday morning about 10:30 o’ciock near thé Spangler home, above Stoyestown. W. C. Fownes, Secretary of Mid- land Steel Company, Pittsburg, was the only one injured, although all other occupants of the two cars were more or less bruised. In a large Packard car were Mr. and Mrs. W. OC. Fownes, and Miss Louise Elkins, all of Pittsburg. They were on their way to Pittsburg from Bedford. Mrs. Fownes and Miss El- kins escaped serious injury, although they suffered a nervous shock. In a Chase car were E. B. Hanson and J. A. Clairmont, who were on their way from San Francisco to Bal- timore. 'I'hey had been on the road for 17 days, they said, and this was their first accident. The car was so badly wrecked that it will remain} here for some days: ds TRAIN DERAILED. Train No. 7, bound for Johnstown on the B. & O. railroad was wrecked Friday morning when it strucka brok- enrail near Blough’s curve near Hoov- ersville. Two coaches were dama- ged but no one was seriously injured. Exaggerated reports of the accident were circulated and caused much concern for a time. Friday after- noon wrecking crews of the B. &O. were put on the branch putting the track in commission. The passengers were transferred from the damaged coaches into another and arrived at Johnstown station shortly after 10 o’clock. Train No. 7 is due at Johnstown at 9:30 o’clock in the morning. It usually hauls three coaches and car- ries considerable traffic. A broken rail was struck atthe curve and two of the rear coaches were hurled from the tracks. The tracks were badly torn and the passengers were shaken up. Wrecking crews arrived and the debris was cleared away and the passengers transferred to the unharm- ed car and taken to Johnstown. SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. Thursday June 5th, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Knieriem, of Broadway street, celebrated“their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, and in honor of the oc- casion their daughter, Miss Marion, planned a surprise for them which was a complete success in every way. The house was beautifully decorated with ferns and white peonies. Twen- ty-five guests were present and the evening was pleasantly spent in play- ing cards, and at a late hour a deli- cious lunch, which had been prepared by Miss Knieriem, was served. Mr. and Mrs. Knieriem were the recipients of many beautiful gifts of silver. GRADUATES AT BALTIMORE, MD. Miss Carlotta Rishell, whose par- ents, Rev. and Mrs. E. W. Rishell, reside at Windber, has returned from vention and Institute of Other Business. Closing Service. D. D., Meyersdale. Anything Else Helpful and ville. . Its Relation to Missions, . Its Teachers, S. C. Witt, bs 14 QW 3 DO ODD 11:25—Queries. 11:45—Adjournment. ited to ten minutes.) . The Cradle Roll, Mrs. E. . The O. A. B. Class, Rev. CU WON ger, Frostburg. 3:45—Queries. Ensuing Year. 4:30—Adjournment. Song and Devotional Service....... Nar Singing. Offering. SUNDAY SCHOOL MEETING Program of the Twenty-First Annual Sunday School Con- Church, at Stoyestown, June 19th and 20th. THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 19th, 7:45 OCLOCK. Song and Devotional Service................ Conducted by Rev. H. H. Wiant Welcome Address.............: 54s vives Mr. John A. Wetzel, Stoyestown Response ......... ei Gaal TL Mr. A. B. Grof, Somerset Singing. Address, ‘‘The Progressive Sunday School Worker,” .................. . HE atid LBL cesseesseeennee. Rev. O. M. Hartzell, Latrobe Singing. " Offering. Appointment of Committees on Nominations and Resolutions, and Any FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 20. 8:45—Song and Devotional Service, Conducted by Rev. A. E. Truxal, wes neTan 9:15—Roll Call of the Sunday Schools of the Classis, with One-Minute _ Reports from each one, giving (1) Enrollment, (2) Average At- tendance, (3) Contributions, (4) What Modern Methods, (5) 10:00—SYMPOSIUM—THE UP-TO-DATE SUNDAY SCHOOL: will be limited to ten minutes) . Its Relation to the Church, Rev. A. M. Schaffner, Meyersdale - Its Relation to the Family, W. J. R. Hay, Lavansville.¥ ni . Its Relation to the Community, John C. Weller, New Center- . Its Officers, W. M. Kistler, Garrett. .. Its Scholars, Miss Mary Hay, Meyersdale, Route 2. . Its Equipment, C. W. Truxal, Meyersdale. ; FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 20. 1:30—Song and Devotional Service, Conducted by Rev. D. S. Stephan. 2:00—20TH CENTURY SUNDAY SCHOOL METHODS: . The Home Department, Mrs. H. F. Fogle, Salisbury. . The Teacher Training Class, Rev. C. A. Hauser, Phila. . The Teachers’ Meeting, Prof. W. H. Kretchman, Meyersdale. © 6. The New Graded Lessons, Miss Lizzie Zimmerman, Berlin. --8:115—Round Table, ‘‘Sunday School Organization,”’ Rev. Geo. E. Met- 4:15—Report of Nominating Committee, and Election of Officers for FRIDAY EVENING, 7:45 O’CLOCK. Report of Committee on Resolutions, and Any Miscellaneous Business Address, ‘Leading Sunday School Problems, and How to Meet Them,’ auras erie. Rev. C. A. Hauser, Educational Superintendent, Phila: Closing Service of Final Adjournment. Somerset Classis, Reformed an ae WN Interesting. : : (Speakers Merle R. Schrock, Berlin, R. D. Meyersdale, R. D. 2. (Speakers will be lim- S. Hassler, Meyersdale, Route 2. A. J. Miller, Jenners. ies, Conducted by Rev. Ira S. Monn i { SHIPLEY HARD- WARE COMPANY. The new hardware firm under the old name Shipley Hardware company, needs no introduction to the people of Somerset county, as both members of the new firm were members of the old firm. Barron E. Shipley and Ful- ton Shipley are young men in the prime of life and have learned the business from the bottom up. With the well established firm with which they have been connected for years, and the reputation of the Shipley Hardware company, the young men start under favorable auspices, and their many friends wish them abun- dant success in their mercantile en- terprise. WILLS CREEK TO HAVE PASTOR. The indications are that the Wills Creek charge, of the Reformed church, consisting of Mt. Lebanon, Glencoe, White Oak, and Greenville chur~tes will have a regular pastor before long. Rev. A. S. Kresge who has been spending some time in this jacality has declared his willingness to serve the people. It is hoped final arrangements can be made so that those worthy people will have a regu- lar pastor once more. Rev. Mr. Kresge has rented the home adjoining H. J. Wilmoth’s and will bring his family from Plymouth, Ind., before long. “While in this vici- nity Mr. Kresge has officiated at three funerals. Baltimore, where she graduated last week from Gouth@* College, which | was formerly the Women’s College. | Miss Sue Berkey, daughter of Mr. | and Mrs. J. A. Berkey of Somerset, | was also “graduated from Goucher | EXPERT EMBALMER. | WATCH THE MOOSE. Posters are being distributed throughout the county and else- where announcing the Moose picnic to be held at Riverside Park on July 4th. The attractions are many and varied and many liberal prizes are offered. It is hardly necessary to state that it will be a big affair, as the Loyal Order of Moose of Meyers- dale always go the limit in the way of giving the people the worth of their money. The parade alone will be worth coming miles to see and the music will be furnished by the fa- mous Moose Band of Currberland. Don’t miss it. BURIED AT ROCKWOOD. The remains of Oscar Hemminger, the thirteen year old son of Represen- tative and Mrs. O. J. Hemminger who was drowned in the Susquehanna riv- er at Harrisburg on Monday a week ago, were brought to Rockwood on Sunday morning. The body was re- covered about fourteen miles from where the boy lost his live. Interment took place in the I. O. O.F. cemetery on Sunday afternoon at 1;00 o’clock. The many friends extend their warmest sympathy to Dr. Hemminger and wife. TRIP TO THE WEST. Mrs. C. H. Dia and daughters, the Misses Olevia and Caroline, left Sun- day on train No. 5 for a trip through th west, going direct to Omaha, Neb,, where they spent a few days. From there Mrs. Dia went to Edgar, Neb., where she will visit her son, Harry | Dia and family, who are among the | leading farmers of that locality. THE GRIM == =I=Ia REAPER Daniel Gomer of near White Oak, died on Monday. Heé was aged 71 years, 5 months and 15 days. The funeral services were held yesterday afternoon in the White Oak Reformed church, Rev. A. 8. Kresge, officiating. Interment was made in the cemetery adjoining the churgh. Jacob Pile, aged 36 years, of Som- erset, died Sunday last of a compli- cation of diseases. His widow and one daughter Louise, survive him. Funeral services were held at the res- idence at 4 go’clock Monday after- noon in charge of Rev. I. Hess Wag- ner. Interment in Husband ceme- tery: SMALLPOX SCARE. Boswell was given a smallpox scare on Monday, when it became known that a girl with eruptions ®ver her body did some shopping in a local store, sat among a crowd of people in a mov- ing picture theater and made some purchases in a meat market. The three business houses were closed on Monday for fumigation, but were re- opened on Tuesday. The girl and other members of the family are now quar- antined. Nevertheless, Boswell people were somewhat frightened and a num- ber are submitting to vaccination as a precaution. The patient at large was a Miss Horner, about 14 or 16 years old, who makes her home with the John Doubt family, between Forwardstown and Boswell. She had been suffering with a severe cold and thought the erup- tions over her body were boils. Sat- urday evening she came to Boswell to get some medicine from Pr. Liven- good, who immediately realized that the girl had smallpox. She was sént home with the instructions to stay there, and on Monday Dr. C. P. Large, of Meyersdale, County Medi- cal Inspector, whom Dr. Livengood had notified, visited the Doubt home and established a quarantine. fe ANNUAL CONVENTION. The 37th annual convention of tho Lutheran Sunday School Association of Somerset county was held in the Lutheral church at Hooyersvyille, Rev. P. J. Shriver, pastor, June 3-5. The opening service was in charge of Rev. E. B. Boyer of Confluence. Excellent music was furnished by the choir. The address of welcome was delivered by Mrs H. G. Hamer of Hooversville and the response was by Rev. Simon Snyder of Scalp Level. The President, Hon. W. H. Ruppel, delivered his annual address in his usual convincing manner. During the convention interesting addresses were made on papers pre- sented by the following persons: —W. A. Weaver, Rev. H. S. Rhoads, Rev. J. A. Yount, Rev. I. Hess Wagner, Rev. D. W. Lecrone, Miss Lou Floto, Miss Laura Good, Rev. D. 8. Kurtz, Rev. W H. B. Carney. Rev. L.P. Young delivered his illustrated lec- tare on the ‘‘Holy Land’’. Rev. Car- ney presided at the lantern. The election of officers resulted as follows: —President, Hon. W. H. Rup- pel; Vice President, Mrs. E. E. Hazel- barth; Corresponding Secretary, W. | H. Yost; Statistical Secretary, Virgil R. Saylor, Esq.; Treasurer, Hon. O. P. Shaver. A committee consisting of Revs. Yount, English, McCOarney and Messrs. Jerry S. Miller, and E. E. Hazelbarth was appointed to prepare a new constitution to be presented next year. Misses Esther Conrad and Nelle Bittner served as delegates of the Meyersdale Sunday school. MORE TROUBLE : FOR H. F. BARRON. Somerset, June 5.—Through Attor- neys Norman T. Boose and A. L. G. Hay, the Farmers’ National Bank, of Somerset, last evening brought an ac- tion against Henry F. Barron to re- cover $43,000, with interest from March 10, 1913. Barron was formerly Treasurer of the Farmers’ National Bank and it is alleged in the suit that on March 7, 1913, and at other times he, as Cash- | R. Reich & Son, undertakers of |The Misses «Dia will go from Omaha Meyersdale, had a very complimen- tary letter from Henn Bros., ot Chi- | through to Denver, and to Colorado | | Springs, Oolo., and on their return College last week. She ‘has the dis- | cago, or the preparation of George | they will join their mother at Edgar; tinction of being the youngest person { ever graduated from-that institution. Her sisters, Misses Mabel and Marv Savonovich’s body, which was sent from here on June 4th, to Chicago. Savonovich was run down by a train at McSpadden, near Garrett, and had | been identified as George Slavin | here Mrs. Dia and Miss Caroline will | | remain for a month or more, while | Miss Olevi ill return in two weeks. visit in Kansas City, and Louis, Mo., and Cincinnati, O. ier, took for his own use sums aggre- | gating $43,000, and, it is further al- leged, that no part of this sum has been returned. Mr. Barron was elected Cashier of the bank June 1i, 1800, when the bank was established. He served until March 13, when his relations with the bank NUMBER 1£92 MEETING OF DEMOCRATS Large and Enthusiastic Gath- ering of the County Democracy. The Democracy as represented by the county committee was out in large numbers at the county seat yes- terday, called by the president and secretary, to elect officers for the en- suing two years. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman C. W. Walker. In the absence of W. F. Cleaver, secretary, Geo. C. Hay, Esq., of Salisbury, was appointed to serve in the capacity of secretary. The roll was called and a large number of districts were repre- sented by committeemen or their proxies. Meyersdale had as repre- sentatives B. E. Shipley and A. S. Glessner. The main object of the meeting was to elect officers for the next two years and the adoption of rules gov- erning the democratic party in the. future. C. W. Walker had been placed in nomination. E. E. Kiernan suggested that an opportunity should be given to all to express their sentiments fully and freely and believed that it would be well if other names were presented to be voted on, besides the present chairman, and suggested the names of Ernest O. Kcoser, Chas F. Uhl, and Almon Hadman.: No nominations . besides that of - Mr. alker were made, and the secretary passed the motion and Mr. Walker was unani- mously elected. Mr. Walker accept- ed the office entrusted to him in a neat speech. The name of Chas. F. Uhl was pre~ sented for treasurer. Mr. Uhl pre-~ ferred to decline. He was however elected by acclamation. At the last meeting of the commit- tee it was decided that a set of rules should be.adopted governing the par- ty in Somerset county. The chairman had appointed a com~ mittee consisting of two members, Chas. F. Uhl and Alex. B. Grof. Two reports were presented. : Both members of the committee submitted reasons for the rules pre- sented. E. E. Kiernan supported the rules presented by Mr. Uhl. The main dif= ference of the two sets of rules was that by the Grof rules the commit teemen elect the chairman of the county committee, and by the Uhl rules the people of the party through- out the county would determine who should be chairman of the county committee. The Grof rules carried by a vote of more than two, to one and the rules in this respect remain as they had been. After the business of the meeting had been transacted the chairman called upon a number of those pres- ent for short speeches. Stephen McClintock, the rock rib- bed Democrat of Addison township, warmed the blood of the democracy by recalling the days of small things and the life of martyrdom which was involved in democratic loyalty in Somerset connty. E. 0. Kooser, attorney, of Somer= set, responded to a call for a speech. A. 8B. Glessner of Meyersdale made the welkin ring by his fiery oratory. A.M. Schaffner, editor of The Com-~ mercial, was present and on invita tion made a flicitious speech. After the good and welfare had been spoken, the committee adjourn ed, united to fight a divided enemy, ———————————— H. J. WIMOTH IMPROVED H. J. Wilmoth, who had been seri« ously ill, and who had passed through a surgical operation by Dr. Harrison, of Baltimore, has been much relieved since. He has been made comfortable and his friends are hopeful that he will ultimately recover. SUNDAY VISITORS, Mr. and Mrs. A. OC. Simler, and Percy Allen Rose, of Johnstown, came here Sunday morning in their large touring car and spent the day at the Colonial Hotel. Mrs. S. J. McClune, and daughter, Miss Mar- garet who had been here for a week, accompanied them home Sunday evening. ————— one LAWN FETE. At St. Paul Reformed church, un-- der the auspices of the Forward | and True Blue Bible classes the del~ | icacies of the season will be served {on the church lawn, next Saturday | evening, June 14. Everybody is cor | dially in
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