llisceUaiurius. N<> one, on merely c<-ii versing with a fish ever succeeded in drawing bira out. A man's boots'sometimes becomes tight through absorbing water—the man, neVei. II bruuk* aie, is jot ts call 'bt ni, tl.e must joyous things in nature,what are ti-ey always "murmuring" about '?" A man that everybody knows to be a liar may perhaps be excused (or lying. It seems to do him a vast deal ol good, and uobudy any harm. At a crowded lecture the other evening a young lady, standing at the door of the church was addressed bv an honest Ir.sh man : "Indade, Miss, I should be glad to give you a sate, but the empty ones are all full." An old bachelor is a travelor on life's rail road who ha 6 entirely faded to make the proper connections. Winched says the people down in Alabama are so hard pressed for eggs, thvt they have to set their turkeys on Carolina potatoes. Miss Dobbs says the sweetest line she ev er read, was her Simon's name written in molasses on the front stoop. Don't beat your carpets, poor numb things at all events, it's cowardly to strike them when they're down. If they deserve punish ment call in a polictman and let him take them op| ' Come till America, Pat,'' writes a son of the Eemerald Isle to his friend in Ireland ; "'tis a tine country to get a livin' in. All ve have to do is to get a three-Cornered b->x, fill it wid bin KS and carry it till the top of a four-story building, and the man at the top does all the work." —•— The following ate among the notices pui up at a petroleum town in Westera Pi-nnsy I rania : "2u> talking with the chambermaid" —''Fare as high as any other house"—'"Not responsible for boots left in the hall"—"No sardines admitted." A clergyman, at the examination of the y nig scholars of the Sunday ScltOo!, put the following question : " Wny did the cluhlri.ii of Isiael set yip a gulden calf?" "B cause they had not money enough to set up an < x," was the pupil's reply. "Mamiua," said a little fellow whose mother had forbade his diawing hor.-es and ships on the mahogany sideb< ard with &harpnail, "mamma, th-B,ain't a nice liou->e." "Why so?" was the reply. "Because at Peter Sickei's we can cut tie sofa, and pull out the hair, and ride the shov el and toigs over the carpet ; but .art we don't have any lunai all." DISTRESSING ACClDENT — Ycsterevv, wrh ; joyous spirits, and in georgeou* array, I sal lied forth with charming Clara, f-r a dashiog promenade. Ah ! what strants ufuiagicpow er swell the chords of youthfnl pride, as one treads the walks of fashion with a beauty by his side. Clara, with a grace bewitching, seemed to trip on fairy feet, and each passer turned to view us sailing grand I v up the bu sy street; thrilled my hiart with adoration for my fond aff. ction'R queen, beating time to mystic rustling of her crinoline. Snddenl\ my charmer faltered, as if shocked by some great ill, while the anguish of her feature* seemed my inmost 601.1 to chill ; lightly ph my arm she languishes, and I cried in anx ious fear ; "Speak once more, darling Clara. Tell me what's the matter, dear ?" Methought her gentle form grew lesser by the collapse of her gown, as %lie sighed in trembling accents : "Lore, my skeleton is down !" Tins POET'S BEDFELLOW. — In alafely pub lished work by Dr. Brown,of Edinburg, Scot land, we find ihe Inflowing anecjole of the poet Campbell : From Tweedsmuir we walk ed by the Bield. the old inn, where M< ff.lt's carriers baited or slept j and could not help recalling a story pf ' Humphrey Clinker " Campbell, the poet, in his young days, had walked this far, and got snng into hiR bed after his tumbler of toddy, when there was a knock at his door. "Come in and behold, with a candle in htr hand, ttood the pretty maiden who Jind given htm his supper, in her short gown and petticoat. "Pleaw, sir, could ye tak' a netber inter yer bed ?" "With all my heart," said the imaginative, susceptible poet, starting gaily up. ye,-*ir, for the M-ffait carrier's just come in a' wit. and there's no single ith er place." Up came the huge and reeking man ; exit the dainty little woman. iMMttft rr, SM I ?FALI7*G THE BEST or IT—A Yankee out walking in Virginia, at Wheeling, while t himself a talking, experienced a f-eling— si range, painful, and alarmin' !—fr m his head to his knees, as he sudden'j discovered he gnyered oVr wtttj ! They rest ed drf his eyeh'D, and r etched up->n Ms nose they tfolon-zt d his ppMvd face, and swirmcd ujonhis clothes. They explored upon his 1 swelhng nostrils' dived dpep into his ears . j they crawlled upon his trower,at d fi'ledhis eves with tears ! Did he yell like a hyena ? • Did he holler like a loon ? Was he scarf, J and did he cot and run. or dM ihe crittor; svonn ? Ne'er a one ! He wasn't scarf a I note: tie-Pvv swooji-j ntir hollers ; W he | hired fffevi in a nail key tight, art# s< Id for two dollars I j WAft? BJ I i 100,000 i M enand Wo 111 c 11 '' • • *t / • J■' ; : ; to call, and examine for themselves, ! the new ami splended stock of SPRING & SUMMER Goods, —AT— THE HEAD QUARTERS for Good bargains. Hallstead Cz Howe. M ; ■ •. j Have just opened a large and well selected stWk of goods at the store formerly occupied by O. L. llallstead & boo at ! NICHOLSON DEPOT . i where can he found the handsomest j and cheapest stock of gods in the j country, consisting of foreign and do | mestic ' DRY GOODS! : ... R I Clolhs, Cassimeres, Muslins, Sheet ings, Ticking, alico's Delations, Flannels,• and all kinds of Mourning Goods. Alpaccas, Black Silks, Ginghams, Balmoral and Skeleton Skirts, Canton Flan nels, ankeen, and ' Carpeting of till kinds j —°— 1 f I ail muse <>f Rhyme Inspire mv song, gV nd lend to me thy soaring wing, j while I plod, the th-ughtl.-ss throng J J ed on by some false God or Kirg, s; UJ eek. in vain, the plane to find, T X hat satisfaction gives hum in kind, Each strives tho favored goal to seek, A nd stru -gling on with might and in in. XX elves deep in earth, o'er oceans swe. P A -1. nd follows mammon's motly train, tN ealh whose yr'kie<l palace lies I > t estruetMn-to her votaries. earken wea-yone, let wisdom speak. n V " ft sh c-'s lrnted. now she vows; w > orlh of your uioaey -Jo yon seek ?" i; E re it's toblate, go to IIALRTKAP & HOWL'S HATS & CAPS Notions $ Varieties 1 Com prising Hn siery, Gloves,Thead Buttons, -Suspenders, Neckties, Collars, Hand kerchiefs, //air Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Gum. Kihbon and Cords, Tape, Crotchet braid, worked collars, fancy head dresses tidy cotton, carpet binding combs, fancy soaps, Carpet bags, trunks, Valises, Ulll - Blank Books, Paper Lnvel<">"s &c.. &c. &c., Hardware jof all kinds, such 1; ails, Cinges, Screws, Door Latches and Knobs, Locks and (J UTLEBY ol every de ; script ion A bo Dyes Drugs, Faints, Varnish es Fish i' iaxs?ced and i-enzine Oils, G.ass, Putty, etc. I ; y rv ftueeiis & Glassware . CI a'l kinds. Stone and Earthenware. A large .Stock of ©sscassss. Composed of sugar, coflVe, teas, rice, corp Macca roni, Barley, ii'g powder. 111 'bi-'s. s -vps. c in ties, tobacc.., and segars, salt, fish, meat, cheese, &e. •Atso, a large varietvof Boots and Shoes, for Men, Womm and Children Jr*?" AW kin ' of Grain and Oonn ? try Produce taken in exchange tor Goods. •' **• o l•* J J t /. ' • t | Call and see for yourselves and we ssure you good b rga'ns. 11. P ITALLSTEAD, J. E HOWE. , . 1 Nicholson June 28, 18C5 41il y LAVivi WESTERN 11. K £7 •A j 1 ylt, 111 /*■ 1' IQ /t 4 / Summer Arrange met t 1865, WESTWARD | JiAsTVABD. Morning Evep'g | stations J Moro'g I Evening Tr;iin | Tn : n j ■ | Trio •• J Train A.> 1 | IV M. | IA. M. |l M. 900 400 >!ev York 520 10-30 11.25 7.05' New Hampton • ••• 235 827 11 42 7.22. WnsJJington 2.19 811 11 54 7.34 Ox nril ' 207 800 K l2 05 7.45 liriJgpj idle 156 7.50 .'l2 30 8:20 plawtre. 1.42 7.4(1- <l2 55 8.45 Water (lap 102 700 _ 5 1.22 858 Stroudsburg 12*43 6.13a -33 910 Spiagueville '2 37 638 5* s: 144 9#' IfroryviTlr 12.27 b.29 - ? 2.00 935 Oakland it. 11 6.14 T 218 952 Fork*-.- 11.53 5.29 A 2'B 2'B 10.11 '( obvhan-i II 34 541 K 25210 21 Gi>ui Istmro 11.20 5^ ~ 3.15 1046 Moscow .057 5 (.7** (L 3.27 10 58 Dunning 1' 47 4.55 v. \..3 40 GietnyjPe-•-•-** • 10 35 •••• 4.42 Clark' Summit-9 38 • ••• 45012 15 Al'ington 9.30 350 5."6 12 31 Fawtorvvilto 914 335 52612 5] Nicholfon B.'o 3.12 548 ltd li< phottoiu 832 257 6.10 136 Montrose ......... 810 236 631 156 N'-w Milt'ord • • ••• 7.49 217 650 2l > Great Bend 7.30 2..00 P, M. A JI A, M P M COW ECTIOV-Wetwat(l, The MORNTNG TIM IN from New York eon • eats at MAM'NKA Cll1 T ' K with ;ho ti ain leav ing Philadelphia ( lv<-n-ing'on Depot) tit 7 30 'V iu ami at GREAT REND with the through Mail Train on the Erie Railway with s'eeping car attached, stopping af all the principal on that road, and arriving at Roffb, at 6 10 ■>, m Til EVENING TR \(N*- from New York rnn neitsat MANt'XKA CHUNK with the train leav ing Fnil-idalphia (Ken-ingto Lepot.) at 330 p. Nt at (iREAf REND with the Night Express on the Erie Railway, west, arriving at Buffalo at 1:42 p m. Fast ward. The MORNING TRAIN from Great Brnd enn nects th re with the Cincinnati Extress ob the Erie Railway from the W t; at M tuttnk ■ t'hu k with a train for -philadel- hia in I intormeiliate stations, arriving in Philadelphia at ri 30 p. in.' an 1 nt New Hampton with a train for Fasten. B°thl"heni. Al tentown, Re eling an.) Harrishurg, arriving at Ilar risbnrg t 8-3(1 n. m. The EVENING PR \TN from Great Ren-l con nects there with the N-w Yo-k Express <>n the Ex press en the Eric Rai win- from the West ; at Mi nnnka Cinini- with a train which runs to Kclvi.lere wher it lies over until 6 "'clock the next morning, and at Neijf II inipt'vn with an Express Train f.r A -stcji, Ret&l hem. AMeiitowtt, Rending and Har ris lirg At iSCRA v TOX, connections are in ide with trains on the Lacknwan ft an? Rliomshnrg Bail ro mto and frcyrt Pitts'on, Kitig-t p. IVjlJtpsl) gre. Berwick, Rl-'omshnrg. Dirtvllle. Xnrthuniixwl an 1 llurishurg aud intermediate stat : on, and with raitis on the Del iware and Flu lson Railroad to •nd from Curbondale and intermedi-te stations WATTS COOKE, Sunt. R A llrxt.r, Genera! Ticket Agent ji-29tf m&m EYE AM> EAit IMIMAHY. >()n the Square, I hrec Doors from Steele's Hotel.) WI I K SRAIIH I'., IV\. THIS INSTITUTION is now opened and fur nished in the most costly style. Reception, Private and Oper ting Rooms are large, convenient nd well adopted Tim Surgi a apartmont contains die finest collecfion ot in-'ruineuts in the country, in I thus his faculties will enable htm to meet any •n I all emergencies tn practice lie will operate ipon all the various forms of BLINDNESS. fata •act, O eluon of the Pupil, Cross Ev s Closure of he Tear Dueta, Inversion of the Eyelids Pterygium fc- <li. An I wiil tre.it all forms ot Bor s, Eve iraiiil- i l.i is. I>|..icetics of Ihe Cornea, an I Scrof iliois diseases of the E e together with all he dis •ases to which the Eye is subject. DEAFNESS- li ill treat all the diseases common 0 the organ Discharges froth the E ir. Noi-es in "It • E .r, Catairh, dim -ullya' hearing, total Deaf at ss even wlo ic the Dium is destroyed. Will in ' icrt an artificial one answering nea ly all the put siS's of flu- natural. DISEASES OF THE THROAT.-All diseases oiiiinofi to the Throat and Noe will he treated GENERAL S( RGERV.— He will operate upon luh feet, II iir Lip, Cleft I'd! ite, Juniors. Cancers, Enlarged Tcn._ils, Ac. l'asti.- operations by hent mg new flesh into deformed parts and general Sur gery ot whatever charae er it may present. HERNI A (or RI PEUKK) —He will petfrrm "Ln iiias operation for the radical (cotnpl te) euro of lleuiia. this is unquestAinahly a perfect cure, and is done wi h little ot* i*> psin. -<)ht* of ri itiv hnn- Ired operated upon in Boston there has been no tailures, it having iuet the perfect approbation of ill who have suHmift'-d to if. ARTIFICIAL EVES—Wi I I insert artificial Eves giving ilieiu tin- motion arm exprcsion of the natur al rhey are inserted with the least pain, IIEDGRRHOI.DL, (Pies) -This troublesome dis ease is readily cured. Those suffering from it will do well to call. Dr l p Lie tjnff visits Wilkog-IJarre with a viexv of building un a p rnianent Institute for the treat inenf of th Eye. Eiran t General Surgery. The -xperiehce o more than a quarter of a eenturv in IJo-pifal and genera! practice, he hopes, will he a ulli -ient guarantee to those who may be dis| osed to try'them. 6ROYESTEEN & CO.,' naiio-FoHc MANUFACTURER'S | 499 NEW-YORK J attention of the public an I the trad is invi -1- ted to our new scale t octave tosewood piano fortes wit)eh for volume and purity of tone are uuri- J vailed by Soy hitherto offered in this market, They contain all the woder'n i aprovements. Frene'i Grand action, harp pedal iron frame over-strung brass, Ac. in I s I A iu-tru nent being in i la under the person il supervision of Air. J. 11 Grovcstcen, alio has had ft | ra tu al experience of over 30 years in their inaiiu taeture.is fully warranted in every particular. THE 'GKOVESTEEN T3MD-IDITP received t'i- highest reward of fi ~\T 4' ; > a T Y rlt J I rr pAO it U V JL.AL l O X JJLhi IS. • : * * .. . . • ' AT TH ECELESH ATEB WORLD' F AI R i s , rr:/.T..25r b-i: tiiuore, I.oston and N w .y„ rk . lin .j !lls „ , Aya lu.it,t.'/ r .f,e suoeesaive rears. ,h gold and silver nmd ,|s from both ot which can be seen at our w T" room. * ■ * ■ '• V th** intro lu-ti-.n of improvements we m ken still i.i ; n V ,.erto<o Piano forte an.l bv mm,.fa f.riu** large v. wnh a sfrhf.ycash system, are enabled p. offer these nstruments at a price which will competition. r PRICKS - No. 1. Sever, Octßve, round corners Fo-ewood plaiw case. 8275. t&pyTHifSr T''_ r ' n " l *rNet Gn'sh. in Current Fupjs, I Ges np.ive circulars sent free. A ■ '* * "A. A C " 48 v4-n46-lyar AA C, AGALNv -V '• • i The Grocery nnd Provision Store, on Stark' i Brick .-orner, latoty owned hy T B Wall, has been ! purchased by tue uu.lersigne i, and will be kept as a SSOCIBYI3 PIOVISIB9 STORE. His stock comprises TEAS SUGARS COFFEESALERATUS, GINGER. NUTMEG. SPICE*:. RAIMNS, FIGS, PRUNE**. DRIED BEEF. SMOKED J HALIBUT, CRACKERS, CHEESE. COD iFI * 11, MACKEREL, HERRING, and all | rfther articles usually found in an es.ablishtnent of j the kind, which wiii bo sold at i hll K, AND l.ljl' LIVE PRICES. K ANsLEPt ROSS. Tunkhannock, Juno 2b, 1865. v4n26 DK. TA L ID ITT'S HILLS. ( A KT/r D Y ?PE PTI C,) Composed id I,ict.ly CiucoiHiaud Extracts Ir< itn i • 1 '*' liOOTS.WD HERBS, Of the greatest meaieiu.il value, piepar.-d from the i 01igin.1l prescriptions "ot the celebrated Dr. TALB.TT, i aud used by Dim w th reuiark ible success foe twenty ycjrs. An iid.illiblc remedy in'all ' DISEASES OF TIIE LI V'ER, OR AW pi A IXOI MKVT OF TH K Digest iv v Orgran , THKV Ct'RK DlarrMma Dyspepsia, Scrofula, .Jaundice, Hiliousness, Liver Cumplaiiit. The well-known Dr. MOTT says of these Pills :—"I bwt' ust-d the forn.ul.i t'roin which -our Pills are made, in tuv practice for over 12 years . they huv- I th.- finest effect upon the Liver not Digestive Or gan- of any medicine in the world, and are the most perfect Purgative which has ever yet been made by anybody. They are safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to cure. Their penetr.it ng properties stimulate the vital netivtti* sof the body, remove 1 the obstructions of its organs, purifying the hlo I, j and expel disease. They put go out the foul hutnor ' which breed and grew distemper stimulate sluggish jor .li.-ordered oigans into their natural action, and | inpart a healthy tone with strength to the whole I system. Not onlv do tliev cure the every day corn j plaints o everybody, but also formidable and d in ! genius diseases and being purely vegetable are free | from any risk or bom No person who bis onee j used flieSe Pills will cv r be uiihout them." Thq\- ,To4te pure blood and remove all impurities ! trou 'He vsteni hen.-e are a positive cure for FEVRRs, IIICADK 111., I'II.ES, >IER LURIAL Dl** A>l> AND HEREDI- I IIIY HUMORS, DOSE —For adults, run Pill iu the morning: for children 8 years, half a l'ill ' V'" Prue One Dollar per Box. supplied, or sent hy Mail, post phid. toanyvnrt of the United Stiitts or ('anadason rceipt of price. No Gen uine irithoat the facsimile signature of V Mott Tulbutt. .MP' V. MUTT TALB'ITT & C 0., No. 62 Fultou St., New York. v 4 n4l ly. HARDWARE & IRON HUWT EEC'S & EIAIR NOW OFFEIt FOIt SALE (RON. STE'-'T., NAILS AND SPD ES M NE RAIL, KAILRPAD SPIKES. \N 1 a,s BELLOWS. PLAIN A C< N-'EX 11 OR * E-S H 0 ES. HAM MERED 110 lS E NAILS. WROUGHT IRON, BUILDERS' HARDWARE. CARPEM TEKS' I'OULS, (ALL WARRANTED.) HFBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES. PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL, BUTTS, NETS. WASH ERS BELTING, PACKING, GRIND STONES; PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT, HAIR, SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD FRENCH WINDOW r G LASS, Ac., Ac., ALSO SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS ON II A.N DIN ASSORTMENT AND MAX EE ACT! RED 3 O ORDER LEAI LiEEli AED FINDINGS FAI/tB.-i Iv'S SALES. xrr.nti.n ~trch 26. IBb3 vln33- FRUIT AND ORNAMKNTAI TREES ! Si In* it Its, Vines, &c AT OLHJPRIGES, We, tbe subscribers, take tins method of informing the public that we are prepared to furnish first das. Nursery Stuck at original prices betore 'he war The Stuck embraces thy REST FRUITS of all kin ts, and . hoi.-est SlllU BS and VINES, that caii be grow* in this latitude, eo prising Apples, Pears, Plums, Quinces,! ' oberries. Apricots, Nectarines, Cra- I A pples, Gooseberries, Currants, Rasp- j berries, Mulberries, Rhubarb or Wine Phi t. Grapes, Flowering Shrubs, I Evergreens, and Ornamental Trees an Flowers, till varieties, All ftr-ler* front all parts of Wioming ind ai'ja cent Counties will receive sp-cial attention. i Thvy would call p rtu-ular attentim to the r ns sortmenr of GRAPES an I small Fruit,. Mn ,j to fact that they ,nn furnish everything as low !lS any otncr reli ibie deali-r P..H Office address, Provi lene* Luzerne Co., Pa. MAG EE A SMITH lILNRY MAUEE. Vjf M. SMITH j ▼4n4P • —AND KIANUFACTOR Y! • The subscriber has just opened a new Furniture Cabinet and Chair Manufactory in Tunkhannoc-k, next door to C. M. Koon's grocery store— where are kept on hand and manufactured to order: TABLES of all sixes, patterns, and styles. CIIATIIS Cane-seat, Flag-bottom, aud common. Bl KEACS of ail "styles, sizes, and nriees. BEDSTEADS, Cottage and common. CENTRE TABLES, WORK STANDS, BOOK CASES, and indeed every thing which can be found in the largest furniture establishment*, in the country, which he wilt sell at prices as lew as they can be bought in any town outside of the cities. Being sat isfied that he can compete, both in workmanship and prices with any establishment in the country, lie so licits the public patronage. REPAIRING of all kindsdone in a neat, substan tial and workmanlike manner. N. B.—Old cane-seat chairs, new-seated and rc : paired. END K RT A KlNG.—Hiving a Hearst of his own and having had much experience, be will atten 1 this department of the busine-s on short notice and in a satisfactorv manner. ABRAHAM IIAAS. July 16, 1962.—v1n!91y CROCKERY!!! A Large Stock just Opened AT T. L. ROSS CO'S., WALL PAPER. WAI L PAPER. WALL PAPER. WINDOW SHADES. WINDOW SHAD ES. WINDOW SHADES . OF ALL STYLES. CLOTH SHADES WITH BORDERS CLOI II SH ADES WITH BORDERS. FIX II RES AND ROLLERS,COMPLETE FIXTURES AND ROLLERS COMPLETE EMBROIDERED MUSLIN CURTAIN'S. E.MRRO DEIIED MUSLIN CURTAINS* EM BRO. DEKED MUSLIN CURTAINS. A I.St) L trge Stock of White Goods: MULS DOTTED .8 WISS ATf ?LIN. BRILLIANTS, JACON KTS, LACES, B A T.MORA L SKIRTS, SPRING SKIRTS. 1 GLOVES. REAL. Ab LXANDKLS KID. ! An<l a Large Stock of YANKEE MOTIONS. ] run. a i Is, White-Lead, Z no. Linseed Oil, Glass, Putty, Door-Locks, and a genera assortment of , BUI.tIRUA3DW3A.IE. Fish, of all kinds. Cash. Paid for a.l kinds of Grain. Tunkhannock, March, 9rh ISG4. GrIT -A ■x* SALgE, OF WATCHES & JEWELRY, S 1.000.000, WORTH : Tu hr. (imp ><d ,if at ONE L) 1.1.AK each, with out regwti to Culue, not to be pant jur until you /mow what you ure to 1 active. BY A, 11. LTOWEN A* CO., (Agents for the Manufacturers,) No SO Beektnau Street, New-York, Read th * following list of Articles to be sold for ONE DO!.I.\K 109 Gold Htinting-Cnse Watches■ •• -each 6125 00 100 " Watches, various styles-•• • " 7500 100 " Ladies' Gol l Watches " 50 OC 500 Silver Watches. each S2O 00 to 35 00 6,000 Latest style vest & tie* k vh iius 5 00 to 20 00 5,500 Gent's Caliiornia diamond pins " 500fn20 00 I 4,900 California diamond eardrops " 5 OR to 10 00 3,000 Miniature Revolving Pins** " 5 00 to 10 00 2,060 California Diamond and enamelled Gent's scarf pins new styles *' 5 00 1.1 10 00 2 000 Masonic and Emblem pins-. " 3 00 'o 10 00 2.500 GolJ Band Bracelets engraved '* 3 00 to 2000 3 000 Jet and Mosaic Brooches-••• " 300 to 10 00 2.000 Cameo Bronchos " 500t020 00 3.1 00 Coral Hai Drops " 4 00 to 600 2.000 Ladies' Watch Chains. " 800to15 UU 6.000 Gent's Pins.a sjilcn.till asort't" 200'o10 00 4,000 Solitaire leeve Buttons-•• • •' 3COIOIO 00 £.OOO Studs and Sleeve Buttons, in sets, " 300to10 00 5,000 Sleeve Buttons, plain. & en . graved 2Doto BOQ 10,000 plain and engraved Rings-* 2 50 to 10 00 J 8,000 Lockets, ri.-hly engraved •■ • • " 200to 10 ifc' 15,000 sets Ladies' Jewelry, new and latest styles " 600t012 00 5.00 II indsome Seal Rings " 300 to 800 , 2.000 Sets JBoß'im Studs- • •* 250 to fi 00 101 0 Gohi Pens and Gold holders 15 00 to -5 00 ! 2,000 Sets Jet and Gold Pms and Ear Drops, latest styles, very ri 6 .00 to 10 00 1 I 2 000 Gold Thimbles. Pencils, & ■■■ " , 10.(100 Gold Pet a, and srilvei eases.. " 5 tOOftI 3'do t j 10,000 " " Ebony holders-• ' 400t55 00 , j This entire list of beaivtiful and valuable goods will he gold for O.NK Dor.t.An each. Cer ificates of ; all the above arti*-ls will be plafed in envelopes, I and sealed. These envelopes ire sent by uiai l . as ( ordered, without reg.ird to ehoi-e. On the receipt of the certificate v n will see what you are to have, ' and then it is at vnur option to semi the DoHm aqd take the article, r not. Five certificates can lie ordered for $1 /.eleven for 82 ; thirtv f r $5 ; sixty five for $lO ; arnf one hun dred Cor 815 We wi'l sen I a single Cer'ifi.-ate on the receipt of 25 cents for one certificate and ourcir cu'ar wrh I<TS * J y A. 11. ROWEN &CO., I 34 Beekman V. Y | M 427f, &HQTEA & B&EESS CELEBRATED ELASTIC STITCH SEWING-MACHINE | Here u'xcurded <hr highest Pvtm ivms veer | alt Com fx dilos. a( the f Having State and C uaty Fails of 1863 | NEW YORK STATE FAIR, First i'reinium for Fatnlly Machine. First Premium fur Mai ufacturing Machine, hirst Preuiitiiu forMucbinu Work. INDIANA Si ATE FAIR. , First Premium forNl ichine for all purposea. First Premium for M ichine Work VERMONT STATE FAIR. First Premium (or Family Machine. P'irst Premium for Manufacturing Machine ! First Premium tor Machine Work. ' ' j ClIIo STATE FAIR, j F'irst Premium for Machine Work. IOWA STATE FAIR. Fiist Prooyitim for Family. Machine. F ia.st Premium for M mufactu ing Machine. First Pre in hum for Machine Work. ILLINOIS STATE FAIR. ♦ First Premium tor Machine for all pnrpc t First Premium for Machiue Work. KENTUCKY STATE FAIR. First Preiniuin for Machine for all purposes F'irst Premium foi M u*hine Work. MICHIGAN STATE FAIR, Inst Premium for Family .Machine First Premium for Manufacturing Machine. I Eirst Premium for Machine Work, j PENNSYLVANIA STATE FAIR First Premium for Manufacturing Machine First Premium for Machine Work, j OREGON STATE FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine, i F'irst Premium for Machine Work. CHI TTENDEN Co. (Yt )Agr'lSoc. I'i st Premium for Family Ma. hina. F'irst Premium for Manufacturing Machine First Premium fer Machine Work - FRANKLIN Co (N. Y )FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Manufacturing Machine ! CIIAMPLAIN VALLEY (Yt ) Agr'l Soc, HAM PDf N Co. (MASS.)Agr'I Sue. >' Diploma for Family Machine. Diploma tor M ichine Work. WASHINGTON CO.(n. y.)FAIR ; First Premium lor Family Machine. QUEENS Co. (N V. ) Agr'l Soc. Eirst Premium for F'i'inily Machine. F irst Premium ior Manufacturing Machine. First premium for Machine Work, j SARATOGA Co (N.Y)FA'R. First Premium for Family Machine. J MECHANICS' INSTITUTE (Pa.)FAIR I First Premium for Machine for all purpoe. First Premium for Machine Work ' GREENFIELD (0)1 NION FATK. ' First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. | CLINTON Co (O)FAIR. F rst Premium for Family Machine, j First Premium for Machine AVork. j MONTGOMERY <?■'.( P.i )FATR. First Preminm for Machine for all pu-poses. First Premium for Maceine Work. AN JOAQI INCo (Cal )FAIR. First Premium for Family Machine. First Premium for Machine Work. SAN JOSE DISTRICT (Cal ) FAIR First Premium f..r Family Machine. Fsist Premium ior Machine Worn S jT The aiioce comprises ail the fairs at which tl.e (*hi>fr A BAKFR MACAINES were exhibited this y" ' 'I ' AKNF.S, Acent, Mehoop.inv, Pa. noms. I!) 5 Rma way, Naw Voi k • 7>U Chest out St. phi.'a iuJplHii Ciroat Improvement in Sewing Machines u E M PI R | smws's&m MABBGAY Patented February 14th, 1860. SALESROOM 330 RROADWAY, N. Y. 2CO WASHINGTON STREET. liOSTON. 3 HIS MACHINE, is constructed on entirely new print-pb so uiecli possessing many rare and valuililt luipnivemciils. having been examine Iby tin- most p., fouii I ex. cits, and prtionnced to bo SIMPLICITY and I'KPPLCTION Comßlsen It has a straight needle, p. rpend . ular action, makes 111.. Lor or M,Utile Stitch." whieh will 'Neither ip nor Ravel." and it is alike on both sou s ; per onus perfect sewing on every description of m.ten.lf. 0,.. Leather to ,p e finest Nat sook Muslin, with cotton, linen or silk thread, from the coarsest to tiv© l>t <*? rinuji>< r Having n.-ither "Cam nor Cog AVheel," aD( j , h , leas, possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass and is " EMPHATICALLY A NOISELESS MACHINE ! It requires fifty per cent less power to drire it lb an imv ot her machine in the market. A girl twelve years .f age can work it steadily, without fatigue or injury fo health. lis stiength and "Wonderful Simplicity" of eon ! sti uciion renders it almost impossible to get out of order and is guaranteed by the company to give entire Satisfaction. We respectively invite nil those who may desire to supply themselves with n .uperior article, to come Ml I evalnlnc this "Unrivalled Machine." "v hat/hour's instruction is sufficient to enable an>/ person to wrk this Machine to their entirt satistneion Rdi<nous and Charitable Institutions xcill be liber ally dealt yith. Ag'nfs wanted for all Towns in the United States where Agents are not a I rem y established. Also for CYiba, Mexico, Central and South America, to whom a liberal d,'*' will be given. T.J. jVIGAKTHIJU & CO. . a & r„. , j.. |. PRINCIPLE AGENTS ESTAHLIBAED. Syracuse, N Y„ John II Fowler, Phil*., Sarmiento M Gtuth & Co.. Pitisburg, Earnest Axthelm. v4..461y A A C Scuing Machines F I X K L E L YON NKW PATENT ROTARY FEED hewing Machines The following facts demonstrate that these Ma chinea comprise the HIIIV:ST IMPROVEMENTS IN TMI SEWIWC. MACHINE ART. vis 1. F.ach MACHINE is gu irantoe I to give better satis faction than any orhsr Sewinfl Machine in Market or money rl funded. - i 2. They have taken me.iy of the HTHHEST PREHIPMS at tbe most important EXHininojfs and FAIRS ever held in the Unitee States 3. Thev make the BUCK STITCH alike on both sides thus sa.-ing more than half the thread and gitk used in th raveling ridge seams of the loop-stiuh and single thread Sewing Machines. 4. They arc d) td to the widest range of heary and light wing. 1 5. They have no rattliiig wires, or delicate at ta.hnient to keep in repair. 6.tThey require no taking apart to clean or oil and no • Lessons" to set regular teniion t operetc Machine, ,/o'iT li - ♦> Bnt * fie mine and demonstrate *• yourself, or send ior CIRCTLAR with SMwlMof it* ing, PINKLP. A LYOM M S, Cf Wo. 538 BROAD WAY MWT*M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers