1865 HEAD 1865. AND HAND TO YOUR NEIGHBOR. PROSPECTUS* or TII riiuiiifiu HI. 1865. Til OULT DEMOCRATIC DJILY MOMIWf JOURNAL rUBLISBED IE YHILADELFMIA. The Union, The Constitution, AND THE Enforcement of the Laws. STBE Publiehere of THE PHILADELPHIA AGE ißfite the eirneit Attention of business men, think ing men, literary men. end *ll who are interested in the various occupations *nd pursuits ef life, to the DAILY and WEEKLY editions of their Journal THE PHILADELPHIA DAILY AGE, Which advocates the principles and policy of the Democratic party, is issued eveiy motniag, (Sun days excepted,) and contains the latest intelligence from all parts of 'he world ; with oarefuliy prepared articles on Government. Politics, Trade, Finnnce, and all the current questions and affairs of the day ; Local Intelligence, Alaraet Reports, prices Current. Stock Quotations, Marine and Commercial Intelli gence, Deports of Puolie Gatherings, Foreign and Domestic Correspondence, Legal Reports, Book No tices, Theatrical Criticisms, Reviews of Literature, Art and Music, Agricultural Matters ; and discus sions of whatever subject is of general interest and importance No event of any importance occurs In any part of tho country without being fully and promptly tele graphed to and published prompty in its collumns, It has all th* despatches cfthe Associated Press from every part of the Vniied States, and the news from all parts of Europe brought by the steamers is instantly U\egraphcd,from whatever point the stea mer Jlrst touch- TERMS.—Ten Dollars, per annum, for a single copy ; Five Dollars, tor tlx months, Two Dollars and Fifty Cents, lor three month's ; and 'or any less time, at the rate of One Dollar per month. Paymeut requir ed lnearlably in advance. THE PHILADELPHIA WEEKLY AGE, I* a complete eomnenlum of the News or THE WKS.K, and ooutaio* the Brief Editorials, the Trices Current and Market Reports, Stock Quotations Intelligence for Faricere, Correspondence, and Gea- i oral-News MatterfpuMiefced in the DAILY AUK. It aJej contains a great variety ef other literary and ssMceUaneous matter, iaetwtieg Tales. Sketches, hAsgrrpkjr, facetiv, and Poetry, rendering it in slj vvspecta A riasr CLASS FAHILT JOCRWAL, particularly adapted to the Politician, the Merchant, the Fairaer the Mechanic, the Litetary man, and ail classes of readers. It has, in fact, every characteristic of a LIVE NEWSPAPER, fitted for the Counting House thf Workshop, tho Fireside, and the Genoral Read or. The Weekly Age. is mailed in season to reach all parts of Pennsylvania, New Jersey. Delaware, <tnd Mart/land, on or before Saturday of each week. TERMS.— Two Dollars per ainum for a siuglc copy ; One Dollar for six months, and Sixty Cents for three months. One copy gratis will be sent for one year to the person forwarding twenty yearly subscribers pai.l in ad vance. No paper will be sent until the subscriptions is paid. r. \ TO ADVERTISERS. The circulation of the PniLADFLrniA Aas, is steadily and rapidly growing, makes ii at least as valuable a medium for advertising as any other com ■ memal and business newspaper iu PNILANKLPHU : and the fact that it reaches a large class of conser* -eativereaders, scattered over a vast extent ef country, who do not take any other Philadelphia paper, com mends it. to an extraordinary degree, as a means of communicating with tho public not possessed by any other jurnal published in this buy ■ TA'K AGL IS ROW XSTABLISIKD ON A SFRB AND I FBMANINT YOCRPAF tow, The Publishers could easi- ' ly fill their columns with the uneongh. and most! liberal commcndatioes of the prow throughout tho ; eountry j but they prefer that it should stand alto- i gather upon claims to public confidence well.known aad established. It will be, as heretofore, the sup- ' iPMifcr V tone National, Conservative, Democratic,! A>iod opposed aUke to radicalism and! .fanauqismin AWfltra, and devoted to the mainte nance of, Good (Government, Law, and Order The ♦Wwnl of ill the haatttaea relations of the country, consequent upon the suppression of the rebellion aod the restoration of peace, will enable tee Publishers to make a number of improvements in the various department! of this journal, and they, therefore, re jpectfully solicit the support of all who wish to se cure one of the'best Commercial, Literary, Business *nd Faqrily newspapers in the country, SOW is TH* TIMS T<o SUBSCRIBE. Address GLOSSBRENNER <fc WELSH, 430 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA MATRIMONIAL— LADIES AND GENTLE MEN ; if JOQ wish to marry you can do so by ad draesiug me. I will send yon, without money and witheut pnoe, valuable information, that will enable l°* „ "w? 7 h PP'ly and speedily, irrespective of *ge, wealth or beauty. This information will cost yon nothing and it you wish to marry. 1 will eheer- Au Strictly confidential. - reward util D? 4 ' 1 ™ Mn£ by return mail, and no SARAH B. LAMBERT, Greenpoint' Y4-n4O-3.n0 " York >i ni ' Speeial Notices. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, (fflTift sf CsmptroUirof tljcCEorrtßrn WASHINGTON, February 23d. 1865. WHIRIAS. by sat if. fac troy evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear thai "The Wyoming National Bank of Tunkhasnock,' 1 in the Borough of Tnnkhannock. in the County of Wy oming, and State of Pennsylvania, has been duly organised under and according to the requirement! of the Act of Congress entitled "An Act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of Uni ted Stares bonds, and to provide for the circulation aod redemption thereof," approved June 3, 1864. and has complied with all the provisions of said Act required to be complied with before commenc ing the business of Banking under said Act: NOW, THEREFORE, I Hugh McC'ullocb, Comp troller of the Currency, do hereby certify that ' The Wyoming National Bank of TunkllanDock" in the Borough of Tunkhannock, in the County of Wyo ming, and State of Pennsylvania, is authorized to commence the business of Banking under the Act aforesaid, IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, witness my hand and seal of offiea this Twenty-third day of Febru | ry, 1865. HUGH McCULLOCH, ;SKA I. J COMPTROLLER OF THE CCRRENCT. NOTICE' Take notice,!hat [ ha\e applied to the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Wyoming, for the benefit of the Insolvent laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and they have appointed Monday, the 17tb d iy of April next, at II o'elock. A M to hear me and my Credi tors at the Court House, in the Borough of Tunk hannock, when and where you may attend it you think proper. Maf- h I3tb, 1863. PATRICK DUFFY ERRORS OF YOUTH,— A gentleman who suffered for years fi om Nervous and Genital Debility, Night ly emissions and Seminal Weakness, the result • f youthful indiscretion and came near ending his day# in hopeless misery, will for the sake of suffer ing man, send to any one afflicted, the simple means i used by him which effected a cure in n few weeks, after the failure of numerous medicines. Send a di rected envelope and stamp abd It wilt cost you noth ing. Address EDGAR TREMAINE, Station L 12Sth St. New York City. v4-n3l-3m. CONSUMPTION --A valuable tfeatise by a Retired Physician, on the nature of Consumption and its various stages, together with rules for self-treatment price 10 cents, including postage, and simple pre scriptions which hare cuied thousands will be sent, free of charge, to any ono applying. It will cost you nothing, ami may be the means ofsaving jour money aud perhaps your life. Send an addressed envelope to STEPHEN HAMLIN, M. D., 422J Broadway New Yerk City. v4-n3l-3m. LOVE AND MATNIMCNT. —Any Lady or Oentlorr.v sending uie nn a.idresse t, ehveiope and stamp riil receive full directions for gaining the affections of the "opposite sex. andwhich will enable them to marry happily, irrespective of wealth, age or beaut v. Address MRS MARIE I.EMOILLE. Harlem P. Q„ ** New York City. ?4-n3l-3tn. W HISKERH : WIIISKEHS! Do you want Whiskers or Moustaches ? Our Gre ; cian Compound wtil force them to gro/ on the ! smoothest face or chin, or hair on bald heads, in Six i Weeks. Price, 51.00, Sent by mail anywhere closely sealed, on receipt of price. Address, VVAKN'EK A CO.. Box 138. Brooklyn, Ji^Y LUMBER TAKEN UP. W M.DtsWITT Esq. SIR : The following is a list of Lumber taken ' up by me at Tunkh:.nnock Borough Wyoming County Pa. on the North Branch of the Susquehanna River—on Saturday, the 18th March, 1865—with the marks thereon. About 5,500 ft, of white pine boards, one inch thick. About 5.000 ft. of them 16 ft. long ; and 500 ft. 12 ft. long, The number of feet on each marked with red chalk. You are requested to enter this statement upon your Docket and cause the same to be advertised according to law. WILLIAM FLICKNER, Tank Pa. March, 22,1865, LUMBER TAKEN UP. J. G. DAVIS Esq. SIR The following is a list of lumber taken up by me at Meshopi-en Wyoming Co. Pa. en the North Branch of the Susquehanna River, on Saturday, March ISth, iS6s—with the marks thereon. Abont 5,000 ft. of white pine inch Boards. About 3,500 L. thereof, sixteen feet long ; and the remain der twelve feet long. The number of feet on each board, marked with red chalk. Thelet;ers 'S, B. P." marked with chalk OD three or four boards. You are requested to enter this upon your Docket and to advertise the same according to law. J. A. ELLSWORTH. Meshoppen, Wyoming Co, Pa, March 22, 1855, TO CONSUMPTIVES. The undersigned having been restored to health In a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several yeiirs, wi ha severe lung affection, an i that dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to make known tohU fellow sufferers the means o care. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used,(free of charge,)with the directions for preparing and using the saute, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchi tis, Chonghs, Colds. Ac. The only object of the ad vertiser in sending the Pres ;ription.is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which h conceives U, be invaluable ; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remody, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wish ig tho prescription will please ad- Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings Co., New Yotk ▼4-a2B-3mj. M A Co, STILL IN THB FIELD MRS. BARDWELL Announces to the Ladies of Tunkhannock and vicini ty, that she has just received a fine assortment o Spring and Slimmer 1 iMiillinery, at her rooms opposite Wm. Piatts-office,where can be found in great variety, all the LATEST STYLES, - OF- - BONNETS, HATS, CAPS, HEAD DRESS ES, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, TRIMMING HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS, and everything in the lire of Millinery and Fane Goode, which she wijl sell at the lowest cash price 13F* REPAIRING promptly and neatly dene* v4n!4 ak. May 10, 1865 MERCANTILE APPRAISEMENT. The undersigned, havhig been appointed Mercan ile appraiser for the County of Wyoming, for the year 1865, hereby certifies the following to be a correct list of Retailers in Foreign Merchandise with their names, class and rate in the sorera Townships to wit; - CLASS NAMES RATE BRAINVRIM. 12 E. Merritt 912,50 13 Stereos A Taylor 10,00 " Bunnell A Brother, 10,00 CLINTON 12 Gardner A Son 12,50 12 E Frear A Co. 12,60 12 U. A S. C. Mithewsoa 12,60 13 W. Briggs A Son 10,00 13 John Wells 10,00 XATO* 14 J. V Carpenter 7,000' PALLS. 13 Amos Beemer 10,00 13 Chauncy Sherwood 10,00* RORKSTON 14 Peter McQueen 7,00 14 11. Hitchcock 7.00 15 G. n. Burgess 7,00 KEHOOPANT 13 J. T. Jeonings A Brother 10,00 13 Wm H. Barnes 10,00 14 Henry Love 7,00 14 Wm. Jennings 7,00 IIF.3HOPPXN, 12 Sterling A Lpotnis 12,50 13 D. Hnnkiuson 10,00 14 Jacob Hallow 7,00 NICHOLSON 12 Williams A Birge 12.50 12 H. P. Ilallstead 12,50 14 N. P. Wilcox 7,00 14 Billings A Squire 7,00 14 E Nichols 7,00 14 S- L. Tiffany 7,00 NORTHMORKLAKD 13 H Keeler 10,00 13 Howard A Winters 10,00 NORTH BRANCH 14 Wm. C. Garey 7,00 TURK. BORO. 11 T. L. Ross A Co. 15,00 12 Mott A Wright 12,50 14 John Weil 7,00 14 Samuel Stark 7,00 14 C. P. Millef 7,00 14 E. Wheelock 7.00 lfr Geo. Leighton 700 14 T. B. Wall 7 00 14 C. M. Koon 7.00 15 R. ROM 7,00 WtNDHAtt 14 Hiram S Graves 7,08 WASHINGTON 13 F C. Bunnell 10.00 13 G. W. Furman 10.00 14 F. W. Zimmerman 7,00 An appeal will be held at the Court Home, on Thursday, June first, 1565, for all who may feel I aggrieved by said assessment. PAUL CLAYTON. Mercantile Appraiser. ~ A LA~MO THE LATEST FROM NEW YORK, MRS. A. O. STARK, TAKES PLEASURE IN aga-n informing her friends, and the ladies gen erally that she has received, and is still receiving a new and well selected assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, Consisting of lIATS. BONNETS. RIBBONS FLOSSES, FEATHERS, L' C HEAD DRESSES, . and, in short all A.t.C es usually tound in a MILLINERY STORE. She solicits a call from all requiring GOODS in her line, before purchasing elsewheie. Mra Stark can be found at the house formerly occupied by Hen ry Stark in the borough of Tunkhannock, ready and willing to serve all who may favor her with a call. MANTUA-MAKING. We have secured the services of an experienced PTTESS-M A.KER, and at all times will be prepared to Fit and Make Dresses in the latent and most approved manner.— Soliciting your culls before purchasing elsewhere, we remain Yours, Resj-ectfullv. MRS. A. GST ARK. Tunk . May 10th 1865 New Daily .fine of images, FROM NICHOLSON DEPOT TO Auburn 4 Corners. PBi jCTggi The s bscribers are running a New Daily Line of Stagg, on the above route. Passengors from Auburn 4 Corners start from that place at three o'clock A. M arrive at Bacon's Hotel in time for breakfast, and to take the EX PRESS train for NEW YORK and PHILADEL PHIA, or the Accommodation Train going north and west. Start from Nicholson Depot on arrival of Express and Accommodation trains Like supper at Bacon's Hotel and arrive at Auburn 4 Corners the same evening. GOOD HORSES MD HACKS, andobliging and attentive Drivers on the line. Mar 22. 1865. S. D. BACON v4n32tf. Proprietor. STEVENS & MAY. MANUFACTURS OF iflurblf on & (oraoe Stones OE EVERY DESCRIPTION* MAN TLEPIECES.TABIE AFD STAND TCPS- POSTS TILING, fit C.. FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE. CEMETERY LOTS FENCED AND FIT TED UP TO ORDER. LACKAWANNA AVENUE. M Ma" T " S ' 1 SCRANTO.N PA. v4-n3O. $25 Reward. LOST at Terytown, in the Susquehanna river, on the 24th day of March, an eld leather pocket-book ! tied up with a shoestring, containing money, in the neighborhood of 9120 or 9130.The finder will be en titled to the above reward, by returning the pocket book and money to the subscriber, at Tajvsnda, Bradford Co. Pa, JOHN BEfDLEMAN. (tat fttimdion —IN— PRICES. Goods Sold at an Immense Sacrifice. The Subscriber has just returned from Philadelphia and New York, with a very large and well selected Stock of DRY GOODS, In all its branches, SABOT Shoes, Ready-Made Clothing,Cassimers and Guods for Men's Wear Generally. In short, everything belonging to a First Class Dry Goods Store. Having bought Goods at the very lowest market, ' SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALES" being my motto, I am determined UNDERSELL THE LOWEST. I invite my friends and Customers, and the Public generally, to examine myGoods. JOHN WEIL. GOLD HAS FALLSNF. AND SO HAS THE PRICES, AT o. s. Mills' STOVE AND TIN-SHOP^ TUNKHANNOCK, where every thing it, the line of his trad" can be had at the LOWEST LIVING PROFITS. HOUSE-KEEPERS will find at h's Shop, the lat est and most improved Patterns of COOK.IW G-, AND FASLOR STOVES, with ail the FURNITURE and FIXTURES complete. Roofing & Guttering in all its branches, attended to on abort notice and on REASONABLE TERMS. H E-!> uflL. 3C J T* PROMPTLY, NEATLY, AND CHEAPLY DONE O S. MILLS funkhanno k, Apr. 12th, 1963. v3-nl3. E. & II,T, ANTHON Y A CO,, Manufacturers of Photographic Ma terials, WHOLESALE AND RELAIL, 501 BIIOADJFAY, N. Y. In rdditim to our main business of PHOTO GRAPHIC MATERIALS, we are Hendquirtere for the foil iwing. vix • ■i in sTinrii IK Of th se we have an immense a3so*fmcnt, including War Sceies, American and Foreign C ties and Landscnpes, Groups, Statuary, Ac. Ac, Also, re volving Sterescopes, for public or private exhibi tion. Our catalogue will be eont to any address on receipt of Stamp. Photographic Albums. We were the first to intioduce these into the Unit ed States, aud we mam facture immense quantities in gieut vanety. ranging in price tr m 50 cents to #5O. Our ALBUMS iiive the reputation of being ! superior in beauty and durability to any others They will be sent by mail, free, on receipt of price, E3TFINE ALBUMS MADE TO ORDER- CARD PHOTOGRAPH ?*. Our Caiftlogucwbrn YPmcaso rhik FIVE THOU SAND different s Kae "kub oe additions are continually being made) of Portraits of Eminent Americans, Ac., vis : about 100 Major-Generals, 550 Statesmen, 200 Brig.-Generals, 130 Divines, 275 Colonies, 125 Authors, 100 Lieut.-Colonels, 40 Artists, 250 Other Officers 125 Stage, 75 Navy Officers. 50 Prom'nt Women, 156 Prominent Foreign Portraits, 1 00 COPIES OF WORKS OF ART, including reproductions of the most celebrated En gravings, Paintings, Statues Ac. Catalogue sent on receipt of Stamp. An order for One Dozen PIC TURES from our Catalogue will he filled on the re ceipt of #l,BO and sent by mail, FREE. Photographers and others ordering goods C. 0. D. will plea e remit twenty-five percent of the amowi their order. E A H. T ANTHONY 6i CO Mannjacturers of Photographic Materials, 501 BROADWAY NEW YORR. The prices and Quality of our Goods cannot Jail ts satisfy. Nov 9 1863* 12mos WANTED. We wish to engage good, a-tive and enterprising agents everywhere to introduce and sell articles needed in every family. From five to twenty dol lars can be earned every day with little effort.— Send an addressed envelope and stamp for a circu lar, to TRIPP A CO. 422| Broadway , New York City. v4-a99-3 times U. S 7-30 LOAN. Ttte sale of the first series of 9300 000,000 of the 7-30 Loan was completed on the 31st of March, 19- 65, The sale oj the aeoood series of Three Hur dred Millions, payable three years from the 15th day of Jane, 1865, was began on the Ist of April.— In Me short space of thiry days, over One Hun dred Millions of this series have been sold— leaving | thie day less than Two Hundred Millions to be dis posed of. The interest is payable semi-annually in currency on the 15th of December and 15 th of June by Coupons attached to each note, which are read ily cashen anywhere. It amounte to One cent per day on a 960 note, Two centa •• 44 " SIOO •• Ten 44 44 " 4 * ftSOO * 20 4 - 44 "•1000 44 • 1 4 44 4 s "SftOOO 44 More and More Desirable. The Rebellion is suppressed, aod the Government has already adopted me asures to reduce expendi turea as rapidly as possible to a peace footing, thus wiihdrawing from market as borrower and purcha s er. This is the ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered by the Government, and constitutes the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE. The Seven-Thirty Notes aro convertible on their maturity, at the option of the holder, into U. A, 5-20 Six per cent, GOLD-BEARING BONDS Which are always worth a premium. Free from Taxation. The 7-30 Notes cannot be taxed by Towns, Cities Counties or States, and the interest is not taxed un less lus of the owner's income exceeding six hundred dollars a year. This fact increases their value from one to three per cent, per annum, accor ding to the rate levied on other property. Subscribe Quickly. Le?s than 9200,000.000 of the Loan authorised by the last Congress are now on the market. This, amount, at the rate at which it is being absorbed will all be subscribed for within two months, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as has uniformly been the case on closing the subscrip tions to other Loans It 'now seems probable that no considerable amount beyond the present series will be offered to the public. In order that citizens of every to vn an ! section of the country may be afforded fac'liti., for taking the loan, the National Banks, State Barks, end Private Bankers throughout the country have generally agreed to receive subscriptions at par. Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom they have con fidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notes for which they receive orders. JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, Philadelphia. SUBSCRIPTIONS WILL BE RECEIVED by the Wyo myomtng National Bank at Tnnkhancock ; at the Second National Banks at Scraoton, Wilkesßarre Towanda and Pittston. v4-n39 : THE"NINTH NATTONALIANK OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK CAPITAL* OOO,PAID IN, FISCAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES, AND SPECIAL AGENT FOR JAY COOKE' SUBSCRIPTION AGENT. Will deliver 7-30 Notes, Free of charge, hy express, in all parts of the country, and receive in payment Checks on New York, Philadelphia, and Boston, current bills, and all five per cent, interest notes, with interest to date of subscription. Orders sent by mail will be promptly filled. This Bank receives tbe accounts of Bank and Bankers on favorable terms ; also of individuals keeping New York accounts. J. T. HILL. Cashier. J. U. ORVIS, President. IMPORTANTTOFEMALES <(( PILLS/ PROCLAMA T I O N! TO THE LADIES ! Both Married aud Single. THE OLDFST REGULATOR FOR FEMALES. DR. CHEESE MAN'S FEMALE PILLS Will immediately relieve, without pain, #1! disturb ance of the periodic discharge, whether arising trom relaxtion or suppression. They act like a charm in removing the pains that accompnny difficult or im moderate menstruation, and are the only safe and reliable remedy for Flushes. Sick Headache, Pains in the Loins, Back and Sides, Palpitation of the Heart, Nervous Tremors, Hysterics, Spasms, Broken Sleep, and other unpleasi nt and dangerous effects of an unnatural condition of the sexual functions. In the worst cases of Fluor Alb'is. or Whites, they ef fect a speedy cure DR. CHEESEMAN'S FEM ALB PILLS Have been uaod OVER A QUARTER OF A/CEN TURY. They are offered as the only safe means of renewing interrupted menstruation, but Ladies must bear in mind that there is one condition of the fe male system in which the Pills cannot he taken mithout producing a PECULIAR RESULT.— The condition referred to is PREGNANCY— the result, MISCARRIAGE, Such is the irresist ible tendency of the medicine to restore the sexual functions to a normal condition, that even the pro ductive power of nature cannot resist it THEY CANN OT DO HARM in any other way. D R.CHEESEMAN'S FEMALE PILLS Are the oniy Medicine that MARRIED AND SIN GLE LADIES have relied upon for many years, or can rely upon now. BEWARE OF IMITA TIONS ! These Pills form the Finest Preparation ever put forward, with IMMEDIATD and PER SISTENT SUCCESS. DON'T BE DFCEIV ED. Take this advertisement to your Druggist, and tell him that you wdnt the BEST and most RELIABLE FEMALE MEDICINE IN THE WORLD, whieh is comprised 7a DR. CHEESEMAN'S FEMALE PILLS !!! Tbey hsve received, and are now receiving the sanction of the most eminent Physicians in Amer ica. EXPLICIT DIRECTIONS with each Box-the price, One Dollar per Box, containing from 50 to 60 Pills. Pills sent by mail, promptyl , by remitting the price to the Proprietors, or aDy authorised Agent, 1 in current funds. ' i SOLO BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. HUTCIIINGS A HILLYER, PROPXIITOR'I, 81 Cedar Street, New York, ET Sold la Tun*bannock, by J. W. Lyman, in Montroee, by Able Tnrrell, in Soranten by L. B.A B, C. Fuller, in Faetoryville by all Druggieta. GREAT SATiH OP WATCHES Sl JEWELRTf • 1,000,000, WORTH I To be disponed of at ONE DOLLAR each, wth out rega r d to value, not to be paid jar until you kaow what you are to receive. BY A, H. ROWEN A CO., (AgcpU forth* Manufactures#,) Wo 30 Oeckman Street, New-Yerk, ■ CST Head the following list of Article# to be toM fcr ONE DOLLAR 5-- 100 Gold Hunt'imp-Case Watch** *a*k 8126 Otf 100 " Watches, various styles" 75 00 100 ' La-lies' Gold Watches--••- " 50 00 500 Silver Watches. each 020 00 to 35 00 6,000 Latest style rest A neck chain* * * 500t020 00 5,500 Gent's California diamond pin* " foBto2o 00 4,000 California diamond eardrop* u 5 OOto 10 00 3,000 Miniature Revolving Pins-. " 5 OOto 10 00 2,oooCalifornia Diamond sad enamelled Gent's scarf pin* new styles •* SOOIoIOOO 2,000 Masonic and Emblem pins-* " 3 00 to 10 00 2,500 Geld Band Bra6eleta,engraved *• 3 00 to 2000 3 000 Jet and Moaaio Brooch*#-••• " 300 to 1000 2,000 Cameo Brooches ..." 50©t020 00 3,000 Coral Ear Drops " 4 OOto 600 2.000 Ladies' Watch Chains. " 800to15 00 6,000 Gent's Pins,a splendid assort't" 200to10 00 4 000 Solitaire sleeve Buttons---- •' 300 to 1000 £,OOO Studs and Sleeve Buttons, in . sets, " 3 OOto 1000 5,000 Sleeve Buttons, plain. A en graved •' 200 to 800 10,000 plain and engraved Rings •• 2 50 to 10 00 8,000 Lockets, richly engraved -... u 209t010 00 15,000 sets Ladies' Jewelry, new and latest styles - " 600t012 00 5.00 Handsome Seal Rings " 300 to 800 2.000 Sets Bosom Studs •' 250 to 600 1.000 Gold Pens and Gold Holders " 15 00 to 26 00 2,000 Sets Jet and Gold Ptrs and Ear Drops, latest styles, very ric'i " 600to10 00 2 000 Gold Thimbles. Pencils, Ac-• " 400 to 600 10,000 Gold Pers, and silver cases-- " 500 to 3 00 10,000 " " Ebony holders-• ' 400 to 600 This entire list of heavtiful and valuable good* will be sold for ONE DOLLAR each. Certificate* of all the above articles will be placed in euTUlop**, and sealed. These envelopes are sent by mail. ae ordered, without regard to choi e. Oa the reoetpi of the certificate ycu will see what you are to ha**, and then it is at your option to send the Dellu and take the article, or not. Five certificates can be ordered for 81 ; eleven for 82 ; thirty f>r 85 ; sixty five for 810 ; and one bma dred for 815. We will send a single Certificate oa the receipt of 25 cents for one certificate and ourcir cu'ar with terms. A. H. ROWEN ACO., 36 Bcekman Street, N. T. Box 4270, v4-n-10 6mo. Ayer*s Ague Cure, FOR THE SPP.EPTCCRE OF erinittent Fever, or Feer ft*d Agiie, Remittent Fever, Chill Fe ver, Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodi cal Headache, or Bilious Headache, and Bilious Fevers, indeed for the whole class of diseases originating in biliary derangement, caused by the Malaria of miasmatic coun tries, FEVER and .Ague is not the oe.ly consequence of tho miasmatic j-bisoto A great variety of dis orders arise from its irritation, in malarious district* among which are IS'euraJgia, Rheumatism. Gouth ITeadache, Blindness, Toothache, Earache, CateArha Asthma, Palpitation. Painful Affection of Uu Spleen, Hysterics, Pain in the Bowels, Colic Par alysis, and Derangement of the Slomachl all of which, when originating in this "Cunis 1 ' e*dels,llbe poison from the blood, and tbusenres them all aliks t is not only the most effectual remedy ever di so o ered for this class of complaints, but it is the cheap est and moreover is perfectly safe. No hares cam arise from its use, and the patient when cured is left as healthy as if he had never had the disease. Can this be said of any other cure for Chills and Fever It is true of th : s. and its importance to those afflicted with the complaint CJMiot be over estimated. So sure is it to cure the Fever nnd Ague, that it nay he truthfullv said to be a certain remedy. One Deal er complains that it is not a good medicine to sell, because one bottle cures a whole neighborhood. Prepared byJ.C. AVER A CO., Lowell Mas* and sold by Satnl. Stark Tunkhannock. end ell deal ers in medicine everywhere Sewing Machines FINKL E & I, VO N ' NEW PATENT ROTARY FEED Seiving Machines The following facts demonstrate that lhee Ma cbi.iei/comprise the HIGHEST IMPR'OYSIERTS I* Til SEWING MACHINE ART. vis.— 1. Each M ACHINE is guaranteed fp GIVE better satis faction than any othsr Sewinfi Machine in Market or money refunded. 2. They have taken many of the HIGHEST rmvicii at the most important EXHIBITIONS and FAIR* ever held in the Unitee States. 3. Thev make the LOCK STITCH alike on both side*— thus sa/ing more than half the thread and silk used in th raveling ridge seams eftbe leep-stitefc and single thread Sewing Machines. 4. They are adapted to the widest Tango of heaw and light s< wing. 5. They have no rattling wires, or delieate ut a hrnent to keep in repair. d 6.tTiiey require no taking apart to clean or oil and po • Lessons'' to set regula teniioa or opcrete Machine, Please call and examine and demonstrate fey ngurself, or send lor CIRCULAR with sample*of sew jo, • FINfcLE A LtO* M* S. CO No. bsS BROAD WAV NEWYORK LAD IVSPM IS S" E S V A'NVVIHIO REN'S ROOM S St. Nicholas Block, 503 Broadway MRS. ETWINTLE. (roruierly of ''GRNIN'S BAZAAR,") Under whose Superindence the above Department! are conducted, is pleased to annouuee to her former patrons and the Ladies of New York genarally, hM, in connection with the numerous ARTISTES under her direction, she is prepared to furnish, promptly, ftrtirs, fflrw an) Chilton'* ©ntfit int] (0 <srbrr, LADIES' 'UNDER LINEN. Offine Quality, Kept in Stock, ready for immedi ate use, Paeticular attention given It A Card 'to InvalldL A Clergyman, while residing in South Ametfea a* a missionary, discovered a safe and simple rem#* dyforbe Cure of N-jrvoua Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Osgane, and the whole train of disorders brought on by bmsefal aud vicious h ib:u. tri-e .t number* bare beuu al ready cured oy tins uoole remedy. Prompted hy a desire to benefit the afflicted and nnfqrtnnate I will send th* recipe for preparing and using this medicine in a sealed envelope, to any cue who needs it. Free of Charge; Please inclose a post-paid envelobe, addressed to yourself. ADDRESS. J* JOSEPH T. INMAJT, * \ STATIOF D. BIBIK Hour," New York CHy.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers